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Indexing and Matching of Video Shots Based on

Motion and Color Analysis

Ying Chen, Weiming Hu, and Xianglin Zeng Wanqing Li
National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR) SITACS, Faculty of Informatics
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences University of Wollongong, Australia
Beijing, People’s Republic of China Email:
Email: {ychen,wmhu,xlzeng}

Abstract— This paper concerns two fundamental issues in motion function to locate the key frames where the motion
video shots retrieval: key frame identification and similarity function has its minima.
measurement between the key frames. We propose a simple key
Although the color histogram approach ignores the motion
frame extraction algorithm based on optical flow. The algorithm
emphasizes the motion extremum in the shot. Color histograms information contained in a shot, it is an effective statistical
in HSV color space are adopted to describe the content of the representation of the image content for matching. A mixture of
extracted key frames and a new model is proposed to measure the color histogram and key frame extraction would take the
the similarity between the key frames from different shots. advantages of both approaches. The color histograms of the
Preliminary experiments have shown that the proposed method
extracted key frames are expected to be more representative.
outperforms existing ones in retrieving sport video shots.
The distance of the color histograms between query key frames
Keywords—indexing, matching, key frame, optical flow and data key frames can be adopted to define the similarity
between the query shot and data shots. As we know, the
distance function usually has a quadratic form, O(N 2 ) of com-
I. I NTRODUCTION plexity for two N -dimensional color histograms. Though this
The proliferation of multimedia content for both enter- can be improved to O(N ) at best, some additional expenses
tainment and professional services in the recent years has are necessary, such as the pretreatment by diagonalizing the
fueled the ever increasingly demand for efficient retrieval of quadratic form. Hence, it is essential to reduce the computation
the content. While technologies for text-based information when the similarity metric is applied to video retrieval.
retrieval is becoming mature and research in image retrieval Inspired by [13], we propose in this paper an improved
is progressing at a fast pace, video retrieval still remains algorithm to extract key frames of a GOF by analyzing its
challenging due to the huge amount of data involved in any optical flows. The algorithm emphasizes the motion extremum
meaningful video indexing and matching. Much research is in the shots. Color histogram in HSV color space is adopted
desired before we could have video sequences retrieved as to describe the content of the extracted key frames and a new
efficiently as the nowaday retrieval of text information. geometric representation of similarity model has been present.
In video retrieval, video indexing and matching are two The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section
key technologies. Video sequences are generally segmented 2 gives a review of the optical flow method used in this
into a series of shots either manually or automatically by paper. Section 3 describes the steps of key frame extraction.
means of boundary identification [8], [14], [15], [16], each Section 4 discusses the similarity model in detail. Preliminary
shot is composed of a group of correlative frames, referred experimental results on the retrieval of sport video shots are
as GOF. The shots are further summarized into a compact shown and analyzed in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the
representation for indexing and matching. paper.
There are two general approaches to summarizing a shot:
color histogram based and key frame based. A commonly used
color histogram based approach is the alpha-trimmed average An optical flow is the distribution of apparent motion of
color histogram which captures the statistical information of brightness patterns between two images. Many methods have
all frames in a GOF [3]. Its variants can be found in [4], [17]. been proposed in the past [1]. In this paper, we adopt the well-
In key-frame based approach, a natural idea is to consider the known Lucas-Kanade’s algorithm which is based on spatial
first, middle, and/or last frame as the shot’s key frames [12] and temporal gradients.
without exploring any motion information in the shot. In [9],
[13], motion-based analysis has been employed for picking up A. The Gradient Constraint Equation
more representative key frames. Especially, [13] computed the Let the function f = I(x, y, t) be the image brightness at
optical flow of each frame, and then, used an intuitionistic point (x, y) in the image plane at time t. Assume that I(x, y, t)

c 2006 IEEE ICARCV 2006

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is differentiable and the change of brightness over time for each If |I T W 2 I| = 0, then
point is constant, i.e.

v = (I T W 2 I)−1 I T W 2 It . (12)
= 0. (1)
Notice that x and y also can be regarded as the function of t III. E XTRACTION OF K EY FRAMES
respectively, by the chain rule for differentiation we have the The proposed method to extract key frames from a GOF
gradient constraint equation [5]: consists of three main steps.

