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Synthetic Metals 150 (2005) 101–105

Oxidative electropolymerization of pyrrole

from neat monomer solution
Patricia Ann Mabrouk ∗
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, USA

Received 5 October 2004; received in revised form 27 January 2005; accepted 27 January 2005
Available online 3 March 2005


Oxidative electrochemical polymerization of pyrrole at gold, indium doped tin oxide on glass, and stainless steel type 304 was accomplished
from neat monomer solution containing only supporting electrolyte (0.05–0.3 M n-tetrabutyl ammonium perchlorate, n-tetrabutyl ammonium
hexafluorophosphate, or n-tetrabutyl ammonium tetrafluoroborate) by multiple scan cyclic voltammetry. The results presented demonstrate
that thick (>1–14 ␮m), stable, highly conductive (up to 0.6 S/cm) polypyrrole films can be readily prepared on a wide range of electrode
substrates using this simple electrochemical method.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Electrochemistry; Conducting polymer; Polypyrrole; Cyclic voltammetry

1. Introduction layer fluid properties. Subsequently, Murray and coworkers

[8] demonstrated that electropolymerization of aniline and
Due to their light weight, high conductivity, good stabil- pyrrole could be accomplished from neat solutions. How-
ity and redox state-dependent physico-chemical properties ever, the authors did not characterize the resulting products
such as color and volume, intrinsically conducting polymers that they believed to be oligomers. In view of the growing
(ICPs) such as polypyrrole (PPy), polyaniline, and polythio- importance of ICPs, we wish to report the results of pre-
phene continue to be actively investigated [1,2]. Synthesis liminary studies demonstrating that thick, conductive, sta-
of conducting polymers can be accomplished chemically or ble films of intrinsically conducting polymers, here, specifi-
electrochemically usually from dilute aqueous or nonaque- cally, polypyrrole, can be readily synthesized electrochemi-
ous solutions of the relevant monomer. Polypyrrole is one cally from neat monomer in the absence of an inert diluting
of the most frequently investigated ICPs [3]. PPy is easy to solvent.
synthesize both chemically and electrochemically, exhibits
good electrical conductivity, and is relatively stability under
ambient conditions.
Several years ago, White and coworkers investigated the 2. Experimental
electrochemistry of neat redox liquids in the absence of any
added inert solvent [4–7]. Electrochemistry in neat redox liq- 2.1. Reagents
uids was shown to have several advantages, including a wide
voltage window when compared to water and other com- Sodium perchlorate (Aldrich), n-tetrabutyl ammonium
monly used electrochemical solvents and unique transport perchlorate (TBAClO4 ; 99+%, Alfa Aesar), n-tetrabutyl am-
monium hexafluorophosphate (TBAPF6 , >99%, Sigma), and
n-tetrabutyl ammonium tetrafluoroborate (TBABF4 ; Alfa
∗ Tel.: +1 617 373 2845; fax: +1 617 373 8795. Aesar) were purchased as A.C.S. analytical grade or better
E-mail address: and were used as received. Pyrrole (98%, Sigma) was distilled

0379-6779/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
102 P.A. Mabrouk / Synthetic Metals 150 (2005) 101–105

