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Name: ____________________________________ Roll No.

Date: _____________________________________ Instructor: ____________________

Experiment 1

To analyze the characteristics of LED and the relationship between LED voltage and current and
the Wavelength of Light Emitted.

Like a common diode, the LED (Light Emitng Diode) consists of a P-N contact. When a
PN junction is forward biased, current flows within it. This current flow will cause electrons
and holes to move is a manner that an electron will move to fill a hole. When this happens,
the electron will fall to a lower energy level and this will release an amount of energy in
the form of photons. In a larger scale, those photons will produce light.

LEDs are diodes and to light an LED, it must be forward connected. This means that the
anode of the LED must be connected to the positive pole of a battery, and the cathode must
be connected to the negative pole. This is how to determine the anode and the cathode
lead of an LED. Determining the anode and the cathode of a new LED is not very hard. The
first way is from the length of its leads. The anode lead is longer than the cathode lead of
the led.

The energy radiated is proportional to the energy gap. The higher the energy gap, the
greater the frequency of emitted light.

Figure1-1 Light Emiting Diode

Band Gap Eg=hf
Since Eg=hc /λ

λ = WaveLength
C =Velocity of light
h=Plank’s Constant

Vknee = Vth = Eg (eV)

λ = WaveLength = 1.24/ Eg


 LED (Red, Green, Yellow)

 Power Supply (10v Variable)
 Resisters (1kΩ, 47kΩ)

Circuit Diagram

Sr No. Applied Red Green Yellow




RED Green Yellow


From the graph the relation between LED’s voltage & current is observed.

It is -------------------------- (Linear/ Nonlinear).

a. Vth = Eg =(RED) = ---------------------- V

b. Vth = Eg =(GREEN) = ---------------------- V

c. Vth = Eg =(YELLOW) = ---------------------- V

d. WAVELENGTH (RED LED) = ------------------------------------ µ m e.

WAVELENGTH (RED LED) = ------------------------------------ µ m f.
WAVELENGTH (RED LED) = ------------------------------------ µ m

Name: ____________________________________ Roll No. ______________________
Date: _____________________________________ Instructor: ____________________

Experiment 2


 To analyze the characteristics of LED & Optocoupler.

 To Find the relationship between LED voltage and current.
 To Find the Current Transfer Ratio (CRT) between Output current and Input

An optocoupler, also called opto-isolator, is an electronic component that transfers an
electrical signal or voltage from one part of a circuit to another or from one circuit
to another, while electrically isolating the two circuits from each other. It consists of an
infrared emitng LED chip that is optically in-line with a light-sensitive silicon
semiconductor chip, all enclosed in the same package. The silicon chip could be in the
form of a photo diode, photo transistor, photo Darlington, or photo SCR.
The optocoupler application or function in the
circuit is to:

 Opto Coupler are used to provide electrical isolation between two circuits.
 Output voltage sampling for regulation.
 System control micro for power on/off.
 Ground isolation.

The energy radiated is proportional to the energy gap. The higher the energy gap, The
greater the frequency of emitted light.
Figure 2-1 Opto Coupler

Band Gap Eg=hf

Since Eg=hc /λ

λ = WaveLength
C =Velocity of light
h=Plank’s Constant

Vknee = Vth = Eg (eV)

λ = WaveLength = 1.24/ Eg

The current transfer ratio,

CTR = Ic / I LED


 IC 4N25 or 4N37
 Power Supply (12v variable & 10v fixed)
 Digital Multimeter (DMM)
 Resisters (1kΩ, 47kΩ)

Circuit Diagram



S. No. Applied (mA) (V) (V) (mA)


From the graph the relation between LED’s voltage & current is observed.

 It is -------------------------- (Linear/ Non linear).

 The Current Transfer Ratio is observed.

Name: ____________________________________ Roll No. ______________________
Date: _____________________________________ Instructor: ____________________

Experiment 3

Evaluate the frequency response of IR LED using Opto Coupler IC (4N25), estimating 3db


 Opto Coupler are used to provide electrical isolation between two circuits.
 Opto Coupler has different frequency response depending upon input voltage and
Q point setng of transistor.
 CTR The point at which current has been transformed is called as CTR (Current
Transfer Ratio).

3dB Response BWel = 0.707 * BWopt

 The point at which 0.707 gains is achieved is known as 3db response, In other word
appoint where we get half of input energy.
 It represents the point at which the output power has applies to 50%. It is useful
because the 3db point represent a 45 degree phase shift which a good value to
understand what is going in regards to the bode plot.

