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Haverfordwest Lawn Tennis Club

The Parade, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA61 1PW

Founded 1935 Affiliated to TENNIS WALES

You are invited to join the Club for the coming season.

The Subscrip on Fees for the year 1 April 2017 to the 31 March 2018 are shown on the Membership Form for each available
category of Membership. If you wish to join please download, print, complete and return the Form, with a stamped addressed
envelope. Each Member should complete separate forms. Payment can be made by cash or cheque, enclosed with your
Applica on Form, or by “BACS” into our account.

While using the Club courts please carry your Membership Card for the season. Visit the relevant page on the Website for all the
informa on on Club events and important spor ng dates.

As a Member you will be expected to abide by the Cons tu on and Rules of the Club (copies of which can be found on the Club
no ce boards, in the Pavilion and here on this website). New combina on locks on the Club courts will be in place on the 1 April
2017, the new combina on lock numbers will be shown on the reverse of your Membership Card. Please ensure that you wear
recognised sportswear. Since we spend a great deal of money on resurfacing and maintaining our courts, Members are also
reminded to wear suitable non marking shoes to ensure the long life of the courts.

Visitors’ fees - visitors are welcome on payment of £5.00 per visit. Please make prior payment to the Club Treasurer.

Insurance against injury - due to the very high premium, which the Club would have to pay to insure Members against personal
injury, you are advised to take out a personal policy.

 The Senior Membership fee includes a special with their children during allocated Junior
social membership of the Bowls Club, which mes, but with limited benefits of membership.
allows Senior Members to buy alcoholic drinks,
 Coaching
for themselves only, in the Pavilion bar.
 Match Play
 Beginner and improver coaching will be
available. If you wish to take part contact Alison
 Compe ons
Dixon for details on 01437 766905 or at  Coaching coordinator is Alison Dixon:-
alison.dixon@haverfordwes Telephone: 01437 766905
 Cardio Tennis on demand - contact Alison Dixon
on either 01437 766905 or at  Alison organises the coaching team, which
alison.dixon@haverfordwes includes head coach, Bruce Evans (01437
710067 or and
 Team captains are Kevin Wentworth (01646
assistant coach, Joe Canning (07549 650786).
663694 or 07765 766355) and Alyson Horton
(01834 811841 or 07786 321641) or Alison
Lewis (01646 651235 or 07970 420730}. Please
contact the respec ve captain if you are
interested in playing in either one of our men’s
or ladies’ teams.
Please look on the relevant website page
 Parent/Guardian Social Membership category
available, which allows these Members to play
for further information.

 4 All Weather Courts  Coaching Programmes

 2 Floodlight Courts - free use of the lights to 9 pm  Compe ons and Tournaments
 2 Senior Club Evenings Each Week (one night  Tennis and Social Events
Indoors at Tennis Centre in the Winter)  Men’s and Ladies’ League Teams
 Use of the Clubhouse  Compe ve Tennis for Junior Members
 Free Bri sh Tennis Membership  5% discount at

Currently the LTA are offering free Bri sh Tennis PROVIDE A MEANS OF INFORMING ANYONE INTERESTED
Membership to Members of affiliated Clubs, which IN THE CLUB.
provides many benefits to Members, including the chance
of ckets to the Wimbledon Tennis Championships. Please pay your Subscrip on and return your Membership
Applica on Form as soon as possible to receive your
Email is now a major way of cheap and quick Membership Card, which will show combina on lock
communica on. Please include any email address when numbers. New locks on the Club courts will be in place on
you join - wri ng clearly please! the 1 April 2017. Late renewal (a er 30th April) will incur
an addi onal charge of £10.
You are requested not to smoke in the vicinity of the
Haverfordwest Lawn Tennis Club MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM 2017 - 2018
SUBSCRIPTION TO:- Sue Jones, Hon. Treasurer & Membership Secretary, Haverfordwest Tennis Club, 40 West Lane Close, Keeston, Haverfordwest,
Pembrokeshire, SA62 6EW.
I wish to join Haverfordwest Tennis Club for the season 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018. My Membership is in respect of the category indicated below. Each
Member must submit a separate form. * Family Membership means at least one Adult Member and Junior Member residing together.
Membership details: (CAPITALS please)

Address: Home telephone:

Mobile telephone:
(parent’s if Junior Member)
Town: Date of birth:

County: B.T. membership number:

Postcode: LTA rating: (if applicable)

Email address: please print clearly

(parent’s if Junior Member)

Membership categories and annual subscriptions 2017 - 2018: (please tick one box and enter total amount paid)
* Family
Category Subscription
Adult Member who shall be 18 years of age or over on 1 January 2017  £79.00  £71.10
Student Member who shall be 18 years of age or over on 1 January 2017 and in full time
educational study  £38.00
Junior Member (1) who shall be 11 or over and under 18 years of age on 1 January 2017 or
still attending school.  £22.00  £19.80
Junior Member (2) who shall be aged 8 -10 years of age as at 1 January 2017  £16.00  £14.40
Junior Member (3) who shall be aged under 8 years of age as at 1 January 2017  £8.00  £7.20
Intermediate Member who shall be invited at the discretion of the Committee  £27.00  £24.30
Parent/Guardian Social Member who shall be 18 years of age or over on 1 January 2017 and may use the
Club courts to play with their children during the hours of play allocated to  £12.00
I enclose total Subscription Fee paid by (please tick relevant box below) of: £

 Cash  Cheque - payable to “Haverfordwest Tennis Club”

 BACS to - Late renewal (a er 30th April) will incur an addi onal charge of £10.
Account Name: Haverfordwest Tennis Club
Account Sort Code: 30-93-98
Account Number: 00070821
Bank (Haverfordwest Branch): Lloyds
Your Reference:

By signing below I agree to:-

 Become a Member of Haverfordwest Tennis Club
 Abide by the Club Constitution and Rules which are available in The Pavilion, on the Club notice board and on the website at
 British Tennis Membership and to abide by their Terms and Conditions which can be accessed at or from the Club Secretary.
 The Data Protection Statement below.
 Declare if I am disabled? Yes  No  Nature of disability:-

(for awareness of coaches and Junior co-ordinator)

The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995 defines a disabled person as someone who has a physical or sensory impairment that has
substantial or long term adverse effects on their ability to carry out day to day activities.

Signed: Date: I am a current Member? Yes/No

(To be completed by parent/guardian if under 18)
Data Protection Statement. By signing this form, you agree that the Club, the LTA and its na onal, county and island associa ons can use your personal data,
including sensi ve personal data, for membership purposes and to send you by post or email or SMS informa on related to those purposes. For further
details please see
To help raise funds for tennis, the LTA may also wish to do the following (please tick the appropriate box if you do not want us to):
 send you information about LTA offers and about offers from carefully selected third parties by post/email/SMS
 pass your contact details to carefully selected third parties so that they can send you, by post, details of their products and services

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