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Chapter 1 – The Worldwide Graphic Language for Design

1. The two distinct lines of graphic representations are:

a. mechanical and isometric

b. artistic and technical
c. perspective and descriptive geometry
d. technical and blueprint reading
e. Instrument and mechanical drafting

2. A full-size working model made to final specifications is known as

a. Life-cycle design
b. Feature-based modeling
c. Prototyping
d. Product definition
e. Computer-based modeling

3. Accurate CAD drawings are usually produced in which of the following stages?

a. Problem Identification
b. Generate Concepts
c. Compromise Solutions
d. Models and Prototypes
e. Working Drawings

4. Which of the following is NOT one of the Design Process Stages?

a. Problem Identification
b. Compromise solution
c. Working drawings
d. Digital database
e. Prototypes

5. In the United States, all of the following organizations are involved in establishing
standards EXCEPT:

e. SAE

6. True or False DFSS is a tool for decision making that helps companies focus
on a customer driven approach and set of product characteristics.

7. True or False Concurrent engineering is a systematic approach that integrates

the design and manufacture of products with the goal of optimizing all elements
involved in the life cycle of the product.
8. True or False The purpose of technical drawings is for visualization,
communication, or documentation.

9. True or False The Live Cycle Design includes all aspects of a product EXCEPT
disposal and recycling.
Chapter 2 – Layouts and Lettering
1. The standard C size sheet measures:

a. 8 ½ x 11
b. 11 x 17
c. 12 x 18
d. 17 x 22
e. 24 x 32

2. The two main types of projection are:

a. orthographic and isometric

b. cabinet and third angle projection
c. first and third angle projection
d. parallel and perspective projection
e. cavalier and three point perspective projection

3. When referring to a drawing layout and your want to focus attention to a particular
part of the drawing, which of the following may be a helpful reference?

a. Zones
b. CAGE number
c. Scale
d. Drawing Title
e. Revision block

4. Which scale has 11 scales and expresses measurements in feet and inches?

a. architects scale
b. engineer’s scale
c. metric scale
d. mechanical engineer’s scale
e. mapping scale

5. A scale measures a distance of 23.2’. Which scale was most likely used to make the

a. architects scale
b. engineer’s scale
c. metric scale
d. mechanical engineer’s scale
e. mapping scale

6. A line described as thin line having increments measuring 1 ½” and two short
dashes, then repeated, best identifies a:

a. centerline
b. hidden line
c. dimension line
d. extension line
e. phantom line
7. A line described as a thick line with dashes approximately ¼” long, having arrows
perpendicular to the line best identifies a:

a. Short break
b. Visible line
c. Cutting plane line
d. Chain lines
e. Phantom line

8. A scale described has having 6 scales and is a scale frequently used in stress
diagrams is the:

a. Decimal inch scale

b. Architectural scale
c. Mechanical engineer’s scale
d. Engineer’s scale
e. Metric scale

9. Of the below listed grades, which has little usefulness in mechanical drawing?

a. 4H
b. 2H
c. H
d. HB
e. 3B

10. Which of the following is a preferred metric scale?

a. 1:62500
b. 1/8”=1’-0”
c. 1” = 100’
d. 1:20
e. ¼”=1’

11. Construction lines should be drawn using an___________ lead.

a. 4H
b. 2H
c. H
d. HB
e. 3B

12. A measurement of 3 ¼ inches is closest too:

a. 75 mm
b. 78.55 mm
c. 81.5 mm
d. 82.55 mm
e. 84.5 mm

13. The primary metric unit used in engineering drawings is the ________________.

14. Which triangle shaped scale has inches divided into 10ths? ________________
15. Drawings in the U.S. use a ___________ margin.

16. When drawing thick lines, they should be drawn how thick with relationship to
thin lines?

17. The three necessary aspects for freehand lettering are:


18. True or False Most hand drawn lettering is done at a height of 1/8”.

19. True or False The contrast in different line weights should be in the width of the
line, not in the darkness of the line.

20. True or False When lettering text, space the letters so that the space between
the letters is always equal.

21. True or False When using a CAD system the line thickness on finished
drawings are of no concern to the draftsperson.

22. True or False When pairs of letters need to be spaced more closely to appear
correctly are called kerned pairs.

23. True or False Avoid using a inclined fraction bar when lettering fractions.

24. True or False A scale stated as 5:1 signifies that the object is drawn five times
larger than actual size.
Chapter 3 – Technical Sketching
1. Solids are classified by the surfaces that contain them. Which of the following is NOT
one of these surface types?

a. Planar
b. Sphere
c. Single curved
d. Double curved
e. Warped

2. Which of the following is a solid with three surfaces?

a. Right pentagonal
b. Hexahedron
c. Torus
d. Oblique circular cylinder
e. Tetrahedron

3. The main outlines of an object that separate it from the surrounding space defines:

a. Ellipsoid
b. Stippling
c. Edge
d. Negative space
e. Contours

4. A “straight line” is most often defined as:

a. The shortest distance between two points

b. The end of an edge of an object
c. The intersection of two short lines.
d. Supplementary angles
e. An angle having 180 degrees

5. Two angles, when added together, equal 90 degrees. This relationship is said to be:

a. Acute
b. Complementary
c. Supplementary
d. Forming a vertex
e. Obtuse

6. All of the following lines should be drawn thin and dark EXCEPT:

a. Hidden lines
b. Extension lines
c. Centerlines
d. Phantom lines
e. Visible lines

7. Regarding Isometric views, which of the following statements IS NOT true?

a. Hidden lines are omitted unless they are needed to make the drawing clear.
b. Centerlines are drawn if they are needed to indicate symmetry.
c. Non-isometric points and surfaces may be located by the offset location method.
d. Angular measurements may be measured directly.
e. The isometric axes form angles of 120°

