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Advisory – Mature Content – Erotic Story

(Art Work by RGonzo)

Dystopia Now – Episode Two – Stay Focused

A Short Story
By Randy Gonzalez

Dystopia Now – Episode Two – Stay Focused - A Short Story

By Randy Gonzalez

“Nice, very nice, you will learn the ways of the warrior,” I, Scarlet Badger, sergeant
major, field operative, and militia leader, said to my young private. After our tryst in the
foxhole, he was no longer a virgin recruit. I had initiated him into manhood. For that
virginal sacrifice, he would submit to me. “By the way, my youngling, you are deliciously
energetic. That is a good thing. Yummy, tasteful, you’re good. Soon, you will be allowed
to fuck me again. In your training, you will learn many things.”
“Thank you, my sergeant,” he muttered with a boyish grin. Yet, the darkness of the
night made him a shadow, perhaps a shaded reflection of his original self. These days, with
the pollution, it always seemed darkly menacing. “I serve you and only you,” he swore
allegiance to his leader in the militia and zipped his pants. Remnants of cum stained his
crotch of his camo pants. “Yes ma’am, I am grateful.”
“You, my new protégé are good enough to eat,” I murmured and gripped his groin to
feel the thickness of his burgeoning manhood. “Yet, we are not cannibals like the others
out there. Predators, yes, warriors, yes, but not like the scavengers.”
“Yes, my sergeant.” The youngling stared excitedly at her.
“Affirmative, I am your battle mistress,” I commanded. “You will do as I wish, for there
is precious little time to be concerned about anything except survival.” For a moment, I
peered through my night vision goggles. Without looking at him directly, I added, “My
unit is made up of mostly women. You will be useful to them in many ways. So, we must
keep you healthy and fit for all your duties. I am certain they will approve of your
recruitment. Remember, every moment and every breath counts.”
“Roger that, ma’am,” the youngster eagerly replied. “I serve you without question.” He
rolled into position and scanned the barren valley below us. “Whatever pleases you, and
your group, I submit to your authority over me. I’m honored, ma’am.”
Before I released his well-hung penis, which now shrank after his huge ejaculation, I
felt his balls loosen and the slick shaft soften. Earlier he had cum in a massive burst of
youthful exuberance. As the minutes past in our brief interlude, he was ready again. That
was a good sign and his training would continue. For now, I wanted to give him a few more
up and down jerks, which I did. He shivered and tightened with each final pump.

“Concentrate, multitasking is essential, my young one,” I told him while I squeezed the
head of his dick. “Nice, you are so ready to be trained. To fuck, fight and feast, we prepare
constantly. If no intruders attack tonight, we will fuck again, long and hard.”
“Thank you, my mistress,” he whispered quietly and controlled his breathing.
After his gushing spew of warm youthful cum moments ago, I considered him a good
student. Easily trainable, anxious to learn, I figured he would serve me well. For my darker
arts, there would be more learning on his part. For now, we were on surveillance against
the army of the oligarchs, vicious and cruel oppressors of the people. Nonetheless, at my
discretion, I took time to begin his transformation. A good fuck, short recovery, perhaps
more fucking, time was always of the essence. We would train harder, we would fight the
enemies of the old republic and try to live as peaceful as possible.
Ah yes, he squirmed under my skillful manipulations. Gone were the days of hypocrisy,
status quo illusion and enslaved conformity. We were free for now, but every day was
struggle to avoid the enslavement of the ruling elite. Always exploiting the masses, the
powerful who wanted to lord over us were ruthless and brutal. And, reality refreshed our
senses after a hard pumping hand job, a good pounding and wet bursting climax, which
sharpened the mind and energized both the boy and me. While the senses were fully
animated and alert, the youngling had proven to be an apt pupil. For that, I would teach
him the other pathways of warrior hood, as the discipline of service.
“Private, you will learn many things, and you will learn them quickly,” I instructed my
protégé. “Not only that, but you will submit to me, wholly and completely.”
“Yes, ma’am, I freely submit to you,” he said eagerly. “Sergeant Major Badger, my
battler mistress, whatever you command, I am yours,” he went on to affirm his changing
nature. “I want to know more and learn everything I can.” He swallowed heavily and said,
“Do with me as you wish, I am bound to your teaching no matter what.”
“Patience, in time, if there is time; you will come to know these various arts. Of sword
and sensuality, one and the same, your potency will be unleashed. Now, back on point, the
enemy is closer than you think,” I told him. “Later, we’ll have more time to delve into your
submission and the mysteries that surround us. For now, we must keep the watch. The
oligarchs want this territory and the destruction of our militia.”
“Roger that, ma’am, I’m on it,” he stuttered with boyish flare.

