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There may be room for love

Her diary wrote,

Past relationships and college days best buddies have always soft corner in our heart or it looks they
become invisible residents of heart land. It is incredible that in this digital time of ours, we can never
escape our past relationships. The tickling truth is that we become happy when we see them happy in
their life. Miss you Talat

Talat still longed for her. Mohini is all that he dreams or think about after getting a job in multinational.
They were not fit for defined mode of relationship. They lived together in college, he fell in love with
her. Somehow Talat dared to propose her in last week of their college; just after farewell in which they
danced together crazily .Much to surprise of whole college , she rejected him with teary eyes. She said
that he will always remain his boy Best friend. When drunk Talat was vomiting near canteen , she ran
to take care of him. However they lived together in last days at SRM university, Sikkim.

On his way to office, Talat saw a cute chubby girl child with silky straight hair. She was walking with red
heart shaped balloon in one hand and one hand was holding her father’s hand. Little hand in big hand …
In a second they were out of sight. But Talat was lost in memory of big, chubby girl with silky hair. Her
daughter will look like this, why could it not be their daughter?

His heart leaped with joy and sank simultaneously. After the night engulfed the city of bollywood and
business , he dialed her number with a excited heart. How happy he felt when she received his call. They
were pleased to listen voice of each other.

“What were you doing Mohini, before I called you.”

“I was watching DDLJ movie you know na… it is my all time favorite stress killer entertainment.”

“Yes ma’am……. And I know you will be replaying scenes related to catching trains.”

Mohini giggled and they kept talking about their present life. She informed him that she had a train for
Mumbai tomorrow . Talat felt on cloud nine as he was living in same city. He requested her to meet him
and she agreed on cautionary note of meeting as friend only.

“ Talat protested when did I behave like enemy.” They laughed over connection of zio and idea.

Her heart was lost in labyrinths of memories, how he used to take care of her mood swings, how he
remembered everything. Does she love him too? Yes she loved him not in the obsessed over caring
manner like he loved her but she too had a soft corner for him and this is the reason she turned down
all guys after him.

Talat … Talat… I love you…… a little……. but honestly… you are my diamond… her heart was singing
melodies with the mechanic noise of train. She was about to reach , her heart skipped a beat.
In floral print midi she looked sweet to him, and to her heart he also looked cute in formal dress up as
he had come to receive her after office.

It has been six days, she was on drip. She rarely opened her eyes , her parents were seriously worried .
Talat’s parents came to see her too. Her own grief felt bigger than that of theirs but ,they also lost the
same thing a pure soul Talat.

When Mohini and Talat were enjoying bada pav in Mumbai, while crossing the road a terrible accident
took place. Talat was no more, the busy road crushed him with a truck in speed. His soul did melt in air,
if he understood she loved her too! His face had a feeble smile in his last breathes. He held her hand
and left her alone . There was no pain on his face but he left all pain to her with his sudden exit from
their limited earth.

Mohini did refuse to leave the room. On her bed were scattered Talat’s photo, t-shirt, notebook ,pen ,
gifts. She was blaming herself for sudden demise of Talat. Finally she broke down in front of her
parents.After regular counseling session , she shown a will to live and renewed her life but her focus was
Talat. In her room , there was a big framed photo of Talat and every day she adorned it from orchid
purchased from nearby florists. In fact the florist used to keep a flower separately for her.

Her diary wrote,

Part of us dies with the death of our beloved one. Talat I can never be happy without you. Why could
not I confess my love then? Please come back for once; I shall not let you leave again.

After God gifted her pain , she spent her hours in undoing pain of others. She was more sensible,
compassionate and kind to each and every ailing soul she met in life. On regular basis she visited the
local hospital of Tashpur. Almost everyone recognized her there , in earlier days she could not do much
in hospital environment except saying good and consoling words to the family members of patients.
After few days she gained expertise in dressing wounds and few of others work generally nurses do in
hospital. She entered with positive energy and optimism there. Even the tired scornful faces of
professional nurses beamed in smile when they looked at her selfless serving.

Her parents were also happy to see her back in plain of life . But, they wanted to see her getting
married as a general wish of every parents. Mohini was not ready to come out of Talat’s memories.
Once her parents mentioned about a good marriage proposal she locked herself in her room for hours.
Her diary wrote,

Talat , is there any way you can come back again. Talat I feel you but I long to touch you, smell you,
tickle you , laugh at you like old times.. I love you.