8. The “four-center method” is a procedure for drawing:

a. Circles
b. Ellipses
c. Irregular curves
d. Lines at proportional distances.
e. Angles at proportional distances

9. Isometric drawings are well suited for

a. Floor plans
b. Plot plans
c. Exploded assembly views
d. Auxiliary views
e. Working drawings

10. The most realistic pictorial view is the view drawn in _________________.

11. The most important rule in freehand sketching is to keep the sketch in ______________.

12. An isometric sketch or drawing is approximately ________ larger than the isometric

13. When receding lines are drawn to half size, the drawing is known as ________________

14. Vanishing points are used in _________________ projections.

Chapter 4 – Geometric Construction
1. An eight sided regular polyhedron is a:

a. tetrahedron
b. hexahedron
c. octahedron
d. dodecahedron
e. icosahedrons

2. A point moving around and along the surface of a cylinder or cone with a uniform angular
velocity about the axis, and with a uniform linear velocity about the axis, and with a
uniform velocity in the director of the axis describes a:

a. Cycloid
b. Involute
c. Spiral of Archimedes
d. Helix
e. Hyperbola

3. A triangle having two sides which are equal defines a:

a. Equilateral triangle
b. Isosceles triangle
c. Obtuse triangle
d. Scalene triangle
e. Right triangle

4. A line intersecting a circle at two points but not passing through the diameter describes a:

a. Secant
b. Segment
c. Chord
d. Tangent
e. Radius

5. True or False When using a CAD system, specific points in geometry may be located
using the GRID function.

6. True or False The sum of the squares of the shorter legs of a right triangle is equal to
the square of the hypotenuse.

7. True or False Two circles having different size radii but having the same center point
are said to be eccentric circles

8. True or False When using an ellipse template to draw ellipses, it is necessary to select
a template which approximates the ellipse angle.

9. True or False By correctly placing standard drawing triangles you are able to draw
angles at 10° increments.

10. True or False A straight line which intersects a circle at only one point, regardless of its
length, creates a point of tangency.

11. True or False A straight line drawn as a perpendicular bisector of another straight line
will form two 90 degree angles.
12. True or False The sum of the angles of ALL triangles is equal to 180°.

13. A triangle having all angles equal describes an ___________________ triangle.

14. A triangle having a hypotenuse has one angle equal to _______ degrees.
Chapter 5 – Orthographic Projection
1. All objects have _____ principal views.

a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Five
e. Six

2. What are the three methods to transfer depth dimensions?

a. dividers, scale, & miter line

b. dividers, compass, & miter line
c. scale, compass, & dividers
d. scale, compass, & miter line
e. dividers, miter line, & centerline method

3. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

a. Centerlines are used to indicate symmetry

b. Centerlines are very useful in dimensioning
c. Centerlines are always used on fillets and rounds
d. Centerlines are typically used with location dimensions
e. Centerlines extend beyond the symmetric feature

4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

a. Leave a gap whenever a hidden line is a continuation of a visible line.

b. The front view is usually indicated by the object in its operating position.
c. Any one view of a three-dimensional object shows only two dimensions.
d. Shading is often used to show depth on a working drawing.
e. The depth in the top and side views must always be equal.

5. Thin dark dash lines describe _____________.

6. The most common shape requiring a centerline is ______________________.

7. Hidden lines take precedence over ____________ lines.

8. When hidden lines meet, their lines should __________________.

9. A surface that is parallel to the plane of projection is said to be a _____________


10. True or False In the U.S., first-angle projection is usually used.

11. True or False Oblique surfaces are usually parallel to the right side view.

12. True or False A hole that appears as a circle in the top view is indicated in the
front view with two hidden lines.

13. True or False Parallel lines in space will appear as perpendicular lines in the
right-side view.
14. True or False The right-side view shows length and depth.

15. True or False The first-angle projection symbol need only appear on drawings
where possible confusion is anticipated.

16. True or False A vertice is a common intersection of three or more surfaces.

17. True or False A miter line may be used to transfer measurements between the
top and right side view.

18. True or False Whenever possible, you should select views which show
features as visible lines.

19. True or False The front view should show the object in a usual, stable, or
operating position.

20. True or False The spacing between views must always be equal.

Chapter 6 - 2D drawing Representation

1. ______ Chamfer a. A hollow cylinder that is

often used as a protective
2. ______ Spotface sleeve.
b. A shaped depression cut
3. ______ Fillet along the axis of a cylinder.
c. A short raised protrusion
4. ______ Flange above the surface of a part.
d. A rounded interior blend
5. ______ Counterbore between surfaces.
e. A flattened collar or rim.
6. ______ Bushing f. A cylindrical recess around
a hole.
7. ______ Boss g. A conical-shaped recess
around a hole.
h. An angled surface, used on
i. A shallow recess used to
provide a good bearing
surface for a fastener.
b. The type of cutting plane
symbol you use depends on
8. True or False When a plane surface the type of sectional view to
is tangent to a contoured surface, a be shown.
line is drawn to show the point of c. Each section is completely
intersection. independent of the other and
drawn as if the other were not
9. True or False Runouts are used to present.
represent fillets that connect with plan d. Hidden lines are omitted in
surfaces tangent to cylinders. sectional views.
e. The arrows on a cutting plane
10. True or False A removed view may indicate the viewing direction.
be used to show a feature of the
object more clearly. 4. Which of the following statements is
true regarding sectional views?
11. True or False Revolutions may be
used in order to clarify meaning and a. Thin features should not be
prevent confusion. section lined.
b. Offsets in the cutting plane
12. True or False When showing a blind are always at 90 and should
drilled hole (a hole ending within the always be shown in the
feature) it is customary to show the sectional view.
slant at the end of the hole at 45°. c. Section lines are drawn thick
and approximately 3/32”
d. Dimensioning lines frequently
cross section lines.
Chapter 7 Section Views e. Section lines should be
spaced proportional to the
1. A view in which the cutting plane is feature they are hatching.
bent passing though selected features
of the object and then removed to be 5. All of the following are elements of
on the original plane is a: section views EXCEPT:

a. half section view a. cutting plane line

b. revolved section view b. hidden lines
c. removed section view c. arrowheads
d. aligned section view d. section lines
e. full section view e. letter identifiers, such as A-A