and stored in the dark under nitrogen at 5 ◦ C until use. Gold 2.5. Electrochemical characterization
foil (0.002 in thick, 99.95%, Alfa Aesar), stainless steel foil
(type 304, 0.001 in thick, Alfa Aesar) and indium tin oxide on Once polymerization was accomplished the polypyrrole-
glass (Rs , 4–8 , Delta Technologies) were used to construct coated working electrode was removed from the electro-
the homemade working electrodes used in this study. chemical cell, rinsed generously with acetone, methanol, and
deionized water. The electrode was then characterized by
2.2. Electrodes CV in the potential range from +1000 to −1000 mV versus
Ag/AgCl (3 M NaCl) at a scan rate of 100 mV/s in aqueous,
ITO/glass electrodes were prepared by wrapping a piece monomer-free 1.0 M potassium nitrate solution.
of copper wire around the top of one side of a 5 mm × 5 mm
square of ITO/glass and then applying silver epoxy to estab- 2.6. Electrical conductivity
lish good electrical contact between the surface of the ITO
and the copper wire touching it. The exposed copper wire The electrical conductivity of polypyrrole films prepared
and silver epoxy were then coated with insulating epoxy to using the above protocol was evaluated using the van der
ensure that only the exposed ITO surface would serve as the Pauw method [9]. 5 mm × 5 mm squares of polypyrrole
electrode. films were lifted from the working electrode using Scotch®
The Au and stainless steel type 304 (ss-304) working heavy duty mounting tape. Colloidal silver liquid (Ted Pella)
electrodes were cleaned by gentle abrasion with alumina was used to facilitate good electrical contact between four
and diamond polish. These electrodes were then rinsed with 0.005 in. diameter (99.99%, Alfa Aesar) gold wires and the
distilled water, sonicated in a dilute solution of Alconox® , four corners of the polymer film. The gold wires were sol-
rinsed again with distilled water, and then briefly air-dried. dered using indium metal (low melting) to four pins of a
ITO/glass working electrodes were first rinsed with analyti- 14-pin low profile IC socket (Jameco Electronics). A con-
cal grade methanol and acetone then sonicated in Alconox® , stant current of 8 ␮A was applied to two of the four pins and
rinsed with distilled water and finally briefly air-dried. All the voltage across the remaining two pins was measured fol-
Au and ITO/glass working electrodes were characterized by lowing the National Institute of Standards and Technology
cyclic voltammetry (CV) at 100 mV/s using 2 mM potassium protocol [9].
ferricyanide in 1.0 M KNO3 prior to use. Ep was typically The average film thickness used in the calculation of the
<105 mV. electrical conductivity of the polypyrrole films was obtained
from the average of a minimum of three scans made at dif-
ferent positions on the polymer film (scan length: 2000 ␮m,
2.3. Electrochemical Instrumentation profile: hills, scan speed: medium, resolution: high, stylus
force: 10–30 mg) using a Dektak 3 ST profilometer equipped
Cyclic voltammetry experiments were conducted using a with a 12.5 ␮m diameter stylus. The average variation in any
Bioanalytical Systems (BAS) 100B electrochemical work- three thickness measurements for any one polymer film was
station. less than 22%.

2.4. Electrochemical synthesis 2.7. Atomic force microscopy (AFM)

Polypyrrole (PPy) films were electrochemically synthe- PPy film morphology was investigated ex situ using a Que-
sized by multiple scan cyclic voltammetry using 2 mL sant Q-scope 350 atomic force microscope operating in tap-
aliquots of freshly distilled pyrrole containing the desired ping mode. Noncontact NSC-16 silicon cantilever tips were
electrolyte, either n-tetrabutyl ammonium perchlorate, n- used. Micrographs were minimally processed using streak
tetrabutyl ammonium hexafluorophosphate, or n-tetrabutyl removal when appropriate. Images were obtained by scan-
ammonium tetrafluoroborate. Three electrolyte concentra- ning 22 ␮m × 22 ␮m regions at a scan rate of 1.5 Hz. Three
tions were investigated: 0.05, 0.15, or 0.30 M. A 10 mL separate regions of each polymer film were characterized in
beaker served as the single compartment electrochemical order to verify that the AFM images were representative of
cell. Working electrodes were homemade from 5 mm × 5 mm that sample. All AFM images are shown in the 3D height
squares of gold foil, ITO/glass, or stainless steel foil, type mode. Bright colors indicate higher regions on the sample
304. An Ag/AgCl (3 M NaCl; Bioanalytical Systems) elec- while darker colors indicate lower regions on the sample.
trode served as the reference electrode and a homemade Pt
gauze flag (1 cm × 1 cm; 100 mesh, 99.9%, Aldrich) was used
as the counter electrode. The working electrodes were typi- 3. Results and discussion
cally cycled for 40–120 cycles between 1000 and −1000 mV
versus Ag/AgCl (3 M NaCl; BAS) at 100 mV/s in order to af- Oxidative electrochemical polymerization of pyrrole at
fect electropolymerization. All experiments were performed gold, ITO/glass, and stainless steel type 304 (ss-304) has
at room temperature. been accomplished from neat monomer solution containing
P.A. Mabrouk / Synthetic Metals 150 (2005) 101–105 103

Fig. 1. Electropolymerization of polypyrrole at Au from neat pyrrole containing 0.3 M TBAClO4 at 100 mV/s between 1.0 and −1.0 V vs. Ag/AgCl (3 M
NaCl). The first 10 cycles are shown.

