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Anggota kelompok:
1. Laila Ramadhaniah (224415100)
2. Nurlailani Ismahsari (224415105)
3. Novianty Putri (2244151080)
4. Nindya Rizki (224415114)
5. Yolana Kusuma Dewi (224415091)
6. Fadlilah Oktafiani (224415103)



Institut Transportasi & Logistik Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia

PT. Schenker Petrolog Utama as Freight Forwarding company as a cargo agent who
handles exports or imports from the sender to the airline as a distributor of the activity
of sending goods to the activity of the receipt of goods when they arrive at the
destination. While in providing their services often face many obstacles and barriers
such as delays in the clearance of goods at the Custom Clearance delayed delivery of
the supporting documents from the shipper, the absence of the upgrade system as the
network has not replaced thereby inhibiting the delivery of goods, the proposal letter to
re-export requires additional time again, the limited number of officers in handling cargo
delivery. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. Descriptive
research method purpose to describe a behavior or type of subject not to look for any
specific relationships, nor to correlate 2 or more variables. The results of studies that
have examined it can be concluded that there are many factors that affect delays in
delivery of export cargo drawbacks include good communication, a system that has not
been upgraded, the lack of employees who handle cargo shipments.

Keywords: Management, Operation Management, Descriptive Qualitativ

PT. Schenker Petrolog Utama sebagai perusahaan Freight Forwarding sebagai agen
kargo yang menangani ekspor atau impor dari pengirim ke perusahaan penerbangan
sebagai distributor aktivitas pengiriman barang ke aktivitas penerimaan barang saat tiba
di tempat tujuan. Sementara dalam memberikan layanan mereka sering menghadapi
banyak hambatan-hambatan seperti keterlambatan dalam clearance barang di Custom
Clearance tertunda pengiriman dokumen pendukung dari pengirim, tidak adanya sistem
upgrade karena jaringan belum diganti sehingga menghambat pengiriman barang, surat
lamaran untuk re-ekspor membutuhkan waktu tambahan lagi, jumlah petugas yang
terbatas dalam menangani pengiriman kargo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian
deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode penelitian deskriptif
bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku atau jenis subjek untuk tidak mencari
hubungan tertentu, atau untuk menghubungkan 2 atau lebih variabel. Hasil penelitian
yang telah meneliti dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi
keterlambatan pengiriman kargo ekspor termasuk kelemahan komunikasi yang baik,
sistem yang belum di-upgrade, kurangnya karyawan yang menangani pengiriman kargo.

Kata kunci: Manajemen, Manajemen Operasi, Deskriptif Kualitatif

INTRODUCTION Author do the research at PT. Scehnker
Petrolog Utama Main Branch Cengkareng,
A. Background Soewarna Business Park Soekarno Hatta
In recent years the export activities International Airport by the observation and
play a major role for the economic survey at PT. Schenker Petrolog Utama
development of a country. PT. Schenker as a b. Time
freight forwarder as a cargo agent who Observations that author take since 19
handles exports or imports from the sender to September until 19 December 2016.
the airline as a distributor of the activity of
sending goods to the activity of the receipt of 2. Characteristic and Type of
goods when they arrive at the destination. PT. Research
Schenker has been active in Indonesia since Author takes survey as characteristic of
1976 and formed a joint venture with long- the research for thesis. Survey is to view in
term partner, Petrolog Indah Group in March detail, especially to inspect, examine, or
1999. In 2007 PT. Airfreight Schenker opened appraise formally orofficially in order to
a branch office in Soewarna Business Park in ascertain condition, value.
Cengkareng Airport. Descriptive research “is designed to
provide a picture of a situation as it naturally
The idea of this research is to know andhappens”. It may be used to justify current
understand the things pertaining to the managingpractice and make judgment and also to
of the sending Goods, Goods handling,develop theories. This research is a
transporting and Goods distribution. Based ondescriptive study using a qualitative approach.
the description above, the writer is interested toDescriptive research method purpose to
explore more deeply and want to present in thedescribe a behavior or type of
form of thesis titled: “ANALYSIS OFSubject not to look for any specific
MANAGING DELAY CARGO EXPORTrelationships, nor to correlate 2 or more
SOEKARNO HATTA INTERNATIONAL 3. Data analysis technique
AIRPORT 2016” With qualitative method is used, the data
obtained will be more complete, more in-
B. Obejctives
depth, credible and meaningful, so the
purpose of this research can be achieved.
