HE Tone EWS: S C W G, P Usa F 2007

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The High School Group, as usual, had a marvelous time on their annual ski trip!

Dr. Jack Rogers to transgender. Throughout history, Mind” (9 am, Sat.), “How Should
Speak on his book: he observes, Christianity has moved We Read the Bible?” (11 am, Sat.),
Jesus, the Bible, and toward ever greater openness and and “The Myths That Cloud Peo-
Homosexuality inclusiveness. He argues that when ple’s Minds” (1:30 pm, Sat.).
we interpret the Bible through the Friday’s lecture is $10; Saturday’s
The Henrietta Perdue Memorial lens of Jesus’ redemptive life and three lectures are $15; the full event
Lecture Series will feature Dr. Jack ministry, we see that the church is price is $20. Purchase tickets, as well
Rogers speaking called to grant equal rights to all as the book ($14), during coffee hour
on his new book, people. His book, Jesus, the Bible, or in the church office. - Pat Magee
Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality: Explode the Myths,
wo Homosexuality: Heal the Church, describes Rogers’
Explode the Myths, own change of mind and heart on February Events
Heal the Church, the issue; charts the church’s well- 2/3 Crab Feed page 8
the weekend of documented history of using bibli- 2/4 Souper Bowl Sunday page 2
February 23–24. cal passages to oppress marginalized 2/10 Couples Retreat,
Dr. Rogers will also preach and groups; argues for a Christ-centered
lead an unscripted adult study dis- reading of Scripture; debunks oft- Heart-to-Heart
cussion on Sunday, February 25. repeated stereotypes about gays and Extravaganza page 2, 6
Evangelical theologian and former lesbians; and concludes with ideas 2/17 PW Valentine Tea page 5
Moderator of the Presbyterian for how the church can heal itself 2./20 Fat Tuesday Gala page 8
Church (USA), Jack Rogers argues to move forward again.
unequivocally for equal rights in Lecture titles are “How My Mind 2/23-24 Dr. Jack Rogers
Henrietta Perdue page 1
the church and in society for people Was Changed,” (7:30 pm, Fri.),
who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or “How the Church Changes Its
Miriam’s Column together, remembering why you are in our community. The group joins
Prescription for February: in relationship, looking at what you Christian youth across the country
Love and Soup! might like to create together, expe- in collecting cans of soup and dol-
riencing some exercises and trying lars from worshippers as they arrive
As Christian Education offers out some tools to deepen the level that day.
faith-nurturing education for all of communication and connection This effort, started by one church
ages, we realize one of the best ways with one another.” youth group, has collected a total of
to care for young people is to sup- I hope, whether you have children $33 million since 1990! 2006 was
port parents and strengthen their at home or are empty-nesters, you a record year, reporting $4.7 mil-
relationship, the basis for the family. will consider giving your relationship lion given to local hunger programs
So we are offering support for all the gift of this time together. The across the country. Please support
couples during this month of love Couples Retreat will be followed by the Middle Schoolers on February
and Valentines. Heart-to-Heart Extravaganza, from 6 4, as well as the ongoing collection
Marriage and Family Therapist, to 9 pm, sponsored by the Deacons. of food on the first Sunday of each
Mary Alice Collins, will lead a What special ways to celebrate and month with which they also assist.
Couples Retreat on Saturday, Febru- deepen your love! If you haven’t Let’s enrich life in February with
ary 10, from 9 am to noon. Mary already, sign up asap! Love and Soup!
Alice observes: “Our lives are often Christian Education also seeks
so full that one of our most impor- to give young people experiences to God bless,
tant relationships, the one with our express their faith through caring Miriam Kishi,
life partner, gets only the leftover for others. Our Middle Schoolers Christian Education Associate
time and energy. This workshop is are again coordinating the February
an invitation to actually focus on 4th Souper Bowl Sunday, so we can PS: Save these dates for Vacation
the two of you: to spend a few hours share our blessings with the hungry Church School: June 18-22!