(∇I)T · →

v + It = 0. (2) A. Compute Optical Flow
Assume that the given GOF has N + 1 frames. N optical
Where flow fields {G1 , · · · , GN } will be computed by Lucas-Kanade’s
∂I algorithm.
It = , (3)
∂t B. Define Motion Function
∂I ∂I Define the motion function M (i) for Gi as,
(∇I)T = ( , ), (4) 
∂x ∂y
µ2 (x, y) + ν 2 (x, y)

→ dx dy (x,y)∈Gi
v = (µ, ν)T = ( , )T . (5) M (i) = , (13)
dt dt P max µ2 (x, y) + ν 2 (x, y)
Equation (2) has two variables about the optical flow −→ (x,y)∈Gi
v =
(µ, ν). To solve it, more constraints about the two variables where i = 1, · · · , N and P is the total number of pixel points
are required. in Gi .

B. Lucas And Kanade’s Algorithm C. Select Key Frames

Lucas and Kanade’s algorithm [10], [11] is based on a Scan the curve M (i) from 1 to N about i, then key frames
weighted local least square. It assumes that the (µ, ν) is are found at places where the motion function M (i) has its
constant for an small enough region D and minimizes global maximum and minimum.

W 2 (p)((∇I)T · −

v + It )2 , (6)

where p ∈ D is the pixel point and W(x) is the weighted

function. For n points pi ∈ D at time t, let

I = (∇I(p1 ), · · · , ∇I(pn ))T , (7)

(a) Frame 2654 (b) Frame 2688
It = −(It (p1 ), · · · , It (pn ))T , (8)
 
W(p1 ) 0 ··· 0 0
 .. .. .. 
 0 . . . 0 
 
 
W =  ... ..
. W(pi )
. . (9)
 
 .. .. ..  (c) Frame 2722 (d) Frame 2756
 0 . . . 0 
0 0 ··· 0 W (pn )
By the derivative of (6) with respect to µ and ν, the →

v =
(µ, ν) is given by

I T W 2I −

v = I T W 2 It . (10)
Obviously, I T W 2 I is a 2 × 2 matrix and equals to
(e) Frame 2790 (f) Frame 2824
 2 2

2W (pi )Ix (pi ) W

(p2i )Ix (p2i )Iy (pi ) . (11)
Fig. 1. The sample frames of an example GOF.
W (pi )Iy (pi )Ix (pi ) W (pi )Iy (pi )

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Fig. 2. Motion function, M (·) and the extracted key frames of the example GOF.

D. An Example 

 5 + b if r = max(r, g, b) and g = min(r, g, b)
Fig. 1 illustrates an example GOF taken from a volleyball 

 1 − g if r = max(r, g, b) and g = min(r, g, b)
video sequence. The corresponding motion function, M (·), and 
1 + r if g = max(r, g, b) and b = min(r, g, b)
the extracted key frames are shown in Fig. 2. h=

 3 − b if g = max(r, g, b) and b = min(r, g, b)

 3 + g if b = max(r, g, b) and r = min(r, g, b)

In this section, we present a new model to measure the
similarity between the key frames extracted from a query
shot and data shots by using color histogram of the key v−r
frames in hue-saturation-brightness (HSV) color space since r = , (17)
v − min(r, g, b)
HSV color space often outperforms RGB color space in many
applications [7] due to its improved perceptual uniformity. v−g
g = , (18)
v − min(r, g, b)
A. Quantize HSV Cone Space
Video sequences are often stored in the standard red-green-
blue (RGB) color space. Let (r(x, y), g(x, y), b(x, y)) be a v−b
triple to represent the color in RGB color space for the pixel b = . (19)
v − min(r, g, b)
point at (x, y). We convert RGB color space into HSV color
space through the following equations [6]: The (h, s, v) is the color triple in HSV color space. Notice
that the HSV color space is always treated as a cone [2]:
v = max(r, g, b), (14) the Cartesian coordinates (sv cos h, sv sin h, v) mapped from
(h, s, v) can be used to measure color in human vision. In this
paper, a 3D Cartesian coordinate system with 20 values for X
v − min(r, g, b) (the hue), 3 values for Y (the saturation), and 3 values for Z
s= , (15) (the brightness) is used to quantize the HSV cone space.