1. To determine the number of existing
Qualitative research design is divided into
export at PT. Schenker Petrolog Utama
four stages, namely:
periode 19 September until 19 December
a. Planning
Activities undertaken in this phase are follows
2. To determine about Problem that
cargo delay factor analysis, the standard of
caused delay in Petrolog Utama periode 19
facilities and infrastructure, the preparation of
September until 19 December 2016.
the study design, the determination of the
3. To determine solution of handling
place of research, and the preparation of
cargo export at PT. Schenker Petrolog Utama
research instrument.
periode 19 September until 19 December
b. Implementation
At this stage the research as well as a research
executive human instrument looking for data
C. Research Methodology
information, namely in- depth interview on
the division of air export- import operations.
1. Location and Time Research
In addition, researchers also analyzed what
a. Location
are the barriers that often occur in the export
air cargo and observe what are the factors of Research Library (Library Research)
delay of export cargo at PT. Schenker In order to strengthen the idea of the study, the
Petrolog Utama Cengkareng and observe how authors need theories or opinions of experts
the maintenance and manage process of originating from the library literature and
export air cargo directly. lectures and other sources that are considered
c. Data Analysis to reinforce the idea of research is being
Data analysis was performed after research investigated.
conducted interviews depth to the export-
import operation division of air and any
observations that became the delay factors of
export cargo at PT. Schenker Petrolog Utama
d. Evaluations
All data requirements, availability in desirable
in export cargo delay factor research at PT.
Schenker Petrolog Utama Cengkareng that
has been analyzed and then evaluated so
known what are the main factor of the delay
of export cargo at PT. Schenker Petrolog
Utama Cengkareng.
4. Method of Data Analysis
a. Research Method Deductive methode, a
methode based on logical thinking and
generally accepted within the framework
decision on the facts that share are being
observed, then gives advice on the basis
of the conclusions.
Data collection technique:
1) Field research
This method is done by investigators to
review and direct observation of
spaciousness where the author did on job
training, namely the Department Air
Freight Export Utama PT. Schenker
Petrolog. In observing the data obtained
2) Direct Observation (Observation)
Observation is a direct observation of the
problems associated with what will be
researched by the author at the time of
implementing the Job Training was held
on September 19 to December 19 2016.
3) Interview
Direct interviews conducted by the
parties concerned to obtain facts,
opinions and data - other data related to
penilitian done.
ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION In IATA TACT Rules,Rizaldy and Rifni (2013 ;
21 ) Perform Goods Acceptance Checklist,
A. Analysis and Discussion 1) The actual amount of goods received at the
In this chapter will discuss the results of research warehouse.
and discussion of the data that has writers get by using 2) weight of goods in accordance with the data
the method of data collection of field research in the needed for chargeable weight scales on the
form of direct observation and interviews to obtain AWB and manufacture Load Sheet.
primary data and secondary data obtained directly 3) Packing items must be in good condition
from the company and readings or literature relating and safe for flight and Ensuring sticking
with research that the author got from the library or labels for handling general cargo and special
from a company doing research. This study aims to cargo and AWB
determine the management of export air cargo delays And acceptance Document Checklist, include:
at PT.Schenker Petrolog Utama branch Cengkareng. 1) Reservation, where the items received after
This research was conducted by using descriptive the reservation must confirm / Allotment
qualitative method. 2) AWB received must be filled out
PT.Schenker Petrolog Utama Cengkareng is one completely and correctly.
branch office in Indonesia. PT.Schenker Petrolog 3) Supplementary required documents such as:
Utama Cengkareng airports delivers of cargo via air a) House AWB
freight and project cargo delivery service and b) House Manifest
management of customs. c) Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods
While in providing their services often face many d) Shipper's Certificate for Live Animal
obstacles and barriers such as inspecting goods on e) Declaration of Indemnity
customs clearance need takes too long for checking the f) other documents
goods mainly for re-export of goods so that they 4) Restriction and Embargo, make sure the
cannot put cargo into the warehouse punctual airline. goods delivered free of States and Carriers
Another issue that often happens is part of these Restriction Restriction and Embargo.