6. When section lines are drawn, the

2. Which of the following sectional views space between cross-hatch lines
does NOT require a cutting plane line? should be approximately ________

a. half section view 7. The section view which is usually

b. full sections limited to symmetrical objects is the
c. broken-out sectional view ________________
d. aligned sectional view
e. removed section 8. Items should never be section lined,
even though the cutting plane passes
3. All the following statements regarding through what objects?
sectional views is correct EXCEPT: _____________________________.

a. All visible edges and contours 9. The section view that does NOT use a
behind the cutting plane cutting plane line and is limited by a
should be shown.
break line is called a 18. Of the above symbols, which best
___________________. represents Earth? ___________

10. A cutting plane line that is NOT 19. Of the above symbols, which best
straight, and is offset or bending represents General Section?
through the object is typically of a ___________
_________________ section.
20. Of the above symbols, which best
11. A break used on cylindrical shafts or represents Cock, Felt, or Leather?
tubes are referred to as __________

12. True or False In the final drawing,

cutting plane lines should be drawn

13. True or False All visible edges and

contours behind the cutting plane
should be shown.

14. True or False Where mating

surfaces meet in assembly drawings,
no change is indicated in the section

15. True or False The cutting plane line

and arrowheads are drawn thin, like
the centerline.

16. True or False Typically circular

objects are drawn using half sections
where required.

a b c d e

f g h i j

17. Of the above symbols, which best

represents Thermal Insulation?
Chapter 8 – Auxiliary Views
a. Auxiliary views are drawn to
1. Which of the following surfaces is show true size and shape.
generated only by a curved line and b. Never draw a break line
has no straight-line elements? coinciding with a visible
line or a hidden line.
a. warped surface c. Hidden lines are seldom
b. single-curved surface drawn in auxiliary views.
c. ruled surface d. The auxiliary view projected
d. torus from a secondary auxiliary
e. cube view is called the
“trimetric auxiliary view”.
2. Which of the following is NOT e. An auxiliary view projected
classified as a double-curved surface from the front view, shows
revolution: the depth of the object.

a. generatrix
b. sphere
c. torus 7. Auxiliary views are used for all of the
d. ellipsoid following, EXCEPT:
e. hyperboloid
a. true size of a plane
3. An Auxiliary view is always drawn: b. edge view of a plane
c. point view of a line
a. perpendicular to the inclined d. true size of the dihedral
surface. line
b. parallel to the inclined e. true length of a line
c. at half scale.
d. aligned with the front view. 8. Projection lines are:
e. with 2” between the view of
projection and the auxiliary a. parallel to the inclined
view. surface
b. parallel to the primary
4. A line used for transferring distances c. perpendicular to the
is called a: reference plane
d. perpendicular to the top
a. cutting plane line view
b. construction line e. inclined to the finished
c. extension line auxiliary view
d. edge line
e. reference line

5. The angle between two planes is 9. Auxiliary views are often used to
called: produce views showing:

a. complementary angles a. True length of a line

b. supplementary angles b. Point view of line
c. dihedral angles c. Edge view of a plane
d. right angles d. True size of a plane
e. obtuse angles e. All of the above

10. True or False Triangulation is a

6. Which of the following statements is method of dividing a surface into a
NOT true regarding Auxiliary views?
number of triangles and transferring
them to a development. Chapter 9 – Manufacturing Processes
11. True or False By using 3D CAD, the 1. Which of the following device is NOT
task of determining intersections and used for measuring?
developments is greatly reduced.
a. forging
12. True or False The gore method is a b. steel rule
method of making an approximate c. digital caliper
development of the double curved d. fixed gages
surface of a sphere by dividing it into e. micrometer
equal sections with meridian planes
and substituting cylindrical surfaces 2. Which of the following is NOT a
for the spherical sections. principal type of metal forming
13. True or False A surface that may be
unfolded or unrolled to coincide with a a. machining from
plane is said to be a developable standard stock
surface. b. welding
c. sheet-metal bending
d. forming from sheet
14. True or False Reference lines, stock
unlike folding lines, are always parallel e. casting
to the projection lines between views.
3. A manufacturing system that
15. True or False When a cylinder is cut integrates manufacturing cells into a
by an inclined plane, the resulting large unit, considered to have the
shape is elliptical. highest level of efficiency,
sophistication, and productivity is:
16. True or False A break line should be
drawn coinciding with a hidden line, a. Computer-aided process
but never with a visible line. planning
b. Expert systems
17. True or False Surfaces that may be c. Just-in-time production
unfolded or unrolled to lie flat are said d. Flexible manufacturing
to be a “developable surface”. system
e. Cellular manufacturing
18. True or False When a cylinder is cut systems
by a inclined plane, the inclined shape
is elliptical. 4. Mechanical properties include all of
the following EXCEPT:
19. True or False When drawing a. Strength-to-weight ratio
auxiliary views, hidden lines should be b. Elasticity
included to clarify the data in the c. Fatigue
drawing. d. Flammability
e. Creep
20. True or False Reverse construction
refers to the technique of creating the
auxiliary view first and then projecting 5. Which of the following is NOT a type
to the principal views. of rapid prototyping system?
21. True or False A “warped surface” a. SLA
defines a sweeping straight line also b. DFM
called a generatrix. c. FDM
d. LOM
e. TSF
6. Which of the following items must be 14. True or False The designer must be
considered in the life cycle of a aware of the cost of obtaining raw
product? materials.
a. Design
b. Distribution, 15. To reduce cost of handling materials,
c. Disposal designing components for automated
d. Recycling and ____________ assembly is more
e. All of the above desirable.