“Yummy,” I muttered and relished in the pleasures of his potential. He seemed to be of

good stock and education. Alert, attentive and physically fit, I figured he would be a good
asset to the rebellion. “Somethings will happen soon,” I told him.
“Yes, ma’am,” he answered respectfully and went back to observing the valley below.
“Battle Mistress,” his voice resonated hesitance. “I’m a little anxious.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine, we all are anxious,” I tried to reassure him. “Fighting is
like fucking in some way. You learn through experience, hard lessons, can’t be afraid of it,
and you develop your skills to focus on the best of your abilities.”
For a few moments of quiet, there was hardly a sign of anything. The pale moonlight
overhead struggled through a rich inky darkness. As though the sky had become a dingy
dripping haze, it seemed very little light wanted to find illumination in this torrid realm.
Dawn remained a few hours away and then maybe the army of the corporate aristocracy
would attack our position. We knew if captured everyone would be tortured, raped and
tortured some more. After that, a show trial in public and more torture.
Death never rested from a distance, or waited patiently for time to catchup. Nowadays,
death’s evil face, reflected through the human corporatists, ruled whatever was left after
the fall of the civilization we once knew. In the arrogance of the decadent few, those who
controlled the earth’s resources and exploited everything brought the world to a dismal
dystopia. What else is new, or what did we expect? The rich and powerful 1% fed upon the
99%. At the crack of taskmaster’s whip, the slaves pushed the massive blocks higher and
higher to build the pyramids so the wealthy elite would have a place to die.
“Gosh. Back when I was younger,” the private started again and broke the silence. “In
our home school group, there were stories about this mysterious hermit, kinda like a warrior
philosopher, a soldier poet of a kind. Yet, like a weird mad monk of sorts.” He swallowed
and even shivered as he spoke. “Stories about those women fighters he led were inspiring.”
He drew in a long breath and nodded his head, “It was stimulating, sarge.”
“Weird is not the way I would describe the Gonzo,” I answered reverently. “And, yes,
they’re well trained and well-armed and will fight to the death. In a sense, they’re zealots
to some degree and like staying to themselves.” I cleared my throat and shrugged to adjust
my prone position. “For them, death has no meaning in the great scheme of things. The
oligarchs have tried everything to defeat them and control their lands.”

“Yet, they have not prevailed,” the private said to me.

“The Gonzo Clan remains the valiant few, they, like us, prevail undefeated.” I sighed
with a hint of weariness. “Meanwhile, because of them, we need legends and some come
to life and show us heroism. You speak of the Gonzo and the sacred compound, aka ‘the
Bunker’, even death fears them. Evil stays clear of that old wizard. Somehow, some way,
they’ve risen above the oligarchic tentacles and stay feared and revered.”
“That fortress is said to have been attacked many times by the corporate federals,” the
private offered and inched a little closer to me, as if to seek warmth. He shivered in the
damp darkness of his anxious expectations. “From the legends, the oligarchs wanted him
put out of business.” He nodded confidently in the shadowy blackness around us. “We
learned that in our camp schooling during homeland history.”
“No doubt, yes, very inspiring stories, such helps keep the warmth in the heart glowing
with hope that springs eternal,” I noted with a whisper. My jade green gaze brushed
smoothly over the forward landscape through the reddish glint of the goggles. “Some of us
have been nurtured on the ways of the Gonzo.” I smiled in a seemingly fond way at my
young private. I took his innocence with ecstatic pleasure and enjoyed his youthfulness. “I
was his apprentice once. He taught me many things.”
“Wow, no way, seriously? Bet that was something,” the young one said excitedly. “You
trained with the Gonzo, oh wow, that’s awesome.” He kept his watch and made some
minute adjustments to the goggles to ensure long-range night vision. Tiny solar powered
activators flickered red for an instant. “These things are hard to get used to, ma’am.” For a
moment, he turned to face me in the shadowy resonance of the late evening. “That’s so
amazing, you knew the Gonzo. But wait, I’m confused about why the oligarchs haven’t
taken the Gonzo compound and arrested him and his team. Surely, they could do that. Their
firepower could overwhelm their bunker and invade their fortress.”
“Yes, that would seem so, my young one,” I said with a smile.
“So, why haven’t they taken the compound,” the younger one wanted to know.
“Even a larger animal, a predator, and fears what it cannot predict,” I told him. “Or, for
that matter what it cannot control. The oligarchs struggle to manipulate and control their
own confederation. Many competing entities divert their attention. With that, the Gonzo is
unpredictable and some factions will not oppose him out of respect.”

