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CVLE 231
1.1 Geology

Geology has been defined as “the science which treats of the origin,
history and structure of the earth, as recorded in the rocks together
with the forces and processes operating to modify the rocks”
 Geology was a descriptive science, geologists studied rocks in the
field ,recorded the results and deduced the observations.

 Geology has made headway in the last two centuries :

• Quantitative science instead of descriptive
• Laboratory and field testing (instrumentation, analysis…)

1.2 Geology branches

 Cosmogony: is the study of the relation of the earth to the solar

system and universe. It considers also the origin and early
stages of terrestrial sphere
 Physical Geology: concerned with understanding the composition
of the earth and the physical changes occurring in it, based on the
study of rocks, minerals, and sediments, their structures and
formations, and their processes of origin and alteration.

 Paleontology: is the study of prehistoric life, it includes the study

of fossils to determine organisms evolution and interactions with
each other and their environments

 Mineralogy: it deals with the crystal form, chemical composition,

and physical properties of minerals, which are the native
elements constituting the inner mass of the earth and the meteoric

 Seismology: is the study of earthquakes

 Vulcanology: is the study of volcanoes

 Glacial Geology: study of glaciers deposits and action

 Engineering Geology: geology and engineering;

1.3 Aim of Geology
The practical problems that require the application of geology are:

1-the utilization and management of natural resources:

 The extraction of petroleum, natural gas, and other mineral
 Coal mining
 Managing the utilization of water resources to ensure their
availability in the future…

 Climate change due to increasing concentrations of greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere is accelerating the melting of glaciers and
therefore driving mass extinctions

 Managing industrial and domestic waste disposal and minimizing or

eliminating effects of pollution.

3- Geologic Hazards defining and mitigating exposure of natural

hazards on humans: flood control, landslides, earthquakes, tsunamis.
4- Earth history
1.2 Engineering Geology
In 1928, St Francis Dam in Southern California Failed, the civil
engineering awoke to the idea that the careful design of a structure
itself is not all that is required for the safety, it became essential to
consult geologists. In their turn, the geologists had become acquainted
with engineering requirements
Thus, a new type of specialist – the engineering geologists - appeared

Engineering geology is the application of geological data, techniques

and principles to the study of rock, soil materials, and ground water
to assist the engineer in the solution of problems.


The engineering geology Serves civil Engineering in :

 Locating and characterizing geologic resources for construction:
Aggregates, fills and borrows.

 stable foundations and slopes

 Investigating geological hazards



Land Slide
Rock slope stability

Flood Liquefaction


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