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B. Construct Color Histogram 2) Distance Between Bins in Two Histograms: Let
For B = 20 × 3 × 3 = 180 color bins, assume that the key B

frame’s size is W × H and c(x, y) denotes the color triple F = (f1 , · · · , fB ), fi = 1, (26)
(h, s, v) at (x, y), then the color histogram of the key frame i=1
is calculated: and

W −1 H−1
1   K = (k1 , · · · , kB ), ki = 1. (27)
pb = δ(c(x, y), b), (20)
T x=0 y=0 i=1

Without loss of generality, we consider the following two cases

where for any given i and j, where i = j ∈ {1, · · · , B}.
• Case 1: As shown in Fig. 3, the area of the trapezoid
  −1 H−1
 fi fj ki kj denotes the distance of the four bins of the two
T = δ(c(x, y), b), (21) histograms:
b=1 x=0 y=0

and Dij = Sfi fj k i k j

= (ki + kj − fi − fj )dij . (28)
1, if c(x, y) ∈ the b-th bin,
δ(c(x, y), b) = (22) It is obvious that the trapezoid become a degenerate
0, otherwise.
triangle when fi = ki or fj = kj .
The B-dimensional vector
 f j
(p1 , · · · , pB ), pi = 1 (23) f i

describes the color distribution of the key frame.

d ij
C. Build Similarity Model
The purpose of the similarity model is to measure how Fig. 3. Case 1: Line segments fi fj and ki kj don’t intersect at an inner
similar of two color histograms, F and K, which can be
decomposed into the similarity between bins in the same
histogram and bins from two different histograms. ki f j
1) Distance Between Bins in One Histogram: We consider
the entire database as the training set in which the principal o kj
f i
color value of the i-th bin is represented by the point mi =
(si vi cos hi , si vi sin hi , vi ) whose frequency of occurrence is
maximum in this bin, where i = 1, · · · , B. The distance
between the i-th bin and the j-th bin is defined as the distance
between mi and mj : d ij

Fig. 4. Case 2: Line segments fi fj and ki kj intersect at an inner point.

di,j = mi − mj  • Case 2: As shown in Fig. 4, let the intersect point be o.

= [(si vi cos hi − sj vj cos hj )2 In this case, we determine the distance as follows:
+(si vi sin hi − sj vj sin hj )2
+(vi − vj )2 ] 2 . (24) Dij = Sofi ki + Sofj kj
1 1
Let dmax = max(i,j) {dij }, then dij is normalized as: = (ki − fi )o⊥ki fi + (fj − kj )o⊥fj kj ,
2 2
dij =  . (25) where o⊥ki fi denotes the vertical line segment from
dmax point o to ki fi and o⊥fj kj denotes the vertical line

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segment from point o to fj kj . According to the geometric were developed in [18], are chosen as the benchmark indica-
relationship, we have tors. The value of ANMRR determines the rank of the correct
shots unretrieved and the value of AR determines the rate of
ki − fi
o⊥ki fi = dij (30) the correct shots retrieved. The lower the value of the ANMRR,
fj − fi + ki − kj the better the performance. In contrast, the higher the value of
and the AR, the better the performance.
Let {q1 , · · · , qS } denote the set of the query shots. For any
fj − kj qi , the set G(qi ) denotes the ground truth shots and
o⊥fj kk = dij . (31)
fj − fi + ki − kj
So that Kqi = min{4 × G(qi ), 2 × max G(qi )} (35)