“They leave him alone, right?” The private asked. “You close to him?”
“Yes, as to your first question, my youngling. Simply, they are too afraid of what he
knows, and what he is capable of,” I told him matter-of-factly and yet remained curious of
what he wanted to know. “Secondly, if you want to know if we fucked, yes we did many
times.” I cleared my throat and swallowed. “It’s part of the life process, or an initiation
over a lifetime.” I reminded him, “Keep the watch, private, and stay still, someone is
watching,” I admonished and touched his arm. “And, fucking was part of the breaking in
process. I started yours tonight. We all need to be broken in.”
“To harness the energy, right?” He asked in his young way. “It’s the potency of the
libido forces within, as we learned in our home guard teachings.”
“Yes, to transform beyond self-centeredness, to seek liberation and to mature,” I
explained and scanned the darkness with my night goggles. “To become well-
differentiated, such is the transformation and the power is from sexuality.”
“And, generate different thoughts processes,” he added with honest tone.
“Yes, as the teachings go, from the ancients to this day, it is the maximization of our
bio-sexuality,” I started with a low murmur. “Such is the way of the warrior, liberated in
mind and body, concerned with self-evolving transformation.”
“You learned much from the Gonzo?” he asked with a hint toward reverence.
“Oh yes, very much so,” I admitted. “Fighting, fucking, feasting, and fomenting the
necessity of becoming a better version than the original.”
“We learned this in home education, not entirely, but some parts,” the private offered
bashfully. The four cornerstones that build individuality.”
“That’s it, at least for the basics,” I said to him affectionately. “Yet, the more profound
the amative intensity, the innate carnality unleashes the potency. With the way the world
is devolving, toward human extinction, we hang onto these essentials.” I took in a long
breath and thought about fucking him again. Too soon? No, I gave a toss in my mind.
Never too soon and never enough. I added while thinking of jacking him off, “To that end,
each one of us requires an orgasm a day if at all possible. Sometimes, it is not practical, as
one of the other aspects may preclude a good climax or ejaculation.”
“Yes, my battle mistress, it is reasoned that maximization of cumming, so to speak,” he
started to tell me. “Enhances the very core of the life force.”

“You’re learning well, private,” I complimented gruffly. “This is what the oligarchs fear
the most. Liberated sexuality becomes the means for enlightened ascendency. Wisdom and
maturity coalesce into the brazen escape from manipulation and control. Freedom from
inhibitions, prejudices, selfishness, collective intimacy that goes beyond the realms of
primal existence. Your natural sense of ideation is greatly enhanced.”
“Yes, my battle mistress,” the private said with a hint of awe in his tone. “Is this what
the Gonzo knows and teaches? Is this secret of that compound?”
“It is that and more,” I said and reminisced. “The oligarchs are fiendish in the gross
materiality and unequal distribution of wealth. Not only that, their reactionary mythic
notions about human sexuality serve to further oppress the people. They want slaves to
serve them, and so, they play all kinds of mind games to control people. Independence,
freedom and self-evolution are elements of liberated revolution.”
“Whoa, seriously?” The private whispered. “Sexual energy is that important”.
“Absolutely, without question it is the singular liberating force within every person,” I
tried to explain to my youngling. “Basically, fucking is freedom.” My fingers gently
encouraged him with soft brushes across his strong thighs. “That aside, each time they tried
something against the Gonzo, one of the oligarchs disappeared. Bizarre things happened
and resources disappeared, commodity and mercantile exchanges plummeted.” I consumed
his physicality visually and longed to fuck him again. “Stay alert.”
“Fascinating. Yes ma’am, back on the watch,” he accepted his correction.
“With the Gonzo, retribution is sure, swift and certain,” I explained. “Every time the
rich ones tried something, headless bodies of wealthy aristocrats were found hanging
upside down inside heavily guarded federal buildings.” She shook her head. “He and his
followers were never seen but they left signs of their presence.”
“They’re like ghosts, right?” The private mumbled with a shudder.
“No one knows how he did it,” I whispered and listened intently to the surroundings.
“Yeah, they’re like ghosts. Every time the oligarchs sent in the federals, it was always a
bad move on their part. They may be wealthy but they’re also stupid.”
“They had to retreat to their enclaves,” the private said and focused his visual scan on a
particular patch of woods about a mile away. He adjusted the long-range intensity on his
night goggles. “All those gated communities kept the common folk out.”

