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Tax Audit Checklist C.

Venkatram and Company

Clause Clauses under Form 3CD Step recommended WP Ref By

1 Name of the Assessee :

2 Address : ● Check the address as per

Income Tax record and
obtain any evidence
available in this regard.
● If there is any change in the
address till the date of
signing of the report,
check that new address is
mentioned in Form 3CD.

3 Permanent Account Number : Verify from the PA Card or any

other document.

4 Status : Company/Firm/AOP etc.

5 Previous Year Ended : 31st March 2008

6 Assessment Year : 2008-09


7 (a) If firm or Association of : Verify from the Partnership

Persons, indicate names of Deed/AOP agreement.
partners/ members and their
profit sharing ratios.

(b) If there is any change in the : - do -

partners or members or in
their profit sharing ratio since
the last date of the preceding
year, the particulars of such
Note: In case of any change
attach copy of partnership deed
with the Income-tax return if

8 (a) Nature of business or : ● In respect of each class of

profession (if more than one business, it is necessary to
business or profession is mention whether assessee is
carried on during the previous manufacturer, dealer, service
year, nature of every business provider, etc.
of profession).

(b) If there is any change in the : ● Review audited Balance Sheet

nature of business or and other relevant records to
profession, the particulars of ascertain whether there is any
such change. apparent change in the
business carried out by the
assessee, which may need to
be highlighted under this

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clause. In particular, examine

whether any business or
activity has been
discontinued, any new activity
has been commenced or
whether there has been any
expansion of the existing
● Additional activity started
with in the same business
carried on by the assessee
does not mean change in
nature of business or
profession e.g. if the assessee
is in the business of
manufacturing shirts also
starts manufacture of
● Obtain management
● For change in business
besides LOR go through the
following :
● Any notes given in Notes
to Accounts.
● Any notes given by Board
of Directors in their report.
● Compare the Segment
Reporting of this year with
last year.
● Compare quantitative
details of this year with last

9 (a) Whether books of account are : Applicable for assessee carrying

prescribed under section profession for the time being.
44AA, if yes, list of books so

(b) Books of account maintained. : ● Check complete list of all

(In case books of account are primary books of accounts
maintained in a computer maintained by the assessee.
system, mention the books of ● Check whether books of
account generated by such accounts have been generated
computer system) from computer system or not.
● Obtain management

(c) List of books of account : Disclose the list of books of

examined. account examined.

10 Whether the profit and loss : Generally Not applicable.

account includes any profits However go through the
and gains assessable on consolidated Profit & Loss
presumptive basis, if yes, account to see whether it
indicate the amount and the includes any such profit.
relevant section (44AD, 44AE,
44AF, 44B, 44BB, 44BBA,

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44BBB or any other relevant


11 (a) Method of accounting : ● Review Accounting policies

employed in the previous year. from audited accounts.
Check whether assessee is
following Mercantile or Cash
method of accounting.
● While following Mercantile
basis of accounting, check
whether any item of income
or expense is accounted for
on cash basis. Since Hybrid
method of accounting is not
allowed, state the nature and
amounts of such items.

(b) Whether there has been any : ● Scrutinize the last week of last
change in the method of month’s journal vouchers
accounting employed vis-a-vis thoroughly to see provisions
the method employed in the for expenses made & whether
immediately preceding they are on same basis as in
previous year. earlier year. Payment
vouchers for first two months
of subsequent year should be
scrutinized to verify the
correctness thereof.
● Ensure that following heads
of accounts are scrutinized
thoroughly and compared
with earlier year to check
whether accounting is on
same basis as in earlier years.;
● Refund for income-tax,
sales tax, etc.
● Export incentives
● Claims for loss or
● Grants/Subsidies
● Interest on delayed
● Determine whether there has
been any change in the
method of accounting
employed vis-à-vis the
method employed in the
immediately preceding year.

(c) If answer to (b) above is in the : ● Ensure that any change in the
affirmative, give details of such method of accounting
change, and the effect thereof employed is appropriately
on the profit or loss. disclosed and the effect
thereof on the profit/loss is
also disclosed.
● Obtain management

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(d) Details of deviation, if any, in : ● Check whether there is any

the method of accounting deviation from the
employed in the previous year Accounting Standard (IT) – I
from accounting standards & Accounting Standard (IT)
prescribed under section 145 – II notified under section
and the effect thereof on the 145(2) of IT Act regarding;
profit or loss. a. Fundamental accounting
assumption of Accrual,
Consistency & Going
b. Prudence, Substance
over form & Materiality
in accounting policies.
c. Disclosure of significant
accounting policies and
changes in such policies
with the resultant
impact, if material on
accounts of year of
change or subsequent
d. Disclosure of prior
period and extraordinary
items or change in
accounting estimate in
Profit & Loss Account
and report the effect
thereof on profit & loss.
● Ensure that deviation from
such standards is
appropriately disclosed and
the effect thereof on the
profit/loss is also indicated.

