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Impact of Information and

Communication Technology (ICT)

on construction projects

Aimie Rimmington Dr. Graham Dickens Dr. Christine Pasquire

Construction Management Construction Management Construction Management
in the School of Architecture in the School of Architecture in the School of Architecture
Design and the Built Design and the Built Design and the Built
Environment, Nottingham Environment, Nottingham Environment, Nottingham
Trent University, Trent University, Trent University,

DOI 10.5592/otmcj.2015.3.4
The changing face of construction projects has resulted in a
Research paper movement towards the use of technology as a primary means
of communication. The consequences of this rise in the use
of information and communication technology (ICT) is a loss
of interpersonal communication skills. A number of result-
ing issues within the human – electronic and human – human
interfaces are identified in an attempt to define the efficiency of
communication in projects. The research shows how ICT effects
the social environment of construction project teams and the
project outcome. The study seeks to confirm the need for further
work in order to develop new forms of communication protocols
and behaviour. An initial literature review was undertaken to
develop a theoretical review of the impacts of ICT on construc-
tion project teams. This review identified a number of issues
Keywords that were then tested in the field through an observation and
two verification interviews. The research confirms the existence
ICT; Project teams;
of tensions and conflicts in the human – electronic and human
- human communication interfaces within the studies environ-
Communication; ment. It is proposed that the increasing use of ICT occur at the
Organisations expense of soft system communication. The principal impact of
this is a form of ‘human distraction’ which adversely affects the
performance of project teams. There is limited theory exploring
these issues that suggests the problems identified are not well
understood and consequently indicates a gap in knowledge.

a. rimmington · g. dickens · c. pasqire · bim in teaching — impact of information and communication technology (ict) · pp 1367-1382 1367
INTRODUCTION the construction industry with part of does not necessarily mean communi-
The cultural context of construction the trouble being the way the industry cation has to take place.
projects has changed in recent years is organised’. In the construction industry today
creating a more complex business envi- Information and communication there is a growing trend for ICT to be
ronment. One reason behind this is the technology (ICT) is defined and dis- used from conception to completion of
rapid development of communication cussed differently in construction a project process (Onyegiri et al, 2011)
technologies. With the increasing need writings but Kraemer and Daniziger, with the development of computers,
to have immediate information and (1990, p.593-594) define the commu- computer software (e.g. Computer
flexible working practices in a global nication element of technology as ‘the Aided Design (CAD) and Building In-
market, information transfer tends to actual hardware employed to perform formation Modelling (BIM), internet,
be electronic. This enables increased a basic information processing task’. mobile phones and so on. This does
volume of information transfer depen- Emmitt and Gorse (2003) also take not, however, necessarily improve
dent on the time zone. These informa- the view that communication within communication as messages and
tion and communication technologies organisations and between them is data are still open to interpretation
(ICT) have encouraged geographical concerned with the exchange of in- that is influenced by distraction and
dispersion and a retreat from face to formation and the management of it. noise. The term ‘distraction’ has been
face contact with more asynchronous Onyegiri et al (2001, p.462) have sum- used in this context to refer to how
communication (Hoch and Kozlowski, marised the different interpretations ICT creates a diversion or prevention
2014). This shift from the traditional of ICT into a flow diagram in their work. from what one should be concentrat-
people-centred organisation has been Based on this flow diagram, Figure 1 ing on or doing (Oxford Dictionaries,
shown by numerous scholars to house shows the flow of information from 2015) which subsequently has an im-
difficulties (Avolio et al., 2000; Bell & a form of communication. There is a pact on role and project performance.
Kozlowski, 2002; Purvanova & Bono, need to distinguish between ‘informa- The overuse of ICT in the replacement
2009). The construction sector is no tion technology’ and ‘communication of the human to human interface can
different from any other in this regard. technology’ since information tech- be classed as a distraction (or noise).
Fryer (2004, p.62) believes ‘poor com- nology is essential in construction for ‘Factors which detract from efficient
munication has long been a problem in the storage of information but its use communication are termed noise’ thus
ICT is a noise creating distractions in
the design and management of con-
ICT struction projects (Newcombe et al,
1990, p.127) and impacting the ‘per-
formance’ of project teams.
Information Technology Communication Technology For the purpose of this study, ‘per-
formance’ is defined as the behav-
iours, skills, culture and background
Data Storage Mediums Computer Devices of employees and teams that support
and contribute to the success of an or-
ganisation (Dane, 2011; Parker, 2000;
Data Storage Software Internet
Arvey and Murphy, 1998). Pulakos et
al (2012, p.7) outline job performance
as ‘synonymous with behaviour’
Digital Data Hardware
whilst effectiveness houses many
factors – one of these is ‘performance’
(Bernold, 2010). Bernold (2010, p.24)
identifies team performance as that
Recording Mediums Telecommunications
which is influenced by ‘the roles that
▸ Emails ▸ Social individual members play, their rela-
▸ Instant Networking tionship to eachother, the differences
Mobile/Wireless Devices
Messaging ▸ Audio in task and social influences and the
▸ Blogs ▸ Video behaviour of individuals within the
group norms’.
Figure 1: Typical flow of information through a medium of communication. Construction project organisations

