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Each question may have no correct choice for the answer, or may have one or more correct choices.

For each correct answer you get a +1 point.

For each incorrect answer you get a -1 point.
For not answering you get no points
Loads and capacitor kvar are given at nominal voltage

Write a "1" in the cell which is against the answer that you think is correct.



LTCs and Capacitors

Each question may have no correct choice for the answer, or may have one or more correct choices.
For each correct answer you get a +1 point.
For each incorrect answer you get a -1 point.
For not answering you get no points
Loads and capacitor kvar are given at nominal voltage

Write a "1" in the cell which is against the answer that you think is correct.


There is a single load of 2000 kW and 1000 kvar connected to a 10 kV feeder.

The resistance between the feeding substation bus and the load is 1 Ohm,
the reactance is 3 Ohm. The real load to voltage dependency (LTVwatts) is 1% in load change
per 1% in voltage change. The reactive load to voltage dependency (LTVvars) is 5% in var change
per 1% in voltage change. The initial substation bus voltage is 10.5 KV.
A 1000 kvar capacitor with 10 kV rated voltage is switched ON at the load end of the 10 kV circuit. The bus voltage
If the impact of voltage on the load and capacitor is ignored, the calculated change in voltage would be +3%
What will be the actual change in voltage at the load end of the circuit?

A.+ 3%
B. Above +3%
C. Below +3%

The initial conditions are the same as in the previous question.

If the impact of voltage on the load and capacitor is ignored, the calculated change in losses would be 12 kW
What will be the actual change in losses in the distribution feeder?

A. Reduction in losses greater than 12 kW

B. Reduction in losses smaller than 12 kW
C. No change
The initial conditions are the same as in the previous question.
If the impact of voltage on the load and capacitor is ignored, the calculated kvars from feeder head would be 50 kvar
What will be the actual reactive power flow from the feeding bus?

A. 50 kvar
B. Smaller than 50 kvar
C. Greater than 50 kvar

The initial conditions are the same as in the previous question.

If the impact of voltage on the load and capacitor is ignored, the calculated kW from feeder head would be 2037 kW.
What is the real power flow through the feeder head section after the capacitor is switched ON?

A. 2037 kW
B. Greater than 2037 kW
C. Smaller than 2037 kW

The initial conditions are the same as in the previous question.

The incremental loss factors in transmission are 5% for real power and 0.5% for reactive power
(That is, increase in real power of 100 kW increases losses by 5 kW, and an increase in vars of 100 kvar increases lo
How would the actual losses in transmission differ from the losses calculated without taking the load-to-voltage

dependencies into account?

A. No difference
B. Increase
C. Reduce

The initial conditions are the same as in the previous question, but the LTC tap position is not changed
after the capacitor is switched ON, e.g., due to a large bandwidth of the LTC controller.
The substation transformer is 10 MVA with the impedance equal 10% and load losses 0.5%.
If the load-to-voltage dependencies were ignored, the bus voltage would increase by 1%.
What would be the actual bus voltage change?

A. Greater than 1%
B. No change
C. Smaller than1%

The initial conditions are the same as in the previous question.

What is the difference in the change of the real power flow through the feeder head due to switching the capacotor
A. No change
B. Reduction
C. Increase

How would you assess the impact of switching the capacitor ON on the energy efficiency,
if the LTC voltage controller does not adjust the voltage to keep the bus voltage constant?

A. Demand for generation reduced

B. Demand for generation increased
C. Feeder-head power factor reduced
D. Feeder-head power factor increased
E. Losses in T&D increased
F. Losses in T&D reduced
G. No impact

How would you assess the impact of the capacitor on the energy efficiency, if the customer-side voltage is kept const
by the LTC controller after the capacitor is switched ON, in comparison with the constant bus voltage?

A. Demand for generation reduced

B. Demand for generation increased
C. Feeder-head power factor reduced
D. Feeder-head power factor increased
E. Losses in T&D reduced
F. Losses in T&D increased
G. No impact

Based on your answers above, which method of volt/var control is the best for energy-efficient operations?

A. Capacitor control and LTC control with constant bus voltage setting with large bandwidth (minimum LTC operat

B. Capacitor control and LTC control with constant bus voltage setting with small bandwidth (better accuracy of vol

C. Capacitor control and LTC control aimed at constant load-side voltage setting (coordinated volt/var control)
Your total score is

Copyright © 2016 Nokhum Markushevich

Formula # to Need a Hint?
use for answers Type Y in the
(see worksheet box

3, 4, 7, 8, and 10


2 ,4, 5, 7, 8, and

2 ,4, 6-8, and 10


2 ,4-8, and 10


2 ,4, 5-8, and 10

2-8, and 10-13




11, 15, 3
on with constant bus voltage?

