Biology Syllabus 2018

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Teacher:​ ​Mrs. Justina Kaye 
Subject:​ Biology 
School:​ Canton High School  
Room: ​130 
Email: ​ 
Classroom Website​: ​ 
Student Help Hours:​ Mondays, 10:44-12:26 
Course Content  
We will use the textbook, “BSCS Biology: A Human Approach,” as a resource to meet state standards regarding 
the following concepts: Homeostasis, Population Dynamics, Evolution, Growth and Development, Inheritance, 
and Energy and Matter.  
Biology School Supply List  Helpful Classroom Materials 
It is expected that you will come to class with these  Your generous donations of the following materials 
materials every day.  are greatly appreciated. 
❖ 1 2-inch binder.  ✤ Tissues. 
❖ 4 dividers with labels.  ✤ Hand sanitizer. 
❖ Loose leaf paper.  ✤ Disinfecting wipes. 
❖ Pencils and erasers. 
❖ Colored pencils. 
❖ Yellow highlighter. 
❖ Correction pen (red, green, or purple ink only). 
Classroom Website 
Our classroom website is​ ​​. Here, you will find a calendar, reminders, 
assignments, notes, extra handouts, and other features. This website is designed to keep you up-to-date on 
classroom happenings and helps to make this class a hybrid class (a class that combines online learning with 
traditional seat-time learning). It is highly recommended that you check the website everyday, especially when 
you are absent.  
Grading Policy and Grading Scale 
The grade you receive is the grade you’ve earned. Your scores will reflect the effort you’ve put into your time in 
class, homework, projects, quizzes, labs, tests, and exams. I do not round up grades.Your semester grade will be 
calculated as follows: 
30% Exams (midterm/final)    A+ = 97-100%  A = 93-96%  A- = 90-92% 
25% Unit Tests    B+ = 87-89%  B = 83-86%  B- = 80-82% 
20% Projects    C+ = 77-79%  C = 73-76%  C- = 70-72% 
15% Quizzes and Labs    D+ = 67-69%  D = 63-66%  D- = 60-62% 
10% Other    E = 0-59%     
Classroom Conduct 
Having respect toward your teacher, your classmates, and yourself drives a positive and productive classroom 
environment. Respect consists of many different components. Here’s what I consider to be respectful behavior:  
❖ Toward your teacher and other adults - following the instructions of Mrs. Kaye, substitutes, and other 
adults in the school; maintaining a positive and professional attitude when speaking with adults. 
❖ Toward your classmates - accepting differences, other opinions, and unique characteristics; keeping your 
hands, arms, and feet to yourselves; raising your hand during classroom discussion; listening when 
someone else is speaking. 
❖ Toward class time - maximizing use of time by arriving before the bell rings; not asking to leave the room 
during class; refraining from asking unrelated questions; not packing up early; not lining up at the door.  
❖ Toward the classroom - not using your cell phone during class; not eating or drinking in the classroom 
(bottled water is acceptable); putting away all classroom materials and lab equipment in the appropriate 
place; throwing away all trash and leaving your area neat and clean; recycling when possible. 
❖ Toward yourself - being prepared each day; ready and willing to give a 100% honest effort in class; 
persevering when you are tired, busy, or stressed.  
It is my expectation that you will model these and other respectful behaviors everyday. 
Electronic Device Policy 
The use of cell phones, smart-watches, tablets, and all other electronic devices is prohibited in the classroom. All 
electronic devices must be turned off and put away in your backpack before class starts. At no point during class, 
from bell-to-bell, may your electronic devices be used, unless otherwise instructed by Mrs. Kaye. 
❖ First offense = the device will be turned in to Mrs. Kaye for the remainder of the class period; a note will 
be made in MiStar; an email will be sent alerting parents/guardians of violation.  
❖ Second offense = the device will be turned in to the Canton General Office awaiting parent/guardian 
pickup; the student will be assigned an after-school detention; a note will be made in MiStar.  
❖ Third offense = the device will be turned into the Canton General Office awaiting parent/guardian pickup; 
the student will be written a referral; a note will be made in MiStar.  
Academic Dishonesty 
Academic dishonesty is a serious offense and will not be tolerated. Forms of academic dishonesty include, but are 
not limited to,​1 
◆ Bribery - “...the act of giving money or gift giving that alters the behavior of the recipient.”  
◆ Cheating - the, “...forbidden sharing of information between students regarding an exam or exercise;” 
obtaining information from an unapproved source. 
◆ Deception - “...providing false information to a teacher concerning a formal academic exercise;” “ a 
dishonest excuse when asking for a deadline extension, or falsely claiming to have submitted work.” 
◆ Fabrication - “...the falsification of data, information, or citations in any formal academic exercise.” 
◆ Impersonation - “...a form of cheating whereby a different person than the student assigned an assignment or 
exam completes it.”  
