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The Lamplighter

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 3 M A R C H 2 0 1 0


From Pastor 2
Bearing One Another’s Burdens
Brian’s Desk
By John MacArthur But that is precisely why the lated than ever.
Youth Scholar- 2 church is so important. It is our
ship Information The troubles of this world are duty as believers to help bear And let’s be honest — Reformed
manifold and relentless. It’s not one another’s burdens (Gal. 6:2). and evangelical churches nowa-
Why Believe 3 easy to stay so focused on When someone staggers, we days often imitate the culture
Moses? Pt. 2
heaven that we remain unper- help steady the load. If he is precisely where we most need to
Wednesday 3 turbed by the afflictions of straining, we help bear the bur- confront and counteract its influ-
Prayer Meeting earthly life. We’re commanded, den. And if he stumbles, we lift ence. As churches seek to be-
of course, to set our minds on come bigger, flashier, and more
Spring 4 things above, not on earthly technologically savvy, they usually
Poem things (Col. 3:2), but even the tend to become more cold and
Katie Wells most committed believer will impersonal. Contemporary
Update testify that earthly trials some- churches sometimes even seem
times obscure the heav- to encourage the “me first”
Cabin Fever 4 enly perspective. agenda of self-love rather than
the “one another” commands of
We worry. We grieve. We stum- Scripture. As a result, we don’t
Beyond the 5 ble. We strain under the toil of bear one another’s burdens as
our daily labors. We feel the guilt we should.
Birthdays/ 5 of our fallen condition. Mean-
Anniversaries while, we are assaulted with Yet Paul made this duty a high
John MacArthur
adversities of various kinds. priority. It was the centerpiece of
From the Church 5
Those are just a few of the many his admonitions to the Galatian
Library him up. Helping fellow believers
worldly burdens that frequently churches. The first half (or more)
keep our thoughts from rising carry the weight of their worldly of Galatians is a defense of justifi-
Church Lockup 5 to heaven. troubles is one of the chief prac- cation by faith and a series of
Schedule tical duties that ought to con- arguments against the false teach-
And yet we are commanded sume every Christian. ing that threatened to place
Quizzing 6
repeatedly to “seek the things those churches in bondage to the
that are above” (Col. 3:1). We Of course, that concept is con- Law. In Galatians 5:14 he re-
AWM Spring 8 are instructed to “look not to trary to the drift of our culture, minded them: “The whole law is
Refresh the things that are seen but to with secular society’s tendency fulfilled in one word: ‘You shall
the things that are unseen” (2 to foster self-absorption. Our love your neighbor as yourself.’”
Bulletin Board 9
Cor. 4:18). We must not allow generation has developed an
the burdens of this life to divert unhealthy obsession with enter- How is that love best manifest?
our hearts from heaven. tainment; we are daily assaulted “Bear one another’s burdens, and
with a plethora of trivial diver- so fulfill the law of Christ” (6:2).
How is that possible? When the sions; and we tend to interact
load weighs us down and the with one another in sound-bites The first and preeminent exam-
troubles become too much for or through faceless media. We ple of burden-bearing Paul men-
one person to bear, pie-in-the- live in crowded cities and over- tions involves dealing with the
sky sentiments can sound populated neighborhoods; yet
very hollow. most individuals are more iso-
(Continued on last page)

From Pastor Brian’s Desk

LIFE ences. That’s what LIFE is all New Sunday School Class
Our Alliance Youth Confer- about.
ence, Collide, is in July. That What's The Difference? Bibli-
seems like a long way off, how- “The theme for LIFE 2010 is cal Manhood and Womanhood
ever, we must continue to COLLIDE . . . what happens when according to the Bible
raise the funds for our group. your world meets God’s world? I
Our next fundraiser will be a am personally excited with the
Spaghetti Dinner, Sunday, April LIFE 2010 theme and am looking Many have signed up for this
25 right after the second ser- forward to God meeting each of class. I am personally looking
vice. Everybody needs to eat as we “collide” from all over the forward to leading a study of
so why not place this date on USA and from around the world this crucial topic. Come join us
your calendar? What better in Louisville to hear from Him!” as we discuss what John Piper
way to fellowship with each unveils and what the Bible
other and contribute toward teaches about our roles and
the youth. Jason Ostrander responsibilities in the church
National Alliance Youth and in our families. Our soci-
ety is terribly confused and
What is LIFE? Director misleading on this subject. Our
Imagine thousands of students children need us to have a firm
authentically experiencing God Our LIFE team consists of Tina and proper understanding of
and being inspired to expand and Jeremy Culver, Nathan what it means to be a man or
“The theme for His Kingdom. Imagine worship- Roberts, Nate Phipps, Jesse a woman in God's eyes. See
ping and growing closer to Blum, April Aungier, Maggie you there!
LIFE 2010 is Christ. Imagine connecting Titus, Julia Martin, Patricia
with new friends, serving to- Martin, Amber Vanderwerff,
COLLIDE . . . gether and helping church and Brittany Wentworth.
plants. Imagine tons of semi-
what happens nars and workshops, awesome
concerts and incredible experi- Thank you for supporting us!
when your

