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Have you ever

thought about…
… Cutting perks?
DON’T CUT PERKS; share their cost.
Suppose your company needs to trim
the costs of employee perks, yet you Hands-on help that works Vol 10 No 4
don’t want to further demoralize valuable
staffers already confronted with a shrinking Interim executives
list of options.
If you’re in this predicament, one Interim executives achieve
alternative is to ask employees to
contribute toward the perks they use.
Check out two tactics you may be able
goals 20 times faster
to apply:
• Limited-enrolment educational Board level interim executives achieve crucial goals on average twenty times faster
programs. Let’s say that you’ve had to cut than permanent company directors and senior managers.
back on large-scale training programs.
However, you’ve heard from small THAT IS ONE of the key findings from
groups of employees in highly-specialized But what enables them to hit so hard
research carried out by management and fast?
positions that they want to improve in transition consultancy Corporate
certain areas of their work. Consider Nick Robeson, Chief Executive of
Insights Limited. Boyden, said: “A lot of business people
asking these groups to contribute a small
amount to help subsidize these optional Corporate Insights received simply cannot absorb the new. Interims
educational programs. The organization questionnaire responses from 650 can. They go out and learn fast, they arrive
will save money while still benefiting interim managers and executives and at their assignments massively
from raising your workers’ skill level and conducted extensive one-to- well-researched in the market,
from showing flexibility in meeting their one interviews with 20 of them. the audience, the competition, the
requests. “For most permanent influences, the product
• Recreational clubs. Another appointments, senior or or service — and that
approach is to sponsor, but not entirely board level executives have business and its people
subsidize, a network of recreational and the first 100 days to manage as well.
personal development clubs, such as skiing, their transition and prepare “They learn with
investing or career advancement clubs, for action — typically, alacrity and they get
with employees contributing towards interim managers to the heart of the
maintaining the clubs they belong to.Your and executives do matter rapidly, with
organization can both hold down its costs it in five days,” said no guesswork. They
and encourage employees to feel more of Anton Fishman, of remain independent
a stake in the programs provided. Corporate Insights from politicking
Limited. whilst being acutely
• Think ahead about implementing
cost-sharing. If your organization hasn’t “An interim politically aware
tried cost-sharing before, note that executive — who — they have the
advance communication and employee has joined a business skills, but don’t use them.
involvement are crucial. Before requiring at perhaps as little as a “They have intense toughness and
contributions, your company needs to week’s notice — will learn 90% of what resilience, but great authenticity and
explain the need for doing so. he needs to know in his first day in the self-awareness — being themselves and
job. By the end of the first week that not playing a part is a crucial marker
Then, solicit employees’ ideas for interim would have learned 99% of what
implementing the program. for observers and participants in their
he or she needs to know. assignment.
Involving employees not only builds “They possess an innate ability to
support for the program, but it can also be “But the most striking trait is the sheer
employ forensic discovery. They will not pace at which they get things done.
a great source of innovative ideas, which make assumptions. They will establish
are exactly what you need to cut costs “Businesses hire interims because they
credibility, they will kill rumours about have — for any of a number of reasons
fairly and effectively. ■ why they are in a business, they will build — simply run out of time and need a rapid
SOURCENOTE: manageBetter daily insights relationships and engage key staff — all in rate of change to address a challenge, a
the first few hours of their assignment. problem or an opportunity.”
“By day two they will be deep into the Of more than 620 respondents to a
process of diagnosing the issues a business question relating to how crucial to the
may have, identify the root causes and success of an assignment were an interim’s
scope the issues. By mid-week they will be actions on his or first day, 582 (93.12%) said
clarifying the way ahead, will be seen to be those actions were vital, very important or
making a difference and will be identifying must be well done; 99.2% said getting the
PERSUADE EMPLOYEES to and delivering quick wins.
take notes at the next business first week right was vital, very important or
presentation they attend.
“And by the end of their first week needed to be well done.
they will more than likely be re-writing However, 70.68% of respondents said
How? Use this pitch from sales their own brief and going through ‘the flip’
guru Og Mandino: that clarifying or re-contracting their brief
from analysis to action. from the business to which they had been
People forget about 90% of what
they hear 10 minutes after they “Interim executives do not see assigned was vital or very important to the
hear it — unless they write it themselves as being special or different overall success of the assignment.
in operating in this way, they simply cut
through, focus and make things happen.” Concluded on page 2

