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PSALM 19:1-14

9/11/11 Draft 2
PSALM 19 The statutes of the LORD are source of conversion (salvation)
trustworthy, making wise b. God’s testimony is trustwor-
The Witness of God in the the simple. thy: It is the source of wisdom
World, 19:1-14 8 The precepts of the LORD c. God’s statutes are right:
are right, giving joy to the They bring joy to the heart
For the director of music. heart. The commands of the d. God’s commands are pure:
A psalm of David. LORD are radiant, giving 1) They give light to life
light to the eyes.
1. The witness of nature The heavens declare the 9 The fear of the LORD is 2) They stir fear of the LORD that
a. The sky declares God’s glory, glory of God; the skies pure, enduring forever. The is pure & that lasts forever
His existence & creative power proclaim the work of his ordinances of the LORD e. God’s judgments or laws are
hands. are sure and altogether true & fair (righteous, just)
1) The sky reveals God & His 2 Day after day they pour righteous.
infinite knowledge during forth speech; night after 10 They are more precious 1) They are more precious
both day & night night they display knowledge. than gold, than much pure than pure gold
2) The sky shouts out the 3 There is no speech or gold; they are sweeter than 2) They are sweeter than
message of God’s existence language where their voice honey, than honey from the pure honey
& power to all nations is not heard. comb.
• To all the earth 4 Their voice goes out into 11 By them is your servant 3) They warn & reward
• To the ends of the world all the earth, their words to warned; in keeping them those who hear & obey
the ends of the world. In the there is great reward. them
b. The sun declares God’s ma- heavens he has pitched a 12 Who can discern his er- 3. The impact of God’s witness:
jestic glory tent for the sun, rors? Forgive my hidden Stirs us to cry out to God
1) It is like a bridegroom 5 Which is like a bride- faults. a. Cry out for forgiveness
richly dressed in glory groom coming forth from 13 Keep your servant also b. Cry out for the protective
2) It is like an eager, strong his pavilion, like a champi- from willful sins; may they power of God—the power to
athlete ready to run on rejoicing to run his not rule over me. Then will I live a new life
course. be blameless, innocent of 1) To avoid deliberate sin
• It rises at one end of the 6 It rises at one end of the great transgression. 2) To be blameless
sky & runs its course to heavens and makes its cir- 14 May the words of my c. Cry out for help in pleasing God
the other end cuit to the other; nothing is mouth and the meditation 1) Pleasing Him in our words
• It provides heat for all hidden from its heat. of my heart be pleasing in & thoughts (meditation)
2. The specific witness of God’s Word 7 The law of the LORD is your sight, O LORD, my Rock 2) Pleasing Him because He
a. God’s law is perfect: It is the perfect, reviving the soul. and my Redeemer. is our Rock, Redeemer

The Witness of God in the World, 19:1-14
(19:1-14) Introduction: American President Abraham ful, intelligent, personal Being who created and ordered
Lincoln said, "I can see how it might be possible for a it all. Scripture reveals who this God is: His personal
man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I name, His nature, and His incredible love and plan for
cannot conceive how he could look up into the heavens humanity.
and say there is no God." We do not know the exact time or occasion when Da-
David proclaimed this message of God’s existence in vid penned these inspired words. Perhaps it was in the
what is one of the most treasured psalms and one of the years of his youth, while witnessing a beautiful sunrise as
world’s most beautiful poems. Psalm 19 is rich in theolo- his father’s sheep began to rouse (vv.5-6). It might have
gy. It eloquently illustrates the astounding truth that God, been on a cloudy afternoon in the wilderness while he
the magnificent artist of the skies, wants people to know was a fugitive from Saul. Still, the words may have come
Him personally. He has made Himself known to us to mind one quiet evening on his palace balcony as he
through natural or general revelation and through special gazed at a breathtaking sunset. Whatever the time or
or specific revelation: nature and the Bible, His works and place, the marvelous meditations of this beloved psalm
His Word. continue to thrill God’s people today. They stir us to fall
This psalm makes a significant distinction between on our faces to worship the one who longs for us to know
natural and special revelation. In discussing the witness Him in a personal, intimate way. This is, The Witness of
of the skies, David used the name God (El), which is a God in the World, 19:1-14.
general name that means strong, powerful one. When he 1. The witness of nature (vv.1-6)
discussed the witness of the Scripture, He referred to 2. The specific witness of God’s word (vv.7-11).
God as the LORD—Yahweh or Jehovah—His personal 3. The impact of God’s witness: Stirs us to cry out to
name. As stated, an important distinction emerges from God (vv.12-14).
these names: nature reveals that there is a God, a power-