7. True or False With the development 16. The manufacturing process that
of 3-d CAD, the need for prototypes produces individual parts is referred to
has been nearly eliminated. as ___________________ product
8. True or False Nonferrous metals
include such composites as carbon, 17. Often, with good planning, rapid
alloy, and stainless. prototyping can be accomplished
using the _______________ design
9. True or False JIT is the process of and reduce the time to create a
warehousing parts, so that they are prototype.
available when required.
18. Most rapid prototyping systems can
10. True or False Composite materials create parts up to ____________
include a group of materials that are cubic inches.
made up of reinforced plastic, metal-
matrix and ceramic-matrix materials. 19. Individual parts or components of a
product must be designed so that it
11. True or False Methods used to meets design requirements and
process materials to the desired specifications and can be efficiently
shapes can adversely affect the and _____________ manufactured.
product’s final properties, service life,
and cost. 20. Those materials which fall into a
category known as engineered
12. True or False In design, when materials are also called
casting a part, it is a good idea to not ____________________ materials.
to enlarge a thin piece of material as it
intersects a thick piece of material 21. The designer must always be alert to
because of the additional cost of the processes involved in
material required. manufacturing and ______________.

13. True or False When drilling into a

slanted or curved surface it is easier if
the material is quenched.
Chapter 10 - Dimensioning b. The shoulder is 1/8” long and
begins at the middle of
1. Which line is thin, dark and has the first letter of the note.
arrowheads on each end? c. The shoulder should be 3/8”
a. section lines long and begin at the
b. extension lines middle of the last letter of
c. guide lines the note.
d. dimension lines d. The shoulder should be ¼”
e. leader line long and drawn at 30.
e. All of the above specifications
2. What is the minimum distance are acceptable.
between parallel dimensions?

a. 1/8”
b. ¼”
c. 3/8” 7. The method of placing dimensions
d. ½” preferred in technical drawing is:
e. ¾”
a. stacked
3. Arcs are usually dimensioned using b. deviation
______________. c. aligned
d. ordinate
a. a general note e. unidirectional
b. the diameter
c. the chord
d. the circumference 8. How many place decimals places are
e. the radius used when the tolerance limits are
less than 0.01”?

4. Rounds and fillets are usually a. Either 2 or 3 decimal places

dimensioned using _____________ b. 2 decimal places
c. 3 decimal places
a. a specific note d. It depends on the accuracy of
b. a general note the measurement.
c. the nominal diameter e. Any one of the above theories
d. either a radius or diameter can be used.
e. the craftsman’s experience
9. Which of the following is preferred by
5. Which of the following dimensioning ANSI?
methods should be avoided because it
permits the accumulation of error? a. Slopes on machine parts are
a. tabular dimensioning indicated radio numbers.
b. rectangular coordinate b. aligned system
dimensioning c. double dimensions
c. chain dimensioning d. Mixing metric and standard
d. datum dimensioning dimensions
e. ordinate dimensioning e. unidirectional system

6. Which of the following descriptions

best describes leaders? 10. Which of the following statements
regarding dimensioning is NOT true?
a. The shoulder should be ¼”
long and begin at the a. Dimensions should be given
middle of the first letter or where the shapes
last letter of the note. (contours) are shown.
b. Finish marks are shown in b. Horizontal or vertical
every view where the c. Near each other and parallel
finished surface appears d. Through a corner of the view
as an edge. e. Longer than needed
c. Dimensioning in engineering
drawing involves two 16. Which of the following statements
steps; size dimensions about placing dimensions is TRUE?
and location dimensions.
d. Current ANSI standards a. Dimension lines may be
require that the diameter joined end to end with a line
symbol (DIA) be used of the drawing.
following the dimension. b. Avoid placing dimensions on
e. Notes should always be the drawing.
lettered horizontally. c. Leaders may be drawn
horizontally if adjacent leaders
11. When a dimension is enclosed in are also drawn horizontally.
parentheses, it indicates: d. Fraction bars should be
inclined except where the text
a. mating dimensions is not clear.
b. reference dimensions e. Always include unit marks in
c. chain dimensions machine drawings.
d. superfluous dimensions
e. local notes 17. Duel dimensioning is the placement of
__________ and decimal-inch
12. A dimension or note applies to a dimensions on the same drawing.
specific item is called a:
18. When dimensioning angles requiring a
a. mating dimensions high degree of accuracy, the
b. reference dimensions _____________________ method is
c. chain dimensions more desirable
d. superfluous dimensions
e. local notes 19. Every feature must have two
dimensions applied or understood.
One is the size dimension and the
other is the ________________
13. A beveled or sloping edge on a hole is dimension.
a. Knurl 20. A series of objects having like features
b. Keyway but varying dimensions are often
c. Taper dimensioned using
d. Chamfer ________________________
e. Datum
21. Round 4.375 to two decimal places.
14. Good dimensioning practice requires ________________
the student to:
22. Holes are located using two
a. learn correct technique ______________.
b. learn the rules of
placement 23. Except in special cases, the
c. learn the choice of dimension line meets the extension
dimension lines at ________________ angles.
d. all of the above

15. When making leaders, make them: 24. The total amount that a feature is
allowed to vary from what is specified
a. Cross each other
by the dimension is the 30. True or False The shoulder of a
_____________________. leader should begin anywhere within
the note.

