The Lamplighter: Together For The Gospel!

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The Lamplighter

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 5 M A Y 2 0 1 0


From Pastor 2
Together for the Gospel!
Brian’s Desk I think the following Preamble
16For I am not ashamed of the Gospel – and in Christians band-
gospel, for it is the power of God for from the Together for the ing together in Gospel churches
Wednesday 3
salvation to everyone who believes, Gospel Affirmations and De- that display God’s glory in this
Prayer Meeting
to the Jew first and also to the nials document would be helpful fallen world.
Thank Greek. 17For in it the righteousness in informing you as to what is
of God is revealed from faith for really at stake when it comes to We are also brothers united in
faith, as it is written, “The righteous the Gospel, but also in encourag- deep concern for the church and
From the Church shall live by faith.” ing you to participate in what the Gospel. This concern is spe-
(Romans 1:16-17) God is doing around the world cifically addressed to certain
through local churches in the trends within the church today.
Faith Heritage 4 On April 13-16, I had the privi- proclamation of the pure, power-
lege of attending this year’s To- ful, and unadjusted Gospel! We are concerned about the
Open House
gether for the Gospel tendency of so many
Alliance Women 5 Conference, in Louisville, churches to substitute
Kentucky. This conference technique for truth, ther-
Ministries Update
began in 2006 and is held apy for theology, and
Birthdays/ 5 every two years. It is pri- management for ministry.
Anniversaries marily for pastors and those
in leadership positions within We are also concerned
Jonathan Wood 5 the church. While I certainly that God’s glorious pur-
Raptor Project enjoyed the conference and pose for Christ’s church is
its various speakers, the often eclipsed in concern
Church Lockup 5 “icing-on-the-cake” for me, by so many other issues,
was that I was able to attend programs, technologies,
this conference with broth- and priorities. Further-
Quizzing 6 ers from this church that I more, confusion over
very much love and respect crucial questions concern-
(Pastor Brian, Mike Maloney, and ing the authority of the Bible, the
Christian Writers’ 7 Ryan Smith). Since the confer- Preamble: We are brothers in meaning of the Gospel, and the
ence was held in Louisville (home Christ united in one great cause nature of truth itself have gravely
of Southern Seminary), I also had – to stand together for the Gos- weakened the church in terms of
Spotlight on the opportunity of meeting up pel. We are convinced that the its witness, its work, and its iden-
with Darren and Trevor Smith Gospel of Jesus Christ has been tity.
who are students at Southern misrepresented, misunderstood,
Mother~Daughter 8 from the LaFayette Alliance and marginalized in many We stand together for the Gos-
Tea Church. churches and among many who pel – and for a full and gladdening
claim the name of Christ. Com- recovery of the Gospel in the
Bulletin Board 9 For me, Together for the Gospel promise of the Gospel has led to church. We are convinced that
is not simply a “nice” conference the preaching of false gospels, the such a recovery will be evident in
to attend every two years. It is a seduction of many minds and the form of faithful Gospel
VBS: 10 NECESSARY conference! There movements, and the weakening churches, each bearing faithful
The Egypt File is no subject that should be of of the church’s Gospel witness. witness to the glory of God and
greater importance to us than the power of the Gospel of Jesus
the GOSPEL! And yet, it is the As in previous moments of theo- Christ.
very Gospel that is so misunder- logical and spiritual crisis in the
stood and misapplied in many church, we believe that the an- I want to thank you for the privi-
evangelical churches today! swer to this confusion and com- lege of attending this conference
promise lies in a comprehensive each time it has been held. I also
recovery and reaffirmation of the
(continued on page 3)