After few trials of convincing, her parents gave up with a sad acceptance. Mohini continued her routine
as usual but life gives surprise even if we are prepared or no. All surprises are not pleasantly wrapped.

She was there in hospital on her regular visits; suddenly a doctor called her for assistance in operation
room. She hesitated but followed him. He asked for a few equipments , which she handed him, but she
was no professional and she wanted to escape from the operation theatre. Tamanna the senior nurse
entered into room all of a sudden and hushed her out of room calmly. The young new doctor raised his
brows. Tamanna replied,

‘She is not a nurse here. ‘

His brows twitched and he asked Mohini to wait outside. Confused Mohini sat on the chairs placed in
hospital corridor. After a hour they came out of operation theatre, doctor looked at her with anger.

“Do you have any idea that slight mistake can put patient’s life on stake. You silly girl….. why are you
roaming in this hospital with a mask covering your mouth if you are not nurse. Do you know the pain of
losing a loved one? Leave and don’t come here again…………………………………….”

Mohini was all in tears, Tamanna and other nurses tried to interrupt the enraged doctor. But he did not
stop and left after a minute of serious scolding.

He was Arun gupta , the new doctor ,a cardiologist , a strict man and devoted for his profession. After
his angry nerves came into relaxed state , he remembered the girl he had scolded badly. Who was she?
What was she doing in hospital? All of a sudden he imagined her half covered face , her eyes were
beautiful, her hair was silky…… this was all he could remember about her. He called Tamanna and
enquired about that girl. He felt guilty and melted as he also had share of tenderness in his heart .But,
Arun got no idea of the ways to say sorry. Nurses and compounders assembled around him giving tips.
Finally they settled around a flower bunch and sorry card.

Mohini was visibly upset when she reached her home. Her parents asked and she blurted out.

“Hell with the doctor, how can he talk to me like this. How can he be a doctor with this extent of

Her parents never saw her angry from a year. She was looking like old Mohini. Her mother brought her a
cup of tea , Mohini smiled but said ,’mommy I shall not go to the hospital again.’

Her father also came and counseled her that beta everyone loves you there. Forget it as a bad
experience. He must be a new doctor.

”Yes he must be new doctor. I hate the khadus.”

Nonetheless, she wanted to return the flower and card but her parents requested her to accept sorry.
She kept her routine of visiting hospital. She tried het best to avoid him and Arun didn’t bother her too.
He looked forward for her arriving feet in hospital. Like others he also developed the feeling that her
presence brought cheerful tone to the monotony of hospital.

They were attending wedding of a hospital staff. Mohini did not want to go but he had requested him so
much. Her eyes reflected tint of surprise when she saw Arun with a very little girl in his lap. Tamanna
answered her questioning glances that she is Adya the daughter of arun and her mother died in labour
pain .Mohini felt pain in heart , a collective pain for adya ,arun and herself . As they all had lost someone
special in same year. She had managed to live without talat but adya even didn’t understand the loss of
mother. She kept noticing them, Arun was not able to indulge in function; his attention was centered to
smile and comfort of his daughter. Mohini moved towards him and helped him in changing diaper of
baby girl. Arun was astonished while baby girl gave a toothless smile to the girl in blue saree. As if in a
flash Mohini sensed a connection with adya ; mix of compassion ,emotion or maternal instinct .

Mohini and Arun had reached in friendship zone, and she continuously questioned about Adya. On her
insistence Arun sometimes brought little adya to the hospital . A corner of hospital looked happy with
the union of three souls.

From quite some days Arun was looking stressed , Mohini tried to enquire . Mohini felt elated and sad
at the same time when she learnt that his parents wants him to get married again. The idea of placing
Arun in a happy family excited her girly nerves. In a minute her face lost its shine. Wife of Arun may not
allow her close proximity with Adya. She wanted Arun to be happy and settled but her space in their
family must not be minimized.

“You must get married Arun sir. It will be perfect. I love this idea. Today, I have some urgent work can I

That night her diary wrote ,

Talat will you understand me? I don’t want him to get married. Adya is my life line, she is your replica
for me. Arun sir is a facilitator , you know he is such a nice and sensible gentleman.

Love you Talat.

There in his small home Arun was also thinking about Mohini. He was also thinking about their
relationship with her, Adya was so small to record her opinion about her. Arun looked inside his heart,
the memory of Namita had been faded and there was Mohini…. The chubby girl with silky hair and big
eyes… he felt guilty and relived his memories with Namita by looking at their wedding pictures.

