Galvanic Interaction Between Galena and Pyrite in An Open System. Li.

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No.325 No.

Vol. Galvanic interaction between
JOURNAL and pyrite in an open system

Galvanic interaction between galena and pyrite

in an open system *
1, 1•2
ZHOU Li ( JWj liJliJ) i,i. * , LI Heping ( ~41l31Z) and XU Liping ( ~liJliJn)
Laboratory of Materi.a/,s of the Earth' s lmerior , lnstiuue of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002, China
Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China

Abstract Galvanic interactions between sulfide minerals have very important influences on
hydrometal- lurgical processes, the supergene enrichment of sulfides and the formationof acid mine
drainage. By chan- ging the concentrations of Fe3 • , the pH values, status of the flowingof the solution and
the solution salini- ty ( e. g. the concentrations of Na2 504) and monitoringthe galvanic currents and
potentials, studies were conducted in this work on the galvanic interaction between pyrite acting as the
anode and galena acting as the cathode. The resulta indicated that the concentrations of Fe3 • , pH values
and the flowingof the solu- tion exhibit a great effect on the galvanic interaction of galena-pyrite couple,
while the salinity of the solu- tion has only a slight influence on the interaction. The experiments also
revealed that in case cracks exist on the surface of pyrite electrode, the potential of pyrite will decrease so
sharply as to be lower than that of galena under the same experimental condition. The experimental
results were explained in terms of the Butler-Volume equation and the theory of mixed potential.

Key words pyrite; galena; galvanic interaction; acid mine drainage ; flowingmedium
lution compared to the mineral alone, while the cathod-
1 Introduction ic mineral was protected from oxidation.
Many geological processes in nature are also relat-
Most sulfide minerals in nature have perfect con- ed to galvanic interactions between sulfide minerals,
ductivity and possess semiconducting properties. Gal- such as the supergene enrichment of sulfide ore depos-
vanic corrosion may occur when two sulfide minerals its (Thomber, 1975a, b; Sato, 1992) and the forma-
with different potentials are connected together in the tion of acid mine drainage ( Subrahmanyam and Forss-
solution. The mineral with the higher potential acts as berg, 1993 ) . Sikka et al. ( 1991 ) studied the geo-
a cathode , where the reduction reaction occurs and the chemistry of secondary copper minerals from the
mineral is galvanically protected , whereas the mineral Malanjkhand porphyry copper deposit in India and
with the lower potential becomes an anode, where the found that the secondary alteration was mainly due to
oxidation reaction takes place and the dissolution of the the galvanic interaction between pyrite and chalcopy-
mineral is intensified. rite. The lower potential primary chalcopyrite altered
Galvanic interactions usually occur in many min- progressively to form minerals by depletion of Fe and S
eral-processing systems, especially in floatation ( da and enrichment of Cu. Li Heping ( 1995) described in
Silva et al. , 2003 ) and leaching ( Madhuchhanda et detail the general characteristics and mechanisms of
al. , 2000 ) , and the galvanic interaction may affect galvanic interactions which occur ubiquitously in the
the efficiency of metallurgy. Sui et al. ( 1995 ) carried various spheres of the Earth , and experimentally stud-
out dissolution experiments on the four independent ied the relationship between the electromotive force
minerals of pyrite, pyrrhotite, galena and sphalerite, ( EMF) of galvanic cells composed of sulfide minerals
as well as on their galvanic couples, and found that and the elastic stress on the mineral surface. Current
metal ion production with minerals in pairs was differ- mine pollution caused by acid mine drainage has at-
ent from that for single minerals, and the amount of tracted ever increasing attention, which is principally
metal ions in the solution followed a galvanic interac- attributed to acids and heavy metals derived from the
tion model : oxidation of the anodic mineral was en- oxidation of sulfide minerals ( Wang Jizhong et al. ,
hanced, leading to an increase in metal ions in the so- 2005) , primarily the oxidation of pyrite ( Lowson,
1982; Salomons, 1995; Banks et al. , 1997; Naicker
ISSN 1000-9426 et al. , 2003) , while galvanic interactions between py-
* This research was funded by the Science lnnovation Program of the rite and other sulfide minerals will affect the generation
Chinese Academy of Sciences ( Grant No. KZCX3-SW-124).
process of acid mine drainage ( Subrahmanyam and
* * Correspondingauthor , E-mail: zhouli_prc@ 126. com
No.325 No. 3
Vol. Galvanic interaction between
JOURNAL and pyrite in an open system