“It’s an old story that goes way back a long time ago. Yep, foolishly they oppressed the
under classes, tyranny by any means is a dangerous path. History has many examples of
uprisings and revolutions.” I rolled in closer to him, patted his shoulder, and pointed. “Stay
on that dark patch one-mile southwest quadrant. I’m sensing something, very subtle
movement. Could be a corporatist sniper team, a scout party.”
“Affirmative, ma’am”, the private responded. “My vision sensors are beeping.” Inside
the googles he wore, a tiny alarm flashed a red dot. One hand held mine, the fingers
intertwined. He drew in a slow breath of cool night air. “It was the Gonzo who started the
Robin Hood movement, isn’t that right, ma’am. Take from the rich and give to the poor,
and protect the environment from exploitation. He still does all that.”
“Yes, he does, that and more,” I noted with wry and dry hint.
“Thank you, ma’am, I enjoy these stories because they’re real,” the private told her in a
soft voice. He sighed and added, “Nothing moving so far out there. But, there is something
in the dark patch.” He shook his head. “I can’t identify anything.”
“Stay focused, something’s going on, I feel it,” I said with a whisper.
“Yes, Mistress Badger,” he replied with a low voice. “I’m on it.”
“Give it time, they’re out there,” I warned. “The occupiers are always waiting, watching
and wondering about their next move in this direction.”
“They will never stop oppressing us will they, ma’am?” His youthful curiosity wanted
to know. “And, we’re outnumbered by overwhelming odds, right?”
“Uh huh, you’re catching on fast and in many ways,” I let him know, squeezed his
smallish hand. Well, I thought, puts that old tale to reset. Big hands, big dick, this kid is
just opposite. Like a little pony, bucking and fucking. “They didn’t learn they’re the reason
for the collapse. The greed, the selfishness, the inequities that caused so much pain and
suffering by their abject decadence any tyranny.”
“Yes ma’am,” he muttered softly and accepted by hand on his ass.
“We’re losing our rebellion,” I said to him with a hint of sadness. I wanted to be more
confident for him at this precise moment. To keep him focused and improve his chances
of survival he needed assurance. Yet, I mourned the loss of our republic. I sucked in a long
breath and let it out slowly. “Defections are happening every day.”
“I hear they pay a lot for anyone who defects,” he added.

“Yep, that’s what we hear.” I noted his interest in the issue. “As hope springs eternal,”
I started to say, “Reality is often more frightening than what you think.” He squirmed under
my touch but accepted his place for the time being. “We live for the moment. As to the
traitors, yeah, there’s a huge reward for surrender. But, what really happens is judgement
comes swiftly. No one wins that compromise. And, the Gonzo knows this.”
“No offense ma’am, wish he was here now,” the young trooper said.
“No offense taken,” I let him know. “For now, the oligarchs want control of this passage
through the valley. It’s an alternate trade route.” I skimmed the darkness around us and
tried to hear every sound, allowing every sense I had to be alert. One hand tightened on the
pistol grip of my rifle. “When the Free State of Gonzo was declared, his compound, that’s
when things really got serious. The political aristocracy, controlled by the oligarchs, made
their poorest decision. They tried to shut him down and silence him.”
“That’s when the rebellion started,” the youngster whispered excitedly.
“The corporatist mercenaries, their standing army, took the worst defeat ever,” I assured
the youngling. “They pulled back and tried to bribe him, negotiate and give him anything
he wanted. Every time they offered something, he killed members of the upper class.”
“Wow, no compromise for the Gonzo,” the younger one added.
“The Gonzo picks his battles carefully,” I said to him and reminded him of another
aspect of his training. “You haven’t been broken in yet have you?”
“You mean saddled and bent, ma’am?” He asked softly and swallowed as if nervously
envisioning the breaking of his inner manhood. “Not yet. Will you do it?”
“Yes,” I answered equally soft and affectionate. “The other training.” I held back for a
second, letting him digest the thought. Likewise, I thought about putting on one of my
strap-ons, maybe a small one, semi-erect and fucking him slow and easy. Bending him
over a rack, binding him and plowing his ass gave me chills. Then, I offered as I stroked
his firm hard butt, “Most have to think about. Some will refuse and that is not a problem.
It is voluntary. However, learning to submit is part of the process.”
“Yes, I know that, ma’am, but I am willing,” he said without hesitation. I could feel him
quiver at my touch. “I want you to be the one to do me, ma’am.”
“I will be the one. Make no mistake about that. We find that it leads to a higher level of
psychic transformation, an inner self-evolution takes place,” I told him.