Formulae BWel = 0.707 * BWopt

BW el = Bandwidth electrical
BW opt. = Bandwidth optical


 IC 4N25
 Power Supply (12v variable, 5V & 10v fixed)
 Resisters (1kΩ, 47kΩ,470kΩ)
 Capacitors(1uF, 47uF)
 Function Gerator
 Digital Multimeter
 Oscilloscope

Circuit Diagram


Frequency Vin VOUT VOUT/VIN

(Hz) (V) (V) N (dB)


From the graph the relation between LED’s voltage & current is observed.
 It is -------------------------- (Linear/ Nonlinear).
 The current transfer ratio is observed.

Name: ____________________________________ Roll No. ______________________
Date: _____________________________________ Instructor: ____________________

Experiment 4


 Familiarize with the construction and operation of Light Dependent Resistors

(LDR) or PhotoResistor.
 Use Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) as a Photo Voltaic Detector.
 Finding Out put Voltage and LDR Current relationship.


Photoconductive light sensor does not produce electricity but simply changes its physical
properties when subjected to light energy. The most common type of photoconductive
device is the Photo resistor which changes its electrical resistance in response to
changes in the light intensity. Photo resistors are Semiconductor devices that use light
energy to control the flow of electrons, and hence the current flowing through them. The
commonly used Photoconductive Cell is called the Light Dependent Resistor or LDR

As its name implies, the Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is made from a piece of exposed
semiconductor material such as cadmium sulphide that changes its electrical resistance from
several thousand Ohms in the dark to only a few hundred Ohms when light falls upon it by
creating hole- electron pairs in the material.


 LED ( Red, Green, Yellow, IR LED )

 Photo Diode (Rx)
 Power Supply (10V variable & 10Vor 5V fixed)
 Digital Multimeter (DMM)
 Resisters (1kΩ, 47kΩ)

Circuit Diagram


S. No. T (ILDR)
Applied D

V Applied VLED (mA)
S. No. (V) (V)

S. No. Applied D T (ILDR)

S. No. Applied D T (ILDR)





From the graph the relationship between Output voltage &Output current is observed.
  It is -------------------------- (Linear/ Nonlinear).

Name: _______________ Date:__________________
Roll No: ______________ Instructor: __________________

Experiment 5

Introduction to Optisys system.

Optical communication systems are increasing in complexity on an almost daily basis. The design
and analysis of these systems, which normally include nonlinear devices and non-Gaussian noise
sources, are highly complex and extremely time-intensive. As a result, these tasks can now only
be performed efficiently and effectively with the help of advanced new software tools.
OptiSystem is an innovative optical communication system simulation package that designs, tests,
and optimizes virtually any type of optical link in the physical layer of a broad spectrum of optical
networks, from analog video broadcasting systems to intercontinental backbones.
OptiSystem is a stand-alone product that does not rely on other simulation frameworks. It is a
system level simulator based on the realistic modeling of fiber-optic communication systems. It
possesses a powerful new simulation environment and a truly hierarchical definition of
components and systems. Its capabilities can be extended easily with the addition of user
components, and can be seamlessly interfaced to a wide range of tools.
OptiSystem can be installed on Windows XP or Vista. We recommend that you exit all Windows
programs before running the setup program.
Windows XP or Vista installation
To install OptiSystem on Windows XP or Vista, perform the following procedure.
1.Log on as the Administrator, or log onto an account with Administrator privileges. 2.Insert the
OptiSystem CD into your CD ROM drive.
3.On the Taskbar, click Start and select Run.The Run dialog box appears.
4.In the Run dialog box, type F:\setup.exe, where F is your CD ROM drive.
5.Click OK and follow the screen instructions and prompts.
6.When the installation is complete, reboot your computer.
OptiSystem directory:
By default, the OptiSystem installer creates an OptiSystem directory on your hard disk. The
OptiSystem directory contains the following subdirectories:
• bin — executable files, dynamic linked libraries, and help files
• components — OptiSystem component parameters from vendors
• doc — OptiSystem support documentation
• libraries — OptiSystem component libraries
• samples — OptiSystem example files
• toolbox — MATLAB related files
Starting OptiSystem:
1. On the Taskbar, click Start.
2. Select Programs > Optiwave Software > OptiSystem 7 > OptiSystem.
3. OptiSystem opens and the graphical user interface appears

Figure OptiSystem graphical user interface

Main parts of the GUI:

The OptiSystem GUI contains the following main windows:
• Project layout
• Docker
— Component Library
— Project Browser
__ Description
• Status Bar
Project layout
The main working area where you insert components into the layout, edit components,
and create connections between components
Figure Project Layout Window
Use dockers, located in the main layout, to display information about the active (current)
— Component Library
— Project Browser
Component Library:
Access components to create the system design.