Forssberg, 1993). Using cyclic voltammetry with car- mineral electrodes were cut from massive mineral spec-
bon paste electrodes containing mineral particles imens to obtain cylindrical samples, 8 mm in diame-
( CPE-Mineral), Cruz et al. (2001) studied the influ- ter, and the working surface area was O. 5 cm2 for each
ence of mineral impurities in pyrite on the overall reac- mineral electrode. Then a copper wire was soldered on-
tivity of generating acid mine drainage. The results to one side of the cylinder. After that, the sample was
showed that when pyrite samples contained sphalerite, mounted in a Teflon tube with the working surface ex-
galena and other impurities, due to galvanic effects, posed , and the central part of the tube was sealed with
the oxidation of pyrite would be protected until these epoxy resin. These arrangements proofed the electrode
impurities were consumed. Considering the influence of against the effects of possible leaks, and only the work-
galvanic effects on the production of acid mine drain- ing surface of the mineral electrode could contact with
age, Shelp et al. ( 1995 , 1996 ) proposed an in-siui the solution. The electrodes were polished to mirror
electrochemical technology to ameliorate acid mine surface stage by stage, and it is observed that there
drainage problems. The study indicated that the pro- were cracks on the pyrite electrode surface. Reflected
posed electrochemical approach of employing scrap iron light microscopy indicated that the polished mineral e-
as the sacrificial anode was a technically feasible and lectrodes were pure pyrite and pure galena. The mean
practica! method of ameliorating acid mine drainage. composition given by electron microprobe ( EMP) anal-
The pyrite-galena galvanic couple is one of the ysis was , Fe 46. 89 wt% and S 52. 96 wt% for pyrite;
most common and most important galvanic cells both in and Pb 85. 83 wt% and S 13. 91 wt% for galena. Be-
the field of hydrometallurgy and in nature , which has fore each run , the electrode surface was repolished and
been widely documented by many scholars. Holmes washed repeatedly with acetone and distilled water.
and Crundwell ( 1995) quantitatively studied the gal- Solutions were prepared from analytical grade rea-
vanic interaction between galena and pyrite using the gents and doubly distilled water. The volume of the so-
rotating ring-disc electrodes and proposed a rnathemati- lution was 250 mL for each run ( except for the experi-
cal model to obtain a prediction of the magnitude of ments under flowing conditions) . Sulfuric acid and so-
galvanic interaction. Making use of synthetic mixtures dium hydroxide solution were used to obtain the desired
of galena and pyrite, Pecina-Treviño et al. ( 2003) in- pH value of the solution.
vestigated the effect of galvanic interaction of the mix- In the experiments a HP-34401A Model high pre-
tures on the floatation response of these two minerals. cision digital multimeter ( input impedance > 1 O GO)
In the galvanic interactions discussed above, pyrite was was used to measure the galvanic potentials and cur-
always acted as the cathode and its oxidation process rents. The multimeter was controlled by a computer to
was protected. However, the authors found in their collect data one time per minute. The pyrite and galena
practice that in case there had cracks on the surface of mineral electrodes were electrically connected to each
pyrite electrode, the potential of pyrite would decrease other through the multimeter to measure the galvanic
so sharply as to be lower than that of galena under the current. The galvanic potential was measured against a
same experimental condition. When galvanic interac- calomel reference electrode ( SCE ) and the potentials
tion occurs between pyrite with cracks and galena, py- quoted in this work are on SCE scale. The schematic
rite will act as the anode of the galvanic couple and the diagram of experimental equipment under flowing con-
dissolution will be accelerated. In order to gain a better dition is shown in Fig. 1. Throughout the experiments
understanding of the kinetics of galvanic interaction be- of measuring both potentials and currents, the galena
tween galena and pyrite, this work dealt with the influ- electrode was connected with the positive input termi-
ences of the concentrations of Fe3• and Na2S04 and the nal of the multimeter. All experiments were carried out
solution pH values on the galvanic currents and poten- at 25 ± 1 ° C with the solution exposed to the atmos-
tials of the galvanic interaction between pyrite anode phere.
and galena cathode. In addition, a simulating experi-
ment was made on the effects of the flowing of solution 3 Results
medium, just like the flowing of mine water, on the
rate of galvanic interaction. 3.1 Electrode potential of pyrite with cracks

