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REPORT OF THE ANNUAL CONVOCATION Mason, appointed that all souls pray those hours Lord came today in the services, expressly to the
HELD AT LEXINGTON, MISS., through, and each day the saints all through the sinners. Lesson from the 18th chapter of Ezekiel
JULY 23-AUGUST 20, 1911. tewn and country would be calling on the name taught by the pastor. Text from the 20th verse
Lexington Miss., July 23 (First Day).-Today of the Lord that he would loose the bound and of the same chapter. Sermon in much power,
we begin in the nalne of Jesus to fight a battle with save the souls that were fast sinking to death. relating to the sinners the story of the cross of
Satan and against sin. We look to Jesus who hath Elder Driver preached in the Holy Ghost and Christ and its wondrous power to save. .Many
promised lltS great victory in him. Our Pastor, exhorted that we lift high our flag, which is the sinners were converted and came crying that
C. H. Mason, has not arrived, but with Jesus' help cross of Christ. Souls were blessed on this night Jesus had pardoned their transgressions.
we begin with our assistant pastor, Brother Jeffe with the mighty power of God. August 8 (Seventeenth Day) .-The eyes oUhe
Lewis, one of God's strong young men and a August 1 (Tenth Day) .-The Lord was mighty Lord is in every place. Glory! Bless God! Ser·
fighter against sin. The Lord gave him the mes- in our midst. There is a great joy in the hearts of mon by the pastor from Isaiah 35 :5. And other
sage, and as he spoke to the waiting congregation all the blood-washed ones. Our souls cried to Scriptures were searched daily, which was such
the glory of God was in our midst, and those who God and as the Holy Ghost came on as the power a strength to the weak and many were made to
were hungry began to seek the Lord. of Satan was broken loose, and both men, wornen receive the light. Then shan the lame man leap
July 24 (Second Day).-The Spirit of the Lord and children came to the light. Lesson taught by as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for
calls us today and we are glad to come before him Eldel' J. H. Billops. ' in the wilderness shall waters break out and
and wait for his coming. The Lord gave us to August 2 (Eleventh Day).-The Savior of men, streams in the desert. As the Spirit sang out
wait before him and we waited. His presence Jesus the Light, we are waiting on thee, for thou through the saints, "Whosoever will," the Lord
filled the room and many were glad of his pres- art the help of all men. Elder C. H. Mason sang drew souls to him. Glory to God!
ence. Amen. Scripture lesson, 6th chapter of a new song in the wonderful way in which the August 9 (Eeighteenth Day) .-The Spirit of the
First Corinthians, by Brother J. Lewis. Holy Ghost uses him: . Lord seemed to work a strange work -in and ..-\-.'.-
July 25 (Third Day) .-We began today with Oh, what a wonder! through these services. The Lo~d began to sing
prayer and supplication in the Spirit. Scripture Oh, what a wonder! in the Holy Ghost: -
lesson, fifth· chapter of Ephesians, by Brother J. Jesus, my Savior, Jesus, my Savior, there's wisdom in him;
Lewis. Each service was deep in the Spirit and Is working in his own. Glory and honor to the Lamb!
the Lord taught us many deep things in his Spirit.
Power of Jesus, coming the more
July 26 (Fourth Day) .--"Glory to God" was"'!~1}1~.•s,:,r"y'!S~ cll,lsecl. wi~h.. tP~ 1tr,I;111I(.th of Goo Into the souls of men.
'st':tfg jfi the"Splrlfbytfiif:j5iistor tolmy'i "'fher;l}rcl" on u . 1 ., ~
had sent him to us, and as the Spirit sang out in August 3 (Twelifth Day) .-"Thou art my battle Sermon by the pastor from Isaiah 32. All ser-
him the new song of praise today the Lord gave axe and weapon of war, for with thee wilI I break vices fully conducted by the Holy Ghost through
us such a wonderful instruction through Elder C. in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy the pastor.
H. Mason. As he would give us to search the kingdoms." Jeremiah 51 :20. At the hour of 9:00 August 10 (Nineteenth Day) .-At the hour of
Scriptures many hearts were toucheJ. we are calling on the narrie of the Lord, and at 9 :00 today the Spirit began to pray as usual, anJ
July 27 (Fifth Day).-With the Lord again to- the hour of 12:00 such wonderful power would fOI' a while were held in secret prayer, and when
day. Our souls are delighted to wait for his com- come over us each day. The Lord would deliver the Lord loosed us the Spirit, through Elder C. H.
ing. As the Spirit spoke through Elder E. R. many. Scripture lesson, 105th Psalm, by the pas- Mason, began to cry "Destructions, and great dis-
Driver many were made to see the lighti Souls tor. -, tress!" We all, not knowing, began to wonder in
came thronging to the altar, and many were deliv- August 4 (Thirteenth Day).-Jesus, our friend what way and how would it come. Texts from
ered from the hands of Satan. The calI was made and brother. "The Lord is in his holy temple. Let Jer. 23. Singing
for the wanderer by the pastor, and as he was all the earth keep silent." Text, Isaiah 45 :22.
