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21, rue d'Artois, F-75008 Paris C4-105 Session 2004




Ahmad J.A. Hamid1 Zaharuddin Tajul Arus

Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Malaysia

TNB has recently embarked on developing the system-wide power quality monitoring system
(PQMS). The first phase of this project consist of installation of 60 units of power quality recorder at
different locations and voltage levels in the TNB system. In brief, the PQMS project consist of two
main work which include procurement of suitable power quality recorders and telecommunication
peripherals and development of the power quality database for data storing and analysis.
Keywords: power quality, monitoring system, PQ database


Power Quality performance has been increasingly perceived as the key indicator for benchmarking the
true performance of many utilities in the world. Power Quality is mostly associated with voltage
quality and in many cases refers to the ‘quality’ of supplied voltage to the customers at the point of
common couplings. In many developed countries where the level of power reliability (often
benchmarked as SAIDI and SAIFI) has reached to a point of saturation if not near the peak, power
quality has become more and more important by the day. The proliferation of electronic equipment in
manufacturing industries has made power quality related problem an important consideration in
planning and design of a power supply system and its utilization. Variations in the supply voltage
waveform even for a very short period that were not a concern before can now become very expensive
in terms of process shut-downs and equipment malfunctions.

Realizing the importance of understanding power quality issue in relation to minimizing the impact to
sensitive electronic processes and industries, many utilities around the world have started power
quality monitoring program in their systems. These continuous monitoring programs are used as a tool
to gauge power quality performance of specific area within the system so as further analysis on how
improvement on the system be it at operation or at planning level, can be carried out more efficiently.

As Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) is gearing towards its five-year “T7 strategy”2 of transforming
TNB to become the regional sheer power producer by 2007, performance and information are the keys
to success. TNB has already started building up information infrastucture and one of them is with
respect to its own power quality performance via-a-vis establishing a system-wide power quality
monitoring system.


Main Author Email:
T7 – ‘Tiger by 2007” as of TNB’s Management Strategic Plan or Vision

The main objectives of developing the TNB system-wide PQ monitoring system are as follows.

i. To provide TNB and its customers with the basic information about the quality of power (PQ)
delivered at selected nodes through the application of advance PQ monitoring technology and

ii. To provide additional facility for fault investigation and facilitating rapid restoration processes
with the availability of early warning system which could trigger nearly instantaneous alarms
when selected PQ incidents occur

iii. To facilitate the preparation of monthly or annual system performance report to the regulatory
body (Malaysian Energy Commission) through automated and coordinated power quality

The system-wide power quality monitoring is also known as the pro-active approach. This method of
power quality monitoring entails collecting and analyzing data in such a way that one can spot
degrading trends within the electrical supply system and make changes before actual problem occurs.
The primary function of the pro-active approach power quality monitoring is to develop baseline data
describing existing power quality levels in a system. This data defines what end-users can expect of
power quality as a function of important system design parameters such as overhead versus
underground distribution systems, lightning flash density, and total exposure of the distribution


The benefit of having power quality information is huge and sometimes the benefit is also intangible.
The primary function of the power quality monitoring system is to develop baseline data describing
existing power quality levels on the TNB system. The basic product of the monitoring system is a
database of information describing power quality performance. It will be critical information in a
general sense because it will provide data for the manufacturers as well as the customers that will
allow them to define requirements for their equipment. The monitoring system can also help in
optimizing investments in system improvements. Customers with very sensitive equipment normally
require very high quality of power supply. This requirement could be translated into utility network
reinforcement or upgrading plan. The cost to upgrade transmission system is enormous at high voltage
level but decreases at lower voltage level especially within the customers’ premises. On that score,
with good power quality data TNB and customers can work together to identify the optimal
reinforcement needed for maintaining high quality power that both can benefit from.

When enough information on power quality has been obtained, TNB can provide on-line power quality
advice to customers. This can include dissemination of information such as on the location for setting
up a new manufacturing plant with good power quality performance, provide a recommended practice
offering solutions to power quality problems as well as to resolve any dispute on power quality
problems that could rise due to frequent power failures.


When defined properly, power quality is measurable. The Summary of Categories and Typical
Characteristics of Power System Electromagnetic Phenomena as Per IEEE-Std.1159-1995 is given as

i. Transients
ii. Short duration voltage variations

iii. Long duration voltage variations
iv. Voltage imbalance
v. Waveform distortion
vi. Voltage fluctuations
vii. Power frequency variations

The categories given above essentially represent power quality phenomena. For each power quality
category listed, specific standards or guidelines developed internationally will be used as key
performance benchmark.

