Oct 2010 Lamplighter Newsletter, LaFayette Alliance Church

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The Lamplighter

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 9 S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 0

The Muffled Groan
For I consider that the sufferings of amount of suffering that inevita- War has a way of bringing out
From Pastor 2 this present time are not worth bly results from war. Civilians the greatest concentrations of
Brian’s Desk comparing with the glory that is to die. Children are left orphans. human suffering. It also has a
be revealed to us. [19] For the Men writhe in agony on the way of polarizing people’s view of
Wednesday 3 creation waits with eager longing for battlefield as limbs are blown God. There are some people
Prayer Meeting the revealing of the sons of God. away. Brains are scrambled for who witness the horrors of war
[20] For the creation was subjected years to come by war experi- and walk away insisting that such
Letters to 4 to futility, not willingly, but because ences that refuse to fade from atrocities prove there is no God.
Katie Wells of him who subjected it, in hope memory. It was Civil War Gen- Others have come to very oppo-
[21] that the creation itself will be eral William T. Sherman who site conclusions (e.g. Alexander
From the Church 4 set free from its bondage to decay memorably stated: “War is Hell!” Solzhenitsyn). Solzhenitsyn
Library and obtain the freedom knew that the evil
of the glory of the chil- that so characterized
Quizzing 5 dren of God. [22] For wicked people and
News we know that the whole their wars also ran in
creation has been his own veins to
AWM 5 groaning together in the some degree. He
Fall Refocus pains of childbirth until wrote: “If only there
now. [23] And not only were evil people some-
Birthdays/ 5 the creation, but we where insidiously com-
Anniversaries ourselves, who have the mitting evil deeds and
firstfruits of the Spirit, it were necessary only
Church Lockup 5 groan inwardly as we to separate them from
Schedule wait eagerly for adop- the rest of us and
tion as sons, the re- destroy them. But the
demption of our bodies. line dividing good and
The Egypt File (Romans 8:18-23 – ESV) On another occasion Sherman evil cuts through the heart of every
stated: "War is cruel and you can- human being. And who is willing to
Annual Fall 6 not refine it" and "War at best is
Recently, I have had the opportu- destroy a piece of his own heart?”
Church Picnic nity to watch Ken Burns’ out- barbarism." I’ll take his word for
standing documentaries on both it! The Bible reminds us that all of
Bulletin Board 7 the Civil War and World War the suffering that takes place in
Two. If you have not seen either One scene sticks in my mind. It this world is NOT arbitrary. The
of these, it would be well-worth took place during one of the Bible takes suffering seriously
the time investment to do so. many battles at Anzio, Italy. The because it takes sin seriously.
Ken Burns has mastered the art Germans were relentlessly Suffering exists because sin ex-
of making documentaries by not pounding the Allied Forces with ists. Don’t let that fact escape
only distilling all of the pertinent heavy artillery. One man, so you when you see or experience
facts for his audience, but in also shaken with fear jumped out of great suffering. All of creation is
putting a human face on each of his trench and began to pray. He groaning under the weight of sin.
these terrible wars. After all, screamed for God to come down War and its resulting suffering is
these wars were not just about from heaven into this vicious a manifest evidence of that
places, battles, strategies, dates, battle. He then added these groaning.
and etc. They were about PEO- words: “God come down here
PLE—people very much like you yourself. Don’t send us Jesus. This Christians are not called to
and me! is no place for children!” Obvi- “muffle the groan”! We do no
ously this man’s understanding of one any good to either downplay
The thing that has especially Jesus Christ was greatly skewed!
stood out to me in viewing these
documentaries is the incredible (Continued on back page)

