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The Mitt Romney

September 27,2010
Amy E. Cook
Hk Art Portfolio
Attn: Amy Cook
10 East 29th St
New York, NY 10016-7426

Dear Amy,

In-just 36 days, New Yorkers will head to the polls and decide if they're going to take
back their state from the damaging policies being initiated by Democrats in Albany and

No, it's not a pipe dream as in years past. While the Democrats have enjoyed
unchecked power for years, Republicans are poised to make significant game-changing gains
in this year's election. And I'm not talking about one or two offices.

Here in New York, Republican candidates have the chance to:

• Win critical statewide seats;

• Regain a majority in the State Senate;

• Increase their numbers in the State Assembly; and

• Capture U.S. House seats that are essential to Republican hopes of winning back the

Amy, the reason behind this incredible opportunity is simple: The message of lower
taxes, reduced spending, and creating a pro-growth business climate is resonating with voters
of all Qolitical affiliations.

New Yorkers have had enough of politics as usual in Albany.

Unfortunately, the Democrats know it, too. President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and
Harry Reid are all well aware of the momentum New York Republicans have generated and
are pouring in significant resources in their attempt to cling to power in a state that they have
taken for granted for decades.

Over, please ...

Page Two

The Republican Party of New York State needs your help now in order to make their
2010 Victory Program a

You can be part of the team that's working tirelessly to turn "Blue" New York to
"Red." Please take a moment to support the Republican Party of New York State with a
contribution of$25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500 or even $5,000.

You are one of my strongest supporters and Ann and I will never forget the generosity
and good will you showed our efforts. Some of my most loyal supporters hailed from New
York and we will always cherish the friends we made in New York.

That's why I am doing everything I can to help fix New York. It's not news that
New York's government is in crisis. Bloated budgets, sky-high taxes, and rising deficits
have made New York one of the most expensive place to live, work, and raise a family in the
nation. Property taxes are soaring and it's time for a changing of the guard.

Now more than ever, New York needs the Republican Party's core values of limited
government, local control, and fiscal responsibility. New York's local governments are
buckling under unfunded mandates from Albany. Yet, the liberals in Albany have done little
to rein in costs, fraud, and waste. In other words, they're not all that different from their
counterparts in Washington.

This midterm election is our chance to send a message to the liberals: We have had
enough of their failed policies. With your generous sUp.Qort, the Republican Party of New
York State will help elect Republicans who know that slashing taxes, cutting spending, and
reducing regulations are the only ways to grow our economy and create jobs.

Please join me in supporting the Republican Party of New York State's 2010 Victory
Fund as generously as you can.


A:·7;Mitt Romney

P.S. The great state of New York gave us notable Republican leaders like Theodore
Roosevelt and Thomas E. Dewey and this year, you can honor their legacy by
turning New York from Blue to Red. Please use the enclosed envelope to return
your contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500 or even $5,000,
directly to the Republican Party of New York.
Personal Reply to Mitt Romney
o Mitt, I am here to help! I want to turn "Blue" New York "Red"!
OUf leaders in Albany have failed us and it's time for a changing of the guard.
I am proud to support the Republican Party of New York State's 2010 Victory
Program with a contribution of:
0$25 0 $35 0 $50 0 $100 0 $250 0 $500
Amy E. Cook
Hk Art Portfolio
o $ J,000 0 $2,500 0 $2,500 0 Other $ _
Attn: Amy Cook Please make check payable to:
10 East 29th St
New York. NY 10016-7426 New York RepUblican State Committee
122 East 83'd Street, 2 n Floor' New York, NY 10028
Please provide your e-mail for the latest election news: _
Federal law requires the New York Republican Party to use its best efforts to collect and Please charge my contribution of $ to my credit card.
report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for each individual
whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year. Please complete the following: o Visa o MasterCard Discover o American Express
Occupation _
Account Number
Employer _
Name on Card
Contributions to the New York Republican Party are not tax
deductible for Federal or State income tax purposes. Individual and
Expiration Date Security Code
PAC contributions will be used for federal purposes and will be
subject to federal elections law. Corporate gifts are permissible under For MasterCardNisa: 3-digit number appears on the signature strip on the back of the card.
state law and will be used in accordance with state law. Subject to For AMEX: 4-digit security number appears on front above account number.
the limits and prohibitions of the Federal Election Campaign Act,
contributions will be deposited into the Federal Account for use in
Federal Elections and other proper expenditures there from.

Paid for and authorized by the New York Republican State Committee
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee •

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