Church Library Adds Many New Titles, including Videotapes

Starting this month, Stone’s church  We Are Driven: Here are new books and videotapes
library will be staffed after worship The Compulsive in special collections:
on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each Behaviors
month. Then either Sue Evans or I America  The Window of Childhood:
will be on hand until at least 11 am Applauds by Glimpses of Wonder & Cour-
to help you find things. Dr. Robert age by Dr. Olson Huff (Spec
On most Sundays the library will be Hemfelt, Needs 649 Huf), gift of Ruth
open for self-service use until noon. Dr. Frank McCreath
When groups need to meet in the Minirth and
room, we will try to have it open for Dr. Paul Meier (650 Hem) The following tapes are gifts from Pat
library use until 11:15 am. Magee. Our collection contains many spe-
 In Whose Image? cial Stone Church concerts & lectures.
Here are new books for young folks: Faith, Science
 Living Descendants: From the Days & the New  Evolution and the Emergence of
of the Dinosaurs by Scott Weiden- Genetics ed. Consciousness by Dr. Philip Clay-
saul (YA 590 Wei) by John P. ton 2005 (Videotape #33)
 Wildlife Explorer, vols 1 & 2 (YA Burgess  Listening for the Heartbeat of God:
590 Wil), given by Kathryn (291.1 Bur) A Celtic Spirituality by J. Philip
Stutz given by Newell 2006 (Videotape #34)
Pat Magee  The Historic Jesus Then and Now
Here are new books for adults: by John Dominic Crossan 2006
 Plan B:  A Big-Enough (Videotape #35)
Further God: A
Thoughts Feminist’s Please come by and see how nicely
on Faith Search for a our library has adapted to the Lincoln
by Anne Joyful Theology House living room.
Lamott by Sara And look for new books on our
(813.54 Maitland book cart in the Social Hall!
Lam) (231.7 Mai)
- Sue Williams, Library Coordinator
Sunday Adult Study Nancy’s Column
All Sunday Adult Study Classes meet A Note from Our We are happy to hear from mem-
at 11 am in the Fireside Room. Choir Director bers of the congregation when they
February 4 - 18: Faith Journeys at enjoy one of our anthems; thanks
Stone Church Now that we have had a few for telling us. My goal as Choir
Each Sunday, a different member moments to breathe after our busy Director is for the choir to present
of Stone Church will discuss their Advent season with the choir, I am in worship a wide variety of styles
personal faith journey, what brought dropping in to say hello. These past and moods with texts that befit the
them to Stone; how they have grown several months have been busy in lessons of the particular Sunday,
at Stone, their hopes, and the spiritual the music area of Stone, and I am and to help the choir enrich its
struggles they face today. glad to be a part of this new growth sound and its community. I hope
February 25: Discussion with Jack as the new choir director. the choir continues to be part of
Rogers, Henrietta Perdue Lecturer Some of our music program high- the process that makes the worship
Dr. Jack Rogers, author of Jesus, the lights: the addition of a number design meaningful to all of us.
Bible, and Homosexuality: Explode the of new members to the choir, the Looking ahead to the upcom-
Myths, Heal the Church, will preach formation of a new handbell choir ing months, we will be presenting
this morning and be available at the under the direction of Jean Raby, anthems in a wide variety of styles
11 am adult study hour for an open, the new tradition of a children’s and moods, from the classics to
free-wheeling discussion. pageant led ably by Bill Downes and contemporary, even a bit of jazz and
March 4 & 11: The Church and Della Smith, and many wonderful gospel! For our special music this
Homosexuality anthems, as well as the presentation Palm Sunday, we will be present-
Prompted by Dr. Jack Rogers’ lec- of Henry Mollicone’s A Christmas ing the sublime Faure Requiem, one
tures on his book, Jesus, the Bible, and Celebration sung enthusiastically by of the masterpieces in the choral
Homosexuality: Explode the Myths, Heal the choir. literature.
the Church, we will explore past, present In addition, Walter and Debbie The choir now numbers close to
and future attitudes of “the church” Roach have created beautiful risers 40 singers. Maybe you would like
(the Christian church universal, the for the church that give the choir a to join us? If you have been hesi-
Presbyterian Church USA, and Stone place to sing in a joined formation. tating, this is a great time to jump
Church) toward homosexuality, in These risers made a wonderful dif- in. We rehearse from 7:30-9 pm on
general, and gay and lesbian persons, ference for us as we prepared the Wednesday nights, and we invite
in particular. Advent music, and your positive you to raise your voice with us this
March 18: The Second Holy Land: comments have encouraged us winter and spring as a member of
A Pilgrimage Through Turkey to continue to use them for this the Stone Church Choir.
Join Pat and Sally Magee as they season as well. Nancy Kromm, Choir Director
present a slide show summary of their
17-day trip through Turkey with New
Testament scholars, Marcus Borg and
John Dominic Crossan.

Happy faces at the Spaghetti Dinner! Over 100 people turned out for this fun- and food-filled evening.


