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Brian Harvie One Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616

Department of Mathematics Email:

University of California, Davis Webpage: harvie


University of California, Davis Davis, CA

PhD. Mathematics 2015 - 2020 (Expected)
– Advisor: Adam Jacob.
– Thesis Topic: Inverse Mean Curvature Flow.
– GPA: 3.82/4.00

University of Massachusetts Amherst Amherst, MA

BSc. Physics, BSc. Mathematics, Summa Cum Laude 2011 - 2015
– Undergraduate Advisor: Jennie Traschen.
– Undergraduate Thesis: ”A Study of Electric and Magnetic Cosmologies”.
– GPA: 3.93/4.00

Research Interests

Differential Geometry, Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics.

Conferences Attended

• As Speaker

– (Forthcoming) Student-Run Geometry and Topology Seminar, University of California, Davis

November 2018.
(Working) Title: ”Inverse Curvature Flows on Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds”.
– Student-Run Geometry and Topology Seminar, University of California, Davis
November 2017.
Title: ”Minimal Surfaces and the Positive Mass Theorem”.
– (Poster presentation) REU Research Symposium, Lousiana State University
August 2014.
Title: ”First-principle Description of Helium-10 with Impact on Experimental Techniques
for Neutron-Rich Isotopes”.

• As Participant

– Workshop on Asymptotically Hyperbolic Manifolds, Banff International Research Station

May 2018.
– Workshop on Geometric Analysis and General Relativity, Joint Mathematics Meetings
January 2018.
– Between Geometry and Relativity Summer School, Erwin Schrodinger Institute
July 2017.
Teaching Experience

• As Instructor
– MATH 22B, Ordinary Differential Equations, Summer 2018
– MATH 22A, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Summer 2017.
– MATH 21A, Calculus I, Summer 2016.
• As Assistant
– MATH 125A, Real Analysis I, Winter 2017 & Fall 2017.
– MATH 125B, Real Analysis II, Winter 2018.
– MATH 25, Advanced Calculus, Spring 2016.
– MATH 22B, Ordinary Differential Equations, Winter 2016.
– MATH 21A, Calculus I, Fall 2015.
– MATH 21B, Calculus II, Winter 2016.
– MATH 21C, Calculus III, Spring 2017 & Spring 2018.
– MATH 21D, Calculus IV, Fall 2016.
• As Reader
– MATH 108, Introduction to Abstract Mathematics, Summer 2018.

Awards and Fellowships

• Hasbrouck Award for Academic Excellence in Physics, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Department of Physics, 2013-2014.
• Graduate Fellowship in Mathematics, University of California, Davis, 2015-2018.

Academic Services

• Co-organizer, Student-Run Geometry and Topology Seminar, 2018-2019.

Professional Affiliation

• American Mathematical Society, 2015-Present.

• Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society 2012-2015.

Programming Languages

• C++
• MatLab
• Mathematica

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