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Towards partial fulfillment of

Master of Business Administration (MBA)
University Of Lucknow, Institute Of Management Science

Submitted by-



Roll No-180013170050
Session 2017-2019





As a part of our course curriculum I had to go and prepare a field study report on my topic



I want to express my gratitude for the experience and practical knowledge that I earned during


BUSINESS AT RELIANCE RETAIL. In this report I had presented my great experience in the

form of words. In making the summer training project report theoretical knowledge was needed

more than the practical which was given to us by our mentor in my institutes. In the market the

experience relating to the practical knowledge was very good which realized me about the real

conditions of the marketing.

The report flows logically consisting of a questionnaire. I hope that the findings and the

suggestions will help the company, confidently to formulate its strategy in comparison to its

competitors. I have enjoyed my summer training project report at A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE


new things which will be helpful to me during my summer training work at Reliance Retail. I

have tried my level best to make this report a reader friendly & also did my level best to fulfill

the objective of the summer training work.



I hereby declare that the summer training report entitled “A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE
submitted by me to University Of Lucknow, in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA)is a record of bonafide
project work carried out by me under the guidance of Ms Soni Harsh Srivastava .This work is
not replication of work done previously by any other person. I also confirm that the contents of
the report and the views contained therein have been discussed and deliberated with the faculty
guide .I further declare that the work reported in this project has not been submitted and will not
be submitted either in part or in full, for the award of any degree or diploma in this university or
any other institute or university .


ROLL NO: 1150675013






The present work is an effort to throw some light on “STUDY ON EMPLOYEE


have been possible to come to the present shape without the able guidance, supervision and help

to me by number of people.

With deep sense of gratitude, I acknowledge the encouragement and guidance received byMr.

SANDEEP VERMA (Human Resource Manager) at Reliance office for providing me

opportunity to do my internship and project work in “RELIANCE RETAIL Private Limited “.

I owe never ending debt of gratitude to guide of Ms Soni Harsh Srivastava (Associate

Professor),for her guidance and encouragement in carrying out this project work .

I convey my heartful affection to all those people who helped and supported me during the

course, for completion of my Project Report.

Lastly , I would like to thank Institute Of Management Science, Lucknow for providing me an

opportunity to gain knowledge through this summer training report .



5. DATA ANALYSIS & 76-88
6. FINDINGS 89-90
10. ANNEXURE 99-101


PART – 1




Employee engagement is a psychological commitment – to take ownership for one’s work and to go the

extra mile. Engaged employees learn more, grow faster, and show more initiative than employees who are

not. They are committed to finding solutions, solve problems, and improve business processes.

Therefore, employee engagement is strongly linked to business performance.

Employee engagement, also called worker engagement, is a

business management concept. An "engaged employee" is one who is fully involved in, and

enthusiastic about their work, and thus will act in a way that furthers their organization's

interests. According to Scarlett Surveys, "Employee Engagement is a measurable degree of an

employee's positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organization

which profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform at work"

Employee Engagement is the extent to which employee commitment, both emotional and

intellectual, exists relative to accomplishing the work, mission, and vision of the organisation.

Engagement be a heightened level of ownership where each employee wants to do whatever they

can for the benefit of their internal and external customers, and for the success of the



Employee engagement describes employees’ emotional and intellectual commitment to

their organisation and its success. Engaged employees experience a compelling purpose and

meaning in their work and give of their discrete effort to advance the organisation’s objectives.

Employee engagement describes the system through which a worker develops positive social and

emotional ties to an employer. Employee engagement programs operate under the assumption

that engaged employees will be more productive and will therefore generate more profit for the

business. If the worker works for a non-profit, by the same assumption, engaged employees will

be more committed to furthering the goals of the non-profit.



 Increased productivity - employees return refreshed and inspired. Line managers’ report

greater productivity in returning employees.

 Improved employee competency - the experience can build 'soft skills' that simply

cannot be taught in a training room environment. Participants report an increase in

confidence across all aspects of their lives, making them more effective at their

jobs. Improvements are common in areas such as team building, communication,

analytical thinking, leadership, diplomacy, flexibility, conflict resolution, change-

readiness, problem solving, and listening.

 Recruitment - research indicates that if faced with a decision between two equal

companies, highly qualified staff will opt for the one with the better environmental

performance/stance. The programme forms part of value proposition to graduate recruits

(CPI Shell Research 2005).

 Retention - Demonstrating commitment to corporate citizenship is likely to be a string


factor in retaining staff. Aligning individual's personal values with those of the company

is a powerful motivator.

 Enhanced corporate pride - through demonstrating a commitment to sustainable

development, partners engender a feeling of corporate pride amongst their employees.

Investing in the programme also sends a clear message that staff development is high on

the organisation's agenda.

 Integrate fellowship into HR practice - when programmes are embedded in the

partner's HR strategy, they can become an important part of professional development


 Motivational driver - placements can be used as a reward for employees in a way that

pay does not.


 Buyer – A buyer is a person who approaches the seller and purchases the product or service

required. The buyer may or may not be a consumer of that product or service.

 Influencer – The influencer is a person who influences the buying decision. He or she is a

person whose view or advice influences the decision. The influencer may be a buyer or a

consumer or a decision-maker.

 Decision-maker – The decision maker is the person who decides what to purchase, when to

purchase and how to purchase. He or she may be a buyer, influencer as well as a consumer.

Generally, for purchase of day to day items needed for cooking at home, the housewives

decide on their own. Here she acts as a decision-maker, buyer, influencer as well as the

consumer. Her decision may or may not be influenced by her experience, servants at home,

preferences of family, advertisement, etc.

 Consumer – A consumer is the person who finally uses or consumes the goods or services


Consumer Behaviour is defined as the behaviour that consumer displays in the searching for
purchasing, using, evaluating, & disposing of the products & services that they expect will
satisfy their needs. Consumer Behaviour focuses on how consumer make the decisions to
spendtheir available resources (Time, Money, Efforts) on consumption related items.



Future Group is looking at adding 18 million sq. ft of retail space across various formats by

2013-14 and is looking at various options to raise money for expansion -- listing of the value

retail chain Reliance Retail being one of them.

"There are opportunities which we are looking at, including whether one should knock-off

Reliance Retail into a separate company and probably look at listing or a follow up offer on

that," Future Group Chief Executive Officer Kishore Giyani said.

"There are possibilities (on hiving off Reliance Retail) but nothing is on the cards at this

moment. It depends on the fund raising exercise," he added.





Employee engagement is the extent to which employees think, feel, and act in ways that rep

resent high levels of commitment to their organization.

Engaged employees are motivated to contribute 100% of their knowledge, contribute 100%

of their knowledge, skills and abilities to help their organization

succeed. They care deeply about their company, want to contribute to its success, and regu

larly have peak experiences at work


Engagement represents the motivational capital that exists within an individual, a unit, or an orga

nization. It is a valuable resource that can boost company performance. Our research shows that

engagement is linked to a number of important business outcomes.

For example, we have found the following:

 Engaged employees offer significantly higher levels of service to customers

 Engaged managers are more likely to create a work environment that is collaborativ

e, creative, and stimulating .


Factors affecting Employee Engagement

 Achievement: The vast majority of employees want to achieve something important an

d meaningful at work. They want to grow and develop their skills and capabilities and th

ey want to be rewarded and recognized for their efforts.

