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Lisa T. Muslich
Microbiology Department
Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University

Learning Objective
• Bacterial causing infection in GI tract
• Diagnosis of bacterial infection in GI tract
• Microbiology examination of GI tract due to bacterial infection
• Identification and interpretation of the main bacterial cause of GI
tract infection


Disease of The Gastrointestinal Tract

Foundations in Microbiology, 2012

Disease in GEH system which could be caused by

bacteria that listed in SKDI 2014
• Gastritis  4A
• Gastroenteritis  4A
• Ulcus (gaster, duodenum)  3A
• Appendix abcess  3B
• Typhoid fever  4A
• Food poisoning  4A
• Botulism  3B
• Kolitis  3A
• Bacillary dysentry  4A


The Family Enterobacteriaceae

• Coliforms in Normal Microbiota : • True Pathogenic Enterics :
- Escherichia coli - Salmonella typhi
- Enterobacter - S. cholerae-suis
- Serratia - S. enteritidis
- Klebsiella - Shigella dysentriae
- Hafnia - S. flexneri
- Citrobacter - S. boydii
• Noncoliforms in Normal - S. sonnei
Microbiota : - Yersinia enterocolitica
- Proteus - Y. pseudotuberculosis
- Providencia • True Pathogenic Nonenteric :
- Morganella - Yersinia pestis
- Edwardsiella

• Passage of three or more loose or liquid stools per day ( or more
frequent passage than is normal for the individual)
• Three clinical types :
- Acute watery diarrhea – lasts several hours or days (include
- Acute bloody diarrhea – also called dysentery; and
- Persistent diarrhea – lasts 14 days or longer
• Causes :
- Infection : bacterial, viral, & parasitic organisms
- Malnutrition
- Source
- Transmission


Diarrhea in Indonesia


Escherichia coli
• Gram-negative rod-shaped, motile, non-spore forming bacteria
• Size : 2 x 0.25 - 1µm
• Antigens : O-, K-, and H-antigens (designated by numbers of
antigen presented), eg. O111:K76:H7
• Pili/ fimbriae:
- Type 1 pili  bind to D-mannose (epithelial cell surfaces)
- P Pili (Pap or Gal-Gal)  bind to digalactoside (uroepithelial
cells and erythrocytes)  UTI
- Colonization Factor Antigens (CFAs) or Bundle-forming Pili
(BFP)  bind to human enterocytes

Antigenic structure of E. coli

Sherris Medical Microbiology 6 th ed. 2014


Escherichia coli
• Toxins :
- α-hemolysin  pore-forming cytotoxin  cytoplasmic contents
leakage  cell death
- Shiga toxin  AB type  B-unit binds to Gb3 receptor; A-unit
modifies 28S-ribosomal RNA of 60S-ribosomal subunit  protein
synthesis blocked  cell death
- Labile toxin (heat labile) 
oB-subunit binds to cell membrane;
oA-subunit catalyzes ADP-ribosylation  G-protein inactivation
 permanent activation of adenylate cyclase system 
chloride secretion and NaCl absorption blockage  water and
electrolytes accumulation  diarrhea
- Stabile toxin (heat stabile)  binds to glycoprotein receptor 
guanylate cyclase activation  cyclic GMP concentration increased

Stx (Shiga) toxin

Sherris Medical Microbiology
6th ed. 2014


The action of E. coli LT-

Microbiology-Lippincott’s Illustrated
Review’s 3rd ed. 2012.

