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My Teddy Bear always maintain because we always hold a picket dependent to it are the ways to get more benefits

schedule. Every morning, my class is always cleaned from watching television.

I have a favorite doll. It is an original before the lesson begins. Therefore, my class always
Teddy Bear from America. Aunt Lily gave it to me becomes the most favorite class for teachers. They Beberapa orang mengklaim bahwa televisi adalah
last year when she returned from her business trip in are very fond of being in my class because the teman terbaik, sementara yang lain berpikir televisi
New York. I was very happy. I put it on a cabinet atmosphere which so comfortable. adalah akar dari segala kejahatan. Banyak orang
next to my bed. Sometimes I use it as a pillow. menyalahkan televisi untuk kekerasan yang terjadi
My Teddy Bear is very big, and the pada masyarakat dan informasi yang salah untuk
colour is brown. It is about 150 centimeters tall and Monas National Monument masyarakat, sementara yang lain melihatnya sebagai
the width is about 50 centimeters. When I put it on sumber informasi yang kaya dalam bidang
my bed it will occupy half of it. It is almost as big as The National Monument, or "Monas" as it is pendidikan dan hiburan. Siapa yang benar? Bagi
my body. It is made of typical kind of fabric popularly called, is one of the monuments built mereka yang mengajukan pertanyaan ini, Anda akan
called rasfur. The head is round with the size of 25 during the Sukarno era of fierce nationalism. The top menemukan kerugian dan manfaat dari menonton
centimeters. It has two ears which located on top of of the National Monument (Monas) is Freedom televisi pada paragraf berikut.
its head. The shape of the ear is half circle and the Square. It stands for the people's determination to
size is half of my palm. The colour of its eye is dark achieve freedom and the crowning of their efforts in Dalam kehidupan yang sibuk dan mahal ini, televisi
brown. I think it is made of glass since I can see the Proclamation of Independence in August 1945. merupakan sumber hiburan dan informasi yang
through it. It has a light brown ribbon encircling its The 137-meter tall marble obelisk is topped with a mudah dan murah. Darri beberapa hiburan yang
neck. On the sole of each foot, there is a paw pattern flame coated with 35 kg of gold. The base houses a disediakan oleh saluran-salurantelevisi kita dapat
made of smooth fabric. historical museum and a hall for meditations. The bersantai diri setelah menjalani hari-hari yang sibuk
monument is open to the public and upon request the dengan bekerja. Dengan menonton berita
lift can carry visitors to the top, which offers a bird's internasional, kita akan selalu up-to-date dengan
My Laptop eye view on the city and the sea. berita di seluruh dunia. Acara Do-it-yourself (tips
Go early to beat the crowds and the haze. It is dan trik yang dapat dilakukan sendiri) juga dapat
I got my laptop in the first year of college. It was a easy for the less physically able as lifts take visitors memberi kita akses mudah untuk melakukan banyak
gift from my father to me. But, since my father live to the top. The diorama exhibition in the basement kegiatan yang menarik dalam hidup kita.
far away from my campus, so my father sent the gives such a distorted view of Indonesian history.
money to my cousin and ask him to get it for me. I This imposing obelisk is Jakarta's most Namun, muatan seks, kejahatan, dan kekerasan di
was very happy because it was my first laptop. I do a famous landmark. Construction started in 1961 televisi mungkin memiliki efek negatif yang dapat
lot of things with it such as watch movie, play under President Soekarno but was not completed mempengaruhi anak-anak. Anak-anak yang terpapar
games, listen to my favorite songs and I also use it to until 1975, under President Soeharto. The monument tayangan tindak kekerasan terus-menerus lebih
complete my college assignment. It was very houses a couple of museums. The Freedom Hall cenderung menampilkan perilaku kekerasan dalam
reliable, it is like every time I need it, it will always depicts Indonesia's struggle for independence kehidupan mereka. Studi yang sedang berlangsung
be there for me. through a series of dioramas, whereas the Hall of menunjukkan korelasi yang erat antara menonton
The colour of my laptop is black. Just Contemplation displays the original Declaration of kekerasan di televisi di masa kecil dan tindakan
like any other laptop with an old style, the screen of Independence document and a recording of the agresif yang berlanjut sampai dewasa. Selain itu,
my laptop is joined to the body by using hinges, so it speech. terlalu banyak menonton televise juga tidak baik
cannot be separated. The border of the screen is untuk kesehatan Anda dan membuat Anda antisosial.
made of black plastic. There is a web cam planted in Is Television Good or Bad for People? Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa menonton TV
the screen framework, it is located at the top-middle Some people claim that television is a best friend, secara berlebihan (lebih dari 3 jam sehari) dapat
side of the screen. The screen is 14 inch wide. The while others think of television as the root of all evil. berkontribusi untuk kesulitan tidur, masalah
