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Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.


Emerging ideas about kisspeptin–

GPR54 signaling in the neuroendocrine
regulation of reproduction
Alexander S. Kauffman1, Donald K Clifton2 and Robert A. Steiner1,2
Departments of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA

Neurons that produce gonadotropin-releasing hormone In rodents, sheep and primates, Kiss1 mRNA has been
(GnRH) drive the reproductive axis, but the molecular detected by either in situ hybridization or RT–PCR in
and cellular mechanisms by which hormonal and discrete regions of the forebrain, including the arcuate
environmental signals regulate GnRH secretion remain nucleus (ARC), the anteroventral periventricular nucleus
poorly understood. Kisspeptins are products of the Kiss1 (AVPV) and the anterodorsal preoptic nucleus (APN), as
gene, and the interaction of kisspeptin and its receptor well as in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and
GPR54 plays a crucial role in governing the onset of amygdala [3,8–10]. In a similar way to GPR54, Kiss1 is
puberty and adult reproductive function. This review also expressed in several peripheral tissues, most notably,
discusses the latest ideas about kisspeptin–GPR54 sig- the placenta, ovary, testis, pancreas and liver [1–4].
naling in the neuroendocrine regulation of reproduction,
with special emphasis on the role of Kiss1 and kisspeptin The relationship between the kisspeptin–GPR54 system
in the negative and positive feedback control of gonado- and reproduction
tropin secretion by sex steroids, timing of puberty onset, In 2003, several groups reported that humans and mice
sexual differentiation of the brain and photoperiodic with either spontaneous or genetically targeted mutations
regulation of seasonal reproduction. in the GPR54 gene display striking impairments in repro-
ductive function, including a failure of pubertal develop-
Discovery, structure, and localization of GPR54 and ment, low levels of sex steroids, impaired gametogenesis
kisspeptins and a lack of estrous or menstrual cyclicity [11–13].
In 1999, the gene for an orphan G-protein-coupled mem- Mutations and deletions of GPR54 are also associated with
brane receptor, termed GPR54, was discovered in the rat a severe deficiency in gonadotropin (LH and FSH)
and subsequently identified in the human genome [1–3]. secretion, which was ultimately traced to diminished
The GPR54 gene is expressed in several peripheral tissues secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
(placenta, pancreas, kidney, testis and pituitary) and the [13–15]; similar impairments have recently been reported
brain, most notably the hypothalamus, preoptic area for Kiss1 knockout (KO) mice [16,17]. GnRH neurons are
(POA), midbrain, hippocampus, amygdala and medulla the final common pathway through which the brain
[1–3]. Less commonly known as AXOR12 or hOT7T175, regulates the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins, and
the GPR54 protein is about 40% homologous to the galanin hence, all of reproduction. Emerging evidence supports
family of receptors but does not bind either galanin or the idea that kisspeptin–GPR54 signaling directly
galanin-like peptide (GALP) [2]. regulates GnRH secretion. In rodents, sheep and primates
In 2001, it was discovered that kisspeptins, encoded by (including humans), exogenous kisspeptin treatment eli-
the Kiss1 gene, represent natural high-affinity ligands for cits rapid increases in plasma levels of LH and FSH
GPR54 [1,3,4]. Kiss1 encodes a 145 amino acid protein, [8,9,15,18–22]. Although GPR54 is expressed both in the
which is proteolytically processed to produce a 54 amino pituitary and GnRH neurons [9,15], evidence suggests that
acid peptide called kisspeptin-54 [5]. Kisspeptin-54 has the stimulation of gonadotropin secretion by kisspeptin