◆ Plagiarism - “...the use or close imitation of the languages and throughs of another author and the 
presentation of them as one’s own original work. “ 
◆ Sabotage - “...when a student prevents another student from completing their work.” 
❖ First offense = students will receive a zero for the assignment; a note will be made in MiStar; an email will 
be sent alerting parents/guardians of violation. 
❖ Second offense = students will receive a zero for the assignment; a note will be made in MiStar; an email 
will be sent alerting parents/guardians of violation; students will be assigned an after-school detention. 
❖ Third offense = students will receive a zero for the assignment; a note will be made in MiStar; an email will 
be sent alerting parents/guardians of violation; students will be written a referral. 
All students are expected to be in their seats and ready to go, with their electronic devices turned off and put 
away in their backpacks, before class begins.  
❖ First offense (3 unexcused tardies) = the student will receive an after-school detention; parents/guardians 
will receive an email containing detention details.  
❖ Second offense (4 unexcused tardies) = the student will receive an after-school detention; 
parents/guardians will receive an email containing detention details.  
❖ Third offense (5 unexcused tardies) = the student will be written a referral. 
Excused vs. Unexcused Absences 
It is expected that you will be in class every day. In  In accordance with the PCEP Attendance Policy, 
accordance with the PCEP Attendance Policy,  unexcused absences include:  
excused absences include:   
  ❖ Staying home to baby-sit. 
❖ Student illness/injury with doctor’s note.  ❖ Oversleeping. 
❖ Medical appointments.  ❖ Travel. 
❖ Observance of religious holiday.  ❖ Needed at home.  
❖ Funeral/death in the immediate family.  ❖ Weather. 
❖ Extreme family emergency.  ❖ Missed bus. 
❖ Documented college visits.  ❖ Sickness not documented within three days of 
❖ Mandated and documented court  return to school. 
appointments.  ❖ Willful truancy.  
❖ Placement by juvenile court in detention, 
shelter care, foster care, or residential 
❖ Educational opportunities approved by school 
❖ Other reasons as approved by the student’s 
building administrator.  
Assignment Due-Date Policy 
❖ On the day(s) you are absent, check the classroom website to find out what you’ve missed.  
❖ On the day of your return, check the, “Absent Work Bin,” to obtain any handouts you did not get from the 
❖ You will have one day for each day you were absent to make up any work. 
❖ Absences on review days do not exclude you from taking scheduled quizzes or tests.  
❖ If you are absent the day of a quiz or test, you are expected to make up the assessment during ​Student Help 
➢ Mondays, 10:44-12:26. 
❖ If you fail to make up any missing assignments within the allotted time, you will receive a zero. 
❖ If your absence is unexcused, you will be given a zero for any missed assignments, including quizzes and 
❖ If you know you will be absent ahead of time, you must get the work you will miss from Mrs. Kaye. 
Late-Work Policy 
You will be given four, “Late-Work,” passes at the beginning of each semester. Late-work will only be accepted 
one day late of the original due date, with a pass. A, “Late-Work,” pass may not be eligible for every assignment. 
The use of a pass is at the discretion of Mrs. Kaye and students will be made aware of this decision.  
Bathroom/Hallway Passes 
It is expected that you will have used the bathroom and obtained all necessary materials for class before class 
begins. However, unexpected incidents occur. For this reason, you will be given four, “Bathroom/Hallway,” passes 
at the beginning of each semester.  
❖ You must fill out the, “Bathroom/Hallway,” pass entirely. 
❖ Mrs. Kaye must initial your pass. 
❖ Your cell phone will stay with Mrs. Kaye while you are out of the classroom.  
❖ Your cell phone will be returned to you once you return to the classroom and give Mrs. Kaye your pass. 
Food and Beverage 
❖ In the classroom, students may consume water in a clear, plastic, and resealable container. 
❖ In the classroom, students may consume dry Cheerios, Rice Chex, or Goldfish. 
1. Glavin, Chris. “Types of Cheating.” ​K12 Acadmics​, 18 Oct. 2016, ​​. 
Kaye - Biology 
Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Hour: ____________ 
Biology Syllabus 
By signing your name below, you agree to the following statement: “I have thoroughly read all of the information 
above. I fully understand the class expectations, rules, and policies. I acknowledge, and will abide by, the 
consequences set in place if those expectations, rules, and policies are not met and/or followed.  
_______________________________________________  _______________________________________________  ________________________ 
Student printed name Student signature Date  
By signing your name below, you agree to the following statement: “I have thoroughly read all of the information 
above. I fully understand the class expectations, rules, and policies. I acknowledge and understand the 
consequences set in place if those expectations, rules, and policies are not met and/or followed by my child.  
_______________________________________________ ______________________________________________  ________________________ 
Parent/Guardian printed name Parent/Guardian signature Date  

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