Modul Farmakologi: Rational Drug Use: 0910714073 - PD-KBI 2009 - R. 3.03

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0910714073 | PD-KBI 2009 | R. 3.03

1. Fahrur , 19 y.o , after morning jog his extremities felt numb
Indomethacine, 2x sehari 100 mg
2. Reni 4 y.o. weight 16 kg, her toes got stuck between a door, swollen and painful
3. Siti aminah, 40 y.o, her knees hurt when bended
4. Mr. Amir, 55 y.o., every morning his fingers are hard to move
5. Mr. Badu, 65 y.o., the areas around his ankle are swollen and painful when it’s moved
Piroxicam, 1x sehari 20 mg

1. It has been 3 months since both knees of Mr Ikal (50 y.o) hurts. Sometimes it’s hard to bend, causing him to do
praying rituals in sitting potition. Currently, the pain is unbearable. Physical examinations: BP: 120/70 mmHg,
pulse: 84x/minute. The knees are swollen and warm. Other physical examination are normal.
1. Problem:
Knee pain unbearable, inflammation sign
2. Therapeutic goal:
To reduce knee pain
To reduce swelling
3. Therapeutic intervention:
Mengistirahatkan sendi-sendi yang luka mengurangi tekanan pada sendi-sendi dan membebaskan nyeri
dan bengkak. Pasien-pasien diminta hanya untuk mengurangi intensitas dan/atau frekwensi dari aktivitas-
aktivitas yang secara konsisten menyebabkan nyeri sendi.
menurunkan berat badan bagi yang kelebihan berat badan
latihan menguatkan otot paha dan pinggul untuk menjaga kebugaran tubuh
cold therapy
NSAID, untuk menyembuhkan inflamasi dan mengurangi nyeri.
4. Regiment dosage and prescription making:
R/ Diclofam No.X
S 3dd1 p.c
5. Information, instruction, and warning:
Pak, saya telah membuatkan resep untuk anda. Obatnya diclofam, ini untuk mereakan nyeri bapak yang
tidak tertahankan. Diminum 3kali sehari 1tablet. Setelah minum obat ini, mngkin bapak akan merasakan
diare, atau konstipasi. Tai tida apa-apa, karena begitulah obat ini bekerja.
6. Monitoring and evaluation: if there are any symptomps that you feel too disturbing, please return here..
0910714073 | PD-KBI 2009 | R. 3.03

2. Mrs. Nora (45 y.o.) complain of pain in the left finger joints, yesterday it started to swell and redden. This
morning she took ponstan (mefenamic acid) for her pain, which she bought herself. Now, she feels pain in her
stomach. She is asking another medicine to make the pain in her stomach go away.
Physical examination: BP: 110/70 mmHg, pulse: 80x/minute
The right and left index finger joint are swollen and red
Other physical examinations are normal
1. Problem:
The right and left index finger joint are swollen and red
Pain in her stomach
2. Therapeutic goal:
Reduce inflammation in the finger
Go the pain in the stomach away
3. Therapeutic intervention:
Do not overdo or move the joint in any way that causes pain.
Avoid situations that are likely to strain your joints.
Avoid stress
Avoid eat spice, acidic, and fatty meal
Physical therapy helps preserve and improve range of motion, increase muscle strength, and reduce pain.
Hydrotherapy involves exercising or relaxing in warm water. Being in water reduces the weight on your
joints. The warmth relaxes your muscles and helps relieve pain.
Relaxation therapy teaches techniques for releasing muscle tension, which helps relieve pain.
Anti inflamasi yang tidak mempengaruhi lambung, yaitu COX-2 selektif inhibitor. COX-2 selektif inhibitor
tidak mempengaruhi lambung, tapi harganya mahal.
4. Regiment dosage and prescription making:
R/ celecoxib No.X
S 2dd1 p.c
R/ antasida doen No.X
S 3dd1

5. Information, instruction, and warning:

Bu, saya membuat resep untuk anda. Ini ada 2 obat. . Yang pertama, antasida untuk menyembuhkan asam
lambung ibu, diminum 2kali sehari, 1 jam sebelum makan dan sebelum tidur. Yang kedua, adalah
celebrex, minum 2kali sehari setelah makan. Setelah meminum obat ini, mungkin ibu akan mersa diare
atau beberapa efek samping ringan lain. Begitulah efek samping obat ini bekerja.
6. Monitoring and evaluation: if there are any symptomps that you feel too disturbing, please return here..