2 Samples and experimental methods The variation of electrode potential with time for
pyrite with cracks in O. 01 moVL Fe2 ( S04) 3 solution
Experimental samples of single crystalline pyrite is shown in Fig. 2. For comparison, the figure also
and polycrystalline galena were collected from the presents the potential variations measured in this work
Huize Pb-Zn deposit in Yunnan Province, China. The of galena and pyrite with perfect surface. lt is indicated
232 Galvanic interaction between
Li et and
al. pyrite in an open system Vol.

Galena Pyrite
electrod electrode

__ .. _._.j

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental equipment under flowing condition.

that when there have cracks on the surface of pyrite e- location, the electrode potential is obviously reduced.
lectrode, the electrode potential of pyrite will de- Remarkable reduction of the potential of pyrite with
crease, even so sharply as to be lower than that of ga- cracks, as observed in this experiment, may be attrib-
lena electrode under the same condition. Therefore, uted to the same mechanism.
when the pyrite with cracks couples with galena to form
a galvanic cell, pyrite will no longer act as a cathode, 3. 2 Effect of Fe2 ( S04) 3 concentrations on galena-
instead it will become an anode and the dissolution is pyrite galvanic interaction
favoured. Meanwhile, galena will act as a cathode and
the oxidization is protected. Li Heping et al. ( 1998) Figures 3 and 4 show the vanations of current
studied the potential variation of pyrite electrode in the density and mixed potential with time for the galvanic
saturated KCl solution with the applied elastic stresses. interaction between pyrite and galena in O. 01 and
The results demonstrated that the application of elastic O. 0001 mol/L Fe2 ( S04) 3 solutions at pH = 1. 78. It
stresses on pyrite surface led to the storage of elastic can be seen from the figures that both the galvanic cur-
energy within the lattice of pyrite and the free energy rent density and galvanic potential in O. 01 moVL
increased so that the potential of pyrite decreased ac- Fe2 ( SO 4 ) 3 solution are larger than those in O. 0001
cording to the galvanic thermodynamics. In stress-in- moVL Fe2 ( S04) 3 solution. Figure 5 presents the vari-
duced corrosion of metallic materials it has also been ations of potential with time for galena, pyrite and gale-
found that the existence of cracks in metals will cause na-pyrite couple in O. 01 moVL Fe2 ( S04) 3 solution. It
the localized stress to be concentrated on the point of is apparent that the potential of galena is maximal,
while the potential of pyrite with cracks is minimal ,
with the mixed potential of galena-pyrite galvanic cou-
ple being intermediate. In addition, in case galena e-
0.40 lectrode existed in O. 01 moVL Fe2 ( S04) 3 solution in-
dividually, it was not long before black coatings form-

2 ing on the surface, whereas when galena coupled to py-

·!i::i 0.20
E rite with cracks , no coating was observed on galena
e surface.