Escherichia coli
• Diarrhea-causing E. coli classified due to virulence properties:
1. Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
2. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC)
3. Shiga Toxin-producing E. coli (STEC)  includes a subset of
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) strains
4. Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC)
5. Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC)


Diarrheagenic E. coli serotypes

Manual of Clinical Microbiology. 2015

Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)

• Traveler’s diarrhea
• Important cause of diarrhea in developing countries (young
• Transmission  contaminated food and water (uncooked
food, marinated meats or vegetables)
• Caused by LT and/or ST enterotoxin producing strain
• Adherence mediated by CFA class of pili.
• No invasion or inflammation of the intestinal mucose
• Natural immunity mediated by IgA spesific for LT and CFAs.
• Prominent symptoms : diarrhea (usually mild watery),
abdominal cramps, sometimes nausea and headache, little
vomiting or fever


Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC)

• 1950s  diarrhea outbreaks in USA and Great Britain
• 20% cases of diarrhea in bottle-fed infants (<1 y.o.)
• Transmission  fecal-oral route
• Non-enterotoxin producing, non invasive
• Two genetic elements of pathogenecity :
- EPEC adherence factor (EAF) plasmid  bundle-forming pilus
- Chromosomal LEE  mediates the A/E phenotype
• Adherence  BFP type of pili  clustered microcolonies 
attachment and effacing (A/E) lesion
• Primarily infect small intestine
• Lack of simple diagnostic

EPEC attachment to epithelial cells (A/E lesion)

Sherris Medical Microbiology 6 th ed. 2014.


Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)

• Important cause of bloody diarrhea
• Regional and national outbreaks  unpasteurized juices and
• Emergence of EHEC : virulence, low infecting dose (100-200
organisms), common reservoir, modern food processing industry
• Primarily attack the colon
• Pathogenicity : Shiga toxin production and A/E lesions
• Extraintestinal feature  Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)

Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC)

• Identical to Shigella
• Restricted to children < 5 y.o. in developing nation
• Transmission : contaminated food or water
• Infecting dose higher than Shigella
• Less common than ETEC or EPEC in developing country


Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC)

• Protracted (> 14 days) mucoid, watery diarrhea
• Infants and children  developing countries
• Persistent diarrhea in HIV patients
• Symptoms : abdominal pain and fever and stools usually do not
contain blood or fecal leukocytes
• Pathogenesis  not clear

Diarrhea caused by E. coli

• Begin with mild watery diarrhea
• 2 – 4 days incubation
• Duration : few days (except EAEC  protracted diarrhea)
• ETEC & EPEC  watery diarrhea
• EIEC & EHEC  follows by dysenteric illness
• EHEC  often vomits, 1 – 2 days of intense abdominal pain and
bloody diarrhea, fever not prominent


Microbiology Diagnosis of E. coli

• Gram staining (fresh stool, culture)
• Culture (stool)  MacConkey agar
• Biochemical test (lactose-fermenting,
catalase pos., oxidase neg., indole pos.,
MR pos., VP neg., reduce nitrate, citrate
neg., urease neg.)
• Toxins and genes associated virulence 
immunoassay & nucleic acid methods
(ELISA & PCR) Escherichia coli, Enterobacter
aerogenes, Shigella sonnei, P.
mirabilis (clockwise from top)
in MacConkey agar.
A photographic atlas for microbiology
laboratory. 2011

Biochemical test kit


(Roche diagnostic)
Foundations in microbiology.


Vibrio spp.
• More than 30 species
• Gram-negative, facultative anaerob,
straight, curved, or comma-shaped rods
• Size : 0.5 – 0.8 x 1.4 – 2.6 µm
• Medically important Vibrio :
- V. cholerae serogroups O1 & O139
- V. cholerae serogroups non-O1/
- V. parahaemolyticus
- V. vulnificus

Vibrio cholerae
• 130 serogroups (LPS O-antigen difference)
• Two pathogenic mechanism:
- Cholera toxin
- Toxin-co-regulated pili
• Virulence factors :
a. ctx gene  cholera enterotoxin
b. tcpA gene  toxin-coregulated pilus major protein subunit
• V. cholerae O1 subtypes : Inaba & Ogawa, Hikojima
• V. cholerae O1 biotypes : Classic & El Tor


Pathogenesis of V. cholerae infection

1. Toxin secretion
2. Toxin-receptors binding
3. Toxin’s active portion
4. System signaling to activate
adenyl cyclase
5. ATP  cAMP
6. Cl- and HCO3- pump 
intestinal lumen
7. Na+, K+ & H2O  intestinal

Foundations in Microbiology. 2012

Clinical features of Vibrio cholerae infection

• Vomiting
• Copious watery feces (secretory diarrhea contains flecks of mucus
 rice-water stool)  fluid losses up to 50% BW
• Muscle cramps, severe thirst, flaccid skin, sunken eyes
• In children  come and convulsions
• Hypotension, tachycardia, cyanosis and collapse


Microbiology Diagnosis for Vibrio spp.