calling the dying ones came rushing to the altar. Sermon by the pastor, singing in the Spirit a new Hear him while he calls
Hear him while he caBs;
Many were blessed. song:j
Oh, ye sinners, while you wait,
July 28 (Sixth Day) .-The Lord gave us today . Hear ye the word of the Lord
Hear him while he calls.
to fast and pray for the healing of the sick. With 0 hear ye the word of the Lord, ,
the full guidance of the Spirit the Scripture les- He speaks to you now in his word; August 11 (Twentieth Day) .-The power of
son was the 21 st chapter of Luke and other Scrip- 0 hear you the word of the Lord. the Lord is intreating the sinful kingdoms of the
tures. Sermon by Elder Driver. As he preached whole earth. Through the people of the Lord each
to those that were traveling the downward road While singing the Spirit came mightily on us day the Lord would warn the people,always
the Holy Ghost fell and many were baptized and all, and the Lord did save many. Souls were through the pastor, that this year would be a year
siners were saved. healed and devils c,ast out. . ~ ~'".A..t;...'/
of great distress, with much death. Lesson from ,"'--
July 29 (Seventh Day) .-The Spiri.t begins to August 5 (Fourteenth Day) .-In today's ser- Amos' 9. Text from the 8th verse of the same
teach us to wait on the Lord. Singing through vices the Lord began to tea~h us about a new chapter. Exhortation by the .pastor. Truly these
the pastor, Elder C. H. Mason: thing he would do. .Isaiah 43: 19. Behold I will are the last days, for God is showing forth his-
do a new thing. Now it' shall spring forth; shall wonders and signs. Amen.
Wait on the Lord, ye not know it? I wilI even make a way in the August 12 (Twenty-first Day) .-Today the rain
Wait on him, wilderness and rivers in the desert As the pastor began to pour down. The clouds of the heavens
Wait on the Lord, preached to the waiting congregation the Lord were so clark we could scarcely see. We were
We rejoice and wait on the Lord. came in power and souls were convinced that the unable to get out to services. It was raining alL
Scripture lessons from the 9th chapter of St. Lord only was 'our deliverer, such a cry was heard day. At 7 :00 o'clock p. m, people began to leave
John and other Scripture, by the 'pastor. going up to God from the hearts of the people, their homes. The water was in their houses and I
July 30 (Eighth Day).--'-Hallelujah.! Halle- August 6 (Fifteenth Day).;-Glory to God! The
lujah! Glory to God ! Amen! Our Father hath voices of the saints rang out in the sweetest har-
every place. About a 20·foot wall ,of water went
through ,the place and great was the loss. Many
called us to come now. In him we praise his holy many. As we were taught to sing in the Spirit souls were groaning in .their d'istress. Husbands
name. The Lord, through' Elder E. R. Driver, 'on this beautiful Sabbath morning. Sermon by could not get to their wives, and so much more.
came to us in mighty power, through the 13th the pastor. Text from Song of Solomon 7:11,12. Right here was the prophecy fulfilled.
chapter of Exodus. The power of God :was s'o The Lord so greatly imparted to us much wisdom
. greatly manifested throughout the day as the altar and understanding. Light was given to the souls
August 13 (Twenty-second Day) ,-Our pastor
left 'us- today for Memphi~toineet. Brother Berg
call 'was made souls rushed to be prayed for. that were in darkness,. and in many ways the Lord ,
' I
July 31 .(Ninth Day) .-At the hours of 9 :00 and did touch the hearts. of the. people. Amen. ,I

12 :00 the Lord, through his servant, Elder C. H. August, 7 (Sixteenth Day) .---'The word of the (qontinuedort Page 3.) -
, '
THE WHOLE TRU IH that a man in hell can see the Paradise and those
who are resting there; he can desire relief through
true to a wife and family, and the girl that is not
true and obedient to her mother will never make
Will be puhlished .t 110 Ret time, but at slleh Limes as the the assistance of the saints, but cannot get it. This a true and obedient wife. And the wife and hus-
r.Jord loads and provides meaus.
makes hell more of·a torment. He can think of band that are not true to each other can not be
It shall be strictly baRoel !lPOU tho plain tenelting of tl10 tbis world and his relations, and desire to give true to God. Therefore, by being dishonest and
HolY SIIri·'tUl'eR, lind with test.imonies of what nod IS truly them warning by the resurrection of the dead not
doi!lg fot' lIS und tlll'ough us ill fulfilling his word of promise. untrue to each other we rob ourselves and homes
to come to this place of torment. This will help cf all sweetness and happiness and let in bitter-
JUSTUS BOWE ......................... Editor us to see a man in hell can think of all the gospel ness, confusion and shame in this life and eternal
sermons and the prayers and songs of the Chris- misery in the world to come. Why not be true?