1368 organ ization , techno logy and management i n construc ti on · a n i nte rnati ona l journa l · 7( 3)2 015
rely upon communication, which ac-
cording to Dainty et al (2006, p.3) is
‘the sharing of meaning to reach mutu-
al understanding and gain a response’.
The sharing of meaning is dependent


st r
c ti
on the accuracy of the information

ac t
followed closely by having the ap-

io n
di s
propriate communication procedures

(Thomas et al., 1998). Communication
may be categorised as written commu-
nication, face to face verbal communi- (Noise)
cation and electronic communication,
(Shohet and Frydman, 2003) and this
can be divided further into formal
and informal (Parker, 1980; Atkin et
al, 1994). Messages are readily sent Projects Client
within an office environment (even
from mobiles), however, testing of
understanding is seldom carried out. d is t r a c t i o n s
It is therefore necessary to be aware
of how the recipient prefers the mes-
sage to be conveyed and encoded so Figure 2: Information communication technology (ICT) as the core of a
that it is easily decoded and conveyed construction business.
(Dainty, Moore and Murray, 2006). En-
coding and decoding a message is not The Silo effect in communication used) in the management of construc-
just dependent upon the sender and developed after the industrial revolu- tion projects. Additionally, the study
the recipient, noise has a big impact tion due to the fragmentation of the seeks to identify specific impacts of
in distorting the message (Dewatri- construction industry (Emmitt, 2010) these distractions. Figure 2 is a con-
pont et al, 2005; Shannon and Weav- and grew as a result of the onset (and ceptual representation of the central
er, 1949). Noise can come from many increase) of ICT in the 1970s (Dainty, theme of this paper, placing emphasis
sources such as, the transmitting ve- Moore and Murray, 2006). The com- on how ICT is the core of communica-
hicle, culture, education, professional partmentalisation of professionals in tion on a construction project. The
bodies, mode of encoding and decod- the industry is also exacerbated due primary research intends to provide
ing and so on. Nonetheless, the main to the rise and diversity of specialisms some empirical evidence to determine
‘noise’ focus here is ICT and the way in (Fellows and Lui, 2012; Dainty, Moore some of the impacts and effects of this
which it is organised in project teams and Murray, 2006). For example, each on the performance of individuals and
and its distractions and barriers to ef- professional body acts on behalf of teams involved in construction project
fective communication. each specialism seeking ‘to protect delivery.
Written and electronic communi- the interests of their members by lay- In order to explore this impact it is
cation omit the subliminal messages ing claim to a particular knowledge necessary to review communication
given by body language (facial ex- ‘territory’ that differentiates them in construction project organisations
pression) thus restricting the effec- from others’ (Dainty, Moore and Mur- and their ICT strategies, virtual team
tiveness of communication. Spoken ray, 2006, p.93). However, the overall working, distractions and inefficien-
communication, accounts for only effect of ICT (and the subsequent rise cies caused by the use of ICT and any
forty eight percent of construction in specialisms) is the distraction from cultural differences.
communication (Shohet and Frydman (and barrier to) communication (Dain-
2003) even though face to face com- ty, Moore and Murray, 2006). What is communication?
munication is the most effective meth- There are therefore a number of Construction project organisations
od of transmitting and understanding gaps to be explored and these have rely upon communication, which ac-
a message (Emmitt and Gorse, 2007) framed this study into an examina- cording to Dainty et al (2006, p.3) is
especially as physical presence en- tion of the distractions caused by the ‘the sharing of meaning to reach mutu-
courages trust (Lester, 2007). way ICT is organised (and accordingly al understanding and gain a response’.