“How have the others done?” He asked hesitantly. “The one you broke in.”
“They’ve accepted their transformation and have evolved valiantly,” I whispered close
to his ear. “You are a prime candidate. I can see that in you.”
“Please, ma’am, tell me about one of them,” he asked with an honest hint.
“Ah, the twins, I called them,” I started slowly. “Keep watch on that cluster of tress
dead ahead,” I reminded him and continued. “Well, some time back, on a long range patrol,
I had two in training, a male and a female. Exquisite examples of manhood and
womanhood, a superb young pair, bright, fit and ready to explore their sexuality.”
“I know it is vital to my self-evolution,” the private said. “We have to embrace our
alternate selves and appreciate the inner depths of our duality.”
“You get it then, at least to a point,” I told him and acknowledge his state of mind.
“But, there is so much more I want to know,” the private uttered.
Hmm, I pondered, he was learning fast. While he held on tight to the facial goggles, his
other hand touched me gently. His fingers shook a little, as though youthful uncertainty
and inexperience held him back. With warm assurance from my hand, I guided him closer
to the naked center under my camo trousers. The press of his fingers stimulate the energy
flow. Wetness slowly seeped from the thick folds my crotch. Sneakily though, while he
watched the valley, his hand felt around and found my trimmed pubic mound.
My pants again stretched tightly over my vagina. In the dimly lit night, with the cool
crisp breeze, my body heat was rising instantly. I’m certain in daylight he could’ve seen
the huge crease while his two fingers pressed deeper. His education was evolving and in a
positive direction. My puffy outer lips welcomed the comforting caresses. I know he
must’ve felt the dampness. I figured he was ready for another session.
With one hand, I unzipped the front of my pants and opened them, pulled the two parts
wider for easy access. The zipper made tiny sounds of plastic teeth separating. He trembled
when he slid his hand inside the opening of the thick material. When his two fingers
reached my pussy lips, I thought I was let out a shrill squeal. Yet, I know silence was of
the essence and any noises would give away our position.
“Wait,” I muttered. “You have to ask permission. Stay focused on both objectives,” I
whispered with a raspy throaty hint. I drew in a long breath. “Asking permission does not
automatically grant you any right, each must be earned every day.”

“Yes, my battle, mistress,” the private muttered with a respectful tone. “Battle mistress,
if it pleases you, may I have permission to touch you, please?”
“Very good,” I rewarded with a deeper tone. “Where does the private desire to touch his
battle mistress? You must be specific and direct and show humility.”
“Yes, my battle mistress,” he answered with confident obedience. “The private,” he said
in a lowered slant. “Requests permission from his battle mistress to touch her vagina and
massage her clit. May the private touch his battler mistress if it pleases her?”
“Yes and yum, that will make your battle mistress feel good,” I answered with breathy
anticipation. “Permission granted, go ahead touch me.” I took his shaking hand. “Oh yes,
right there, nice and gently, just rub back and forth like that.”
“Thank you, my battle mistress,” he muttered quietly. In the next out breath, he added,
“Oh wow, that feels so wonderful, slippery and warm, does that please my battle mistress?”
He asked softly as he massaged my clit and excited me.
His fingers were buried in my soaking pussy. The thick swollen lips lapped and sucked
at each stroke of his hand. Inch by inch his probing went deeper. Slowly the stiffened
resolve of my clit responded to the mounting pressure of my whole inner being. My
breathing intensified as I readied for another orgasm. Sucking in a long breath, barely able
to keep my eyes open, I pushed his hand further in me. First, he’d used one finger. I was
wetter immediately. In seconds, he had two fingers in me and the mindful pressure was
delicious and delirious. My hairy pubis was drenched and my pussy dripping.
“Oh god yes,” I whispered with a deep guttural hint. “This does please me.”
“Battle mistress, may I have permission to go deeper? He asked innocently. “If that
pleases my battle mistress, I want to feel more of you, please.”
“Does my private want to fist me?” I asked in response and murmured in his ear, which
I knew excited him further. “I have a big strong pussy that easily handled your huge cock
and drank your virgin cum.” For a moment, I gripped his wrist and helped him pump me.
In the next second, I felt his fist to assess the size. “Hmmm, I mumbled.”
“Only if it please my battle mistress,” he repeated gently.
“We could try,” I started and anticipated the next move. “I like’em big, so I want you
to finger me really well. Now, let’s take the first two fingers. Index and middle finger.”
Gently, I massaged his fingertips. “Nice, you got thick fingers. I like that.”