Session Beat deacon and elder at Westminster and
as a leader in Presbyterian Women
At its January meeting, Session heard (congregation, presbytery and synod),
good news about the church’s finan- Church Women United, Pasadena
cial health and adopted the budget for Ecumenical Council, San Gabriel
2007. Mel Goertz reported that Stone Presbytery and with school and com-
finished the 2006 budget year with munity organizations. From 1986-95,
$30,000 income over budget, which she was office manager for the Mary
enabled the Church & World Board to Magdalene Project, a residential pro-
replace about $12,000 previously cut gram for former street prostitutes.
from contributions to the Presbytery Lea and Kent spent 1995-96 in
of San Jose for mission support. New Zealand serving a country
The budget adopted for 2007 pro- parish before moving to Los Gatos
jected a total income of $434,405 and
pledge income of $380,000. All Ses- Welcome to New where Kent was interim pastor at
Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos.
sion members joined in being grateful
for the generosity and support of the Member Lea! Along with many of our members,
Lea and Kent live at El Sombroso
members and friends of this church. Stone Church welcomed new Oaks, a retirement community for
Deborah Crim reported for the member, Lea Lawrence, on Sunday, PC(USA) pastors and spouses. They
Worship committee on work to rec- January 21. have two grandchildren, William (3)
tify problems with the sound system. Lea is a native Californian, but grew and Julia (1), and celebrated their
Session approved the purchase of addi- up in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. A gradu- 40th wedding anniversary last June.
tional components for the system and ate of the University of Nebraska (go Lea has continued her leadership
expressed deep gratitude to Bob John- Huskers!), she moved to Portland, in PW with the Presbytery of San
son for the time and skill he contrib- Oregon, to teach elementary school. Jose and as Synod of the Pacific Rep-
utes to the care and maintenance of She met her husband, Kent, when he resentative to the Churchwide Coor-
the system, and to Bob and Karen for was a pastor at Westminster Presbyte- dinating Team (2002-5) and chair of
their contribution of equipment. Bob rian Church, Portland, and gave up the Plenary Planning Team for the
emphasized that anyone working with teaching to raise their two daughters, PW 2006 Churchwide Gathering.
the system needs training, so training Anne and Edlyn. Before September she hopes to read,
is underway for a cadre of persons. In 1975, the family moved to Pasa- do jigsaw puzzles, visit family and
Parish Nurse Mary Johnson, who dena where Kent served as pastor travel some blue-line highways before
received training through the PC at Westminster Presbyterian for 20 responsibilities for the 2008 General
(USA) Parish Nurse program, spoke years. During that time, Lea served as Assembly require her attention.
about Health Ministries at Stone,
particularly areas where the program
might be expanded. Mary currently
B&F Says “Blessings Have Been Fulfilled”
does regular blood pressure checks The Budget and Finance Board is month, we have exceeded the one mil-
and flu shots and is available to any happy to report that Stone Church lion dollar mark in our capital cam-
member of the church for consulta- ended 2006 filled with the bless- paign collections. That, along with a
tion. She envisioned adding home ings of your generosity. Our pledge healthy budget for 2007, should go
visits about safety issues; working with income was almost exactly on budget, a long way toward maintaining our
parishioners on medication schedul- and almost all other income catego- ministry at Stone Church.
ing and interactions or on health risk ries were on or ahead of budget. This The budget for 2007, as approved by
assessment; Health Fairs; and Services allowed us to fully fund our mission Session, shows a 15% increase in our
of Healing. Session voted to establish a giving for 2006 and reduce our capi- overall giving commitment. For a copy of
health ministries task force as an initial tal debt by a significant amount. the budget, please contact Mel Goertz,
step. - Alice Thorn, Clerk of Session In addition, as was reported last Budget and Finance Board Moderator.

Some of our
wonderful Seniors
at the recent
Deacons’ Senior
Tea: clockwise
from top left: Bob
and Hazel James,
Jeanette Clemenco,
Mary Margaret
Teel, Bill and Connie
Gum, Ed Clemenco.