a. rimmington · g. dickens · c. pasqire · bim in teaching — impact of information and communication technology (ict) · pp 1367-1382 1369
The sharing of meaning is dependent hicle, culture, education, professional Moore and Murray, 2006). The com-
on the accuracy of the information bodies, mode of encoding and decod- partmentalisation of professionals
followed closely by having the ap- ing and so on. Nonetheless, the main in the industry is also exacerbated
propriate communication procedures ‘noise’ focus here is ICT and the way in due to the rise and diversity of spe-
(Thomas et al., 1998). Communication which it is organised in project teams cialisms (Fellows and Lui, 2012; Dain-
may be categorised as written commu- and its distractions and barriers to ef- ty, Moore and Murray, 2006). For ex-
nication, face to face verbal communi- fective communication. ample, each professional body acts
cation and electronic communication, Written and electronic communi- on behalf of each specialism seeking
(Shohet and Frydman, 2003) and this cation omit the subliminal messages ‘to protect the interests of their mem-
can be divided further into formal given by body language (facial ex- bers by laying claim to a particular
and informal (Parker, 1980; Atkin et pression) thus restricting the effec- knowledge ‘territory’ that differenti-
al, 1994). Messages are readily sent tiveness of communication. Spoken ates them from others’ (Dainty, Moore
within an office environment (even communication, accounts for only and Murray, 2006, p.93). However,
from mobiles); however, testing of forty eight percent of construction the overall effect of ICT (and the sub-
understanding is seldom carried out. communication (Shohet and Frydman sequent rise in specialisms) is the
It is therefore necessary to be aware 2003) even though face to face com- distraction from (and barrier to) com-
of how the recipient prefers the mes- munication is the most effective meth- munication (Dainty, Moore and Mur-
sage to be conveyed and encoded so od of transmitting and understanding ray, 2006).
that it is easily decoded and conveyed a message (Emmitt and Gorse, 2007)
(Dainty, Moore and Murray, 2006). En- especially as physical presence en- Research Design
coding and decoding a message is not courages trust (Lester, 2007). The purpose of this research is to ex-
just dependent upon the sender and The Silo effect in communication plore the impact of information and
the recipient, noise has a big impact developed after the industrial revolu- comm,unication technology (ICT) on
in distorting the message (Dewatri- tion due to the fragmentation of the construction projects. The review of
pont et al, 2005; Shannon and Weav- construction industry (Emmitt, 2010) appropriate secondary data provides
er, 1949). Noise can come from many and grew as a result of the onset (and the theoretical position of the work
sources such as, the transmitting ve- increase) of ICT in the 1970s (Dainty, (Bryman, 2008) and determines what

Questions Discussion

1. How is ICT affecting the efficiency of projects This question aimed to allow for a wide range of responses, to remove
and/or project organisations. What are the im- bias, to validate the primary investigation and to analyse against the
pacts of its use? secondary research.

With ICT providing less time consuming ways to communicate and share
2. Is intranet or extranet preferred for working information, construction companies are under increasing pressure to
practices on a project or other none ICT-based keep up to date with such technology. As a result, this question aimed to
structure and why? decipher whether keeping up to date with technology advancements is
beneficial or not for working practices and projects.

3. Are there any obvious distractions (or noise) in This question aimed to discover whether, from the development of the
project organisations from ICT adoption and use previous questions, ICT is actually a distraction within the construction
and is job performance affected? environment and/or whether ICT has an effect on people’s performances.