From Pastor Brian’s Desk

The Lord Unity of the church decision to change their ap- and worship services target
“I therefore, a prisoner for the proach to worship music. specific age groups to the ex-
desires that Lord, urge you to walk in a man- clusion of others. They forget
ner worthy of the calling to which that, according to the Bible,
We Are One the church is an all-age com-
we as a you have been called, 2with all
humility and gentleness, with Today was a monumental, munity, and instead they or-
historic day at Coral Ridge. ganize themselves around dis-
church patience, bearing with one
another in love, 3eager to tinctives dividing the genera-
tions: Busters, Boomers, Mil-
become maintain the unity of the For many years Coral Ridge
Spirit in the bond of peace. lennials, Generations X, Y, and
had two very distinct worship Z. Many churches offer a tradi-
unified as we 4There is one body and one services–one contemporary
Spirit—just as you were called to tional service for the tribe who
and one traditional. The result prefer older music and a con-
worship and the one hope that belongs to your was the unintentional develop- temporary service for the tribe
call— 5one Lord, one faith, one ment of two different churches
baptism, 6one God and Father of who prefer newer music. The
serve Him. under one roof. It wasn’t truth is, however, that if the
all, who is over all and through all healthy. So back at the end of
and in all.” Ephesians 4:1-6 only type of music you employ
One of the Spring we started talking about in a worship service is old, you
what we could do to unify our inadvertently communicate
ways to The Lord desires that we as a one large church. that God was more active in
church become unified as we the past than he is in the pre-
obtain unity is worship and serve Him. One sent. On the other hand, if the
Given our desire to re-plant
of the ways to obtain unity is Coral Ridge around a holistic only type of music you employ
to put aside to put aside our personal in a worship service is new,
and comprehensive under-
“preferences” for the sake of standing of the gospel we con- you inadvertently communi-
our personal the body of Christ. A specific cate that God is more active in
cluded that we needed to
example that we can all relate make a change. After all, since the present than he was in the
“preferences” to is in the area of worship past.
the gospel is the good news
music. Some churches have that God reconciles us not
for the sake of “shot themselves in the foot” only to himself but also to one
by programming separate wor- The only way to musically
another, the church should be communicate God’s timeless
the body of ship services based on music breaking down walls, not
styles or “preferences.” We activity in the life of the church
erecting them. God intends the is to blend the best of the past
Christ. (the pastoral staff) believe that church to be demonstrating
this is counter-productive to with the best of the present. In
what community looks like other words, we must remem-
the scriptural mandate to when God’s reconciling power
“maintain the unity of the spirit ber in our worship that while
is at work. “contemporary only” people
in the bond of peace.” It seg-
regates the body of Christ and operate with their heads fixed
diminishes the best of what Most churches would agree frontwards, never looking over
God offers to us as His people. that any segregation arising their shoulder at the stock
from racial or economic big- from which they have come,
otry runs contrary to the na- and “traditional only” people
Coral Ridge Presbyterian ture of the gospel and should operate with their heads on
Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Flor- not be tolerated. But there’s backwards, romanticizing
ida is a case in point. I have another kind of segregation, about the past and always
included an excellent article perhaps more subtle, that wanting to go back, the
this month about how this many churches today have Church, in contrast from both
church dealt with this crucial unapologetically embraced. extremes, is called upon to be
issue, showing us how the
grace of God impacted their Following the lead of the ad-
vertising world, many churches (Continued on page 3)



(Continued from page 2) Building the church on stylistic prefer- years. Because of our firm commitment
ences or age appeal (whether old or to and love for the gospel, we wor-
a people with swiveling heads: learning young) is just as contrary to the reconcil- shiped together as one body around one
from the past, living in the present, and ing effect of the gospel as building it on table united to one Christ by one Spirit–
looking to the future. That’s the only class, race, or gender distinctions. In a and we felt God’s infinite approval!
way to avoid in worship what C.S. recent interview J. I. Packer said, “If wor-
Lewis called “chronological snobbery.” ship services are so fixed that what’s The gospel revolution at Coral
being offered fits the expectations, the Ridge continues!
You see, when we separate people hopes, even the prejudices, of any one of
according to something as trivial as these groups as opposed to the others, I
musical preferences, we evidence a don’t believe the worship style glorifies
fundamental failure to comprehend the God.” One of the leading ways the
heart of the gospel. We’re not only church can testify to God’s unifying
feeding toxic tribalism; we’re also say- power before our segregated world is to
ing the gospel can’t successfully bring establish and maintain congregations and
these two different groups together. worship services that transcend cultural
It’s a declaration of doubt about the barriers, including age and musical styles.
unifying power of God’s gospel. Gen-
erational appeal in worship is an admis- So, I am thrilled that as of this morning
sion that the gospel is powerless to Coral Ridge broke down a thick wall that
join together what man has separated. had been separating this church family for

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

"May Your way be known on earth, Your And September 23rd is the start of Suk- God, may my children always be strong
saving power among all nations. Let the kot or the Feast of Tabernacles (Booths) and courageous in their character and in
peoples praise You, O God; let all the peo- (see Lev. 23:34 - 43), a reminder of the their actions (Deut. 31:6).
ples praise You!" Psalm 67:2, 3 40 years of wandering in the desert after
the Exodus from Egypt. So pray, as Paul Lord, teach my children perseverance in
The month of September has quite a did in Romans 9 and 10 for the salvation all they do, and help them especially to
number of notable days to remember of the Jewish people, that they would run with perseverance the race marked
with our prayers: know God's righteousness. out for them (Heb. 12:1).