also been termed ‘metastin’, based on early work identify- reflects direct activation of GnRH neurons and not pitu-
ing Kiss1 as a cancer metastasis suppressor gene [6,7]. In itary gonadotropes. First, in rodents and monkeys, the
addition to kisspeptin-54, several other smaller peptide kisspeptin-induced increase in gonadotropin secretion
fragments derived from the precursor protein were ident- can be blocked with GnRH antagonists [8,9,20,22]. Second,
ified (kisspeptin-14, -13, -10), which all share a distinct in rodents, kisspeptin induces Fos expression and pro-
structural RF-amide motif (Arg-Phe-NH2) in their C-term- longed firing of action potentials in GnRH neurons
inal region. Although each of these kisspeptin peptides can [9,23,24]. Third, in sheep, kisspeptin infusions increase
bind and activate GPR54 with similar efficacy [1,3,4], their the concentration of GnRH in the hypothalamo–pituitary
relative importance in vivo remains to be determined. portal circulation [15]. Finally, in all species examined so
Corresponding author: Steiner, R.A. (
far, GnRH neurons express GPR54 [9,15,24,25]. It is also
Available online 29 September 2007. noteworthy that kisspeptin administration cannot induce 0166-2236/$ – see front matter ß 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2007.08.001
Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.10 505

LH secretion or nuclear Fos production in GnRH neurons ‘upstream’ of GnRH neurons receive and transmit sex
in GPR54 KO mice [15,23], suggesting that the effects of steroid signals to the reproductive axis. Given the potent
kisspeptin on the GnRH axis are mediated specifically by stimulatory effects of kisspeptin on GnRH secretion, Kiss1
GPR54 (and not another receptor). neurons are plausible candidates to be these ‘upstream’
Kisspeptin–GPR54 signaling is clearly essential for steroid-sensitive neurons. Indeed, Kiss1 neurons in the
maintaining GnRH secretory activity, but whether gona- forebrain are direct targets of sex steroids: in rodents,
dotropes are also targets for kisspeptin action remains almost all hypothalamic Kiss1 neurons express ERa and
unresolved. GPR54 is expressed in the human pituitary AR, and Kiss1 mRNA is strongly regulated by both estra-
[1,3], and kisspeptin stimulates gonadotropin release in diol and testosterone [30,31]. Similarly, in sheep, most
vitro from cultured rat, ovine and bovine primary pituitary hypothalamic Kiss1 cells express ERa, as well as the
cells [21,26,27]. Notwithstanding, other studies have progesterone receptor [32]. The co-expression of Kiss1
shown no apparent effect of kisspeptins on in vitro LH and the progesterone receptor has not been addressed in
or FSH secretion in cultured primary rat pituitary cells or rodents, whereas the expression of AR in Kiss1 neurons
anterior pituitary fragments [20,28]. The explanation for has not been studied in any species except the mouse [31].
these conflicting findings is unclear and might reflect Of note, ERb is also expressed in about 30% of hypothala-
differences in experimental design; however, recent stu- mic Kiss1 neurons; however, ERßKO mice show no dis-
dies in sheep indicate that GnRH is required for the cernable impairments in GnRH/LH secretion and display
stimulatory effect of kisspeptin on gonadotropin secretion appropriate regulation of Kiss1 expression in response to
in vivo, bolstering the argument that GnRH neurons are estrogen [30]. Thus, the functional significance of ERb in
the primary targets for the action of kisspeptin in the Kiss1 neurons is unclear, although it is possible that other
neuroendocrine reproductive axis. genes coexpressed in some Kiss1 neurons (e.g. genes encod-
ing dynorphin and neurokinin B) might be regulated
Steroidal regulation of the Kiss1 system: implications through ERb.
