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- 注意事項 -

1. 在監考老師指示以前,請勿翻開此份試卷。

2. 答案紙上請填上自己的姓名、座號。未確實填答者,總成績酌扣 5 分,扣完為止。

3. 考試時間為 40 分鐘整,考試過程中不得出入考場。

4. 此試卷共有 7 題,共有 5 題填充題、2 題計算證明題。總分 100 分。

5. 計算證明題必須有完整作答流程,並請保持答案卷版面整潔。

6. 考試加油,Just do your best!

1. Three cards, each bearing a natural number, are placed on the table with the numbers’ side
facing down. Sammy, Holly and Emily all know the following clues:
 Each of the 3 numbers is different.
 The 3 numbers total to 13.
 From left to right, the numbers increase in value.
Sammy picks up the card on the left, looks at it and says “I don’t have enough information
to figure out the other two numbers.”
Upon hearing Sammy’s statement, Holly picks up the card on the right, looks at it and
says “I don’t have enough information to figure out the other two numbers.”
Upon hearing both statements, Emily picks picks up the card in the middle, looks at it and
says “I still don’t have enough information to figure out the other two numbers.”
What is the middle number?

2. Ninety-nine classmates form a circle. In a clockwise direction, they are each labeled with
a number from 1 to 99. (2 stands next to 1, 3 stands next to 2,…, 1 stands next to 99.)
Number 1 introduces himself to the group and sits down. The next person standing is
skipped (Number 2) and the person after that introduces himself and sits down (Number
3). This continues: 1  3  5    99  4  8  …
When there are only two people left standing, what is the sum of their numbers?
3. We order all natural numbers relatively prime to 2018 in a sequence, going from small to
large (1,3,5,7…) .
What is the 2018th number in this sequence?

4. a and b are non-zero real numbers. They satisfy the equation

8  3a  b  5  (a  3)  (b  1) 2  8  3a . Evaluate a  b  ab .

5. Two 3-digit numbers X and Y differ by only one digit. (Like 420 and 450.)
If X is a multiple of Y, how many sets of (X,Y) are there?
1 1 1 1
   
6. Calculate 1 2 3  4 5  6 2019  2020 ?
1 1 1 1
   
1011 2020 1012  2019 1013  2018 1515  1516

7. We form the numbers 1 to 10 in a straight line and add up every 3 consecutive numbers to
form 7 numbers. The largest of these 7 numbers is denoted n . The value of n changes
with different sequences.
(1)  10,3,5, 4,9, 7,8, 6, 2,1  yields n = ?
 3,9, 7,1,10, 2,5, 4,8, 6  yields n = ?
What is the Maximum value for n ?
(2) What is the minimum value for n ? Please list a sequence that would yield this result.
(3) Prove that your choice of the minimum value for n cannot possibly be smaller.

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