“Yes, my battle mistress, I want to please you,” he breathed heavily and a little clumsy
at first, he inserted his fingers just past the edges of my outer lips. “Whew…”
“It’s okay, you’ll learn in time,” I said soothingly and held his hand. “No, stay focused
on the tasks at hand, battle and fucking. There you go, that’s it, easy.” Previously, just
seconds earlier, I’d washed his hand with a wetted field tissue. “Oh yeah, that’s feeling
good, right there, just touch the clit.” I sucked in a breath. “Fuck, oh my god, that’s really
good. It is a little advanced at this stage of your training.”
“Thank you, ma’am, I do as you demand,” he muttered and kept his focus.
“Yet, it would please me to have my pussy filled,” I mumbled trying to keep my focus.
“Uh huh, slowly, probed my pussy, just touch the tip, oh my god.”
“Yes, ma’am, your wish is my command,” he breathed with a heavier gate.
“Let’s go a little deeper, oh fuck,” I sighed getting closer to the edge. “Damn, that’s
nice, I know it sounds crude, but I say cunt instead of pussy, and oh fuck me, my cunt is
twitching again. Geezus, I am about to cum, oh hell yes.”
“Ma’am, my fingers feel so good inside you,” he whispered. “But, something…”
“Geez that’s fucking good,” I mumbled as I came again. Twitching and throbbing from
the little series of O’s, my mind opened wide as I felt the orgasmic shudders. I gripped his
hand hard and held it in place, while my juices soaked his fingers. I heard his last word,
‘something’, and said, “What the fuck?” I hissed as a sensor activated in his goggles.
Likewise, my night vision equipment activated. “Scan the horizon.”
“I’m zooming in.” His goggles flickered tiny red indicators. “Yeah, where you
indicated earlier, ma’am.” He pulled his head back slightly, but kept his fingers busy with
steady rhythm lightly caressing my vaginal lips. “See, over there.”
“Oh yeah, baby, right there,” I hissed with a slow exhale, pulled my knees up and
hunched a little as if to cradle myself. “Easy, take a few slow deep breaths, control it, there
you go, focus on multitasking and you’ll live longer,” I encouraged and panted in the brief
afterglow of another momentary training session. “I know you’re a little jittery, it’s okay,
keep yourself on point, let the goggles adjust themselves. You’re doing fine.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said with a slight gasp. “You feel so good down there.”
“Uh huh, baby, you’re making me feel good,” I wheezed excitedly. “Oooo, keep that up
and I’ll cum again, oh god,” I hissed, tightened inside, warm and wet. “Fuck.”

“Yes, ma’am, my pleasure to serve you,” the younger one mutter softly.
“Fuck,” I let out a pleasurably strained gasp. While part of me kept watch with him,
another part exploded, boom, there it was, in rapid succession. “Geezus…”
“Oh, sarge, wow, you’re soaking wet,” the private said secretively, while his fingers
lingered in the drenching dampness of my vaginal grip. “Ma’am, you feel really warm.”
He turned toward me for a moment, while I was exploding. “Was it good, ma’am,” his
voice tingled with hopeful obedience. “Sorry, I’ll be quiet.”
“Oh, damnit, what the fuck, that felt good,” I groaned, gritted my teeth and held on
tightly to the clenching rush of release. For a second, I grabbed his wrist, and whispered
nearly curling in a ball, “Stay alert, and keep on the watch, geezus…” I sucked in a long
gulp of air, filling my lungs and feeling the energy surge. “Damn, that was good.”
“Yes, ma’am, I’m on it,” he whispered back at me and obeyed. “Uh the watch I mean.
You okay, sarge?” he mumbled. “Thank you, for letting me do that.”
In the next moment, I grasped the gush of energies unleashed by multiple orgasms,
controlled the contortions in my pelvis, and fueled my senses. Beyond the normal range of
superficial perception, with my mind expanded, streams of mindfulness animated
heightened awareness. An altered state of consciousness produced the broader perspective
of intuitive carnality. Of that nexus, reality unfolded with greater intensity. A long sigh
came in the aftermath of the subsiding pleasures that peaked sensory capacity.
“That was very good, private, you are learning well,” I said to him. “As the Gonzo
taught long ago, your senses are awakened to a higher degree, you’re invincible.”
“Wow, that’s incredible,” he mumbled seemingly fascinated. “Ma’am, if I may speak
openly, the experimentations about altered states is not just rumors.”
“Nope, the rumors are true, Like I said, I’ve been there several times, and it’s spooky to
say the least. It’s as though he controls hidden forces, and gets into your thoughts,” I told
my youngling, felt invigorated and more alive. “It can be a scary place and tests the very
essence of who you are. He tolerates no nonsense or foolish immaturity.”
“Sarge, I sure wish I could go there,” the boyish man said.
“Someday, you will,” I encouraged. “Soon, we’ll visit the master samurai.”
“What’s it like?” The private wanted to know more and persisted.
“Let’s see, how can I best describe it?” I wanted to tell him more.