Figure Component Library window

Project Browser:
Organize the project to achieve results more efficiently, and navigate through the current

Display detailed information about the current project.

Figure Description window

Status Bar:
Displays useful hints about using OptiSystem, and other help. Located below the Project layout
Menu bar:
Contains the menus that are available in OptiSystem Many of these menu items are also
available as buttons on the toolbars or from other lists.
• Rapid, low-cost prototyping
• Global insight into system performance
• Straightforward access to extensive sets of system characterization data
• Automatic parameter scanning and optimization
• Assessment of parameter sensitivities aiding design tolerance specifications
• Dramatic reduction of investment risk and time-to-market
• Visual representation of design options and scenarios to present to prospective
OptiSystem allows for the design automation of virtually any type of optical link in the physical
layer, and the analysis of a broad spectrum of optical networks, from long haul systems to MANs
and LANs.
OptiSystem’s wide range of applications include:
• Optical communication system design from component to system level at the
physical layer .
• CATV or TDM/WDM network design
• Passive optical networks (PON) based FTTx
• Free space optic (FSO) systems
• Radio over fiber (ROF) systems
• SONET/SDH ring design
• Transmitter, channel, amplifier, and receiver design
• Dispersion map design
• Estimation of BER and system penalties with different receiver models
• Amplified system BER and link budget calculations

Name: _______________ Date:__________________
Roll No: ______________ Instructor: __________________

Experiment 6

To study RZ and NRZ modulation schemes
Using the Component Library:
Select components from the Component Library and place them in the main layout.
To use the Component Library, perform the following procedure.
1. To start a new project, from the Main toolbar, select File > New.
2. A blank Main layout appears in the Project layout window.
3. From the Component Library, select Default Transmitters Library >Optical
4. Drag the CW Laser to the Main layout
5. From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters >Optical
6. Drag the Mach-Zehnder Modulator to the Main layout
7. From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters Library >Bit
Sequence Generators.
8. Drag the Pseudo-Random Bit Sequence Generator to the Main layout
9. From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters >
Pulse Generators > Electrical.
Drag the NRZ Pulse Generator to the Main layout
After visualize NRZ result drag RZ Pulse Generator to main layout and observe
Connecting components manually:
To connect components using the layout tool, perform the following procedure.
1. Place the cursor over the initial port.
2. Click and drag to the port to be connected.
Figure Connecting components
Visualizing the results:
To visualize the results, perform the following procedures.
1. From the Component Library, select Default > Visualizer Library >Electrical.
2. Drag the Oscilloscope Visualizer to the Main layout.
3. From the Component Library, select Default > Visualizer Library > Optical.
4. Drag the Optical Spectrum Analyzer to the Main layout.
With RZ
Name: _______________ Date:__________________
Roll No: ______________ Instructor: __________________

Experiment 7

To construct an optical transmitter using an external modulated laser and analysis of
optical network using Opti system.

Using the Component Library:
Select components from the Component Library and place them in the main layout.
To use the Component Library, perform the following procedure.
1. To start a new project, from the Main toolbar, select File >New.
2. A blank Main layout appears in the Project layout window.
3. From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters Library
>Optical Sources.
4. Drag the CW Laser to the Main layout
5. From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters >Optical
6. Drag the Mach-Zehnder Modulator to the Main layout
7. From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters Library >Bit
Sequence Generators.
8 Drag the Pseudo-Random Bit Sequence Generator to the Main layout
9 From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters >
Pulse Generators > Electrical.
10 Drag the NRZ Pulse Generator to the Main layout

Connecting components manually:

To connect components using the layout tool, perform the following procedure.
3. Place the cursor over the initial port.
4. Click and drag to the port to be connected.

