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The Lamplighter

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 6 J U N E 2 0 1 0


From Pastor Bri-

an’s Desk speak to the modern mind. That
More than one hundred years who throughout history have
ago, Mark Twain penned these is, the Bible will ALWAYS be found the testimony of Peter and
Starlight 3
words about the Bible: “It is full contemporary to the human James to be indeed true—
And Time condition.
of interest. It has noble poetry in it: savingly true!
Wednesday Pray- 3 and some clever fables; and some
blood-drenched history; and some The Apostle Peter saw the Scrip- Summer has finally arrived (well
er Meeting
good morals; and a wealth of ob- tures as more than a collection of almost)! This is a time when
From the Church scenity; and upwards of a thousand ―quaint stories‖ only appropriate people will busy themselves with
lies.” for Sunday-School children. Pe- much-needed vacations and time
ter saw that it was the very with family and friends. Let’s
Prayer for 5 To Mark Twain, the Bible was Scriptures that the Holy Spirit make sure that our much-needed
nothing more than an ancient uses to bring about our regener- rest also includes being refreshed
book that could not possibly be ation (bringing spiritual life to the and renewed in God’s Word
Birthdays/ 5 taken serious by the modern spiritually dead!): during the summer months!
Anniversaries minds of his day—including his
own! In all honesty, I ques- The same Apostle Peter
Church Lockup 5 tion whether Mark Twain who wrote the above
Schedule ever actually read the Bible words, also wrote these
beyond a few verses and words:
Quizzing 6 stories. He simply seems to
News have repeated (in his own “Therefore, putting aside all
way!) what many liberal malice and all deceit and
AWM Summer 7 ―experts‖ were saying about hypocrisy and envy and all
Renew the Bible in his own day. slander, like newborn babies,
long for the pure milk of
Spotlight on 8 At the same time that Mark the Word, so by it you
Leadership Twain wrote the above may grow in respect to
words, the great British salvation, if you have tasted
Summer Worship 8 preacher, Charles Spurgeon “Since you have been born again, the kindness of the Lord.” (1 Peter
Schedule wrote these words concerning not of perishable seed but of imper- 2:1-3 NASB)
the Bible: “Many books in my li- ishable, through the living and
Bulletin Board 9 brary are now behind and beneath abiding Word of God; for „All While you cannot grow into
me. They were good in their way flesh is like grass and its glory like salvation, you can certainly grow
once, and so were the clothes I wore the flower of grass. The grass with- in your salvation! My prayer is
Shipment to 10 when I was ten years old; but I have ers, and the flower falls, but the that this summer will be a time of
Gabon—July 2010 outgrown them. Nobody ever out- Word of the Lord remains forev- not only physical and emotional
grows Scripture; the book widens er.‟” (1 Peter 1:23-25 ESV) refreshment, but also a time of
and deepens with our years.” spiritual growth in the Word of
James states: “Therefore put away God! Remember, the Bible is the
For Mark Twain, the Bible was all filthiness and rampant wicked- ONLY book that is ancient, and
nothing more than an ancient ness and receive with meekness the yet it will ALWAYS be contempo-
book with a few inspirational implanted Word, which is able rary in leading you into becoming
thoughts and stories here and to save your souls.” (James 1:21 the person God wants you to be!
there. For Charles Spurgeon, the ESV)
Bible was indeed an ancient Have a GREAT Summer!
book, but because it was (and is!) For Mark Twain, the Bible was a
the Word of the living God, it silly book; for Peter and James, Pastor Rob
was also a book that will always the Bible is a saving Book! I
choose to stand with the millions