ASBocla.te Editors: tians, and how his stubborn heart rebelled and re-
C. H. MASON It. g. HAH'l' C. W. W ADDET,J,
E. D. SMITH E. It. DRrVI~lt D. J. YOUNG fused. The thought of this makes the hell the Oh, may we a1l draw near to God,
more miserable.. Some of the no-hell believers And let our hearts be true,
Our rule 01' llisciplille is the 13il)le; our ordinances are often say you can't prove there is a hell, and can't With full assurance of faith in God,
tltoso taught us in the Bible. As JeRus slIid Ulall RhaU not
Jive by hroad ILlone, but by overy worel thnt procoo{letil ,mt locate it. If we cannot locate it as a place we can Be washed, made white and pure.
of till! mouth of God. I'Ibtt. 4 :'1.
certainly see there is a state of torment as well
Our cOllnnissioll ls: "Go yo into all tho world alld preach ---0---
tlw gosjlel to OVOl'Y "rO(ltllte. He that 1,olieveth lind is bajl' as a state of happiness. There are persons in this
tized shan be saved; but IHl that beli"vetll not shall he
dllmned. And thn~e BigllH .11nll follow t1HHlI thnt helinve: world whose faith and unshaken confidence in Pastor C. H. Mason, sent east from Memphis,
ill my llamo shall thoy Ctlst out devils; they shall spollk witb
now tongues. 'fl",)" sluLiI toke Ujl "orpents a!Hl if thoy drink God relieves them of guilt and fear and brings Tenn., to Norfolk and other places hi Virginia, in
Ilny ,lene]]y thing it shllll ItO\ 11mt t.l\olll; thoy shaH hlY hands the month of May. It was a time of much need.
on tbo sick Ilnd they shall l'ecuVCl'. Mllrk 16 :15·18. them into this state of happiness and joyful hope
"And theY' went forth Ilnd preaclUld everywhere, the Lord in God. Others whose life of sin and unbelief He was sent by the Spirit for the glory of his
wQl'ldng witil them Ilnd confirming the words with signs fol~
lowing," . bring them into the state of torment of fear and name. The Lord was with us and did give us
Whml you "end the tl'nth if yIlll desb'" to hllve it sent to dread. People who die in this condition often great victory through the whole trip. The fire fell
you BOIHI yOUl' name £Lnd ati<irCHs to the editor 521 West
'fwentY'Ulird Street, A"gonta, Art,. show themselves fearful and distressed, and often at Norfolk and the power of God was great. The
they complain of snakes and all kinds of beasts saints there were like little children, what little
"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all after them. Sometimes they say they are in fire trouble that was among them .. So soon did we get
the nations that fot'get God." (Psa. 9: 17.) burning; but those who believe the Bible and hope that straight and the blood of jesus did cover, and
Many people 'Of today are trying to relieve them- in God live a happy life and die a peaceful death. they were ready to take the blessed word of the
There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked. Lord that makes all things right. They had in
selves from the sorrows of death and the pains of
(Isaiah. 57 :21.) May God help all to believe. them to love and forgive one another as the Word
helt, as the just reward of the Almighty God, by says in Col. 3:12, 13.
Amen. j. Bowe,
saying there is no helJ, and that God is too mer- We were at Newport News, Va., only two days.
ci'ful to make a soul and then put it in a lake of The first day we called at Brother and Sister - -
fire and let it burn always. To lay aside the judg- "Let us draw near with a true heart." (Heb. home. There we found a sister so hungry for the
mentof God, and look only at his mercy, that may 10 :22.) People in all ages have attempted to baptism of the Holy Ghost. While one sister went
seem reasonable; but we must remember we must come near or serve God with a heart deceitful, out to tell another that we had come this sister
all come to the judgment of God, and his mercy dishonest, and untrue, but as our Lord has said, came into the room where we (Brother S. H. Jones
never extends beyond his judgments. We can only the pure in heart can see God, and be blessed and myself) were, said that was like jacob was
only enjoy his merciful favors when we see our- of him. Only an honest confession is good or by Esau, she came to get the blessing while the
selves unworthy sinners, and his judgments holy, profitable for the soul. The Publican could only other sister was away, so we got down before our
just and righteous .. say, as he smote his breast, "Lord be merciful unto God, asking him for her that he would baptize her,
To expect God's favor without regarding his me a sinner," but he went away blessed. "If we' and in a short time the fire fell on her and we a1l
law is Eke spltringina person's face and J'eaching confess ourslnsi h~" is-faithful find just to ..forgive thanked G,od for his coming. ThelL:!'.L~~T9"ught
out your hand for a favor; to say ther is no hell us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unright- a great miracle on a pOllr ',vOll1an that had to walk
also says there is no heaven, for hell is the oppo- eousness." (I john 1:9.) The!: only way out of with a crutch. She came to the meeting. As she
site of heaven. There cannot be a heaven without sin is to plead guilty and beg pardon, truly re- was about to go away we called her, asking her
a hell a~y more than there can be right without penting from the heart for every act of disobedi- about her troubles, and she told us. We got down
wrong, for wrong is the opposite of right. Let us ence, and surrendering the heart to jesus, saying, and prayed, laying hands on her. Satan was re-
consider the word "hell." Mr. Webster gives it: Lord, thy will be done. jesus, in the Parable of buked at once. She rose up, took her crutch,
The place or state of punishment; the abode of the Sower, said the good ground was the good walked a few steps with it, then laid it down and
evil, wicked spirits. Mr. W. M. Smith's Dictionary and honest heart. God's word is never fruitful un- took the strength of jesus and began to step
of the Bible says: "Hell is from the Hebrew word less it is planted in go?~round-honest hearts. around over the house. It drew the people out of
sheol, the grave or the pit, place of punishment. It may be planted in a hbart that is not true, and the streets to see the great wonder of God. Heb.