25. Placing dimensions in the view where 31. True or False Architectural and
the shape is best shown is the Structural drawings should hold to the
___________ rule. dimensioning rules and procedures
identified in this chapter.
26. A diameter or radius dimension value
should always be ____________ by 32. True or False Double dimensioning
the diameter or radius symbol is the process of placing dimensions
respectively. in standard inches and millimeters.

33. True or False The overriding

27. True or False Crossing extension principle when placing dimensions is
lines is an acceptable practice. accuracy.

28. True or False Centerlines MAY NOT 34. True or False Leaders should never
be used as extension lines. be drawn horizontally or vertically.

29. True or False Crossing dimension 35. True or False The symbol for
lines should be avoided. counterbore is a “V” with legs 90°
Chapter 11 - Tolerancing
1. An internal member fits in an external member and always leaves a space or clearance
between the parts is:

a. nominal size
b. clearance fit
c. transition fit
d. selective assembly
e. interference fit

2. The preferred tolerance specification method that identifies the maximum and minimum limits.
a. general tolerances
b. basic hole system
c. basic shaft system
d. limit dimensioning
e. plus-or-minus dimensioning

3. The difference between the permitted minimum and maximum sizes of a part is referred to

a. Lower deviation
b. Basic size
c. Reference dimension
d. Interference Fit
e. Tolerance

Directions: From the below symbols, select the definitions to match questions 169-
b. material condition
c. symmetry
d. circularity
e. surface profile
a d g

b e h
12. The dimensioning tolerance system
which allows variations in only one
direction from the hole size
describes the

c f i

13. Of the letter symbols which identify

the firve types of fits, LN is the
symbol for what ?
4. Which of the above symbols is the _________
Geometric Characteristic Symbol ________________
used to indicate diameter? ____

5. Which of the above symbols is the 14. When intermediate dimensions are
Geometric Characteristic Symbol held to a specific condition, and the
used to indicate circular runout? overall dimension may or may not
be effected, the overall dimension is
6. Which of the above symbols is the referred to as a
Geometric Characteristic Symbol _________________ dimension.
used to indicate cylindricity?
15. The relationship of the tolerance to
7. Which of the above symbols is the the basic size is referred to as the
Geometric Characteristic Symbol _______________________
used to indicate position?
16. Neatly draw the surface texture
8. Which of the above symbols is the symbol indicated material removal
Geometric Characteristic Symbol prohibited. ______________
used to indicate concentricity?
17. The indispensable tool for defining
9. Which of the above symbols is the parts and features accurately is
Geometric Characteristic Symbol _________________________
used to indicate symmetry?
18. RFS means
10. In the following tolerance symbol, _____________________________
which part is the datum reference? _________

a. A 19. T
b. B r
c. C u
d. D e
e. E

11. In the previous tolerance symbol, or False Tolerance grades

the part identified by “D” indicates: should be as course as possible and
still permit satisfactory use of the
a. concentricity part.
a. Angle of the thread
20. True or False The symbol for b. major diameter
Shrink Fits is FN c. pitch diameter
d. minor diameter
21. True or False The symbol for e. lead
concentricity is a circle with a cross
locating the center. 3. Which of the thread symbols are
customarily used for threads under
22. True or False The surface texture 1”?
symbol “M” indicates lay
multidirectional. a. schematic, simplified, or
23. True or False The abbreviation b. schematic or simplified
MMC stands for “maximum material c. schematic or detailed
condition.” d. simplified or detailed
e. only simplified
24. True or False The preferred
method of expressing tolerances is 4. Which line type may be used to
the Plus-or-Minus system. show a repetition of a series of
identical features?

a. object line
b. hidden line
c. center line
d. phantom line
e. broken line

5. Which of the following is a general-

purpose thread for holding
purposes, designated NC?

a. Course thread
b. Fine thread
c. 8-pitch thread
Chapter 12 – Threads, Fasteners, d. 12-pitch thread
and Springs e. 16-pitch thread

1. The first standardize screw thread 6. In the thread designation, .25-20

was accepted in 1841 and was UNC-2B LH, what is the meaning of
called the: “20”?

a. American Standard thread a. major diameter

b. Unified Screw thread b. number of threads per inch
c. Acme c. class of fit
d. Whitworth d. internal thread
e. Sharp V e. type of thread

2. The diameter of an imaginary

cylinder passing though the threads
to make equal the widths of the
threads and the widths of the
spaces cut by the cylinder, 7. Which of the following screw heads
describes: is placed flushed with the surface of
the material?
a. Round head 16. The standard screw thread agreed
b. Fillister head upon for international screw thread
c. Hexagon head fasteners is the _____________.
d. Oval head
e. Flat head 17. Which class of fit is recommended
for only high cost situations where
Match the below terms with the continual checking is required?
corresponding definitions below, ___
questions 8-13. ___
a. axis of screw b. ___
form of thread c. ___
crest _
d. minor diameter e.
lead f. 18. In the thread note .25-20UNC-2B-
screw thread LH, what is the class of fit?
g. pitch h. ________________
side i.
Angle of thread 19. That part of a thread that is
identified as the top surface where
two sides join is called
8. The top surface joining the two _____________.
sides of a thread.
___________ 20. The thread with flattened roots and
crests having a stronger thread
9. The distance from a point on a describes ____________________.
screw thread to a corresponding
point on the next thread. _______ 21. The series of threads typically used
in automotive and aircraft
construction are
10. The longitudinal center line through _________________.
the screw. ________
22. In structural work, the hole is
11. The cross section of thread cut by a approximately ___________ larger
plane containing the axis. than the rivet.
23. Springs are classified as helical or
12. The distance a screw thread __________.
advances axially in one turn.
__________ 24. True or False The two general
types of pipe threads, approved as
13. The angle included between the American National Standard is taper
sides __________ pipe threads and straight pipe
14. The smallest diameter of a screw
thread is called 25. True or False A machine screw is
____________________. a screw with a head that is screwed
through one member and is forced
15. The three basic applications of against another member.
screw threads are __________,
__________, & 26. True or False On drawings of
__________________ bolts of less than ½” diameter, the
chamfer is omitted.
27. True or False The distance a
screw thread advances axially in Chapter 13 - Working Drawings
one turn is called the lead.