for positive and negative feedback The effects of sex steroids on Kiss1 gene expression in
The secretion of GnRH is regulated by sex steroids (i.e. the brain are region-specific, at least in rodents. In the
positive and negative feedback), but the cellular and mol- ARC, estrogen and testosterone inhibit the expression of
ecular mechanism subserving this regulation remains Kiss1, whereas in the AVPV, these same steroids stimulate
unclear. GnRH neurons do not express the receptors Kiss1 expression (Figure 1) [30,31,33,34]. Similarly, in
thought to mediate steroidal feedback effects [neither gonadectomized rodents (i.e. having very low sex steroids),
estrogen receptor a (ERa) nor the androgen receptor levels of Kiss1 mRNA are increased in the ARC and
(AR)] [29], suggesting that other steroid-sensitive neurons decreased in the AVPV [30,31,33,34]. The differential

Figure 1. Model of kisspeptin–GPR54 signaling in the brains of male and female rodents. In both (a) males and (b) females, Kiss1 neurons in the arcuate (ARC) probably
provide tonic stimulatory input to GnRH neurons and are negatively regulated by gonadal sex steroids, thereby providing the cellular basis for the negative feedback effects
of testosterone and estrogen on GnRH secretion (and hence, LH and FSH secretion from the pituitary). In the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV), males possess
very few Kiss1 neurons, even when levels of sex steroids are high, whereas females possess numerous Kiss1 cells in this region; this sex difference in Kiss1 expression in
the AVPV is sexually differentiated by sex steroids early in perinatal life. In contrast to the ARC, Kiss1 expression in the AVPV is stimulated by the presence of sex steroids,
providing the cellular basis for the positive feedback induction by estrogen of the preovulatory GnRH surge in females. In addition, an unidentified population of neurons,
possibly in the AVPV, can mediate an estrogen-induced GnRH/LH surge in females in the absence of functional kisspeptin–GPR54 signaling (as determined in estrogen-
treated GPR54 KO female mice). It should be noted that this rodent model of kisspeptin–GPR54 signaling might not apply to sheep and primates in which positive feedback
signaling is probably derived from kisspeptin neurons in the medial basal hypothalamus (a region including the ARC) rather than the more anterior AVPV region.
506 Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.10

effects of estrogen and testosterone on Kiss1 gene expres- as the cellular conduit for integrating and relaying estro-
sion in the ARC and AVPV suggest that Kiss1 neurons gen signals to GnRH neurons to generate the sexually
might be involved in the steroid-mediated positive and differentiated preovulatory LH surge (Figure 1). However,
negative feedback control of GnRH neurons (Figure 1); the interaction between Kiss1 neurons in the AVPV and
however, the molecular mechanism for this differential other factors that regulate the GnRH/LH surge (e.g. cir-
regulation of Kiss1 by sex steroids is unknown. cadian signals and progesterone) remains unexplored.
In rodents, sheep and primates, the ARC comprises the Moreover, although it has become clear that kisspeptin–
neural elements that mediate the negative feedback regu- GPR54 signaling provides an important element of the
lation of reproduction [35–37], and Kiss1 neurons in this neural surge-generating mechanism in rodents, it is not
region might provide the cellular mechanism orchestrating the entire story. Recent data indicate that female GPR54
this phenomenon. Similar to findings in castrated rodents, KO mice retain the ability to produce a GnRH/LH surge in
gonadectomized sheep and monkeys (and post-menopausal response to estrogen, suggesting possible redundancy or
women having low plasma levels of estrogen) also show developmental compensation in the circuitry that gener-
elevated Kiss1 expression in the ARC (or its homologue in ates the positive feedback event in the murine brain.
the primate, the infundibular nucleus) [32,38,39], correlat- This possibility for redundancy of GnRH regulation is
ing with increased LH secretion. Notably, this ‘disinhibi- echoed in the finding that GPR54 KO mice have plasma
tion’ or release from sex-steroid-dependent negative gonadotropin levels that, although exceedingly low, are not
feedback control of gonadotropin secretion in gonadecto- completely absent (although these gonadotropin concen-
mized animals is not observed in gonadectomized GPR54 trations are often at or near the low level of detection of the
KO mice. Although Kiss1 gene expression in the ARC of radioimmunoassay, precluding a definitive interpretation
GPR54 KO mice increases after gonadectomy, as in wild- of their functionality).