Visualizing the results:

To visualize the results, perform the following procedures.
1. From the Component Library, select Default > Visualizer Library >Electrical.
2. Drag the Oscilloscope Visualizer to the Main layout.
3. From the Component Library, select Default > Visualizer Library > Optical.
4. Drag the Optical Spectrum Analyzer to the Main layout.
5. Drag the Optical Time Domain Visualizer to the Main layout
Running the simulation:
OptiSystem allows you to control the calculation in three different ways:
 Calculate the whole project: all sweep iterations for multiple layouts.
 Calculate all sweep iterations in the active layout: all sweep iterations for the current
 Calculate current sweep iteration: current sweep iteration for the current layout

1. After the calculation ends, from the Tools menu, select Options.The Options dialog box
appears .
2. Select Save Monitor Data, and click Save.The results are saved with the project file.
3. Select File > Calculate.The Optisystem Calculations dialog box appears.
4. In the OptiSystem Calculations dialog box, click Run to start the simulation

Figure Running The Simulation

5. When the calculation is finished, select File > Save As.
6. The Save As dialog box appears.
7. Save the project.

Figure Optical Time Domain Visualizer

Name: _______________ Date:__________________
Roll No: ______________ Instructor: __________________

Experiment 8

This lesson describes how to simulate a WDM system with 4 channels.
For this simulation we will use default parameters for the Bit rate, Bit sequence length, and
Sample rate.

Viewing the global parameters:

To view the default global parameters, perform the following procedure.
1.From the File menu, select New.
A blank Main layout appears in the Project layout window.
2.Double-click anywhere in the Main layout.
The default global parameters used for this simulation are:
• Bit rate: 2500000000 Bits/s
• Sequence length: 128 bits
• Time window: 5.12e-008
To create the transmitters for the WDM system with 4 channels, perform the following
1.Create an external modulated laser using the procedures in Lesson 1: Transmitter — External
modulated laser.
2.Select the four external modulated laser components.
3.Copy and paste the selected components to create a total of eight transmitters
4.From the Component Library, select Default > WDM Multiplexers Library >
5.Drag the WDM Mux 4x1 to the Main layout.
Connect the Mach-Zehnder Modulator outputs to the WDM Mux 4x1 inputs.
.Drag the Optical Fiber to the Main layout.
.Set the fiber Length to 50km.
From the Component Library, select Default > WDM Multiplexers Library >Demultiplexers.
.Drag the WDM Demux 1x4 to the Main layout.
.Connect the second Loop Control output port to the WDM Demux 1x4 input port
From the Component Library, select Default > Visualizer Library > Optical.
Drag the Optical Time Domain Visualizer to the Main layout.
Drag the Optical Spectrum Analyzer to the Main layout.
From the Component Library, select Default > Receivers Library >Photodetectors.
Drag the Photodetector PIN to the Main layout.
From the Component Library, select Default > Filters Library > Electrical.
Drag the Low Pass Bessel Filter to the Main layout.
Connect the first output port on the WDM Demux 1x4 to the Photodetector PIN input port.
Connect the Photodetector PIN output port to the Low Pass Bessel Filter input port
1.Double-click the BER Analyzer.The BER Analyzer window appears and displays a graph.
2.Select Show Eye Diagram.The graph is redrawn and displays the Eye Diagram.
a.Q-Factor: Maximum value for the Q-Factor versus Decision Instant.
b.Min BER: Minimum value for the BER versus Decision Instant.
c.Threshold: Threshold value versus Decision Instant that gives the maximum Q-Factor and the
Min BER.
d.Height: Eye height versus Decision Instant.
e.BER Pattern: When Calculate Patterns is selected, displays the regions where the BER value is
less than the user-
Optical Network
Name: _______________ Date:__________________
Roll No: ______________ Instructor: __________________

Experiment 9

To construct an Optical Network Using fiber optics on Optisys and estimating network
performance by using BER analyzer.

Library, perform the following procedure.
1. To start a new project, from the Main toolbar, select File > New.
2. A blank Main layout appears in the Project layout window.
3. From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters Library
>Optical Sources.
4. Drag the CW Laser to the Main layout
5. From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters >Optical
6. Drag the Mach-Zehnder Modulator to the Main layout
7. From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters Library >Bit
Sequence Generators.
8 Drag the Pseudo-Random Bit Sequence Generator to the Main layout
9 From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters >
Pulse Generators > Electrical.
10 Drag the NRZ Pulse Generator to the Main layout
11 Use Same transmitter block used it previous lab

12 Make a Fiber optical channel of length 50 km with loss of 0.3 db

13 Use a photo PIN diode for reception.

14 From the Component Library, select Default > Filters Library > Electrical.

15 Drag the Low Pass Bessel Filter to the Main layout.

16 Connect the Photodetector PIN output port to the Low Pass Bessel Filter
input port

17 Double-click the BER Analyzer.The BER Analyzer

18 Select Show Eye Diagram.The graph is redrawn and displays the Eye Diagram.
19 Q-Factor: Maximum value for the Q-Factor versus Decision Instant.