28. True or False Three types of 1. The design process in which

compression springs are helical, components are sized and then final
extension, and torsion. assembly is built around the design
of the parts is called:
29. True or False A key is used to
prevent relative movement between a. Limited manufacturing
a shaft and wheel. b. Top down
c. Bottom up
30. True or False The screw identified d. Middle out
as .75x2.50 HEX CAP SCR is 2 ½
inches long. 2. Which of the following is typically
NOT found in the title block?
31. True or False The jam nut is a a. scale of the drawing
special nut to allow easy b. signature of the drafter and
unscrewing. date completed
c. name of the manufacturer
32. True or False The widths of keys company
is usually about 1/3rd the shaft d. primary stock material
diameter. e. name of the object being
Note: The below series of questions
are intended to provide students with 3. Who is responsible for the accuracy
experience reading the tables in the of the drawing?
appendix. a. checker
b. designer
33. What is the tap drill size on an 8UN c. chief drafter
1 ½” screw? __________ d. draftsperson
e. engineer
34. What is the tap drill diameter on an
M33x3.5? __________ 4. Which of the following IS NOT a
practice of simplified drafting?
35. What is the drill diameter in mm of a
a. Always draw the top, front,
 .2835” ? __________
and right side view for
36. What is the height H of a Hex
b. Use word descriptions in
(UNFIN) bolt having a  1-3/8” ?
place of drawing wherever
c. Avoid elaborate, pictorial, or
37. What is the bolt max thickness of a
repetitive detail as much as
high strength structural bolt of a
M16x2 ? ________
d. Omit unnecessary hidden
38. What is the radius of the curved
e. Omit unnecessary
head of a pan head machine screw,
duplication of notes and
having a nominal size of 8?
5. Which of the following is NOT true
regarding patent drawings?
a. You may submit drawings the design as well as the clearances
by hand or by CAD. required for the parts involved.
b. When submitting patent
drawings, you must include
complete dimensions. 15. True or False When submitting
c. Include as many drawings patent drawings, colored drawings
as necessary to show the and/or photographs may be
invention clearly. included for clarification.
d. No boarders are permitted.
e. Line shading is used 16. True or False Patent drawings
whenever it improves are pictorial and explanatory in
readability. nature.

6. Drawings that show how several

parts fit together are commonly
called ________________

7. A parts list or ________________

__ _____________ itemizes the
parts of a structure.

8. The numbers and letters along the

edge of a large sheet of drawing
paper is known as

9. A separate set of drawings for a part

that may be reused in a different
design are called

10. Those parts which are not detailed

in a drawing, but are included in the
parts list are commonly referred to
as ______________ parts.

11. CAD processes which involve mate,

mate offset, align, insert, and orient
are part of a group of
_______________ used in CAD

12. In the parts list, when a quantity is

estimated, what abbreviation is
used? ______

13. True or False Hidden lines are

usually not drawn in Assembly

14. True or False The checker should

concern himself with soundness of
Chapter 14 – Drawing Management 6. Revised drawings must be
______________ for future
1. The reproduction process requiring
exposure to light and ammonia a. Tracked
vapor is the: b. Identified
c. Logged
a. diazo-moist d. Saved
b. diazo-dry e. All of the above
c. blueprint
d. xerography 7. True or False Electronic drawings
e. digital image require approval authorities and are
applied electronically.
2. A reproduction process that gives
black lines on a white background 8. True or False Change orders are
using a selenium-coated and seldom required and therefore do
electrostatically charged plate is the: not need tracking.

a. diazo-moist 9. True of False It is recommended

b. diazo-dry that you have a single “work”
c. blueprint directory for all the current projects
d. xerography you are working on.
e. digital image
10. True or False An effective
3. A rewritable media storage generally drawing/document management
not suitable for archival storage, yet software requires setup tome,
has fast retrieval speeds describes: training, and ongoing effort to
maintain established standards.
a. Photostats
b. Optical disk 11. True or False Even with extensive
c. CD-ROM network drives, backups are
d. Xerography essential.
e. Offset printing
12. True or False With the increased
4. A photographic image of use of electronic data, including
information, records, or drawings CAD, the use of paper has been
that is stored on film at a greatly greatly reduced.
reduced scale describes:
13. Changes to original drawings must
a. Line etching be documented in a ____________
b. Optical disk storage block showing what, who, and when
c. Offset printing the change was made.
d. Photostats
e. Micorfilm

5. Legal standards for the retention of

engineering drawings require that
they be retained for:
a. 2 yrs
b. 5 yrs
c. 10 yrs
d. 50 yrs
e. Are unique to state and
Chapter 15 – Axonometric Projection convenient to convert angles to
linear measurement.
1. When receding lines are drawn at
half scale, the view created is 9. True or False Oblique projection
called: drawings are rarely created using
a. Isometric view
b. Cavalier projection
c. Cabinet projection
d. Orthographic projection
e. Linear projection

2. When receding lines are drawn at Chapter 16 – Perspective Drawings

full scale, the view created is called:
1. Which perspective view best shows
a. Isometric view the interior of a room
b. Cavalier projection
c. Cabinet projection a. Vanishing point
d. Orthographic projection b. one-point perspective
e. Linear projection c. two-point perspective
d. three-point perspective
3. Lines that are perpendicular to the e. four-point perspective
plane of projection and parallel are
called _________. 2. Perspective projection requires:

4. When receding lines are drawn at a. a plan view and an

true length, the resulting oblique elevation view
projection is called a ___________ b. an isometric view
projection. c. a plan view
d. a plan view and an
5. Of the two methods of dimensioning isometric view
oblique projection drawings which e. an elevation view
method is the easiest to do?
___ 3. How many faces or edges are
___ parallel to the picture plane in 3-
___ point perspective?
___ a. One
___ b. Two
___ c. Three
___ d. All four
___ e. None
4. The four main elements of
6. In oblique projection, when drawing perspective drawing includes all of
circles not parallel to the projection the following EXCEPT:
plane, which method of drawing
these circles is most convenient? a. Observer’s eye
_____________________ b. Rotation of the object
c. Object being view
7. True or False In oblique d. Plane of projection
projection, circles are always easier e. Projectors from all points to
to draw. the observers eye

8. True or False When drawing 5. Perspective drawings often use

angles in the receding plane, it is _______ emphasize the shape of an
object in display and patent

6. Traditionally, perspective drawings

have been a time consuming and
expensive process, however with
the use of ___________ they have
become a viable alternative.

7. True or False The perspective of

any point may be determined by
finding the perspectives of any two
lines intersecting at the point.

8. True or False The center of vision

is always located on the horizon in
three-point perspective.

9. True or False Usually the object

being viewed, is located in front of
the picture plane.

10. True or False Perspective

drawings are some of the easiest to
draw and used primarily for

11. True or False Vertical heights

parallel to the picture plane can only
be measured on the picture plane.
Chapter 17 – Gears and Cams d. root diameter
e. working depth
1. Which of the following gear does not
have teeth?

a. herringbone
b. bevel 7. Which of the following transmits
c. hypoid power between shafts whose axes
d. worm intersect, not necessarily at 90?
e. friction wheel
a. worm gear
2. If you have a spur gear with a b. friction wheel
friction wheel of diameter equal to . c. bevel gear
25 at 210 rpm, what is the velocity? d. spur gear
e. herringbone gear
a. 52 ft/min
b. 78 ft/min 8. The word “involute” means
c. 116 ft/min _________.
d. 165 ft/min
e. 189 ft/min 9. The reciprocating member of a cam
is called the ________
3. In a spur gear, the radial distance
from pitch circle to top of tooth is 10. The screw having a thread of the
called: same shape as a rack tooth is called
the _____
a. Circular pitch
b. Pitch circle 11. The design of a spur gear normally
c. Addendum begins with the selection of the
d. Root diameter __________
e. Working depth
12. The gear used to transmit power
4. Which of the following gears is used between nonintersecting shafts at
to change force direction? right angles is the ___________

a. herringbone 13. The gear used to transmit power

b. bevel between shafts whose axes
c. hypoid intersect is the _________
d. helical
e. friction wheel 14. Gear teeth formed on a flat surface
are called a __________

5. An irregular shaped disk is called a: 15. True or False When teeth are cut
to a standard shape with special
a. follower cutters, it is not necessary to show
b. roller the individual teeth on the drawing.
c. parabolic curve
d. base circle 16. True or False With regard to bevel
e. cam gears, the angle between top of
teeth and the gear axis is termed
6. The distance between top of a tooth root angle.
and the bottom of the mating space
is the: 17. True or False When using CAD
gear design software, you are able
a. clearance to input the design requirements
b. dedendum and the CAD software will generate
c. pitch circle the design drawing.
speed, however axis orientation
18. True or False Gears may be used requires other mechanisms.
to change direction and rotation
Chapter 18 – Electronic Diagrams

1. A diagram that shows the electrical connections and the function of a specific circuit
arrangement describes:

a. abbreviation
b. symbol
c. single-line diagram
d. schematic diagram
e. interconnection diagram

2. Standard practice suggests that signal path runs:

a. Bottom to top and left to right

b. Top to bottom and left to right
c. Bottom to top and right to left
d. Top to bottom and right to left
e. Is usually not a problem and may run in any direction with arrows showing circuit

3. Information often shown on schematic diagrams includes all the following EXCEPT:

a. Critical input impedance values

b. Voltage rating at parts
c. DC resistance of transformer windings
d. Cost of individual components
e. Indication of operational controls

4. Which of the following standards provides approved standard symbols?

a. ANSI Y14.15
b. ANSI/IEEE 200-1975
c. MIL-STD-275
d. UL
e. Most CAD systems have them

5. Grouping certain parts or components may be accomplished by enclosing them in a


6. Schematic and single-line diagrams should have the components arranged so that the
transmission path moves left to right and ______________________

7. Electron tubes and semiconductors, are identified by the reference designation and by
the type number. Where is this data preferably located in reference to the symbol.

8. The letters CW placed near the terminal adjacent ot the movable contact identify the

9. What is the meaning of “DIP” with regard to integrated circuits?


10. True or False Crossovers are shown using the American National Standard of a loop.
11. True or False Electron tube pins are numbered counter-clockwise from the tube base
key when view from the bottom.

12. True or False Based on the recommended symbol size, the circular part of a
semiconductor should be drawn approx. 0.75” in diameter.

