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Aasum Gambit

Database: 31-XII-2010 (4,399,153 games)
Report: 1. c3 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3. c4 f6 4.f3 (9 games)
ECO: A00m [Van Geet: Hector Gambit]
Generated by Scid 4.2.2, 2011.02.15

0.1 Statistics and History
0.1.1 Statistics
1 1
Games 1:0 :
2 2
0:1 Score
All report games 9 1 3 5 27.7%

0.1.2 Oldest games

1: 0:1(37) Aasum – Erben Thomas, 1990 3
2: 0:1(47) Hartmann Frobenius Annett – Solger G, 1991 9
3: : (29) Kobernat 2077 – Lazetich 2198, 2000 2
1 1
2 2
4: 0:1(38) Tao – The King, 2001 8
5: 1:0(32) Kroell 2180 – Jannasch 2201, 2001 6
6: 0:1(20) Hackfeld Michael – Nilsson Egon, 2001 5
7: : (22) Kroell 2180 – Hengl 2211, 2001 4
1 1
2 2
8: : (28) Van Gils – Pauwels 1993, 2003 1
1 1
2 2

0.1.3 Newest games

1: 0:1(52) Ruiz Romero – Tarrío Ocaña, ICCF 2007.01.10 7
2: : (28) Van Gils – Pauwels 1993, 2003 1
1 1
2 2
3: 0:1(38) Tao – The King, 2001 8
4: 1:0(32) Kroell 2180 – Jannasch 2201, 2001 6
5: 0:1(20) Hackfeld Michael – Nilsson Egon, 2001 5
6: : (22) Kroell 2180 – Hengl 2211, 2001 4
1 1
2 2
7: : (29) Kobernat 2077 – Lazetich 2198, 2000 2
1 1
2 2
8: 0:1(47) Hartmann Frobenius Annett – Solger G, 1991 9
0.1.4 Current popularity

Year 1800-99 1900-49 1950-69 1970-79 1980-89 1990-99 2000-09

Once every X games — — — — — 797339 274847
Frequency in all years: once every 488794 games
In the 10 years to today: once every 784576 games (down 37% from all years)
In the 5 years to today: once every 653172 games (down 24% from all years)
In the 1 year to today: once every 0 games (no change from all years)

0.1.5 Most frequent players (White)

1: 2 2001 75% 2180 Kroell, Johannes 4,6

2: 1 2000 50% 2077 Kobernat, Alan 2
3: 1 1990 0% Aasum, Anker 3
4: 1 2001 0% Tao 8
5: 1 1991 0% Hartmann Frobenius Annett 9
6: 1 2003 50% Van Gils, Martin 1

0.1.6 Most frequent players (Black)

1: 1 2001 50% 2211 Hengl, Christian 4

2: 1 2001 0% 2201 Jannasch, Franz 6
3: 1 2000 50% 2198 Lazetich, Zoran 2
4: 1 2003 50% 1993 Pauwels, Rudi 1
5: 1 2001 100% The King 8
6: 1 1990 100% Erben Thomas 3

0.2 Ratings and Performance

0.2.1 Average ratings and performance

White rating: 2146 (3 games); White performance: 2246 (63% vs 2151)

Black rating: 2151 (4 games); Black performance: 2021 (33% vs 2146)

0.2.2 Games with highest average rating

1: 0:1(52) Ruiz Romero – Tarrío Ocaña, ICCF 2007 7

2: : (22) Kroell 2180 – Hengl 2211, 2001 4
1 1
2 2
3: 1:0(32) Kroell 2180 – Jannasch 2201, 2001 6
4: : (29) Kobernat 2077 – Lazetich 2198, 2000 2
1 1
2 2
5: : (28) Van Gils – Pauwels 1993, 2003 1
1 1
2 2
6: 0:1(37) Aasum – Erben Thomas, 1990 3
7: 0:1(47) Hartmann Frobenius Annett – Solger G, 1991 9
8: 0:1(38) Tao – The King, 2001 8
0.3 Result Trends
0.3.1 Result lengths and frequencies
Score Game length Frequency
1:0 12 : 12 0:1 1:0 1 1
2 2
Report games 27.7% 32 26 38 11.1% 33.3% 55.5%
All games 53.9% 39 35 40 38.6% 30.5% 30.7%

0.3.2 Shortest wins (White)

1: 1:0(32) Kroell 2180 – Jannasch 2201, 2001 6

0.3.3 Shortest wins (Black)

1: 0:1(20) Hackfeld Michael – Nilsson Egon, 2001 5
2: 0:1(37) Aasum – Erben Thomas, 1990 3
3: 0:1(38) Tao – The King, 2001 8
4: 0:1(47) Hartmann Frobenius Annett – Solger G, 1991 9
5: 0:1(52) Ruiz Romero – Tarrío Ocaña, ICCF 2007 7

0.4 Moves and Themes

0.4.1 Move orders reaching the report position

There were 2 move orders reaching this position:

1: 1. c3 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3. c4 f6 4.f3 (6)
2: 1.e4 d5 2. c3 dxe4 3. c4 f6 4.f3 (3)

0.4.2 Moves from the report position

Move ECO Frequency Score µElo Perf µYear % Draws
1 exf3 5: 55.5% 20.0% 2000 0%
2 e5 2: 22.2% 25.0% 1996 50%

3 e3 1: 11.1% 50.0% 2000 100%
4 f5 1: 11.1% 50.0% 2003 100%
Total 9: 100.0% 27.7% 1999 33%