Yet, in the meantime, I wanted to enjoy another massive orgasm. I controlled my

breathing and the aftermath swell my senses. Even though a cool breeze brushed my face,
the sweat on my brow and the animation I felt kept me extremely hot. Yummy, my pelvis
quaked. Inside, I was stirred up sensuously so much I wanted a good fight. Fighting and
fucking is what we did best. My senses exploded to the extent that focus was fine tuned to
a higher order of skilled alertness. Invincibility surrounded me like a shield.
This would be what a small faction would call the “Gonzo Effect”. The extraordinary
liberation of mind, body and spirit unfolded like a dream state in the subsequent release of
intense sexuality. Inferring the extreme, the unconventional, the unrestrained and the
uninhibited self-reliance of individuality. Such was the intuitive elevation toward an
enhanced state of comprehension in self-evolution. Ideation mounted the precipice of
existential insight where wisdom transcended the deception of materiality. Sexuality is the
essence of human existence and must be unleashed to maximize transformation.
Problems occur, I speculated, because people, except for a few, do not evolve.
Transdifferentiation for higher realms of ascension is far too difficult for most humans to
imagine. Stupidity clouds the nexus of primal instigation. Most are too immature to
appreciate and explore the amative essence of their sexual nature. Beliefs, false gods, fake
teachers and guru con artists, all foment from the lack of understanding the innate lifeblood
of human sexuality. It is the singular potency of all the power of cosmic order and the very
spiritual force behind every animated property of human motivation.
Sensuality is the vital force. As a result of purposeful regression, we have the devolution
of our present dystopic collapse. For now though, from the power excited by the primal
forces of carnality, an awakening occurs for the valiant few who wish to pursue the potency
in such awesome potentiality. For that, the pretenses to sanity are unmasked to the degree
necessary to ensure intense metaphysical discernment. Any hint of hesitation, regret,
remorse, or fear, melt under the volcanic eruption of courageous intentions.
While feeling the rush in the aftermath of orgasmic release, dimensional constraints
dissolved, and psychic power became intensified. While I sought to teach him the basic
elements in the joyous spheres of fucking, a brief meditative calm fell over us. That was
short lived. At which point, creeping noises echoed within the aural range of close
proximity perception. Danger loomed nearby. My senses animated quickly.

“Sarge, you sense something?” The young one asked boyishly. He let his hand play
between my thighs. Slowly, he probed me again with his fingers inside my thong and
rubbed the outer lips to my vagina. Wet again, his fingers illuminated my mind. “I think I
feel it too. As though,” he muttered slowly, “they are closer to our position.”
“Oh yeah, I feel it, that and this,” I hissed softly and held his hand tightly.
“Sarge, you’re soaking wet and dripping, wow, you’re amazing,” he whispered.
“We’re not alone,” I answered softly. “Two forces stir the sounds waves.” I wanted to
gasp, bite my tongue, suck his dick, and lick his balls as the thrill of his fingertips gently
stroked my clit. I tightened, contracted, and throbbed. Oh fuck, I thought to myself, I wanna
see him cum and feel the warm jiz on my boobs. “Multiple targets.”
“You feel that, right? I mean this, while I touch you, you’re in a trance,” he wanted to
know. “Like ghosts out there and specters right here.” He paused. “Did you learn that at
the compound, where they say it is haunted, where the Gonzo lives and everyone fears him
and his tribe or his militia group. No wait, it’s just strange, right?”
“So many questions, so little time, my young warrior,” I muttered with a mounting focus
of clarity. An altered state of consciousness consumed me. “Yes, I feel it.”
“The altered states, the ghosts,” he said with a light whisper.
“No, my young apprentice, it is very much haunted by all manner of spiritual presence.”
My breathing was quicker and I was ready to fuck and fight with renewed strength. “It’s
more like a house of mirrors where your inner personalities appear, elevated by the
mounting psychic ascension of sexuality.” Again, I repeated myself, but changed my tone.
“When you have an orgasm, when you ejaculate, the mind is fully activated. Wait, I sense
something, multiple sensations, as though multiple orgasms erupted.”
“Sorry, ma’am, I don’t see anything,” he quickly answered me. For a moment, he
adjusted his positioning, stretched to soothe the ache of prolonged surveillance and a huge
erection now bursting in his trousers. With newly discovered sexuality, he nervously tried
to avoid staring at me too much, but continued to feel me. “Wait, can’t tell, maybe
something moving. Way out there in the distance across the open area.”
“They’re coming,” I uttered with an ominous tone. “Multiple sensations, oh my god,
keep doing that and I’ll be cumming.” I moved his wrist and held his hand steady. “Yeah,
right there, that’s it, two fingers now, go deeper in me, oh my god!”