12 (a) Method of valuation of closing : ● Closing stock would include

stock employed in the previous raw material, finished goods,
year. work in progress, stores,
spare and loose tools and
shares/units in case of
investment companies..
● Change in the method of
valuation of opening and
closing stock, including effect
of change, is now covered
under clause 11.
● Agree the method of valuation
with audited working papers
and audited financial

(b) Details of deviation, if any, : Deviation normally occurs in

from the method of valuation case of stock of Raw Material,
prescribed under section 145A, Stores, WIP etc. only and in case
and the effect thereof on the of finished goods to the extent of
profit or loss. cost of raw material etc.
comprised therein which are
valued net of VAT. Although
there may not be any impact due

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of Cenvat and VAT. Give

appropriate note/working
(existing note if any needs

12 A Give the following particulars Verify any fixed asset converted

of the capital asset converted into stock in trade. Give the
into stock-in-trade:- necessary details.
(a) Description of capital asset;
(b) Date of acquisition;
(c) Cost of acquisition;
(d) Amount at which the asset
is converted into stock-in-

13 Amounts not credited to the :

profit and loss account, being -
a. The items falling within : ● Enquire whether any item of
the scope of section 28; income chargeable under
`Profit and Gains of Business
of Profession’ has not been
credited to the profit and loss
account. Section 28 covers :
● Profits and gains of
business or profession
● Compensation received
on termination of
employment, agency,
● Income of trade or
professional or similar
association from specific
services to members
● Export incentives
● Perquisites received
during the course of
● Interest, salary, bonus,
remuneration, etc.
received by a partner
from firm, which is
allowable under section
● Amount received under
key man’s insurance
● Thus, if any such item is taken
to any account directly in the
Balance Sheet, it will be
covered under this clause.
● Review the audited schedules
and financial statements to
determine whether such
income has been credited
directly to reserves or
retained as a credit under the
head `current liabilities and
provisions’ or any other head.

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● Obtain management
b. The proforma credits, : ● Obtain a schedule indicating
drawbacks, refunds of the details of the following
duty of customs or claims admitted as due by
excise, or service tax, or the concerned authorities
refund of sales tax or but not credited to the
value added tax where profit and loss account.
such credits, drawbacks The schedule should also
or refunds are admitted indicate the year in which it
as due by the authorities was admitted as due.
concerned; ● Proforma credits
● Duty drawbacks
● Excise/Custom duty
● Sales tax refunds
● Service tax refunds
● VAT refunds
● Obtain an understanding of
the relevant accounting
policies [refer clause 11(a)].
● Agree the schedule with the
claim papers and relevant
correspondence files. Further
ensure that the claims have
been admitted as due by the
concerned authorities.
● Review the relevant
assessment orders to
determine whether any such
claims are due.
● Obtain management

c. Escalation claims : ● Obtain a schedule indicating

accepted during the details of escalation claims
previous year; accepted during the year but
not credited to the profit and
loss account. The schedule
should also indicate the year
in which it was accepted as
due. Certain instances of
escalation claims may be in
relation of contract with
government customers and
other sales to customers
having escalation clause in
● Obtain an understanding of
the relevant accounting
policies [refer clause 11(a)].
● Agree the claims accepted
with contracts and other
relevant documents and
ensure that claims have been
accepted by the concerned
● Obtain management

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(d) Any other item of income; : ● Enquire whether any item of

income chargeable to tax
under heads of income other
than `Profits and Gains of
Business or Profession’ has
not been credited to profit
and loss account.
● Report all items of income
which are credited to expense
heads with a note that this has
no impact on the net profit.
● Review the audited schedules
and financial statements to
determine whether such
income has been credited
directly to reserves or
retained as a credit under the
head `current liabilities and
provisions’ or any other head.
● Obtain management

(e) capital receipt, if any. : ● Enquire whether any capital

receipt ha s not been credited
to profit and loss account.
For instance, capital receipts
may be in the nature of
Note: In case of non-compete
fees directly taken to
reserves or capital account
report the same in clause
13(a) also.
● Furnish details of gifts
received during the year.
● Share premium account.
● Share forfeiture.
● Capital reserve arising on
merger and demerger.
● Furnish details of the amount
of capital nature received or
receivable on transfer of
technology, knowhow, and
patent during the financial
year and treatment thereof in
● Obtain an understanding of
the relevant accounting
policies [refer clause 11(a)].
● Review the audited schedules
and financial statements to
determine whether such
capital receipt has been
credited directly to reserves or
retained as a credit under the
head `current liabilities and

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provisions’ or any other hand.

● Obtain management

14 Particulars of depreciation : ● Obtain a schedule providing

allowable as per the Income- the relevant details indicated
tax Act,1961 in respect of each in the aforesaid clause in
asset or block of assets, as the respect of each asset or block
case may be, in the following of assets. In particular,
form :- ensure that the following have
(a) Description of asset/block of been included :
assets ● Written down value at
(b) Rate of depreciation. the beginning of the
(c) Actual cost or written down year.
value, as the case may be. ● Assets acquired during
(d) Additions/deductions during the year have been
the year with dates; in the case segregated between the
of any addition of an asset, assets put to use for less
date put to use; including than 180 days and those
adjustments on account of- used for more than 180
i. Modified Value Added days
Tax credit claimed and ● Deductions during the
allowed under the year represent the sale
Central Excise Rules, proceeds of assets sold
1944, in respect of ● Rates of depreciation.
assets acquired on or i. Refer Appendix 1
after 1st March, 1994, and Appendix 1A as
ii. Change in rate of the case may be.
exchange of currency, ii. Appendix 1A is
and applicable in respect
iii. Subsidy or grant or of Power Generation
reimbursement, by companies.
whatever name called. ● Even in a case where the
Depreciation allowable. auditee has decided not
(e) Written down value at the end to claim depreciation in
(f) of the year. part or full, give full
details of depreciation
● Review assessments
completed/ prior year tax
returns to examine the basis
adopted in earlier years for
determination of depreciation
allowable. Also ascertain
whether any aggressive
positions have been adopted
by the clinet and examine
implications thereof.
● For additions during the year
ensure that the classification
of assets or block of assets
and the rates of depreciation
is in accordance with the
requirements of the Income
Tax Act, 1961.
● Agree the written down value
at the beginning of the year to
the return of income of the

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immediately proceding year.

