May-Jun 2010 Alliance Women Ministries Newsletter, NE District Christian and Missionary Alliance

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N.E. District AWM May/June 2010 Newsletter

Newsletter Title

of the Northeastern District

May/ June 2010 New sletter
The National Alliance Women Ministries (AWM) Leadership Team Train-
ing meetings held out in Colorado Springs have come and gone. Our
Northeastern District AWM Leadership Team training retreat at Delta has AWM DISTRICT OFFICERS
already taken place. Our District team is gearing up to present the 2010- Director Assistant Director
2011 year with a new national project, theme and spiritual emphasis to all Daisy B. Wallace Jody Gates
of our District churches. I trust you are ready to encourage and embrace 451 Hornbrook Rd. 2518 LaFayette Rd.
what our coaches have to share with their regional churches. Ithaca, NY 14850 LaFayette, NY 13084
607-279-7118 315-677-3512
Our 2009-2010 national project Pass the Salt is coming to an end and I e-mail: e-mail:
urge all of you to finish strong in giving towards this important project
equipping our overseas ministries with evangelistic tools as they inten-
Secretary Treasurer
tionally evangelize in reaching others. Please send in your money for this Ellen Coulter Barb Moleski
project soon to our N.E. District AWM Treasurer Barb Moleski. Thanks so 5971 Sugarbush Drive 4487 Wilderness Way
much—we can’t do it without all of you. Tully, NY 13159 Syracuse, NY 13215
315-677-0239 315-488-7691
I am hoping by now that all of you have received your new Leadership e-mail: e-mail:
Link for this coming year. The Bible study on spiritual disciplines in the
middle of the magazine is wonderful and one that is much-needed for all Inside this issue:
of us. Even if you don’t use it for your women’s ministries or small group
study, take time to use it for a personal study. If you do not receive a Director Greetings, 1
copy by the end of June, send me a quick e-mail and I will get one out to AWM Officers, Summer
you soon. Renew Celebration at
This year, we are women On the Move to take the gospel to Creative Ac-
District AWM team new 2
cess Countries (CAC) around the world. What a great way for AWM to
intros, 2010-2011 na-
partner in making a difference in our world. Details inside this newsletter.
tional project info
Daisy More team intros, AWM 3
District Asst. Director
 S um mer Renew Cel ebra ti on —J ul y 4th, 3:00 p.m. , De lta Lake 
Save the date for Fall 4
International Workers (IWs) Speaking: Also on the program: Refocus, due dates,
Nancy Farnum, CAC Worker Introduction of 2010-2011 national web info
Karen Spurling, Paraguay, S.A. project & spiritual emphasis.
Reneé Valach, M.D., Bongolo Hospital, Gabon, Africa PowerPoint of N.E. District IWs Women’s Leadership 5
Greetings from Karen Carlson, Peru Studies, Unit 2
Thank you in person from: Prayer for Renew IWs IWs prayer needs, 6
Su Sitterley, CAC Worker Time for buying new project and Leadership Link, Vision
Bev Hawkins, Greater European Mission theme materials tour info, Celebrate
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N.E . Dis tric t AW M Ma y/ J une 20 10 New slette r

IN T R O DU C IN G O U R N E W L E A D E RS H I P T E AM M EM B E R S (more on next page  )

Rochester Regional Erie East Regional Southern Tier Central
Coach Coach Regional Coach
Anne Davis is the pas- Lowana Davenport is
Tracy Cornell’s home tor’s wife from the Kill
church is Trinity Alliance from The Village Chapel
Buck Alliance Commu- in Candor. Churches
in Rochester. Churches nity Church in Sala-
within her region are: Al- that make up her region
manca. Churches mak- are: Apalachin, Candor,
bion, Batavia, The Savior’s ing up her region are: Arcade, Frank-
Chapel, Trinity Alliance and the Wal- North Waverly, Owego
linville, Kill Buck, and Springville. We and Waverly. We trust all of you will
worth New Life Bible Church. Welcome ask you to give a big welcome to
her as she reaches out to your church, open up a warm welcome to Lowana
Anne as your coach as she contacts when she reaches out to you as your
gives you the new 2010-2011 materials, each of you in women’s ministry. She
encourages you and is there to help regional coach, gives you the new ma-
is available to you for guidance, en- terials for 2010-2011, is there to en-
answer your questions. Thank you couragement, prayer support and
Tracy, for your faithfulness to serve the courage and guide you. Thank you for
getting new materials to you. Wel- answering the call to serve on our Dis-
call together on our District leadership come Anne and thank you for obey-
team. trict leadership team, Lowana.
ing the call to serve District AWM.

