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Northeastern District

Family Newsletter
The Northeastern District of The Christian and Missionary Alliance; 6275 Pillmore Drive; Rome, NY 13440
Phone 315-336-4720 Email: Website:

Thoughts from Dan

As we enter another annual Pastor's Appreciation Month, I want to express my
great appreciation, admiration and respect for all the pastors and other official VOLUME 9 I SSUE 10
workers (and your spouses) of the Northeastern District. Your faithful service and
ministry to the Lord, His church and the District is appreciated more than I can ade- OCTOBER 2 0 1 0
quately express. My hope is that you will know from the congregations you serve that
they also are appreciative of your love and faithfulness to them in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ. I was blessed in the churches I served to know throughout the Inside this issue:
year that I, and my ministry along with Elaine’s, were strongly supported and
appreciated throughout the year. It made for a wonderful partnership between pastor
Church Health/Multiplication 2
and people. My prayer is that each of you enjoys that kind of relationship with the Northeastern District Staff
congregations you serve. May the expressions of appreciation you receive this Clergy Appreciation Month
month be indicators of a healthy and mutual respect you enjoy throughout the
year. Blessings to you and your spouses.
I am writing this from a weeklong vacation with my son as we enjoy a District Items of Interest 3
long-dreamed of fishing trip in Montana together. It's great to be here with him. For District Calendar
District Directory Updates
the remainder of my article, I am sending along the most recent C&MA Headlines
from the National Office. As you read and share them with your churches, join me in
praising the Lord for His faithfulness and blessing. Parsonage to Parsonage 4
In-service Training

Development welcomes Darren and Marilyn Rurup, retired missionaries, who will be
volunteering in Archives and CM for the next six months. A major blessing! Evangelism Minute 5
Doug Wick’s excellent article in Outcomes magazine on being a Kingdom connector. Pulpit Supply
Rekindle the Flame
The Pacific Northwest District is seeing some significant success in the implementation of
a “proactive” intervention program for official workers with “personal issues.”
Daybreak Church in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania has successfully launched a satellite
site at a Holiday Inn. After two weeks the attendance is leveling off at 230 people with
several staff members from the hotel attending the service!
Rebuilding work continues in Haiti with damaged churches and communities. C&MA
workers are reaching out to both the churched and unchurched with help and
reconstruction aid.
All seminar speakers for Council have confirmed.
U.S. Alliance is sending delegates to Cape Town, South Africa, 2010 next month. The
Alliance will be part of this follow-up to the Lausanne Conference. More than 4,000
leaders, most of them from the global south, will participate. The purpose is to discern
the best way forward to see Christ’s mission accomplished, especially as more and
more cross-cultural workers from the global south get involved in missions. The U.S.
Alliance delegates will be Chris Braun, Ron Julian, and Bob Fetherlin.
Alliance Benefits new Web site rolled out.
New MyCMA site launched.
Keep looking up,
District Church Health and Multiplication
Office Staff “RINGS OF CHANGE”
Recently, I have been reminded about necessary changes. I married the
District Superintendent girl next door 26 years ago, but some 20 years prior, she and her family moved
Rev. Daniel D. Miller into the rural neighborhood on Route 7 when her parents bought a parcel of land
Director of from the Martin Family Farm in Northeast Ohio. As part of the landscape, they
Church Health and planted two small pine trees in the front yard - not really anticipating the height
Multiplication they would grow nor the eventual electric line entanglements. Following year’s of
Rev. Jon A. Martin delicate pruning and a sparkly fire, the electric company finally cut down both
trees. Wow, what a huge change! The unattractive large electric pole that used
District Business to be engulfed by the large pine tree is now fully exposed. The U-Turn instantly
Manager/Bookkeeper became more functional. And the front lawn is a bit bare.
Mr. Frank E. Whiting
It seems that few people anticipate or welcome change. Yet with the four
Administrative Assistant/ seasons, could that be God’s object lesson to help us move on in life and cope
Executive Secretary to the better with change? Being challenged in seeing certain colors, this year’s fall
District Superintendent foliage seems different. The vibrant red leaves are catching my attention. God is
Mrs. Tracy M. Murphy a change agent. He transforms lives. Recently, Debra and I were visiting a
church plant and a new family to the community shared with us the change the
Church Health
Lord had made in their lives. The Lord had so transformed their family that each
and Multiplication
child was given a “new” name.
Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Debra A. Martin The age rings in the pine logs at my in-law’s lawn indicated that those
trees indeed changed over time. What about us and our walk with the Lord. Are
we pretty much the same Christian we were last year, the year before, five years
ago or even ten? Are we seeking the Holy Spirit to be our teacher? Do we regularly depend on Him and
eagerly wait for Him to lead us? Has our quiet time become precious to us? Or are the “rings” of our life
almost on top of each other, with little or no space between because if we are honest with ourselves and
to the Lord, we have not seen much spiritual grown in our walk with the Lord from one year to the next.
God desires that we change that pattern. If we are not changing, growing, maturing spiritually, how will
His church make a difference and impact a world that so desperately needs to see Jesus.
Natural Church Development conveys this thought about “Painful Urgency”
“Change rarely happens without painful urgency and a holy dissatisfaction with the status quo”
Change Dynamics:
Healthy churches grow
Growing churches change
Change forces us to trust God,
Trust leads to obedience,
Obedience makes us healthy
Healthy churches grow and reproduce!
For a Healthier Today and Tomorrow,

