Related Issue 1

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Unit Planning Organizer

Subject: Social Studies 10-2 Grade and GLO: Related Issue 1.1

Unit/Topic: Globalization and Me

Unit Duration: 3 Classes (240 Minutes)

1. Unit Overview – Critical Inquiry Question

- How does globalization affect my daily life?

2. Focusing Questions for Lessons (Related questions)

- How am I influenced by people around the world?
- How do global issues affect me?
- How does globalization affect my community?
- How many objects do you use daily which come from another country?

3. SEE-I of Key Concept for Unit

Globalization: The process in which countries and organizations engage in
international affairs such as trade deals, war, immigration and humanitarian aid.
Globalization is enhanced by the development of new technologies which allow
for efficient travel around the globe such as airplanes, ships and importantly the

4. Culminating Task Description

The Story of Stuff: In order for students to understand the affects of
globalization on their daily life they will be tasked with researching the “story” of
an item they use daily such as a game console, toothbrush, pillow etc. Students
will research where their item was made, where the separate parts came from,
the conditions of the builders, and finally how it arrives in Canada. This research
will be summarized in a visual poster or powerpoint presentation.

Assessment: Students will be formatively assessed on their ability to efficiently

research and summarize source material for key points. As well as their ability to
display this research in a logical and efficient presentation.

5. Specific Learning Outcomes for Unit

Values and attitudes:
1.1 - acknowledge and appreciate the existence of multiple perspectives in a
globalizing world
1.3 - appreciate how identities and cultures shape, and are shaped by,

Knowledge and understanding:

1.5 - explore understandings and dimensions of globalization (political, economic,
social, other contemporary examples)
1.7 - examine opportunities presented by globalization to identities and cultures
of peoples in Canada (acculturation, accommodation, cultural revitalization,
affirmation of identity, integration)

Skills and processes:

S.1 - develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking
S.5 - demonstrate skills of cooperation, conflict resolution and consensus
S.7 - apply the research process
S.8 - demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy
S.9 - develop skills of media literacy

6. Essential Resources
- “The Story of Stuff”
- “How its Made: Sugar”

7. Possible Learning Activities

Impact of a Global Issues: This activity will allow students to further practice
their research skills as they are tasked with choosing a global issue and
researching the impact it has on their personal life and community. An example
issue may be gun violence in American schools, students must first summarize
the event for the class, they must then draw connections to how this event has
impacted their lives, such as their attitudes, values or beliefs, they must then
discuss how their community is impacted by this event. This activity will further
explore how globalization has an impact on student’s lives even when they are in
separate countries.

8. Rationale:
In grade 10, students must explore the broad concept of globalization and its
impacts on the world. In order to create a foundation to build on, students must
first understand how globalization affects their personal lives and the
communities around them. These are the easily understood aspects of
globalization and therefore, instill students with the basic ideals of globalization.
An understanding of the widespread impacts of globalization will allow students
to more easily connect to ideas of historic globalization and global prosperity, as
well as, addressing to what extent globalization should shape identity.

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