type mice, GPR54 KO mice show no post-castration rise in In sheep, the population of Kiss1 neurons in the AVPV is
LH. Collectively, these findings support the contention relatively small (containing only a few Kiss1 cells relative
that steroid-mediated inhibition of kisspeptin–GPR54 sig- to the ARC) and is not regulated by sex steroids [32].
naling arising from ARC Kiss1 neurons mediates the nega- Furthermore, in ewes, the mediobasal hypothalamus (con-
tive feedback effects of sex steroids on GnRH secretion taining the ventromedial nucleus [VMN] and ARC), not the
(Figure 1). However, proof of the validity of this model POA, is believed to contain the circuitry necessary for
awaits further studies establishing direct connections be- mediating the positive feedback effects of estrogen on
tween ARC Kiss1 neurons and GnRH neurons and showing GnRH neurons [56–59]. It is perhaps not surprising then
that targeted deletions of Kiss1 in ARC cells disrupt nega- that the expression of Kiss1 in the ovine ARC is regulated
tive feedback. by sex steroids and markedly increased before and during
In contrast to the classical negative feedback effects of the preovulatory LH surge [32,60]. Thus, in the ewe, both
sex steroids on GnRH/LH secretion that occur in both positive and negative feedback effects of sex steroids might
sexes, estrogen (above a certain plasma threshold) can also be mediated by Kiss1 neurons in the medial basal hypo-
act in females to exert a so-called ’positive feedback’ effect, thalamus (i.e. the ARC). Whether these positive and nega-
which stimulates GnRH/LH secretion and triggers ovu- tive feedback effects are mediated by the same ARC Kiss1
lation. In rodents, the AVPV is the anatomical nodal point neurons or by separate subpopulations of Kiss1 cells within
for generating the preovulatory GnRH/LH surge [40–42]. the ARC warrants additional study. Similar to sheep, in
Lesions of the AVPV block the spontaneous and steroid- primates (including humans), the distribution of Kiss1
induced surge [43–46], and placement of estrogen into the neurons is concentrated in the medial basal hypothalamus
AVPV (but not other areas) elicits an LH surge [47]. A and infundibular nucleus (the ARC homologue) [22,38].
compelling line of evidence suggests that Kiss1 neurons in However, the role, if any, of the infundibular Kiss1
the AVPV drive the sexually differentiated estrogen- system in generating the preovulatory surge in primates
induced GnRH/LH surge in rodents. First, kisspeptin is is unexplored.
a potent secretagogue for GnRH, and GnRH neurons
express GPR54 [8,9,20,24,48]. Second, Kiss1 expression Sexual differentiation and the Kiss1 system
in the AVPV increases at the time of the LH surge, coinci- In mammals, the brain is anatomically and physiologically
dent with increased coexpression of the transcription fac- differentiated between the sexes [55,61,62]. This phenom-
tor Fos in Kiss1 neurons [34]. Third, central infusion of enon develops during the perinatal critical period [55]
kisspeptin antiserum blocks the spontaneous and estro- and reflects the organizational effects of perinatal sex
gen-induced LH surges in female rats [49]. Fourth, ERa is steroids on the developing brain. In rodents and sheep,
thought to mediate the stimulatory effects of estrogen on one important sexually differentiated trait is the ability
the surge mechanism [50], and almost all Kiss1 neurons in of adult females, but not adult males, to display an estro-
the AVPV express ERa [30,31]. Finally, the GnRH/LH gen-induced, circadian-dependent GnRH/LH surge (i.e.