Select the symbol which is best represented by the description below

a b c d e

f g h i j

- +

k l m n o

13. Ground _________

14. Transistor ________

15. Tapped Inductor _________

16. Variable resistor _________

17. Battery cell _________

Chapter 19 – Structural Drawings
6. The structural material most often
used in homes is:
1. Metal connectors used for structural
timber include all of the following a. steel
EXCEPT: b. concrete
c. glass
a. Square tubing d. wood
b. Split ring connector e. stone masonry
c. Pressed steel shear plate
d. Malleable iron Shear plate 7. What is the symbol used to indicate
e. Toothed ring that all four sides of a piece of
lumber is surfaced? ______
2. The number 35 in the designator S
12 x 35 indicates: 8. What is the symbol to indicate that
wood requirement is to be square
a. The height of the steel on two edges. __________
b. The cross-sectional area of 9. How are steel ring connectors
the member shown in standard practice?
c. The total weight of the ________________
d. The per foot weight of the 10. Drawings that show how structural
member steel members are manufactured
e. The volume of the member and assembled are called:
per foot ____________________________

3. The symbol for the American 11. Members framing from column to
Standard I beam is: column, providing end support for
other beams are called
a. I ___________.
b. M
c. HP 12. Detailed information concerning
d. W rolled steel dimensions, weights,
e. S and properties are found in:
4. Which of the following structural
materials has the most compressive 13. What is the note used when drawing
strength? half a welded roof truss and that it is
symmetrical about the centerline?
a. Structural timber ______________
b. Steel I beams
c. Concrete 14. Stones of irregular shapes laid in
d. Structural Clay courses or at random with mortar
e. Compacted Earth joints of varying thickness describe:
5. The most common building brick
size is: 15. Which type of structural connection
is seldom used today but may be
a. 2” x 3” x 8” specified on original drawings?
b. 2-1/4” x 3-3/4” x 8” ___________
c. 3” x 4” x 8”
d. 4” x 5” x 8” 16. True or False One of the most
e. 8” x 8” x 16” critical part of structural steel
drawing is the calculation of faces and laid in regular courses
dimensions. with thin mortar joints is called
Natural stone.
17. True or False Concrete members
which have steel embedded in it is 20. True or False WT 4 x 5.5
called pre-stressed concrete. describes a Structural Tee cut from
a wide flange beam that weights 4
18. True or False Riveting is seldom inches high and 5.5 lbs/ft.
used now in steel construction.

19. True or False Masonry formed of

stones cut accurately to rectangular
Chapter 20 – Landform Drawings
1. A series of intersecting straight lines with distances and angles of intersection noted

a. a series of contours
b. a profile
c. a hydrographic map
d. a traverse
e. a nautical map

2. A map which shows water, relief, and culture is know as a:

a. military map
b. topographic map
c. nautical map
d. cadastral map
e. engineering map

3. The process of building a map using actual photographs of the land is called:

a. photogrammetry
b. compass traverse
c. traverse using a transit
d. Interpolation
e. satellite imagery

4. A map scale of 1:62,500 is equal to approximately:

a. 1” = 80 miles
b. 1” = 40 miles
c. 1” = 5 miles
d. 1” = 1 mile
e. 1” = ½ mile

5. Maps drawn showing the features that control property ownership are _______________

6. A series of intersecting lines that forms a polygon defines a ___________________

7. A line in a vertical plane and depicting the relative elevations of various points is termed a

8. A map created from photographs of the earths surface describes


9. The mathematical process of locating relative elevations along a line connecting two
known elevations is known as ________________

10. Vertical dimensions above a common datum are ___________

11. Special installations of stone or concrete to mark the locations of points accurately
determined by precise surveying are ________________.

12. The interpreting data received from four different satellites concurrently through a process
called ________________
13. True or False The location of points along a route survey is known as stationing.

14. True or False The contour interval is the horizontal distance between contour lines.

15. True or False The level may be used to measure horizontal angles accurately.

16. True or False Subdivisions should be designed so that the maximum number of lots
are above street grade.

17. True or False A close traverse is a polygon in which the last angle and distance meet
back at the starting point of the loop.
Chapter 21 – Piping Drawings
1. Black pipe is used for the distribution of:

a. water
b. sewer
c. natural gas
d. storm drains
e. all of the above

2. Copper piping is primarily used for:

a. water
b. sewer
c. natural gas
d. storm drains
e. all of the above

3. Which type of valve is used to limit the flow of fluid in one direction only?

a. gate valve
b. check valve
c. globe valve
d. pressure-reducing valve
e. safety valve

4. Capillary joints are also known as:

a. solder joints
b. flared joints
c. spigot joints
d. hard temper joints
e. all of the above

5. The most common way of connecting copper tubing to threaded pipe is by using
Directions: Match the parts in the Globe Value with the letters below.


d Globe Value

6. Bonnet ______

7. Body _____

8. Wheel ______

9. Packing Nut ______

10. Disc ________

11. True or False In complex piping systems, it is desirable to use double-line multiview
drawings drawn accurately to scale.

12. True or False Single-line drawings are ALWAYS drawn to scale.

13. True or False Water and gas pipes are usually connected using mechanical joints.

14. True or False CPVC pipe is similar to PVC but has a higher temperature rating.

Chapter 22 - Welding Representation

1. A small solid triangular flag at the joint between the leader and horizontal line of a welding
symbol indicates:

a. Weld on arrow side only

b. Fillet weld all around
c. Weld all around
d. Field weld
e. Finish symbol

2. Which of the following is a resistance weld?

a. fillet weld
b. backing weld
c. spot weld
d. plug weld
e. groove weld

3. When the welding symbol is located on the bottom side of the horizontal line, it indicates

a. all welds must be certified

b. welding is done on the arrow side
c. welding is done on the other side of the arrow
d. welding is done in the field
e. persons doing the welding must be certified

4. Which of the following is a resistance weld?

a. fillet
b. spot
c. plug
d. groove
e. back

5. How many types of basic weld joints? _________

6. What is the length of the fillet weld on the arrow-side of the symbol?
.75 2- 6
.50 1.5-5


Directions: Match the following name to the appropriate symbol.

a b c d

e f g h

i j k l

7. fillet _____

8. field weld _____

9. backing _____

10. projection _____

11. square _____

12. groove flare _____

13. flush _____

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