Gehenna, the valley of Hinnom, is given a de- it may spring up, but will soon wither away. It 13 :8. Greater works will be done. Many hungry
scription of hell. This was a deep, narrow glen will not bear fruit. It will be well for anyone who souls in that city. Sinners sent letters to us ask-
south of jerusalem, where the idolatrous jews of- will decide in their heart to be honest and true. ing us to come and preach the gospel to them in
fered their children to Molech. It became the When we learn to be true to each other it then the streets. The white people ask for the same.
cesspool or dumping ground for all the filth of the becomes easy and a pleasure and a delight to be Let all saints pray for that city.
city. The continued dumping into it and the reg- true to God. We can soon see the blessings of Leaving Norfolk for Westminster, N. C., met
ular burning 'gave it the image of the place of reward for the true and faithful are many and' Brother C. W. Waddell, of Virginia, and Elder
everlasting punishment." Let us now consider great, both spiritually and temporally. This en- Nichols, pastor at Westminster, in a great meet-
some passages of Scripture. First, the Psalmist cOUl'ages us to draw near to God with a true heart, ing there. The latter rain was falling on white
in the text says the wicked shall be turned into in fuIJ assurance of faith. But the disobedient are and colored there. The altar would be crowded
hell. Again he \ said, "The sorrows of death and always running from God and trying to hide them- at every call, and God did work with them and
"'---' pains of hell got -hold on me." Psa. 116:3.) This selves under self-made eXCllses. In the first sin Il\any were baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire,
will help us to know the powers of hell can be felt man fled from God and attempted to hide behind and the wonder. of God was on them. We were
while we yet live in this world. Solomon said of the bushes and cover with leaves, and the Revele- there three nights, and on the third night the
the strange woman: "Her feet go down to. death; tions tell us that in the great day of his wrath the crowd was such that we were pressed upon. God
her steps take hold on hell." (Prov. 5 :5.) wicked will run to the rocks" and mountains and gave power to speak to them about the baptism of
Even her house is the way to. hell. (Prov.' desire them to fall on them to hide them from the Holy Ghost, which is 'So much needed in the
7 :27.) Her guests are in the depths of hell. the face of God. It is. said of Amaziah, the eighth churches of today. Saints, all pray for the pa.;tor
(Prov. 9: 18.) The pI'ophet Isaiah in the judg- king of Judah, he did that which was right in the there, Elder Nichols, one of God's sweet men.
ment of God to Israel for covetousness and pride, sight of God, but not with a perfect heart. From Left the next day and spent a night in Roanoke,
when her honorable men had famished and their this we can see that a person may do right, but ,if Va., with .Pastor Dents and the Lord's people there.
multitude dried up with thirst, said: "Therefore not from a true and perfect heart it is not accepted It was a happy meeting. The Lord blessed the
\ \
hell hath enlarged herself and opened her mouth with God, for man looks at the outward appear- saints and their hearts were made glad. We can
\, without measure: and their multitude and their ance, but God looks at the heart. Honesty is the never get room enough there for the people. The
pomp, and ·he that rejoiceth shall descend into it." best policy in every case. The hOnest and true pastor's wife, a sweet woman, is so hungry for the
(Isaiah 5 :14.) person is always preferable. Why not be true? baptism of the Holy Ghost! We all are praying
Jesus in the parable of a certain rich man and To have true men and women they must be taught for her to receive. Matt. 5 :6.
1,azarus, the beggar, said of the rich man. "And and shown that to be honest and true gives them We then left next for home ... Met the saints at
.inhell he lifted UP his'eyes being in torment." every advantage in life. But the parents must be Lexington, Miss., on the following Sunday morn •
From this parable of
the Lo~d we can see that hell . honest and true before they can teach their chil- ing, where the Lord did come to us in great power
k, a ,place of' torment, as well as a state of tor- dren so to be. A boy that is not true to his par- and gladdened the hearts of aU the saints. Yours,
ment, and from the request of the man we cllnsee ents and kind to his sister will. never be kind and C. fL Mason.