5.0 TNB PQ Monitoring System – Design Requirement

In designing a power quality monitoring system, four major aspects are normally considered namely
hardware requirement, software requirement / IT requirement, data communication as well as
operational requirement such as maintenance need, local support and process flow.

i. Hardware Requirement – The principal hardware in any PQ monitoring system is the PQ recorder
as it will be the most hardware required in terms of numbers. As such, selection of PQ recorders
must be made such that it is permanently mounted and highly reliable, able to perform required
simultaneous PQ recording function with stipulated minimum sampling rates, has option for GPS
clock synchronization for accurate time stamping, ample dynamic and static memory storage,
equipped with minimum RJ45 port for remote data-polling function, controllable triggering
mechanism for data recording initiation and ability to export recorded PQ data into the standard
PQ dta interchange format such as the IEEE1159.3 PQDIF format. The ability of the recorder to
export its data into the PQDIF will ensure TNB of independency to any specific brand of PQ
recorder and provide TNB with a truly open PQ monitoring system.

ii. Software Requirement / IT Requirement – There are essentially two parts as far as software
requirement is concerned. The first part relates to software to poll the data out of the PQ recorders
into a remote server located as close as next door and as far as few hundred kilometers away. This
implies that the Polling Software is equipped with communication protocol that can make the poll
server ‘talks’ to the remote recorders through communication link such as the fiber optic link,
PSTN or GSM network. In the case of TNB system, fiber optic communication is the most desired
as many of its substations are already equipped with this facility. The polling software must also
allows for two way communication to facilitate the ‘early warning system’ where a recorder will
automatically poll the data to the polling server once a PQ event has been triggered. Once the data
has been polled into the polling server, the software can automatically convert the propriety data
format into the PQDIF format for local PQ database development and update as well as for
updating the central database system. The second part of the software requirement is the PQ
database system and analysis tools. This database and analysis system is strictly ODBC and must
not be propriety to any vendors to again avoid hardware dependency on specific brand of PQ
recorders. The database must be an SQL server (e.g., ORACLE, MySQL) with flexible front-end
module to allow for PQ data analysis function and statistical analysis to be added during the
commissioning or in the future. This software will read or poll the PQDIF data from all of the
polling servers for further processing. To allow for intranet and worldwide web accessibility, the
database system must also cater for HTML format for data display and web-based management.

iii. Data Communication – The communication facility between polling servers and the PQ recorders
and between Polling Servers and the Central PQ Database Server is important to ensure smooth
data transfer processes. As such for the TNB PQ monitoring system, fiber optic communication
will be extensively used to take advantage of the facility that has already being built in many
TNB’s substation peninsular-wide. This will strictly limit the choice of where the PQ recorders
will be installed but in the long run this will be a good option considering that TNB is expanding
its fiber optic link to most of its substations in the future. For places where Fiber optic link is not

possible at all, normal telephone dial-up connection through PSTN is also an option. However
based on past experiences, PSTN connection is hardly reliable for large data transfer due to
frequent call-drop especially with respect to long-distance phone connection.

iv. Operational Requirement – Operational requirement in general refers to maintenance requirement

for the PQ recorders, polling servers and the central PQ Database server. This implies the need for
backups and emergency power to all related hardware. For PQ recorders, the units should be
powered directly through the substation auxiliary supply system with backup connection during
total blackouts for at least 15 minutes. Internal backup power using batteries is highly undesirable
and should be avoided if possible. Batteries will eventually need to be replaced overtime and this
will add to overall maintenance cost in the future. For the polling and the central database server,
UPS backup supply will be sufficient. Availability for local agent with local expertise in repair and
maintenance of their supplied unit of PQ recorders is also important. This is to ensure shorter
downtime for out-of-service units already installed and also the higher cost of repair if it has to be
done oversea. Recalibration of all recorders will also need to be carried out over time. Therefore,
PQ recorders that require minimum recalibration interval and duration are highly recommended.
Provision for several spare units are also required for use during repair and recalibration process of
installed units. For the TNB project, complete work process in terms of recalibration and
maintenance need for the PQ recorders must be specified and carried out by the vendor on specific
interval basis. This requirement will facilitate TNB in estimating the overall maintenance cost
needed by the PQ monitoring system in the future.


All of the requirements needed to build the TNB PQ Monitoring System as mentioned previously
will be integrated into one large system. This system is best illustrated in the following figures.

