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0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

Computer System
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit
c) Derive Boolean expression (and truth table) based on a given logic statement.
d) Construct truth table based on a given logic statement or scenario (maximum
3 inputs) excluding derivation from truth table of Boolean Expression: (SOP
and POS)
e) Draw simple logic circuit for a given logic statement or scenario (AND, OR, NOT,

1. Derive a Boolean Expression and truth table based on a given logic statement below:
a) A


“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them…” Page 21
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit



“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them…” Page 22
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

2. Draw a logic circuit for (A + B) C.

3. Adi will be the football coach if Emran is the goalkeeper or Irfan is not a striker.
However, Emran will only be a goalkeeper if Zikri and Afif are the defenders.

(a) Draw the logic circuit and clearly label its input and output.

(b) Based on the question 3(a), write the Boolean expression for the logic circuit.

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them…” Page 23
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

4. A logic gate performs a logical operation on one or more logic inputs and produces a
single logic output.
(a) Draw a logic circuit for the given Boolean expression: (A. B) + C.

5. A system uses three (3) different switches A, B and C. A combination of switches

determines whether an alarm, X, rings. The alarm will ring, if switch A or switch B is ON
and switch C is off.
(a) Derive the Boolean expression for this problem.

(b) Write out the truth table based on question above.

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them…” Page 24
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

(c) Draw a logic circuit for this Boolean expression: X=(A+B) (Ā+C)

6. Draw the logic circuit for the Boolean Expression Y = (BC + A) (Ā + C).

7. Draw the logic circuit for the Boolean Expression F = (B+A) C + (C +D).

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them…” Page 25
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

8. Computers are digital machines which consist of wires, transistors and circuits. The
logic circuits are formed by combining various gates such as AND gate, OR gate and NOT
(a) Write the output for the Boolean Expression R + S. T, if R = 0, S = 0 and T = 1.

(b) Draw the logic circuit for the Boolean expression Ā + (B. C).

(c) Draw the truth table for the above Boolean expression.

“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them…” Page 26
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

9. Determine the output for each of the following circuits below.




10. Given the following Boolean expression, calculate its final value:

(a) NOT (4>3) OR 0


11. Draw and name three (3) symbol used for logic gate.

Name of symbol Symbol

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out…" Page 27
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

12. Draw a logic circuit based on this expression: (B + C (A + C)) + NOT A

13. Draw logic circuits and the truth table for the following Boolean expressions:
(a) Y = A + (B. C) (b) Y = (A+B). (A+C)

14. Draw a logic circuit for S = [(A.B) + (B.C)]

15. Draw the logic circuit for X= (A+B) (B+C)

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out…" Page 28
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

16. Draw the logic circuit based on the following expressions:

(a) X. Y (b) (X + Y). Z (a) W.X + Y.Z

17. Logic gate is an electronic device that performs basic logic elements used to construct
logic circuits.
(a) Assuming that x=1 and y=2. Determine the value of the following Boolean
expressions and show the working process:

(i) (x=1) AND (y=3) (ii) NOT ((x=1) AND (y=2))

18. Based on the following Boolean expression: ((NOT A) AND B) OR C

(a) Draw the logic circuits.

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out…" Page 29
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

(b) Identify the number of rows and create the truth table.

19. Draw a truth table for the Boolean expression Y = (A+B). B

A B B (A+B) (A+B). B

20. Determine the value of p, q, r and s based on figure below:

A=1, B=0, C=0
A p p
C r r


"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out…" Page 30
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

21. The logic circuit can be described using the Boolean operations. Boolean constant and
variables are allowed to have only two possible values which are 0 or 1.

(a) Draw the logic circuit for the following Boolean expression: F = YZ + XZ.

22. Draw the logic circuit for Boolean expression Y = A + (B. C).

23. Let A represents “Asma likes Mathematic”;

B represents “Asma likes Biology”, and
C represents “Asma likes Computer Science”.

(a) Write an appropriate Boolean expression for the statement “Asma likes Mathematic
or Computer Science, but not Biology” using the representations above.


"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out…" Page 31
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

24. Draw the logic circuit based on the following expressions:

(a) A= (X + Y)

(b) A = (X + Y) + Z

(c) A = X + (Y. Z)

25. Draw a logic circuit based on the given expression: (B + C. A)

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out…" Page 32
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

Nurul is only allowed by her father to go out to cinema with her brother,
Ahmad. However, they cannot go out if that day is raining.

26. a) Draw a logic circuit that can best fit the description of the sentence above:

b) Construct the truth table based on your answer above.

27. A logic gate is a physical device implementing a Boolean function. It performs a logical
operation on one or more logical input, and produces a single logical output.
(a) A requirement to register MTS3034: Advanced Programming course is:
A student must pass (MTS3013: Basic Programming) and (MTS3023: Data
Structures) courses. However, this requirement does not apply for those who have
passed (MTS3033: Object Oriented Programming Course.)
Express this scenario in Boolean expression and show the working process.


"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out…" Page 33
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

28. Ali can register for Discrete Mathematics course if he passed two pre-requisite courses
which are Calculus and Algebra. However, he can straight away register for the Discrete
Mathematics if he passed Advanced Mathematics course.
(a) Write a Boolean expression based on the given scenario.

(b) Derive the truth table based on the based on the given scenario based on the Boolean
expression in (a).

(c) Draw a logic circuit based on the Boolean expression in (a).

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out…" Page 34
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

29. Draw the circuit and construct the truth table for Y = A ⊕ B .

30. Draw the circuit and construct the truth table. for R = P ⊕ Q .

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out…" Page 35
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

31. Draw the circuit and construct the truth table for Y = A ⊕ B ⊕ C.

32. Draw the circuit and construct the truth table for Y = (A ⊕ B ) (C . A)

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out…" Page 36
1.0 Computer System
Tutorial 5
1.4 Logic Gate and Simple Logic Circuit

33. Draw the circuit and construct the truth table. for Q = (A + B) ⊕ (C . 𝐵̅)

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out…" Page 37

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