From Pastor Brian’s Desk

The Biblical Role of Men the Fall, and was not a result of Christ gives men and women
In the family, an equal share in the blessings
and Women sin (Gen 2:16-18, 21-24, 3:1-
13; 1 Cor 11:7-9). of salvation; nevertheless,
husbands In our Sunday School class we
some governing and teaching
have been studying the topic of 4. The Fall introduced distor-
roles within the church are
should forsake Biblical Manhood and Woman- tions into the relationships
restricted to men (Gal 3:28; 1
hood and the impact it should between men and women
Cor 11:2-16; 1 Tim 2:11-15).
harsh or selfish have on how we relate in our (Gen 3:1-7, 12, 16).
families, in the church, and in 7. In all of life Christ is the
* In the home, the husband's
leadership and society in general. A key supreme authority and guide
loving, humble headship tends
document that has been for men and women, so that
to be replaced by domination
drafted on this subject is the no earthly submission-
grow in love or passivity; the wife's intelli-
Danvers Statement, drafted by domestic, religious, or civil-
gent, willing submission tends
John Piper and accepted by the ever implies a mandate to
and care for to be replaced by usurpation
Council On Biblical Manhood follow a human authority into
or servility.
and Womanhood (You can sin (Dan 3:10-18; Acts 4:19-20,
their wives; * In the church, sin inclines
view the whole document 5:27-29; 1 Pet 3:1-2).
including the rationale for it at men toward a worldly love of
wives should power or an abdication of
8. In both men and women a This statement heartfelt sense of call to minis-
acts as a “position statement” spiritual responsibility, and
forsake inclines women to resist limita-
try should never be used to set
or “statement of beliefs” on aside Biblical criteria for par-
the topic. We are currently tions on their roles or to ne-
resistance to ticular ministries (1 Tim 2:11-
studying what the scriptures glect the use of their gifts in
15, 3:1-13; Tit 1:5-9). Rather,
say about the roles of men and appropriate ministries.
their husbands' Biblical teaching should remain
women beginning with God’s 5. The Old Testament, as well the authority for testing our
design from the start as re- as the New Testament, mani- subjective discernment of
authority and corded in Genesis 1-3. I fests the equally high value and God's will.
would like to include the Dan- dignity which God attached to
grow in willing, vers Statement for you to read the roles of both men and
9. With half the world's popu-
lation outside the reach of
in this month’s newsletter and women (Gen 1:26-27, 2:18;
joyful to encourage you to consider Gal 3:28). Both Old and New-
indigenous evangelism; with
countless other lost people in
its precepts. Testaments also affirm the
submission to principle of male headship in
those societies that have heard
the gospel; with the stresses
the family and in the covenant
their husbands' Danvers Statement community (Gen 2:18; Eph
and miseries of sickness, mal-
Affirmations nutrition, homelessness, illiter-
5:21-33; Col 3:18-19; 1 Tim
leadership. acy, ignorance, aging, addiction,
1. Both Adam and Eve were 2:11-15).
crime, incarceration, neuroses,
created in God's image, equal 6. Redemption in Christ aims and loneliness, no man or
before God as persons and at removing the distortions woman who feels a passion
distinct in their manhood and introduced by the curse. from God to make His grace
womanhood (Gen 1:26-27,
* In the family, husbands known in word and deed need
should forsake harsh or selfish ever live without a fulfilling
2. Distinctions in masculine leadership and grow in love ministry for the glory of Christ
and feminine roles are or- and care for their wives; wives and the good of this fallen
dained by God as part of the should forsake resistance to world (1 Cor12:7-21).
created order, and should find their husbands' authority and 10. We are convinced that a
an echo in every human heart grow in willing, joyful submis- denial or neglect of these prin-
(Gen 2:18, 21-24; 1 Cor 11:7- sion to their husbands' leader- ciples will lead to increasingly
9; 1 Tim 2:12-14). ship (Eph 5:21-33; Col 3:18-19; destructive consequences in
3. Adam's headship in marriage Tit 2:3-5; 1 Pet 3:1-7). our families, our churches, and
was established by God before * In the church, redemption in the culture at large.



Together for the Gospel!

(continued from page 1) We also reaffirmed the excellent
ministry of our District Superinten-
want to thank you for the opportu- dent, Dan Miller, with a 100% vote
nity that you give to me each week in favor of his continuing to serve
of preaching and teaching the Good the district with another 4-year
News of Jesus Christ. I cannot tell term. What a blessing to have Rev.
you what it a joy it is to preach to Dan and Elaine Miller as our district
such a Word-focused, Christ- leaders, as well as all those who
centered, and Gospel-loving con- serve so well at the district office!
gregation. I trust that I will never
take such a privilege for granted! God is good! These are exciting
days to serve our King! May God
richly bless you in your service to
I would also like to mention the Christ!
wonderful Northeastern District
and Prayer Conference that Pastor Rob
Pastor Brian and I attended at Niag-
ara Falls (Niagara Alliance Church).