4. Is there a noticeable cultural and sex difference It is clear outside of the workplace that ICT is vast amongst the younger
with the use of ICT between older and younger generations in particular. Therefore, this question aimed to determine
generations in project organisations? whether this was the case within the workplace and any impacts.

Once an awareness of the research was created following the previous

5. Is it the way ICT is organised that is negatively
questions (1-4), it was appropriate to determine whether it’s the poor or-
impacting construction projects (or organisa-
ganisation of ICT that is effecting communication or its overuse due to its
tional performance) or the general overuse of ICT?
societal development and focus.

Table 1: Broad research questions.

1370 organ ization , techno logy and management i n construc ti on · a n i nte rnati ona l journa l · 7( 3)2 015
primary data should be collected. The
Approxi- Experience in
secondary data is further used in the Sex Professional Role
mate age Construction
discussion of the empirical findings
to provide a rich picture of the issues. Female 30 – 40 Personal Assistant 20+ years
To obtain some unique findings to
substantiate the secondary research Female 20 – 30 Architectural Services 10+ years
and reinforce the literature review,
one observation of a typical UK con- Female 20 – 30 Project Manager 3+ years
struction office environment with two
Female 30 – 40 Accounts Manager 15+ years
semi-structured interviews with proj-
ect directors from two large UK na- Male 30 – 40 Contracts Manager 15+ years
tional construction companies were
undertaken. Overall, the underlying Male 50 – 60 Main Contractor/Builder 35 years
epistemology for this research is that
of interpretivism because it allows for Male 60 – 70 Main Contractor/Builder 40+ years
qualitative methodology and theoreti-
Male 20 – 30 Quantity Surveyor 2+ years
cal flexibility which supports studies
on the complexity of social environ-
ments (Tuli, 2011) such as an office. Table 2: Observation sample.
Five broad questions are posed to
drive the research providing a basic terview. The employees appeared to Results and Discussion
guide for the semi-structured inter- be oblivious to the observation taking
views and informing the office ob- place and proceeded with their tasks. Question 1: The effect on efficiency
servation. These questions (Table 1) The company employs eight people when using ICT in Project
were based on the literature review and all were present in the office at Organisations
and triangulated to draw specific the time of the observation. These In modern organisations it has be-
results (Fellows and Liu, 2008) as personnel are listed in Table 2 along come accepted practice for managers
well as to induce deeper discussion with basic details collected from the to receive reports and feedback in or-
(Naoum, 2013): company owners. der to develop strategy and maintain
Additionally, two semi-structured the competitive nature of the business
Primary Research interviews were undertaken with in- (Seifert and Yukl, 2010). This function
The office of a small main contractor terviewees who worked for large, well has become disconnected from the
housing approximately nine construc- known UK construction companies, operational activities in the belief
tion personnel was observed, with both were male - one a Contracts that managers and leaders cannot be
permission from the company own- Manager and the other a Quantity Sur- directly involved in the whole of the
ers. Gray (2013, p.413) defines obser- veyor – and both were highly experi- organisation (or company) themselves
vations meticulously in one sentence - enced in construction (approximately making the use of electronic methods
‘Observation is a complex combination 30+ years each). The interviews took increasingly attractive. Management
of sensation and perception, through place within each employee’s own evolved with the growth of formal or-
which we develop schemas, the men- workplace environment to reduce any ganisations, but leadership is one of
tal structures we use to organise and external influences. the oldest and most natural relation-
simplify our knowledge of the world ships in society (Fryer, 2004, p.48).
around us’. The observation was pas- Limitations Management is established as ‘ensur-
sive with no direct communication The research provides a snapshot ing effective and efficient operations’
with the office personnel and no per- of aspects of current practice through whereas leadership is defined as
sonal information was required or re- a single observation within a UK con- ‘direction setting’ (Fryer, 2004, p.48).
corded in line with ethical guidelines. struction SME company. This obser- Managers are selected whilst leaders
The researcher behaved as a client vation is supplemented by interviews should materialise during the life of
representative visiting the company from senior personnel from two large organisations through being interac-
owners - of whom there were two. construction companies but the total tive with their team. However, technol-
Sporadic conversation with these sample is too small to provide gener- ogy advances have been considered
owners took place but no form of in- alised results. as a substitute to face to face commu-

