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Epilepsia, 46(Suppl.

10):41–47, 2005
Blackwell Publishing, Inc.

C International League Against Epilepsy

Neonatal Epilepsy Syndromes and Generalized Epilepsy with

Febrile Seizures Plus (GEFS+)

∗ †‡Ingrid E. Scheffer, §Louise A. Harkin, §Leanne M. Dibbens,

§John C. Mulley, and ∗ Samuel F. Berkovic
∗ Department of Medicine (Neurology), The University of Melbourne, Austin Health, Melbourne, Victoria; †Department of Neurology,
Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria; ‡Department of Neurosciences, Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, Victoria;
§Department of Genetic Medicine, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia and Department of Pediatrics, The
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia; and School of Molecular and Biomedical Sciences, The University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

The molecular revolution during the past decade has drome is BFNS, also known as benign familial neonatal
had a major impact on our understanding of the genet- convulsions; the later onset syndrome is benign familial
ics of the epilepsies. Molecular discoveries have been infantile seizures (BFIS); and more recently, an interme-
particularly important for two groups of epilepsy syn- diate subgroup benign familial neonatal-infantile seizures
dromes: the autosomal-dominant seizure syndromes of (BFNIS) with intermediate age of onset and molecular
the first year of life, and the “genetic epilepsy syndrome”, specificity have gained prominence.
generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+). These three syndromes arise in previously well and
Indeed, the neonatal syndrome benign familial neonatal developmentally normal neonates or infants who present
seizures (BFNS) is the only autosomal-dominant epilepsy with clusters of convulsive seizures over a few days. Al-
syndrome where the molecular basis has essentially been though BFNS and BFIS were included in the 1989 Inter-
solved with the vast majority of families having muta- national League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) classification as
tions of the potassium channel subunit genes KCNQ2 or “generalized” syndromes (1), the seizures often have focal
KCNQ3. GEFS+ is characterized by phenotypic hetero- clinical and electroencephalogram (EEG) features. These
geneity and is associated with mutations in four genes, disorders share a good outcome with affected babies hav-
although mutation-positive cases only account for a mi- ing normal development and only a minority having later
nority of GEFS+ patients overall. The most severe end febrile seizures or epilepsy.
of the phenotypic GEFS+ spectrum is severe myoclonic
epilepsy of infancy (SMEI), or Dravet syndrome, and Benign familial neonatal seizures (BFNS)
closely related phenotypic variations. In SMEI, molecular Rett and Teubel first recognized BFNS in 1964 (2).
genetics has elucidated much of the etiology of this devas- BFNS is an autosomal-dominant disorder where previ-
tating disorder with about 80% of SMEI patients carrying ously well newborn infants develop seizures on day 2 or
mutations of the sodium channel alpha 1 subunit gene, 3 of life in 80% of cases (3). If the neonate is premature,
SCN1A. This has already impacted on clinical diagnosis seizure onset may be delayed until the baby is chronologi-
and management of patients with SMEI. cally at term (4). Seizures usually start in the first week; the
vast majority have onset within the first month with rare
AUTOSOMAL-DOMINANT SEIZURE cases reported with later onset (5). Seizures have a variety
SYNDROMES OF INFANCY of manifestations including tonic attacks, apnoea, clonic,
focal, and autonomic features. Attacks are often stereo-
There are three seizure syndromes that begin in the typed with hypertonia that may be diffuse or show varying
first year of life, follow autosomal-dominant inheritance, lateralization and apnoea, followed by motor manifesta-
and have very similar clinical characteristics. These syn- tions involving the oculofacial region and clonic activity,
dromes are largely distinguished by their average ages of which may involve the limbs symmetrically or asymmet-
onset and associated gene defects. The earliest onset syn- rically (3,6). The babies remain relatively well between
seizures such that they can feed normally; transient hy-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Prof. I.E. Scheffer, potonia may occur (3). Interictal EEG is normal or may
Epilepsy Research Centre, Repatriation Campus, Austin Health,
Locked Bag 1, West Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia 3081. E-mail: have focal or multifocal abnormalities (3). Ictal studies show diffuse flattening evolving to focal or generalized