documents are missing as a master Air waybill or NPE a. In the shipping of goods, there are some parties
(Memorandum of Notification Export of goods) and that are related to one another, namely shipper-
PEB (export notification) and sometimes the goods carrier-consignee. In handling of export cargo
tracking system encountered an error. They also still shipments starting from the receipt of the goods
have deficiencies in cooperation with airlines in from the shipper until loaded onto the aircraft to
sending goods. They also have another problem which be transported from one city to another at home
is a process that takes too long to propose re-export of and abroad. Process activity as follows:
goods letter that inhibit the export shipments. Not
infrequently many customers filed a complaint or feel Activity Process Export at PT.Schenker
disappointed because of delays in delivery of the Petrolog Utama Branch Office Cengkareng
goods. The technology they used also not good
because often an error occurs so often encounter Petrolog Utama Cengkareng begin with, the first
obstacles in completing the required documents. step is the customer or commonly called as
1. The process of cargo export activity at PT. shipper, sends Shipping Instruction to customer
Schenker Petrolog Utama Cengkareng service PT. SPU. Shipping Instruction
containing In the shipping instruction are
included address of the consignee (consignee),
notifity party (receiver-II), commodity (goods)
that is sent, the number of boxes, the number of Fourth, the next step is to perform x-ray for
pieces, gross weight, nett weight, final security for goods to be delivered. after x- ray
destination, and even the flight schedule and verifiably secure the goods next steps to
(schedule) , Such data is important, because the bring the goods to the custom for the item will
on board capacity is very limited. Especially be checked reconsideration, print proof weigh
gross weight (gross weight) have to be really goods, pay rent warehouses and also pay a fee of
careful after receiving the shipping instruction the unpacked cargo if the cargo has experienced
the customer service will make job file for problems such as incompatible with identity
delivery of the goods. listed in the document, as well as checking the
completeness of letters or documents such as
Second, job file will be given to the admin export to packing lists, commercial invoices and PEB to
making house air waybill, after that customer will ascertain if the goods and documents are
send the goods to PT.SPU, after the goods arrive, the complete and appropriate if there is a document
operation will check the cargo. The cargo has to be that is incomplete or the goods are not in
matched with the identity of the cargo that already in accordance with the documents that have been
job file has been made by admin operation. made, the goods will be entrance to the red line
for further testing and will be made NOTUL
Third, after the inspection of the goods match the
(Nota Pembetulan) or Memorandum of
existing identity will be created labels used as a sign
Correction , but if the goods are deemed safe or
for the goods to be exported, that is not scattered
usually is a general cargo allowed to enter / exit
when unloaded in the country of destination and
in Indonesia without any specific documentation
make reservation to the airline after the reservation is
that the goods will enter the customs green line
made acceptable by the airline, Airline will issue Air
and will provide a written NPE, by using NPE
waybill that serves to reserve a spot (booking space).
in stuffing the cargo warehouse to the airport to
PT. SPU will confirm the flight schedules to
wait transported to the aircraft that have been
customers by giving DO (Delivery Order) for the
scheduled. In addition, the carrier / the airlines
delivery of goods from the exporter to the warehouse
will issue MAWB and HAWB. Air waybill is a
PT.SPU before the entry of goods into the plane, one
document that should exist in every air transport.
day before the goods have to go inside the warehouse
Air waybill also serves to disburse some funds
(warehouse) airline, In this case for easy setup stuff
were opened by the importer to an exporter who
in the air. And with export goods, PT Schenker
typically use the L / C (Letter of Credit). L / C
Petrolog Utama attach the document invoice,
can be open if there is a genuine AWB
packing list, and COO (Certificate of Origin). The
document. And the last but not list, the next
content of the invoice is the elaboration of a shipping
process of the cargo delivered to the warehouse
instruction plus a gross weight of concrete data and
airline or called regulated agents to be delivered.