 Camaraderie: We are social beings. Employees enjoy working productively with others

while developing healthy interpersonal relationships. How managers interact with their

teams is especially important in motivating employees to go above and beyond.

 Equity: Employees want to be treated fairly when it comes to pay and benefits, day‐to‐d

ay treatment, and psychological and physical safety. This represents our Three Factor The

ory of Human Motivation in the Workplace. When these needs are met, employees are hi

ghly engaged—even enthusiastic—at work.



“The extent to which employees commit to something or someone in the organization, and

how long they stay as a result of that commitment.”

“Loyal employees (versus satisfied employees) stay because they want to. They go above

and beyond the call of duty to further their company’s interests.”

“Engagement is the state in which individuals are emotionally and intellectually committed

to the organization as measured by three primary behaviour Say, Stay and Strive.”

“The extent to which employees put discretionary effort into their work in the form of

brainpower, extra time, and energy.”


Employee engagement can be defined as an employee putting forth extra discretionary effort, as

well as the likelihood of the employee being loyal and remaining with the organization over the

long haul. Research shows that engaged employees: perform better, put in extra efforts to help

get the job done, show a strong level of commitment to the organization, and are more motivated

and optimistic about their work goals. Employers with engaged employees tend to experience

low employee turnover and more impressive business outcomes.

Employee engagement is more than just the current HR 'buzzword'; it is essential. In order for

organizations to meet and surpass organizational objectives, employees must be engaged.

Research has proven that wholly engaged employees exhibit,

 Higher self-motivation.

 Confidence to express new ideas.

 Higher productivity.

 Higher levels of customer approval and service quality.

 Reliability.

 Organizational loyalty; less employee turnover.

 Lower absenteeism.

Employee engagement is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards

their organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of business context, and works

with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organization. It is a

positive attitude held by the employees towards the organization and its values.


The organization must work to develop and nurture engagement, which requires a two-way

relationship between employer and employee.’ Thus Employee engagement is a barometer that

determines the association of a person with the organization.Engagement fosters and drives

discretionary behaviour, eliciting employees’ highest productivity, their best ideas and their

genuine commitment to the success of the organization

Aspects of Employee Engagement :- Three basic aspects of employee engagement according

to the global studies are:-

 The employees and their own unique psychological make up and experience

 The employers and their ability to create the conditions that promote employee


 Interaction between employees at all levels.

Thus, it is largely the organization’s responsibility to create an environment and culture

conductive to this partnership, and a win-win equation.


Employee engagement is seen as the outcome of 4 dimensions: -

Basic needs: Clarity work, materials and equipment

Management Support: Encouragement, caring, supervision, recognition, person-job-fit.

Teamwork: Best friend, co-workers, commitment to quality, clarity of organizational purpose,

value for one’s opinion.

Growth: Opportunity to learn, tangible progress

HR How it relates to employee engagement


Strategic HR – People are the main resource that organizations have for delivering

Planning services

– Strategic HR planning links HR management directly to an

organization's strategic plan and that means that staff will have

meaningful roles tied to the strategic direction of the organization

– Strategically planning how your organization will meet its current

and future HR needs and how people will be supported and nurtured

within your organization is critical for success

Operational HR – At an operational level, organizations put in place HR management


Planning practices to support management and staff in achieving their day-to-

day goals Whether it's determining how many employees are needed

to deliver services over the next year or how performance will be

monitored, the HR management practices and activities need to be

planned to answer the question: "Where is our organization going and

how will it get there?"

– An operational plan ensures that employees are properly supported

Compensation – Though usually not ranked the most important, compensation is an

and Benefits important factor in job satisfaction.

– An employee who feels adequately compensated monetarily is more

likely to stay with your organization

Developing HR – Policies and procedures both communicate the values of your

Policies organization and provide everyone with a consistent process to follow

Policies and procedures provide your employees with a process to follow

and that knowledge can help them confidently approach situations -

particularly difficult situations

Employment – Provincial/territorial and federal governments outline the minimum

Legislation and requirements to ensure a safe and equitable work environment for

Standards employees


Job Descriptions – Job descriptions are basic HR management tools that can help to increase
individual and organizational effectiveness

– A well-written job description sets an employee up for success by

outlining their responsibilities and the parameters of their position Job

descriptions also show how an employee's position contributes to the

mission, goals and objectives of the organization

Performance – Performance management is an ongoing process where the

Management manager/supervisor and employee work together to plan, monitor and

review an employee's work objectives or goals and overall

contribution to the organization.

– Motivates employees to do their best Establishes clear

communication between the manager and the employee about what

s/he is expected to accomplish Provides on-going, constructive

feedback on performance.

– Establishes plans for improving performance, as necessary

– Identifies the skills and abilities of each employee so that work

assignments build on and reflect an employee's strengths.

– Identifies individual employees for more challenging work.

– Assists and supports staff in achieving their work and career goals by


identifying training needs and development opportunities.

– Contributes to succession management plan so that employee skills

are developed and employers develop the skills they need to fill an

potential HR gap in the future.

Learning, – Investing in training programs helps employees develop personally

Trainingand and professionally


Workplace – Creating an environment where people feel welcome and safe from

Diversity harassment and discrimination motives staff to perform Absenteeism

and performance problems decrease while productivity, morale and

employee retention increases

Work Teams – When you develop and support effective teams, you enhance the

and Group power and feeling of satisfaction of individuals working on the team.

Dynamics When a team works well, it means that staff trusts one another and

that leads to better sharing of knowledge and understanding.

Conflict – In a healthy workplace, there will be conflict. Having a conflict

Resolution resolution policy and a process will mean that conflict is constructive

and not destructive


Workplace – A healthy workplace means more than just warding off colds and the

Wellness flu.

Initiatives – It is more holistic and takes into consideration the physical, spiritual,

environmental, intellectual, emotional, occupational and mental

health of employees. Wellness promotion doesn't just benefit the

employee because an organization filled with healthy, balanced and

fulfilled employees, is a productive workplace that retains its


Employee – Giving employees a sense of shared values and purpose by creating a

Recognition relationship with them is important

– When you thank employees you value them and that, in turn, is



 An engaged employee is a person who is fully involved in,& enthusiastic about his/her


 Engaged employee care about the future of the company & are willing to invest the

discretionary effort-exceeding duty’s call-to see that the organization succeeds.

 Engaged employees are more productive than their disengaged counterparts.

 Engaged employees believe that they can make a difference in the organization they work


 These people embody what jack Welch said several years ago:” Never mistake activity-

for accomplishment.”

 Employee Engagement has relatively little to do with macro-economic conditions

 Instead, it is the unique elements of the work experience that are most likely to influence
















1. Fully Engaged employees 2. Passively engaged employees

3. Disengaged employees 4. Actively Disengaged



Do your very best Do as you are told Often feel underutilized Bored and frustrated at


Constantly Do Strictly what’s Spend time at work Negative or sarcastic

learning & taking required taking care of personal attitude about work

calculated risks. needs

Feel stretched Stick to what you Pay is a big reason why Critical of leaders or

beyond comfort know and take stay peers.

zone few risks.