0.00 3
3. 3 Effect of solution pH on galena-pyrite galvanic
-0.20 interaction
o 30 60 90 120 150 180

Time (min) The variations of galvanic current density and gal-

vanic potential with time for galena-pyrite couple in
Fig. 2. Variations of potential with time for pyrite and ga- O. 1 moVL Na2S04 solutions at pH values of l. 82 and
lena in O. 01 mol/L Fe2 ( 504) 3 solution. l. Pyrite with 6. 63 are presented in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. lt
perfect surface; 2. galena; 3. pyrite with cracks. is apparent that the galvanic current density in Na2S04
solution at pH = 6. 63 is larger than that in Na2S04 so-
cracks ( Xiao Jimei and Cao Chunan, 2002). At this lution al pH = 1. 82 , while the galvanic potential in
233 Galvanic interaction between
Li et and
al. pyrite in an open system Vol.

1 0.001

fil 30 60 90 1 20 150 1 80
8 0.0001 L..- _ ,_?:;.__ ._ ., _ _._ _._ _ , Time(min)

o 30 60 90 120 150 180

Fig. 6. Variations of galvanic current density with time for
galena-pyrite couple in O. 1 moVL N32S04 solution at dif-
ferent pH values. 1. pH = 6. 63; 2. pH = 1. 82.
Fig. 3. Variations of galvanic current density with time for
galena-pyrite couple in Fe2 ( S04 ) 3 solutions of different
concentrations at pH = l. 78. l. O. 01 moVL; 2. O. 0001
moVL. 0.04

~ 0.00
0.30 :!
0.25 ..o.. -0.04
0.20 2
] 0.15 -0.08
i: ' o 30 60 90 120 150 180
B 0.10 Time(min)
& 2
0.00 Fig. 7. Variations of galvanic potential with time for gale-
o 30 60 90 120 150 180 na-pyrite couple in O. 1 moVL N3iS04 solution at different
Timc(min) pH values. l. pH = 6. 63; 2. pH = l. 82.

Fig. 4. Variations of galvanic potential with time for gale-

density and mixed potential with time between pyrite
na-pyrite couple in Fe2 ( S04) 3 solutions of different con-
and galena in O. 1 and O. 001 mol/L Na2S04 solutions.
centrations at pH = l. 78. l. O. 01 moVL; 2. O. 0001
moVL. From the figures it can be seen that the galvanic cur-
rent densities are generally close to each other and the
galvanic potentials are slightly variable with increasing
0.40 Na2S04 concentration.

€.; 0.20
& 0.00 ª!i~~
0.000 l L----'----'------'----'----'----'
3 O 30 60 90 120 150 180
o 30 60 90 120 150 180
Fig. 8. Variations of galvanic current density with time for
galena-pyrite couple in N3iS04 solutions of different con-
Fig. 5. Variations of potential with time for galena, pyrite centrations. l. O. 1 moVL; 2. O. 001 moVL.
and galena-pyrite galvanic couple in O. 01 moVL
Fe2 ( S04 \ solution. l. Galena; 2. galena-pyrite couple;
3. pyrite with cracks. 3. 5 Effect of solution flowing on galena-pyrite gal-
vanic interaction
Na2S04 solution at pH = l. 82 is higher.
Figure 10 shows the variations of galvanic current
density with time for galena-pyrite couple in O. 1 mol/L
3. 4 EtTect of Na2S04 concentrations on galena-py-
Na2S04 solution. It is indicated that the flowing of so-
rite galvanic interaction
lution greatly enhanced the galvanic current density in
comparison with that under the static condition.
Figures 8 and 9 present the variations of current
234 Galvanic interaction between
Li et and
al. pyrite in an open system Vol.