spikes (7). Seizures typically remit by 4 months but may somes 1 and 19 although both localizations require repli-
continue until 18 months (8). Later, febrile seizures occur cation (34). A mutation in ATP1A2 on chromosome 1q23
in 5% of individuals and epilepsy in 11% of individuals has been found in a single family with familial hemi-
(3). Focal epilepsy may develop later including rolandic plegic migraine and infantile convulsions (35). ATP1A2
epilepsy (5,9,10). Poor outcome with refractory epilepsy is a sodium-potassium, ATPase transporter and is likely to
and mental retardation is rare (11,12); one family had later be important in familial hemiplegic migraine although its
onset of myokymia (13). role in BFIS requires confirmation.
Mutations in potassium channel subunits KCNQ2 and
Benign familial neonatal-infantile seizures (BFNIS)
KCNQ3 were discovered in BFNS in 1998 (14–16). Most
BFNIS was reported in a large North American family
families with BFNS have mutations in KCNQ2 with only
in 1983 (36). No further families were recognized un-
three mutations reported in KCNQ3 (5,8,10,17–20). The
til 2002 when two families were described with a mean
penetrance of BFNS mutations is about 85%. De novo mu-
seizure onset of around 3 months, falling in between the
tations in KCNQ2 have been reported in sporadic neonatal
average onset of seizures for BFNS (day 2 or 3) and BFIS
seizures (21).
(6 months). Both families had mutations of SCN2A, the
KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 form a heteromeric potassium
gene encoding the alpha-2 subunit of the sodium chan-
channel responsible for the M-current, which has a key
nel (37). There are now a total of eight families reported
role in the stabilization of membrane potential and thus
with mutations of SCN2A including one recurrent muta-
neuronal excitability (22–24). In vitro studies of mutant
tion found in three unrelated Italian families (38). Included
potassium channel subunits show variable loss of func-
in these eight families is the “BFIS” family of Malacarne
tion. Effects include decreased potassium current, reduced
et al. (2001) that was mapped to 2q24 and prompted muta-
cell surface channel expression, altered channel gating
tion screening of the SCN1A-SCN2A-SCN3A gene cluster
kinetics, and altered voltage dependence of activation
in the same chromosomal region (39). SCN2A has been
(11,13,14,17,23,25). Some mutations exert a dominant
studied in over 100 cases of other early childhood epilep-
negative effect (5,12,26).
sies, including GEFS+, and no mutations were found (38).
The absolute specificity of SCN2A mutations for BFNIS
Benign familial infantile seizures (BFIS)
was questioned by a single small Japanese family with a
Fukuyama recognized benign infantile convulsions in
SCN2A mutation with phenotypes of febrile and afebrile
1963 and the autosomal-dominant inheritance pattern seen
seizures, where it was difficult to apply a clear syndro-
in some families was brought to the fore by Vigevano and
mal classification (40). Given the recent SCN2A data, it
colleagues in 1992 (27,28). Seizures typically begin be-
is possible that BFNIS is more important than previously
tween 4 and 7 months of age. The seizures typically com-
appreciated and accounts for some families formerly re-
prise slow head and eye deviation, which may alternate in
garded as having BFIS.
different seizures. They may have unilateral clonic or bi-
lateral features sometimes with hypertonia. The seizures
may occur singly, but often present as a cluster over a few GENERALIZED EPILEPSY WITH FEBRILE
days, raising concern about a more serious condition. In- SEIZURES PLUS (GEFS+)
terictal EEG studies are usually normal; ictal recordings The familial epilepsy syndrome GEFS+ is charac-
show a focal onset, often parieto-occipital, and there may terized by heterogeneous epilepsy phenotypes or sub-
be parietal spikes and slowing between seizures during a syndromes within families (41) (Fig. 1). Recognition of
cluster (29,30). GEFS+ as a syndrome came from careful clinical evalu-
There is a related and overlapping syndrome called ation of large autosomal-dominant kindreds where pene-
infantile convulsions and choreoathetosis (ICCA) (31). trance of seizure disorders was around 50–60% (42). After
These families have infantile convulsions indistinguish- validation of GEFS+ as a specific syndrome, confirmed
able from BFIS and a paroxysmal movement disorder that by segregation of a single pathogenic mutation in some
often begins later. Not all individuals in a family expe- families (43–46), it has been recognized that GEFS+ oc-
rience both types of attacks. The choreoathetosis begins curs more frequently in smaller families and even sporadic
at any time from infancy to adolescence and may have cases may have specific GEFS+ phenotypes. GEFS+ and
prominent dystonic and kinesigenic features; it is often
triggered by rest, exertion, or anxiety (30,31).
A molecular locus for ICCA, as well as for some fam-
ilies with BFIS alone, has been mapped to the pericen-
tromeric region of chromosome 16 (31–33). Despite con-
siderable effort, there has been no success in finding BFIS
genes in this region, which is complicated by chromo-
somal duplication. Two other BFIS loci map to chromo- FIG. 1. Spectrum of phenotypes within GEFS+.