Business Alert is published quarterly by Apex Consulting, LLC 217-703-4974

Attitude — If I were really
Timothy Dixon


CONNECT workshops, trainer
Susan Jeffers gave her
The way I see it...Think like an owner!
students this assignment:
participate full out in your
jobs for an entire week. A WHILE BACK I was having lunch with the benefits they are receiving from you. But more
She asked them to act as a friend and we noted the extraordinary often, to increase your value you’ll have to change
if all their actions really made service our waiter was giving us. either your product or the way you deliver it.
a difference to the people He was attentive, friendly and available That’s where “thinking like an owner” comes into
around them. when we needed something. As we play.
They were to ask commented on it, George blurted out, “He As the owner of your personal company,
themselves all week: “If I were thinks like an owner!” what should you be doing more (or less) of? How
really important here, what In contrast, I recently played golf with a can you improve the quality or quantity of your
would I be doing?” man who complained that he wasn’t being service? Almost certainly, someone, somewhere,
“paid what I’m worth.” He noted that he hadn’t is making more than you are for doing essentially
Peggy resisted the the same job.
assignment. She hated her job had a raise in a “long time,” and that inflation
in a public relations firm and made it “impossible to keep up.” What, precisely, do they do differently? Do
was just biding her time until I tried to be tactful, but pointed out that they call on more people? Do they provide some
she found a new one. in the long run the only way to increase “extra” or bonus that customers appreciate?
But she agreed to try it. his income was to increase the value of his When you think like an owner and are
contribution. committed to providing slightly better service in
To everyone’s amazement, every transaction, you’ll make more sales and earn
Peggy walked into the seminar Obviously, he may work for a lousy
employer but, that issue aside, to grow your more money. Trust me, the waiter who served us
the next week with a revived lunch got a MUCH better tip than the average
energy level! business or raise your prices, you must
increase your perceived value in the market server.
She told the group she place. Give yourself a raise by doing one thing
started by putting a sign on better this week. ■
her desk that read, “if I were Sometimes you can do that by education.
really important here, what Your customers may not know or understand
would I be doing?”
Every time she fell back
into her old patterns of
boredom and complaining, that
sign reminded her of what she
Visible rewards are more effective
was supposed to be doing.
She started by brightening For your reward system to motivate employees, it must be visible, maintains GE executive Steven Kerr.
up her office with some plants
and posters. BUT, HE ADDS, “of all principles of effective than those organizations legally required to do so,
She paid attention to reward, visibility is the one most often make their financial rewards public.
her co-workers. If someone violated.” This makes little sense. In firms where salaries
seemed down, she asked if she Visibility is negligible if only recipients are not disclosed, employees surveyed about
could help. know about the rewards they receive. If you how they’re faring relative to fellow workers
If she went out for coffee, add $1,000 to someone’s pay and nobody else “invariably claim to be worse off than they really
she asked everyone if she knows about it, the number of people you are,” reports Kerr. In the absence of valid data,
could bring anything back. have motivated is somewhere between 0 and 1 rumours circulate about inequities that don’t
She complimented people. —not an effective use of company money, Kerr really exist.
points out. Yet opposition to publishing financial rewards
She invited two people out
to lunch. Occasionally, even recipients are in the is deepset. Until that taboo lifts, companies
dark about their rewards. For example, should certainly publicize non-financial rewards,
She made a to-do list some organizations’ descriptions of their
every day and worked hard such as appreciation for co-operating across
benefits package are couched in such actuarial organizational boundaries, the opportunity to
to accomplish everything on double talk that most employees have little
her list. attend a professional conference, or inviting a
appreciation of their value. team to present an idea to the division staff or
“What a difference a On the other hand, the impact of rewards CEO.
simple question made in one is multiplied when they are visible to people SOURCENOTE: Steven Kerr, ULTIMATE REWARDS: WHAT REALLY
short week,” Jeffers says. “It beyond the recipient. Yet, very few firms, other MOTIVATES PEOPLE TO ACHIEVE
made Peggy feel connected
to everyone and everything
around her.” ■ mental states, with very few business people
INTERIM EXECUTIVES ACHIEVE GOALS 20 TIMES FASTER having the ability to operate in both ways.
SOURCENOTE: Jack Canfield, CHICKEN SOUP FOR — Concluded from page 1
THE SOUI AT WORK: 101 STORIES OF COURAGE, “Interim executives are much misinterpreted
COMPASSION AND CREATIVITY IN THE WORKPLACE Anton Fishman said: “We conducted this as a business and management talent — but
research after noting the wide variation in the there are many businesses and organizations who
Always treat today speed at which senior managers and directors are dragging their heels through their decision-
change or progress when presented with new making: an interim could make a difference to
as if there is no challenges, new roles or new opportunities. their business in the time it takes that business’
tomorrow. “What was deeply noteworthy was their management to come to the conclusion that they
ability to analyze and then mentally flip into need to act.” ■
action mode. Those are two very different SOURCENOTE: Corporate Insights Limited