0.00 ment. The reason is that the oxidization of galena cath-

ode was protected in this galvanic interaction. In addi-
-O.OS tion , according to the mixed potential theory ( Holmes
~ and Crundwell, 1995; Cao Chunan, 2004) , the gal-
.¡ -0.10 2
c:I vanic potential should be intermediate between the po-

p., tentials of anode and cathode. The measured galvanic
potential of galena-pyrite couple shown in Fig. 5 is tru-
-0.20 ly larger than the potential of pyrite and smaller than
o 30 60 90 120 150 180
Time(min) the potential of galena.
Galvanic interaction between pyrite and galena be-
Fig. 9. Variations of galvanic potential with time for gale- longs to a spontaneous reaction. This work only consid-
na-pyrite couple in NaiS04 solutions of different concentra- ered the oxidation reaction of the anode and the reduc-
tions. l. O. 1 moVL; 2. O. 001 moVL. tion reaction of the cathode. In this study pyrite acts as
the anode, and the anodic half-reaction occurring on
0.01 pyrite surface is expressed as follows ,

Galena acts as the cathode , on the surface of

which occurs the reduction reaction of oxidants. The
oxidants involved in the experiments are Fe3 + and dis-
0.0001 '-----'----'-----'----'----'---' solved oxygen (DO). The cathodic half-reaction is ex-
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 pressed as follows :

Fe3+ +e--Fe2• (2)

Fig. 10. Variations of galvanic current density with time
for galena-pyrite couple in O. 1 moVL NaiS04 solution. l.
Flow rate , 120 1/h; 2. static condition.

The overall reaction behaves as the oxidative dis-

solution of pyrite. Using eleclrochemical methods,
4 Discussion
Holmes and Crundwell ( 2000 ) investigated reactions
( 1 ) , ( 2) and ( 3) individually, and gave their But-
In the course of pyrite crystal growth and its long-
ler-Volmer equations as follows,
term geological evolution there will form many defects
in pyrite crystal, and reactions will firstly occur in
these locations with high surface energy ( Lasaga and
Blum, 1986; Mckibben and Barnes, 1986). When
lre5i = kFeS2 [H+J·l/2 exp (°'FeS2FE)
RT (4)

pyrite electrode with cracks coupled with galena elec-

trode to form a galvanic cell, pyrite acted as the anode i• r. = kr.2+ [

2+ J exp( 0--tr¡¡F;E¡-) -

and galena became the cathode. In the experiments ga-

lena electrode was connected with the positive input 3+ - ( 1 - Otre) FE

kr.i+ [ Fe ] exp( RT ) (5)
terminal of the multimeter, because galena had a high-
er potential, so the galvanic current density of all the
galvanic interactions is of positive value, just in con-
formity with the measured results. When galena elec-
trode existed alone in O. 01 moVL Fe2 ( 504) 3 solution,
there would form black coatings on the surface before sulfate. But in case galena coupled to pyrite with
long. Such black coatings were analyzed to be Pb504• cracks in O. 01 moVL Fe2 ( 504) 3 solution, there was
Lin ( 1997) also found in the etching experiment that no hlack coating on galena surface during the experi-
the oxidation of galena led to the precipitation of lead
235 Galvanic interaction betweenZHOU galena
Li et and
al. pyrite in an open system Vol.
where i is the current density of each reaction; k is the
rate constant; a is the transfer coefficient and generally
°'F•Si 0tr
0 =at02 = 112; F is the Faraday constant; E
is the potential of each reaction; R is the universal gas
constant ; and T is the temperature. In this work the
influence of activity coefficient is negligible, so the
concentration is used to replace the activity in the dis-
236 Galvanic interaction between
Li et and
al. pyrite in an open system Vol.