Epilepsia, Vol. 46, Suppl. 10, 2005


the classical idiopathic generalized epilepsies (IGEs) are epilepsy (MAE), and SMEI and related phenotypes. These
subgroups of the broad category of idiopathic generalized syndromes are discussed below.
epilepsy with GEFS+ tending to occur in families sepa-
rately from the classical IGEs such as childhood absence Myoclonic-astatic epilepsy (MAE)
epilepsy (CAE) and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, although Doose first described MAE and recognized that it had
overlap may occasionally be seen (47,48). The phenotypes a genetic etiology (53). MAE begins with febrile seizures
within GEFS+ usually have seizure onset within the first in one-third of cases and afebrile GTCS in other cases.
decade of life and the vast majority begin with febrile The child then develops a number of generalized seizure
seizures, although this is not universal (42). types including the key seizure type of myoclonic-astatic
The most common phenotypes or subsyndromes within seizures as well as a combination of myoclonic, atonic,
GEFS+ are febrile seizures (FS) and febrile seizures plus absence, and GTCS (54). Onset occurs between 1 and 5
(FS+) (41,42,48). FS are convulsions (generalized tonic– years and boys are more commonly affected than girls.

clonic seizures [GTCS]) with fever over 38 C between 3 MAE has a variable course with intellectual disability be-
months and 6 years of age. ing common but by no means universal. Tonic seizures
FS+ may have a number of different presentations. and episodes of nonconvulsive status epilepticus are as-
The most straightforward presentation is where the febrile sociated with a poorer prognosis. The EEG shows fast
seizures continue beyond the defined age range of FS of generalized spike wave activity (55,56).
3 months to 6 years. In this situation, the child may have Affected family members of MAE probands studied
febrile seizures that continue into late childhood or ado- by Doose most commonly had febrile and afebrile GTCS
lescence. A second type of presentation of FS+ is where beginning before 5 years (57), akin to FS and FS+ in
afebrile GTCS occur in addition to FS. These afebrile GEFS+. Doose’s family study was consistent with com-
GTCS may occur only within the typical time frame of plex inheritance of MAE (54). To date, only a few pa-
febrile seizures (3 months to 6 years), or alternatively, tients with MAE have been found to carry mutations of
they may occur after the febrile seizures remit. Some- GEFS+ genes including mutations of sodium channel
times, there may even be a relative break of several years subunit genes, SCN1A and SCN1B, and a GABAA recep-
without seizures before the afebrile GTCS occur (41,42). tor subunit gene GABRG2 (see below) (43,44,47,58,59).
In rare instances, family members with afebrile GTCS Even in these patients with a familial mutation, it is likely