● Agree the additions with the
audited schedules and ensure
that adequate tests have been
carried out for `actual cost’
capitalized and the dates the
assets were `put to use’.
Obtain a reconciliation to the
additions as per the audited
schedules, where necessary.
Certain instances of such
reconciling items may be
capital expenditure on
scientific research, leasehold
improvements, etc.
● Ensure that the policies
followed are consistent with
the requirements of the
Income Tax Act, 1961.
● For assets acquired during the
year, obtain an understanding
of the accounting policy for
the following :
● Modvat credit
● Exchange fluctuation
including in respect of
realized gains/ losses,
unrealized gain/losses
and treatment of
forward exchange
● Subsidy or grant or
● Depreciation capitalized.
● Any expenditure which does
not relate to acquisition of
P&M but capitalized as part of
preoperative expense.
● Ensure capitalisation of
interest in respect of
borrowed capital as per
Section 36(1)(iii).
● Agree the amounts included
as adjustments on account of
modvat, change in exchange
rates and subsidy/grant with
the audited schedules and
other relevant supporting
● Check the implications of
section 43A of Income Tax
● Agree the deductions during
the year with audited
schedules and ensure that
such amount reconciles with
the amount considered for
determining the profit/loss on

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assets sold, discarded etc.

● Review the depreciation
computation and ensure the
arithmetical accuracy of the
depreciation allowable and
the written down value at the
end of the year.
● Ensure that additional
depreciation u/s 32(ii)(a) is
compiled and reduced from

15 Amounts admissible under : ● Obtain a schedule giving

sections- details of deduction
a. 33AB admissible under the relevant
b. 33ABA sections, indicating
c. 33AC (wherever : separately, the amounts
applicable) debited to profit and loss
d. 35 account and not debited to
e. 35ABB profit and loss account. The
f. 35AC relevant sections are as
g. 35CCA : follows:
h. 35CCB ● 35 Expenditure on scientific
i. 35D research
j. 35DD ● 35CCA Expenditure by way
k. 35DDA of payment to associations
l. 35E” and institutions for carrying
out rural development
a. Debited to the profit and programmes.
loss account (showing the ● 35CCB Expenditure by way
amount debited and of payment to associations
deduction allowable and institutions
under each section carrying out
separately); programmes of conversa-
tion of nature resources.
b. not debited to the profit ● 35D Amotisation of certain
and loss account. preliminary expenses.
● 35DD
● 35DDA
● Review the computation of
the amounts admissible under
the aforesaid sections and
agree the same with the
audited schedules, financial
statements and other relevant
supporting documents.
● Obtain management

16 (a) Any sum paid to an employee : ● Furnish details of bonus or

as bonus or commission for commission, if any, to an
services rendered, where such employee for services
sum was otherwise payable to rendered which otherwise was
him as profits or dividend payable as profits or dividend.
[Section 36(1)(ii)]. ● Normal bonus or commission
to employees including
directors even as percentage
of profits is not covered under

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this sub-clause unless the

same was otherwise payable
as profits or dividend.

(b) Any sum received from : ● Furnish details of any sum

employees towards received from the employees
contributions to any provident towards the contribution to:
fund or superannuation fund a. Provident Fund
or any other fund mentioned b. ESI Fund
in section 2(24)(x) and due c. Superannuation Fund
date for payment and the d. Any other fund for the
actual date of payment to the welfare of employees.
concerned authorities under ● Furnish details of due date of
section 36(1)(va). payment and actual dates of
payment for the amount
received from employees
towards various funds stated
in above para.
● The due date of PF
Contribution is 15 days and in
case of ESI Contribution is 21
days from the end of the
month to which salary relates.
● Refer to Circular No. E128(I)
60- III dated 19.03.1964 as
modified by circular
E11/128/73 dated 24.10.73
issued by the concerned
authorities granting 5 days of
grace period for payment for
payment of PF Contribution .
The due date will be
determined accordingly.

17 Amounts debited to the profit :

and loss account, being :-
(a) expenditure of capital : ● Furnish detail of following
nature; expenditure debited to Profit
& Loss Account:
a. Capital Expenditure;
b. Capital Items which are
fully or partly written off
in P&L Account;
c. Scientific Research
Expenses & Technical
Know How Fees;
d. Write of advance paid for
capital expenditure/
capital project.
e. Fees or Expenditure
connected with increase
in authorised capital,
issue of bonus shares,
travelling & other
expenses connected with
purchase of capital assets
f. Amount debited on

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account of preliminary
expenses (35D), VRS
expenses (35DDA),
expenses (35DD).
● Check the following head of
accounts minutely:
a. Store & spare parts
b. Repair & Maintenance
c. Misc. Expenses
d. Legal & Professional
● If in your opinion, any item of
expenditure debited to the
P&L Account is not of capital
nature but there is possibility
of holding such a view,
furnish details with your
views on the same.
● Obtain an understanding of
the capitalization policy
followed by the client.
● If any amount reported as
capital expenditure is in the
nature of fixed asset item
include the same in clause
● Obtain management
representation letter.