Timothy Dixon is an accredited Executive Associate of The Institute for Independent Business International
Improve your mind, your life Controlling people quiz
and even your career
Are you Machiavellian?
“Outside of a dog, a book is a Published originally in the 15th century, Niccolo Machiavelli’s book, THE PRINCE, discusses the use of
man’s best friend. Inside of a
dog, it’s too dark to read.” manipulation and power as a technique for controlling other people.
It would appear that more
Americans than ever agree THE TERM “Machiavellian” has come to be used
with Marx, according to THE FIVE: it’s safest to assume that everyone has
to describe devious, manipulative people who a vicious streak that will come out if given the
recently revealed the results are motivated only by their own self-interest. opportunity.
of a report from the National How Machiavellian are you? This test may help SIX: you should act only when your action is
Endowment for the Arts. you find out. Respond to each statement below morally right.
The report, titled by using the following scale: SEVEN: most people are basically good and
“READING ON THE RISE: A I = Disagree strongly kind.
NEW CHAPTER IN AMERICAN 2 = Disagree mildly EIGHT: there is no excuse for lying.
LITERACY,” bases its “good 3 = Neutral; no opinion NINE: most people get over more easily the
news” on the fact that, for death of a parent than the loss of a property.
the first time since 1982, 4 = Agree mildly
there’s been an increase in the 5 = Agree strongly TEN: most people won’t work hard unless
number of adults claiming to they’re forced to.
ONE: the best way to handle people is to tell
have read at least one novel, them what they want to hear. Scoring: for items 2, 6, 7, and 8, reverse your
play or poem over the past 12 score so that 5 becomes 1, 4 becomes 2, and so on.
months. TWO: when you ask someone to do Then add up all ten numbers for your total score.
something, it’s better to give the real reasons than
“At least one” novel, play or reasons that might carry more weight. A score of 25 is average. A higher score, 38 for
poem? That’s all it takes? example, would classify you as High Mach.
THREE: anyone who trusts anyone else is
Listen — if someone is asking for trouble. A significantly lower score makes you a Low
only reading one of anything Mach. ■
in a year, she’s in trouble. And FOUR: it’s hard to get ahead without cutting
so is her future. corners a little. New York: Academic Press,.
Reading is one of the
best — and least expensive Communicating
— ways to “live rich.”
It can also make you
smarter, help you improve
Avoid spam and reach your reader
your life, make you a more
interesting conversationalist,
help get you a better job, You probably dislike unsolicited mass-distribution email (spam) as much as the next person, so avoid
keep you in tune with your sending e-mail that can be mistaken for it by people or their filtering software.
industry or help you begin a
new career.
• If you’re an Internet YOUR MESSAGES to potential or existing arrive daily or weekly.
marketer, read books on customers, vendors and employees at remote
Space out your messages, or follow up by phone.
Internet marketing. Read sites may not be spam or anything like it, but It’s a matter of balancing persistence with a sense of
Gladwell and Godin and these days you have to prove it to suspicious what people — and their filtering software — are
Masterson and Tribby. minds and machines. willing to hear. ■
• Sign up for e-newsletters 1. Avoid spam-like language. Both human SOURCENOTE: Adapted from the Crain’s Chicago Business Web site
by the best in your field. readers and software filters are alert for mass-
marketing language, so watch yours. For example,
• Read what interests
you and read what’s popular.
one airline ran a promotional contest that
awarded tickets to customers who had given YOU, you, you
Fiction and non-fiction. them permission to contact them. But the airline’s
Poetry and plays, blogs and To reach your financial goals, write them
email announcement to the winners included down.
e-newsletters, magazines and “You’ve won” in the subject line. That phrase
newspapers. ■ apparently turned off so many recipients (who On one page list your short-term goals
then deleted the message) that the airline had to — things you want to happen within five
choose new winners. years.
WORDS 2. Avoid spam-like format. Even small
Use another page for long-term goals.
Rank each goal including order of
OF details can signal spam to sophisticated readers
importance and put a price tag on each.
and software. For example, subject lines using
WISDOM all capital letters are common in spam. Also Then eliminate goals you cannot afford,
suspect are ampersands (&) and other non- starting at the bottom of your list. Figure
“A banker is a out ways to economize in other areas or
letter characters. Subject lines that announce the
fellow who lends increase your income so you can reach
content of the email (thus being more up front
you his umbrella with the reader) are generally less suspicious than more goals.
when the sun is shining subject lines that present a hard sell. Examples: Buy a less-expensive house
and wants it back the ... postpone some goals ... work longer
3. Don’t over-push even permission
minute it begins to rain. ” communications. Your offers to send free before retiring.
— Mark Twain SOURCENOTE: Gerri Detweiler, a leading credit authority and co-author of
newsletters can trigger antispam responses if they DEBT CONSOLIDATION 101