PSALM 19:1-14

1(19:1-6) The witness of nature. cause it is a “wordless speech,” 1 a language that

“transcends human communication without the use of
As David pondered the majesty of the heavens, the Spirit speech, words, and sounds.” 2
of God opened his heart to understand what we refer to In translating verse three, newer versions express
as God’s general revelation of Himself to humanity. The that the heavens speak inaudibly and without words.
Holy Spirit moved upon him to record this remarkable Note these translations:
message (2 Pe.1:21).
“There is no speech, nor are there
a. The sky declares God’s glory, His existence and cre- words; Their voice is not heard” (Ps.19:3,
ative power (vv.1-4). NASB).
David was awestruck as he witnessed the wonders of “There is no speech, nor are there
the sky, recognizing a vital truth: the heavens speak. words, whose voice is not heard” (Ps.
They proclaim the message of God’s glory (v.1). The 19:3, ESV).
definition of the word glory falls short of conveying all “They speak without a sound or
that is contained in its meaning. The Hebrew word word; their voice is never heard” (Ps.
(kabode) literally means weightiness or heaviness, but 19:3, NLT).
in a positive way. It can be defined as honor, splendor,
or greatness. To give glory is to assign a person the b. The sun declares God’s majestic glory (vv.4-6).
weight of honor he or she is due. David’s reference to the sunrise suggests that he
In relation to God, the concept of glory is something wrote this psalm in the early morning. Dawn declares
far more. Sometimes it is the manifestation of His the glory of God in a magnificent way. Apparently, Da-
presence. When God appears in the Bible, it is de- vid recognized the sun as the primary body of the uni-
scribed as glory (Ex.16:10; 40:34; Eze.9:3). But it is al- verse (v.4b). He described the skies as a tabernacle or
so the manifestation of God’s Person—all that He is tent in which the sun dwells, “the place the sun goes
(Jn.1:14). Whenever some aspect of God—His charac- when it sets.” 3
ter, His nature, His power, His holiness, His majesty— The emerging of the morning sun over the horizon
is illuminated, it is called glory. When the very essence reminded David of a bridegroom gloriously and excit-
of God is manifest, in part or in whole, it is glory. edly leaving his chamber on his wedding day (v.5a).
Words themselves cannot convey the glory of God. He compared the daily circuit of the sun—its rising in
All the adjectives we can collect—magnificent, mar- the east to its setting in the west—to a strong, condi-
velous, amazing, awesome, dazzling, blinding, illustri- tioned runner speeding triumphantly across the
ous, radiant, resplendent, splendid, wonderful—are course of a race (vv.5b-6a). As the sun travels its route,
woefully inadequate. God’s glory cannot be described; it provides heat for everything it crosses (v.6b). No-
it must be witnessed. body—not one individual—escapes its warmth; nor
And witnessed it is when we look up into the heav- does anybody escape the message it proclaims.
ens. God’s glory is the theme of the sermon of the It is crucial to understand that David wrote poeti-
skies. They declare the existence and the essence of cally, not scientifically. Skeptics of God’s inspired
God, His presence and His Person. The heavens pro- Word point to this passage and others like it as proof
claim the fact that there is a God, a personal Being of scientific errors in Scripture. This is not the case.
greater than the skies, who created and ordered them. David spoke of things as they appear, just as we do to-
Their vastness and beauty herald the truth that this day. “Similar terminology is often used today when we
God is almighty, a God of infinite wisdom and ability. speak of the sun’s rising and setting, even though the
This is natural or general revelation: God has revealed earth, not the sun, actually does the moving. Bible
Himself to every human being through His creation. writers used the ‘language of appearance’ just as peo-
David describes the nature of this celestial sermon: ple always have. Without it, the intended message
First, it is an uninterrupted, continuous message would be awkward at best and probably not under-
(v.2). Every day, the sun, the clouds, and the azure stood at all. When the Bible touches on scientific sub-
background testify of God. Every night, the stars con- jects, it is entirely accurate.” 4
vey knowledge of the one who numbers and names
them all (Ps.147:4). This preacher is never silent; Thought 1. The Bible declares that a person who
people cannot escape its voice. Twenty-four hours a denies the existence of God is a fool (Ps.14:1; 53:1).
day, the skies shout the glories of the God who dwells When considering the wonders of nature, simple
beyond them.
Second, it is a universal message, one that reaches
every human being (vv.3-4a). It extends to every na- 1 Derek Kidner. Psalms 1-72, p.115.
tion and every corner of the earth. Its language is uni- 2 Frank E. Gaebelein. Expositor’s Bible Commentary, p.180.
versal, a tongue understood by all. This is possible be- 3 Donald Williams. Psalms 1-72, p.160.
4 Donald B. DeYoung. Astronomy and the Bible, (Grand Rapids, MI:
Baker Book House, 2000), p.17.
PSALM 19:1-14