Regional PQ Hub - 1
Regional PQ Hub - 2

GPS Synchronization
GPS Synchronization

PQ Recoders

Fiber Optic Comm

Fiber Optic Comm


Fiber Optic Comm

Central PQ Database
Regional PQ Hub - 3 Regional PQ Hub - 4

GPS Synchronization GPS Synchronization

Figure 1: TNB PQ Monitoring System Layout

Figure 1 shows the overall view of how TNB PQ Monitoring system is integrated. TNB network will
be subdivided into four regional PQ monitoring systems consisting of Region 1,2,3 and 4. In each
region, one polling server called Regional PQ Hub (RPQH) will be installed in the Regional Control

Center (RCC). The RPQH will be connected to all PQ recorders installed within the region and the
central PQ Database server through TNB’s intranet via fiber optic link.

The data flow process from the PQ recorders to the central database is illustrated below (Figure 2).

Polling Alarms

Basic Software
3Φ Component Analysis
Harmonics Analysis

Data Managing &

Reporting User
SQL Interface
Data Analysis &

Database Database WEB Reporting

PQ System

Figure 2: Data Flow Process

The data polled from the PQ recorders will be ‘temporarily’ stored into its propriety database and also
for activating early warning alarm when a PQ event has been detected. The propriety database should
also allow for basic PQ analysis with user interface option. However, the real task for the poll server is
actually to automatically convert the incoming polled data into the PQDIF format before storing it into
the ODBC platform. Once the data has been converted into the ODBC format, it will be sent to the
central database as well as for further PQ analysis with standardized reporting format.

The Central PQ Database System (CPQDBS) server will be housed near TNB headquarter in Kuala
Lumpur. The central database will keep the overall statistics (summary performance) of all RPQHs
power quality information. This server will be linked to all RPQHs through Fiber Optic
communication or TNB Intranet system. Appropriate TNB personnel is assigned as the coordinator of
the CPQDBS of which the responsibilities may include the preparation of the integrated and regional
PQ performance statistics for the regulatory licensee requirement, managing the Web-based PQ
Information system for TNB as well as provide the technical support for all RPQHs


The primary focus for the monitoring system will be voltage measurement. However, current
measurement will also be a carried out on the selected feeders based on convenience and priority.
Measurement of current is current out only to utilize the measurement channels already built in the
monitoring devices. Since the monitoring system is permanent type, direct CT connection is preferred
over the non-intrusive type. However, this will require careful planning during installation day since
direct CT connection will require temporary line outage for the wiring to be completed.


The major cost for the system-wide PQ monitoring project will be in the form of PQ recorders
procurement and communication/IT requirement. Other cost will be in the form of project
management during implementation stages.

The time frame needed to complete the project can range between 6-12 months (after award)
depending on the availability of substation to be put on outage due to the installation of the direct
connection current transformers for PQ measurement units.

The development of the Central Database System will be customized to the TNB’s requirement and
therefore will take several months for completion. From the experiences gain during the development
of On-Line Metering system for TNB, the PQ Database and Software interface is best carried out
locally with the help of reputable consultant and IT experts. To some extend, the overall cost may also
be cheaper due to higher local content.


The implementation of the system-wide PQ Monitoring system will provide TNB with additional tools
required to manage the system in more efficient and effective manner. The PQ monitoring system has
becoming increasingly important in the light of advancement of manufacturing processes in many
countries in the world especially in the far-east region. Singapore, Hong Kong and Macao have already
installed system-wide PQ monitoring network in their systems and it is timely that TNB embark in the
project well before the targeted T-7 vision.


The authors of this paper would like to sincerely express their gratitude and appreciation to Tenaga
Nasional Berhad for giving permission to publish this paper. All views expressed in this paper are
strictly the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the organizations the authors
belong to.


[1] W.E. Reid, “ Power Quality Issues-Standards and Guideline”, IEEE Transactions on Industry
Application, vol. 32 issue 3, p.625-632, May-June 1996. 1996.

[2] IEEE Std 1346-1998, IEEE Recommended Practice for Evaluating Electric Power System
Compatibility with Electronic Process Equipment.

[3] Ahmad J.A. Hamid, “ Electronic Process Equipment Compatibility Evaluation Project for Power
Quality Enhancement – A Malaysian Experience”, CIRED 2001, Amsterdam.

[4] Ahmad J. A. Hamid et. al. “ TNB - Malaysia Experience On Power Quality Control And
Monitoring Strategies”, Proceedings of the Power System World ’99 Conference, Chicago, Il,
Nov. 9-11, 1999. pp. 596-605.

[5] Ahmad J. A. Hamid et. al. ,“ Issues and Experience in the Implementation of System wide Power
Quality Monitoring” , Paper No. 13/14/36-034, International Conference of Large Electrical
Networks, CIGRE Paris General Session Aug 27-Sep 1, 2000, Paris.

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