alone, for example, occurring in late childhood, carry the that additional unidentified modifier genes contribute to
same GEFS+ mutation as other family members with typ- the more severe MAE phenotype.
ical GEFS+ phenotypes (44). It is difficult to accept these Despite the description of many large families with
individuals as having FS+ as they have never had a febrile GEFS+ where there is clinical and molecular genetic ev-
seizure. Thus, Afebrile GTCS (AGTCS) is a GEFS+ phe- idence of a major gene of dominant effect, the majority of
notype in which FS do not occur. individuals have complex inheritance of GEFS+ pheno-
Both FS and FS+ may be associated with other seizure types and thus have no family history or only a small fam-
types. It is more common for generalized seizures to be ily history of seizure disorders. Clues suggestive of poly-
associated with GEFS+ although focal seizures may oc- genic inheritance include the finding of a bilineal family
cur and have been associated with the same mutations. history of seizure disorders (43). In disorders with com-
In terms of generalized seizure types, absence seizures plex inheritance, such as the classical IGEs, the recurrence
can be seen although they often differ from classical CAE risk to siblings is relatively low. Formal epidemiological
as they are often relatively infrequent yet quite definite studies of GEFS+ are necessary to establish the true re-
attacks. Myoclonic or atonic seizures are also well recog- currence risks in the general population.
nized (41,42). GEFS+ genes
Focal epilepsies in individuals with GEFS+ pheno- Genes encoding both voltage-gated and ligand-gated
types include temporal lobe epilepsy and frontal lobe ion channel subunits have been implicated in GEFS+,
epilepsy. Temporal lobe epilepsy may occur following FS specifically, sodium channels and GABAA receptors are
or FS+ and can be associated with hippocampal sclero- involved. These findings are not surprising given the key
sis (42,49,50). Interestingly, temporal lobe epilepsy may role of ion channels in the pathophysiology of seizure
also occur without preceding FS suggesting that tempo- disorders.
ral lobe epilepsy alone may be a phenotype of GEFS+ in The neuronal sodium channel is made up of an alpha
its own right albeit rare (51). Frontal lobe epilepsy has pore-forming subunit comprising four transmembrane do-
been described in French GEFS+ families with hemi- mains, flanked by two beta subunits that regulate channel-
clonic seizures and orofacial motor seizures (52). gating kinetics. The beta subunit has an extracellular
The GEFS+ spectrum includes more severe phenotypes immunoglobulin-like fold considered critical for its regu-
such as the epileptic encephalopathies Myoclonic-astatic latory function. The alpha-1 subunit gene, SCN1A, is the

