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Innovation Project: SRCA-203

Development of e-resource on standard procedure of operation

and applications of important Electronic devices used by undergraduate
science students.

Project Mentor: Prof. Mridula

Gupta, Department of Electronics,
South campus.

Project Investigators: Dr Sneha Kabra, Dr Amita Kapoor, Ms Himani Dua,

Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women, University of Delhi.


A spectrometer is an instrument (or optical instrument) used to measure the

properties of light over a specific portion of electromagnetic spectrum. It is used in
spectroscopy, for producing spectral lines and measuring their wavelength and
Fig 1. Spectrometer

 It is used for the study of spectra, produced by prism & grating for the
measurement of the dispersive powers, wavelengths of the spectral lines, the
refractive indices of solid and liquid etc.
 It is used to break the light into it’s spectral components, digitize the signal as a function
of wavelengths read it out and display it.
 It operates over a very wide range o\f wavelengths, from Gamma rays and X-rays into
infrared rays.

 In 1666-1672 Isaac Newton performed optical experiment, that was the
beginning of the spectroscopy. Newton use the word “Spectrum” to describe
the rainbow of color that combine to form white light and it revealed, when
light is passed through a prism. In 1800 Joseph Von Fraunhofer gives the
experimental advances with a dispersive spectrometers, which enabled the
spectroscopy to get a more precise and quantitative scientific technique after
these technologies the spectroscopy plays an important role in physics,
chemistry and astronomy.

 In 1900’s the first spectrometer was developed by JosephJohn Thomson at

Cavendish Laboratoryand his student Francis William Aston, built a mass
spectrometer in 1919.

 In early days, Spectrometers were simply “prism” having graduation marking

wavelengths. But the modern spectrometers uses diffraction grating and movable
slit, lenses and some kind of photo – detectors and etc. Joseph Von Fraunhofer
developed the first modern spectrometer, by combininga telescope, prism and diffraction

Fig 2.1 Joseph Von Fraunhofer


The optical spectrometer provides a precise spectroscopic measurement, using either prism or
diffraction grating as the diffracting elements. It is a scientific instrument use to investigate the
structure of atom, it is a powerful tool for determining which atom are present in a substance.
Chemists use it to determine the constituents of molecules and the astronomers use it to
determine the constituents of stars, which are millions of light years far from us. In general ‘a
spectrometer is nothing more than a prism and a protractor, however because of the need of a
very sensitive detection and precise measurement it is made a bit more complicated.

>> The spectrometer includes, following elements.

Collimator :

It consists of a horizontal tube of variable length with an adjustment slit (S) at one end and a
convex lenses at the other. The collimator is rigidly fixed to the main part of the instrument. If a
source of light, like an arc lamp or sodium lamp will placed closed to S or focus of convex lens,
parallel beam of light will emerge. It has approximately 178 mm focal length, achromatic
objectives, and a clear aperture with 32 mm diameters. The collimator is fitted with 6 mm long
slit of adjustable width. It can be leveled. The collimator and the telescope can be realigned
(though this is rarely neccessary) so that their optical axis are square to the axis of rotation.
Fig 3.1 Collimator

Telescope :

It is an astronomical telescope fitted with a Ramsden’s eye-piece (an optical instrument consists
of two Plano-convex lenses) and cross wires. When a parallel beam of light coming out of the
prism falls on the objectives, the spectrum is produced which can be viewed through the eye-
piece. As like collimator, telescope have approximately 178 mm diameters, achromatic
objectives, and a clear aperture with 32 mm diameters. It can be leveled as, user wants.

Fig 3.2.a telescope

Fig 3.2.b eye-piece

Rotating Bases :

The telescope and the spectrometer table are mounted on, independently rotating bases. The
vernier scale provide measurement of the relative position of these bases to within 1 minute of
arc. The rotation of each base is controlled with a lock-screw and a fine adjust knob. With the
tight lock-screw, the fine adjust knob can be used for more precise positioning.