From Pastor Brian’s Desk

LIFE gether and helping church Nathan Roberts, Nate
Our Alliance Youth Confer- plants. Imagine tons of semi- Phipps, Jesse Blum, April
ence, Collide, is July 6-10 in nars and workshops, awesome Aungier, Maggie Titus,
Louisville, Kentucky. We are concerts and incredible experi- Julia Martin, Patricia Mar-
continuing to raise the funds ences. That’s what LIFE is all tin, Amber Vanderwerff,
The theme for for our group. Since would like about. and Brittany Wentworth.
to work for our support,
LIFE 2010 is please let us know if you have The theme for LIFE 2010 is LIFE financial update
any odd jobs (raking, weeding, COLLIDE . . . what hap- So far in 2010 we have we
COLLIDE . . . painting, clean-up, etc.) we pens when your world
could do. Thanks to all who have received over $2100
meets God’s world? I am toward our goal of around
what happens have given us the opportunity personally excited with the
so far to earn our way. Our $7500. We also have some
LIFE 2010 theme and am look- previous fund-raising funds that
when your next planned fundraiser will be ing forward to God meeting
a Pizza Drive sometime in will be available for LIFE. Our
each of as we ―collide‖ from all need at this time is about
world meets June. over the USA and from around $2400.
the world in Louisville to hear
God’s world? What is LIFE? from Him!
Jason Ostrander Thank you for supporting us!
Imagine thousands of students
authentically experiencing God National Alliance Youth Direc-
and being inspired to expand tor
His Kingdom. Imagine worship-
ping and growing closer to
Christ. Imagine connecting Our LIFE team consists of
with new friends, serving to- Tina and Jeremy Culver,



Starlight and Time by Todd Carsten

Following the three part series entitled, Why Everyone readily comprehends history pro- unique realm of outer space, it's an entirely
Believe Moses?, some readers may still won- ceeds in one direction only, that being for- different matter. Bottom line, clocks located
der whether Moses' six day creation scenario ward. But a surprising and previously un- in various corners of the universe (so to
allows adequate time for distant starlight to known aspect of time progression surfaced speak) are no longer in synch with earth-
reach Planet Earth. Admittedly, the issue of during the 20th century. We discovered time time, nor even in synch with one another! In
starlight is the least understood aspect of in the universe can progress either faster or other words, earth-time is readily knowable
Moses' record. However, in the same breath slower. In other words, time can warp! This but universe time is unknowable.
all questioners should admit nearly every is not some weird sci-fi dogma propagated by
aspect of the starry heavens is thoroughly Spock, rather it is both a mathematically and
Regarding the subject of space, none other
perplexing for everyone, astronomers and an experimentally supported fact of modern
than Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zechariah, and the
laymen alike. science. Excuse this author briefly — Hey
Psalmist all proclaimed the Creator stretched
Spock, kindly twist the time warp knob in the
out space. Such stretching language indicates
direction of postponing my birthday.
Although the behavior of starlight passing deep space was once in closer proximity to
through gravitational fields of adjacent stars our planet which essentially shortens the
may serve as an astrophysicist's bread and To better explain time warps, equations for- distance starlight must transit. In the end,
butter, it hardly serves as most folk's cup of mulated 75 years ago by Professor Einstein simply recall the transit time for starlight is
tea. So let's simply gain a better understand- predicted time progression can be altered variable since time can be warped, and space
ing of the related entities known as space when a clock experiences a gravitational field, can be stretched. Neither time nor space are
and time. Theoretical physicists prefer com- or is exposed to a hypervelocity. Following the sacred cows we always assumed them to
bining them into one entity known as space- the invention of ultra-accurate, cesium atomic be.
time. It's a valid combo since time is a fourth clocks, modern day physicists obtained exper-
dimension accurately describing an objects imental proof that under special conditions,
location since everything is always moving. time warps are for real. In our daily lives we
Space and time are simple, no? are not aware of such time warps, but in the (continued on page 4)

