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'Very powerful'
Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar said Duterte, who he
said wrote the SONA himself, will deliver a "very powerful speech that will
awaken the patriot in every Filipino."

Andanar said he was moved to tears when he first read the drafted speech.
"That's how good, that's how emotionally stirring the speech of our president is,"
Andanar said.

2. Relatively brief
Based on a speech calculator, Malacañang estimated the address to last for
around 38 minutes, which is just about as long as President Benigno Aquino III's
first SONA in 2010, which lasted for 37 minutes. "If you would include the
applause and some ad libs by President (Duterte), it could take longer," Andanar

3. Spoken in English
Duterte will deliver the SONA in English, deviating from Aquino's practice of
speaking in Filipino, prompting his staff to translate simultaneously for foreign
delegates and diplomats in the room. Duterte, whose native tongue is Cebuano,
is said to be more comfortable speaking in English than in Filipino having lived in
the country's south almost all his life.

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4. No blame game
Duterte is expected to veer away from Aquino's practice of blaming previous
administrations, particular that of his political adversary Gloria Macapagal Arroyo,
for the misfortunes and challenges of his government.

5. Executive targets
Duterte, who instructed the members of his Cabinet to submit their inputs to the
SONA, will include targets of executive agencies in the next six years, Andanar's
team said.

6. Campaign promises
Duterte's first SONA is expected to reiterate promises made on the campaign
trail, including the past weeks' achievements on the anti-drug campaign and the
peace process. Andanar's subordinate, Assistant Secretary Ramon Cualoping II,
said the address will have"less of the drama and more of the policies for action."
7. Legislative agenda
The president, who is technically addressing lawmakers, will spell out his priority
legislation, which, going by recent statements, include the revival of the death
penalty, a resolution to abusive labor contractualization practices and the
lowering of the minimum age of criminal liability to 12 years old.

8. Toned-down event
The events around the SONA are expected to be toned down as Malacañang
has instructed lawmakers and their spouses to come in business attire and
refrain from wearing long dresses.

Former Ambassador Jose Apolinario Lozada said on ANC on Monday that

guests should respect Duterte's orders on the SONA regarding the dress code.
Lozada also said that while the fashion, food and other external preparations
piqued the interest of the public and the media in previous years, the message of
the SONA is more important.

9. Cannes-worthy shots
Acclaimed filmmaker Brillante Mendoza, who volunteered to be involved in the
preparations for the SONA, directed the event. Andanar said Mendoza's
involvement is to ensure that Duterte's message is captured for various media.
"We want to capture his being able to communicate and connect with the
people," Mendoza told the media recently.

10. A big announcement

Andanar said on Monday that Duterte will also make a special announcement
that will surprise everyone.

Meanwhile, spokesperson Paola Alvarez told journalists last week that Duterte
may also unveil a "comprehensive tax package" in line with his 10-point
socioeconomic agenda. — Camille Diola with reports from Alexis Romero

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