surge is sexually differentiated, and only females are positive feedback) [55,63,64]. In male rodents, exposure
capable of displaying a surge in response to estrogen to testosterone or its estrogenic metabolites during peri-
[51–55]. Similarly, only females possess significant num- natal life (or during prenatal life in the sheep) permanently
bers of Kiss1 cells in the AVPV [33]; even if adult males are alters the circuitry in the developing forebrain [62], avert-
treated with high levels of estrogen (or testosterone), they ing its ability as an adult to generate a GnRH/LH surge in
display few Kiss1 neurons in this region. Thus, Kiss1 response to estrogen [62]. Because the brain of the normal
neurons in the AVPV of female rodents probably serve female is not exposed to testosterone during the perinatal
Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.10 507

period, it retains (or develops) the circuitry necessary to steroids to GnRH secretion, in both sexes [69]. So, it is
generate a GnRH/LH surge in adulthood [42,55]. Male not surprising that, in rodents, there is no sexual differ-
rodents that are castrated during the critical period can entiation of Kiss1 neurons in the ARC. Sex differences in
produce a GnRH/LH surge as adults, just like normal Kiss1 expression in the ARC of other species have yet to be
females [55,63]; similarly, females that are exposed to examined.
testosterone during the perinatal period lose their ability Recent findings indicate that the process of sexual
to generate GnRH/LH surges as adults [55,63]. However, differentiation is itself dependent upon functional kisspep-
the population of forebrain neurons that drives the GnRH/ tin–GPR54 signaling. Specifically, sexual differentiation
LH surge, which develops in females and regresses in towards the male phenotype is impaired in the genotypic
males, has not been fully elucidated. male GPR54 KO mouse [23]: despite testosterone replace-
Estrogen-sensitive cells in the AVPV are thought to play ment in adulthood, male GPR54 KO mice display female-
a key role in generating the GnRH/LH surge. Neuronal like characteristics in several sexually dimorphic traits,
populations in the AVPV are sexually differentiated, and including olfactory partner preference, the number of TH-
females possess more neurons overall than do males, as and Kiss1-expressing neurons in the AVPV, and the num-
well as greater numbers of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH-)con- ber of motoneurons in the spinal cord [23]. These findings
taining (dopaminergic) cells and GABA/glutamate cells indicate that kisspeptin–GPR54 signaling during the peri-
[42,65,66]. Kiss1 neurons in the AVPV are also sexually natal period is essential for proper sexual differentiation in
differentiated, and adult females possess more Kiss1 cells normal males, probably through direct stimulation of the
than do males (Figure 1) [33,67]. In rats, the number of GnRH–LH–testosterone axis during the developmental
Kiss1 neurons in the AVPV of adult females is as much as ’critical period’. Although a role of peripheral kisspep-
25 times greater than in males [33], and similar sex tin–GPR54 signaling within the perinatal testes is also
differences in kisspeptin protein levels in the AVPV [as conceivable, the foregoing observations suggest that cen-
determined by immunocytochemistry (ICC)] have also tral kisspeptin–GPR54 signaling probably regulates
been reported in the mouse [67]. Although sex steroids GnRH secretion during early postnatal life, just as it does
in adulthood induce Kiss1 gene expression in the AVPV in adulthood.
[34,68], the gender difference in AVPV Kiss1 neurons is not
attributable to sex differences in circulating levels of tes- Kisspeptin signaling and puberty
tosterone or estrogen in adulthood. Gonadectomized male In mammals, activation of GnRH neurons is the key
and female rats receiving identical sex steroid treatments event gating the onset of puberty; however, the mechan-
as adults still display sex differences in Kiss1 expression in isms that trigger GnRH secretion at puberty remain one
the AVPV [33]. By contrast, the perinatal hormonal milieu of the enigmas of modern science [70]. Intriguingly,
affects the sex difference in Kiss1 neurons; female rats sexual maturation is impaired in humans and mice
treated perinatally with androgen do not exhibit a GnRH/ with targeted deletions or spontaneous mutations in
LH surge and possess very few Kiss1 neurons in the AVPV the GPR54 gene [11–13], suggesting that kisspeptin–
as adults, similar to adult males [33]. These observations GPR54 signaling is essential for pubertal maturation.