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

"Then some children were brought to our children. Here are some Scripture deeds among all peoples (Ps 96:3).
Him so that He might lay His hands on prayer suggestions to pray for your
them and pray..." Matt 19:13 kids: The Wednesday Night Pray-ers “June is one of
would consider it a blessing if you
June is one of those times of transi- I pray that my children may grow in would like us to join you in praying those times of
tion - from the end of school to the the grace and knowledge of our Lord for your children - younger and old-
start of summer. Our young adults and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Pet 3:18). er. You can put your request(s) on a transition -
are home from college, hopefully Welcome card, or send a note to the
finding jobs, and we are challenged church office. If you don't want it to from the end
Lord, help my children not to be like
adjusting to a new schedule. appear on the Prayer Sheet, just
many others around them, but let of school to
them be alert and self-controlled in all make a note of that.
Our youth are finishing school and they do (I Thes 5:6). the start of
looking forward to being "off" for a And, as always, we invite you to join
couple of months and not working. us Wednesdays at 7 pm in the But- summer.”
Father, please help my children devel-
ternut Room as we pray for the
op servants' hearts, that they may
Soon there will be opportunities for serve wholeheartedly, as if they were church and the needs of its members.
vacations, having fun at camp and serving the Lord, not men (Eph 6:7).
VBS, and just "hanging out." Prayerfully Yours,
God, please help my children to devel-
In all the activities of family life, op a desire to see Your glory declared Larry Petry
there's always the need to pray for among the nations, Your marvelous
From the Church Library
Spingtime—We evaluate our My personal favorite is Mrs.
roles as moms and dads as we Cowman’s Streams in the De-
observe Mother’s Day and sert [242 Cow] which is a devo-
(continued from page 3) Father’s Day. Books to help tional classic with updated
our reflection include Charles wording. Peter Jeffery compiled
There is one more crucial aspect to God's
Swindoll’s Man to Man… His Enjoying God Always [242 Jef]
creation that fully settles the matter. The
Most Significant Writings for in order to point us to our need
opening verses of Genesis plainly state the
Men [call number 248.7 Swi]. of the Lord Jesus in everything
physical continuum of time, space, matter, and
His subjects include integrity, we do. This book is recom-
light were all literally spoken into existence
commitment, stress, anger, and mended for younger Christians
out of nothing. The Psalmist also confirms this
prayer. or for use in family worship.
fact: "By the word of the Lord were the heav-
ens made, and all the host of them by the Good reading!
The deadline for breath of his mouth." (Psa 33:6) Therefore, it Greg Lewis wrote The Power Jean Palmer
is paramount for Bible believers to deduce of a Promise Kept: Life Stories
the July issue of
that Our Creator does not experience space- [248.7 Lew]. The theme is
the Lamplighter is time constraints. In other words, the Eternally ordinary men with an extraor-
Existent One is not a slave to created space; dinary God.
Sunday, June 20th. nor is He a slave to created time. Instead,
these created entities are His servants. Only
Please submit your we earthlings habitually possess insufficient The library has an ever-
amounts of matter, space and time. growing collection of devotion-
articles to the
al calendars—thought-
church office. provoking readings for each
Bible believers may now cease insisting creat-
day of the year. Women Who
ed starlight requires more earth-time. In reali-
Loved God, by Elizabeth
ty, starlight possesses plenty of Creator-time.
George [242 Geo] has a daily
There is a far more profound question for an
reading on women of the Bible.
earthling to pose when viewing the starry
night sky — "When I consider thy heavens,
the work of thy fingers, the moon and the
stars which thou hast ordained; What is man
that thou art mindful of him?" (Psa 8:3-4)



Dear Lord, I pray for my husband, from head to toe,

 His Mind - That he will have the Your Word so that he will be prosperous
mind of Christ and think as the Holy and successful. (James 4:10, Joshua 1:8,9)
Spirit would lead him and not flesh.  His Heart - That he will love and trust
(1 Corinthians 2:16) You with his whole heart. (Deuteronomy
 His Eyes - That you would keep his 6:5, Proverbs 3:5)
eyes from temptation and that he will  His Arms - That you will be his
turn his eyes from sin. (Matthew 6:13, strength. (Psalm 73:26)
Mark 9:47)  His Hands - That he will enjoy the work
 His Ears - That he will hear Your of his hands and see it as a gift from You.
still small voice instructing him. (1 Kings (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
19:12, Psalm 32:8)  His Feet - That You will order his steps
 His Mouth - That his words will be and that he will walk in Your truth.
pleasing to You. (Proverbs 19:14) (Proverbs 4:25)
 His Head - That he will look to You as
 His Neck - That he will humble himself
Lord of his life. (1 Corinthians 11:13)
before You and be strong, courageous,
and careful to do everything written in

Birthdays & Anniversaries

June 2010
2 – (Brian & Stephanie Ness)

Church Lock Up 3 – Jerry Patterson

4 – Alysia Johnson, (Greg & Linda Brown)
5 – Barb Compton, Ben Doolittle, Audrey Hubbell, Barb Olcott, Nathan Roberts,

Schedule (Jerry & Beve McNeill)