\ '\

ANNUAL CONVOCATION REPORT. THE STATE GONVOCATION. preaching, an old man came to me and asked me
. (Continued From Page \.) The convocation which was to be at Pine Bluff to pray fora fever he had. I ceased to preach
beginning November 1, 1911, will be changed to and laid my hands on him and prayed for the fever
from India, leaving with us Brother E. H. Page Conway, Ark. For some t;easons not needful to and the Lord healed him at once. I am thanking
and other brothers to continue the services. The mention I again ask that all the brethren and sis- and praising the Lord all the time, for this way,
Lord did come the more. The people here are ters who come to the convocation come prepared because I know it is right. I remain your brother
made to see that God is great in all of his ways. to help, instead of coming expecting help. Dear in Christ, L. V. Smith.
Lesson by Elder E. M. Page. Many souls came ones, the Lord has put before us a great work in
to the altar. this State, which I hope to be aole to better explain
August 14 (Twenty-third Day).-Lesson by to you in the convocation. I ask that every church Jackson, Miss., August 12, 1911.
Elder A. M. Frazier. Searching the Scriptures join me with your prayers and means to push this Holiness meeting at this place begins today. We
with much earnestness, each one see~ed to wait work on. Every church that believes the Lord is are determined to go through. We realize that we
for all things in Christ. Every night the people leading 'us, and are praying for success should are in a battle against sin. Glory! The fight is
would come from far and near to hear this great send an offering. God's grace, mercy, and love on. We are trusting God for the victory. The
wonder of the Lord. Let the people of the Lord be with all. Amen. J. HOWE. Lord sent us Elder E. R. priver and Elder C. H.
be faithful, for the end is near at hand. ----0--- Mason, sants from Hazelhurst and from Mem-
August 15 (Twen~y-fourth Day) .-Singing and TO THE MINISTERS. phis; Brother Richard Vane, from Walnut Lake,
prayer continued tod-ay. Lesson from Col. I by Let all the young ministers that the Lord has Ark.; Sister Ethel B. Williams, of Lexington,
Elder E. M. Page and searching of other Scrip- blessed and made useful in the gospel work come Miss., and great was the Lord in our midst. In
tures. Altar invitations continued each service to the State Convocation, that we all together spite of all the oppositions of Satan God gives us
and the people would come crying for Jesus' may pray the Lord for the Holy Spit'it to direct us victory. Each service God would preach through
blood, and as many as could take him by faith in the work, and those who 'have charge of works, the ministers with great power, and oh, how he
were made whole. and are not ordained may come that we, after would open the Scriptures to the blinded people!
August 16 (Twenty-fifth Day) .-The Lord is prayer and fasting, may lay hands on them, that The Lord seems to have given Elder C. H. Ma-
coming to us in power and great glory. He is they be fully set apart for the work of the minis- son a double portion of his Spirit. Each night the
giving us more in him each day. Lesson by try. Lord would send the people from far and neal', so
Brother J. Lewis from different parts of the ---0--- much so that we had to make seats on the outside
ScriptUl'es. The Lord seems to put it in our Sumrall, Miss., August 10, I 9 11. of the tabernacle, and then we were unable to ac-
hearts very deeply in each service to search the Elder C. H. Mason: I send $1.00 as a free- commodate the people. This truly was. the Lord's
Scriptures. Bless the Lord! We are going all of will offering for The Whole Truth, and can say time in this place. Many sick were healed, souls
the way with him. Hallelujah! I consider it one of the best papers we have ever converted and baptized with Holy Ghost and fire.
August 17 (Twenty-sixth Day).-The Holy had. Praise God, I'm in the faith. Yours in the Ten were united to the band. We beg the 'prayers
Ghost, through Elder C. H. Mason, began to teach one body. C. H. Hays. Gf all the saints everywhere, to pray for Jack-
great things, praying in the Holy Ghost. Text, ---0--- I>on, Miss., knowing what a strong hold Satan has
Joel 2: I, 15, 17. And there was a great shout Somerville, Miss. there. Yours in him, E. B. W., Reporter.
in the camp, for the power of God was greatly in Dear Editor: Please send me The Whole Truth
paper. I consider it to be the best paper I ever
our midst. The place through'out was stirred up.
There were saints from a good many places with read. I sent a freewill offering of $1.00 to HAVE FAITH IN GOD.