a. rimmington · g. dickens · c. pasqire · bim in teaching — impact of information and communication technology (ict) · pp 1367-1382 1371
nication (Blume, Baldwin and Ryan, managers are able to distinguish ‘oth- major Contracts) is coming into ques-
2011; Pierce, 2009) with advances ers’ moods and feelings face on and tion as changing practice sees leaders
such as emailing, instant messaging unaided (Kees and Whichard, 2006). of organisations demanding social in-
and virtual team working disregard- All parties to a construction project or teraction with their teams (Day, 2001)
ing conversation skills. Such asyn- organisation require social skills to be (particularly when a problem occurs)
chronous communication removes able to build positive mutual relation- and turn to ‘Gemba walks’(Samudio et
the expression of body language, at- ships and connections whilst effec- al, 2011) to help achieve this. A Gemba
mosphere, environment and organ- tively doing their job. These skills in- walk requires the manager to ‘go see
isational processes and thus lacks clude thoughtfulness, understanding for themselves’ by visiting the physi-
engagement, understanding, learn- and the ability to deal with complex cal place of work and talking to the
ing and team building and support. situations and people and manage people involved to help resolve prob-
Day et al (2014, p.68) established the complex network of communica- lems. The social interaction achieved
that expert leaders are influenced by tion. In the fragmented construction increases the performance of teams
‘understanding the situation and col- project environment, construction and improves the integration of com-
laborating with others’ yet an ‘under- professionals should be aware that munication (Samudio, Alves and
standing’ can only be gained through each form of communication with Chambers, 2011). Denning (2013, p.10)
social constructs. Understanding has each person is relatively unique and highlights that communication should
been shown to be a social aspect inte- so their social skills and awareness be more ‘conversation’ focussed
gral to lean construction both through will play a key role in judging the situ- rather than ‘command’ focussed. The
active measures such as collaborative ation. It is further proposed that the development and sustainability of a
planning (Last Planner® System) and success of construction organisations complex social network relies upon
passive systems such as visual man- is dependent on ‘workplace democ- the soft approaches to enable the re-
agement that speaks directly to social racy’ which involves ‘breaking down quired interaction to take place within
cognitive measures (Pasquire, 2012 barriers, sharing information, using and on behalf of the workplace. This
& Pasquire & Court, 2013) This was a collaborative approach to problem was confirmed by the interviews that
confirmed by the interviewees who solving, and an orientation toward showed the company directors felt
believe that whilst the use of synchro- continuous learning and improvement’ passionate about sharing informa-
nous technology improves efficiency, (Cascio, 1995, p.930). However, during tion through face to face or verbal
asynchronous technology does not. the observation all employees stay contact prior to electronic information
They felt this was primarily because quietly at their computers with little exchange taking place. It was felt this
asynchronous technology did not en- interaction. Problem solving only took allowed for the acquisition of under-
able understanding to be tested; this place in person when prompted by the standing and knowledge acquisition
was a concern because the results of two company owners. but nethertheless, it rarely happens
inadequate understanding do not ma- For individuals to have a strong ef- this way.
terialise until a later time. fect on the performance of a project by The huge reduction storage space
Belbin (1999) in particular identi- performing better themselves, Tham- requirements generated by electronic
fies the different characteristics of the hain (2013, p.152) found that there are information are a powerful driver of its
individuals within a team and identi- a range of factors that influence these growing use in project organisations.
fies that there needs to be a balance individuals, some of which include ‘ef- ‘This is not saying that the project is
of these different characteristics to fective communications among team more efficient as there is a tendency to
make the team effective. Research members and support units across over include people causing them to
concerning desirable management organisational lines, good team spirit, incur time, that they may not with the
qualities are plentiful but one of these mutual trust and respect, low inter- more rational working practices’ (In-
qualities (or characteristics) of impor- personal conflict’ and so on. These terviewee 1, 2015). It was clear from
tance to this research is emotional in- findings promote in person communi- both the observation and interviews
telligence (EQ). Emotional intelligence cation yet the development, adoption that electronic information is more
is comprised of four parts equally di- and use of ICT does not guarantee readily accessed so this does improve
vided into ‘self’ or ‘others’ (Slocum, these ideals occur or will be success- the efficiency and speed of response
2008). Two traits understood to be es- ful or that group performance will be in information accessing whilst the
sential for the management of ‘others’ more robust (Wu et al, 2005). The reli- use of compartmentalised storage
party to a project are ‘social aware- ance on electronic means for report- improves the administration of the
ness’ and ‘social skill’. Socially aware ing and feedback (such as KPI’s and project. Interestingly, when projects