September 9th marks the end of Islam's In another line of thought, September 12 Father, please instill in my chil-
is Grandparents' Day (and the church So pray, as
holiest month, Ramadan. In the final dren a soul that 'follows hard
week of the month, the "Night of picnic!). Praise God for praying grandpar- after Thee' (Ps 63:8), one that Paul did in
Power" is a strategic night of prayer for ents - continue to be faithful in praying
clings passionately to You.
Muslims. Pray that they will have for your grandchildren: for those who are
following the Lord and for those who do Romans 9
dreams and visions of Jesus and will God, please help my children to
trust in Him. Ask God to inspire believ- not yet know Him.
develop a desire to see Your and 10 for
ers to become more intentional in glory declared among the na-
reaching out to Muslim neighbors and And that brings us to September 22nd - tions, Your marvelous deeds the salvation
coworkers. Pray that God would raise See You at the Pole, when Christian stu-
among all peoples (Ps 96:3).
up people with various spiritual gifts to dents annually around the US and the of the Jewish
help the believers, and to help Muslims world will gather before school to pray
together for one another, their class- And, as always, you are invited
to join us Wednesdays at 7 pm people, that
to discover the Good News.
mates and their teachers.
in the Butternut Room as we
September 9th is also Rosh Hashanah, a pray for the church, its minis-
they would
holy day of judgment of sin and repen- As young people are back in school, col-
tries, members and missionaries. know God's
tance, and the first day of the Jewish lege or university, we all need to pray for
New Year. September 18th is Judaism's God to guide and protect them. Here are
holiest day, Yom Kippur - the Day of some Scripture prayer suggestions to Prayerfully Yours, righteous-
Atonement (see Lev. 16:29 - 34). It was pray for them:
a symbol and a foreshadowing of the ness.
effect of Jesus' suffering, death and res- Larry Petry
Father, may integrity and honesty be their
urrection in bringing about the recon-
virtue and their protection (Ps 25:21).
ciliation of God to man (Heb. 9:7 - 12).
From the Church Library
Letters to Katie Wells Some of the books Jody blogged
about this summer have been
Another book we own by Fitz-
patrick is Because He Loves Me:
added. We snitched from her How Christ Transforms Our
If God calls you to serve Him in a remote area blogs to whet your appetite, but Daily Life (248.7 Fit). Also new
of the world, you PRAY, and then you GO. you can see her complete blogs are Hudson Taylor's Spiritual
on our church website by scroll- Secret (B Tay) and R.C.
It is a lonely life when your only contact with
ing down to Links. Sproul's The Righteous Shall
people who speak your language is a daily
Live by Faith: Romans, a Com-
radio conversation with a mechanic or pilot.
mentary (227.1 Spr)
Comforts from the Cross: Cele-
brating the Gospel One Day at a
Katie will receive mail only once a month
Time, by Elyse Fitzpatrick (242 Please take the time to
The deadline for when the SAMAIR pilot brings in supplies.
Fit). Jody said "Do I celebrate sign out your books: in-
everyday God gives me? or am I structions and a box with
the October issue
Katie’s “Encouragement and Accountability” just running? ...This book is a
cards to fill out is on a
of the Lamplighter group would like to SEND her many letters, month's worth of daily celebra-
tions. Reminding us to take com-
shelf behind the Butter-
cards, and notes of encouragement each
is Sunday, fort in the cross of Jesus Christ. nut Room door.
month so she can feel the support she has
from people who are PRAYing. Her mail will How the facts of Jesus' birth,
September 19th.
go to the post office box in Santa Cruz, just as death and resurrection should
Good reading!
Please submit your it always has. The pilot will bring her mail to 'free, gladden and enliven our
soul every day - when you're Jean Palmer
articles to the struggling to balance the check-
book, stuck in traffic or in a hos-
church office. If the Lord is nudging you to GIVE Katie pital bed, or just bored with the
some encouragement, you can find envelopes same-old-same-old."
already addressed to her on the table near the
door to the sound booth. We don’t know
the date on which the pilot will be flying to Love to Eat, Hate to Eat by Elyse
San Fernando, so if you could send your first Fitzpatrick (616 Fit) About this
card/note to her ASAP, that would be book, Jody says that Elyse thinks
great! It takes about ten days for a letter to God would have us think about
get to Bolivia. Post offices carry 98-cent food and our eating habits. She
stamps, which is what your letter will need. If, makes suggestions for a new way
for any reason, you would like the EA group to think about food, including
to send your letter for you, just bring it back these: Will eating this food dem-
in the envelope and put it back on that ta- onstrate a heart of idolatry? Can I
ble. Be sure to write your return address on eat this food with thanks and
your envelope. We will take care of the post- gratitude?
age and send it on its way to brighten Katie’s

Please call or email Becky Mintz if you have

any questions.