Take personal See many barriers Do just enough to get Look for ways to find

satisfaction in the to better results by and not get in blame.

quality of work outside of trouble

personal control

Work can be Rarely stretched Speak Poorly about the

stressful but also by new company

rewarding and assignments



Leadership - Leaders are objective,

Work-life balance - Whether the
impartial &systematic in their dealings
organization is helping to maintain
besides empowering subordinates &
work-life balance
providing timely feedback

Career opportunity - Learning & development - Adequate

Opportunities for individual growth facilities for training & overall development.


Communication - Open & Learning organization - Organization

transparent communication channels, pursues goal of continuous improvement of

horizontal as well as vertical its products, processes & people.

Co-workers - Adequate mutual trust Pay - Perceived attractiveness of pay &

& understanding among fellow allowances. Not the absolute quantum, but in

employees relative value.

Decision making - Empowerment Recognition - Practice of recognition &

& support down the line to take appreciation of employees who come up

decisions with creative ideas

Stakeholders - The extent to which

HR alignment - HR function is
organization is discharging its
aligned with corporate plans
responsibilities to its stakeholders

Job content - Employees find job Benefits - Monetary or non-monetary

content intrinsically satisfying. benefits over & above pay.



From the above diagram we understand that Employee Engagement can be classified into 2 types



This type of engagement activity deals with those policies and ways which are very much

mandatory for any organization to keep their employees engaged/committed. Without these

activities the process of engagement cannot be carried out and even if carried out can never be

successful. These are the key factors which are responsible to keep the employees engaged and

committed towards their work.

Some of the examples of serious engagements are


- On Board activities

- KPI & Performance Ratings

- Training and Development

- Town hall

- One and one

- Clear & Concise communication:

a) Open Hose

b) Skip level

c) Coffee with CBH


This type of engagement activity deals with the atmosphere at the work place HR

management experts believe that the work atmosphere is mainly chiefly important for the

employee engagement extent in an organization.

A good work force does not mean that the work place should be clean and ‘good to work at’.

It means that the work place should also be a fun place apart from being clean, neat and

hygienic. The fun initiative is the key driver of engagement these days. Today the industry

works from 9:00AM to NO PM. At such working timings and conditions the employees need

to have fun at work place also. In the lack of this fun initiative the employee loses his interest

in work as there is no activity to act as refreshment in his day to day works.


For e.g. follow a delight engagement practice named FUN CALENDAR. This is a monthly

calendar characterized by events which are followed every day. Each day is given a name and

that day is celebrated. One day is always fixed with “BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY

CELEBRATIONS” day when the birthdays and anniversaries which occurred during the month

are celebrated. There are also other days like Perspective sharing day.

This is the time of performance evaluation of an employee. At this point of time the performance

of all the employees are evaluated on certain parametes throughout his life cycle.

The performance calculation is based on the Key Performance Indicators set by the employees.

The KPI includes all the targets which an employee is supposed to meet at a particular given

time. An employee is rated Very good, Good, Averaeg, poor & very poor based on th KPI set by

him and the target completed at the end of the time period.

The engagement activities carried out at PMS level includes the finalization of KPI within 15

days for new joinees which is duly agreed upon by the senior manager and then uploaded online

and followed by the individuals. Apart from the KPI setting the task of ‘performance discussion

with the supervisor’ is also carried out. Once the target time duration is completed the

discussion, regarding the performance shown as per KPIs, is carried out with the supervisor.

The level of engagement at this level is measured by the online uploaded KPI & the progress

reviews taken by the HR department. The frequency of the above mentioned employee

engagement is annual where the online uploading is concerned & when the reviews are

concerned the frequency is half-yearly.


Performance Review Ratings at RELIANCE RETAIL:

RELIANCE RETAILhas a 5-point rating system:

5 - Substantially Exceeding Expectations

4 - Exceeding Expectation

3 - Meeting Expectation.

2 - Partially Meeting Expectation

1 - Not Meeting Expectations

The new KPI system at RELIANCE RETAIL aims at:

• Defining a single and robust performance driven culture across the Country.

• Bringing about a feeling of transparency, inclusiveness and involvement in defining

performance objectives and standards.

• Increase in the objectivity and accuracy of measurement of performance.

• Increase in the alignment between individual, Team, functional and organizational goals.

• Linking directly to the PLI program of the organization.



We follow the Calendar year for Appraisal. Assessment Period shall be January to

December every year. Assessments shall be conducted in the month of January.

 Self Development Plan-

Self Development Plans, as the name suggests, is a guideline for the self development.

This is a key framework for personality development. This plays a very important role in

employee engagement framework. A person feels that the origanization is also concerned

about him as person and not only as an employee. This self development plan is not only

useful for the are its brand ambassadors outside. If they have good personality, they will

represent a good image of the organization.

The action for the SDP assessment includes a formal discussion with the senior manager

and facilitating participation in training. The measurement of the success of the SDP

program is done by counting the signed SDP documents available with the HR and the

percentage of attendance in the training programs.

 Reward & Recognition-Reward & Recognition is an emloyee engagement activity

which recognises and rewards people for their good performances on the job. It acts as a

very good motivational factor. When a person is recognised and rewarded for a particular

task/tasks he is motivated to do it even better. If not recognised for their work the


employees will not feel involved in their work. The actions involved in this engagement

activity is to recognize a certain population and rate them according to their performance

and then announce the winners through various means such as mails, ceremonies etc. It is

measured by number of R&R in a period of time and Functional Head to ensure sufficient

penetration of R&R in their function.

 Structured Communication-

This engagement activity includes communication with various departments in the

organization. This is carried out at 4 levels: -

a. Skip Level Meeting-This is a structured communication wherein every person

gets to interact with a person who is 2 levels over him. He can communicate his

problems to the boss of his boss i.e he can skip a level. This is measured through

min 5 meetings per month for CBH & minimum 2 meetings per reviewer per


b. Open House/Town hall- This is an occasion when the circle HR head goes to

various zones know the problems and grievances of the employees. It is measured

by the quarterly sessions planned vs. actual sessions. Its frequency is quarterly

and this is an ongoing process.

c. One to One- this is the activity where in the communication is face to face with

the HR head. Its is measured by min 5 meetings per month for HR & min 2


meetings per reviewer per month.Its frequency is monthly and is an ongoing


d. People Interactions at Zones-This action is measured by Zonal visits by

CBH/HR and the frequency is Bi-monthly this is an ongoing process and the

person responsible for this engagement activity are the CBH and HR


This is the time of full n final settllement with the organization. This the point when the

employee leaves the organization and goes. The action taken at this time is the handover and

ensuring of appraisals of all reportees of seperating people. With hr for all bills with minimum

one months tenure.. The person responsible for this is the receiving & relieving supe target.







 Personal enjoyment: Everyone wishes their jobs to be something they enjoy, and fun adds

an element that creates that feeling of enjoyment. If the workplace is fun, you will

ultimately like your work more and put more effort into it and be happier with the job. A

good job helps make a person happy and can add a lot of fulfilment and personal

enjoyment to a person’s life.

 Sparks creativity and imagination : Fun in the workplace can come in many forms and

many of those, such as humour, games, jokes, competitions, interesting challenges or


systems with prizes require new ways of thinking, wit or cleverness, teamwork or

challenge and other activities that trigger new ideas, thinking and creative work. Many

people simply consider anything creative to be fun (I’m one of those people) so tasks that

involve these elements are often close associated or even sparking new creativity,

innovation and imagination among those involved.