intelligence and reason should convince anyone of the TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Now what you
reality of God. This is the beginning of faith: believing worship as something unknown I am go-
what God has revealed about Himself through nature. ing to proclaim to you. "The God who
The New Testament firmly establishes and clearly ex- made the world and everything in it is
plains this truth (Ro.1:20; 10:17-18). the Lord of heaven and earth and does
In Ro.10:18, Paul quoted Ps.19:4 as proof that all not live in temples built by hands. And he
people have heard the truth. Every individual has re- is not served by human hands, as if he
ceived the foundation of saving faith: the proof that needed anything, because he himself
there is a God to whom we are responsible. God has gives all men life and breath and every-
spoken to every one of us through His creation. thing else. From one man he made every
Paul began with this general revelation when nation of men, that they should inhabit
preaching the gospel to those who believed in false the whole earth; and he determined the
gods. When the people of Lystra declared that he and times set for them and the exact places
Barnabas were the Greek gods Jupiter and Mercury, where they should live. God did this so
Paul pointed them to God’s revelation of Himself that men would seek him and perhaps
through nature (Ac.14:17). Paul also reasoned with reach out for him and find him, though he
the superstitious people of Athens from this same ba- is not far from each one of us. 'For in him
sis (Ac.17:22-28). we live and move and have our being.' As
Pastor and author Harry A. Ironside wrote: some of your own poets have said, 'We
are his offspring' (Ac.17:22-28).
When we study the book of creation, when we For since the creation of the world
look up into the heaven and look abroad over the God's invisible qualities—his eternal
earth, we find everywhere the evidences of divine power and divine nature—have been
power and might and wisdom. I cannot understand clearly seen, being understood from
intelligent people questioning the reality or person- what has been made, so that men are
ality of God when they look out over this wonderful without excuse (Ro. 1:20).
creation. If there were no mind behind this universe, Consequently, faith comes from hear-
the suns and the starry systems would have long ing the message, and the message is
since crashed together and the universe would have heard through the word of Christ. But I
gone to pieces; but the One who created the universe ask: Did they not hear? Of course they
is "upholding all things by the word of His power” did: "Their voice has gone out into all the
(He.1:3). earth, their words to the ends of the
…This is the testimony then of nature, and every world" (Ro.10:17-18).
man is responsible to heed that testimony. No honest
man can look up into the heaven without the realiza-
tion that there must be a God and without the 2 (19:7-11) The specific witness of God’s Word.
realization that that God is a God of order, a God of Nature reveals that there is a glorious God and Creator.
righ-teousness. And what is righteousness? It is simp- Scripture reveals this God to humanity. God has given His
ly orderliness, and this universe is run in an orderly holy, inspired Word that we might know Him and that
way, and therefore the testimony of the heavens is we might understand His purpose for our lives and for
enough to convict a man of the need of repentance, the world.
of getting right with the God of the universe. 5 Scripture begins precisely where nature leaves off:
God immediately introduces and identifies Himself in His
Yet he has not left himself without Word as the Creator (Ge.1:1). The opening (special or
testimony: He has shown kindness by specific revelation) is linked to creation (general revela-
giving you rain from heaven and crops in tion). God begins His Word by immediately answering
their seasons; he provides you with plen- the questions raised by the witness of nature: Who made
ty of food and fills your hearts with joy" all of this? How did it come to pass?
(Ac.14:17). God progressively reveals more and more of Himself
Paul then stood up in the meeting of throughout the pages of Scripture until He fully reveals
the Areopagus and said: "Men of Athens! Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ. From that point
I see that in every way you are very reli- forward, God is known by and through Christ:
gious. For as I walked around and looked
carefully at your objects of worship, I The Word became flesh and made his
even found an altar with this inscription: dwelling among us. We have seen his glo-
ry, the glory of the One and Only, who
came from the Father, full of grace and
5 H.A. Ironside. Ironside Commentary—Psalms. WORDsearch CROSS
truth (Jn.1:14).
PSALM 19:1-14

Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, to humanity. This is a significant statement about the
Philip, even after I have been among you sufficiency of the Scripture. God’s Word provides eve-
such a long time? Anyone who has seen rything God wants us to know and everything we need
me has seen the Father. How can you say, to know for this life and for preparation for eternity.
'Show us the Father'? (Jn.14:9). Perfect also means flawless, undefiled, without blem-
He is the image of the invisible God, ish or spot. This, too, is an essential statement about
the firstborn over all creation. For by him the inerrancy of Scripture. Every word of every state-
all things were created: things in heaven ment in the Bible is true.
and on earth, visible and invisible, Reviving (shub) means turning or returning to. The
whether thrones or powers or rulers or first great benefit of Scripture is that it leads us to turn
authorities; all things were created by to God. “As the sun returns in the heavens, so God’s
him and for him. He is before all things, Word returns the sinner to God.” 6 Scripture tells
and in him all things hold together. And us everything we need to know about salvation.
he is the head of the body, the church; he God’s perfect law reveals our sinfulness and great need
is the beginning and the firstborn from for a Savior. It tells us about Jesus Christ and that
among the dead, so that in everything he salvation is possible only through faith in Him. Paul ex-
might have the supremacy. For God was plained the broad purpose of God’s law in relation
pleased to have all his fullness dwell in to salvation:
him (Col.1:15-19).
In the past God spoke to our forefa- What, then, was the purpose of the
thers through the prophets at many law? It was added because of transgres-
times and in various ways, but in these sions until the Seed to whom the promise
last days he has spoken to us by his Son, referred had come. The law was put into
whom he appointed heir of all things, and effect through angels by a mediator. A
through whom he made the universe. mediator, however, does not represent
The Son is the radiance of God's glory just one party; but God is one. Is the law,
and the exact representation of his being, therefore, opposed to the promises of
sustaining all things by his powerful God? Absolutely not! For if a law had
word. After he had provided purification been given that could impart life, then
for sins, he sat down at the right hand of righteousness would certainly have come
the Majesty in heaven (He.1:1-3). by the law. But the Scripture declares
that the whole world is a prisoner of sin,
In this passage, David sings the praises of God’s won- so that what was promised, being given
derful Word. He adheres to a deliberate method, offering through faith in Jesus Christ, might be
an important truth of the Bible, then follows it with an given to those who believe. Before this
invaluable benefit. Verses 7, 8, and 9 are a forerunner to faith came, we were held prisoners by
Psalm 119, the psalm acclaimed for its glorious exalta- the law, locked up until faith should be
tion of Scripture. The synonyms used for the Bible in revealed. So the law was put in charge to
these three verses appear repeatedly in Psalm 119. Each lead us to Christ that we might be justi-
presents a different aspect or purpose of God’s Word, but fied by faith (Ga.3:19-24).
each also refers to the Bible in its entirety. Note the sub-
tle but distinct terms in the verses… Note also these declarations about Scripture’s role in
• the law of the LORD…converts the soul salvation:
• the testimony of the LORD…makes wise the simple
• the statutes of the LORD…rejoice the heart And how from infancy you have
• the commandment of the LORD…enlightens the eyes known the holy Scriptures, which are
• the fear of the LORD…endures forever able to make you wise for salvation
• the judgments of the LORD…are true and righteous through faith in Christ Jesus (2 Ti.3:15).
a. God’s law is perfect: It is the source of conversion For you have been born again, not of
(salvation) (v.7a). perishable seed, but of imperishable,
God’s law (torah) refers to His teachings or instruc- through the living and enduring word of
tions. It is used both of the law given to Israel through God (1 Pe.1:23).
Moses and of God’s complete teachings in the entire
Bible. David states that the law is both perfect and that
it converts the soul.
Perfect has two shades of meaning. It means com-
plete or entire. God’s Word is His complete revelation 6 John Phillips. Exploring Psalms, Volume 1. WORDsearch CROSS
PSALM 19:1-14