2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1 Na t i o n a l P ro j e c t T h e m e a n d S p i r i t u a l
Becoming mature in Christ through the exercise of spiritual disciplines is Key Verse:
the AWM On the Move theme.
"I am teaching you the way of wisdom; I am
Our devotionals/Bible studies focus on: Worship, Meditation, Prayer, guiding you on straight paths. When you walk,
Journaling, Fasting, Service, Simplicity, Submission, Solitude, Steward- your steps will not be hindered; when you run,
ship, Sabbath, and Celebration. This study can be found in the center of you will not stumble. Hold on to instruction,
the Leadership Link or on the national web site— don't let go. Guard it, for it is your life." Prov. There are many resources on the web site. 4:11‐13 (Holman Christian Standard Bible).
Take a look at the site under “menu” and you will find information to an- Will you dig deeper into your spiritual walk
swer your questions, ideas, graphics for the national theme and much through His Word this year? Will you take
more. time to listen to His voice as you quiet your
Notice the colors of lime, kelly and pine green with black accents are the heart before Him and commune with Him
new colors this coming year. Using black silhouettes of people On the daily? The challenge is to exercise both in
Move can be used to emphasize the importance of getting our physical your spiritual and physical disciplines—let us
be On the Move together!
bodies in shape in addition to our spiritual lives.

Walkathon: The N.E. District AWM will be encouraging our

churches to participate in a walkathon this year as a
way to raise support to meet the national goal of
$350,000 for Creative Access Countries (CAC) as in-
ternational workers take the gospel around the world to
these countries. The suggested date for the walkathon
is April 30, 2011, but if this date doesn’t work for every-
one, we are encouraging churches and/or regions to
set a date that works within your schedule. Details to
follow soon. We are hoping to have volunteers who will
coordinate this project for our district.
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N.E . Dis tric t AW M Ma y/ J une 20 10 New slette r

N E W L E A D E R S H I P TE A M I N TR O S ( c o n t ’ d . )
Adirondack Regional
Finger Lakes North Capital East Regional Coach
Regional Coach Coach Sheryl Overstreet is the
Jill Gregory comes from pastor’s wife from the North
Cherie Hylton’s church Country Alliance Church in
Pineview Community
is Syracuse Alliance. Plattsburgh. Churches in-
Church in Albany. Capital
Churches within the cluded in her region are:
East churches include: Al-
Finger Lakes North Re- Plattsburgh, Saranac Lake, and Ticon-
bany, Hoosick Falls, Scho-
gion are: Auburn, Bald- deroga. Sheryl might not have as many
dack and Troy. We ask you to welcome
winsville, Geneva, N. Syracuse
Jill as your regional coach as she encour- churches as some regions, but she cer-
Church Plant, and Syracuse. Give ages you along, gives you the new mate- tainly has the mileage in between! Please
Cherie a big welcome as she calls or rials, prays, and guides you in your minis- welcome her as your coach whether you
contacts you in getting you the new try to women—you do not need an organ- have an organized AWM’s group or
materials, keeping in touch to en- ized AWM group to be part of women’s women’s ministry. The Bible study in the
courage, pray, and guide you along ministries in the N.E. District, so embrace new Leadership Link is powerful and
in women’s ministry. The District your new coach as she has answered much-needed in our lives so we hope you
leadership team looks forward to God’s call to serve in this capacity. Jill, will come on board this year for spiritual
working with you, Cherie, and welcome to the District Leadership Team growth and discipline. Sheryl is there for
thanks you for being faithful in and thank you for your faithfulness in you with your new materials, enthusiasm,
serving the call together in AWM. leading women in your region. encouragement, and prayer. Welcome
Sheryl and thank you for stepping up to
the call of serving on the District team.
A Ch al l en g e f r om ou r A sst . Di r e ct or