6 – Tom DiStefano, Norm Shaver, Rick Sullivan, (Tim & Sherry Negley),
(Clayt & Janneke Roberts)
This is a reminder for church officers who are on
7 – Samuel Adams
the lock up schedule for the month of June:
9 – Ashley Brown, (Bob & Ruby Loomis)
June 6 Matt Walker 10 – Anne Carrano
June 13 Bruce Stowe
June 20 Mike Gettman 11 – Marty Andrews, (Jim & Joyce Phillips)
June 27 Larry Petry 13 – Nathanael Phipps
14 – Anna Dow, (Lyle & Lee Bodah)
If you are unable to be at church on the day you are 15 – Nancy Avery, Lynn Vanderwerff, Jonathan Woodford, (Doug & Sarah Doolittle)
scheduled for lock up, please arrange to change with
16 – Kelsey Gates
someone on the schedule.
20 – (Don & Nancy Donath)
22 – Greg Brown, Shirley Wood
24 – (Ken & Audrey Hubbell), (Clayt & Betty Roberts), (Bob & Marylou Standford)
25 – Samuel Johnson, (Tom & Espie DiStefano)
26 – Brian Mandigo
27 – Hannah Blum (Bob & Carolyn Downs)
28 – Jeremy Culver, (Dick & Shaun Standford)
29 – Nick Standford, (Joe & Kathy Grabowski)

In the end, Nick finished in first place, Sam in third,
and Caleb was in a tie for fourth place! Unbelieva-
bly, we are sending three of the five quizzers from
our District to Calgary, Canada for this year’s In-
t e r n a t i o n a l s !
Senior News—Districts
Now the hard part comes as they have months of
Seniors had six rounds of preliminary quizzing. At
studying to prepare for the July 20th-24th competi-
the end of preliminaries one of our teams finished
tion. Also each quizzer needs to raise about
in second place. Following the preliminaries, the
$700.00 to go. Please be in prayer for them.
top 15 quizzed against each other three times to
determine who will go to Internationals to repre- Georgia Phipps
sent our district. At that point Sam Benedict was
in second place, Nick Murgia in fourth and Caleb Junior News—Districts
Benedict in sixth. Also making the top fifteen from
LaFayette were Noah Schadt, and Aaron and Tay- To start off with this month we want to thank
lor Fleming. everyone for praying for our quizzers. Our team
(Joel Fleming, Beca Lloyd, Chris Lloyd and Amanda
During the first top 15 quiz, quizzers from West-
Negley) was well prepared and did an awesome
field jumped to an early lead. It wasn’t looking
job at Districts.
good for our quizzers. Once the second top 15
quiz was underway, Nick Murgia and Sam Benedict District weekend started Friday evening April 30th,
started to make a move. Sometime in the begin- at Westfield Baptist Church in Westfield, NY,
ning of the final quiz Nick made his move and cata- where those of us not held up by crawling traffic
Unbelievably, we pulted himself into first place. Sam was just be- on the Thruway were directed to the beach for a
hind, but still in jeopardy of being passed. It is hard cookout on Lake Erie. After some games and a
are sending three to describe, but all six of our quizzers worked brief coaches meeting we left for hotel or guest
together to help keep Sam in position, by getting homes for the night.
of the five quizzers the jump on questions, so that others couldn’t get
it and pass Sam. It was exciting to see. Saturday, May 1st started early with worship at
from our District 8:30 a.m. The juniors first quiz was at 10:10 a.m.
Going down to the last few questions, Taylor which left them some time to review. They wast-
to Calgary, Fleming and Caleb Benedict also had a chance to ed no time in taking the lead winning the first quiz.
make the team. Taylor fought for a jump and got They continued their lead in the second and third
Canada for this it, but unfortunately got an error and was out of quizzes, making them the first place team and earn-
the running. Caleb was the only one left with a ing them a trophy to display in the church. Joel
year’s chance to make it, but he’d have to get the last Fleming had an outstanding day, quizzing out in
jump and get it right. He somehow got the last each quiz, taking the first place trophy. Beca Lloyd
Internationals! jump and then had to figure out what the question also did well, bringing home the 4th place prize.
and answer were after just hearing ―undiv―. He Amanda and Chris both answered a question to
came to the microphone, stopped and thought, help win the team trophy. Each of the quizzers
using some of his 30 seconds to answer and then worked hard as team players and their efforts
said ―undivided devotion to the Lord―. Everyone showed.
held their breath waiting for the quiz master’s
ruling and when he said ―correct‖, the place went What a great way to end the season. Please con-
wild. Everyone swarmed around Caleb, hugging tinue to keep this program and the people in it in
and high fiving him. Then everyone was going to prayer over the summer. We will be studying the
Nick and Sam to congratulate them. This is the Gospel of John next season, so anyone interested
second year in a row in joining us can review that material in prepara-
that one of our quiz- tion.
zers made it on the
very last question. Marie Murgia
What is even more
amazing is that Caleb
is just a 7th grader and
it’s his first year quiz-
zing! (See his testimo-
ny about why he quiz-
zes under testimonies
on our quizzing minis-
try page.) FYI: Sam and Caleb are Jessica Estey’s
younger brothers.