Katie’s Encouragement & Accountabil-

ity group has a monthly time of prayer
for her. The next one will be Thursday,
September 16th from 7:30—8:00 pm in
the Butternut Room. We will begin and
end promptly at these times. ALL ARE



Quizzing Fall Refocus

If you missed our Alliance Women's Spring Refresh back in April and were
Bible quizzing is under way for this year. We will be disappointed, don't feel too bad. An exciting opportunity is coming your way
studying the Gospel of John. At our team orienta- on the weekend of September 24-26, 2010.
tion we had 13 Senior quizzers and 8 Junior quiz-
zers. Two senior quizzers couldn’t make it. The Our annual Fall Refocus retreat, held at Delta Lake Bible Conference Center
kids are so excited about the start of a new is just around the corner. In addition to that, this year we will also be extend-
year. We will be practicing on Friday’s at 3:30 p.m. ing our stay at Delta by one night in order to increase our time of spiritually
encouraging one another, along with our fellowship. Special guest speaker will
This year we’ve changed how quizzers make it to be Mrs. Elaine Miller, wife of our District Superintendent Rev. Dan Miller. All
Districts where the International team is decided. In women and teens are encouraged to attend.
the past, quizzers just needed to have a 40 average
at our Zone quizzes. This year quizzers who want Becky Mintz has graciously offered
to make Districts will be given a list of 300 verses our group the use of her cottage
that they will need to memorize in order to make again this year. For more information,
the team. This is really great since it’s in their own see the poster and sign-up on the
hands whether they make it or not. Theoretically all Butternut room door, or speak to
Senior quizzers could make it to Districts. Already Diane Smith, or Shaun Standford.
quizzers are busy memorizing and studying God’s

This year our District will be sending ten quizzers to

Internationals. More of our quizzers will have a
chance at making the International team. Birthdays & Anniversaries
Many quizzers purchased a Study Guide which has September 2010
daily devotions from the material they are study- 1 – Seth Woodford
ing. They all want to understand and implement His
word in their lives, not just repeat back what they 3 – Andrew Sharp
have memorized. 4 – Dave Trexler, (Jon & Becky Rogers)

We look forward to working with these young peo- 5 – Pat Andrews, Maggie Dunsford
ple again this year. Please pray for all our quizzers, 7 – Rachel Johnson, Cody Elmer
helpers, and coaches.
11 – Sue Maloney
Marie Murgia, Junior coach 12 – Jane Taylor
Georgia Phipps, Senior coach 13 – (Carl & Barbara Olcott), (Randy & Beth Ortlieb)
16 – Jerry McNeill, Becky Rogers
17 – Joe Murgia, Martha Trout
18 – Bob Trout, (Patrick & Chris Buff)

Church Lock Up 19 – Nick Benedetto, Kirk Kolceski

20 – William Bitler, Donna McClain

Schedule 22 – RJ Shaver , Enoch Bastian, (Gary & Betty Lauzon)

23 – Benjamin Smid
24 – Carolyn Kolceski, (Jeremy & Tina Culver)
This is a reminder for church officers who are on 25 – Joyce Phillips, Gerrit Vanderwerff III, Karen Reahr, (John & Aline Coye)
the lock up schedule for the month of September:
27 – Jessie Mondore
September 5 Mike Maloney 28 – Lauren Gates, Pastor Rob Gates
September 12 Clayt Roberts Sr.
September 19 Matt Coulter 29 – Carl Olcott, Jon Rogers
September 26 Jim Phillips 30 – Stephen Bitler, Dylan Reahr

If you are unable to be at church on the day you are

scheduled for lock up, please arrange to change with
someone on the schedule.