 Can be a strong change proponent: fun will trigger people to think about have more fun,

often improving systems and processes or tasks along the way to make them both

effective and fun in the process. This creativity is a wonderful partner to fun when it

triggers ideas and rally’s support for change. Change is scary to many people and so

making change part of something that is enjoyable takes the fear out of it and it helps to

support the change instead of add fear to it. The ideas that come from fun programs then

often encourage or reinforce even more change and it can continue to feed on itself if the

systems are dynamic enough to let fun steer some of the work tasks and processes.

 Engages teams and cross functional teams more easily: Most things that are fun in the

workplace will only be successful if they are done with multiple people and when people

have a chance to work together or compete with one another doing it. Many of the

systems and programs I’ve seen that are fun are when multiple departments or teams

come together. This can be anything from team building exercises or job sharing to

competitions or social events. Activities that bring people together from multiple areas

that do not generally work together are more social, and even if the activities are entirely


work focused, the new social aspect is fun, and engages people more than without these

activities in place. And it’s this engagement between teams then that really starts to

benefit the organization as the company works more and more integrated among its

people instead of in silos or separate areas.

 Builds personal relationships faster for more effective teamwork: The engagement

between teams just above obviously happens within teams as well and the advantage of

this is that personal relationships are build faster among teams when they are having

more fun in their work. People interact more and communicate much more frequently

during fun activities and ultimately, when they know each other better. People with

closer relationships understand one another well and can be much more effective as a

team than people who do not know each other well. This is the case in all areas of life

and it works well in the workplace as well. Fun in the workplace is simply an element

that can encourage this to happy and provides the environment needed to allow effective


 Increases employee loyalty and lengthens employee service time: People who are happy

doing something tend to do more of it or to do it longer and so this is certainly true when

it comes to work. If you like your job and work because you have a lot of fun doing it,

you are more likely to stay. People who are more likely to stay, will provide more value

to an organization through gained expertise, strong relationships and teamwork with


colleagues and by reducing overall training time and learn curve ratios compared to their

delivered results.

Research tells us that fun and laughter…

1. Make you feel good

2. Promote optimism

3. Reduce stress

4. Ease boredom

5. Help us cope with problems

6. Build relationships

7. Break down barriers

8. Lighten up serious or tense situations

9. Promote creativity and problem solving

10. Create joy among people

Examples of Fun in the Workplace

 Encouraging and allowing people to personalize their workspace with personal items,

signs, posters, favourite team jerseys, flags, objects, gadgets or any other simply items.

 Diverse personality types is advantageous for many reasons, but especially for adding

fun, since you get more variety in the type of people working together when you have a

mix of personality or behaviour types.

 Jokes and humorous stories should be regularly available by postings, newsletters, and in

scheduled meetings.


 Create and support an active social club to organize events, games and sports for all to

participate in outside of work.

 Encourage simple, harmless practical jokes around the office

 Use team names and nick names for people based on their work or areas of expertise

 Rotate job functions within teams to experience varying styles and personalities in

repetitive tasks


There are of course some risks with adding more fun in the workplace and while they should not

be ignored, they can easily be mitigated and controlled. The most easily occurring risk could be

that jokes and practical jokes get out of hand or unprofessional. It is very important to know that

any humour must be clean and clean from any prejudice, racism or sexism. If this is monitored

and correctly quickly when it is visible at any level, the humour can be kept professional and fun

without the risk of hurting feelings or attacking anyone’s character.

BELIEFS ABOUT EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT:-The approach to building higher

levels of engagement is based on several fundamental beliefs, many of which were formed by

our more than three decades of research and experience.


1. Engagement is the primary enabler of successful execution of any business

strategy. An engaged workforce is your only true competitive advantage. It is almost

impossible to copy and, without it, execution of most corporate initiatives becomes difficult, if

not impossible.

2. Engagement is not a short-term initiative:-Because engagement is simple in

concept but difficult in execution, it is never achieved or finished—only improved. It

might take years of steady progress to build high levels of employee engagement, and

without the proper care and feeding, these gains can wither and fall away surprisingly


3. Engagement must be driven from the top :- Engagement is a business imperative, not

an HRinitiative, though HR should be a key player in driving higher levels of engagement.

Support from the top also means senior leaders must be highly engaged themselves. Believe it or

not, only one in four senior leaders—and only one in six frontline leaders—is highly engaged.

It’s hard to imagine highly engaged employees without highly engaged leaders.

4. One of the best ways to have highly engaged employees is to hire them:-Certain

people have a set of characteristics or attributes that increase their propensity for engagement

(for example, some employees are more likely to have higher levels of engagement than others,


regardless of the jobs they choose or assignments they receive). Companies should pay close

attention to these characteristics in their hiring process.

5. Engagement is all aboutfitPeople are more likely to be engaged if their jobs and the

culture of the organization match both their abilities and skills, and their motivation and values.

Most organizations hire or promote only for the ability and skill match, ignoring the motivation

and value match.

6. No one impacts the state of engagement more than an employee’s

immediate leader. While this might be a slight exaggeration, we believe most people do not

leave their jobs; they leave their bosses. Show us a highly engaged team, and there’s a strong

likelihood we can show you a leader who is coaching for success, setting clear goals,

empowering others, providing open and honest feedback, and making the winners feel valued.

7. Measuring engagement and demonstrating its business impact is crucial,

but it’s only a small part of winning the battle:-Far toomany organizations pour

hundreds of thousandsof dollars into measuring and remeasuring engagement, leaving little

energy or budget for improving engagement levels.

8. Engagement means reaching the heart. Highly engaged employees give that extra

effort because inside they care. And, they care because they feel someone is caring for them. A

vice president for customer service at Progress Energy, for example, insists that his managers


really get to know the individuals on their teams as people, not just employees. He wants to

know about their aspirations, interests, and families.

Some of the factors which definitely are cause of ENGAGEMENT& RETENTION of

employees are embodied below:


Many of the employees consider the brand name of the organization for taking up assignments.

Employees feel prestige of the institution as their personal to run with the organization. Working

in a famous company or organization, generally makes people to adore with commitment.

Dignity of the institution is one of the major factors for attachment of the employees all along


without any fear for future. This will lead to the Employees retention more. Employees may not

think to leave the organization because of its brand name and familiarity in the public eye.

The wage policy of the any organization attracts the employees a lot. Many employees look

forward for monetary benefits and Social security measures adopted by the organization or firm.

Adoption of a regular time scale of pay with proper Efficiency Bars including adoption of Grade

Pay System, for various categories of posts existed in an organization from top to bottom is

much more importance for the retention of employees. Employees naturally observe the salary

structure of each category of post and fringe benefits extended by the organization or

companycareer.Advancement Schemes:-

Career Advancement Scheme is one of its kinds to introduce for the regular promotions,

professional growth and development of an employee in any firm. Every employee expects

advancement in his career by way of promotions, grades, and relocation to next higher category

or grade for furtherance of his interests. A lucrative policy on Career Advancements of

employees is much more than enough for retention of employees in a firm

Social Security Measures:

Social Security measures are very much obligatory on the part of any concern to adopt for the

welfare of their employees. Employees Welfare Schemes, Health Schemes, Group Insurance

Policies, Payments of Bonus, Ex-gratia, Incentives, Awards, will render much security to its

employees in the Society, and the employees will not leave any institution if it implemented such

social security measures to its employees. Retention is possible greatly if any organization/firm

adopts suitable Social Security Measures.