Based on
answers above

17, 18, 19, 20


Adjust the tap

in formula 3


Will show
after 50% %
Parameters (input and calculated parameters) 

Real load
Reactive load
Current through a feeder segment

Apparent load 
Resistance of a feeder segment
Reactance of a feeder segment
Real load­to­voltage dependency factor

Reactive load­to­voltage dependency factor

In­phase voltage drop in a feeder segment
Real power losses in a feeder segment
Reactive power losses in a feeder segment
Nominal real load losses in a substation 
Nominal no­load losses in a distribution 
Impedance of a distribution transformer
Nominal exciting current of a distribution 
Rated higher voltage of a distribution transformer 

Rated lower voltage of a distribution transformer 
No­load tap position of a distribution transformer

Size of no­load step of a distribution transformer
Capacitor vars
Capacitor vars under nominal voltage
Voltage in the beginning of the feeder
Voltage at the end of the feeder
Real load under nominal voltage
Reactive load under nominal voltage
Nominal voltage of the circuit
Apparent load of a distribution transformer
Installed kVA of a substation transformer
Reactance of a substation transformer
Impedance of a substation transformer
Real load losses in a substation transformer
Voltage drop in substation transformer
Real power flow through the feeder head
Reactive power flow through the feeder head
Incremental power losses in transmission
Percent increment of power losses in transmission 
per real power in distribution
Percent increment of power losses in transmission 
per reactive power in distribution
Actual voltage at the HV side of the substation 
transformer in PU
Notes: 1. All questions on this quiz can be answered without usi
2. Read the relevant formulas in column "L" to better und
Input data 3. To use the formulas for calculations, enter input data c
Calculated data 4. The results of intermediate calculations that are used i
5. Some input data is embedded in the formulas. To calcu
(e.g., in formula #10, change the "^2" to "^0", to ignore t

(input and
Parameter labels data) Units #

Watts 2.05 MW 1
Vars 1.12 Mvar 2
Amps 115.54 A 3
VA 2.33 MVA 5
Resistance 1.00 Ohms 6
Reactance 3.00 Ohms 7
LTVwatts 1.00 %Watt/%Volt 8
LTVvars 5.00 %var/%Volt
VoltDrop 0.22 kV 10
LossWatts 0.04 MW 11
Lossvars 0.12 Mvar 12
SubTrLoadLossrated 1.00 % 13
DTNo-loadLossrated 0.40 % 14
DTImpedance 2.40 % 15
DTExcit 2.00 % 16
DTVratHV 10.00 kV 17
DTVratLV kV 18
TapPos 0.00 ±10 19
TapStep 0.63 % 20
CapQ 1.05 Mvar
CapQnom 1.00 Mvar
VoltBeg Err:501 kV
VoltEnd 10.24 kV
WattsNom 2.00 MW
varsNom 1.00 Mvar
VoltNom 10.00 kV
DTVA 100.00 kVA
SubTrVA 10.00 MVA
SubTrReact 9.95 %
SubTrImp 10.00 %
SubTrLoadLoss 0.00 %
SubTrVoltDrop 0.40 %
FeederHeadMW 2.09 MW
FeederHeadMvar 0.19 Mvar
TransmissLoss 0.11 MW

TransmisWLossFactor 5.00 %

TransmisvarLossFactor 1.00 %

SubTrHV 1.05 PU of HV tap volt

wered without using the formulas below based on an understanding of the relationships between the invo
n "L" to better understand the relationships between different operational parameters.
enter input data corresponding to the subject question in the cells of column "E". Pay attention to the unit
ons that are used in other formulas are automatically entered in corresponding cells of column "E". The cal
formulas. To calculate the change in the results, check whether you need to change some data in the form
to "^0", to ignore the dependency of the capacitor vars on voltage)

Exact or Calculated
Calculated Parameter
approximate values

VA = 2.33
Amps = 115.54
VoltEnd ≈ 10.239
VoltDrop ≈ 0.2209
LossWatts = 0.0400
Lossvars = 0.12
Watts = 2.05
Vars ≈ 1.12
SubTrLoadLoss = 0.0040

CapQ = 1.05
FeederHeadMW = 2.0879
FeederHeadMvar = 0.19
TransmissLoss ≈ 0.106
SubTrReact = 9.95
SubTrVoltDrop ≈ 0.40

FeederHeadMVA'= = ###
Bus voltage state =
Feeder Head PF = ###
Generation, MW = ###
T&D losses, kW = 0.15034
erstanding of the relationships between the involved parameters. Try it first.
rent operational parameters.
the cells of column "E". Pay attention to the units.
red in corresponding cells of column "E". The calculations are iterative
ether you need to change some data in the formulas




C on the left means that the bus voltage is constant

2 ,4-8, and
2 ,4, 5-8, and

2-8, and 10-



11, 15, 3,
and adjust
bus voltage

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