For a week, Mohini and Arun did not see each other. Hostel staffs noticed this sudden change and
gossiped about their bonding. Most of them agreed that Mohini and Arun can be happy and blessed
together. They hatched a harmless plan to make them talk.

Tamanna messaged to Mohini …

“Arun sir is getting married on Sunday. Are you coming?”

Her grip on Lenovo tab loosened. Her fear came true. She didn’t bother to reply her, instead she sent
message to Arun.

“Hey …… Congratulations. Listened that you are getting married, happy for you.”
“What …. When.. ? I am not getting married. I have cancelled that plan of my parents, who told you this

Mohini felt a surge of relief in her vein. Smiling she replied back , “no one, I just imagined it.”

“So ma’am you imagine things about me.”

“Hmmmm yes… I imagine things about you and adya together.”

“I see….. You know Mohini. I imagine three of us together.”

There was no reply from her side.

“Hey I was joking ……. Come on reply. I know you still love your college days boy friend. I am sorry.”

Messages were being seen without any further replies. Spontaneously, he texted for some more time.

“ I understand your pain but, Mohini you are young and vivacious . There are so many springs of life
you have to see. I don’t want you to stay with memories alone. Live Mohini. Get married to a good guy. I
will be glad to see you married and having family. God bless you Mohini! ”

In her room Mohini was staring at photo of Talat. He was smiling .she was smiling too amid tears. If a
guy is ready to acknowledge presence and importance of Talat in her life, she can marry. Her diary

God fills the empty heart with treasure of emotions, love, new bonding and happiness. Talat, should
I dream same about me? Love you Talat

From some months Parents of Mohini had not discussed for her marriage. One fine Sunday morning ,
Arun came to their home. They welcomed him uneasily and happily as it was the first time he had
come there .Though they knew him well as Mohini used to tell them stories about adya. They noticed
Arun as a well mannered guy . In an uneasy but confident way Arun spoke,

“Uncle and aunty , if you will allow me I want to marry Mohini. You know all about me. your decision
will be final.”

Mohini , who was bringing tea ; listened his words and tray fell from her hand. She ran towards her
room. Her parents looked at Arun,

“ beta we have no say in this matter , mohini does not want to get married , what can we do beta?
Which parents do not want to see their children married.”

“Aunty ji……. I will wait . I want to listen no from Mohini.” He kept sitting on sofa with a calm but sad
face. In her room Mohini was teary eyed. She knew it was inevitable but was she ready? She looked at
Talat and he kept smiling. It looked as if he was saying her to move on with flow of life. Mohini wiped
her tears , kissed the photo of Talat and came in living room. She slowly spoke to her mother,

“ mommy I am ready for this marriage.”

Everything looked perfect and marriage date was fixed soon. It was a kind of wedding in which shopping
are done for bride, bridegroom as well as baby too.

Her diary wrote,

“ I didn’t think I would ever fall in love again. I know that everyone says that after a heartbreak, but
the difference is that I’m not heartbroken. I’m not cynical, or pessimistic, or sad. I’m just someone
who once felt something bigger than anything else I’d ever felt and when I lost it, I honestly believed I
would never have that again. But... I was 22 then and life is long. And I’m feeling things right now that
I haven’t in a long, long time.

Talat you are a guiding light for me, you shall always be. I still love you but, I am going to share your
love with two more people. Life is unpredictable we must learn to live and love. I love you talat, arun
and adya.”

Tomorrow is the most awaited day for the entire family and friend circle. Everyone is happy for the
match. Arun has to come for sangeet function at hotel spring. He is nowhere to be seen till now ,
everyone has arrived, adya is playing in lap of her grandparents. It is getting late. Arun is not picking call.
Mohini feels tensed. They call hospital staff and he is not there. In bewildered state she texts him on
facebook , whatsapp and all other apps. Two hour has been passed of the scheduled time of sangeet.
Her heart sank with the fear of an unfortunate accident. Is past going to repeat itself? Will she loose
Arun too before getting him for once? Her restless heart was beating fast , she was on verge of tears.

Suddenly the dulha entered in a tired state. Arun directly went on his knee in front of Mohini and

“please forgive me Mohini. A woman met accident on belly road , I took her to hospital. Meanwhile I lost
my phone somewhere. Thanks to almighty the lady is also safe. I am sorry by heart, I spoiled our sangeet
function. …………….”

Before he finishes speaking ;Mohini hugs him tightly . Little Adya is clapping. In the background they
are playing the song’ mehndi laga ke rakhna ‘ of movie ‘dilwale dulhaniya le jayenge’ which is favorite
movie of Mohini.

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