• Culture : Thiosulfate Citrate Bile salts
Sucrose (TCBS) agar
• Biochemical test : Oxidase pos. (except V.
metschnikovii & V. gazogenes), Catalase
pos., VP neg.  classical biotypes, VP pos.
 El Tor
• Serology  agglutination with spesific
• MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry V. Cholerae in TCBS agar.
A photographic atlas for
• NAATs microbiology laboratory. 2011

• Gram-negative rods, non-motile,
• Acid-resistant, facultative anaerob
• Size : 0.3 – 1 x 1 – 6µm
• Four species based on biochemical
reactions and spesific O antigens:
1. Shigella dysentriae (serogroup A)
 15 serotypes
2. Shigella flexneri (serogroup B) 
6 serotypes
Foundations in Microbiology, 2012.
3. Shigella boydii (serogroup C) 
20 serotypes
4. Shigella sonnei (serogroup D) 
1 serotypes


Clinical features of Shigella infection

• Frequent watery stools, often occult to obvious blood  dysentery
• Mucus in stools
• Fever
• Intense abdominal pain
• Nausea
• vomiting

Microbiology Diagnosis for Shigella spp.

• Culture : Xylose Lysine Desoxycholate
(XLD) agar, Salmonella-Shigella (SS)
• Biochemicals test  considerable
variation occur between species and
types within species
- Ferments sugar w/o gas (except S.
flexneri & S. boydii)
- Lack of mannitol fermentation for S. Escherichia coli, Shigella flexneri,
Salmonella typhimurium,
dysentriae, Enterococcus faecalis (clockwise
- ODC- & ONPG-pos. for. S. sonnei, from top) in SS agar.
A photographic atlas for microbiology
- gas production from D-gucose for laboratory. 2011
some strains of S. flexneri type 6 and
S. boydii type 14


Shigella (left) and Salmonella (right) in XLD agar.

Faculty of Health and Medical Science, University of
Copenhagen, Denmark.

• Transmission : person to person under poor sanitary condition
(fecal-oral route), contaminated food or water
• No animal reservoir
• Low infecting dose
• Invasion and destruction of colonic mucosa  acute inflammatory
response  mucosal ulceration + abscess formation
• Watery diarrhea  intense colitis + fever + frequent small-volume
stools (blood and pus)


Mechanism of Shigella infection causing diarrhea

Microbiology-Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews 3 rd ed. 2012

Microbiology Diagnosis of Shigella

• Gram staining (fresh stool, culture)
• Culture  MacConkey, XLD, SS agar
• Biochemical test (Urease neg., oxidase neg., H2S neg., ferment
mannitol except Shigella dysentriae & some Shigella flexneri
• Molecular method :
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST)
- Multiple-locus Variable Number Tandem Repeat Analysis
- Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)


• Serotyping classification :
1. Salmonella Enteritidis
2. Salmonella Typhi
3. Salmonella Paratyphi
4. Salmonella Typhimurium
• Species :
1. Salmonella bongori
2. Salmonella enterica :
- Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica (subspecies I)
- Salmonella enterica subspecies salamae (subspecies II)
- Salmonella enterica subspecies arizonae (subspecies IIIa)
- Salmonella enterica subspecies diarizonae (subspecies IIIb)
- Salmonella enterica subspecies houtenae (subspecies IV)
- Salmonella enterica subspecies indica (subspecies VI)

• Rod-shaped,
• Non-spore-forming,
• Gram negative rods
• Motile
• Size : 0.7 – 1.5 x 2 – 5 µm
• Glucose fermenting
• Facultative anaerob

Foundations in
microbiology. 2012


Sherris Medical
Microbiology, 2014.