Clergy Appreciation Month

To every pastor, other official worker and spouse in
the Northeastern District, we say “THANK YOU”
from the District Office staff. Please know that you
are deeply appreciated and highly revered for your
sacrificial and faithful service not only in October but
all year long. Of course your greatest reward will be
when you hear those cherished words of our Master,
“Well done, good and faithful servant! . . . Enter into
the joy of your lord.” Matthew 25:21

Page 2
District Items of Interest
Northeastern District Membership Certificate Orders Looking for Pastors or
Family Newsletter Please contact Debra at the Interim Pastors in NY
Articles for the November District Office Arcade, Corning,
Newsletter should be sent to 315-336-4720 ext. 204 Frewsburg, Geneva, Port Crane, Schenectady
by Monday, October 25, 2010 Walton and Whitesville
With Deepest Sympathy: Looking for Assistant or
In Transition Mrs. Dolores J. Associate Pastors in NY
Rev. Timothy B. Kong (Harold D., Sr.) Schlaegel Kingston, Oswego,
to Leave of Absence Wife of Former District Pastor and Syracuse
and Former DLBCC Staff
Rev. Daniel J. Richter August 31, 2010
to Unassigned Directory Updates
Mr. Andrew J. Schuh Reports to DEXCOM
to Unassigned (District Committees, etc.) Rochester/New Life
and other items for DEXCOM Web Site (page 6):
Welcome consideration must be received at the Ticonderoga
Mr. Gary A. and District Office at least two weeks before
Rebecca M. Croniser, II scheduled DEXCOM meetings in Troy
Assistant Pastor order to be placed on their Agenda.
Poughkeepsie, NY It is very important to have information to Rev. David M. Prahst Tracy Murphy (
by October 26 for the
Mr. Lucas J. and Heidi P. Ankeny November 9 DEXCOM meeting.
Assistant Pastor/Church Planter Northeastern District
(District Directory “Other”) and Prayer Conference
8451 Rollercoaster Drive Monday – Wednesday
Cicero, NY 13039 IMPORTANT NOTICE: We are currently in March 28 – 30, 2011
509-393-0383 the process of preparing the District Oswego Alliance Church Directory for 2011. If you have any 371 Thompson Rd., Oswego, NY
revisions for the Directory it would be
greatly appreciated if you would please send them to at your
earliest convenience. Thank you!
District Calendar
District Web Site: OCTOBER
12 Ordination/Consecration In-Service Training
(Continuing Ed), DLBCC, 10:00 AM-3:30 PM
The new District web site has been up and running for a few
19 LO&CC Mtg., District Office, 10:00 AM
months now. This tool is a wonderful resource for your use. Items
21 Missions Comm. Mtg., District Office, 10:00 AM
such as our District Church Directory, Church Health and
25 Newsletter Items Due at District Office
Multiplication forms and resources, Continuing Education forms,
26 CMTeam Mtg., District Office, 10:00 AM
District Newsletters, District Events Calendar, Alliance Women’s
26 DEXCOM Agenda Items Due at District Office
Ministry, Alliance Men, District Committees, plus much more.
Please take some time to check it out.
Reminder: Along with the new District web site are new e-mail NOVEMBER
addresses for the District Office Team. 9 DEXCOM Meeting, District Office, 10:00 AM
11 Evangelism Comm. Teleconference, 3:00 PM
Rev. Daniel D. Miller Dist. Superintendents Conf.
Rev. Jon A. Martin Colorado Springs, CO
Mr. Frank E. Whiting 13-17
Engage ’10 (Dist. Youth Point Person Conf.)