1372 organ ization , techno logy and management i n construc ti on · a n i nte rnati ona l journa l · 7( 3)2 015
start going wrong, project teams fall members”(Kayworth, 2000 p.184). task-related processes were the most
back into face to face working i.e. the Verburg (2013) found that virtual critical for the performance of dis-
interactive in person collaborative teams that had processes that in- persed teams, with these processes
approach. The findings from the inter- creased the levels of mutual support, needing to be mutually  supportive
views revealed that face to face com- member effort, work coordination, specifically, for task-related communi-
munication is still perceived by many balance of member contributions and cations. Verburg (2013) stressed that
to be the most effective way of com- task-related communications were the quality of task-related processes
municating, but electronic informa- able to consistently outperform other appears to be a significant factor in
tion is seen to be the most convenient teams with lower levels. LaFasto and determining whether dispersion be-
as the information can be accessed at Larson (2001, p.181) consider that reg- comes a liability or an opportunity for
any time and from anywhere. There is ular face to face meetings are, howev- virtual collaborative efforts, although
also a tendency for senders to use this er, important for virtual teams: “For a Davis et al (2003) identified that lead-
method as a means of passing the bur- group of managers spread around the ership style affects group processes.
den of responsibility (of understand- world, ensuring adequate face time
ing to the recipient). might mean meeting together every Question 2: ICT Strategies’ in
Ultimately, project communication quarter to calibrate major activities, Organisations
is complex in the construction envi- explore common challenges, and con- Communication always occurs in a
ronment without technology but with firm relationships”. The observation context (Littlejohn et al, 1992), which
it, the complexity is increased partic- evidenced no use of virtual working influences understanding as well
ularly when communicating virtually and the company owners revealed as  the types of messaging and sys-
(Peters and Manz, 2007). that they had little experience with tems used. This does not mean that
Virtual team working is defined it. The interviewees revealed that the information transferred is cor-
slightly differently amongst scholars during the recession that technology rect  as an individual’s perceptions
but commonly it purports connecting interface increased through the likes are influences and distortions in the
people to accomplish a goal through of video conferencing as firms were message (Cohen J and Basu K, 1987).
the use of communication technolo- trying to reduce the cost of travel and This distortion is independent of the
gies as a result of the individuals of a meeting expenses. This attitude is way in which the ICT is configured and
group being geographically dispersed still progressing even without a reces- communication is dealt with. Frankov-
(rather than fairly local) (Townsend et sion reducing face to face contact and ich (1998)  identifies four different
al, 1998;Cohen and Mankin, 1999; informal interaction. The interview- formats of technology management
Igbaria, 1999; Yager, 1997). It is rare ees believed that the informality is re- (illustrated in Table 3) although the
for virtual teams to meet or interact quired to create better understanding selection will depend on the organ-
face to face (Jarvenpaa and Leidner, between individuals and overall team isational strategy.
1999; Maznevski and Chudoba, 2000; efficiency. When these organisational strate-
Townsend et al., 1998), as the prin- Virtuality of teams is not a distinct gies were tested primarily the inter-
cipal means of communicating is but a dimensional attribute, (Kirkman viewees expressed a preference for
through computer-generated simula- et al., 2004), where both geographical the intranet rather than the extranet.
tion so there is no need for team mem- and temporal distances affect commu- However, there was agreement that a
bers to be together. However, face nication (Townsend et al. 1998;  Lip- system was needed (be it intranet or
to face meetings are not precluded. nack and Stamps 2000) .  Townsend extranet) that provided a clear distinc-
Curseu et al (2008, p.629) and Furst et al (1998) believe that members of tion between the project work and or-
et al (1999) assert that virtual teams virtual project teams should be more dinary business activities. Both inter-
can be ‘socio-technical systems’ with skilled when working with other team viewees currently use an intranet and
greater mutual reliance amongst members due to a changed and more extranet. An intranet was preferred
one another.“Communication among diverse culture and the lack of in per- by the owners of the company ob-
global virtual teams may be extremely son contact. Whilst task design im- served because information is more
difficult to manage and less effective pacts on the suitability for levels of readily available with understood
than more traditional settings, and virtuality (Konradt & Hertel, 2002), user-protocols in place but overall, an
problems may also be magnified by communication is a key skill in con- accessible hard drive system that the
disparity among technology infra- struction projects (Dainty et al. 2006) entire company shared was favoured
structures, as well as differences in and this is even more so in virtual and used. In terms of the ‘organisa-
technology proficiency among team teams. Verburg (2013) found that the tional strategy’, it was found that the

