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Om Swastiastu, Assalamualaikum Wr Wb, Peace to all of us, Shalom, Good Evening,

Welcome back to Convention Hall STIKES Bali. I am (name), will guide the closing
ceremony. We have joined together the NUDC event, starting from opening, tournament
until the announcement of the match.
L & G, before we close the event today, allow me to invite Mr. Rachmat Nurcahyo to the
stage and announce the winners of National University Debating Championship Region 8
The next agenda is a closing report of National University Debating Championship
Region 8 by The Chair and Deputy Adjudicators. Miss Ary Susandi the time is yours.

Ladies and Gentlemen, that was all the agenda for NUDC Region 8 at STIKES Bali 2018.
We are in the name of committee and host apologize if there is mistake and uncomforted
feeling during this ceremony. Thank you for your attention. Om Santi, santi, santi Om,
Assalamualaikum Wr Wb, Peace to all of us, Shalom.

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