Brother Mason at Lexington, and will send some .'
us helping to fight the hattIe. "When the Son of man cometh, shall he find
August 18 (Twenty-s0venth Day) .-Repentance more soon. Yours in Christ Jesus, faith on earth?"
is the message of the Spirit to the people tonight, , C. H. Hays. Dear readers, a few words to you on faith in
for the tinl<: ie, at hand .. Sermon by the pastor. - - - - 0 - - '- - - God, that your faith might he strengthened. As
Text, Mark 1: j 5, SiIl gi rig a rlc i w i,liilgiflfhe . '" "'y' a ug1'lt'llle" Img:"" kwgust 23;,,191-1. ..--. Jesus-htls'$tlid-inhis word (Mnrk II :22) I " - W
Spirit: Deal' Brothel' Mason: The Lord is blessing us we unto you: "Have faith in God," The hless·
o repent, 0 sinner. here. .I want to praise God. We wrote you a few ings of the Lord come to liS as we exercise faith
Repent just now; days ago to pray for Carrie May. She was having in him, for we are justified by faith, Rom. 3 :28;
The voice of the Lord is calling you; convulsions. Today she is well. Thank God! We 5: 1. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by
Repent of all thou hast done. are blessing God for his healing power. Pray for the word of God." (Rom. 10: 17.) "Whatsoever
The Spirit is calling now, repent tonight. Many us. The people here are stirred up and are com- is not of faith is sin." (Rom. 14:23.) As the
souls fel before him and many were baptized with ing from far and near. Yout' brother, apostle admonished the Ephesians, so do we ad-
the Holy Ghost, and signs following, and many E. M. Page. monish all. "Take the shield of faith, wherewith
were healed. ----0--- ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of
August I 9 (Twenty-eighth Day) .-We are near- Lexington, Miss., August 12, 1911. the wicked." (Eph. 6: 16.) "The just shall live
ing the end of this battle. Glory to God. The Dear Editor: Please accept these few words of by faith; but if any man draw back my soul shall
Lord truly is and has been with us through it alL rraise to God for healing me on August 12. I have no pleasure in him." (Heb. 10:38.) The
Sermon by the pastor. Text St. John 17 :8. The was very sick for seven days, and according 39th verse of the same chapter says: "But we
Lord has given us a great victory throughout this to the fifth chapter of James I called for the elders are not of those that draw back unto perdition;
country and hath given us strength in him. We of the church. Brothel' Mason and other brethren but of them that believe to the saving of the soul."
have all been made· to drink of that spiritual rock came and prayed and anointed me with oil, and Read the' II th chapter of Hebrews, which gives the
which is Christ Jesus, bless God! and to eat of God so wonderfully healed me. Amen. You all nature and fruits of faith. James says: "Faith
the hidden manna. pray for me, for I am going through with Jesus. without works is dead." (James 2 :26.) "Faith
August 20 (Twenty-ninth Day).-Tonight-the Your sister, Virginia Barbour. by works is made perfect." (James 2:22.) And
last of our services. We feel that we have glorl this is the victory that overcometh the world, even
fled God in meeting here. The sick have neen our faith," (I John 5 :4.) In order to overcome
healed, the 'poor have had the gospel preached to New Orleans, La, the world we must keep the faith of Jeslls, iha:~'i; ''>
Deal' Editor: Please allow me space in your overcomes for us. "Be thou faithful unto death,"'- I
them. Sermon by the pastor. Text, Matt. II :4, I
5. Rev. 21 1-4. During this revival 45 have been paper to tell of some of the blessings of the Lord. and I will give thee a crown of life," Oh, that
converted and 23 baptized with the Holy Gho.,t I have been preaching all the year as God per- the dear ones of God may have faith in God! Let
and fire, with signs following, and there is a great mitted. The devil got confused, stirred up 41 of the faith of God be established in the heart, soul
his "elders" to sign a decree against the Church and mind, that whatsoever we ask of him he will
joy in our heart as we go to another field of labor.
of Christ, the city became stirred, and we were give unto us. "Beloved, when I gave all dili-
We are expecting victory in every place in him.
P~aying the blessing of God on all. An\en. at last brought before the Counsel of t.he Unjust, gence to write unto you Q,f the common salvation \
E. B. Williams, Reporter. but God delivered us. God got the glory and sept it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort \.
---0--- us Elder O. C. Fetters, of Centerville, Miss., and you that ye should earnestly. contend for the faith
THE CHILDREN'S MEETING. we had two weeks' meeting. On the eighth day which was once delivered unto the saints." Jude
The children's meeting will be held December the fire fell as at Pentecost. In him, 3. Yours for the faith of the Son of God,
23 with the church at Dumas, lasting ten days to R. W. Cl\lrk. C. H. Mason.
the Lord's glory. Let all the parents who send ---0--- ---0---
their children give them round-trip tickets, and 502 Biscoe St., Helena, Ark., Sept. 22, I gIl.
send them in the care df some mother or aged , My Dear Brother D. J. Young: I am glad to Elder C. H.' Mason and wife are in Norfolk, '
one. Everybody come praying for the, power of let you hear from me in this place. The Lord is Va., at this writing and expecting to visit other
the Spirit with us as never before. doing great work here. I ·am preaching on the places in the State of North Carolina before they
M. C. Green. streets, and white and colored say this is the only return: He reports great victory in every place.
. p. O. Box 83, Dumas, Ark. way. A few days ago, as I was in a good way Many soulsar~ ·being. deli~ered.