“Yes, ma’am.” He worked hard to please me. “Are you gonna cum?” The young one
asked. He was excited by containment. Young and filled with cummy buildup and the
pressure to release his spunk, well that was a good turn on for me. “Can we have sex again,
please? I’m so hard I think I’ll burst. Please mistress, make me cum.”
“Oh fuck, I’m cumming really hard, just one big ‘O’ after another,” I mumbled in pure
erotic hysteria, panted too loudly and exploded inside. Shaking, writhing mindlessly, my
brain when red hot and over revved my sense. “Whew…Fuck yeah, here let me help,
quick,” I demanded. “Get on me, oh damnit, geezus,” I huffed, kept my voice low, but
wanted to scream, and pulled his damp trouser downs. “There you go, do me now.” His
pants crumpled at this ankles, as he climbed on me. “Let me spread wider.”
In a flash of the darkness, I flung open my legs, and pulled up my thighs so I could be
really wide. Down below my navel, my pelvis shook with anticipation once again. That big
purple bulbous head was instantly at the fleshy lips of the opening. Dripping with my ooze,
his big dick poked the entrance. With one hand, I gripped the base of his cock. Oh my god,
it felt like a tree limb. Slowly, I guided his huge dick inside me.
“Yes, ma’am,” he groaned, obeyed me and steadied his mounted position. “Oh,” he
huffed with a hint of intense pleasure as the head of dick brushed my vagina. Faintly, I
could see his smile, as I held his cock and pressed him deeper. “Whoa, feels good.”
“Let me guide you,” I ordered. He was hard and red hot to the touch. For a moment, I
thought the bulging head of his cock had grown bigger. “Oh my god, you’re huge.” His
penis swelled in my hand. “Fuck yeah, my fuck toy, boy slut.”
“Yes, my battle mistress, I do as you command me,” he moaned with thickened
determination. In the dim light, he strained to look. “Wish I could see you better.”
“Just feel me, knowing that you’re inside me,” I whispered gently. “Easy, not so fast,
let the head slide in slowly, I’m so wet,” my moan enlivened his anticipation.
“Oooo, I might come too soon,” he grumbled and strained as if in pain. His balls hung
and slapped my vagina. I imagined his sack was like two large grapefruit. “You’re so tight
ma’am, it’s like you’re squeezing me and milking my dick. It’s wonderful.”
“Slowly,” I cautioned him. “Breathe, yeah, stop for a moment if you have to, give it
time, you’re doing great. “Stay focused,” I breathed into ear.” My fingers gripped the
cheeks of his muscled butt and pulled him into me deeper. “You like that?”

“Focus,” he whispered, closed his eyes as if to concentrate on fucking me. “I wanna

learn how to do that. Okay, easy, slowly, you feel so hot inside, wow, so good.”
“Oh, nice, that’s it, slowly, keep a steady pace,” I coached him. “There you go.” I
glanced down between my outstretched legs. I wanted to see him fucking me. “Yeah, well
done, my young protégé, you got the rhythm, pounded it. Do me hard.”
Concentration, I dreamed lightly as I felt the energy surges, from my pubis to my
nipples, to my whole body, my brain was electrified. My breasts were enflamed. Even more
so, when I guided his head to my nipples and he sucked on me, I thought I would explode.
Gently, I held his head on both sides, pulled his mouth down, and guided him to lick my
brown areola. Licking, sucking, and kissing, he learned quickly.
Focus was always the challenge. Too many distractions, but the warrior mindset
emphasized a multitasking presence, built upon profound insight. Liberation of self was
the key to overcoming the senseless social conventions of the oligarchs. They had
oppressed us by their fake religions, social dogmas and enslaving status quo consensus.
We rebelled against the communal constraints of enforced normality.
“Battle mistress,” he huffed and strained, strong and resilient. “I’m gonna cum.” He
held me tightly, slammed his cock in and out with increased pounding action. “Oh, fuck,
my balls are so tight,” he squealed, but my hand muffled the sound.
“Yes, my youngling submissive,” I muttered in his ear. “Let yourself go, mount those
senses with your inner strength.” I moaned at the unbridled pleasure. “Feel it build.” My
fingers slid between us and gripped his cock. “Uh huh, pumped it.” Encircling his big dick,
with my thumb and forefinger, the girth and length were impressive. “Stamina, private boy
toy, slut servant,” I whispered, “My recruit bitch, you’re mine.”
“Yes, battle mistress, I belong to you,” he groaned, arched his back and shuddered.
“There you go, hold it deep, steady yourself.” I held his arms, braced him and felt him
shiver. “Let it flow, release the energy, the fluids, fill me up, shoot that cum.”
“Stay focused,” he mumbled, shook, gritted his teeth and clung to me.
“Yes,” my tone sought to sooth him in the afterglow. “There now, enjoy the drift, the
energy flow and the awakening. That was good, my studly bitch boy.” I wanted to
encourage his evolution. “Your beautiful cock unloaded a huge build up.” I felt the oozing
drip of his cum slipping at the edges of my vagina. “Stay focused...”

The end…. Episode 3 next…

(Art Work by RGonzo)

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