world meets

God’s world?”

LAC Youth Servant Leadership Scholarship

Attention High School Seniors:

Applications for the Youth Servant Leadership Scholarship are available in the church office. The scholarship
committee will be looking at the following criteria for the award:

• Demonstrated Christian Character

• Regular Attendance at church services including worship, Sunday School, and youth group
• Christian/Community Service

The application deadline is April 1, 2010



Why Believe Moses? Part 2 by Todd Carsten

The Genesis creation days came senting vast geologic ages. But is into the text, nor even the faintest
under attack in the early 1800's Genesis truly an allegory? of suggestion. Rather, Moses per-
when pagan concepts surfaced mitted the six day creation account
Major problems arise for treating
claiming Planet Earth was far older to stand exactly as received. Today,
Genesis as an allegory since the
than the six thousand or so years we realize Moses provided a truly
opening verses plainly depict crea-
the Bible traditionally allowed. Such accurate record since none other
tion's time scale as being six ordi-
claims were anything but new since than Jesus Christ fully endorsed all
nary days: and the evening and the
ancient civilizations often accepted of Moses' writings (see Part 1).
morning were the first day ... and
Earth's age as unfathomable. When
the evening and the morning were Thirdly, and this one is huge. Should
Charles Darwin's evolutionary the-
the second day ... , and so on for all we mortals fail to grasp the time
ory appeared in the mid 1800's,
six days. Every Hebrew scholar span for creation, Moses provided a
everyone including Darwin himself
openly admits it lacks any literary repeat mention of it in a wholly
admitted the theory was dead on
semblance of being an allegory, nor separate document — the Book of
arrival without being afforded vast
of even being a lyric (poem or Exodus! Yes, the lesson of a six day
eons of time, the more the merrier.
song). Rather, scholars maintain the creation appears in both Genesis
Afterward, the only scholars still
creation account bears all the hall- and Exodus. But basically Moses had
rejecting vast geologic ages were
marks of an historical record writ- no choice but to provide a repeat
the scriptural geologists. Nowadays,
ten in Hebrew, with each day as- mention in Exodus because he re-
evolutionary geologists have pre-
signed a consecutive number, and ceived it etched in stone by the
vailed and Planet Earth is surmised
each day closely linked by a con- very Finger of God. Following the
to be some 4.5 billion years old.
junction signifying no interval. divine revelation atop of Mount
Incidentally, 4.5 billion years differs Sinai, no earthling could ever right-
Another key factor to recall, Moses
from six thousand years by a magni- fully challenge whether the Creator
was anything but an illiterate fighter
tude of one million times. It's zeros meant a literal day or a vast geo-
-shepherd. He had once been an
over which no one simply whistles logic age, for a succinct and final
Egyptian prince receiving an elite
the tune of Dixie. The trickle down Word had been provided:
education courtesy of Pharaoh, and
effect of a 4.5 billion year old earth
so early on he became quite familiar For in six days the Lord made
has become so pervasive that an
with pagan dating for Planet Earth. heaven and earth, the sea, and all
individual can neither enter a mu-
Following the exodus from Egypt, that is in them, and rested the sev-
seum, zoo, or national park without
he assembled and edited the Book enth day: wherefore the Lord
being continually bombarded by it.
of Genesis, ostensibly from pre- blessed the Sabbath day, and hal-
Consequently, many Christians now
served patriarchal records. While lowed it (Ex 20:11)
feel pressured (possibly brain-
so editing he fully refrained from a
washed) into accepting Genesis as (More on Moses and the etched
temptation to insert eons of time
an allegory (symbolic story) repre- stone tablets next month)