Clinical features of Salmonella infection

• Typhoid fever  typhi variant
• Fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain
• Gastroenteritis or enteric fever  paratyphi, hirschfeldii &
• Vomiting, diarrhea, mucosal irritation


Microbiology Diagnosis of Salmonella

• Agglutination test (Slide agglutination, Microtiter Agglutination,
Tube Agglutination)
• Biochemical test (Non-lactose-fermenting, Glucose fermented
sometimes with gas, H2S pos., Citrate pos., Urease neg., Oxidase
neg., Indole neg., ONPG gelatinase neg.)

Clostridium difficile
• Gram-positive, anaerobic rods
• Endospore-forming bacteria  under
anaerobic condition
• Small number  normal in human intestinal
• Prolonged use of broad-spectrum antibiotic
• Causing pseudomembranous colitis or
antibiotic-associated colitis
• Produce toxin A (enterotoxin) and toxin B
(cytopathic)  necrosis in intestinal wall
Foundations in
• Symptoms : diarrhea, more severe cases  microbiology. 2012
abdominal cramps, fever, leukocytosis


Microbiological aspect in C. difficile infection

Two major categories in CDI
diagnostic assay:
• Toxin detection : PCR (for toxin B
gene), latex agglutination and ELISA
(toxin A & B test),
• Organism detection : anaerobic
culture, glutamate dehydrogenase
(GDH) & nucleic acid amplification
tests (NAATs)

C. difficile on CCFA.
• Culture : cycloserine-cefoxitin- Manual of clinical microbiology. 2015

fructose-egg yolk agar

Yersinia enterocolitica
• Gram-negative, non-spore-forming bacilli
• Bipolar staining with Giemsa or Wayson’s dye
• Size : 0.5 – 0.8 x 1 – 3 µm
• Motile  peritrichous or paripolar flagella
• Facultative anaerob
• Growth temp. : 4 – 43 oC
• Possess lipid A-oligosaccharide core –O antigen polysaccharide
• 54 different O antigens and 19 H factors
• Serotypes account for human infection : O:3, O:5,27, O:8 & O:9


Clinical features of Y. enterocolotica infection

• Primarily infects lymphoid tissue of the small intestine & ileocaecal
• In children : fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain and vomiting
• Most common form of disease is gastroenteritis
• Elderly people with cirrhosis, iron overload or immunosuppressive
 septicemia
• Pneumonia, meningitis  rare
• Post infection complication  erythema nodosum, polyarthritis,
Reiter’s syndrome and thyroiditis
• Pathogenic serotypes are commonly from swine

Microbiological aspect of Y. enterocolica

• Biochemical test : glucose fermenting w/o gas. Catalase pos.,
oxidase neg.
• Culture : MacConkey, blood and chocolate agars
• Serotype : agglutination test, ELISA, PCR


Campylobacter spp.
• Most common bacterial cause of
diarrhea in USA
• Slender, curved or spiral Gram-negative
rods (Size : 0.2 – 0.9 x 0.5 – 5 µm)
• Non spore-forming
• Polar flagella (one or both poles)  S-
shaped or gull-winged pairs
• Main pathogenic species : C. jejuni & C.
pylori Scanning micrograph of
Campylobacter jejuni
• Reservoirs : poultry, pigs, cattle Microbiology, A system approach. 2012

• Transmission : ingestion of raw milk,

undercooked poultry or meat, and
contaminated water

Clinical features of C. jejuni infection

• Incubation periods : 2-10 days
• Symptoms : frequent watery stools, fever, vomiting, headaches and
severe abdominal pain
• Generally associated with type B gastritis (gastric ulcer or peptic


Microbiology aspect of C. jejuni

• Microaerophilic  incubation in 5% - 10% CO2
• Thermophilic  incubation at 35oC
• Non fermentative, oxidase pos., hippurate hydrolysis pos.,
• Aerobic and anaerobic blood culture and stool culture
• Culture medium :
a. Blood-free media :
- Charcoal Cefoperazone Deoxycholate Agar (CCDA) 
most sensitive
- Charcoal-based Selective Medium (CSM)
b. Blood-containing media :
- Campy-CVA (cefoperazone, vancomycin, amphotericin)
- Skirrow medium