Epilepsia, Vol. 46, Suppl. 10, 2005


most important GEFS+ gene to date and a number of drome (66). SMEI is a distinctive epilepsy syndrome: a
missense mutations scattered throughout the gene have previously well and developmentally normal infant de-
been reported in GEFS+ families (60). The beta-1 sub- velops febrile seizures at around 6 months of age, often
unit gene, SCN1B, has been associated with four differ- presenting with hemiclonic or generalized febrile status
ent mutations in GEFS+, all localized to the extra cel- epilepticus. One or two months later, they present with a
lular immunoglobulin-like fold (43,50,61). The recurrent hemiclonic seizure on the alternate side or further gener-
C121W mutation disrupts a putative disulphide bridge alized seizures and they may have frequent episodes of
within the extracellular immunoglobulin-like fold. A dele- febrile status epilepticus. Between 1 and 4 years, other
tion mutation has also been reported in a single family seizure types develop including myoclonic seizures in
(62). most, but not all, children. Partial seizures are frequent
The GABAA receptor is a heteropentamer with the most and atonic and atypical absence seizures may also occur.
common configuration in human brain comprising two al- These children are often prone to seizures with fever or in
pha, two beta, and a gamma subunit. The GABAA receptor warm water such as bathing.
is a ligand-gated chloride channel that has a major role in Development is normal in the first year of life with
inhibition in the brain. Four mutations have been described psychomotor slowing thereafter. Ataxia and pyramidal
in the gamma-2 subunit gene, GABRG2, three occurring signs may evolve. Intellectual outcome is usually poor
in families with GEFS+ phenotypes (46,58,63). GABRG2 and seizures remain refractory.
is involved in both GEFS+ and IGE phenotypes as two SMEI is often associated with de novo mutations of
families with mutations have classical CAE as a central SCN1A, the gene encoding the alpha-1 subunit of the
phenotype; this differs considerably from most GEFS+ sodium channel (67). Many groups have described SCN1A
pedigrees (47,58,64). Importantly, one of the GEFS+- mutations in SMEI cases, with the reported frequency
associated GABRG2 mutations occurs in a family where varying from 33% to 100% of cases; this variation may de-
the proband has SMEI (63). pend on the screening procedure used and the mode of as-
GABAA receptors are composed of different combina- certainment and diagnosis of cases (68–75). With current
tions of subunits that confer specific functional charac- optimal detection techniques, approximately 80% of clas-
teristics to the receptor. For example, a GABAA receptor sical SMEI cases have mutations. Over 100 mutations are
comprising two alpha, two beta, and a gamma subunit now described and most commonly comprise truncation
is mostly subsynaptic in location, rapidly desensitizing, mutations, although splice site, deletion, and missense mu-
and mediates basic inhibition. GABRD encodes the delta tations are also reported (60). SCN1A missense mutations
subunit of the GABAA receptor, which usually takes the in SMEI have a predilection for the S5–6 transmembrane
place of the gamma subunit in combining with two al- segments of each domain and the linker between them,
pha and two beta subunits. This configuration of GABAA which together form the ion channel pore. A high propor-
receptor lies either in the perisynaptic or extrasynaptic re- tion of mutations occur in the C-terminus, important in lo-
gion and is a relatively nondesensitizing channel with a calizing the channel to the axonal membrane, as well as the
role in tonic inhibition. We recently reported a mutation N-terminus. The majority of more than 100 SCN1A muta-
in a small GEFS+ family in GABRD and suggested that tions so far characterized are novel with current estimates
GABRD could represent a susceptibility gene for GEFS+ suggesting around 95% (76/80) arise de novo (60). Famil-
and IGE (65). The E177A GABRD mutation was found ial mutations in SMEI most commonly involve SCN1A
in a family with siblings with FS+ and FS and in their mutations; for example, 3 of 33 cases of SMEI had fa-
unaffected mother. milial mutations in a large French-Italian study (73). To
Electrophysiological in vitro studies of the E177A mu- date, there are only two familial GABRG2 mutations re-
tation in recombinant GABAA receptors expressed in hu- ported in individuals with SMEI (63,71). Interestingly, in
man embryonic kidney cells showed that the mutant re- the rare familial mutation families, usually only one indi-
ceptors had markedly reduced currents compared with the vidual has SMEI, with milder phenotypes in other affected
wild-type receptors when exposed to a saturating concen- family members.
tration of GABA (65). This finding illustrates the func- Despite the fact that 95% of SCN1A mutations arise
tional effect of the mutation and suggests that it may have de novo in SMEI, many probands have a family history
a significant role in the GEFS+ phenotype and be one of of seizures (76). Specific study of the family history has
several or many genes contributing to GEFS+ phenotypes determined that family members have seizure disorders
in this family. consistent with the GEFS+ spectrum (77,78). This led to
the concept that SMEI is the most severe phenotype within
Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (SMEI) the GEFS+ spectrum. The high proportion of SMEI indi-
Charlotte Dravet described SMEI in 1978 and it has viduals with de novo SCN1A mutations does not explain
been suggested that the syndrome be renamed Dravet syn- the relatively high rate of a family history of seizures,

Epilepsia, Vol. 46, Suppl. 10, 2005


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