b. God’s testimony is trustworthy: It is the source of  They teach us how to please the LORD. Those who
wisdom (v.7b). truly and sincerely love God desire to please Him
God’s witness in His Word is trustworthy: you can be- (Jn.8:29; 2 Ti.2:4). Pleasing the LORD brings a calm
lieve it and build your life upon it. It is a solid founda- assurance and peace to our hearts that result in
tion, one that will not crumble but will stand through joy flooding our souls (1 Th.4:1).
the storms of life (Mt.7:24-25). God’s Word will sup-  They give us insight into God’s purpose for our
port you or hold you up in every situation you face. trials and afflictions. This makes it possible for us
The second great benefit of Scripture is that it gives to rejoice in the midst of life’s most difficult mo-
wisdom. Think about this wonderful truth: nature re- ments (Ro.5:3-4; 2 Co.12:9-10; Js.1:2-5; 1 Pe.1:6-8).
veals that there is an all-wise God, one who designed
and created an intricate, magnificent universe. Scrip- d. God’s commands are pure (vv.8b-9a).
ture reveals God’s amazing wisdom to humanity. By using the word radiant, David again declares that
Through God’s Word, every person has the privilege of God’s Word is perfect, flawless, and undefiled. Radiant
gaining wisdom from the LORD Himself. But a person is also translated as clean (Jb.11:4; Ps.73:1; Pr.14:4),
has to take action. God will not force His Word or choice (Song 6:9), and clear (Song 6:10). Grasp its sig-
Himself on anyone. nificance in this verse: God’s Word is a shining light
Those who are simple lack discernment and good for our lives. The fourth great benefit of Scripture is
judgment because they are inexperienced and un- that it gives light to our eyes (v.8b). What does this
learned (see outline and notes—Pr.1:4 for more dis- mean? It means that God’s Word guides us in life, giv-
cussion). By studying God’s Word, they can acquire ing us insight and understanding (Ps.43:3; 78:14;
the skills necessary to be successful in life and to 119:105, 130). It means that God’s Word brightens
avoid its dangers. They can learn how to overcome or our eyes or fills us with life and strength (Ps.27:1;
to deal with every enemy—every destructive force— 36:9; 38:10; 56:13).
they face (Ps.119:98). Every person who applies him- The fifth great benefit of Scripture is that it stirs us
or herself to the Bible receives wisdom that exceeds to fear the LORD (v.9a). Notice De.4:10:
all human education and learning (Ps.119:99). The
LORD heartily invites each of us to come and freely Remember the day you stood before
partake of His life-giving wisdom (Pr.9:1-6). the LORD your God at Horeb, when he said
to me, "Assemble the people before me to
c. God’s statutes are right: They bring joy to the hear my words so that they may learn to
heart (v.8a). revere me as long as they live in the land
The third great benefit of Scripture is that brings a and may teach them to their children"
deep, abiding joy to life. The LORD’s statutes or precepts (De.4:10).
are His “detailed instructions concerning the practical
matters of everyday life. For the Old Testament Jew, To fear the LORD is to reverence Him and to recog-
the statutes related to what they ate, how they nize His sovereignty, power, holiness, and righteous-
dressed, how they kept clean, and so forth. God laid ness. It is to understand that these attributes demand
down certain basic laws and commandments, and the His judgment and wrath upon all sin. This fear drives
statutes applied them to specific situations.” 7 These us to believe the gospel: to receive forgiveness of sins
statutes are right—straight, upright, morally and ethi- and to establish a relationship with God through His
cally right. How do God’s statutes bring joy to the Son, Jesus Christ. The fear of the LORD is pure—
heart? cleansing and purifying. It compels us to live in obedi-
 They give us clear direction for the specific situa- ence to God’s commands, to walk in holiness and
tions and decisions we face in life. We have the righteousness. It endures forever, that is, it leads us to
answers to our questions, and we know what to eternal life.
do when we consult God’s Word. We are not left Note here that the fear of the LORD may also be un-
wandering and unsure about what is right derstood as another synonym for God’s Word. Bible
(Ro.12:2; Ps.119:105; Pr.3:6; Is.30:21). teacher and commentator Warren Wiersbe explains,
 They stir us to avoid the painful, tragic conse- “This is an unusual name for the Scriptures, but it re-
quences of sin. By obeying God’s precepts—doing minds us that we cannot learn the Word of God unless
what is right—we reap the joyous benefits of we show reverence and respect for the God of the
righteousness, and we spare ourselves the excru- Word. To teach the Bible is to teach the fear of the
ciating wages of sin (Ro.6:23; Ga.6:7-8; Js.1:15; Lord.” 8

7 Warren W. Wiersbe. The Bible Exposition Commentary. WORDsearch

CROSS e-book. 8 Ibid.