We continue to save soup labels and
home (reading Warriors Don’t Cry by
News are adding General Mills cereal boxM. P. Beals). Contact Carolyn Clen-
denning for information.
tops: both are used to provide funds
from for schools. You can leave them in the
PW box in the office. Marilyn Gard-
Book Group II meets 2:30 pm,
Mon., Feb. 19, Rhonda Lakatos’
PW home (reading Seneca Falls Inheritance
ner is the faithful person in charge.
by Miriam Grace Mondredo).
Here is PW’s February Calendar: Lunch Bunch meets 11:30 am,
Tues., Feb. 13, Taiwan Restaurant.
Amethyst Circle meets 1 pm, Wed., Prayer Shawl Group I meets 4 pm,
Happy Valentine Day, Lincoln’s Feb. 7, Church Library. Thurs., Feb. 22, Fireside Room.
Birthday, and Washington’s Birthday Emerald Circle meets 9:30 am, Prayer Shawl Group II meets 6:30
- what a busy and notable month in Thurs., Feb. 1, Ruth White’s home. pm, Tues., Feb. 27, Fireside Room.
the midst of dreary winter. Sapphire Circle meets 7:30 pm, Bible Study with the Rev. Marge
We are looking forward to seeing Mon., Feb. 12, Sally Magee’s home. Palmer meets 9:30 am, Thurs., Feb.
many of you at the Valentine Tea, Feb- Focus Group meets 9:30 am, Tues., 22, Church Library.
ruary 17, from 1 - 3 pm, in the Social Feb. 6, Elizabeth Shandera’s home.
Hall. Miriam Rowan will graciously Book Group I meets at a time to be - Catherine Amos
provide the program. announced at Elizabeth Shandera’s

Church & World Board Looks at Foster Care, Water, CROP Walk
Needs are Met Before We Ask! Hour of Sharing, Peacemaking, Pentecost, for all of God’s people. You’ll be
At the January C&W meeting, we and Christmas Joy offerings came to able to see a $12 water pasteuriza-
discussed the predicament of young more than $13,000. Thank you, our tion system that works in areas of the
adults in our community who at age church family, for your generosity. world that don’t have electricity or
18 are suddenly “released from the firewood, take a pledge to raise your
system” of foster care and in need appreciation of water, and contribute
of transitional housing. We also to sharing this limited resource in a
discussed how Stone Church might better way.
be a support. The very next day, at
another meeting, Elizabeth Shandera
mentioned that she has welcomed
such a young person into her home.
Elizabeth was introduced to Rozina Rainbow & Family Flags Are Here
Abriha, a 19-year-old from Ethiopia, We have received new Rainbow
through Julie Jackson, a case man- and Family flags to replace the flags
ager for the Transitional Housing “removed” from the outside wall of
Program at InnVision. At 14 years the Education Wing facing Lincoln
of age, Rozina came to the USA with Ave. They will be re-hung in a way that
her mother and stepfather; at 16 she will be more difficult to remove.
became a foster child; and at 18 she
was released from her foster home.
Rozina currently attends Mission
College and is preparing for a career
in nursing. Leader Needed for CROP Walk
We should all give a heartfelt Sunday, April 29, marks the 30th
“Thank You” to Elizabeth for her big, anniversary of the South Bay CROP
open heart in welcoming Rozina. Eco-Faithfulness: World Water Hunger Walk. Last year $50,000 was
If you would also like to help, you We tend to take clean water for raised with over 380 walkers. Stone
can contact Julie Jackson at InnVi- granted, but a billion people around Church was 4th in the group of 12
sion. the world lack access to it, and each churches who raised the most money
Budget Review Brings Good News day over 10,000 people, most of them and 6th in the top 12 in numbers of
C&W is thankful that the $12,000 children, die of waterborne disease. walkers participating.
cut from our budget to General Stop by the C&W table February 11 A leader is needed for this very,
Assembly was made up in Decem- during coffee hour to learn about the very worthwhile event; please contact
ber. So our total to GA was $24,000. issue and what we can do to improve Bea to help.
In addition, our giving to One Great the water situation in God’s world - Bea Groppuso & Rhonda Lakatos
Annual Women’s Retreat Features Couples Retreat/Heart-
Program on Sacred Art of Listening to-Heart Extravaganza
With the holidays behind us and the listening might make us want to Two very special events for couples
the renewed activity of spring still sing and shout, our talent show will and families are planned for Saturday,
distant, we have entered into a quiet provide the perfect opportunity! February 10.
time, a time to slow down and listen The weekend will begin with social From 9 am to noon, a Couples Retreat
to our families, ourselves and God. time and dinner on Friday. Saturday will be led by Marriage and Family
But do we really know how to listen? will include free time, time for crafts Therapist, Mary Alice Collins.
In this world that celebrates busyness, and the talent show. We will conclude Then, from 6 to 9 pm, the Deacons
it is easy to lose the knack of listen- Sunday after breakfast and a time for will host the Heart-to-Heart Extravagan-
ing. Our annual Women’s Retreat, worship in the beautiful chapel. za. At this new family event, a roman-
set for March 23 - 25 at the St. Francis The cost of the retreat is $195 and tic dinner for couples is served in the
Retreat Center in San Juan Bautista, includes two nights’ accommodations Social Hall, while a separate dinner
will focus on the sacred art of listen- and five meals. Spaces are allocated and activities for children take place
ing. The retreat will provide opportu- on a first-come, first-served basis, so in the nearby Fireside Room.
nities for spiritual rejuvenation, the please register as soon as possible. The Extravaganza is $40 for the
renewal of old friendships and per- Sign-up during coffee hour on whole family. If you are also attending
haps the creation of new connections February 18 and 25, or contact reg- the morning retreat, the cost for both
with other Stone Church women. istrar Jan Keifer. Contact Colleen is $55. If you attend only the retreat,
As in previous years, a balance of Blackburn or Lynn Stutz with any the cost is $20 per couple.
time will be given for reflection, con- other questions. We hope to see you For more information, contact
versation and play. And just when all there! Anne Storer.