Mrs. Debra A. Martin
Colorado Sp.
Mrs. Tracy M. Murphy 22 Newsletter Items Due at District Office
Page 3
Parsonage to Parsonage
There is one person in our Church
I know what it is like to cry with your man. Who knows our Pastor’s life.
I know there are nights you don’t sleep because Who weeps and smiles and
your Pastor husband beside you is tossing and prays with Him,
turning and sweating in agony over unresolved And that’s the Pastor’s wife!
church conflict. I know there are times you pray for
your children until you have no words left. I know The crowd has seen him in his strength,
there are times you have trouble and you feel so While bearing God’s Sharp Sword
alone unable to share your heart with anyone. As underneath God’s banner’s folds
Those are the dark days in the parsonage. He faced the devil’s horde.
I also know there are days when SON shines
But deep within her heart she knows
through the Parsonage windows. Who can fathom
That scarce an hour before
the joy of lost sheep being found because
She helped him pray the glory down
your husband preached a life-saving message?
Behind the closet door!
How awesome of God to provide for your needs
over and above what you asked or imagined.
She heard him groaning in his soul
What satisfaction knowing God uses you and your
When bitter raged the strife.
husband to care for His Flock, to weep with those who
As, hand in hand she knelt with him,
weep and to rejoice with those who rejoice.
For she’s the Pastor’s Wife.
Could anything be more meaningful than leading
the lost to eternity? It’s worth it.
You tell your tales of Preachers brave
Your life and your ministry matter.
Who marched across the world
I found this poem which I felt describes life And changed the course of history
in the parsonage pretty well. On this Clergy By burning words they hurled
Appreciation Month, I salute you and thank you
for your sacrifices for His Kingdom. And I will tell how back of each
You are appreciated and loved by both Some woman lived her life
Dan and me. Blessed October! Who wept with him and smiled with him,
May your harvest baskets be full. She was the Pastor’s Wife!
Author Unknown

Ordination/Consecration In-service Training

October 12, 2010
10:00 AM—3:15 PM
Delta LBCC, Lower Level
Rome, NY
A cordial invitation is extended to all District Official Workers and spouses to attend this training which quali-
fies for Continuing Education credit.
9:30 AM – Registration; coffee, beverages, light snacks at Delta Café
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM – Dealing with Demonic Issues in the Church
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Dealing with Demonic Issues in the Church/with Rev. Bruce W. Guckelberg, Ph.D.
12:15 PM – Lunch
1:00 PM – 3:15 PM – The Pastor and C&MA Missions/GCF with Rev. Jonathan D. Philbrick
Lunch and snacks will be provided at Delta at $10.00 per person. For provisional official workers and those
preparing for ordination or consecration, and their spouses who attend, lunch/snacks are compliments of the
District. Provisional official workers who choose to attend will receive In-Service Training credit towards
their future ordination requirements.
Please send the name of each attendee and $10.00 (if applicable) to the District Office (payable to
Northeastern District/C&MA). For further information: 315-336-4720, Ext. 201 or