PSALM 19:1-14

e. God’s judgments or laws are true and fair (righ- May we—like David—treasure, love, and appreci-
teous, just) (vv.9b-11). ate God’s Holy Word. If we will read it, study it, medi-
The word judgments emphasizes what God has tate on it, and obey it, we will please the LORD and
deemed to be right and wrong. It is another term for enjoy the fullness of God’s blessings through its
God’s law. Every one of God’s ordinances is a reflection life-changing power!
of His holy character: He is the very embodiment of
truth and righteousness. This word reminds us that Sanctify them by the truth; your word
we all are accountable to God and that God will judge is truth (Jn.17:17).
the world in righteousness according to His Holy Word. And how from infancy you have
David concluded his exaltation of Scripture by pro- known the holy Scriptures, which are
claiming what God’s Word meant to him personally. able to make you wise for salvation
He would rather have God’s Word than gold (v.10a; through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture
Ps.119:72, 127). In fact, he would not just choose the is God-breathed and is useful for teach-
Word of God over a small measure of gold but over ing, rebuking, correcting and training in
much—a tremendous quantity of pure gold (paz). This righteousness, so that the man of God
is gold that has been carefully refined; it is the purest, may be thoroughly equipped for every
most valuable gold. good work (2 Ti.3:15-17).
David loved the Word of God. It was sweet to him, For the word of God is living and ac-
like the taste of fresh honey from the comb (v.10b; tive. Sharper than any double-edged
119:103). He truly valued what God’s commandments sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul
did for Him: the Word warned him of the consequenc- and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges
es of disobedience, and it rewarded him for obedience the thoughts and attitudes of the heart
to its teachings (v.11). The reward for obeying Scrip- (He.4:12).
ture is great or abundant. Our reward in this life is the For you have been born again, not of
blessings of God, and our reward after this life will be perishable seed, but of imperishable,
received when we stand before God in judgment and through the living and enduring word of
enjoy eternity in His glorious presence. God. For, "All men are like grass, and all
their glory is like the flowers of the field;
Thought 1. As Jesus stood face to face against Satan in the grass withers and the flowers fall, but
the wilderness, He declared the supreme importance the word of the Lord stands forever." And
of God’s specific, written witness: this is the word that was preached to you
(1 Pe.1:23-25).
Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man Like newborn babies, crave pure
does not live on bread alone, but on eve- spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow
ry word that comes from the mouth of up in your salvation (1 Pe.2:2).
God'" (Mt.4:4). And we have the word of the proph-
ets made more certain, and you will do
Jesus’ quotation of De.8:3 is a reminder that every well to pay attention to it, as to a light
one of us needs the Word of God, and that it is the shining in a dark place, until the day
source and substance of life. Notice again the great dawns and the morning star rises in your
benefits of Scripture outlined by David in this passage: hearts. Above all, you must understand
 It is the source of salvation (v.7). that no prophecy of Scripture came about
 It gives wisdom (v.7). by the prophet's own interpretation. For
 It brings true joy to life (v.8). prophecy never had its origin in the will
 It enlightens our eyes (v.8). of man, but men spoke from God as they
 It stirs us to fear the LORD (v.9). were carried along by the Holy Spirit
(2 Pe.1:19-21).
Through the Word of God we are born again, and
we are completely equipped for every need of this life
and for eternity (2 Ti.2:16, 1 Pe.1:23). God’s Word is 3 (19:12-14) The impact of God’s witness: Stirs us to
alive and powerful. It is inspired. What does this cry out to God.
mean? It means that it has been breathed by God, giv- God’s supreme witnesses—nature and the Scripture—
en to us through His Holy Spirit. It is not just another are windows: through them we see God. But they are also
book; it is God’s Book. Through it He has revealed mirrors: in them we see ourselves.
Himself, His undeniable love for us, and His purpose In general revelation—God’s witness through His
for the world and for all of mankind. It is perfect, true, works—we see that God’s wisdom and power are infi-
authoritative, trustworthy, and sufficient for every nite, limitless. In contrast, we are small; we are subject to
human need. Him; we are his servants (vv.11, 13).