Wednesday Prayer Meeting “The primary

condition of all

true prayer is
From the Official Directory & Prayer primary condition of all true prayer claim that the petition thus con-
the renunciation
Guide of the C&MA: is the renunciation of our own will formed to His will shall be impera-
so that we may desire and receive tively fulfilled." of our own will
God's will. But having done this and
Adopting a Posture for Effec- having recognized the will of our so that we may
tive Intercession Father as the standard for our de- We invite you to join us Wednes-
Excerpts from The Life of Prayer, sires and petitions, we are to claim days at 7 pm in the Butternut desire and
Unlocking the Secrets of Access to these petitions that are in accor- Room as we pray for the Church,
dance with His will, with a force and the needs of its members. receive God's
God, by A. B. Simpson
and tenacity as great as the will of will. “
God itself. This petition, then, in-
Confirming Our Faith - "Real stead of being a limitation on Prayerfully Yours,
praying is not simply asking for prayer, is really a confirmation of
things because we want them. The our faith, and it gives us the right to
Larry Petry
Katie Wells Update
Spring Time is in God’s hands. He
will work how and when He
took the very nature of a
servant.” Though Jesus was a
wills. Oh God that I would be King, he came to serve, and
By Dorothea Dyer willing to wait, just as much often he taught by asking
as I am willing to go, and questions, though he could
Spring comes in subtle ways
willing to learn, just as much see into others hearts. It is
Unhurried and unseen
Melting snow, a breath of warm air as I am willing to teach. This such a process to surrender
And patches of tender green past month from January 21st self and become more like
until February 20th I took the Christ. How can I see others
A crocus peeps out of the snow Intercultural Communication through His lens of grace?
And pussy willows pop Course offered by JAARS
Until another blast of Winter comes (Jungle Aviation And Radio It is thrilling to see more of
And all advances stop
The deadline for Services, a support ministry you at LaFayette Alliance
Then there comes a warm day for Wycliffe Bible translators) Church rise up and stand with
the April issue of When Spring is in the air in Waxhaw, North Carolina. me as I prepare to return to
You smell it and you feel it The key pillars of the course Bolivia with South America
the Lamplighter is And KNOW that it is there were: Suspend Judgment, Mission. The S.A.M. mission-
Sunday, March Assume Goodwill, Tolerate ary pilot told me the brick
And then before you know it Ambiguity, and Think Gray. layer in San Fernando has
You look and you will see
21st. Please submit The grass has all turned green
We studied cultural elements, finished my house!!!! Yet the
And there are leaves on every tree as well as our personal char- water tank is not yet hooked
your articles to the acters and the Character of up. My house will have running
Yes Spring comes in on quiet feet Christ. “Your attitude should water, a novelty in San Fer-
church office. And in the dark of night be the same that of Christ nando.
While with each dawn new life abounds Jesus.” Philippians 2:5, 7 “who
As the sun shines warm and bright

Cabin Fever
Flannel graph may be consid-
ered out dated by some, but I
have been receiving training by
experienced missionaries and
It’s that time of the year! Following dinner, there will be a am excited to use it in San
talent portion of the evening Fernando.
Are you getting cabin fever at 6:00 pm. If you have a talent
this winter? Well mark your you would like to share—music, Thank You for those who are
calendars for our annual skit, etc. please contact Pastor joining with me in this mission
“Cabin Fever” night Brian or the church office. to San Fernando! Please con-
on Sunday, tinue to pray for God to raise
March 21st. Please sign up for the dinner and
up more people to commit to
the talent portion on the Butternut
To kick off the Room doors. be monthly supporters and for
evening, we will God to bless those who are
have a covered This is always a fun time in the life already committed. Acts 1:8
dish dinner at of our church. Don’t miss it! together let’s be witnesses to
5:00 pm. Please our Jerusalem, Judea and
bring a large dish to Samaria and THE ENDS OF
pass and your own
THE EARTH! Glorify God is
table service.
all things.



Beyond the Shoebox-Operation Christmas Child Update

A few months have passed since we sent our amusing was, in one photo several of the boys,
shoeboxes on their mission to reach out to instead of looking up at the camera, were
children all over the world. Do you know checking out the kid next to him to see his
where your box ended up? If not, here is box. Some things about children are universal.
how to know for next year.
When the boxes were distributed in 2009, the
When your box is filled, instead of putting Greatest Journey project was also launched.
money in the envelope provided, go on-line The project goal is to equip local churches and
to and click on ministry partners with colorful Gospel story-
the EZGIVE option. You will receive a track- books for a discipleship program. Graduates
ing number. After your box(es) have of the program receive a New Testament in
reached their destination, you will be noti- their local language. Last year over 45 million
fied. boys and girls were recipients of this program.
Gospel storybooks were printed in 52 lan-
This year our box made its way to Lebanon! Children in Lebanon receiving their Shoeboxes
guages and made available in 75 countries. To
It was so much fun to open the e-mail and
support this project go on-line to Samaritans
see several photos of the children holding a
Christmas shoebox. What was also very