Page 4
Pulpit Supply Evangelism Minute
This month I am responsible for submitting the “Evangelism Min-
Rev. Timothy P. Armstrong ute” to the newsletter. However, I want to ask you this question:
PO Box 69, Wellsville, NY 14895 Are you willing to give evangelism more than one minute? I
have to be honest, as pastors and Christian workers,
Rev. Michael D. Brady evangelism is something that we talk a lot about, but is it
22 S. Highland Ave., Wellsville, NY 14895- something that we do a lot about? As the Christian and
1416 Missionary Alliance we are all about “The Great Commission”.
Cell: 585-808-0099; As you well know, “The Great Commission” was Jesus’ last
instruction to His disciples, and to the Church, where Jesus
Rev. James C. Bruinsma instructs us to do two things: 1 “Go” and 2 “make disciples”.
95 Academy St., Mexico, NY 13114 Notice that both of those commands require action! We are not
315-963-2097; instructed to simply talk about evangelism, we are instructed to
Rev. Wayne A. Cole “Go” and share the gospel, whether that is around the world or
PO Box 115, Nelliston, NY 13410; 518-993- around the corner. As pastors and leaders of God’s Church
3763 we must lead. We should be the ones to set the example for the people who have been placed by God’s sovereignty in our care.
Rev. Maurice R. Irvin, Ph.D. It is easy for many of us to stand behind a pulpit and talk about
816 Foxboro Drive, Norwalk, CT 06852 evangelism, but are you personally involved in evangelism? If
859-229-1599; you want people in the church that you serve to have a heart for
lost people, and if you want them to care about evangelism, the
Mr. Ed Kenerson
25 Wabash St., Kenmore, NY 14217 best place to start is with yourself. If you care about lost people,
716-873-2605; and if you care about evangelism, and if you consistently tell
people about the “glorious gospel” of Jesus Christ it will be
Rev. David E. Lewis contagious. We are the leaders, let’s lead!
PO Box 1934, 487 Mississagua St.
Niagara-on-the-lake, ON, CANADA LOS 1J0 Charles Spurgeon once said, “If sinners be condemned, at least
905-468-1361; let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let
them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring
Rev. Robert C. Lindsey (Summer)
them to stay. If Hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of
Delta Lake Bible Conference Center
6420 Pillmore Dr., Rome, NY 13440 our exertions, and let not one go unwarned and un-prayed for.”
315-336-3771; We are the people who can warn them, we are the people who
should pray for them. Do you care enough to do something
Rev. Jack L. Murphy about it? Keith Wilson ,Delhi Alliance Church
12 Kings Mills Rd., Gansevoort, NY 12831
Rev. David A. Wheatley, Jr.
Rev. Gerald M. Myers 239 Hamilton Drive, Delhi, NY 13753;
41 N. Amherst Ave., Schenectady, NY 607-746-3601
12304 Mars Alliance Church
518-377-9409; just outside of
Rev. Thomas Young – 7 Reservoir Dr.,
Rev. Gerald A. Peterson Queensbury, NY 12804 Pittsburg, PA
2289 Rt. 62, Kennedy, NY 14747 518-792-0057; November 9–11, 2010
716-569-2936 hosted by the
Rev. Donald W. Propert Pennsylvania
187 W. Main St., Angelica, NY 14709 District.
Rev. Roger G. Stewart For more information
4128 Abby Rd, Syracuse, NY; 315-345-4114 please visit
Rev. James A. Wells Upcoming Gatherings
83 Ellistown Rd., Lot 4, Waverly, NY 14892
607-565-2645; Or call: Lynette Norris
Gathering Administrator

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