PSALM 19:1-14

In special or specific revelation—God’s witness through judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ,
His Word—we see that God is righteous and holy. We, on as my gospel declares (Ro.2:14-16).
the other hand, are sinners who fall desperately short of
all that God is and all that He commands. We are sepa- The teaching of this passage is crucial: every per-
rated from Him, slaves to sin, and hopelessly doomed to son is without excuse before God. God has revealed to
face His judgment. But we also see in Scripture that God every human being his or her sinfulness and account-
loves us, loves us so much that He gave His own Son, Je- ability to Him. Those who do not have God’s written
sus Christ, as the payment for our sin. We learn that we word will be justly judged by God according to the
can be reconciled to God through faith in His Son. knowledge He has given them through nature and
We see the great glory of God in the sky and the great conscience. Those who have God’s written Word will
grace of God in the Scripture. These revelations call us to be judged according to the more complete revelation
a relationship with God. When the truth of nature and they have received through Scripture.
the truth of Scripture penetrate our darkened minds and When we comprehend God’s revelation, we see
hardened hearts, we cry out to God. We long to be clean, ourselves as unclean before Him (Jb.42:5-6; Is.6:5).
purified from sin, in order that we might know Him per- Therefore, we must cry out to God for forgiveness. Da-
sonally, please Him, and walk in fellowship with Him. vid longed for complete forgiveness; he wanted no
sins standing between him and God. He recognized
a. Cry out for forgiveness (v.12). the sober fact that no individual can fully understand
While the Bible speaks specifically and in considerable or discern his or her sinfulness. As Scripture says, our
detail about God’s judgment and our accountability, very nature “comes short of God’s glory”—His holy,
the Scripture teaches that general revelation is suffi- perfect being (Ro.3:23). We can never know how sin-
cient to show us that we are condemned before God ful and short of God’s blazing, holy nature we are. We
and must answer to Him. are more sinful than we realize. David pled with God
to cleanse him from all his sins, including those that
The wrath of God is being revealed were known only by God, sins that were hidden from
from heaven against all the godlessness his own awareness.
and wickedness of men who suppress the
truth by their wickedness, since what b. Cry out for the protective power of God—the pow-
may be known about God is plain to er to live a new life (v.13).
them, because God has made it plain to Through the Scripture David also understood that God
them. For since the creation of the world could change him, that he could be upright and innocent
God's invisible qualities—his eternal or blameless in God’s sight. Sin did not have dominion—
power and divine nature—have been reign, control, power, authority—over him. He asked
clearly seen, being understood from God to protect him from willful (zed) sins: sins of pride;
what has been made, so that men are sins committed rebelliously, and intentionally; sins
without excuse....Although they know committed while thinking that God would never con-
God's righteous decree that those who do demn him. David never wanted to commit willful sins.
such things deserve death, they not only What a wonderful, powerful truth! We do not have
continue to do these very things but also to be slaves to sin. It is possible for us, through the
approve of those who practice them power of God’s indwelling Spirit, to be set free from
(Ro.1:18-20, 32). sin’s dominion in our lives.

In the same way, count yourselves

Scripture also teaches that God has activated the dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
conscience of every human being. God has written His Therefore do not let sin reign in your mor-
holy law in every person’s heart, including those who tal body so that you obey its evil desires.
have never seen a copy of God’s written Word, the Ho- Do not offer the parts of your body to sin,
ly Bible. This is another facet of general revelation. as instruments of wickedness, but rather
offer yourselves to God, as those who have
(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not been brought from death to life; and offer
have the law, do by nature things re- the parts of your body to him as instru-
quired by the law, they are a law for ments of righteousness. For sin shall not be
themselves, even though they do not your master, because you are not under
have the law, since they show that the law, but under grace (Ro.6:11-14).
requirements of the law are written on
their hearts, their consciences also bear- Jesus taught us to pray as David prayed, for God to
ing witness, and their thoughts now ac- protect us and deliver us from the temptation to sin
cusing, now even defending them.) This (Mt. 6:13). As long as we are in these bodies we will
will take place on the day when God will never be totally free from temptation. In fact, the Bible
PSALM 19:1-14