Birthdays & Anniversaries

March 2010

From the Church Library 1 – Christopher Lloyd, Nancy Malara

2 – Hope Murgia, (Don & Lois Botbyl)
The library has a a good and improving collection of 3 – Larry Petry
books. Read a few through 2010 and then send us a
4 – Micaela Compton
few lines by email to in
November about which was your favorite and why. 5 – Katie Wells
Your favorite could be fiction, biography or any in- 6 – Hannah Johnson
spirational book in the church library.
7 – John Shaver
There will be a prize of a gift book for the best re- 8 – Jean Palmer, Greg Titus
9 – Joe Hunter
10 – Linda Brown
11 – Clayton Estey, Luanne Oda
12 – Marybeth Ortlieb

Church Lock Up 13 – Patrick Buff

14 – Georgia Phipps

16 – Margo Sullivan
17 – Louise Benedetto, John Coye
20 – Sarah Doolittle, Brian Ness
This is a reminder for church officers who are on 21 – Crystal Compton, (Jerry & Gail Patterson)
the lock up schedule for the month of March
23 – Bill Bowe
March 7 Clayt Roberts Jr. 24 – Katie Titus
March 14 Bill Bitler 25 – Gabriel Benedetto
March 21 Ralph Maloney
March 28 Marty Andrews 26 – Becky Mintz, Jennifer Patterson
27 – Esperanza DiStefano, Bev Storrier
28 – Gail Patterson
If you are unable to be at church on the day you are
scheduled for lock up, please arrange to change with 29 – Margo Christopherson, Justin Gates
someone on the schedule.
30 – Mary Smid

Junior Quizzing News

Wow! Talk about change! The Junior Quizzers have

done some flips on the status placements. Both
Rebecca and Chris Lloyd had an excellent day, with About 9 pm, the kids and chaperones head off to
Beca taking 1st place for the day and for the year their host homes for the night.
so far. Chris took 2nd place for the day and 3rd
place for the year so far. Joel Flemming had a rough Saturday morning, March 20th, will begin again with
first quiz, but he did well in his remaining quizzes, worship music, followed by Greg’s drama presenta-
giving him 3rd for the day and 2nd for the year. tion of Paul following his conversion. Much of it
Amanda Negley took 5th for the day and holds 5th will actually come from the material the quizzers
place for the year. have memorized this year from I and II Corinthians.
Then about 9 am we begin nine rounds of some of
Our next quiz is February 27th at 9:30 am in LaFay- the most exciting Bible quizzing you will ever see.
ette. It should be exciting! You never know what We break for lunch, which will be a real treat this
will happen. Come and join the fun watching how year. The menu includes meat lasagna, vegetarian
God’s Word is being planted in young hearts. lasagna, macaroni and cheese and salad. Dessert
will be cookies that ladies from our church will
We still need Please continue to pray for us as we study and provide.
learn God’s Word, and prepare for the upcoming
volunteers, housing March Madness Tournament. Also, pray for good After lunch we finish up the last few preliminary
health as we near the end of our regular season rounds and then we have the top team quiz with
and cookie and prepare for Districts. the top three teams from prelims. Then we have a
top fifteen quiz with the highest scoring fifteen
donations for the Marie Murgia, Junior Coach individuals from the preliminaries. We end with an
awards ceremony with trophy’s and medallions for
March Madness Senior Quizzing News the top team and individual finishers. Then the kids
say their goodbyes and head off for their long drive
Scramble on We have another exciting month ahead of us. Be- home.
sides our regular zone quiz meet, we have a special
March 19-20, 2010 tournament that we are hosting for teams from We appreciate all the families hosting our quizzers
around New York State and Eastern Canada. It is and providing cookies.
called March Madness Scramble. “Scramble” means
the quizzers are mixed up with one quizzers from If you’ve wondered about quizzing and would like
each of the four different zone’s that are repre- to take part in this exciting and fun weekend, please
sented. Right now we have 70 Senior quizzers and feel free to join us, Friday night from 6:50 – 9 pm
16 Junior quizzers registered, along with about 50 or Saturday morning from 8:20 am – 3:30 pm.
adults will make for an exciting weekend.
If you can’t make it, please remember us in your
We begin March 19th, on Friday night prayers.
with a time of worship music. Then we
have a special guest, Greg Stultz, who Georgia Phipps, Senior Coach
will be doing a drama presentation of the
life of Saul including his conversion.
Friday night is capped off with a time of
fellowship with ice-breaker games and
then brownies and ice cream for all.