only added electrolyte (0.05–0.30 M n-tetrabutyl ammonium then was observed to decrease. Nonetheless, polymerization
perchlorate, n-tetrabutyl ammonium hexafluorophosphate, or as reflected by an increase in peak current persisted for at
n-tetrabutyl ammonium tetrafluoroborate) by multiple scan least 120 scans. With repeated cycling, an increasingly thick,
cyclic voltammetry. dark film deposited on the working electrode. Films up to
Representative data for the electropolymerization of pyr- 14 ␮m thick were readily prepared after only 40 cycles.
role containing 0.3 M TBAClO4 at Au are shown in Fig. 1. PPy-coated electrodes prepared using the method de-
On the first anodic scan, a single anodic wave was typically scribed above were then characterized by cyclic voltamme-
observed at relatively high potential. This is consistent with try in pyrrole-free aqueous solution containing 1 M potas-
oxidation of pyrrole monomer to produce the radical cation. sium nitrate. Fig. 2 shows a representative cyclic voltam-
Upon reduction, two cathodic waves were observed consis- mogram for the PPy film whose synthesis is depicted in
tent with reduction of the radical cation and the oxidized Fig. 1 after removing the electrode from the monomer solu-
polymer, respectively. On the second and all subsequent ox- tion and rinsing it with acetone, methanol, and deionized wa-
idative scans, a new anodic wave is observed that is consistent ter. Voltammograms for PPy films electropolymerized from
with oxidation of the newly formed polymer. With each suc- neat monomer solution exhibit fairly well-defined oxidation
cessive scan, the peak current associated with both the anodic and reduction waves. The peak current for both the anodic and
and cathodic waves of the polymer increased consistent with cathodic waves displays a linear dependence on the scan rate
the growth of the polymer film. The growth rate of the poly- (20–200 mV/s; r2 ≥ 0.99; not shown). This behavior is con-
mer was typically constant for about the first ten scans and sistent with a surface-confined redox process. Peak shapes

Fig. 2. Cyclic voltammogram showing the first two cycles obtained for the polypyrrole film polymerized in Fig. 1 which had been rinsed with acetone, methanol,
and deionized water, air-dried and subsequently placed in 1.0 M potassium nitrate solution. An Ag/AgCl (3 M NaCl) reference electrode and a Pt gauze counter
electrode were used. The scan rate is 100 mV/s.
104 P.A. Mabrouk / Synthetic Metals 150 (2005) 101–105

Fig. 3. Graph showing the dependence of the average PPy film conductivity as a function of the concentration of n-tetrabutylammonium perchlorate used in the
electropolymerization at ss-304 (squares), Au (circles), and ITO/glass (triangles). Each data point on the graph represents the average electrical conductivity
obtained in the study of a minimum of three independently prepared polypyrrole films.

and peak currents were not observed to change or dimin- with film thickness at least for films with an average thickness
ish with repeated cycling – up to 1 h – of the PPy-coated between 1 and 14 ␮m.
electrodes in aqueous electrolyte solution. This behavior is The electrical conductivity of these films is a factor of 5–10
consistent with a chemically reversible redox process. lower than that of polypyrrole synthesized electrochemically
from aqueous or nonaqueous solvents [3,10,11]. The sensi-
3.1. Conductivity tivity of the resulting polymer conductivity to the nature of
the electrode substrate used in its preparation (metal oxide
The electrical conductivity of PPy films prepared on Au, as versus metal) is significant and suggests that the electrode
ss-304, and ITO/glass has been measured using the Van de itself plays an important role in determining the mechanism
Pauw method [9]. Film conductivities typically ranged be- of electropolymerization.
tween 0.02 and 0.61 S/cm. The highest electrical conductiv- The electrical conductivity of PPy films prepared using
ity was obtained for PPy/ss-304 films prepared using 0.05 M this method is fairly stable under ambient conditions over a
TBAClO4 —on average 0.61 S/cm (n = 3). period of several months. The stability of the electrical con-
As shown in Fig. 3, electrical conductivity was found ductivity of five polypyrrole films grown on ITO/glass or
to be strongly dependent on the concentration of the elec- stainless steel from pyrrole solutions containing TBAClO4
trolyte used in the electrosynthesis and on the nature of was investigated after approximately 3 months. On average
the electrode substrate. On the two metal electrode sub- the electrical conductivity of these films decreased by 49%.
strates investigated (gold and stainless steel), a strong nega- No significant difference was observed in the stability of
tive correlation was observed between the concentration of n- the films originally grown on ITO/glass as compared to that
tetrabutylammonium perchlorate used in the electrosynthesis grown on ss-304. The stability of the conductivity over this
and the conductivity of the polypyrrole films produced. The time period for PPy films prepared using the solvent-free
most conductive polypyrrole films were those that were pre- method compares favorably with that of chemically synthe-
pared using 0.05 M TBAClO4 . However, the concentration sized chloride-doped polypyrrole for which an 80% decrease
of the electrolyte did not affect the electrical conductivity of in electrical conductivity had been reported to occur over a
the polypyrrole films prepared on ITO/glass. The electrical 3-month period for polymer stored under ambient conditions
conductivity of the polypyrrole films did not appear to vary [12].