(b) expenditure of personal : ● Under section 227(1A)(c) of

nature; the Companies Act, 1956, the
auditor is required to enquire
whether personal expenses
have been charged to the
revenue account. If there is
any such comment in the
auditor’s statutory report then
obtain a schedule of personal
expenses debited to the profit
and loss account.
● In case of expenditure
incurred at club the same are
to be reported under clause
17(d). However to the extent
of personal element in the
said expenditure, the same
should be reported here also.
● Expenses of personal nature
paid under a contractual
obligation need not be
● Agree with the audited
schedules supporting the
comments in the auditor’s
statutory report.
● Review the relevant accounts
to ensure that no other

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expenditure of personal
nature has been charged to
the profit and loss account.
● Obtain management

c. expenditure on : ● Furnish details of the

advertisement in any expenses incurred on
souvenir, brochure, tract, advertisement if any
pamphlet or the like, published for a political party
published by a political ● Furnish details of expenditure
party; incurred on advertisement in
souvenir, brochure, tract,
pamphlet or journal
published by trade union,
labour union or any other
body formed by political
● Agree the schedule with the
relevant supporting
Note : Political parties would
include both national and
regional parties, which are
approved by the Election
● Review the advertisement,
sales promotion and other
relevant accounts to ensure
that all such expenditure has
been appropriately disclosed.
● Obtain management

(d) expenditure incurred at :

clubs -
i. as entrance fees ● Furnish the detail of expenses
and made to clubs under following
subscriptions; heads:
● Entrance fees
● Subscriptions
ii. as cost for club ● Catering Bills
services and ● Residential
facilities used; Accommodation
● Expenditure towards use
of club services and
facilities i.e. health club.
Bar. Conference &
entertainment expenses
● Reimbursement of club
payments to
directors/employees should
be included in the above
● Subscriptions and other
payments made to service

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organizations like Lions Club,

Rotary Club, Giants, Jaycees
etc. would not be included
under this clause.
● Payments made to credit
agencies like Diners Club
would not be included under
this clause.
● Payments to clubs would
include payments to
● Review the relevant accounts
and ensure that all
expenditure incurred at clubs
has been appropriately
● Obtain management

(e) (i) expenditure by way : ● Furnish the detail of

of penalty or fine for expenditure by way of penalty
violation of any law for or fine debited during the
the time being in force; financial year.
i. any other penalty or ● Furnish detail of
fine; compensation debited for
ii. expenditure incurred breach of contract during the
for any purpose which financial year.
is an offence or which ● Furnish copies of penalty
is prohibited by law; orders passed during the
financial year under relevant
laws, which are applicable to
● Furnish detail of gifts given to
government officials.
● Furnish details of expenditure
incurred such as protection
money, extortion money,
regular hafta, bribe etc.
● Furnish detail of penalty
debited which are in the
nature of interest under any
● Review the legal and
professional fees, rates and
taxes, sales tax paid or any
other taxes paid, general
charges account and other
relevant accounts and ensure
that all such expenditure has
been appropriately disclosed.
● Obtain management
● Unsupported expenditure
may need to be reviewed to
determine whether it needs to
be included under
`expenditure, which is an
offence or prohibited by law’.

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a. amounts inadmissible : ● Furnish detail of Interest,

under section 40(a); royalty, fees for technical
know how, services and other
sums, which are payable
outside India, on which tax
has not been paid or deducted
or deducted and paid at rate
less than the prescribed rate.
● Furnish detail of expenses
payable as reimbursement of
expenses outside India on
which tax has not been
deducted or paid at source.
● Furnish details of payment,
which is chargeable under the
head salaries payable outside
India and on which Tax has
not been deducted.
● Furnish any interest,
commission, brokerage, fees
for professional services or for
technical services, amount
paid/payable to contractor
and rent, royalty on which tax
has not deducted or deducted
at rate less than the
prescribed rate or after
deduction of TDS is not
deposited within the due date
(Ignore late deposit of TDS
cases if the same is deposited
by the end of financial year).
[Section 194C, 194A, 194H,
194I, 194J and section 9(1)
(vii) & 9(1)(vi)].
● Furnish any payment made
towards a provident fund or
other fund established for the
benefit of employees for
which tax has not been
deducted at source.
● Furnish any tax actually paid
u/s 10(CC).
● Furnish Fringe benefit tax
(below the line or above the
● Furnish Securities transaction
tax if debited to Profit & Loss
account or if not debited to
Profit & Loss Account.
● In case STT component is
adjusted in the cost of
investment/sale price then
appropriate amount shall also
be disclosed as amount not
debited to Profit & Loss

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● Furnish any amount paid on

account of rate or tax levied
on profits (including any tax
paid on profit outside India).
● Review all expenses payable
and provision for expenses for
43B & TDS default.
● Furnish details of Income Tax
& Wealth Tax debited to P&L
Account during the year.
● Agree the details with audited
schedules and other relevant
supporting documents.
● Obtain management

(g) interest, salary, bonus, : Applicable only for partnership

commission or firms.
remuneration inadmissible
under section 40(b)/
40(ba) and computation