Alliance Women Ministries Spring Refresh


Holiday Inn, Auburn


Registration & Meals:

$65 (Teens: $55)


$94 including tax for

up to 4 people


Butternut Room door

or see Shaun



Hotel Room:

March 19th


March 28th



Attention Ladies: Daniel Sheyesteh Books

There are a couple copies of The
Don’t miss out on two excellent opportunities in Difference is the Son books still
our church. available for purchase. This book is a
study of Islam and Christianity. The
Chris Buff is leading a Bible study, Overcoming cost is $15. Contact the church of-
Fear and Discouragement (Ezra, Nehemiah, f i c e a t 6 77 - 98 10 o r e m a i l
Esther) on Monday evenings, from 7:00 –8:30 pm if you
in the Butternut Room. would like a copy.
On the second Thursday of each month, Beth
Ortlieb is facilitating a discussion group focusing
on a woman’s role in being a complement to her
husband: primarily in areas of marriage and family.
This group meets from 6:30—8:30 pm in the But-
ternut Room.

Senior Ministry Luncheon

Daylight Savings Time Attention all Seniors— This month we will have
a luncheon on Thursday, March 4th here at
church at noon. Join us for a meal together and
a great time of fellowship.
Don’t Forget
to set your
Please bring a dish to pass. Feel free to invite a
clocks ahead
friend and enjoy a relaxing, fun time.
one hour on
night, March

Attention Men: Your News Here!

Don’t miss out on two excellent opportunities
in our church.
This space could be for you! Send along
Men’s Seminary meets on the 1st and 3rd your “Bulletin Board” announcements or
Saturday of the month from 9:30 –11:00 am at news items to

Joshua’s Men meets on the 4th Tuesday of

the month for dinner and then discussion/Bible
study at 6:30 pm at church. They are currently
using the book Tell the Truth: The Whole
Gospel to the Whole Person by Whole People
by Will Metzger.
LaFayette Christian & Missionary
Alliance Church

P.O. Box 150

6069 Cherry Valley Turnpike
LaFayette, New York 13084
Phone: (315) 677-9810

Rev. Robert Gates, Senior Pastor

Brian Mandigo, Associate Pastor

Ellen Coulter, Office Administrator

Our mission is to know Jesus Christ; exalt Him as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, Coming King,
and complete His Great Commission.

We’re on the web!

Bearing One Another’s Burdens

(continued from page 1) Verse 2 then simply states the under- other similar loads.
lying principle as an imperative (“Bear
burden of another Christian’s sin. “If one another’s burdens”). Obviously, Do you want to fulfill the moral re-
anyone is caught in any transgression, the precept applies to all kinds of quirements of the Law? Love your
you who are spiritual should restore burdens — not merely the burdens of neighbor. How do you love him? By
him in a spirit of gentleness” (v. 1). those who stumble into sin. When bearing his burdens.
That, of course, isn’t a different ap- Paul suggests that burden-bearing
proach from the steps of church dis- “fulfill[s] the law of Christ,” he makes It’s interesting that Paul would em-
cipline Jesus outlined in Matthew it clear that he has the whole moral phasize this theme in an epistle writ-
18:15–17. It merely explains how that law in view. Every act of compassion ten to confront people who were
process is to be carried out (gently and self-sacrifice on behalf of our falling into legalism. It’s as if he were
and meekly), and it underscores the brethren is a practical means of dis- saying, “You want to observe a law?
true goal (restoration, not punish- playing the love of Christ and thereby Let it be the law of Christ. If you have
ment or public rebuke per se). fulfilling the moral demands of to impose burdens on yourselves, let
His law. it be through acts of love toward
In other words, the person restoring your neighbor.”
the sinning brother isn’t to approach But the apostle clearly has in mind
him as if he were a master over him spiritual, emotional, and temperamen- If you will do that faithfully, your own
but meekly — as one who is willing tal encumbrances — not physical burden won’t seem so heavy. Best of
to help shoulder the burden so that freight only. The burdens we need to all, you will find it easier to keep your
the one who has stumbled can get to help carry for one another include focus heavenward, regardless of the
his feet again. guilt, worry, sorrow, anxiety, and all trials you suffer in this life.

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