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Extra Practice

UNIT 8  Teen Time

1. Word work
A Write n (noun), adj (adjective), or v (verb) next to
the words in the box.

1. beach n 07. exciting 13. jacket 19. shorts

2. beautiful adj 08. food 14. music 20. sing
3. boring 09. green 15. pants 21. sneakers
4. busy 10. hamburger 16. pizza 22. socks
5. dance v 11. hot dog 17. purple 23. sweater
6. draw 12. interesting 18. shirt 24. white

B Check your answers in a dictionary.

2. What's wrong?
Correct the sentences. Add the missing words. Use the words in the box. There
is one mistake in each sentence.

✓ a are can’t color food ’s (is) like you

1. My uniform is blouse and a skirt.

My uniform is a blouse and a skirt.
2. What color your pants?

3. What your school like?

4. What is the shirt?

5. Can play the guitar?

6. What’s your house?

7. I sing at all.

8. My favorite is hamburgers.

© Cambridge University Press 2015 Photocopiable Extra Practice T-155

Extra Practice

UNITS  7 & 8
1. Vocabulary
A Complete the chart.
Country Nationality Country Nationality
1. Canada Canadian 7. South Korea
2. Brazilian 8. Mexican
3. Colombia 9. Peru
4. England 10. Puerto Rican
5. French 11. Spain
6. Japanese 12. American

B Complete the charts with the words in the box.

✓ boring classical exciting hot dogs rap skirt

brown dance hamburgers purple sing tie

Words for places Activities Clothes


Colors Music Food

C Complete each group.

1. February, March , April
2. tenth, , twelfth
3. July, , September
4. first, , third
5. May, , July
6. eighteenth, , twentieth

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2. Language focus
A Complete the conversations.
1. Sarah These are my new e-pals, Cynthia,
Henry, and Ronald.
Mark Is Cynthia from the U.S.?
Sarah No, she isn't . She’s from Canada.
Mark How old is she? Twenty?
Sarah Oh, no! She twenty.
She’s only sixteen!
Mark Really? How about Henry and Ronald?
Are they Canadian, too?
Sarah No, they .
They’re from Australia.
2. Mark is your birthday, Sarah?
Sarah It’s July.
Mark I know! But what day?
Sarah Oh! It’s July third.

B Look at the pictures. Check the correct sentences.

1. I love pizza. 2. I love biology. 3. I can sing.

I don’t like pizza. I don’t like biology. I can’t sing.

C Complete the questions. Then answer them with your own information.
1. What’s your town or city ?

2. Can you French?

3. What color your favorite T-shirt?

4. What color your favorite shoes?

5. Can you Ping-Pong?

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3. Reading
A Read about Cecilia and Mauro.
¿Qué tal? I’m Cecilia Gomez. I’m from We have two Open School Days at
Villarrica, a town in Paraguay. ¿Qué our school – one in April and one in
tal? is a greeting in Spanish. It’s like September. They’re my favorite
“How are you?” in English. I also
school events. They’re always very
speak Guaraní, a native South
busy, but They’re very exciting. Our
American language. I speak it with
parents can watch our classes.
my family at home, but at school I
speak Spanish. And I speak English There are games and contests, too.
in my English class! It’s a lot of fun! – Mauro Costa
– Cecilia Gomez

B Who’s talking? Write Cecilia or Mauro.

1. “I can play games, and I can enter contests.”
2. “There are two every year.”
3. “I can speak three languages.”
4. “My parents love my biology class.”
5. “My parents and my brothers and sisters can speak it, too.”

4. Writing
A Complete the information about yourself.

“Hello” (in my language): My language(s):

My name: My birthday:
My nationality: A school subject I like:
My city: My favorite food:
My country: My best friend:
Two things I can do well:

B Now write about yourself. Use some information from Part A.

“Hello” in my language is .

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