The theme for this year’s confer-

ence was Open Doors! We were
reminded by both the Scriptures
and by multiple testimonies that
God is doing some great things
throughout many of our district
churches as God presents “Open
Doors” for ministry opportunities.

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

"First of all, then, I urge that entreaties The Week of Prayer is set up with a May 9 - pray for Alliance supporting
and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, different focus each day, which can organizations, including CAMA, edu-
be made on behalf of all men, for kings also be a guide for regular prayer cational institutions and retirement
and all who are in authority, in order times: centers.
that we may lead a tranquil and quiet “The month of
life in all godliness and dignity."
May 2 - pray for your local church and With the theme for this year's Na- May brings
I Timothy 2:1,2
pastor. tional Day of Prayer being "Prayer
for such a time as this," based on two
May 3 - pray for U.S. Alliance pastors
The month of May brings two note- Nahum 1:7, we join with other be-
and workers. lievers across the country to inter- noteworthy
worthy opportunities for prayer.
May 4 - pray for U.S. Alliance cede for our nation and our local,
churches. opportunities
state and national leaders.
May 2 - 9 is the Alliance World May 5 - pray for Alliance leaders
Week of Prayer, and Thursday, May for prayer.”
6 is the 59th annual observance of worldwide. So, take these opportunities to make
the National Day of Prayer. May 6 - pray for Alliance international prayer foundational to everything
workers. you are and do
May 7 - pray for overseas C&MA na-
Prayer is a core value of the Chris-
tional churches.
tian & Missionary Alliance. It is cen- Prayerfully Yours,
tral to what we do as a denomina- May 8 - pray for "Pushing Back the
Darkness" initiatives around the Larry Petry
tion, as a church and as individuals.
From the Church Library
Thank You! Here's a peek at some of the
special books we have on
which there are 10-minute read-
ings such as "Accepting your
motherhood which are all in new role" and "Accepting God's
After many years of sharing her original 249.4 followed by the first 3 peace". Christian humorist Bar-
poems with the congregation through the letters of the author's last bara Johnson wrote Where
Lamplighter each month, Dorothea Dyer
name: Be Still My Soul, Mo- Does a Mother Go to Resign?
has informed us that she sadly must
“retire”. We wanted to take this time to ments of Peace for Moms which is the inspiring story of
say Thank You to her for all of her [249.4 Bes] which is a wee her coping and finding comfort
wonderful and inspirational poems! treasury of inspirational essays, in God's peace after a series of
Bible verses and thought- family tragedies.
Keep a look out in future editions where provoking quotations for
some of her previous poems will be re- Mothers. Mothers Have Angel You might be blessed by reading
The deadline for Wings: a Tribute to the Tears The Stay at Home Mom, for
and Triumphs of Being a Mom Women at Home & Those Who
the June issue of compiled by Carol Kent. Dia- Want to Be by Donna Otto.
pers, Pacifiers, and Other Holy Another wee inspirational book
the Lamplighter is Things by Lorraine Pintus by a variety of well-known
Sunday, May 16th. which has short chapters on a Christian women such as Luci
variety of subjects especially Swindoll, Beth Moore, and Patsy
Please submit your for mothers of preschoolers. It Clairmont is The Love of a
will remind mothers of how Godly Mother. [249.4 Lov]
articles to the valuable they are and give them
a little break when they need A new book geared particularly
church office.
to laugh or cry over life with to women is His Word in My
preschoolers. And then there Heart by Janet Pope [220.7 Pop]
is The Frazzled Mother's Guide in which the author reveals how
to Inner Peace by Pat Baker in she trained herself to include
Scripture memory in her daily
routines such as housework or
waiting in traffic or in a medical

We have also added R.C.

Sproul's 2009 book John [226.4
Spr] one book in his series: St.
Andrew's Expositional Com-
Good reading!
Jean Palmer



Alliance Women Ministries Update

2009-2010 AWM National Project. designate “AWM” on your offering envelope if
you prefer. Here is a brief summary of what
We help all our International Workers includ-
we will be giving toward in the next two
ing marketplace ministries by providing them
with an “Outfit”. This is money to buy
clothes, household items, things they need to May: International Worker Outfit (the sug-
go overseas. gested amount to send in is $3 per Alliance
Woman in the church. Remember, if you are a
District Expense: This covers training for all woman, you are an Alliance Woman!)
our regional coaches and materials needed for
that as well as printing materials given out to June: District Expense ($25)
all our local churches.
Would you please consider giving to AWM in
Each month our Alliance Women Ministries order to help our International Workers
group sends funds to the Northeastern Dis- spread the Good News of Jesus Christ?
Thank you for your giving during the month trict to help with various ministries. There will
of April! LaFayette Alliance Women were be an offering can available in the foyer on the
able to send $30 toward “Pass the Salt”, the second Sunday of each month. You can also