Fig 3.3.a rotating base

Fig 3.3.b vernier scale

Spectrometer table :

The spectrometer table is fixed to its rotating base with a thumbscrew , so the table height is

Three leveling screws on the underside of the table used to adjust the optical alignment of the
instrument. The table must be leveled with respect to the optical axes of the collimator and the
telescope, if the diffracting element is to retain it’s alignment for all positions of the telescope.
Thumb Screw are used to attach the prism clamp and the grating mount to the table, and
reference lines are etched in the table for easy alignment.

Fig. 3.4 Spectrometer Table

Accessories :

Accessories for the spectrometer includes a dense flint prism and two mounted clamps, 300 line
or 300mm diffraction grating and mounting clamp, two thumbscrews for attaching the mountain
clamp to the spectrometer table and a magnifying glass for reading the vernier scale, three allen
keys for leveling the telescope and collimator, and a polished hardwood case.


The following essential adjustments are to be made step by step in a spectrometer experiment :

Alignment : In the first step, you must see the alignment of the axis of the telescope with hat of
collimator , so that they must intersect with the principal vertical axis of the telescope.

Adjustment of telescope and collimator for parallel light : The telescope is firstly directed
towards a ‘bright object’ like lamp globe or the sky. The eye-piece is adjusted so that the cross
wire became as sharp as possible, when some one see through through it. This fixes, p-osition of
eye-piece relative to the ‘cross wires’. The telescope is turned towards the collimator, with it’s
Slit illuminated with a monochromatic source of light for example- sodium tube. The collimator
slit is then adjusted, until a direct image of the slit falls on the ‘cross wires’. Now the instrument
is then adjusted, so that parallel rays passes from the collimator to the telescope.

Leveling the prism table : Place the spirit level at the center of the prism table , parallel to the
line joining two of the leveling screws of the prism-table. Bring the air bubble of the spirit level,
at the centre by turning these two screws in the opposite directions. Place the spirit level
perpendicular to the line joining the two screws and get the bubble at the centre by adjusting the
third screw, whichmakes the top of the prism table horizontal.
Adjusting cross wires and focusing image : First of all, rotate the telescope towards any
illuminated background. On looking through the eye-piece, you will found the cross wires appear
blurred. Now move the eye-piece inwards the and outwards until the cross wires appears to be
distinct. Now place the telescope in line to the collimator and look into the eye- piece, without
any accumulation in the eye. (The image of the slit may appeared blurred) Make the image very
sharp by turning the focusing knob of the telescope and also of the collimator. If the image does
not appear vertical, then make it vertical by turning the slit in it’s own plane. Adjust the width of
the slit to get an image of the desired intensity.



1. Adjust the eye-piece so that you can see the cross hairs with the naked eye.
2. Now focus the telescope on infinity ( i.e, an object along away ). The telescope isnow set
to receive and focus parallel light.
3. To see the sharp image, adjust the collimator. Doing this, the collimator will provide
parallel light.
4. Adjust the slit just enough, to obtain an easily visible “line”

Aligning the grating :

Fig 5.1 Apparatus set-up

1. The grating must be at right angles to the parallel light from the collimator. So before
inserting the grating, set the telescope at 90 degree to collimator.
2. Now insert the grating so that, it “reflects” the light from collimator, into the telescope. It
must be at 45 degree to the light beam.
3. Turn the grating to 45 degree so that it is at 90 degree to the collimator.
4. Reset the telescope to see an image of the object.
5. Note the telescope vernier reading carefully.


We can perform many experiments using a spectrometer, some of these are given below:

1. Measurement of refractive index of prism.

2. Find the angle of prism.
3. Find the wavelength of light.
4. Find the wavelength of mercury.
5. Diffraction of light.
6. Diffraction grating & etc.

Experimental performance :

Objective : To determine the refractive index of the material of Prism, using a Spectrometer.