i -k [H+J- 1/2 (
kre3 • [ Fe3 + ] + s:~, [ 0 2] [ H+ J 0· 14 112

According to the Faraday' s law ( Guo Hetong and g - FeS:z kre2+ [Fe2+] +kre5:z[H+] -l/2 )
Tan Qixian, 2000) , the mass of the material involved
( 13)
in the electrochemical reaction is in direct proportion to
the quantity of electricity passing through the elec-
According to Henry' s law, under certain temper-
trode. So the current density is usually to embody the
ature and equilibrium conditions the solubility of gas in
rate of the reaction ( Holmes and Crundwell, 2000 ) .
the solution is in direct proportion to the equilibrium
According to the mixed potential theory, the galvanic
partial pressure. Experiments in this work were carried
interaction occurs at the mixed potential, E g , at which
out in an open system, so the DO concentrations in the
the anodic current density, i. , due to the processes oc-
solution can be described by:
curring on pyrite surface, is egua! to the cathodic cur-
rent density, t., due to the processes occurring on ga-
lena surface, also is equal to the galvanic current den- ( 14)
sity, ig ( Holmes and Crundwell, 2000) :
where k8 is Henry ' s Law constant, and P 02 is the

(7) pressure of 02 on the surface of the solution. In the

system open to 02 , the partial oxygen pressure is a
In the absence of Fe3 + in solution, dissolved oxy- constant, so it can be considered that the DO concen-
gen is the only oxidant, and according to the mixed po- trations in the solution are a constant under the experi-
tential theory, it is clear that the following condition mental conditions.
In O. 1 mol/L Na2S04 solutions at pH values of
holds at the galvanic potential, E g:
1. 82 and 6. 63, the concentrations of 02 are a con-
stant. According to Eqs. ( 9) and ( 10) , it is clear
(8) that in case the concentrations of H + increase, the gal-
vanic potential , E e , will in crease , whereas the galvan-
Substitution of Eqs. ( 4) and ( 6) into Eq. ( 8)
ic current density, i.. will decrease. The measured
gives the following expressions for the galvanic potential
galvanic current density and potential for galena-pyrite
and galvanic current density :
couple shown in Figs. 6 and 7 are in consistency with
the above analysis.
In O. 01 and O. 0001 mol/L Fe2 ( S04) 3 solutions
(9) at pH = 1. 78 , the concentrations of H + and 02 are
both constants. From Eqs. ( 12) and ( 13) , it can be
( seen that the galvanic potential, E g , and the galvanic
10) current density, ig, tend to increase with increasing
Fe3 + , just in accord with the variations of galvanic cur-
In the presence of ferric ions and oxygen in the rent density and potential for galena-pyrite couple
solution, both reaction ( 2 ) and reaction ( 3 ) take shown in Figs. 3 and 4.
place on galena electrode surface. The condition that As for the galvanic interaction between galena and
the anodic current density is equal to the cathodic cur- pyrite in O. 1 and O. 001 mol/L Na2S04 solutions,
rent density gives the following expression : there only changed the concentrations of inert electro-
lyte in the solution. According to Eqs. ( 9) and (10) ,
( 11) it can be seen that there will be only minor effects on
the whole galvanic interaction. As illustrated by Figs.
Substituting Eqs. ( 4 ) , ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) into Eq. 8 and 9 , the galvanic current density and potential for
( 11 ) and rearranging the resulting equation, the fol- galena-pyrite couple vary very slightly.
lowing explicit expressions are obtained for the galvanic Under the conditions of solution flowing, the gal-
potential and current density in the presence of both vanic interaction between galena and pyrite in O. 1
ferric ions and dissolved oxygen: mol/L Na2SÜ4 solution is greatly affected by the diffu-
sion of dissolved oxygen in the solution, and the cur-
rent density on the electrode surface can be approxi-
mately expressed as ( Holmes and Crundwell, 1995;
Cao Chunan , 2004) :
237 Galvanic interaction between
Li et and
al. pyrite in an open system Vol.

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5 Conclusions
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Correction of error in prtntíng ,

In the paper entitled "Research on the direction of secondary migration of oíl by making use of nitrogen corn-
pounds as tracers in the No. 6 area of the Melut Basin" which appears in the No. 2 ( 2006) of Chinese Joumal of
Geochemistry, there is an error in printing, i. e. , "Melut Basin" , which actually refers lo "Muglad Basin".

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