(h) (A) whether a certificate : ● Obtain a schedule of all

has been obtained payments made in excess of
from the assessee Rs.20,000 made in cash. If
regarding payments such payments are exempt
relating to any under any of the clauses (a) to
expenditure covered (l) of Rule 6DD, indicate in
under section 40A(3) the schedule. Ensure that the
that the payments conditions for specific
were made by account exemption under any of the
payee cheques drawn clauses (a) to (l) of Rule 6DD
on a bank or account are satisfied. Ensure that the
payee bank draft, as schedule indicates the
the case may be, computation of disallowance
(Yes/No) as per section 40A(3).
● Payments exceeding
(B) amount inadmissible Rs.20,000 otherwise than by
under section 40A(3), Account payee cheque or draft
read with rule 6DD will attract 100%
[with break-up of disallowance.
inadmissible ● Furnish details of
amounts] Outstanding Expenses of the
financial year for which
payments are made in
subsequent year at the time in
excess of Rs. 20,000/-
otherwise than by a Account
payee cheque/draft.
● This should include payments
to staff by way of salary, travel
allowance etc.
● Only revenue payments would
be covered. Purchase of fixed
assets for which cash
payments are made in excess
of Rs.20,000 would not be

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● Payment for purchase of raw
materials and stocks would be
● As per the ICAI, in case no
proper evidence for
verification of the payments
by Account payee cheque or
draft is available the report
should comment that it is not
possible for us to verify
whether the payments in
excesss of Rs.20,000 have
been made otherwise than by
Account payee cheque or bank
draft as the necessary
evidence is not in the
possession of the assessee.
● Review the payments in the
cash book and adjustments to
advances/deposits to ensure
that all cash payments
exceeding Rs.20,000 have
been included in the schedule.
● Obtain certificate from
auditee that all payments
exceeding 20,000/- for
expenses if made by cheque/
draft are made by Account
payee cheque or Account
payee draft.

a. provision for payment of : ● Furnish a copy of the order of

gratuity not allowable the Commissioner of Income
under section 40A(7); Tax granting recognition to
the gratuity fund.
● Furnish certificate that the
contribution made does not
exceed permissible limit as
per rules 103 & 104 of Income
Tax Rules.
● Obtain a schedule indicating
the provision for payment of
gratuity not allowable under
section 40A(7)..
● Agree the amounts provided
with the audited schedules,
financial statements and
other relevant supporting
documents and ensure that all
such expenditure hs been
appropriately disclosed.
● Whether contributions have
been made to approved
gratuity fund, review the copy
of the trust deed and rules.
● Obtain management

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● Enquire whether CIT or RPFC

has withdrawn the exemption
during the year.
● Verify that the PF Trust
recognized by CIT is also
recognized by PF authorities.

b. any sum paid by the : ● Obtain a schedule indicating

assessee as an employer the sum paid by the assessee
not allowable under as an employer, not allowable
section 40A(9); under section 40A(9) i.e.
towards setting up or
formation or contribution to
any fund, trust, company, etc.
other than ;
● Recognised provident
● Any PF for exemption is
withdrawn by CIT.
● Recognised gratuity
● Recognised
superannuation fund
● As required by or under
any other law.
● Agree the details with audited
schedules and other relevant
supporting documents.
● Review the staff welfare and
other relevant accounts to
ensure that all such sums not
allowable under section
40A(9) have been
appropriately disclosed.
● Obtain management

c. particulars of any liability : ● Furnish the detail of

of a contingent nature. contingent liabilities debited
to the profit and loss account
indicating the nature of the
demand and the reasons for
making provisions in the
● Review the audited accounts,
in particular the notes to the
accounts to ensure that all
liabilities of a disputed nature
have been identified for
further discussion.
Note : As per the ICAI these are
normally expenses connected
with disputed claims which will
be revealed only on the basis of
the scrutiny of correspondence
relating to cases pending in a
court of law.

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d. amount of deduction i. Go through the return filed

inadmissible in terms of and assessment order for
section 14A in respect of last 2 to 3 year to verify
the expenditure incurred details and categories of
in relation to income exempt income.
which does not form part ii. Obtain management
of the total income. representation as to income
which it is going to claim as
exempt in this year.
iii. Go through the expenses
disallowed in the earlier
iv. Obtain details of expenses
pertaining to exempt
income such as interest on
funds borrowed, personal
cost, rent, traveling and
other administrative cost.
v. In case there are no
direct expenses then
disallowance has to be
worked out as per Rule
vi. If adhoc expenses are stated
then give note/disclaimer.
vii. In case of company having
undertaking of the nature of
10A/10B/10C then the
appropriate note be given
disclosing both income and
expenditure as per the
Audit Report issued u/s

e. amount inadmissible a. Obtain details of fixed asset

under the proviso to which are acquired by
section 36(1)(iii). borrowing loans.
b. In case of funds of C/C
account used and which
cannot be correlated
determine interest cost as
per AS-16.