a. rimmington · g. dickens · c. pasqire · bim in teaching — impact of information and communication technology (ict) · pp 1367-1382 1373
cases, the perceived need for speedy
Organisational communication encouraged by the po-
tentially instantaneous nature of elec-
tronic means distracted people from
Centralised: strong Project management or senior management will
control from head- maintain responsibilities and powers (opposite of reflecting on content. Messages were
quarters decentralised organisation). most likely to be written “off the cuff”,
often without reading over and under-
A replication of information shared nationally standing the matter and sometimes
Replicated: identical
amongst teams using software such as the extranet without a spell check. Occasionally
country system
and intranet.
these messages had to be rewritten or
even recalled when the writer noticed
Autonomous: dissimi- No defined organisation or management nationally
lar and uncoordinated or outside of an organisation (an individual organ- errors after hitting the send button or
country systems isation has self-government) further receiving of messages indi-
cated conflicting understanding. Mes-
Integrated: compat- sages received were often skimmed
An integrated management system that aligns with a
ible and co-ordinated when read and people checked their
company’s strategic aims such as the intranet.
email in-boxes frequently whilst un-
dertaking other tasks. This meant that
Table 3: ICT based organisational strategies (after Frankovich, 1998). the arrival of emails was a distraction
from these other tasks. Electronic
larger companies, when working on psychometric testing because of lack transfer created bureaucracy in the
larger projects, prefer to have an in- of time and the need to narrow down office when workers sent emails even
tranet for the project, unless the con- the applicants. This ICT configuration though they were sharing the office
tractor or client has the power to en- shows the disparity and fragmenta- and used emails instead of face to face
force joining their systems. Therefore, tion between the way project informa- meetings to discuss pertinent aspects
company and project configurations tion is dealt with and communicated of a project. It is acknowledged that
may be different, as evidenced here, and employees are selected. communication without due reflection
which in turn affects the way in which causes problems.
individuals and project organisations Question 3: Distraction in Frustration still occurs amongst
communicate and thus perform. It is construction organisations teams when a response is not imme-
also common for construction compa- The academic debate on the effects of diate or there is a break down. Video
nies to use electronic psychometric ICT in organisations is large, a factor conferencing, however, allows for
assessments on construction per- that in itself indicates a degree of dis- real-time communication and saves
sonnel to determine their personality traction caused by the use and poten- times with the need for minimal trav-
traits and aptitudes. These tests are tial use of technology for communica- elling (if there are no technical issues)
now managed via ICT through a com- tion. This debate also indicates a need but lack of presence of people in-
pany’s intranet (Cascio, 1995). Cascio for an appropriate skill-set along with person reduces trust as well as other
(1995) questions whether a true and an understanding of purpose to avoid practical issues (Bower et al, 2001)
valid measurement of one’s abilities compromising project performance. and the bigger picture is not eas-
and traits can be obtained through a Despite the size of the academic de- ily distinguishable for example, it is
closed hard-system survey approach. bate, it contains little empirical evi- easy to portray positivism in front of
This is because differing personal dence that identifies particular factors a camera yet behind the scenes more
characteristics or traits are required that interfere with or distract from ef- may be going on that is not being com-
in differing roles. The discussion with fective communication. Whilst some municated and cannot be seen by the
the company owners of the SME ob- may be obvious, such as noise and other parties thus limiting access into
served revealed all new employees social distractions from mobile devic- the real social environment (Williams
are interviewed face to face and elec- es, this study sought to move towards et al, 2000; Bower et al, 2001). There-
tronic means of judging a person’s filling this gap, through observation fore, the dynamic within teams is
skills and traits will not be consid- and interview. During the observation more vulnerable when communicating
ered by these Directors in the future of office practice, it was clear that un- and collaborating virtually (Curseu et
because of the importance of meeting derstanding was affected by the way al, 2008) since the receiving and pro-
people. The interviewees prefer the people wrote and read emails. In both cessing of communication lacks the

