Science Conquers All

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Many people know these word, we use it on our sentences ,or we use it to
express our thoughts or opinion .We are using these word every day but few
people know the true definition of it. Most of them do not know the importance
of knowing this type of knowledge. In our life we need to explore everything
around us , we need to know if there is any interaction between two objects, If
what is the relationship between our actions and everything.

Force is just a push or pull upon an object. Example is when you push a
chair, that is already a force. Another is when we are playing ‘tug of war’ the
two teams are pulling the rope towards them, that is also force.It is also
categorized in different types .Force is divided into two kinds which is Contact
and Non-Contact force. Contact force means there is a physical interaction
between two objects ,there are Six (6) examples which are Tensional force,force
transmitted through rope ; Normal force, support force ; Frictional force , force
exerted by a surface as an object moves across it ; Applied Force, force which
is applied by a person or another object ; Spring force, force exerted by a
stretched or compressed spring ;and Air resistance force , special type of
frictional force acts upon on object as they travel through air. Next is the non –
contact force Gravitational ,Magnetic, and Nuclear force are the examples of it.

There are also some properties in force that we need to know example is
Magnitude means the size or strength of the force which is commonly
expressed in Newton (N).Line of action or a straight line passing through the
point of application .Point of application or parallel to the direction of the
force. If a scenario is illustrated we can see those things and an arrow which
means the direction of the force. There is also Balanced force or forces acting
on an object that are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. While the
unbalanced force is the counter-clockwise of balanced force. And the last one
is the Combining force means the combination of different magnitude exerted
upon an object. We learned the accurate solution that we must follow
everytime we combine forces.

Mass is the act or process of changing position.They said that all motion is
relative :it must be related to other object called your frame of reference.There
is also some terms that we need to understand in order to master the
‘MATTER’.Distance,scalar quantity .It has magnitude but no direction ;
Displacement,vector quantity both magnitude and direction ; speed, measure
of how fast something is moving ; velocity , is a measure of the speed and
direction ; Acceleration, change of velocity per time ; and time, what a clock
reads.We all know that we are familiarized with the 3 law of motion of Sir Isaac
Newton , but the time when Mrs. Nuqui explained it,I noticed that there’s still a
lot of things that we need to know about this laws .

The first Law is also called “Law of inertia”. It states that an object at rest
will stay at rest or an object in motion stays in Motion and travel in straight
line as long as no external net force acts on it. If you were wondering what
‘inertia’ means it is the tendency of an object to resist any change in its
motion. Example is A ball rolling down a hill will continue to roll unless friction
or another force stops it.

While the second law of motion is known as “Law of Interaction” it states

that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the magnitude or
he net force acting on it and is inversely proportional to it’s mass. And to
extrapolate the meaning ,if the relationship is inversely proportional at always
depend on the mass whether you applied different force on it.Unlike if its
directly proportional if we increase the force, the acceleration will also

The last law is the “Law of Interaction “Its states that forces comes in
pairs or in every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.Example is
When walking; the ground pushes back on you.

Another knowledge is about free fall which is an object tha is falling

under the sole of influence of gravity. There are two important motion
characteristics that are that free falling objects do not encounter air resistance
,And it accelerates downward with the rate of 9.8 m/s (squared).And the last
topic is all about the circular motion that is all about a kind of motion where in
the direction of motion is always changing. There is 2 kind of forces involved
here the centripetal and centrifugal force. Centripetal force is directed towards
the center and centrifugal force is the one that causes an object to move in a
circular path to move out and away .

Aside from these lessons , the most important things that I learned is, in
our own journey we need someone to help us to achieve the things that we
want. Example is in every experiment that we took we need our group mates to
perform it accurately and easier. In short, science doesn’t gives us academic
lessons only but a moral that we will treasure forever.

I can say that all the things that I have learned is incomparable meaning
to say it is not appropriate to be compared by anything else. It proves that
Science is everything .What we need to do is to embrace , improve , and value
the things that it contributes to us .After that we can now totally say that
Science conquers all.

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