indicate that the Kiss1 system in the AVPV is sexually Moreover, exogenous kisspeptin administered to prepu-
differentiated early in development under the influence of bertal rodents and monkeys initiates various aspects of
sex steroids, thereby producing robust gender differences precocious puberty (such as LH secretion or vaginal
in Kiss1 expression in the AVPV in adulthood (and prob- opening) [20,22,24,71]. Similarly, neural Kiss1 gene
ably accounting for the gender-specific ability of female expression increases in both male and female rats, mice
rodents to produce an LH surge). It remains to be deter- and monkeys from pre- to post-puberty [10,22,24]; how-
mined whether these developmental effects of sex steroids ever, the specific Kiss1 population(s) (ARC versus AVPV)
on Kiss1 neurons in the AVPV are mediated by either AR- that changes with puberty is equivocal and might reflect
or ER-dependent pathways and whether the sexually species-specific mechanisms that differ between primates
dimorphic Kiss1 population in the AVPV is the same set and rodents [72,73]. Regardless, changes in the activity
of cells as other sexually dimorphic neurons in the region, of Kiss1 neurons appear to represent a seminal and
such as GABA/glutamate [65] or TH [42,55]. (For example, perhaps common event in the timing of puberty in many
in the rat, the sexually dimorphic Kiss1 and TH popu- species.
lations in the AVPV appear to represent two separate Whether changes in the expression/activity of GPR54
sexually differentiated populations [33].) are also involved in pubertal maturation is less clear:
In contrast to the AVPV, the ARC displays no gender- GPR54 expression increases from pre- to post-puberty in
based differences in either the number of Kiss1 neurons or rats of both sexes and in female monkeys [10,22], but not in
the content of Kiss1 mRNA per cell. Adult male and female male mice and monkeys [22,24]. In mice, the number of
rats display similar levels of enhanced Kiss1 expression in kisspeptin-containing fibers that appose GnRH neurons
the ARC after gonadectomy and similarly reduced Kiss1 increases at puberty [67], suggesting that pubertal matu-
expression after sex hormone replacement (testosterone or ration might also include the completion of developmental
estrogen) [33]. Likewise, in mice, kisspeptin immunoreac- circuitry coupling Kiss1 and GnRH neurons. Collectively,
tivity in the ARC is similar between gonad-intact adult these findings indicate that hypothalamic-derived kisspep-
males and females [67]. We have suggested that Kiss1 cells tin–GPR54–GnRH signaling is intimately involved in the
in the ARC provide tonic stimulatory input to GnRH mechanism(s) that initiate puberty, but precisely how this
neurons and relay the negative feedback effects of sex signaling is triggered remains a mystery.
508 Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.10

The role of Kiss1 neurons in seasonal breeding: effects neurons [82], suggesting that the regulatory actions of
of photoperiod and melatonin melatonin are upstream of GnRH neurons. Autoradio-
Many mammals living in non-equatorial zones have mech- graphic studies have identified several brain areas of
anisms that synchronize reproduction with the external hamsters (Syrian and Siberian) that bind melatonin, most
environment, thereby optimizing reproductive success. notably, the SCN, pars tuberalis, paraventricular nucleus
Most seasonal breeders modulate reproductive activity of the thalamus, nucleus reuniens, and the medial-basal
by responding to photoperiodic cues (i.e. day length) hypothalamus (includes the ARC and dorsomedial regions)
[74,75]. In mammals, photoperiodic information is trans- [82]; however, it remains ambiguous where and how mel-
mitted from the retina to the circadian oscillator in the atonin signals are decoded and transmitted to GnRH
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which in turn regulates neurons.
the secretion of melatonin from the pineal gland via a Because kisspeptins are integral to the regulation of
multisynaptic pathway (Figure 2) [74]. Melatonin is GnRH activity, it seems plausible that the photoperiodic
secreted exclusively at night and in direct proportion to control of reproduction involves direct or indirect modu-
the dark portion of the light–dark cycle. It is the duration of lation of the Kiss1 system. Recently, Kiss1 mRNA and
daily melatonin secretion, rather than its amplitude, that kisspeptin protein levels were reported to be decreased
encodes day length information. In hamsters, a long in the ARC of SD Syrian hamsters, correlating with
duration melatonin signal (about 10 h per day, indicative decreased reproductive activity (Figure 2) [83]. In Syrian
of a long night and short day) induces a short-day (SD) hamsters, melatonin receptors are located in the ARC and
‘winter’ phenotype (i.e. inhibited reproductive axis), dorsal–medial hypothalamus, suggesting that the actions
whereas a short duration melatonin signal (5–6 h per of melatonin on Kiss1 neurons in the ARC could be direct.