VBS - The Egypt File

Our visit to Egypt was a success. Each evening we had an average of 80 children that
attended. It was exciting to see each one learning more about God and having such a great time.
Here is a quick review of our week.
One of the highlights of each evening was Design Time. Throughout the week we had a
time where kids learned about their incredible, God-designed bodies. One night they examined how
all the parts of our bodies work together. Did you know that there are 10 billion cells just on your thumb?
Showing these facts helped instill that we have an amazing God that has created us special. In addition to Design
time the kids sang praise songs that got them up and moving.
There were four stations that the kids rotated through. At the Craft Market, the children made items
that they could take home to remind them of what they learned that evening in VBS. Sunsational Games en-
couraged them to apply what they learned while having lots of fun. It was warm that
week so of course the kids loved the water games. Each night they had great snacks at
the Snack Oasis prepared by the kitchen staff. Kids enjoyed digging into God’s Word at
the Dig Site lesson time. The first night the children learned that the world teaches we
evolved from ape-like creatures, but the Bible shows we were created by God, in His
image. They looked at some of the myths such as Lucy and Java Man.
As our missions project this year we selected a missionary from our own
church, Katie Wells. Becky Mintz was able to share a little about Katie and her work in
Bolivia with the children. Our goal was to raise $200 to help with the cost of building
some furniture for her home. We went over our goal and raised about $210!
It sounds like it was a great week doesn’t it? VBS wouldn’t have happened though without all the sup-
port and prayers from our church. There were so many people involved, many of them behind the scenes.
Thank you to all those that helped make The Egypt File happen. I can’t list them all but I really appreciate your
dedication to serve God by reaching out to the children of our community.
Our adventure in God’s Word at this year’s Vacation Bible School has ended but we pray that this
journey in Christ is just beginning with the children that attended The Egypt File.
In Christ,
Sherry Negley

Sunday, September 12th at 12:00 pm

You won’t want to miss this special day in the life of our church!! We are planning an
exciting day of fun and fellowship following the morning worship service.
Chicken Barbeque
Please bring an EXTRA LARGE side dish or dessert. This event is designed as an out-
reach, so we will need plenty of food! We are basically inviting our neighbors over for
dinner and we want to show them our LAC hospitality! (We also will gladly accept dona-
tions to help cover the cost of the chicken and rental items.)
Moonwalk Jumper House for the kids
Games & Prizes
There will be 10 Game Stations this year. There is a sign-up sheet on the Butternut Room door for volun-
teers to help facilitate these games.
This is an amazing opportunity to truly minister to our community. We need to pray that the Lord will bless
this event and we will be able to reach many families.

Please sign-up on the Butternut Room door for food and game helpers.



Battalion Senior Ministry Luncheon

Battalion will be starting back up on Sep-
tember 20th at 6:30 pm. All boys are wel- Our first luncheon is scheduled for
Thursday, October 7th. Keep
come who are at least 12 years of age or watching for additional details…
starting 7th grade. Come and join us. Dads
are welcome to come and see what it is all The luncheons typically occur on
about. the FIRST Thursday of the month,
except during the summer.

LIFE 2010 Presentation

Awana Returns! On Sunday, August 8th, the teens who attended
LIFE 2010 in Louisville, KY shared with the con-
gregation about their trip:
Awana is
about to
begin again!

Come out on
Wednesday, September 22nd at
6:30 pm as we begin another fun
year of Awana!

Missions Conference 2010

October 3rd—10th
We have two International Workers who will
Tom Hennigan Presentation
be with us this week from South East Asia and
West Africa. There will be many church events Our home school
where people can get to families invite our
know the missionaries, in- congregation to hear
cluding a covered dish din- Tom Hennigan pre-
ner, cottage meetings, ques- sent an hour long
tion and answer session, and program about his
a men's breakfast. More in- trip to the Galopogas
formation and sign-up sheets Islands on Friday September 17th at 7:00
will be coming soon! pm. Be looking for more details around the
LaFayette Christian & Missionary
Alliance Church

P.O. Box 150

6069 Cherry Valley Turnpike
LaFayette, New York 13084
Phone: (315) 677-9810

Rev. Robert Gates, Senior Pastor


Brian Mandigo, Associate Pastor


Ellen Coulter, Office Administrator


Our mission is to know Jesus Christ; exalt Him as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, Coming King,
and complete His Great Commission.

We’re on the web!


The Muffled Groan

(Continued from page 1) as believers is “that for those who love God “But according to His promise we are waiting
all things work together for good, for those for new heavens and a new earth in which
suffering or to remove God from suffering who are called according to His pur- righteousness dwells.” (2 Peter 3:13 – ESV)
(i.e. “God had nothing to do with such-and- pose.” (Romans 8:28 – ESV)
such!”). Rather, we recognize—with Pastor Rob
GREAT hope—that God is going to deal Suffering is real. God is real. For those
with suffering BECAUSE God is going to who are committed to a Biblical world-
ultimately deal with sin. However, until view, those two statements are NOT
that day comes (and it will!), our confi- contradictory. They make perfect sense
dence does not spring from some escapist in the world as it now exists. But thanks
view that because we are Christians we will be to God! It will not always be this way!
never face suffering. No! Our confidence

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