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No of Shares 5000 Time Period

Valuation of Stock Option using Black Scholes Model 5 Years

Excerise Price Premium Net Exercise Price Final Call Price


Stock Options Total

Value #VALUE!
Taxes to be paid #VALUE!
Net Realization #VALUE!
Time Period Income Type Taxes%
7 Years 10 Years Cash Ordinary Income 28%

Long term capital

Final Call Price 20000 gains 15%

Black-Scholes Calculator

Input Data
Stock Price now (P) 22.71
Exercise Price of Option (EX) 22.74
Number of periods to Exercise in years (t) 5
Compounded Risk-Free Interest Rate (rf) 1.02%
Standard Deviation (annualized s) 30.00%

Output Data
Present Value of Exercise Price (PV(EX)) 21.6093
s*t^.5 0.6708
d1 0.4095
d2 -0.2614
Delta N(d1) Normal Cumulative Density Function 0.6589
Bank Loan N(d2)*PV(EX) 8.5770

Value of Call 6.3867

Value of Put 5.2860
Maturity Yields
1 month 0.04%
3 months 0.05%
6 months 0.08%
1 year 0.14%
2 years 0.30%
3 years 0.49%
5 years 1.02%
7 years 1.51%
10 years 2.13%
20 years 2.91%
30 years 3.27%

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