20 Min BER: Minimum value for the BER versus Decision Instant.

21 Threshold: Threshold value versus Decision Instant that gives the maximum
Q-Factor and the Min BER.

Optical Network
Name: ____________________________________ Roll No. ______________________
Date: _____________________________________ Instructor: ____________________

Experiment 10

Setng up Fiber Optic Analog Link Study of a 650nm fiber optic analog link
& the relationship between the input signal and received signal.
Fiber optic links can be used for transmission of digital as well as analog signals. Basically a fiber
optic link contains three main elements transmitter and optical fiber & a receiver. The
transmitter module takes the input signal in electrical form and then transforms it into optical
(light) energy containing the same information. The optical fiber is the medium, which carries
this energy to the receiver. At the receiver, Light is converted back into electrical form with the
same pattern as originally fed to the transmitter.

Equipment Required:
1.ST-2502 trainer with power supply cord
2. Optical Fiber cable
3. Cathode ray oscilloscope with connecting probe

Connection Diagram:
Connect the Power Supply cord to the main power plug & to TechBook
Scientech 2502.
● Ensure that all switched faults are ‘Off’.
● Make the following connections as shown in next figure
· Connect the 1 KHz sine wave output to emitter l's input.
· Connect the Fiber Optics cable between emitter output and detectors input.
· Detector l's output to AC amplifier 1 input.
● On the board, switch emitter l's driver to analog mode.
● Switch ON the Power Supply of TechBook and Oscilloscope.
● Observe the input to emitter 1 (TP5) with the output from AC amplifier 1
(TP28) and note that the two signals are same.

Name: ____________________________________ Roll No. ______________________
Date: _____________________________________ Instructor: ____________________

Experiment 11

Setng up Fiber Optic Digital Link Study of a 650 nm fiber optic digital link &
the relationship between the input signal an d received signal.
Fiber optic links can be used for transmission of digital as well as analog signals. Basically a fiber
optic link contains three main elements transmitter and optical fiber & a receiver. The
transmitter module takes the input signal in electrical form and then transforms it into optical
(light) energy containing the same information. The optical fiber is the medium, which carries
this energy to the receiver. At the receiver, Light is converted back into electrical form with the
same pattern as originally fed to the transmitter.

Equipment Required:
1.ST-2502 trainer with power supply cord
2. Optical Fiber cable
3. Cathode ray oscilloscope with connecting probe

Connection Diagram:
●Connect the Power Supply cord to the main the Power Supply to the board.
● Ensure that all switched faults are ‘Off’.
● Make the following connections as shown in next figure.
· Connect the 1 KHz square wave output to emitter l's input.
· Connect the fiber optic cable between emitter output and detectors input.
· Detector 1's output to comparator 1’s input.
· Comparator l's output to AC amplifier l's input.
● On the board, switch emitter 1's driver to digital mode.
● Switch ON the Power Supply of TechBook and Oscilloscope.
● Monitor both the inputs to comparator 1 (TP13 & 14). Slowly adjust the
comparators bias preset, until DC Level on the input (TP13) lays mid way between the high and
low level of the signal on the positive input (TP14).
● Observe the input to emitter 1 (TP 5) with the output from AC amplifier 1(TP28) and note that
the two signals are same.


2. Conclusion:
Name: ____________________________________ Roll No. ______________________
Date: _____________________________________ Instructor: ____________________

Experiment 12
Study of Intensity Modulation Technique using Ana log input signal.

Modulation: In order to transmit information via an optical fiber communication system it
is necessary to modulate a property of light with the information signal. This property
may be intensity, frequency, phase with either analog or digital signals. The choices are
indicated by the characteristics of optical fiber, the available optical sources and
detectors, and the considerations of the overall system.

Fig. 1 block diagram of intensity modulated system.