Men’s Book Group

Picks Spring Reads
The Men’s Book Group has
chosen four books to read this

 Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexual-

ity by Jack Rogers is the Feb-
ruary selection, in prepara-
tion for the Henrietta Perdue
 Skinny Dip, a lighthearted mys-
tery by Carl Hiaasen, will be
read for March; Handbell Rehearsals have started for our adult handbell choir
(pictured above: Kerry House-Nelson, Fred and Lizanne
 The Cruelest Miles by Gay and
Laney Salisbury is the story of Choir Oliver, Janice Goertz, Sheryl Turner, Bill Downes,
Katherine Webb Calhoun). We rehearse on Thursdays
the Alaskan epidemic that led
to the Iditarod Race, and is Begins from 7 to 8:30 pm in room 6 (downstairs). High school
and middle school youth who read music are also
the April selection;
 State of Denial by Bob Wood- Practice! welcome. Contact Jean Raby if you are interested in
ward will complete this series
in May.

The group meets on the third

Monday of each month. Bill Ribble
Men’s Winemaking
will be the host on February 19.
Other hosts will be announced
Group to Start Again
in the Sunday bulletin and in the Another note for the men of the congrega-
church’s weekly update. All men tion: if any of you are interested in making
of the congregation are cordially wine this spring, contact Bill Ribble as soon
invited to join! as possible.
We had fun at the
Spaghetti Dinner!


Crab Feed

Don’t forget the “All-You-Can-

Eat” Crab Feed, a fundraiser for
the Men’s Mission Workgroup,
in the Social Hall on Saturday, One of our lovely families at the Spaghetti Dinner!
February 3, from 6 until 8 pm.

Fat Tuesday Gala Bart Ehrman The Stone Church ofWillow Glen
Presbyterian USA
to Lecture 1937 Lincoln Avenue
(corner of Clark & Lincoln)
on Christian San Jose, CA 95125-3499

Origins Website: www.stonechurch.org

The End That Never Church Office:
Came and the Christi- Phone: 408-269-1593
anities That Were Lost Fax: 408-269-8412
Dr. Bart Ehrman, Pro- The Reverend Marge Palmer,
fessor and Chair of the Interim Pastor
Department of Religious
It’s time again to enjoy an evening Studies, University of Miriam Kishi,
of luscious desserts and the unique tal- North Carolina at Chapel Christian Education Associate
ents of our fellow church members! Hill, will present a free lec-
On Fat Tuesday, this year February ture at 4:30 pm, Sunday, Mary Jane (MJ) Nesbitt,
20, Derk Johnson will again be Master March 4, at the First Con- Office Manager
Of Merriment at our annual Fat Tues- gregational Church, 1980
day Gala of Desserts and Talents! Hamilton Avenue. The Stone News Staff:
Plan to arrive around 6 pm -- your This is the fifth annual Emily Moak Meacham, Editor
only fee is a delicious dessert to share. lecture on Christian Ori- Pat Magee, Fred Oliver, Lizanne Oliver,
Entertainment will start around 6:30 gins organized by the Jody Meacham: Assistant Editors
and end about 8:30, with children United Disciples Fellow- Sylvia Snyder, Chief Photographer
going first, since it’s a school night. ship in partnership with Dan Raby, Bill Ribble: Additional Photos
Contact Derk Johnson if you have a the First Congregational Catherine Amos, Fred Gardner,
talent to share. Church. Dulcie Janzen, Jan Keifer, Jerry Keifer,
Sylvia Snyder: Production

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