teaches that all are tempted (1 Co.10:13; Js.1:14). How We can be clean in His sight; we can be reconciled to
then does God protect us? God. We can have a relationship with Him. We can live
 He will never allow us to be tempted above what in His strength and walk in holiness. We can live for-
we are able to resist (1 Co.10:13). ever with Him, in His glorious presence.
 He will always provide a way for us to escape The awesome message of the skies is that there is a
temptation (1 Co.10:13). God and we clearly need Him. The awesome message
 He will bestow the power to overcome temptation of the Scripture is that this God loves us and has come
through His indwelling Spirit (Ro.8:1-13; Ga.5:16). to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. If we will believe
 He has given us a spiritual armor to clothe us and in Him and cry out to Him, He will forgive and cleanse
protect us from Satan’s fiery darts of temptation us and make us acceptable to Him.
 He has given His Word to lead us away from But now a righteousness from God,
temptation and to use in resisting Satan (Mt.4:3- apart from law, has been made known, to
11; Ep.6:17; Re.12:11; Ps.119:9, 11, 133). which the Law and the Prophets testify.
This righteousness from God comes
We have the most wonderful promise in God’s through faith in Jesus Christ to all who
Word: He knows how to deliver us from temptation believe. There is no difference, for all
(2 Pe.2:9). When we submit ourselves fully to Him and have sinned and fall short of the glory of
strongly resist Satan, he will flee from us. When we stay God, and are justified freely by his grace
close to God, God promises to be near us in times of through the redemption that came by
temptation. We can live cleanly and purely when we fully Christ Jesus. God presented him as a sac-
devote our minds to Him and His Holy Word (Js.4:7-8). rifice of atonement, through faith in his
c. Cry out for help in pleasing God (v.14). blood. He did this to demonstrate his jus-
David longed to please the LORD, and He asked God to tice, because in his forbearance he had
make everything in his life acceptable to Him. David left the sins committed beforehand un-
not only prayed for outward holiness, but also for pu- punished—he did it to demonstrate his
rity within: he wanted his thoughts as well as his words justice at the present time, so as to be
to be acceptable to the LORD. He understood that true just and the one who justifies those who
righteousness is more than outward actions. It pene- have faith in Jesus (Ro.3:21-26).
trates all the way to the heart and changes us from But now that you have been set free
within (Mt.5:20-28; 23:25-28; Ps.51:6, 10; 139:23-24). from sin and have become slaves to God,
Through the witnesses of God’s works and His the benefit you reap leads to holiness,
Word, David understood that the LORD was His rock and the result is eternal life. For the wag-
(strength) and his redeemer. When he observed the es of sin is death, but the gift of God is
beauty of nature and looked up into the sky at night, eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord
he knew that the mighty God of creation, the One who (Ro.6:22-23).
made the skies, was the strength of his life. He rested In him we have redemption through
in the power that created the universe. The Holy Word his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in ac-
of God taught him how to establish a relationship with cordance with the riches of God's grace
Jehovah, the God who keeps covenant with those that he lavished on us with all wisdom
whose faith is in Him. and understanding. And he made known
to us the mystery of his will according to
Thought 1. This precious psalm begins in heaven and his good pleasure, which he purposed in
ends in the human heart. Meditate on this glorious, Christ (Ep.1:7-9).
blessed truth: the God who made the skies, who This is the message we have heard
dwells beyond the sun and stars, is reaching out to from him and declare to you: God is light;
you. He wants a relationship with you. He wants to in him there is no darkness at all. If we
live in your heart. “All of revelation, general and spe- claim to have fellowship with him yet
cial, all of God’s streams of communication to us, have walk in the darkness, we lie and do not
but one goal. God wants us to know Him, to worship live by the truth. But if we walk in the
Him, to obey Him. All of the [heavens] and all of [the light, as he is in the light, we have fellow-
Bible] are for us.” 9 ship with one another, and the blood of
God has removed all the barriers that stand be- Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. If
tween us and Him. Our sin separates us from God. But we claim to be without sin, we deceive
God is our Redeemer; He gave His Son to set us free ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we
from the penalty and power of sin. We can be forgiven. confess our sins, he is faithful and just
and will forgive us our sins and purify us
9 Donald Williams. Psalms 1-72, p.165. from all unrighteousness (1 Jn.1:5-9).

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