nett weight. COO (Certificate of Origin) is a
document issued Disperindag (Departemenn Industri Document Flow Air Freight Export PT Schenker
dan Perdagangan), in accordance with the respective Petrolog Utama
country of destination. Fill COO (Certificate of
Origin) was also stripped of the shipping instruction, The document flow of air freight export PT
invoice and packing list. There is also contains the Schenker Petrolog Utama is from Shipping
name of the exporter, the importer, the number of Instruction (SI) →Customer Service→Admin
items, boxes or pieces, gross weight, and the nett Export→Booking Slot Airline →Flight
weight. Scheduled →Received cargo→ PEB → Customs
Clearance →NPE →Create Master of Air
Waybill (M-AWB) and House of Air waybill (H-deliveries and delayed by 54 shipment. Then in the
AWB) →Issued Invoice→Complete document. 3rd month of the month of march total shipments
amounted to 633 shipments with a total of 584 on-
According to one of the operations staff who havetime shipment and shipment delays totaling 49.
worked less than 15 years at PT. Schenker PetrologContinue to the next month is the month of April, this
Utama: month, total shipments amounted to 659 shipments
by the number of 606 deliveries on time shipment
"The process of export cargo activities can work
and delivery delays totaling 53 shipments. The
smoothly if systems and handling cargo running well
following month the month of may, there are 686
as facilities and infrastructure owned warehouses and
shipment by shipment on time for shipment and
warehousing sufficient and execution of the work
delays delivery 635 by 51 shipment. In the next
done properly.
month June, amount totaled 658 delivery export
2. The causing of the problem that resulted incargo shipment and the timely delivery of shipment
a delay of delivery of the goods at PT. Top Schenkeramounted to 603 and the total delay amounted to 55
Petrolog Cengkareng shipment delivery. the following month, the month of
July totaled 447 cargo shipment export shipment by
shipment on time totaled 417 shipment and delivery
General Cargo Shipment Data Export PTdelays totaling 30 shipment. last month in August the
Schenker Petrolog Utama Cengkareng number of shipments of exported goods amounted to
677 shipments with a total delivery of 417 shipments
1200 on time and total delay in delivery of goods exports
by 30 shipment.
800 Further to the next month of September, the month of
600 Ship September we can see the total number of shipments
400 ment of exported goods amounted to 735 and the total time
delivery of goods amounted to 671 and the total delay
200 shipment of cargo shipments by 64 Shipment. the
0 following month, in October shipments amounted to
Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov 724 the number of cargo shipment and timely
Source: PT Schenker Petrolog Utama 2016 (Adapteddelivery with the total amounting to 656 and the total
by the writer) delay amounted to 68 shipment delivery. the
following month, November freight export amounted
Based on Table IV.3 and Figure IV.2 above theto 800 shipment by the number of cargo shipments of
data table on the export cargo shipping PT. Schenkerexport on time totaled 920 shipment and the amount
Petrolog Utama can be seen that there is a change inof delay of cargo exports totaled 70 shipment and
the export cargo shipments every month with a totalduring the last month December of shipping cargo
export cargo shipments in 2016 amounted to 8487exports totaled 1022 shipment and that includes a
shipment and with an average of 1306 shipment. number of shipments on-time cargo shipment
amounts to 920 and the number of delays in delivery
The number of shipments in January amounted toof cargo shipments totaled 120 shipment. from the
771 Shipment for delivery on time at 703 and delayedabove explanation can be concluded that the monthly
by 68 Shipment. Then in the following year theshipment of export cargo at PT. Schenker Petrolog
month of February amounted to 675 export cargoUtama fluctuating amount of cargo, which is not
shipping with delivery on time shipment of 621cannot be predicted on each month if their increase
in the number of export cargo shipments. but whengoods as a result of goods cannot be delivered in a
viewed in December the number of shipments intimely manner. Staff who work there said:
December can be said to be greatly improved
compare month previous month due to a pick season "Sometimes the custom clearance has not been
which led to numerous requests crago shipping willing to unseal items to check before 2 hours
exports at PT. Schenker Petrolog Utama. of departure. They like to postpone the opening
of the seal without any apparent reason. Less
According to available data the cause of the delay in optimal inspection carried out by the customs