Intensity Modulation: In this system the information signal is used to control the intensity
of the source. At the far end, the variation in the amplitude of the received signal is used
to recover the original information signal. The audio input signal is used to control the
current through an LED which in turn controls the light output. The light is conveyed to
the detector I circuit by optic fiber. The detector is a photo transistor which converts the
incoming light to a small current which flows through a series resistor. This gives rise to a
voltage whose amplitude is controlled by the received light intensity. The voltage is now
amplified within the detector circuit and if necessary, amplified further by the amplified

Equipment Required:
1.ST-2502 trainer with power supply cord
2. Optical Fiber cable
3. Cathode ray oscilloscope with connecting probe

Connection Diagram:
● Connect the Power Supply cord to the main power plug & to TechBook Scientech 2502
● Make the following connections as shown in next figure.
· Connect the FG output marked 1 KHz sine wave to input if emitter 1.
· Plug in a fiber optic link from output of emitter 1 LED to the photo transistor of the detector 1.
· Detector 1 output TP 10 to input of Amplifier TP 27.
● In the emitter 1 block switch the mode select to analog.
● Turn the 1 KHz preset in Function Generator block to fully clockwise (maximum amplitude)
● Switch on the Power Supply of the TechBook and Oscilloscope.
● With the help of dual trace Oscilloscope observe the input signal at emitter 1 TP 5 also;
observe the output from the detector 1. It should carry a smaller version of the original 1 KHz
sine wave, illustrating that the modulated light beam has been reconverted back into an
electrical signal.
● The output from detector 1 is further amplified by AC amplifier 1. This amplifier increases the
amplitude of the received signal, and also removes the DC component, which is present at
detector output. Monitor the output of amplifier 1 TP28 and adjust the gain adjust 1 preset
until the monitored signal has same amplitude as that applied to emitter 1 Input TP 5 .
● While monitoring the output of Amplifier 1 TP 28 change the amplitude of modulating sine
wave by varying the 1 KHz preset in the Function Generator block. Note that as expected, the
amplitude of the receiver output signal changes.

Name: ____________________________________ Roll No. ______________________
Date: _____________________________________ Instructor: ____________________

Experiment 13

To stud y of intensity Modulation Technique using digital Input signal.

With intensity modulation, discrete changes in light intensity are obtained (i.e. ON-OFF
pulses) figure below shows a block schematic of a typical digital optical fiber link Initially,
input digital signal from information source is suitably encoded for optical transmission.
The LED drive circuit directly modulates the intensity of the light with encoded digital
signal. Hence, a digital optical signal is launched into the optical fiber cable. The photo
transistor used as detector is followed by an amplifier to provide gain. Finally the signal
obtained is decoded to give the original digital information. Digital Bias Voltage: Incase of
a digital signal the only information which needs to be conveyed is the ON state and OFF
state. So there is no negative part of the signal to be lost and furthermore any distortion
due to non linearity of the characteristic is of no importance –all we need to know is
whether the signal is ON or OFF. There is no need therefore to generate a bias voltage.
When Amplitude Modulation is used with digital input we employ a comparator at the
receiving end of the fiber to make the waveform square again called “cleaning it up”

Equipment Required:
1.ST-2502 trainer with power supply cord
2. Optical Fiber cable
3. Cathode ray oscilloscope with connecting probe
Connection Diagram:

● Connect the Power Supply cord to the main power plug & to TechBook Scientech 2502.
● Make the following connections as shown in next figure.
· Connect the 1 KHz square wave socket in Function Generator block to
emitter 1 input.
· Connect an optic fiber link between emitter 1 output & Detector 1 input with the help of
connector provided.
· Detector output to comparator l's non-inverting (+ve) input.
● Switch the mode switch in emitter block to digital mode. This ensures that
signal applied to the driver's input cause the emitter LED to switch quickly between ‘On’ & ‘Off’
● Examine the Input to emitter 1 TP 5 on an Oscilloscope this 1 KHz square wave is now being
used to amplitude modulate emitter I emitter LED.
● Examine the output of detector 1 TP 10. This should carry a smaller version of original I KHz
square wave illustrating that the modulated light beam has been reconverted into an electrical
● Monitor both input to comparator 1, at TP 13 & 14 and slowly adjust the "Comparator bias 1
preset until the DC Level on the negative input TP 13 lies midway between the high & low level
of the signal on the positive input TP. 14. This DC level is comparator's threshold level.
● Examine the output of comparator 1 TP15 Note that the original digital modulating signal has
been reconstructed at the receiver.
● Once again carefully flex the fiber optic cable we can see that there is no change in output on
bending the fiber. The output amplitude is now independent of the bend radius of the cable and
that of length of cable, provided that detector output signal is large enough to cross the
comparator threshold level. This illustrates one of the advantages of amplitude modulation of a
light beam by digital rather than analog means. Also, non-linear ties within the emitter LED &
phototransistor causing distortion of the signal at the receiver output are the disadvantages
associated with amplitude modulating a light source by analog means. Linearity is not a
problem if the light beam is switched ‘On’ & ‘Off’ with a digital signal, since the detector output
is simply squared up by acomparator circuit. To overcome problems associated with amplitude
modulation of a light beam by analog means, analog signals are often used to vary or modulate
some characteristic of a digital signal (e.g. frequency or pulse width.). The digital signal being
used to switch the light beam ‘On’ & ‘Off’. The next two experiments illustrate how an analog
signal can be used to modulate two specific characteristics of a digital signal.