day) induces a long-day (LD) ‘summer’ phenotype (i.e. However, it is also conceivable that ARC Kiss1 neurons are
activated reproduction) (Figure 2) [75–77]. indirectly regulated by melatonin via projections from
The neural mechanisms by which melatonin signals are other melatonin-responsive sites. In contrast to the find-
decoded and transmitted to the reproductive axis are ings in Syrian hamsters, kisspeptin immunoreactivity in
unknown, but melatonin does not appear to have direct Siberian hamsters appears to be upregulated in the ARC of
actions on GnRH neurons [78–81]. Little or no melatonin SD animals [19]. Considering differences in the neural
binding is observed in forebrain regions that contain GnRH sites of action of melatonin between Syrian and Siberian

Figure 2. Species-specific effects of photoperiod and melatonin (MEL) on Kiss1 neurons in the arcuate nucleus. Photoperiod information is received by the retina and
transmitted to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN; i.e. the circadian pacemaker), which then directs the secretion of pineal MEL by way of an indirect, multisynaptic pathway.
Long duration MEL signals are indicative of short days (SD; winter) whereas short duration MEL signals are indicative of long days (LD; summer). (a) Syrian hamsters are LD
breeders, with reproduction activated by short-duration MEL signals. (b) By contrast, sheep are SD breeders, with reproduction activated by long duration MEL signals. In
both species, Kiss1 gene expression in the ARC is substantially inhibited in the non-breeding season (SD in Syrian hamsters, LD in sheep). An inhibition of the ARC Kiss1
system presumably results in decreased tonic stimulation of GnRH neurons, thereby inhibiting the reproductive axis. It remains to be determined whether the effects of MEL
on Kiss1 neurons are direct or indirect, as well as how the same MEL signal (SD MEL) stimulates Kiss1 expression in the ARC of one species (sheep) but inhibits it in the
other (Syrian hamster).
Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.30 No.10 509

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In contrast to hamsters, which breed in LDs, sheep are gonadotropin secretion in the mouse. Endocrinology 145, 4073–4077
SD seasonal breeders. Thus, SDs stimulate the ovine 9 Irwig, M.S. et al. (2005) Kisspeptin activation of gonadotropin releasing
GnRH axis whereas LDs inhibit it (Figure 2). Interestingly, hormone neurons and regulation of KiSS-1 mRNA in the male rat.
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non-breeding season and the breeding season [32], reminis- receptor, GPR54, in rat hypothalamus and potent luteinizing
cent of findings in Syrian hamsters [83]. Autoradiographic hormone-releasing activity of KiSS-1 peptide. Endocrinology 145,
studies have revealed that, in sheep, melatonin binds in
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13 Seminara, S.B. et al. (2003) The GPR54 gene as a regulator of puberty.
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photoperiodic mammals (Figure 2), although the manner in 14 Semple, R.K. et al. (2005) Two novel missense mutations in G protein-
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wealth of information detailing the role of kisspeptin– 17 d’Anglemont de Tassigny, X. et al. (2007) Hypogonadotropic
hypogonadism in mice lacking a functional Kiss1 gene. Proc. Natl.
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cluding its involvement in sexual differentiation of the 18 Dhillo, W.S. et al. (2005) Kisspeptin-54 stimulates the hypothalamic-
brain, onset of puberty, regulation of estrous cyclicity pituitary gonadal axis in human males. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 90,
and the LH surge, and seasonal reproduction. Despite 6609–6615
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