delivery of goods exports was caused by several that causes late to deliver goods to the airline to
factors, including: depart. "
a. Delayed checking the goods at Custom b. The late delivery of supporting documents
Clearance from the shipper In the delivery of export goods
Customs is always related to the monitoring of would require some additional documents such
goods in and out of the customs area were charging as supporting documents such as:
import duties and out. According to the 1945 1) Export License
Constitution which states "all kinds of taxes for state Export control document issued by a
purposes should be based on the law. There is goods government agency to monitor the export of
that require inspection: sensitive technologies (such as advanced
1) Goods export goods are not included in the computer chips, encryption- decryption
category of dangerous for customs. software), prohibited materials (drugs, gen
2) Goods items mentioned first point to get an etically- modified plants), dangerous materials
exception if the bead vinegar obtains a written order (explosive, radioactive substances, strategic
by Dir. Jen. to carry out checks if the item indicated materials ( uranium, advanced alloys), or goods
suspicious because: the goods is monitored by the in short supply in the home market (foodstuffs,
sender or goods, including goods that are prohibited raw materials).
for export. 2) CoO (Certificate of Origin), a certificate of
3) Goods such goods exempted from customs duty origin issued by the Department of Industry and
or import duty may be recovered, depending on the Trade to exporters, their role is to proof the
results of the examination surveyor appointed by the authenticity of the goods from the country of
government. origin listed on the Bill Of Lading.
4) In the event that additional export tax payments 3) Packing List
made by the exporter at the time of delivery of List of packing system. Packing list published by
foreign banks. any exporter every time you export. Data
The goods mentioned in the first point is not exempt packing list of data that will be loaded on the Bill
from the export tax where the tax must be paid. Of Lading Air waybill. Shipping Instruction,
This factor becomes a problem that often occurs Document is a work order to the shipper to
because when the freight forwarding them to deliver transport goods exporter's export up to place the
the goods in check is often the custom clearance of goal importer.
the goods does not check the schedule should be. In making deliveries that require a lot of
Such goods should have been checked up to 8 hours supporting documents but sometimes necessary
before being handed over to the airline to depart from paperwork has not been completed is made
the customs clearance but does not perform the become an obstacle to the delivery of goods in
procedure by checking items 2 hours before accordance with the schedule. Cargo delays
departure. This is certainly an obstacle delivery of often happened in multiple shipments of export
goods. Cargo delays may also result in badthe new system one system named PROCARS This
effectN for the company. Therefore, the authorssystem is known as a system to use to create invoices,
analyze the causes of the delay of cargo on themaster air waybill, for reservation and many more
PT.Schenker Petrolog Utama Cengkareng. uses. This system has not been upgraded to a new
system that makes this system sometimes experience
Ricardianto, et all said “Late and incompletean error when being operated. One staff invoicing
export documents make problem for the cargo in thesays:
Customs of both departure country and destination“PROCARS system that we use comes from
country. Such a situation,of course, can disrupt thesingapore and still on the upgrade we've asked for the
export-import activities; for example, the goods canlatest system upgrade, but the upgrade singapur
not enter or go out the port area because the requiredcannot provide a new system for us for now.”
documents are not complete. As the goods are Other problems exist in the system document
detained in the port, consequently, the rent expense storage memory used is not large enough to store
(cost) for warehouse increases, and the delay of all the data, so sometimes when scan files or
sending goods to the consignee will make further downloading files cannot be done because
problems.”This statement or condition its same with memory used full so had to wait for the IT team
PT.Schenker Petrolog Utama Cengkareng , in there to move the old data are added to other storage
the late and incomplete export document always which requires quite a long time to transfer the
happens that can make inhibited in handling file. Ineffective use of this storage system
document export cargo. sometimes hinder the delivery or manufacture of
export documents.