Birthdays & Anniversaries

May 2010
1 – Ruby Loomis, Dick Standford
3 – Gary Lauzon
4 – Beth Ortlieb
5 – (Eddy & Cheryl Diaz)
7 – (Joe & Joan Hunter)
9 – Gerri McNeill, Lorenda Brown, (Rick & Margo Sullivan)
10 – (Mike & Georgia Phipps)
11 – Betty Roberts

Church Lock Up
12 – Tina Culver, Dorothea Dyer, Shane Sullivan
15 – Jessica Benedetto, Joe Kolceski
17 – Jacob Doolittle, Rebekah Doolittle, (Carl & Barbara Compton)

Schedule 18 – (Clayton & Jessica Estey)

20 – Kathy Grabowski, Michael Caputo-Schoeck
21 – Diana Johnson, Barbara Mandigo
This is a reminder for church officers who are on
the lock up schedule for the month of May: 23 – Joe Grabowski, Amanda Maloney
24 – (Greg & Sue Titus)
May 2 Mike Maloney
May 9 Matt Coulter 26– Sue Walker
May 16 Jim Phillips 27 – Patti Reed
May 23 Eric Reed
28 – Grace Dow, (Greg & Joan Simmons)
May 30 Pat Buff
29 – Patty Maloney
If you are unable to be at church on the day you are 30 – (Jeff & Sherry Kline)
scheduled for lock up, please arrange to change with
someone on the schedule. 31 – (Doug & Becky Mintz)

Senior News Junior News

We finished off the regular quiz year with a great We finished out our season in good stead with 4
quiz meet. Quizzers were jockeying for position of our 5 quizzers representing us at Districts.
to make it into the top five for trophies. Here’s Even though we ran into some difficult questions,
how the seniors finished: the quizzers were up to it with some interesting
Nick Murgia – 1st place
Sam Benedict 2nd place Joel Fleming went home with the 1st place trophy
Caleb Benedict 3rd place and his team with Amanda Negley earned 1st place.
Noah Schadt 4th place Beca Lloyd went home with a 2nd place trophy and
Aaron Fleming 5th place the Most Improved quizzer award. Amanda Ne-
gley took the 3rd place trophy and Rookie of the
Sam Benedict received a trophy for Most Improved Year. Chris Lloyd received the 4th place trophy
over last year and Caleb Benedict took home the and David Chen from Syracuse was 5th. These five
trophy for Rookie of the Year. Nick’s Team, along quizzers will represent the Finger Lakes Zone at
with Nate Phipps and Aaron Fleming received the Districts.
1st place team trophy.
We finished our last regular quiz day with an ice
The top five plus Taylor Fleming will represent our cream social and congratulations all around. Please
Please keep these Zone at the District Quiz Meet on May 1st in keep these quizzers in prayer as they review the
Westfield, NY. Rick Stout, Nathan Southwick and years material and prepare for Districts, and as we
quizzers in prayer I are coaching the senior team. The top five at coach them.
Districts will represent our district at Internation-
as they review the als in July. Please be in prayer for us and Marie as Marie Murgia
she coaches Juniors.
years material and
All the rest of our quizzers are done for the year.
prepare for Some are already beginning to think about next
year when we will study the Gospel of John.
Districts, and as
Georgia Phipps
we coach them.



Beginning in July, Spotlight on Leadership Boards

each month we

will focus on 1-2 Trustees

families in our

church as a way

for everyone to

become more

familiar with

each other.

The Trustees have charge of the physical property of the church, both in maintenance and insurance. In addi-
tion to the Trustees, we are also blessed to have a group of men, the “F4”, who willingly volunteer their time
to work on jobs around the church, saving the congregation time and money! Thank you for all of your hard

(from left to right) Pat Buff, Clayt Estey, Matt Walker, Dick Standford, Eric Reed & Mark Johnson

Mother~Daughter Tea
We cordially invite you to a Mother-Daughter Tea on
May 15th at 1pm at LaFayette Alliance Church, Rt. 20 in
LaFayette, NY. Not every woman is a mother, not every
mother has daughters, but every woman is a daugh-
ter. So in the spirit of fellowship, this invitation ex-
tends to ladies of all ages and walks of life. We hope
you will take this opportunity to join us in our Victo-
rian Garden for an afternoon of fun, fellowship, and
food. Hope to see you there!