18 Particulars of payments made : ● Obtain a schedule from the

to persons specified under client indicating the
section 40A(2)(b). following:
● List of persons specified
under section 40A(2)(b)
● Details of payments
made to persons
specified in above list.
● Agree the schedule with ;
● Relevant contracts/
agreements with
specified persons.
● Relevant supports for
payments made to such

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specified persons.
● Review the relevant accounts
to identify any payments
made to persons specified
under section 40A(2)(b).
● Compare the detail shown
under Tax Audit with the
Related Party Schedule of
● Obtain management

Notes :
i. Salaries and perquisites etc
paid to directors or
persons having substantial
interest in the company
should be included in the
list referred to above.
ii. Since disallowance in this
case is at the discretion of
the Income Tax Officer the
total amount paid to such
persons should be
indicated in the schedule.
iii. As per the ICAI, in the case
of a large company, it may
not be possible to verify
the list of all persons
covered by this section
therefore the information
supplied by the assessee
can be relied upon. It has
further stated that it may
be difficult to identify all
payments in each and
every case where the
volume of transactions is
rather huge and
voluminous, and therefore,
it may be necessary to
restrict the scrutiny only to
such payments in excess of
certain monetary limits
depending upon the size of
the concern and volume of
the business of the
iv. Suggested disclosure
where the information is
not available with client is
as follows :

The company does not

have necessary
information in respect of
the following :
a. directors and their
relatives of

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companies having a
substantial interest in
the company; and
b. any person, in whose
business or
profession, the
directors or their
relatives have a
substantial interest as
defined in the
explanation to
Section 40A(2)(b).

19 Amounts deemed to be profits : Go through the relevant sections.

and gains under section 33AB
or 33ABA or 33AC.

20 Any amount of profit : ● Obtain a schedule indicating

chargeable to tax under section amount of profit chargeable
41 and computation thereof. to tax under the aforesaid
clause and the computation
● Agree the details with audited
schedules and other relevant
support documents.
● Review the relevant accounts
to ensure that all such sums
have been appropriately
● Obtain management

21 (i) In respect of any sum referred :

* to in clause (a),(b),(c),(d),(e)
or (f) of section 43B, the
liability for which;

A. pre-existed on the first ● Obtain a schedule indicating

day of the previous year the following information in
but was not allowed in respect of the items referred
the assessment of any to in clause (a), (b), (c), (d),
preceding previous year (e) and (f) of section 43B :
and was ● Liability at the
a. paid during the beginning of the year
previous year; ● Amount paid during the
b. not paid during year including the date
the previous year; of payment
● Amount not paid during
the year
● Agree the amounts and dates
with audited schedules and
relevant supporting

B. was incurred in the ● Obtain a schedule in respect

previous year and was of the items mentioned above,
a. paid on or before specifically indicating the
the due date for following :

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furnishing the ● Liability incurred during

return of income the year
or the previous ● Amount paid on or
year under section before the due date for
139(1); furnishing the return of
b. not paid on or income under section
before the 139(1) along with date of
aforesaid date. payment.
● Amount not paid on or
before the aforesaid
● The expenses, which are
capitalized, would also be
covered under this clause.
● Check that all the figure
shown in annexure are in
agreement with IGAAP.
● In case there is any mismatch
of figures with books of
accounts, prepare
reconciliation for the same.
● Take the copies of challan to
verify that amounts payable
as on last day of the financial
year are paid in subsequent
● To verify if any conversion of
interest into loan or funded
interest has taken place
during the year.
● Agree the amounts and dates
with audited schedules and
relevant supporting
* State whether sales tax,
customs duty, excise duty or
any other indirect tax, levy,
cess, impost etc. is passed
through the profit and loss

22 (a) Amount of Modified Value : i. State the treatment given in

Added Tax credits availed of or the books to Modvat/
utilised during the previous Cenvat. Give details w.r.t.
year and its treatment in the opening balance/ credit
profit and loss account and availed/credit used/ closing
treatment of outstanding balance of all Cenvat account
Modified Value Added Tax as per Account books and
credits in the accounts. Excise record with
ii. Go through the
reconciliation and report the
difference under the
respective clause of 3CD.

(b) Particulars of income or : ● Furnish a detail of

expenditure of prior period income/expenditure relating
credited or debited to the to prior period credited/

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profit and loss account. debited to the profit and loss

account during the year.
● Agree the details with audited
schedules and relevant
supporting documents.
● Review the items under the
head prior period adjustment
and the notes to the accounts
to ensure all such
expenditure/income has been
disclosed in the above
● In order to ascertain the
correct meaning of term
“Prior Period Item” refer to
the text of Accounting
Standard- 5 issued by ICAI.
● Obtain management

23 Details of any amount : ● Obtain a schedule of

borrowed on hundi or any borrowing and repayments
amount due thereon (including (including interest) of hundi
interest on the amount loans otherwise than by
borrowed) repaid, otherwise account payee cheques.
than through an account payee ● Agree the details with the
cheque [Section 69D]. audited schedules and
relevant supporting
● Obtain management
● Obtain a schedule of
borrowing and repayments
(including interest) of hundi
loans otherwise than by
account payee cheques.
● Agree the details with the
audited schedules and
relevant supporting
● Obtain management

Note : As per the ICAI in the

absence of conclusive or
satisfactory evidence a suitable
comment in the report as
suggested in clause 17(h)
shou0ld be made. : As per the
ICAI in the absence of conclusive
or satisfactory evidence a
suitable comment in the report
should be made.