Heizer and Rander(2009) said “Overall the value
d. The limited number of officers in handling
associated with the development and delivery of
cargo delivery
goods on time, scheduling a reliable and flexible
according to observations by the author insufficient
performance. Flexible response can be considered as
numbers of staff who handle cargo shipments into
the ability to meet changes in the market where there
one problem because, according to observations by
is a renewal of design and volume fluctuations.”The
the author only two staff who handle cargo shipments
theory means for to get the added value in shipment
for export it is certainly an impact on delay in
goods must on time, scheduling reliable and flexible
delivery of goods exports and make the delivery
performance. One staff operation in Schenker, said:
cannot be done properly time. Lack of human
"Factor that often occurs is the manufacture ofresources is indeed a separate issue from the PT.
supporting documents unfinished cause the goodsSchenker has not been the addition to staff who
cannot be delivered on time. Documents importanthandling the operation of the cargo delivery.
role in the delivery of goods if the documentsAccording to one staff operation in PT. Schenker
required are not completed then the goods are notreveals that:
being sent. " "The additional labor at the operation is in need to
help handle the delivery of export goods, especially
c. Less not upgrades system, still using the old systemif the pick season happens sometimes we like the
at PT. Schenker Petrolog Utama hassle of having many interests to deliveries goods
System plays an important role in supporting thebecause it's actually very needed additional labor in
delivery process. Therefore, the system used shouldthe division once this operation ".
always be noticed or monitored so as not to interfere3. The solution to handle cargo delays at the
in the process of delivery of goods. One of thePT.Schenker Petrolog Utama Cengkareng
problems in PT. Schenker Petrolog Utama is still the
existence of some system that is not yet in upgrade to
The solution needed to handle cargo delays at PT. b. Analysis of the causes of the delay of export
Schenker Petrolog Utama according to the Schenker cargo at. Schenker Petrolog.Utama.
are to: Analysis of data obtained from the company can be
a. Delays documents that often occurs in PT.concluded that the cause of the delay of cargo due to
Schenker is caused by external factors so that theseveral factors of a system that works not optimal,
solutions are often undertaken by Schenker is to do ahumans error, the customs clearance work is not yet
reminder to parties. optimal.
b. To overcome the limitations of existing c. The solution to handling the cargo delays at
employees in admin export division and also on the PT. Schenker Petrolog Utama
part of the management operation Schenker adding The solution that has been done by the Schenker
employees' to use the services of interns. include making reminder to the third parties
incompleting documents, overcoming the
limitation of the number of employees
conducted by Schenker is with how to use
CONCLUSION increasing working hours.
A. Conclusion
B. Suggestion
1. Conclusion
Observation and analysis, the authors
Based on the analysis and discussion undertaken by
propose some suggestions that would be
the authors of the analysis of managing air cargo
beneficial to the company in taking decisions on
export delay that occurred in PT. Schenker Petrolog
the future, namely:
Utama, the authors found the factors that affect
1. Export cargo handling procedures will be
delays in delivery of export cargo air. Results data is
undertaken by the Schenker is good and should
analyzed a number of inhibiting factors in the
be maintained and should be improved to
delivery of goods export and these results can be
increasing profit to the company and better
summarized as follows:
understand more about the customers wishes to
a. Analysis of export cargo handling Delivery
overcome the problem of delay cargo export.
cargo handling export shipments made by PT.
2. To overcome the problem of delay cargo
Schenker Petrolog Utama exports become one of the
triggers increased state revenue, because PT.
Schenker Petrolog Utama always follow the latest PT Schenker Petrolog Utama Cengkareng
international regulations set by IATA TACT that should give a deadline in completeness of
ensures the shipment in accordance with the terms documents and recheck the complete documents,
and conditions of each secure in the course of improving the system by updating the
delivery. In addition, PT. Schenker Petrolog Utama computerized system used, confirm any
always strive minimum delivery problems cargo information received to avoid any
export as one example to give information to the miscommunication between the parties
agent or the customer in the event of non-compliance concerned.
schedule to the destination, so that customers can
rearrange delivery schedules for Schenker always 3. Suggested to the management to conduct
prioritize the safety and satisfaction of the customer surveillance related to employee performance so
or the customer. that employees are motivated to work harder and
companies give rewards to employees who do
their job very well.
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