Transparent Recruitment Policy:

The Recruitment policy of an organization or Institution must be transparent. It should not be

biased on any means. A plain recruitment procedure keeps the Institution at top level among

other co-institutions. Talented peoples will be aspired to take placements in such an organization

and wanted to retain in the same organization for years together. The prestige of the Institution or

organization reflects because of the transparent recruitment policy.

Judicious Disciplinary Rules:

Disciplinary rules should frame in such a way that they should not be in any way contrary to the

Law. Every employee must be treated with equal treatment in a justified manner for which a set

of rules called “Disciplinary Rules” should be framed and adopted. There should be a

classification of category of posts, grades, controlling authorities duly specified in a clear term,

quantum of punishments right from “Censure” to “ Removal from service” should be specified,

and provision for making appeals to the Appellate authorities be included.

Conduct Rules:

It is also necessary to frame certain Conduct Rules for the interest of the Institution. The conduct

rules must specify the attitude, behaviour and conduct of each and every employee while

discharging their duties. Employees tend to discharge their duties utmost care and devotion.

Violation of conduct rules attracts the provisions of the Disciplinary rules. Hence Employees

regularity and sincerity will be developed and sustained. This can be termed as one of the causes

for retention of employees.


Organizational Culture:

There is emphatically needing to formulate organizational culture in every organization. The

organization must resort to plan where it wants to go before trying to make any changes in the

organization culture. The organization must choose for Mission, Vision, and Values to provide a

frame work for the assessment and evaluation of the current organizational culture.

Organizational culture grows over time. People are comfortable with the current organizational

culture. They need strategic changes to suit to the present day needs. People in every work place

talk about organizational culture. They need to expect some sort of convenient organizational

culture. Culture is the environment that surrounds us at work all of the time.

Terminal benefits:

Providing terminal benefits at the end of the service of an employee will be a added advantage

now a days for future secure. Each and every employee must expect some quantum of money at

the end of his service to lead a peaceful life after retirement. However there are statutory

obligations on the part of the organizations to provide EPF, Gratuity, etc. Apart from that,

There are 3 categories of employees:

A: Who will leave their current employer in 3 years of their employment.

B: Who have a probability of leaving their current employer in next 3 years.

C: Who will stay with their current employer in the next 3 years.

 Category A: These are the employees who lack communication with their employers.

 Category B: These employees can be converted into category C if precautions are taken.


 Category C: These are the employees who have proper, well-structured communication

with their employers

What is the Alternative to Employee Engagement?

Conditions that prevent employee engagement seldom alleviate themselves. They should be

assessed and addressed as soon as possible. Left to multiply, negative employee satisfaction

issues can result in:

 Higher employee turnover - Employees leave, taking their reservoir of knowledge and

experience to another workplace

 Diminished performance - Competency of the workforce is reduced, at least short term,

until new employees are trained

 Lost training dollars - Time and money invested in training and development programs

for departing workers is wasted

Lower morale - Remaining employees can be overburdened with new duties, in addition the

unresolved issues that already prevent their full engagement.


Apart from it time to time new activities are been included. Each Activity has some value

proposition so as it turns out to be in favour of the employees. The value proposition for various

activities in RELIANCE RETAIL is as follows:-


Event Category Value Proposition

PehchanKaun FUN
Movie FUN Interaction & motivation
Outdoor Sports FUN Interaction, fitness, motivation & team building
Indoor Sports FUN Interaction & competition
Health Check-up FUN Self-importance& feel good
Blood Donation Camp FUN Feel good & motivation
Family @ Office FUN Team bonding, motivation & feel good
Anniversary and FUN Self-importance feel good & motivation
Birthday Celebration
Special food Day FUN Team interaction
Fresh Fruit Day FUN Team interaction
Safe Drive Day FUN Knowledge
Workshop on Yoga FUN Fitness & knowledge
Popcorn Day FUN Team interaction
Clean your desk FUN/SE Hygiene & 5 S
Flower's Day FUN/SE Cross functional recognition
Comat. For FUN Motivation & team bonding
Comptt. For Spouse FUN Motivation & team bonding
Compt. For Employee FUN Motivation & team bonding
Say No to lift FUN Fitness & knowledge
Say no to smoking FUN Fitness & knowledge
Market Visit FUN/SE Contribution to business & learning
Skip Level SE Cross level understanding & alignment
New Joiner Survey SE Employee feedback towards betterment
Perspective Sharing SE Sharing best practices
Book Lovers day SE Knowledge
My RELIANCE SE Induction to organization and cross functional understanding




Fifth largest mobile service Profitability is an issue

provider with subscriber base
over 25 mn
Lack of advertising.

13 % market shrare
Low brand visibility.


Fast expanding cellular Competitor low price offering.

Mobile number portability.
Latest and low cost

Untapped rural market.


PART – 2



Reliance Retail Ltd. is a subsidiary company of Reliance Industries Limited. Founded in 2006 and based

in Mumbai, it is the largest retailer in India in terms of revenue. Its retail outlets offer foods, groceries,

apparel and footwear, lifestyle and home improvement products, electronic goods, and farm implement

and inputs. The company’s outlets also provide vegetables, fruits, and flowers. It focuses on consumer

goods, consumer durables, travel services, energy, entertainment and leisure, and health and well-being

products, as well as on educational products and services.It had a total of 3,751 stores in December 2017

in India with an area of over 14.5 million square feet across 750 cities.

Reliance Retail Limited

Type: - Subsidiary

Industry: - Retail

Founded: - 2005; 13 years ago

Headquarters: - Mumbai, India

Area served: - India

Key people: - Mukesh Ambani (Chairman)

V Subramaniam (CEO)

Revenue: - INR 450 billion (9 months ending December 2017) (2017-18)


Operating income: - Profit After Tax INR 7 billion

Parent : - Reliance Industries Limited

Website: -

Reliance Retail is the retail initiative of the group and is central to our consumer facing

businesses. It has in a short time forged strong and enduring bonds with millions of consumers

by providing them outstanding value proposition, superior quality and unmatched experience

across all its stores.

Reliance Retail has adopted a multi-prong strategy and operates chain of neighbourhood stores,

supermarkets, wholesale cash & carry stores, specialty stores and online stores. Serving the food

and grocery category Reliance Retail operates Reliance Fresh, Reliance Smart and Reliance

Market stores. In the consumer electronics category Reliance Retail operates Reliance Digital,

Reliance Digital Express Mini stores and Jio stores, and in fashion & lifestyle category it

operates Reliance Trends, Trends Women, Project Eve, Reliance Footprint, Reliance Jewels and in addition to many partner brand stores across the country.

Reliance Retail has the distinction of being the largest retailer in the country. Reliance Retail’s

commitment to “bettering the lives” has been embodied in its pursuit to make a difference on

social socio–economic issues in India. The initiative has brought millions of farmers and small

producers to the forefront of the retail revolution by partnering with them for growth.

Reliance Retail has emerged as the partner of choice for International brands and has established



Subsidiaries& divisions

There are over 45 Subsidiaries & divisions of Reliance Retail.