24 (a) Particulars of each loan or :

* deposit in an amount
exceeding the limit specified in
section 269SS taken or

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accepted during the previous


i. name, address and : ● Obtain a schedule of loans

permanent account and deposits of Rs.20,000 or
number (if available more taken or accepted
with the assessee) of during the year giving the
the lender or relevant details as per the
depositor; aforesaid clause.
ii. amount of loan or : ● The amount of Rs.
deposit taken or 20,000/- or more is to be
accepted; computed inclusive of
opening Balance in the
party account and for the
purpose of prepayment
also, amount credited as
● For the purpose of this
clause, loan/deposit
would include, among
others, the following:
a. Security Deposits
from staff, agents,
customers with or
without interest
b. Loans from financial
c. Advance in the
nature of loan
d. Fixed deposit from
● Agree the details with the
audited schedules and other
relevant supporting

iii. whether the loan or : ● Review the loan, deposit and

deposit was squared other relevant accounts to
up during the previous ensure all such particulars
year; have been appropriately

iv. maximum amount : ● Obtain certificate from

outstanding in the management that loans
account at any time accepted during the year and
during the previous their repayment has been
year; through an account payee

Note :
v. whether the loan or : i. As per the ICAI information
deposit was taken or of each loan or deposit of
accepted otherwise Rs.20,000 or more alone
than by an account would be required by this
payee cheque or an clause and where each such
account payee bank loan or deposit is less than
draft. Rs.20,000 and aggregate

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alone exceeds Rs.20,000,

the particulars need not be
* (These particulars need not ii. Advance received against
be given in the case of a agreement of sale of goods
Government Company, a is not a loan/deposit.
banking company or a iii. Loan taken from financial
corporation established by a institutions are covered
Central, State or Provincial under this clause.
Act). iv. Security deposits against
contracts etc. will be
covered by the definition of
`deposit’ and the
information for the same
will have to be provided.

(b) Particulars of each repayment :

of loan or deposit in an
amount exceeding the limit
specified in section 269T made
during the previous year :-

i. name, address and : ● Obtain a schedule of loans

permanent account and deposits of Rs.20,000 or
number (if available more repaid during the year
with the assessee) of giving the relevant details as
the payee; per the aforesaid clause.

ii. amount of the : ● Agree the details with the

repayment; audited schedules and other
relevant supporting

iii. maximum amount : ● Review the loan, deposit and

outstanding in the other relevant accounts to
account at any time ensure all such particulars
during the previous have been appropriately
year. disclosed.

iv. whether the : ● Obtain management

repayment was made representation.
otherwise than by
account payee cheque Note :
or account payee bank i. Refer note (i) to (v) above.
draft. ii. Obtain a certificate from the
assessee as prescribed in
above clause.
iii. This clause is not applicable
in respect of loan taken and
repaid from/to Bank, Govt.,
Govt. company.

(c) Whether a certificate has been

obtained from the assessee
regarding taking or accepting
loan or deposit, ore repayment
of the same through an
account payee cheques or an

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account payee bank draft

The particulars (i) to (iv) at (b)
and the Certificate at (c) above
need not be given in the case of
a repayment of any loan or
deposit taken or accepted from
Government, Government
company, banking company or
a corporation established by a
Central, State or Provincial Act

25 (a) Details of brought forward loss ● Obtain a schedule indicating

or depreciation allowance, in the details as per the
the following manner, to the aforesaid clause. The clause
extent available : will cover the following :
● Serial Number - Business loss (Section 72)
● Assessment Year - Unabsorbed depreciation
● Nature of loss/allowance (in - Speculation loss (Section 73)
● Amount as returned (in - Loss under the head capital
rupees) gains.(Section 74)
● Amount as assessed (give ● Furnish the information as to
reference to relevant order) when returns of income for
● Remarks which the above brought
forward loss/depreciation
arises were filed and whether
they were filed in time as
provided under section 139(1)
or late (any extension granted
by CBDT to be indicated).
● Agree the basis and details
with the return of income,
assessment orders etc. and
other relevant supporting
● If there are differences in
figures as per returns filed
and as assessed, also furnish
separately reconciliation’s and
whether matters are pending
in appeals and/or rectification
or under revision
proceedings, etc. if appeal is
decided but order giving
effect thereof is not received,
indicate the same.
● Take the copies of all relevant

(b) Whether a change in share- ● In case of all unlisted

holding of the company has company to see whether there
taken place in the previous was any change in
year due to which the losses shareholding affecting the
incurred prior to the previous benefit of C/F loss (Section
year cannot be allowed to be 79).
carried forward in terms of ● Details of shareholding be
section 79.

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obtained at the end of 31st

March of all the years upto
31st March 2006 to verify
whether 49% or more
shareholding has changed
during the period from the
year for which loss is carried
forward and upto 31st March
● Any change in shareholding
on account of death of a
shareholder or gift by the
shareholder to the relative
and as per second proviso
(applicable in case
shareholder is a foreign
holding company) be ignored.

26 Section-wise details of : ● This is an exhaustive clause to

deductions, if any, admissible cover all eligible deductions
under Chapter VIA. available under chapter VI-A
of Income Tax Act, 1961.
● Obtain a schedule indicating
the section-wise details of
deductions claimed under
Chapter VIA.
● Ensure that deductions
claimed by the client are
admissible under Chapter
● Agree the details with the
audited schedules and other
relevant supporting
● If the assessee is claiming
deduction under a particular
section for the first time,
furnish a note giving reasons
as to how the assessee is
qualified for such a deduction
with due evidence and that
the assessee has compiled
with all the conditions laid
down in the relevant section.
(with the necessary
documentary evidence).
● Review assessments
completed/ prior year tax
returns to examine the basis
adopted in earlier years.
● Verify the basis and
computation of deductions.
● Obtain management
In case any report u/s 80IA/
80IB or any other section of
chapter VIA is issued by any

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other Chartered Accountant then

go through the same to verify
whether the amount arrived is in
accordance with the Provisions
of the relevant Section.