__ 7

A precious brother of Indianola, Miss., writes glory. So we are saying as they said in the days Little Brother Nash Holly was sweetly used to
Brother E. R. Driver, inviting him to preach at of old, "Peace on earth and good will to all men." bear witness to him. In fact, all the little tots
the Second Baptist Chruch, {)f which Elder J. The children here are expecting to attend the were used precious of the Lord in singing. and
Moy is the pastor, the week after the first Sunday meeting at Memphis, the Lord willing. testifying to the glory of God. A host of them
in August. He states that several of Elder Dri- Pray for us at this place; Yours in him, came from Pine Bluff, accompanied by Brother
ver's former members would be pleased to meet L. A. Sledier, Reporter. Chambers and Sisters Sara Rucker, Mathas and
him there, and that Brother C. C. Philips urged --·-0--- Holly. Some came from Tamo, Dermott, Sorrell,
him to write. THE ME~TING AT CONWAY, Toledo, Clio, Cabool, Kedron, Cotton Belt, Ran-
--0--- This was awonderftt l1y great and blessed meet- dall and Lehigh. The meeting was wisely con-
Brother R. W. Clark, of Triumphant Church in ing in the Spirit all;d power of God. This, I be- ducted through the workers that came as the
Christ at New Orleans, writes that the Lord has lieve, was the most effective and convincing meet· Spirit led. All was well done, all things were
blessed them with a church and that the work is ing we have held in this place. Truly the Holy common, all in unity. There was strength in Jesus.
promising. On the 9th of July nine souls were Ghost led in the meeting thnlUghout. Many We haven't space to tell it all. God was greatly
sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost, sightseers and game-makers came to the meeting, glorified. The next meeting will be spoken of else-
and more are still coming in. They have a mem- but the great power and wisdom, through the Holy where. God bless all. Amen.
bership of about 30. The Lord is blessing their Spirit of God, disappointed them all and bound ---0---
labor. He sends $2.00 as an offering for The and rebuked the wicked spirits of unbelief and THE SPIRIT OF GOD UPON US,
Whole Truth, !;Ind states a welcome to any of the sent them away and brought a life of liberty, joy "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; be-
hlborers led to come to help in the meeting there. and gladness to many pI:ecious souls. About 27 cause the Lord hath anointed me to preach good
---0--- sinners were converted and baptized in water, and tidings unto the meek." Isaiah 51 : I. The prophet,
Sister Larry, of Columbus, Miss., writes under a number of believer$ received the baptism of the speaking by the Spirit of God, prophesied of
date of August 14, 1911, that God has so wonder- Holy Ghost. Amen! Amen! The Lord is truly jesus and his office as a minister of God, showing
fully healed 'her son through the prayers of Elder blessing the saints at this place with a sweet spirit that this office can only be filled by those who have
C. H. Mason and others. He was very sick with of oneness, and love, and unity. Of .course this been anointed of the Lord and have the Spirit
appendicitis. She wrote to Lexington to Elder is the secret of their great spiritual strength and poured out upon them. It is one thing to be
Mason to send her an anointed cloth, which he did success. Let us all pray everywhere, as did our anointed of the Lord, and to have the Spirit of the
send, and today her son is at work. Says his color blessed Lord, that we all, everywhere, may be one. Lord upon you is another. The Psalmist said, "He
has returned and he looks natUl'al. The swelling
had not all kone, but we are trusting Jesus for all.
We have had much to overcome in this place in
standing and contending for the faith once deliv-
anointed my head with oil and my cup runneth
over. Many get anointed of the Lord and do not
Amen. ered to the saints, but we thank God for victory tarry for the power to come upon them. john
- ~~ --0---
Elder D. J. Young is now visiting among the
through Jesus.