Following is the list of major divisions:-

1. Reliance Fresh: Retail outlets of fruits, vegetables & groceries.

2. Reliance Digital: Consumer Electronics retail stores. It had 689 stores in October 2014.

3. Reliance LYF: 4G mobile handset manufacturer based in Mumbai, founded in 2015.

4. Reliance Jewels: Jewellery retail; it had revenues of approx. Rs. 8 billion in financial year


5. Reliance Time Out: Lifestyle store of Books, Music, Movies, Toys, Gaming, Fragrances,


6. Reliance Trends, Reliance Footprint and Reliance Living: Apparel and Clothing. It had

revenues of approx. Rs. 16 billion in financial year 2012-13 with a store count of 287.

7. Reliance Market, Reliance market - Wholesale Cash n Carry: It had revenues of approx.

Rs. 1.6 billion in financial year 2012-13.

8. AJIO: One of the company’s first forays into e-commerce – a fashion website, officially

launched at the Lakme Fashion Week SS16 with the philosophy ‘Doubt is Out’.


My Jio Store

Jio with its 1700+ stores across the country, is here to provide you easy access &
understanding to all Jio offerings in a convenient environment. Our Aadhar based activation
process & trained Jio members are here to expedite your onboarding in the rapidly growing
Jio family. We also offer Devices, Tech Accessories & Services in a pleasing environment, to
complement your Jio 4G connection. Jio Stores caters to the rapidly growing market for
mobility and communication products offering a wide range of mobile phones, tablets and
accessories. Within a short span of time Reliance Jio Stores has grown to become India’s
largest retail chain with presence in over 5,200 cities. The chain is increasingly becoming a
distribution platform for many national and international brands as it offers widest
distribution reach in India.

Reliance Jio Infocom Limited

Type: - Subsidiary of Reliance Industries

Industry: - Telecommunications

Founded: - 2010; 8 years ago

Founder: - Mukesh Ambani

Headquarters : - Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Products: - Mobile telephony, Wireless broadband

Parent: - Reliance Industries

Website: -


Commercial launch

The company commercially launched its services on 5 September 2016. Within the first month,

Jio announced that it had acquired 16 million subscribers. This is the fastest ramp-up by any

mobile network operator anywhere in the world. Jio crossed 50 million subscriber mark in 83

days since its launch, subsequently crossing 100 million subscribers on 22 February 2017. By

October 2017 it had about 130 million subscribers.


Jio has also launched Wi-Fi routers by the name JioFi.

Branding and marketing

On December 24, 2015, Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan was appointed as Jio's brand



Financial Position

It had a turnover of Rs. 337 billion in the financial year 2016-17.

Reliance Retail has announced revenues of Rs. 450 billion for the nine months ended December

2017 for financial year 2017-18, showing of over 90% jump from the corresponding previous

period. The company also reported a profit of Rs. 7 billion for the period.

Reliance Retail started its journey in 2006 with the opening of its first Reliance Fresh store.

Today Reliance Retail operates 510 Reliance Fresh and Reliance Smart stores and sells over 200

metric tonnes of Fruits and over 300 metric tonnes of Vegetables every day.

Reliance Fresh is India’s leading neighbourhood retail chain, synonymous with freshness &

savings. With the three core promises of Fresh Hamesha, Available Hamesha and Savings

Hamesha, Reliance Fresh is a one-stop-shop for fresh shopping, fresh savings and fresh


61 has made grocery shopping even simpler and convenient by bringing it to

customers door step. No more hassles of sweating in crowded markets or grocery shops, offers over 6,000+ products at comfort of your home, office or on the move.

We offer you convenience of shopping everything that you need for your home - be it fresh fruits

& vegetables, cereals, packaged food, bakery & dairy, frozen & pet food, household cleaning

items to your specialised beauty & personal care products from a single virtual store. Our

Promise We give all that you want Wide range of Brands & products to choose from exclusive

ranges like organic, regional delicacies & many more!!

Traditional retail is characterised by presence of over 15 million kirana shops in the country.

These kirana shops operate their retail business on a fragmented distribution network with

presence of several intermediaries. Reliance Market, the wholesale cash and carry store chain

aims at supporting their growth and providing them with a modern distribution system. Reliance

Retail opened the first Reliance Market in 2011 and since then Reliance Market has grown

rapidly with 45 stores serving over 2.5 million-member partners.



The actual composition (the distribution of the types of retail stores) of the retailing industry in a

geographic area is determined by the following factors:

• Demographic Trends

• Life style Trends

I.) Demographic Trends: - Demographic trends involving population size, the number of

households, population mobility, its location and income dominate a retailers’ strategic planning

for the future, hence qualifying him for a category from the ones described above.

II.) Lifestyle Trends: - Life-styles represent the ways in which individual consumers; families

or households live and spend time and money. The life-style trends, in correlation with

demographic trends, do have a great impact on the structure of the retailing industry.

III.) Environmental Analysis: - To understand the industry, we undertook two different

environmental analyses. The first is the PEST Analysis where the political, environmental social

and technological aspects are investigated. In the Porter’s Five Forces the competitive

environment of the industry is analysed.

IV.) PEST Analysis: - Now, in a geographic region, the environment there affects the retailers

in the region in various ways. We have studied the effects under the following heads:

 Political environment

 Economic Environment

 Social (Socio-Cultural) Environment

 Technological Environment


a) Political Environment: - What kind of rules & regulation’s the state or the central govt. is

having. Government uses regulation to prevent development of monopolies, which results in

restricted competition and fixed prices. (MRTPC). Government also propounds price

competition laws and unfair trade practice laws. Retailers must understand what rights they have

in pricing merchandise, what provision they should make for customer relations

b) Economic Environment: - The type of economic system (capitalism or socialism etc.)

existing in a state has a direct bearing on the potential for and the development of the retailing

industry in that state A retailer cannot escape the effects of the factors in the macroeconomic

environment, be it domestic or global that influences the local market.

Inflation, unemployment, interest rates, tax levels, the GDP and the rate of real growth in GDP

(Inflation adjusted) are some aspects of the economy which a retailer must cope with.

Real growth makes more income available to people who then tend to spend more, leading to

higher sales and more profits for the retailers. However, growth also leads to higher competition

in the long run. With the increase in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and the disposable income

of the consumer, retailing is catching up at a very fast pace in the city.

c) Social Environment: - As discussed under the title ‘demographic and lifestyle trends’ above,

the demographic trend and lifestyle patterns, of the society that a retailer intends to serve, decide

the retailer’s strategy.

Traditionally, children seldom accompanied their parents while grocery food shopping. Shopping

for children was confined to that during festivals when dresses were brought for them. But, in the

present day, due to scarcity of time, working parents prefer to spend as much time as possible

with their children and this includes their shopping hours also.


d) Technological Environment: - Technology is probably the most dynamic change agent for

the retailing industry. The computerization of the various operations in a retail store including

inventory management, billing and payments as well as database (of customers) management,

widespread use of bar coding, point -of-sale terminals and Management Information System has

changed the face of retailing drastically. These can be done with the help of closed circuit

televisions video walls, in-store video networks, kiosks and other forms of interactive

applications ranging from CD-ROMs to virtual reality to let customers select and buy products.

They make the customer’s life a lot easier by facilitating the use of developments like credit




Reliance Retail is helping India make up lost time. It is currently in the midst of the fastest ever

expansion of a hypermarket format anywhere in the world. From 30 stores in June 2006,

Reliance Retail will be emblazoned on 120 new stores by June 2008.