3. Ahmad (30 y.o) is bought to the ICU because he had restricted breath and made a squeaking sound. After he
was treated in the iCU, his breathing became better and was allowed to come home. From the anamnesis, it
0910714073 | PD-KBI 2009 | R. 3.03

was discovered that the patient took cataflam (sodium diclofenak) to treat a swollen eye under prescription
made by a doctor. Now, he is also asking a medicine for his swollen eye has not healed.
Physical examination: 110/70 mmHg, pulse: 80x/minute.
The eyelid seems swollen and red
1. Problem:
The eyelid seems swollen and red
He had restricted breath and made a squeaking sound
2. Therapeutic goal:
Reduce swelling in the eyelid
3. Therapeutic intervention:
Advice: istirahatkan mata
Non drug:
Make a warm or cold compress by using a clean cloth or cotton swab. Use only boiled or purified water to
wet the cloth and place this on the closed eye. A warm compress typically helps to reduce discomfort,
while a cold compress works well to reduce itchiness and inflammation.
Use steroid eye drug for inflammation in the eyes
Use antibiotic for bacterial infection in the eyes.
4. Regiment dosage and prescription making:
R/ Polidemisin No. I
S 4dd 1 o ou
------------------------------- st
R/ amoxicillin No.X
S 3dd 1
5. Information, instruction, and warning:
Pak, saya membuat resep untuk anda. Disini ada 2 obat. Yang pertama adalah polidemisin, untuk
mengobati bengkak pada mata anda. Diteteskan 1 tetes saja pada tiap mata 4 kali sehari. Yang satunya
adalah Amoxicillin untuk membunuh kuman yang menyebabkan mata bapak infeksi, diminum 3 kali sehari
setelah makan. Yang ini harus habis ya pak.
6. Monitoring and evaluation: if there are any symptomps that you feel too disturbing, please return here..

4. Rasya (5 y.o. 18 kg) suffered from pain in his knees after falling while playing football. His mother asks drug in
powder form (pulveres) to relieve child pain.
Physical examination: slightlyfever, temp: 38 o C
The right and left knees are swollen, red and bloody.
1. Problem:
The right and left knees are swollen, red and bloody
slightlyfever, temp: 38o C
2. Therapeutic goal:
Reduce swollen in the knee
Reduce fever
3. Therapeutic intervention:
0910714073 | PD-KBI 2009 | R. 3.03

Avoid walking or standing for too long. If you need to be present at an important event, make sure to
wear shoes which provide maximum comfort. Lie down with your knee elevated for most parts of the day.
Use at least 2 to 3 pillows as the knee needs to be higher than the pelvis. When falling asleep at night, rest
your leg flat without any elevation. Use an ice pack on your knee every few hours. A hot water bag will not
help ease the swelling and might actually do the reverse.
Non-drug: Cold and heat therapy
NSAID for the inflammation
Antipyretic for fever
4. Regiment dosage and prescription making:
R/ aspirin No.VIII (65 mg/kg/hari)
R/ paracetamol No.IV (10 mg/kgBB)
S m.f.l.a pulv no.X
S 3dd pulv I
5. Information, instruction, and warning:
Bu, saya telah membuatkan resep untuk anak ibu dalam bentuk puyer. Aspirin untuk meredakan nyerinya,
dan parecetamol untuk panasnya. Keduanya akan dicampur dalam bentuk puyer, dan anak ibu harus
meminumnya 3kali sehari 1 bungkus.
6. Monitoring and evaluation: if there are any symptomps that you feel too disturbing, please return here..

5. Aina (10 y.o. 25 kg) suffered pain in his right elbow after hitting the wall while playing tennis. Her mother asks
medication in syrup form to relieve the child pain.
The right elbow is swollen and red.
1. Problem:
The right elbow is swollen and red.
2. Therapeutic goal:
Reduce swelling in the elbow
3. Therapeutic intervention:
Advice: avoid exerting pressureor weight on her hand.
Non-drug: cold therapy
Drug: NSAID in syrup form
4. Regiment dosage and prescription making:
R/ Sanmol No.I
S 3dd2 cth p.c
5. Information, instruction, and warning:
Bu, saya membuatkan resep untuk anak ibu, yaitu Sanmol. Obat ini efektif untuk meredakan nyeri pada
tangan anak ibu. diminum 3 kali sehari 2 sendok teh. Diminum yang rutin. Bila sakit sudah reda, tidak usah
diminum lagi.
6. Monitoring and evaluation: if there are any symptomps that you feel too disturbing, please return here..

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