27 (a) Whether the assessee has : ● Obtain a schedule indicating

complied with the provisions the details as per the
of Chapter XVII-B regarding aforesaid clause.
deduction of tax at source and ● Agree the details with the
regarding the payment thereof relevant supporting
to the credit of the Central documents and returns
Government (Yes/No) submitted for the purpose.
● Go through the quarterly TDS
returns filed.

(b) If the provisions of Chapter ● Review the relevant accounts

XVII-B have not been to ensure that tax has been
complied with, please give the deducted as per XVII-B e.g.
following details*, namely:- salaries, interest on securities,
i. Tax deductible and not other interest, dividends,
deducted at all royalties, payments to non-
ii. Shortfall on account of residents, payments to
lesser deduction than contractors and sub-
required to be deducted contractors etc.
iii. Tax deducted late ● Above detail should also
iv. Tax deducted but not paid include particulars of tax
to the credit of the Central deducted in the financial year
Government but paid to the Govt. in
“Please give the details of cases subsequent year.
covered in (i) to (vi) above.” ● Report cases where TDS has
not been deducted or
deducted at lesser rates than
● TDS is required to be
deducted on the component
of service tax also.
Important note regarding
Tax Audit

Scrutinize balances appearing at

the end of the period of the
following account heads
1. Provision for expenses.
2. Outstanding liabilities.
3. Bill adjustables.
4. Other liabilities or any other
account opened in books
which is similar in nature to
The above accounts normally
comprise of credit entries
pertaining to provision for
expenses made. Such
expenses may fall into
following categories:
a. Government taxes and

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statutory dues.
b. Staff payments.
c. Expenses liable to TDS
d. Other items.
a. Government taxes
and statutory dues
have to be reported
u/s 43B. This clause
will also include
bonus and incentive
to staff by various
name called.
i. The expenses which
are liable to TDS are
to be reported in the
TDS clause (in case
of defaults) and also
simultaneously in
clause 17(l) of tax
audit report to the
extent applicable.
ii. Further sometime
the interest payable
to parties is also
included in the
above head which is
liable to TDS.
iii. For CARO purposes
one must go through
the tax audit report
of last year and if
items which were
liable to TDS are
reported but the
TDS has not been
deducted and paid
till 31st March then
the same will have to
be reported in CARO

28 (a) In the case of a trading : ● Obtain a schedule indicating

concern, give quantitative the details as per the
details of principal items of : aforesaid clause.
goods traded: ● Agree the details with audited
i. Opening stock; : schedules and the stock
ii. Purchases during records maintained by the
the previous years; : company.
iii. Sales during the : ● Review the relevant accounts
previous year; : to ensure all such particulars
iv. Closing stock; have been appropriately
v. Shortage/excess, if disclosed.
any ● Furnish the reasons for
short/excess with proper
explanation and state whether
it is normal or abnormal as
per industry standards.

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● Obtain management

(b) In the case of a manufacturing :

concern, give quantitative
details of the principal items of
raw materials, finished
products and by-products:
A. Raw Material :
i. Opening Stock; Furnish details as required.
ii. Purchases during
the previous year;
iii. Consumption
during the
previous year;
iv. Sales during the
previous year;
v. Closing stock;
(vi)* Yield of finished
(vii)* Percentage of yield;
(viii)* Shortage/excess, if

B. Finished products/By-
products :
i. Opening Stock; Furnish details as required.
ii. Purchases during
the previous year;
iii. Quantity
during the
previous year;
iv. Sales during the
previous year;
v. Closing stock;
vi. Shortage/excess, if

* Information may be given to

the extent available.

29 In the case of a domestic : ● Furnish the date of payment

company, details of tax on of tax
distributed profits under ● on dividend with the copies
section 115O in the following of receipted Challans,
form:- showing the date, amount and
a. Total amount of name of the bank.
distributed profits; ● Agree the details referred to
b. total tax paid thereon; the audited schedules and
c. dates of payment with relevant supporting
amounts. documents.

30 Whether any cost audit was : ● Check if cost audit is

carried out, if yes, enclose a applicable; check whether the
copy of the report of such audit audit has been carried out
[See section 139(9)]. during the year.

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● If the Cost audit is not carried

by the time Tax Auditor gives
the report, state the fact
● Obtain a copy of the report if
any cost audit was carried out
during the year.
● Obtain management

31 Whether any audit was : Enquire & obtain LOR and copy
conducted under the Central of report of audit conducted by
Excise Act, 1944, if yes, enclose Excise department.
a copy of the report of such

32 Accounting ratios with : ● Obtain a schedule indicating

calculations as follows :- the aforesaid ratios.
a. Gross Profit/Turnover; ● Verify the schedule for
b. Net Profit/Turnover; arithmetical accuracy and
c. Stock-in-trade/Turnover; calculations.
d. Material ● Give details of any change on
consumed/Finished the basis of calculations of
goods produced. ratio as compared to the
preceding year.
● Agree the values used for
calculating the ratios to the
audited schedules and
relevant supporting
● As different interpretations
are possible of the items like
gross profit, net profit etc., it
is recommended that a note
explaining the basis adopted
by the company be provided.

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