There could be several ways of measuring success of a retail chain. However, if figures were to

be taken as the most authentic claim of having arrived, then Reliance Retail is already there. For

more than 100 million people who walk past its billing counters, each year, it is now the

preferred shopping destination. From Panipat to Pallakad, Reliance Retail’s tagline, is se sasta

aur ache kahin nahi is a source of cheer and happiness. This has been recognised by the

numerous awards that Reliance Retail has won in the past twelve months. The brand has been

adjudged the Best Value Retail Store and Best Retail Destination at the Images Retail Forum for

four consecutive years, beginning 2004. CNBC Awaaz, in association with ACNielsen-ORG

Marg, which conducts a study across 21 major cities and some 10,000 consumers, on their most

preferred brands, has voted overwhelmingly for Reliance Retail. Both in 2006 and 2007,

Reliance Retail won the Consumer Award for the most preferred large, food and grocery store. It

won the award for Value Retailing and Retail Destination of the Year by Reid & Taylor in 2006

and in the same year also won the Reader’s Digest Platinum Trusted Brand Award.



Cartoon Network to launch first 'Ben 10' magazine in India Cartoon Network and Sterling

Publishers are launching the first ever bimonthly 'Ben 10' magazine, loaded with 32 pages

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International s kids television channel Cartoon Network and Sterling Publishers are launching

the firs...

FDI in retail aviation will not benefit either side: Shourie

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much, former Union minister Arun Shourie on Saturday said. “There will be neither more profit

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Future Group acquires Big Apple for Rs 61.35 cr

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PART – 3


 To study the effectiveness of Employee Engagement activities at RELIANCE RETAIL.

 To decrease turn over risk and the reasons for retention of employee.


 Analysis of employee retention.

 Impact of employee engagement on the employees and Organisation.

 To suggest new employee engagement activities.


PART – 4





The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined

and research design/ plan chalked out. While deciding about the method of

data collection to be used for study, the researchers should keep in mind two

types of data via .primary and secondary.

Primary data:


Primary data are obtained by a study specifically designed to fulfil the data

of the problem at hand .primary data is collected during the course of doing

experiment by using various method of data collection such as interview

method questionnaires method .Various methods of collections of primary


1) Observation Method

2) Interview method

3) Questionnaire Method

4)Collection of Data through Schedules.

Researcher has used questionnaires method as collection of primary data.

Another type of data collected is secondary data.

Secondary data:

Secondary data means information that is already available. Secondary data

means which are not originally collected but rather obtained from published

data are available in :

a) Various publication of Central, State and Local Government.

b) Technical and Trade journal.


c) Books and Magazines.

Secondary data is collected by researchers with the help of:-

Company Document.


Publish Information.

Web pages.


The problem formulation is the first step to a successful Research Process. Project undertaken

the problem of analysing the Employee Engagement Satisfaction level of the employees in

RELIANCE RETAIL telecom and to find what kind of Opinion they gave and to know the

employees state of mind.



In statistics and surveymethodology, sampling is concerned with theselection of a subset of

individuals from within a statistical item to estimatecharacteristics of the whole item. The three

main advantages of sampling arethat the cost is lower, data collection is faster, and since the data

set issmaller it is possible to ensure homogeneity and to improve the accuracy andquality of the



Sampling methods are classified as either Probability or Nonprobability:

Probability Sampling: -


Cluster Sampling.

Systematic Sampling.


Non-probability sampling-

Quota sampling

Judgment sampling

Convenience sampling

Researcher has used convenience sampling


Part of the universe which is selected for survey is called SAMPLE SIZE.

Researcher must prepare a sample design for his study i.e., he must plan how a

sample should be selected and of what size such a sample would be.


Sample size of research is:-25 in case of employees survey


In research universe refers to total no. of items in a defined area on a particular


Researcher’s universe isRELIANCE RETAIL, VIBHUTI KHAND






Q.1 How is the working environment of Reliance retail ?

a.) Participative b.) Autonomy

c.) Whimsical d.) Red Tapism


 80% respondents are participative , 10% are whimsical , 5% are autonomy

and 5% are red Tapism in the environment of reliance retail.

Q-2 How do you feel relationship with your manager/employees/co-workers?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied d.) Highly Dissatisfied


 60% are highly satisfied , 25% are dissatisfied , 20% are satisfied and 5%

highly dissatisfied with the relationship with the manager / employees and



Q 3. ) Does company provide proper training to employees?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied d.) Highly Dissatisfied

 60% are highly satisfied , 5% are dissatisfied 30% are satisfied and 5% are

highly dissatisfied with the training provided to the employees.


Q 4) Do you receive appreciation/recognition, when you do good work or share

your ideas?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied d.) Highly Dissatisfied

 65% respondents are highly satisfied, 5% are dissatisfied , 20% are

satisfied and 10% are dissatisfied with the appreciation / recognition

when employees do good work or share the ideas.


Q 5) Did you earned incentives ?

If Yes – Are you satisfied

If No – Are you aware of incentive plans

a.) Yes b.) No

 60% respondents are satisfied with the incentive plans and 40%

are not aware with the incentive plans.


Q 6) Do you think the organisation have fair growth plan for all the employees?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied d.) Highly Dissatisfied

 75% are highly satisfied , 5% are highly dissatisfied , 15% are satisfied and

10% are dissatisfied with the organisation fair growth plan for all the



Q 7) Did you received clear communication on companies’ mission and

information timely?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied d.) Highly Dissatisfied

 60% are highly satisfied while 5% are highly dissatisfied 25% are

satisfied and 10% are dissatisfied with the communication on

companies’ mission and information timely.


Q 8) Are you satisfied with your superior support ?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfiedd.) Highly Dissatisfied

 75% repondents are highly satisfied with the superior support while

5% are highly dissatisfied and 10% are satisfied and dissatisfied with

the superior support.


Q 9 ) Are you satisfied with level of trust on your team ?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied d.) Highly Dissatisfied

 55% respondents are highly satisfied with the level of trust in the team while

5% are highly dissatisfied , 30% are satisfied and 10% are dissatisfied with

the level of trust on the team.


Q 10) Does company has good cause prospect for its employees ?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied c.) Highly Dissatisfied

 60% respondents are highly satisfied while 10% are dissatisfied and 25% are

satisfied and 5% are highly dissatisfied as the company has good prospect

for its employees.


Q 11 )Are you satisfied with the way in which conflicts are resolved in your

company ?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied d.) Highly Dissatisfied

 70% respondents are highly satisfied while 5% are highly dissatisfied

and 10% are satisfied and 10% are satisfied with way the conflicts are

being resolved.


Q 12 ) What you like best about your company ?

a.) Management b.) Promotion

c.) Motivational talks d.) Relationships

 40% Respondents like the management of the company while 25%

like promotion , 15% like the relationships and 20% like the

motivational talks about the company.


PART – 6




 Employees are quite happy and satisfied with RELIANCE RETAIL and they think that
the Organisation is caring and a comfortable place to work.

 Employees are happy with R&R.48% of employees say that R&R is PERFECT in

 100% employees say that get immediate help & support of their supervisor as & when
required, in case of any problem or shortcoming.