screen and its skeleton thickness is about 0.8 perilaku, nilai yang lebih rendah, dan masalah
Many people blame the television for society's
centimeters. The thickness of the body is about 2.2 kesehatan lainnya. Menonton televisi menyita waktu
centimeters, so when we combine the thickness of violence and misinformation, while others see it as a
seseorang yang mungkin saja dapat dihabiskan
the screen and the body, the overall thickness of my rich resource for education and entertainment. Who
dengan melakukan hal-hal penting, memperbanyak
laptop is about 3 centimeters. So you can imagine is right? For those who are asking this question, you hal-hal seperti berinteraksi sosial dengan orang lain,
now that my laptop is thick and heavy. will find the costs and benefits of watching aktif secara fisik, menjelajahi dunia luar, dll
The body of my laptop contains the CPU. television in the following paragraphs.
On the top side of the body, there is a power button Seperti teknologi modern lainnya, televisi memiliki
In this busy, expensive life, television is
located on the top-left side. In line with the power baik keuntungan dan kerugian. Menonton televisi
button is the speaker of my laptop. After that, we an easy and cheap source of entertainment and
dengan bijaksana dan tidak terlalu tergantung
will also see the keyboard of the laptop occupying information. From some entertainments provided by
padanya adalah cara untuk mendapatkan lebih
the top side of the body. The colour of televisions’ channel we can relax ourselves after banyak manfaat dari menonton televisi.
the keyboard is also black. There is also having a hand-full day of work. By watching
a touchpad located right under the keyboard. Some international news, we will always be up-to-date INTERNET
important parts were attached into the side with breaking news around the world. Do-it-yourself The internet is a technology that has revolutionized
framework of the body, such as DVD room, USB the entire world. The way that we think, conduct
shows can also give us easy access to do many
port, power jack, projector port, ventilation business, communicate, and entertain ourselves,
system, land line port, and also HDMI port just in interesting activities in our lives.
have all changed dramatically because of internet.
case I want to connect my laptop to TV. However, sex, crime, and violence
The web can be accessed easily anywhere and
contents in television may have negative effects on everywhere. It is difficult to imagine our world
MY CLASSROOM impressionable children. Children who are exposed without the internet, but would it be better? It’s hard
violent acts continuously are more likely to display to truly break down the effects of the internet on
I learn in 7b class. It is a class with size about 20 m2 violent behavior in their lives. Ongoing studies have society, but the best way to start is by examining all
with white paint that covered all the walls. In my of the benefits and drawbacks that we know of.
shown a lasting correlation between watching
classroom there are about 35 tables and chairs
arranged well. In front of tables and chairs, there are violence on television in childhood and aggression
Internet has some advantages for human being. First,
two sufficiently large Whiteboards. Above the that continues into adulthood. Moreover, watching
internet provides unlimited access to Information.
whiteboard, there is pair of photos of President of too much television is not good for your health and Anything you need to know can be found and
republic Indonesia and Pancasila symbol. Besides makes you antisocial. Studies have shown that learned on the internet. There are millions websites
the photos of president, there are also so many excessive TV watching (more than 3 hours a day) that provide different types of topics. Second,
heroes’ pictures who stuck to the wall of my can contribute to sleep difficulties, behavior Internet can bridge the culture gap. People can
classroom. At the corner of my classroom, there is a connect to people all over the world because of
problems, lower grades, and other health issues.
cabinet used to store janitorial tools such as brooms, internet connection. Third, internet gives us a big
feather duster, and others. Right next to the cabinet, Watching television fills the time a person might
opportunity to develop business and marketing. The
there is a teacher’s desk which is covered with blue have spent doing important, enriching things like ability to reach wider markets, collect valuable
tablecloth. On the teacher’s desk, there is a beautiful interacting socially with other human beings, being research on potential customers, and conduct
flower vase and a pile of books that ordered well. physically active, discovering the outdoors, etc. business all over the world, has created a virtual
My classroom is a clean and comfortable Like other modern technologies, business boom in history of mankind.
class for learning. Even my classroom always wins television has both advantage and disadvantage.
the cleanness and completeness competition held in
my school every year. The cleanliness in my school Watching television wisely and not to be too

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