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Bài tập Bổ trợ & Nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 – UNIT 12 (WATER SPORTS) / TEST 1.

Page 1
I/ Pronunciation:
1) A. hold B. post C. above D. polo
2) A. create B. head C. deaf D. threat
3) A. enough B. foul C. country D. rough
4) A. castle B. often C. whistle D. battle
5) A. decision B. personal C. defensive D. windsurfing
II/ STRESS: Put the words into lists of pronunciation. The sign  shows the main stress.
major, divide, advance, decision, dangerous, minute, award, prevent, period, method,
commit, union, adventure, vertical, forward, penalize, distance, opponent, equipment, defensive
   
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I/ Fill each gap in the sentence with one word from the list:
goalie vertical cross caps sprinted
foul overtime decision penalty shot
1) The ________________ for speeding is a fine of fifteen dollars.
2) A boxer who commits a ________________ is warned and may lose points.
3) The runners ________________ to the finish line.
4) A person standing straight is in a ________________ position.
5) The ________________ almost always remains in or near the goal line.
6) Most of the men and boys wore ________________ while working in the rain.
7) The equipment needed for pole-vaulting includes the pole, a ________________ bar and two upright standards to support
the latter.
8) Not knowing which colour he would like, I have not come to a ________________ on what sweater to buy him.
9) That was a good ________________ and it hit the mark.
10) After the office closed, he worked ________________ for two hours before going home.
II/ Fill each gap in the sentence with one word from the list:
swimming tie overtime score foul
sport goals penalty team opponent
1) What is your favourite football __________________?
2) It was a clear __________________ by Ford on the goalkeeper.
3) There are excellent facilities for __________________ and recreation.
4) He scored two __________________ in the second half.
5) My brother usually goes __________________ about twice a week.
6) Girls usually __________________ highly in language exams.
7) His __________________ is twice as big as he is.
8) The football match between Chelsea and Arsenal ended in a __________________.
9) The referee had no hesitation in awarding a __________________.
10) Denver had won game by defeating the Cleveland 23-30 in __________________.
III/ Choose the best answer:
1) If you like skiing, there’s a ski ______________ under an hour’s drive from Madrid.
A. port B. place C. resort D. station
2) I suppose cycling is very popular in Holland because it’s so ______________.
A. flat B. plain C. plane D. smooth
3) This time tomorrow I ______________ by my swimming pool.
A. will be relaxing B. am relaxing C. am relaxed D. relax
4) Everyone congratulated Jim ______________ winning the tournament.
A. for B. on C. with D. about
5) We can’t go skating. The ______________ has been closed for repairs.
A. rink B. ring C. pitch D. course
6) I’ve never liked hockey since someone hit me on the ankle with their ______________.
A. bat B. pole C. stick D. club
7) They asked him why he hadn’t learned to swim ______________ he was at school.
A. after B. while C. during D. whenever
8) Not only is my brother a brilliant tennis player, he’s also very good ______________ water polo.
A. at B. in C. for D. with
9) John has recently joined a health club in order to ______________ fit.
A. retain B. continue C. maintain D. keep
10) ______________ people join rowing clubs now than ten years ago.
A. Many B. Much C. More D. Most
11) Why didn’t you ______________ me you were having so many problems?
A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak
12) They now had nothing _____________ but a small government pension.
A. to live on B. to be lived C. and lived D. to live
13) After years of training, the doctor _____________ the practice of medicine.
A. entered B. went C. came D. arrived
14) They sent me the book which was _____________ on the table over there.
A. lay B. lain C. lying D. laying
15) Eventually, both the company and the union will have to climb down to _____________ an agreement.
A. reach B. come C. arrive D. get
16) The teacher _____________ a time limit for taking the examination.
A. sit B. sat C. set D. seated
17) He did not join in the game; he just _____________ on the sidelines.
A. sit B. sat C. set D. seated
18) That author _____________ the scenes for most of his stories in faraway places.
A. lay B. lays C. lie D. lain
19) The news of her winning the prize _____________ her into tears.
A. was surprised B. surprising C. surprised D. surprise
20) The children were _____________ loudly when the teacher entered the room.
A. telling B. saying C. speaking D. talking
Nguyễn Đức Hưng** - Marie Curie School Printable at
Bài tập Bổ trợ & Nâng cao Tiếng Anh 12 – UNIT 12 (WATER SPORTS) / TEST 1. Page 2
21) Wind-surfing is a common term for two similar _____________ sports: sail-surfing and sail-boarding.
A. water B. wind C. sail D. board
22) The word scuba stands for self-contained underwater _____________ apparatus.
A. breaking B. bathing C. breathing D. building
23) Volleyball, basketball, football and handball are _____________ games.
A. team B. group C. crowd D. class
24) Each Formula One ca is designed and manufactured _____________.
A. individually B. lonely C. singly D. only
25) Rowing is the act of propelling a boat with _____________.
A. sticks B. clubs C. oars D. bats
26) We have read the notice on the bulletin _____________.
A. board B. piece C. timber D. log
27) He finished the job with a _____________ of very hard work.
A. hint B. print C. tint D. sprint
28) Handball games are divided _____________ two 30-minute periods.
A. in B. into C. among D. between
29) The gray horse finished the race two _____________ ahead of the brown one.
A. long B. strong C. lengths D. strengths
30) In 1918, Smith _________ the record for the world’s longest flight by flying 2,350 miles from Cairo to Calcutta.
A. smashed B. split C. cracked D. broke
31) The ____________ is the official who controls the game in some sports.
A. player B. captain C. referee D. defender
32) Don’t spend time _____________ about things that may never happen.
A. worried B. worrying C. to worry D. and worry
33) They spent a lot of money ____________ their children with the best education.
A. on providing B. provided C. to provide D. providing
34) We haven’t _____________ Vietnamese foods since we came to Mongolia.
A. All are correct B. eaten C. tasted D. had

Nguyễn Đức Hưng** - Marie Curie School Printable at

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