Apparatus required : Spectrometer, prism, spirit level, mercury vapour lamp & reading lenses.

Formula used :

The refractive index µ of the prism is given by the following formula:

µ =[sin((A+δm)/2)]/sin(A/2)
Where A is angle of prism, δm is angle of minimum deviation.

Procedure : Following initial adjustment of the spectrometer should made first.

• The Spectrometer and the prism-table are arranged in horizontal position by

using, leveling screw.

• The telescope is now turned towards, a distant object so to receive a clear & a sharp

• The slit is illuminated by the mercury vapour-lamp and the slit and also the
collimator are suitably adjusted so as to receive a narrow, vertical image of the slit.

• The telescope is now turned to receive the direct ray, thus the vertical slit coincides
with the vertical crosswire.
Measurement of the angle of the prism:

• Firstly, determine the least count of the spectrometer.

• Now place the prism on the prism-table with its refracting angle (A), towards the
collimator and with it refracting edge A at the centre. In this case, some of the light falling on
each face will be reflected and we can receive it with the help of the telescope.

 The telescope is moved to one side, so to receive the light reflected from
the face AB, &the cross-wires are focused on image of the ‘slit‘. The
readings of the two verniers are to be taken.
 The telescope is moved in other side to receive the light reflected from the face AC &
again the cross-wires are focused on the image of the ‘slit‘. The readings of the two
verniers are to be taken.
 The difference in the two positions gives twice of the refracting angle (A) of the
prism. Therefore half of this angle gives the “ refractive angle of the prism”.

Measurement of angle of minimum deviations :

 Place the prism so that its centre should coincides with the centre of the prism-
table and the light falls on, one of the polished faces and emerged out of the
other polished faces after refraction. In this position the spectrum of light can
be obtained.

 Since the spectrum is seen through the telescope and telescope is adjusted for
minimum deviation position for a particular color (or wavelength) in the way
give here- Set up telescope of a particular color and rotate the prism-table in
one direction, the telescope should moved in such a way that to keep the
spectral line in view. By doing this, a position will come spectral line recede in
opposite direction although the rotation of the table is continue in the same
direction. Now the particular position, where the spectral line begins to recede
in opposite direction is the minimum deviation position for that color. Note the
reading of the two verniers.

 Remove the prism-table and bring the telescope in,the line of collimator .Now
see the slit directly through the telescope and coincide the image of slit with
vertical cross-wire. Again, note the reading of the two verniers.
 The difference between the minimum deviation position, and the direct position
gives rise to the angle of minimum deviation for that color.

 Repeat the same procedure to obtain the angles of minimum deviation for other
Let us, see the following images:


Figure: 6.1.a

Left: Arrangement for determination of the angle of prim.

Right: Arrangement for determination of the angle of minimum deviation.


(i) Value of the one division of the main scale = ……… degrees

Total number of vernier divisions = ……….

Least count of the vernier = ………. degrees = ……… second

(ii) Table for the angle (A) of the prism :

[here, MSR = Main Scale Reading , VSR = Vernier Scale Reading, & TR = MSR+VSR = Total

Differecnce ( = a – b = 2A

Angle of the prism= 2A/2


Angle of the prism = ………

Angle of minimum deviation for violet = ………..

Angle of minimum deviation for blue = …………..

Angle of minimum deviation for red = ………..

Refractive index for violet = …………..

Refractive index for blue = ………….

Refractive index for red = …………..

Result: The refractive index for the material of the prism is :

Seria colour Calculated refractive index Standard refractive index % Error


(i) The telescope and collimator should individually set for parallel rays.

(ii) The Slit should be as narrow as possible.

(iii)The time when we, take the observations, the telescope and prism table should be
clamped with the help of clamping screws.

(iv)Both verniers should be read carefully.

(v) The prism should be properly placed on the prism-table for measurement of angle
of the

prism as well as for the angle of minimum deviation.

* Do not lift the spectrometer by it’s ARM.

* Handle it, carefully.

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