Name: ____________________________________ Roll No. ______________________
Date: _____________________________________ Instructor: ____________________

Experiment 14
To study the data transfer by using Frequency Modulation system.
Frequency modulation, called FM, is a more sophisticated modulation scheme than AM
modulation. It is well-suited to the inherent properties of optical fiber since proper recovery of
the encoded signals only requires measurement of timing information, one of fiber's strengths.
FM is also immune to amplitude variations caused by optical loss, one of fiber's weaknesses.
The heart of the FM modulator revolves around a high-frequency carrier. Now, instead of
changing the amplitude of the carrier, the frequency of the carrier is changed according to
differences in the signal amplitude. Part of the advantage of FM systems is buried in
mathematical analyses that show that the signal-to-noise ratio at the receiver can be improved
by increasing the deviation of the carrier. FM also has the advantage of eliminating the need for
highly linear optical components that are required for AM systems. Often optical systems
employing FM encoding refer to the technique as pulse-frequency modulation (PFM). This
simply means that the FM signal is limited (converted to digital 0's and 1's) before it is
transmitted over the fiber. The result is the same. In multiple channel FM systems, each video
signal is modulated on a separate carrier. These carriers are then combined to modulate one
light source

Equipment Required:
1.ST-2502 trainer with power supply cord
2. Optical Fiber cable
3. Cathode ray oscilloscope with connecting probe
Connection Diagram:
● Connect the Power Supply cord to the main power plug & to TechBook Scientech 2502.
● Ensure that all switched faults are ‘Off’.
● Make the following connections as shown in next figure
· Connect Function Generator 1 KHz sine wave signal to frequency modulator input.
· Frequency modulator output TP2 to the emitter 1 input at TP5.
· Connect the optic fiber between the emitter 1 circuit and the detector 1 circuit.
· Detector 1 output TP10 to comparator 1 input at TP14.
· Comparator 1 output TP15 to the PLL detector input at TP23.
· PLL detector output at TP26 to the low pass filter 1 input at TP19
· Low Pass Filter 1 output TP20 to A C amplifier 1 input at TP27
● Switch emitter l's driver to digital mode. This ensures that fast changing digital signal applied
to the drivers input causes the emitter LED to switch quickly
between ‘On’ & ‘Off’ states.
● Turn the 1 KHz preset in the Function Generator block to fully anticlockwise (Zero amplitude)
● Switch ON the Power Supply of the TechBook and Oscilloscope.
● Monitor the output of the voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) in the frequency modulator
block TP2. Note that the frequency of this digital signal is at present constant, since the
modulating 1 KHz sine wave has zero amplitude.
● Examine the output of detector 1 (TP10 and check that the transmitted digital pulses are
successfully detected at the receiver).
● With the help of dual trace Oscilloscope monitor both inputs to comparator1. Now adjust the
bias 1 preset until the bias input at TP13 is halfway between the top and bottom of the square
wave on TP14. You will remember that the function of the comparator is to clean up the square
wave after its transmission through the fiber optic link.
● The output of comparator 1 drives the input of the PLL detector which produces a signal
whose average level is proportional to the frequency of the digital stream. This average level is
then extracted by low pass filter 1, and amplified by AC Amplifier1 to produce the original
analog signal at the amplifiers output TP28. Examine TP28 and note that the output voltage is
zero. This is expected since there is currently no modulating voltage in the transmitter.
● While monitoring th e input to the frequency modulator block TP1 and the output from AC
amplifier 1 TP 28 turn the 1KHz preset to its fully clockwise maximum amplitude) position. Note
that the modulating 1 KHz signal now appears at the amplifiers output. If necessary, adjust the
amplifiers gain, adjust 1 preset until the two monitored signal are equal in amplitude.
● In order to fully understand how this frequency modulation transmitter/ receiver system
works, examine the inputs and outputs of all functional blocks within the system, using an