J. Bowe, .Pastor. the Baptist was blessed of the Lord and was full
of the Holy Ghost from his mother's womb; but
Apostolic Faith brethren of the North. He has when Jesus came to be baptized of him, John con-
written us from Indianapolis, Ind. He says the REPORT OF THE CHILDREN'S MEETING. fessed his need of being baptized of him. Jesus
saints in the North, as far as he has gone, are This being the second meeting of the children, was anointed or sanctified when he came into the
contending for their fullnes, and for the faith that it was held with the •Church of God at C~bool, world, but after he was baptized of John the
was once delivered to the saints, and that many of Ark., Septembe'r 1-5, 1911. We shall n6t attempt Father sent the Holy Spirit upon him while he
\ them are very strong. Many are getting saved,
to give a minute report of it. It was too great. prayed. Jesus blessed and anointed his disciples
sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost and The Holy Spirit worked so wonderfully in chang- and breathed on them, saying, receive ye the Holy
fire, with Bible evidence of speaking in tongues. ing the order of the service in various ways and in Ghost, and prayed for their sanctification and de-
He says the pastor, Elder G. T. Haywood, and such power. He beg!ln 11~ wonderful work in the elared them clean through the words which he
man'" .. I' the saints at Indianapolis, hold services first service held,.t~;,J!§$h.xy., ~!!,!lk~ out of t.he ' spoke unto thelli. Ailu yet ile tellS [hem ye sl1all
at"ieast once every day in the year, and sometimes train singing "The FIght Is On." True, this was a receive power after the Holy Spirit come upon
two or three times a day. Many are being healed glorious meeting in the Lord. Many were saved you. And so they did tarry in Jerusalem, untH
-of various diseases. And the harvest is exceed- and fully blest of the Lord. Great joy was left in the Spirit came upon them, and when it came upon
ingly ripe and the Lord is working wonders all every home of the saints and in many of the them, of all the many blessings of ,their past ex-
through that countrr. The Elder has requested homes of othes. They that. visited were greatly periences there was none like this one. The
the prayers of all the saints that the Lordvmay blest of the Lord. There were 50 blest and saved. sound was as a mighty rushing wind, and it filled
continue to bless and crown his labors with abun- The delegated body was 150 children, besides older all the house where they were sitting. And there
dant success. saints and other people. Many of the older appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire,
--0--- saints were baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire and it sat upon each of them. And they were all
THE CHURCH AT MALVERN, ARK. and renewed. Yes, many of the prodigals came filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak
The church at Malvern is doing well. Since home from crying and feeding the swine. Amen! with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utter-
july the Lord has worked wonderfully in the place bless the Lord. He knows the time and season to ance, and every place we read where the Spirit
in saving, sanctifying and baptizing his people all things. Many, even among the saints said they came upon the people or the person it was a sim-
with the Holy Ghost and fire. He has also blessed did not believe in children's religion, but the Holy ilar experience, and I am so glod to know that
them with a' place to build,and they have about Spirit convinced all, and made us to know that he when we believe on him like they believed and
finished a large temple in which to worship, and had ordained perfect praise out of the mouths of surrender to him like they did and tarry for the
which was dedicated to the Lord the first Sunday babes. Truly we saw and heard it through the power, it will come on us just like it came on them.
in October. , Elder D. W. Welch, Pastor. children in this meeting. The Spirit in an un- Thank the Lord, I believed! Glory to God, I
---0--- known tongue spoke through little Sister Veleda have received! Praise his name! Amen! "Fol'
THE MEMPHIS'MEETING. Young, on the first night, and ask everyone to unto you therefore which believe he is precious."
The meeting at Memphis will begin November keep hands off, and let the Lord work in the meet- I Peter 2:7 "If so be ye have tasted that the
\ ....J~,ll1:stil1:g 20 days, the.Lo:d leading. We hope to ing, and great would it be. So we did and so was Lord is gracious." "If ye will not believe, surely
-. - . 'oe able to get rates thIS tIme for all who attend.
Ask your agent YD.r i certificate when you get your
ticket. Let all that come, come prepared with
the work greater than we've ever known for the
short time of five days. All the saints then took
an active part,and help as the Lord gave grace and
ye shall not be established.' Isaiah 7 :9. There
is no way to excuse orselves, and we .cannot ex-
plain it away, for Jesus said these signs shall fol.
means to help share a part in the burden of the made the meeting a blessing to this country and low the believers; in his name they shall cast out
expense of the meeting. Let all pray for II great all who attend. The crowds were so large that we devils; they shall speak with new tongues. You
spiritual outpouring upon all in this meeting. had not sitting or standing room. (It would be cannot say it is impossible, for Jesus said, If thou
. Elder C. H. Mason, Pastor. well if' soine of ~he strong mipisters would visit canst believe all things is possible to him that
---0--- these meetings of the children toward the close. believ. What we need is to plead to the Lord as
WEST POINT, MISS. It is a good chance to give the word stronger to this man did: "Help thou my unbelief."
Deal' Editor: Please allow me space in The the people.)
Whole Truth. We are praising God for a sweet The Lord used Pastor D. W. Jones on Sunday Upon the hill, Mount Olive,
Savior that overcame the weJrld. The saints ,here of the meeting in preaching from the text, "Train The Savior bkssed them all,
at this pla<:e are1shouting, for the walls 'have fall- up a child in the way it should go, and when it is Saying, Tarry at Jerusalem
en down. They are praising him that said "I am old it will not depart therefrom." It was pointed Till the power upon you fall.
the way, if any man enter by me he shall be and edifying to all who had ears to hear what the
saved." They have united and gone back in the Spirit said to the Church. ., I Chorus-
-one body. There is one Lord, one faith, one bap- The Lord used little Brother John McTee in We are tarrying for the power,
tism, and one hope of our calling. We have been, every service e!ther ~n preac?ing or' ~eaching ~he We are tarrying fo'r the power,
under a great burden, but the Lord has given the word. It was nch, wlth~ut mIxture, SImple, chlld- We are tarrying for the power,
\ victory and we are praising and giving him t~e like wisdom. Send it on us all.

'" "

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