0.4.3 Positional Themes

Frequency of themes in the first 20 moves of each game:
Same-side castling: 67% White Isolated Queen Pawn: 0%
Opposite castling: 11% Black Isolated Queen Pawn: 11%
Kingside pawn storm: 44% White Pawn on 5/6/7th rank: 11%
Queens exchanged: 11% Black Pawn on 2/3/4th rank: 100%
Only one side has Bishop pair: 11% Open c/d/e file: 56%

0.4.4 Endgames
Material at the end of each game:
Report games 0% 22% 0% 33% 0% 0% 0% 44%
All games 3% 9% 9% 25% 2% 4% 4% 43%
0.5 Theory Table
1. c3 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3. Bc4 Nf6 4.f3: +1 =3 –5 (2.5/9: 28%)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Nxd1 e4 Bb5+ Bxd7+ Nh3 2: 50%
Q Nc6 Na5 Bd7 Nxd7 Nc4
1 f3 dxe3 c3
e31 xd1+ e5 2

fxe43 Nf3 d3 Qe2 Bb3 a4 Nd1 2: 25%

B Qd6 b4 Be6
2 ...
e5 c5 OO c6 b5
N Ne5 d4 Nf3 Bd3 Bg5 Bh4 2: 50%
Nfd7 Nb6 Bg7 f6
3 ... xf3
exf3 g65 e6 6
Qxd4 Nxd4 Bg5 OOO Na4 1: 0%
Qxd4 a6 Bb4 Nbd7
4 ... ... d4
... c5 cxd4 e6
Bg5 Qe1 Ne4 Nxd6 2: 0%

Be7 OO Ne8 Nd6 Qxd6

5 ... ... d4 OO
... e6 c6

4...Bf5 5.fxe4 Nxe4 6.Qf3 Nd6 7.Bb3 e6 8
8.Bf4 a6 9.a4 Nd5 10.Nxd5 exd5 11.Bd3 c5
8.Nge2 Qh4+ 9.g3 Qg4 10.Qf2 Nc6 11.h3 12.dxc5 Bxc5+ 13.Kh1 Nc6 14.c3 Bd6
Qb4 12.d3 Be7 13.Bd2 Qb6 14.Be3 Qa5 15.Bxd6 Qxd6 16.Qb3 Bg4 17.Ng5 f6
15.g4 Bg6 16.OOO Bg5 17.Nf4 OOO 18.Nxh7 Rfe8 19.Qc2 Ne5 20.Bg6 Re7
18.Nce2 Nb5 19.c3 Bf6 20.Nxg6 hxg6 21.g5 21.Rae1 Rd8 0:1(38) Tao – The King, 2001.
Nxc3 : (28) Van Gils – Pauwels 1993, 2003.
1 1
12.Qh4 Bd8 13.Bd3 h6 14.Qh5 Bxg5
12.Ne3 Nd6 13.Nf2 OOO 14.Nd3 c6 15.a4 15.Nxg5 Qxd4+ 16.Kh1 f5 17.Rad1 Qf6
2 2

Be7 16.h4 Rhe8 17.b3 Kc7 18.Ba3 Nc8 18.h4 Bd7 19.g4 Be8 20.Rxf5 Bxh5 21.Rxf6
19.Bxe7 Nxe7 20.Ke2 f6 21.g3 Nf8 : (29)
1 1
2 2
gxf6 0:1(47) Hartmann Frobenius Annett –
Kobernat 2077 – Lazetich 2198, 2000. Solger G, 1991.
5.Qe2 Nc6 6.Bb5 Bd7 7.Nxe4 Nd4 8.Nxf6+
Qxf6 9.Bxd7+ Kxd7 10.Qd3 Qf5 11.Qxf5+
Nxf5 12.c3 Bc5 13.Ne2 Ke6 14.b4 Bb6 15.a4
a5 16.b5 Rad8 17.h4 Rd3 18.Ba3 Rhd8
19.OOO Bf2 20.g4 Ng3 21.Nxg3 Bxg3
0:1(37) Aasum – Erben Thomas, 1990.
12.Bxe6 Qxe6 13.Be3 Be7 14.OO Nbd7
15.Ng5 Qd6 16.b3 Ne8 17.Nh3 Qe6 18.Bf2
Nd6 19.Ne3 g6 20.g4 f5 21.exf5 gxf5 : (22)
1 1
2 2
Kroell 2180 – Hengl 2211, 2001.
5...Bg4 6.OO e6 7.Qe1 Bxf3 8.Rxf3 Bc5+
9.Kh1 OO 10.Bxe6 fxe6 11.Qxe6+ Kh8 12.d3
Qd6 13.Qxd6 Bxd6 14.Bf4 Bxf4 15.Rxf4
Nc6 16.Raf1 Rae8 17.Nd5 Rf7 18.Nxf6
Rxf6 19.Rxf6 gxf6 20.Rxf6 Re1+ 0:1
Hackfeld Michael – Nilsson Egon, 2001.
12.Ne4 Nc6 13.c3 Ne7 14.OO Nf5 15.Bf2
Nd5 16.Re1 Bh6 17.Nc5 Qe7 18.Qb3 c6
19.g4 Nd6 20.Bf1 b6 21.Nd3 Ba6 1:0(32)
Kroell 2180 – Jannasch 2201, 2001.
12.Be2 Ba5 13.Kb1 OO 14.Nb3 Bd8
15.Nac5 b6 16.Nxd7 Nxd7 17.Bxd8 Rxd8
18.Rd6 Kf8 19.Bf3 Ra7 20.Nd4 Re8
21.Rd1 Rc7 0:1(52) Ruiz Romero – Tarrío
Ocaña, ICCF 2007.

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