Name: ____________________________________ Roll No. ______________________
Date: _____________________________________ Instructor: ____________________

Experiment 15

To study the data transfer by using Pulse Width Modulation system.
A Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Signal is a method for generating an analog signal using a
digital source. A PWM signal consists of two main components that define its behavior: a duty
cycle and a frequency. The duty cycle describes the amount of time the signal is in a high (on)
state as a percentage of the total time of it takes to complete one cycle. The frequency
determines how fast the PWM completes a cycle (i.e. 1000 Hz would be 1000 cycles per
second), and therefore how fast it switches between high and low states. By cycling a digital
signal off and on at a fast enough rate, and with a certain duty cycle, the output will appear to
behave like a constant voltage analog signal when providing power to devices.

Equipment Required:
1.ST-2502 trainer with power supply cord
2. Optical Fiber cable
3. Cathode ray oscilloscope with connecting probe

Connection Diagram:
● Connect the Power Supply cord to the main power plug & to TechBook Scientech 2502.
● Ensure that all switched faults are set to ‘Off’.
● Make the following connections as shown in next figure.
· FG' s 1KHz sine wave signal to the Pulse width modulator input TP3
· Pulse width modulator output TP4 to emitter 1 input TP5
· Connect the optic fiber between the emitter 1 circuit and detector 1 circuit.
· Detector 1 output TP10 to comparator & input at TP14.
· Comparator 1 output TP15 to LPF 1 at TP19.
· LPF 1 output TP20 to A C amplifier 1 input at TP27.
● Switch emitter 1’s driver to digital mode. This ensures that fast changing digital signals applied
to the drivers input because the emitter LED to switch quickly between ‘On’ & ‘Off’ states.
● Turn the 1 KHz preset of Function Generator block to fully anticlockwise (zero amplitude)
● Switch ON the Power Supply of the TechBook and Oscilloscope.
● Monitor the output of the pulse width modulator block TP4. Note that the pulse width of this
digital signal is at present constant, since the modulating 1 KHz sine wave has zero amplitude.
● Examine the output Detector TP10 and check that the transmitted digital pulse is successfully
detected at the receiver.
● Monitor both inputs’ comparator 1 TP13 & TP14 and if necessary, slowly adjust the
comparator's bias preset, until the DC Level on the negative input TP13 lies midway between
the high and low level of the signal on the positive input TP14.
● The average level of comparator l's output is extracted by LPF 1 and then amplified by AC
amplifier which also removes the DC offset. Since, the average level of the comparator output is
proportional to the pulse width, the original analog signal appears at the amplifiers output
TP28. Examine TP28 and note that the output voltage is zero. This is expected since there is
currently no modulating voltage at the transmitter.
● While monitoring the input to the pulse width modulator block TP3 and the output from AC
amplifier 1 TP28 turn the 1 KHz preset to its fully clockwise (maximum amplitude position).
Note that the modulating 1 KHz signal now appears at the amplifiers output. If necessary, adjust
the amplifiers gain adjust 1 preset until the two monitored signals are equal in amplitude.
● In order to fully understand how this pulse width modulation transmitter/ receiver system
works, examine the inputs and outputs of all functional blocks within the system using an


Name: ____________________________________ Roll No. ______________________

Date: _____________________________________ Instructor: ____________________

Experiment 16

To analyze and study of Bending Loss.

Equipment Required:
● Scientech 2502 TechBook with Power Supply cord
● Optical Fiber cable
● Cathode ray Oscilloscope with necessary connecting probe
● Mandrel

Connection Diagram:
● Connect Power Supply cord to the main power plug & to TechBook Scientech
● Make the connections as shown in next figure.
· Function Generator 1 KHz sine wave output to input socket of emitter
Circuit via 4 mm lead.
· Connect 0.5 m optic fiber between emitter output and detectors input.
· Connect Detector output to amplifier input socket via 4mm lead.
● Switch ‘On’ the Power Supply of the TechBook and Oscilloscope.
● Set the Oscilloscope channel 1 to 0.5 V/ Div and adjust 4-6 div amplitude by
using X 1 probe with the help of variable pot in Function Generator Block at
input of Emitter.
● Observe the output signal from detector (TP8) on CRO.
● Adjust the amplitude of the received signal as that of transmitted one with the
help of gain adjusts potentiometer in AC amplifier block. Note this amplitude
and name itV 1.
● Wind the fiber optic cable on the mandrel and observe the corresponding AC
amplifier output on CRO, it will be gradually reducing, showing loss due to


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