 Most of the employees are in favour of Jobrotation. They know well what is expected out
of their work

 They have the opportunities to do their work best as per their plans.

 They are been recognized for their outstanding performances regularly.

 Training sessions and other development programmes are provided to them to improve
ones at professional as well as personal edges.

 They are very much committed for doing Quality work.

 The company recognizes their worth & importance &is been constantly encouraged to
serve something bigger than just the bottom line results

 They have a sense of belongingness with the organisation.

 The employees are encouraged to develop themselves.

 There is an open-door transparency for sharing views.

 The employees are highly inspired to go extra mile to help the organisation succeed.


 Employees should be supported in their difficult times both financially and emotionally.

PART – 7



 Awareness should be created more among the employees to know the importance of
Employee Engagement.
 All the employees even the field force should be involved in the activities carried out at


 More fun activities that can be held at RELIANCE RETAIL

Birthday and Anniversary Celebration:-

 you can also decorate the birthday person’s cabin with flowers and cards signed
by all associates or from particular department staff.

 While celebrating the birthday you can keep some same games also. Game
which are more on team develpoment

 Other than this you can keep small games like pulling of rope, basket ball,
passing the parcel, ballon bust etc.

IDEAS to gift something on an employee on his Birthday / Wedding

 Give half of his/her basic pay as gift.

 Paid leave for a week for wedding and paid leave for 1day on birthday.

 Give them a gift voucher - They will enjoy shopping. You can do the same for

 Decorate his/her work place and welcome him/her with sweets and flowers.
Arrange for a surprise party and its up to you to decide on how to conduct the

 Arrange for a small Cake cutting party for the couple at your cafeteria. Pick the
best picture and gift it to them in a large beautiful photoframe. Don't forget to get
everyone's autograph on backside of the frame..


 You can invite people to write short stories, jokes, poems & share their
interesting experiences. Publish it on the notice boards / promote it online
(internal). Best articles can be awarded, you will find a lot of differences & bring
in togetherness.


 Even business notes, achievements, best performances, innovative ideas of

process improvements & other things that needs to be highlighted can be a part of
this newsletter, this will give high energy/motivation for the employees to see
their names getting published through some medium.

 Arrange for a polling session before you initiate any new process in your
company. Probably this will help you to understand the mindset of your

Give surprises. Everyone likes it

Frequency of the serious Engagement Activities need to be increased

 Employee recognition : Spot Awards, Annual Achievement awards, Outstanding

performance award, Best Employee award etc. A scanned copy of letter of
appreciation along with their photos should be displayed in the notice board. The
letter should excel their achievements, i.e how different are they from others? On
what grounds were they nominated? How could they serve as role model for
other employees....

 Together WE - In-house magazine : Once in a quarter these magazines gives a

snapshot as to what is happening in their company which includes sharing
Company growth, Management Objectives, Customer satisfaction, List of new
customer sign-up, Sales review, Customer delivery and feedback, Partnership
details, Up coming projects etc. The company also prints the contributions given
by the employees such as Motivation stories, Paintings, Poetry, Riddles, Jokes,
Technology related articles, Safety and Health related ppt, Nature photographs
taken by employees etc.

 An Idea : Its an online forum in the intranet where employees can share their
ideas and views on celebrating Annual day function, Kick – off party, Festivals,
Get-together day, Birthdays etc. For every best and unique idea there will be a
surprising gift.(Movie tickets, team out, team lunch, chocolates, An official day
off etc.)

 Quote for the day : This is done department wise. Any one employee from each
department should write a quote on their white board. HR should decide the best
quote for the day. The department that gets the highest points for the month


would be offered a gift. Gift is again based on the number of points that they
accumulate (Hats, Shirts, Coffee mugs etc. with Company logo) The HR Team
must focus over the employees under Satisfied Category. Constant feedback must
be given to them on their work performance and must be recognized if doing well
but not best so as to boost up and motivate them to serve bigger part from their
side. It will help them to get engaged.

 Regular counselling must be provided to the employees who are not able to give
their best.
 Retention will not be a major concern if the organization stands firm on its values
and promises.

 There must be a perfect balance between Rational and emotional Engagement in

order to keep employee engaged.

 In order to keep the employees engaged the organization must keep a balance
between employees’ talent and the need of the organization.

 Employees’ needs to feel challenged not threatened.

To change the look of your company then you can implement these
 Placing a fish tank in the main hall such that its visible to all.

 Beautiful flower vases here and there in the hall / Wall - Either plastic flowers
or original ones

 Cute Coffee Mugs each to every employee - They can have tea in their own cups
instead of having it in paper cups.





 The sample size was confined to 25 employees so this study cannot be regarded as full
proof one.

 Some respondents hesitated to give to give actual responses; they feared that it won’t be
kept confidential & management may take any action against them.

 Few employees were not taking interest in filling the questionnaires.

 As seen few of them do not take part in engagement activities.

 The findings and conclusions are based on knowledge and experience of the respondents
sometime may subject to bias.



At Reliance retail I got the opportunity to know the job and tasks of different employees.

I was given the task of taking interviews , recording data ,conducting various employee
engagement activities for both middle and lower level . It was interesting task which really made
me more confident through these activities I came to learn a lot.

I also did the calling to the employees about regarding their pending claims mail reversion.

I also learnt small office related works, like compressing the pictures, scanning and other
computer related works& documentation of each candidate those are applying for job as
associates I use to check them whether they are appropriate or not .

I learned how to maintain database for the employees , how to check the claims whether they are
correct or not, how to maintain the database of the claims. I also got to know about the different
departments at RELIANCE RETAIL, a just of their work.






 Primary data through questionnaires.

 Books and magazines
 Internet

297/http://www.RELIANCE ;


In making this report I had taken help from the HR department of the company, from

the documents of the employees available at the company . In this report, actual

employee research process was conducted which helped me to understand

the process of employee engagement .


PART – 10









Q.1 ) How is the working environment of Reliance retail ?

a.) Participative b.) Autonomy

c.) Whimsical d.) Red Tapism

Q-2. )How do you feel relationship with your manager/employees/co-workers?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied c.) Highly Dissatisfied


Q 3. ) Does company provide proper training to employees?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied c.) Highly Dissatisfied

Q 4) Do you receive appreciation/recognition, when you do good work or share

your ideas?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied c.) Highly Dissatisfied

Q 5) Did you earned incentives ?

If Yes – Are you satisfied

If No – Are you aware of incentive plans

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied c.) Highly Dissatisfied


Q 6) Do you think the organisation have fair growth plan for all the employees?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied c.) Highly Dissatisfied

Q 7) Did you received clear communication on companies’ mission and

information timely?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied c.) Highly Dissatisfied

Q 8) Are you satisfied with your superior support ?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied c.) Highly Dissatisfied

Q 9 ) Are you satisfied with level of trust on your team ?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied


c.) Satisfied c.) Highly Dissatisfied

Q 10) Does company has good cause prospect for its employees ?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied c.) Highly Dissatisfied

Q 11 )Are you satisfied with the way in which conflicts are resolved in your

company ?

a.) Highly Satisfied b.) Dissatisfied

c.) Satisfied c.) Highly Dissatisfied

Q 12 ) What you like best about your company ?

a.) Management b.) Promotion

c.) Motivational talks d.) Relationships



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