Fig. 4. AFM images showing the surface of Au (left), ITO/glass (middle), and stainless steel type 304 (right) substrates coated with electrosynthesized
polypyrrole. Scan rate 1.5 Hz. All three films were prepared voltammetrically at 100 mV/s from pyrrole containing 0.05 M TBAClO4 .
P.A. Mabrouk / Synthetic Metals 150 (2005) 101–105 105

3.2. Film morphology of this project. She also wishes to recognize the support
of the Northeastern University Office of Technology Trans-
Polymer morphology was probed using tapping-mode fer and to thank Dr. Sinan Muftu and Mr. Peter Ryan
atomic force microscopy. As shown in Fig. 4, the morphology of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at North-
of the relatively thick (>1 ␮m) polypyrrole films electrosyn- eastern University for access to and assistance with the
thesized from monomer containing TBAClO4 was generally profilometer and AFM instruments and Drs. Don Heiman
globular (left and center) though some films (right) exhib- and Yajie Chen and Mr. Taiyang Chen of the Department
ited the characteristic “cauliflower-like” morphology [13]. of Physics at Northeastern University for access to and
Surface features varied in size from 0.5 to 3 ␮m in diame- assistance in making the electrical conductivity measure-
ter between films. Neither the morphology nor the size of ments.
the surface features appeared to correlate with the electrical
conductivity, thickness of the PPy films, or the nature of the
electrode substrate on which the films were electropolymer- References
ized (Au, ITO/glass, or stainless steel type 304). The fact that
globular rather than cauliflower-like morphologies appear to [1] J.F. Rubinson, H.B. Mark Jr., Conducting Polymers and Polymer
be favored may suggest that polymer growth is constrained Electrolytes: From Biology to Photovoltaics, American Chemical So-
to certain preferred directions in neat monomer solution as ciety, Washington, DC, 2003.
[2] H.S. Nalwa, in: H.S. Nalwa (Ed.), Handbook of Advanced Electronic
a consequence of the unique charge transport properties of and Photonic Materials and Devices, Academic Press, San Diego,
concentrated redox liquids [5]. 2001.
[3] B.R. Saunders, R.J. Fleming, K.S. Murray, Chem. Mater. 7 (1995)
4. Conclusion [4] S.R. Ragsdale, S.C. Paulson, H.S. White, S.W. Feldberg, Proc. Elec-
trochem. Soc. 97 (1997) 123.
In summary, we have demonstrated that thick, conduc- [5] R.B. Morris, K.F. Fischer, H.S. White, J. Phys. Chem. 92 (1988)
tive films of polypyrrole can be readily electrosynthesized 5306.
[6] R.A. Malmsten, H.S. White, J. Electrochem. Soc. 133 (1986)
from neat monomer solution on a wide range of electrode 1067.
substrates. The simplicity of the method, the potential cost [7] J.D. Norton, S.A. Anderson, H.S. White, J. Phys. Chem. 96 (1992)
savings coupled with its environmentally friendly nature – the 3.
approach eliminates the use of inert solvent – make further [8] R.L. McCarley, M. Morita, K.O. Wilbourn, R.W. Murray, J. Elec-
research into this new method very attractive. troanal. Chem. 245 (1988) 321.
[9] NIST, II. The Hall Effect, September 13, 2004. http://www.eeel.nist.
[10] L.A. Samuelson, M.A. Druy, Macromolecules 19 (1986) 824.
Acknowledgements [11] M. Takakubo, Synth. Met. 18 (1987) 53.
[12] M.M. Chehimi, E. Abdeljalil, Synth. Met. 145 (2004) 15.
PAM gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Miss [13] T. Silk, Q. Hong, J. Tamm, R.G. Compton, Synth. Met. 93 (1998)
Jamie Mayer and Miss Rachna Badlani in the early stages 59.

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