Civil Engineering Methods-CE221

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Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

B. Sc. Eng. Honours Degree


Final Examination
Year 2, Semester I (20 15)

CE221 - Civil Engineering Methods

Duration: 2 Hours

May 2015

Instructions to Candidates:
+ This paper has 2 parts on 13 pages including the cover page.
+ Part A has 22 questions and Part-B has 3 questions.
,. + Answer All Questions
+ Part-A: Write answers on the question paper
+ Part-B: Use the given booklet and booking sheets
+ Questions do not carry equal marks
+ Total mark attainable is 100 (Section A-50 marks, Section B-50
+ Mobile phones are not permitted. Only equipment allowed is a
calculator approved by the Faculty of Engineering.


Question 1-4: Fill in the blanks

1. Drawing is said to be the .................................. of engineers and technicians.

(0.5 marks)

2. . ....................................................... gives more information necessary for

manufacturing and fixing of the components (0.5 marks)

3. Lines of different thicknesses are used to make a drawing .................................... .

(0.5 marks)
4. When dimensions are tabulated on a drawing or a schedule their sequence must be

............................................................................................. (0.5 marks)

5. Complete the views offirst angle projections ofFigure AQ5. (2 marks)



' '

6. Draw the conventional signs for the following. (2 marks)

i) Concrete

ii) Earth Fill

iii) Wash basin

iv) Switch socket outlet

Questions 7-10: Select the best answer.

7. An engineer often relies on a to complete the set of technical drawings used in

the design of a commercial building.

a) technical illustrator
b) artist
c) draftsman
d) construction superintendent (0.5 marks)

8. The foundation contractor will work with the following architectural plans.

a) foundation details
b) site plan
c) floorplan
d) all of the above (0.5 marks)

9. When filling an area with a hatch pattern in AutoCAD you should be able to _ _ __

a) see the entire bounding area to hatch

b) set "Ortho on"
c) tum "ISO grid off'
d) set the layer to "Defpoints" (0.5 marks)

10. These drawings are used to plan construction projects that locate construction features so
they fit the topography of the area,

a) subdivision plans
b) landscape maps
c) topography maps
d) location plans (0.5 marks)

11. State the minimum requirements as per building regulations for

a) Habitable room

. I .................................................................................................. .

2 .................................................................................................. .


b) Ceiling height

1 .................................................................................................. .

2 .................................................................................................. .

c) Staircase

1.................................... : ............................................................. .

2 .................................................................................................. .
(3 marks)

12. Discuss the current disability access to the engineering building at SUIT, Malabe.

(2 marks)

13. Sketch foundation details of a residential building. Use following construction notes.
a) Depth of foundation 600 mm below G.L.
b) Plinth height above G.L.- 300 mm


(3 marks)

14. Prepare a general lay out drawing for the ground floor of a community center in a land
measuring 35m x 50 m for the following particulars.

• Plinth area to be limited to 450m2 (15m x 30m)

• Height of each column: 3.5m
• Size of columns: 300 mm x 400 mm
• Effective span of each continuous beam 5m of size 300 mm x 550 mm
• Secondary beams to be provided for a span of 4m and of size 300 mm x 400 mm
• Plinth beam 300 mm x 400 mm all-round 0.6m above ground level
• Footing of size 1.2 m x 2.8 m for each column has its uniform thickness= 600mm

(8 marks)


15. The Figures AQ15(a) and AQ15(b) show the reinforcement details of a beam. Complete
the bar bending schedule (Table AQ15). Assume the concrete cover for beams is equal to 25
mm for main bars and 20 mm for stirrups. State any other assumptions.

111 i . . i 11
~· -2T20-1

Figure AQ15(a) Beam B1


!..- 225 4
Figure AQ15(b) Section X-X


Table AQ15. Bar Bending Schedule

Bar Bar <I> Measurement Length Group No per Total Total length
Number (mm) for dimension (mm) group number (m)
shape (mm) ofpcs
01 8

02 . - 8

03 8

(5 marks)

16. Road is a three-dimensional alignment which is presented in two projections. What are
the road design elements?

1. . ................................................ .