Beginning in July, Spotlight on Leadership Boards

each month we

will focus on 1-2 Elders

families in our

church as a way

for everyone to

become more

familiar with

each other.

The Elders work with the Pastors in providing spiritual vision and direction, for the growth of all people and the
ministries of LaFayette Alliance Church. Assisting with visitation, praying for the sick, and serving communion are
just a few of their additional responsibilities.

(top row) Mike Maloney, Ralph Maloney, Carl Olcott (bottom row) Jim Phillips, Clayt Roberts Sr., Marty Andrews



VBS 2010 Church Directory

July 26th-July 30th
The new directories are available
6pm-8:30pm on the back table in the foyer.
Please take only one per family.
You can also view the directory on
Come and join o u r w e b s i t e (The
us for our Dec- username and password are the
same as the for the prayer sheet.)
orating Day on
Saturday, June
12th from 9
am— noon

Senior Ministry Luncheon

Attention all Seniors— Mark your calendars for
Please Note: our annual chicken barbeque luncheon this
Thursday, June 3rd at noon. Plan to join us for
Submissions to the Lamplighter this special event and enjoy the fellowship.
need to be in file format; either Please bring either a side dish or a dessert to
email or on a CD. Email would be pass.
the preference. Thank you!

Baby Bottle Boomerang YARD SALE

Come help support Alliance Women’s Min-
istries on SATURDAY, JUNE 12th from
8:00 am—2:00 pm at Joday Gates’ house.
Remember to be filling your baby
bottles with coins, bills, or a check You can pick up a donation kit in the black
- and return it on Father's Day- mailbox outside the
Sunday, June 20th. 2’s & 3’s room if you
are ready to clean out
your attic or garage!
LaFayette Christian & Missionary
Alliance Church

P.O. Box 150

6069 Cherry Valley Turnpike
LaFayette, New York 13084
Phone: (315) 677-9810

Rev. Robert Gates, Senior Pastor

Brian Mandigo, Associate Pastor blmandi-

Ellen Coulter, Office Administrator

Our mission is to know Jesus Christ; exalt Him as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, Coming King,
and complete His Great Commission.

We’re on the web!


There will be a shipment going out from Middleburg Heights, Ohio in July. It will be able to accommodate your packages for the Hospital in Ga-
bon, Africa, where Dr. David Thompson and his wife Becki work along with Dr. Renee Valach--our newest Northeastern District international
worker. Renee will be speaking about the work in Gabon at Delta Lake Family camp in early July.
I am not sure the exact dates the shipment will go out, so if you have packages, send them as soon as possible.
First of all I want to thank you all so much for your participation in getting needed items to the Bongolo Hospital !
I e-mailed the Bongolo staff to ask what they needed at this time and this is what they replied :
Centrum-like multivitamins for adults and children Antacids like Tums or Rolaids (with calcium)
Cold, flu and cough medicine Masking tape (they have NONE)
Medium sized Playtex heavy-duty cleaning gloves Cotton balls
Rolled sheet bandages are especially needed
(The shipment which was sent in January just arrived at Bongolo a couple of weeks ago. Because of the very muddy, slippery roads, a large truck
delivering the shipment overturned a few miles from the Hospital. Fortunately, no one was hurt and nothing destroyed!)
The boxes should not be any larger than 24 in. x 24 in. x 24‖ (or a total of 72 in. with width+length+height) , unless you have special permission.
Please try to limit different types of items to 3-4 things per box. If possible, put each type of item in its own plastic bag for easier sorting at the
hospital. The boxes should be sent to :
ARK Transportation
c/o Gabon Shipment:: Bongolo Hospital
17830 Englewood Drive
Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
**If you are sending a package for a certain missionary or department, add: Attn: and the name of the missionary or department.
Please e-mail Gabon's shipment coordinator, Linda Chae ( and a copy to me, Coleen Lofgren (colie mark ) with
the following information:
Your Name and church Detailed list of contents of EACH box
Contact Phone Number Monetary value of Each item in each box
Contact e-mail address Total amount for each box.
Number of boxes being sent Size of each box in inches (length x height x width). Please pack items as compactly as possible since we
are charged per cubic foot.

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