Delta Lake Summer Camps Katie Wells Updates...

The early registration deadline is fast approaching! The best way to stay up-to-date with
Don’t let your child miss out on this awesome Katie is by visiting her blog:
The following is a list of the camps:
You can read her updates as soon as
Explorer Camp (Grades 9 - 12): July 25 - 31 they are posted, see her quarterly news-
letter, and even comment on her posts!
Pioneer Camp (Grades 6 - 8): July 18 - 24

Trailblazer Camp (Grades 3 - 5): July 11- 17 You can link to her blog from the home-
Adventure Camp (Grades 9—12): July 18 - 24 page of

Costs for Explorer, Pioneer & Trailblazer Camps:

$287 if registered by May 15th. After that $307.

Cost for Adventure Camp: $308 if registered by

May 15th. After that $330.

Senior Ministry Luncheon

Reminder Attention all Seniors— This month we will have
a luncheon on Thursday, May 6th here at
church at noon. Join us for a meal together and
Please Note: a great time of fellowship.
Submissions to the Lamplighter Greg Gelewski, from OCRRA will be our spe-
need to be in file format; either cial guest. Bring all your recycling questions!
email or on a CD. Email would be
the preference. Thank you! Please bring a dish to pass. Feel free to invite a
friend and enjoy a relaxing, fun time.

Baby Bottle Boomerang YARD SALE

As you are cleaning out your closet, attic,
Don’t forget that the baby bottles and garage this spring, donate your items to
will be available for pick-up on Alliance Women Ministries. We will be hav-
Mother’s Day, May 9th. They will ing a yard sale to benefit our local group in
benefit the ministry of New Hope early June. Thank you for supporting the
Family Services. Please take a LaFayette Alliance
bottle - fill it with coins, bills, or a Women! Keep watch-
check - and return it on Father's ing for more details!
Day, Sunday, June 20th.
LaFayette Christian & Missionary
Alliance Church

P.O. Box 150

6069 Cherry Valley Turnpike
LaFayette, New York 13084
Phone: (315) 677-9810

Rev. Robert Gates, Senior Pastor

Brian Mandigo, Associate Pastor

Ellen Coulter, Office Administrator

Our mission is to know Jesus Christ; exalt Him as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, Coming King,
and complete His Great Commission.

We’re on the web!


July 26th-July 30th 6pm-8:30pm
If you asked the children of your church and community how they felt about the Bible, what would their response be? Would they consider the
Word of God relevant to their lives and interesting to learn from? Or would it seem irrelevant and trumped by “science”?

A recent survey by American Research Group revealed that an alarming number of young people are leaving the church after they graduate be-
cause their questions about the Bible had not been answered. Of those polled, 86% had begun to question the Bible by their high school years.
Of those who said they did not believe all the accounts in the Bible are true, 82% cited doubts about the Bible’s authority or its trustworthiness.

This VBS program, The Egypt File: Decoding the Mystery of Life, is a tremendous opportunity to address some of the questions children
have such as: did we come from ape-men? Is all human life valuable? If we can instill the truths of the Bible
and show its absolute authority, we will help to reverse this sad trend by equipping these children with the
answers they seek. Vacation Bible School is a fun way to provide solid Bible-based teaching in a fun and enter-
taining way, that counters the misinformation about the Bible and science that children encounter daily.

I hope you will all join us in this journey. I understand that not all of you can volunteer during VBS week but
there are many other opportunities that are just as vital. Some of these may be providing financially, helping
with decorations, being part of the publicity so we can reach our community, and most importantly praying for
our VBS volunteers and for the children that attend that week. I would like to find a prayer coordinator: an
individual who has a heart for prayer and for organizing others to pray. If you are interested please let me

I have seen God do amazing things in my life and know He can do the same in each of these children’s lives. In
the coming weeks, consider where God is leading you to help in this year’s VBS program and join us in this

In Christ,
Sherry Negley

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