Timothy Dixon is supported globally by over 5,000 Accredited Associates of The Institute for Independent Business International
The Institute Managing
for Independent
Business More effective selling
FOUNDED IN 1984 in
the UK, the Institute for Secrets of selling to the two kinds of customers
Independent Business (IIB)
is now one of the world’s
largest international THERE ARE BASICALLY only two kinds of reduce sales-force labor hours spent processing
networks of business customers who should interest you: information requests and orders.
advice providers. ● Experienced buyers who have most or all Invest those hours in developing better ways
As of 1 April 2009, 5,530 of the information they need to make a purchase of addressing the needs of new prospects. Focus
carefully-selected men and decision and who want to buy quickly. personal sales contacts on those customers
women have been accredited If you can’t supply them promptly you risk losing for whom such attention will make the most
worldwide as IIB Associates. them to competitors who can. difference.
● New buyers who need to learn more before Key: The number of companies that provide
Experienced professionals
making a decision. They’ll put off the buying sales information and take orders over the Internet
Experienced senior decision for a while — but to win their business you is exploding—it rose more than 1,000% in 2008
business people in their have to be responsive and helpful and make a positive over 2007. Firms that fail to make use of this new
own right, who have elected personal impression. selling medium risk failing behind competitors. ■
to become self-employed SOURCENOTE: Kevin Davis, author of GETTING INTO YOUR CUSTOMER’S HEAD
business advisers, Associates Strategy: Organize sales operations to satisfy
and Fellows of the IIB have both kinds of customers more efficiently. Provide
informed buyers with electronic buying options.
received additional training
to enable them to focus Enable them to obtain price quotes and product YOU, you, you
accurately and cost-effectively specifications and to place orders, through...
Know the future you want and have a
on the needs of clients and • Company web page strategy or system to make it happen.
prospects. • Email Of course, life doesn’t always turn out the
This ensures that • Fax-back service way we hoped. Stuff happens. But
Associates’ clients receive the winners are very precise about the future
“practical advice that works”— • Automated voice processing
they want and they imagine it and work
the Institute’s motto in every • All of the above for it, every single day.
country in which the Institute Benefits: informed buyers will be able to You should, too!
operates. ■ quickly obtain basic information and place orders at
any time, around the clock. And the company will

Tips for beating scammers and
All recipients of
Meet the Publisher fraudsters
are included on our free ARE YOU SCAM-SAVVY and can you spot a
subscription private Apex Consulting is a business advisory
database to ensure service dedicated to the owners and fraudulent order from a real one? After all, you
continuity of ongoing top executives of small and medium- can’t guarantee that you will never be targeted,
editions. sized companies and their dreams for and fraudsters are becoming increasingly sneaky in
This being a private list, their business. We help to develop those their tactics to take money from businesses.
their names are not and will dreams and turn them into goals and But there’s a lot you can do to minimize the risk of
not be used for any other plans to make them a reality. being targeted, if you know what to look for and have
purpose or in any other Tim Dixon is the principal of Apex an idea of what’s available to help you. Here are some
way. Consulting and has over 27 years of progressive tips.
Please advise me if senior level business experience. Tim has been • For a fraudster, it makes sense to hit a retailer
you wish to be delisted a small business owner, held executive positions
and no further copies of multiple times at once — it’s easier to shift a larger
in two Silicon Valley start ups, ran divisions quantity of the same product than smaller quantities of
BUSINESS ALERT will in major corporations, led the development
be provided to you. different ones. Beware multiple orders in one day.
of highly successful networking products and
Copyright © 2008 The Centre for Business began his career as an engineer. Tim has been an • Fraudulent orders tend to have similar
Development.. Printed and distributed
advisor working directly with business owners characteristics. They tend to use free email addresses
under license. (Yahoo!, Google, Hotmail etc), a mobile phone number
and senior executives for over four years. His
clients gain assistance in growing their sales and the most expensive shipping method.
and profits, improving processes, strategic • They generally have a large order value and often
planning, sales and marketing, personnel hiring there is no history of orders. They also often use
and initiatives, technology use, mergers and different delivery and invoice addresses.
WORDS acquisitions, succession planning and behavioral So how do you fight back? In the first instance,
OF coaching. when you suspect an order is fraudulent, void it or
WISDOM refund the payment. Don’t wait for a charge-back
because the bank will impose penalties and also tracks
“A beautiful how many you receive.
woman Unfortunately, your bank won’t investigate individual
should break instances of fraud. The weapons your bank does
her mirror early. ” provide you with include the card security code (the
— Baltasar Gracian 1601- three digits from the back of a debit/credit card),
1658, Spanish Philosopher
address verification and the Payment Card Industry
Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). ■

For more information, please phone Timothy Dixon at 217-703-4974

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