Feeding My Soul
by Jody Gates, Northeastern District Assistant Director of AWM
After spending three weeks away from my husband, visiting my mother and sisters, I could not wait to get home and see him. I
was looking forward to spending time with my best friend. As I thought about our theme passage and the spiritual disciplines we
will be studying this year, the Holy Spirit convicted me of my own relationship with my Savior. Do I have an intimate friendship
with Jesus; that I long and cannot wait to spend time with Him through God's Word and prayer?
I believe daily Bible intake through reading, studying, memorizing, meditating and hearing the Word preached is foundational to
all other spiritual disciplines. Just as we eat at least three times a day, we need to feed our heart, mind, and soul on a daily ba-
sis. It is a deliberate choice to pick up our fork to put food in our mouth, so it should be with picking up our Bible and feeding the
soul that Jesus Christ inhabits.
Do I long and hunger for God's Word as I do my daily food? Your words were found, and I ate them, and Your words became to
me a joy and the delight of my heart. Jeremiah 15:16. Does my soul pant for God? Do I thirst for Him? As a deer pants for flow-
ing streams, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, the living God. Psalm 42:1-2
Do I long for God every day?
Several suggestions to help you feed on the Word of God:
*Read Proverbs or a Psalm according to today's date
*Use a Bible reading plan Do I have an intimate friendship
*Read Psalm 119 a section at a time with Jesus; that I long and cannot
*Read one chapter a day in one of the Gospels wait to spend time with Him
*Attend a women's Bible study
through God’s Word and prayer?
No desire for spiritual food? God knows, ask Him to help you:
*delight in His statutes - Psalm 119:16
*incline your heart to His testimonies - Psalm 119:36
*to turn your eyes from looking at worthless things - Psalm 119:37
*to long for the pure spiritual milk of God's Word as a newborn longs for its milk - 1 Peter 2:2
I pray that the peace of Christ will rule your heart and the Word of Christ will dwell in you richly. Colossians 3:16

Jody serves along side her husband Rob, who is Pastor of the LaFayette Alliance Church. She gave this as our Friday night
devotional at the N.E. District AWM Leadership Team Training Retreat held June 4-5 at Delta Lake Conference Center.
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Due soon!
2009-2010 Annual Reports
Your regional coach will be Surfing the web? Find information and encourage-
asking you to turn in your report ment at:
to her ASAP after your June  National AWM website—
meeting or shortly after  Our Northeastern District AWM website:
June 30th. (our District web site will be changing soon—
Thank you for making it we’ll keep you informed)
 National C&MA website:
possible to get 100% of our N.E.  Find prayer requests at:
District churches reporting last  - you
can subscribe to receive these requests weekly.
year. Help us reach that again
this year.
Even if you do not have an
organized or active AWM group,
we need your women’s
ministries stats.
Save the date!
Sept. 24-25

Fall Ref ocus

on Missions
Delta Lake Bible Conference Center, Rome, NY
International worker interviews, speakers, seminars
for teens and adults, Friday evening teen social,
worship, prayer, fellowship, gift shop, book tables,
and fun for all ages!
Gear up for your fall mission conferences!
Blessings in store for all—mark
your calendars and see you there!
Final details coming soon!
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N.E . Dis tric t AW M Ma y/ J une 20 10 New slette r

WLS Unit Two coming to Fulton Alliance

Church—Saturday, November 6th

Session 1: Foundation of Women’s Ministries

Susan Garlinger, Instructor
- Methods of designing women’s ministries in the local
church through observation, evaluation and assessments
Methods for accessing needs of local church
Principles for designing ministries (flow chart)
Evaluating ministries for effectiveness

Session 2: Assessment and integration of leaders

Assessment and Integration of Leaders –
Janet Howard, Instructor
- Identifying then integrating the principles of
leadership and personality styles within the context
of the church.
Working with the Pastor and Elders in the church
Personality Profiles, DISC
Leadership styles

Even if you did not start with Unit One,

you can begin with Unit Two
►District Contact Person:
Alice Lamb 12 Bock Drive, Fulton, NY 13069
Phone: 315-592-5241
For course details and syllabus, go to:
Page 4.

Remember to pray: N.E . Dis tric t AW M Ma y/ J une 20 10 New slette r

For our Northeastern District international workers serving around the world. Pray for the Mindeks as they
prepare and raise their support to work at Black Forest Academy in Germany for one year while on leave of
absences from Macedonia. Pray for Lorrie Farnsworth as she finishes up her work in Papua, Indonesia to
come to the states for home assignment and then to retirement. Pray for the Sterns as they finish up their
work with the C&MA, come to our District for home assignment this fall and then raise support to return to
Argentina. Pray for the Eggletons as they are in the states on a one-month vacation from Russia—pray for
rest, for Alan as he recuperates from hernia surgery and that they will have a sweet visit with family. Pray
for the Cerias that they will settle well into their new apartment and get established with their new ministry
in Moscow.

All of you should have re-

ceived a copy of this by now or
will soon—let us know if you
did not and we’ll be sure you
will get one.

◄ Start saving now

for this
amazing event!

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