2. ··················································

3. ··················································
(1.5 marks)
Question 17-19: Fill in the blanks

17. Transverse slope given to the road surface is called .............................. It is

provided mainly to drain off rain water from the road surface. (0.5 marks)

18 ............................. is the total area used for the road including the reservation for
utility and any widening in future (0.5 marks)

19 ............................... are freely available for vehicles in an emergency (0.5 marks)

20. Discuss a design fault in the Southern Expressway (Kottawa-Galle) in Sri Lanka.

(3 marks)
21. Write down short notes for the following. Illustrate your answer with neat sketches as

1. Truss bridge

2. Arch bridge


3. Deck

4. Design data sheets

5. Tender drawings

(5 marks)

22. A road embankment is 25m wide, with side slopes I :2. Assuming the ground to be level
in the direction transverse to the center line.

Calculate the volume of earth contained in a length of 150 m.

The central height at 30m being 1.7, 2.0, 2.8, 3.75, 3.75 and 4 m respectively.
(10 marks)



Part-B: Engineering Surveying

For Part-B, you should use booklet and booking sheets in pages 12 and 13.

Question 1 (20 Marks)

I. Differentiate between the following with neat sketches.

(a) Fore sight and back sight. [2 marks]
(b) Level surface and horizontal surface. [2 marks]
(c) Line of collimation and height of instrument. [2 marks]

II. The Table BQI is the page of a level book.

(a) Insert missing figures indicated by symbol on the Booking Sheet (BQI) provided
in page 12. [6 marks]
(b) Calculate reduced levels of all the stations . [6 marks]
(c) On the Booking Sheet, show how you could check your work. [2 marks]

Table BQl: A page ofLevel Book

Stn Back Intermediate Fore Rise Fall Reduced Remarks

sight sight Level
I 2.150 450.000 BM I
-2 1.645 X 0.500
3 2.345 X X

4 X 1.965 X

5 2.050 1.825 0.400

6 X X X 451.500 BM2
7 1.690 1.570 0.120
8 2.865 2.100 X

9 X X 451.250 BM3


Question 2 (15 Marks)

The following readings were observed with a level and a 4m staff.

1.143(BM: 34.223m), 1.765, 2.566, 3.819(C.P), 1.390, 2.262, 0.664, 0.433(C.P), 3.722,
2.886, 1.618, 0.616(BM: 35.605m)

(a) On the Booking Sheet (QB2) provided in page 13, book all the readings
[5 marks]
(b) Calculate the Reduced Levels by Using Rise and Fall method. [8 marks]

(c) On the Booking Sheet also show how you could check the accuracy of your work.
[2 marks]

Question 3 (15 Marks)

Table BQ3 shows a page of a surveying book.

Table BQ3: A page of a surveying book

Line Length Whole Circle Bearing

PQ 89.31 45°1 o·
QR 219.76 72°05'
RS 151.18 161 °52"
ST 159.10 228°43'
TP 232.26 300°42"

Calculate (a) Latitudes [5 marks]

(b) Departures [5 marks]

(c) Closing error for the above traverse. [5 marks]

End of the Question Paper



Use this leveling booking sheet to answer the Question-01 in Part B.

Sheet BQ1: The level Page

Stn Back Intermediate Fore Rise Fall Reduced Remarks

sight sight Level

1 2.150 450.000 BM 1

2 1.645 0.500

3 2.345

4 1.965

5 2.050 1.825 0.400

6 451.500 BM2

7 1.690 1.570 0.120

8 2.865 2.100

9 451.250 BM3


Use this leveling booking sheet to answer the Question-02 in Part B.

Sheet BQ2- The level Page

Stn Back Intermediate Fore Rise Fall Reduced Remarks

sight sight Level



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