denotes the value of the threshold, where  is the number

dij of the elements in the set . Then the set R(qi ) denotes the
Dij = [(ki − fi )2 + (fj − kj )2 ].
2(fj − fi + ki − kj ) items correctly retrieved in the top Kqi results. So the value
of the AR and the ANMRR are calculated as:
3) Total Distance Between Two Histograms: Assume that
the i-th bin corresponds to the interval (X, Y, Z) in the 1  R(qi )
HSV cone space. The distance of the i-th bin between two AR = , (36)
S i=1 G(qi )
i , is defined as the average of its conjoint bins.
histograms, D
i 1
D = (D(X,Y,Z)(X−1,Y,Z) + D(X,Y,Z)(X+1,Y,Z)
6 G(qi )
 Rank(gm ) G(qi ) 1
+D(X,Y,Z)(X,Y −1,Z) + D(X,Y,Z)(X,Y +1,Z) − −
 G(qi ) 2 2
+D(X,Y,Z)(X,Y,Z−1) + D(X,Y,Z)(X,Y,Z+1) ). (33) AN M RR = m=1
S G(qi ) 1
i .
Fig. 5 illustrates the derivation of D
i=1 Kqi − +
2 2
(X,Y,Z+1) where for gm ∈ G(qi ), the Rank(gm ) equals to the order
in the top Kqi retrievals if gm ∈ R(qi ), while Kqi + 1 if
(X,Y+1,Z) gm ∈/ R(qi ).
B. Experimental results
(X-1,Y,Z) (X,Y,Z) (X+1,Y,Z) 98 pre-cut sport video shots were used for test. These
shots were extracted from the video sequences of volleyball,
basketball and tennis matching. Table I shows the ANMRR
(X,Y-1,Z) and AR values for the proposed method and the method with
the extraction of key frames described in [13] and the quadratic
(X,Y,Z-1) form metric. It can be seen that our method achieved better
Fig. 5. The distance of the i-th bin between two histograms is the average
of its conjoint bins. Here the index X corresponds to the sv cosh direction TABLE I
in HSV cone space, the index Y to the sv sinh direction, while the index Z
Now, the total distance between two color histograms F and METRIC

K is given as:

D(F, K) = i .
D (34)
Volleyball Video
Old method 0.5079 0.5560
Proposed method 0.5317 0.6667
Obviously, the best match result for the query is the one with Basketball Video
the smallest total distance. Old method 0.2464 0.9000
V. E XPERIMENTS AND D ISCUSSION Proposed method 0.2390 0.9000
Tennis Video
A. Performance indicators
Old method 0.4500 0.7000
To evaluate the performance of the proposed method for Proposed method 0.3375 0.9000
the retrieval of video shots, the average normalized modified
retrieval rank (ANMRR) and the average recall (AR), which

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C. Discussion [13] W. Wolf, Key frame selection by motion analysis. IEEE Int. Conf.
Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proc., 1996.
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M (i) = |µ(x, y)| + |ν(x, y)|. (38) Pattern Recogn. Lett., vol. 22, no. 13, pp. 1379-1391, Nov. 2001.
(x,y)∈Gi [16] H. J. Zhang, A. Kankamhalli, and S. Smoliar, Automatic partitioning of
full-motion video. ACM Multimedia System, New York: ACM Press,
Compare equation (38) with equation (13), we can see that vol. 1, pp. 10-28, 1993.
the latter has a geometric description about the magnitude of [17] H. J. Zhang, J. Wu, D. Zhong, and S. W. Smoliar, An integrated system
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not only the minimum but also the maximum of the motion
function carries important information about the shots, whereas
[13] ignored the maximum. In addition, the computational
complexity of the proposed similarity matching is in the order
of O(N ).
We have proposed an algorithm based on motion and color
information for video shot retrieval. Generally speaking, A
huge database is more convictive when the ANMRR and the
AR are adopted to evaluate the performance of the retrieval.
For this reason, our future work will focus on testing the
proposed algorithm using a large video database and further
improving its performance.
The authors would like to appreciate many other workmates
for their valuable suggestion. This work is partly supported
by NSFC (Grant No. 60373046 and 60520120099), Natural
Science Foundation of Beijing (Grant No. 4041004).
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