Clinical features of selected diarrheal pathogens infection

WGO. 2012


Helicobacter pylori
• Gram-negative, non-spore-forming
• Curved, helical or spiral or fusiform
• Size : 0.3 – 0.6 x 1 – 10 µm
• Motile  multiple (4 – 8 /cell)
monopolar sheathed flagella
• Microaerobic with respiratory type
of metabolism
• Lack carbohydrate utilization H. pylori Gram stain, 100x.
World Journal of Gastroenterology.
pathway 2008

• Pathogenesis : stomach epithelial tissue  specific binding 

• Transmission unknown (probably oral-oral or fecal-oral route)
• Two-thirds of world’s population are infected
• 25% healthy middle-age adults & 65% > 60 y.o. adults
• Animal also susceptible  proposed as zoonosis transmitted


Clinical features of H. pylori infection

• Colonize in cardia, corpus and antrum of stomach
• Sharp or burning pain emanating from the abdomen
• Acute gastritis (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting)  cronic
• Antrum-predominant gastritis  hyperacidity, duodenal ulcer
• Lesion  peptic ulcers  bloody stools, vomiting, or both (worse
at night, after eating, or psychological stress
• Long-term infection  stomach cancer
• Independent risk factor for the development of atrophic gastritis,
gastric ulcer disease, gastric adenocarcinoma and gastric mucosa-
associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphomas

Microbiology aspect
• Culture of gastric biopsy specimen  BHIA, brucella agar, Wilkins
Chalgren agar, Trypticase soy agar (primary), Columbia agar + 10%
defibrinated horse blood (excellent results)
• Cytochrome oxidase producing, urease hydrolysis, nitrate
reduction, indoxyl acetate hydrolysis, alkaline phosphatase activity
• Microbiology examination : ELISA  HpSA (stool antigen test)


Gastroenteritis and Diarrhea

• When does the stool samples taken?
- If microbiological diagnosis is required : persistent diarrhea/
malabsorption; blood, mucous or pus in the stool; history of
diarrhea and/or vomiting and systemically unwell patient; recent
hospitalization; antibiotic therapy
- Public health sampling : outbreaks or diarrhea and/or vomiting;
public health hazard
- Immunocompromised patients
- Travel history

How to avoid GI tract infection?


WHO data on vaccination of GEH disease caused

by bacteria
• Available vaccine :
- Cholera
- Typhoid
• Vaccines in development :
- Campylobacter jejuni
- Enterotoxigenic E. coli
- Paratyphoid fever
- Shigella

• Strain : genetic variants within a species
• Serotype (or serovar) : the type of a microorganism determined by
its constituent antigens; a taxonomic subdivision based thereon
• Serogroup : an unofficial designation denoting a group of bacteria
containing a common antigen, possibly including more than one
serotype, species, or genus


1. Brooks G. F., et al. Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology (25th
ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. 2010
2. Harvey R. A., Cornelissen C. N., & Fisher B.D. Lippincott’s Illustrated
Reviews: Microbiology (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Two Commerce Square. 2012
3. Ryan K.J., Ray C. G. Sherris Medical Microbiology (6th ed.). New York:
McGraw Hill. 2014
4. Cowan M. K. Microbiology A Systems Approach (3 rd ed.). New York:
McGraw Hill. 2012
5. Talaro K.P., Chess B. Foundation in Microbiology (8th ed.). New York:
McGraw-Hill. 2012
6. Jorgensen J.H., Pfaller M. A. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. Canada : ASM
Press. 2015
7. Mishra S. K., Agrawal D. A Concise Manual of Pathogenic Microbiology. New
Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2013
8. Goldman E., Green L. H. Practical handbook of microbiology. Danvers: CRC
Press. 2015
9. Farthing M., et al. Acute diarrhea in adults and children : a global
perspective. World Gastroenterology Organization Global Guidelines. WGO.


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