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additional physical cues provided by both outside of and in the workplace, maintained that there is a noticeable
the in-person team approach. we are now growing accustomed to difference in the attitude towards the
Both interviewees identified in- overanxious communicators, this use of technology between the more
compatibility of software as the prin- is particularly evident in European experienced and younger generations.
cipal distraction from project perfor- countries due to the over use of social The more experienced employees do
mance. They felt it was most obvious and instant messaging (Pierce, 2009; not resist the increasing use of tech-
when there are design issues and the Lenhart et al., 2005). It was identified nology but they do not always pre-
architect, structural engineer and the during the observation by the own- fer this approach. Many of this more
steelwork fabricator have different ers of the company that there is ‘un- mature generation consider face to
packages. This causes frustration and willingness’ by the younger employ- face, collaborative working is more
usually results in the need for face to ees to communicate synchronously effective “as you can see the whites
face communication – clearly this be- speculating the reason could be that of their eyes.” The younger less expe-
comes a big problem when the team is the employees are too apprehensive rienced construction employees ap-
working virtually. It has been suggest- without ICT involvement. ICT reliance pear to embrace ICT. This reflects their
ed that providing appropriate commu- is the distraction in this case affect- confidence and the cultural shift away
nication has a positive effect (Cuddle- ing the social performance of em- from face to face working. Markedly, a
back and Redden 2009, Dainty et al. ployees. A study on communication move away from, and desire for, face
(2006)) and is vital to the success of in the workplace by Business Matters to face communication in construction
a construction project (Franks 1990). (2013) determined that ‘most workers is symptomatic of the popularity and
If it is evident that an understanding have become so used to using indi- development of ICT. Regardless of
is lost during electronic communica- rect communication methods such as age and sex, it seems that, at present,
tion, virtual teams have an additional email and conference calls, they are some people prefer to communicate
problem of deciphering what appro- less confident when communicating in-person whilst others, whether it be
priate communication is required if face to face’ (Business Matters, 2013). due to anxiousness or social inability,
face to face contact is not possible 70% of personnel of all ages preferred prefer to communicate via ICT within a
(Verberg et al. 2013). It is not common to use some form of hard communica- project organisation.
practice for construction personnel to tion (mostly email) than face to face Technology’s effect on people
be specifically trained how to manage communication, even when commu- today is not yet proven but some re-
virtual communication and be a part nicating with colleagues in the same searchers have established that the
of a virtual team nor the way in which building (Business Matters, 2013). internet for example is used more for
to communicate. The interviewees Over 50% claimed to be less confi- socialising than face to face interac-
selected people to be part of virtual dent socialising and communicating tion (Sproull and Kiesler, 1991; Kraut
teams if they felt they were appropri- face to face due to their reliance on et al, 1998; Flaherty et al, 1998;Bridg-
ate for the project (not appropriate hard communication (mainly ‘email, es 1997). This increase in the use
for virtual communication) and com- telephone and skype’) (Business of the internet is associated with a
pany owners agreed that if they won a Matters, 2013). During the observa- decrease in family time and general
project requiring virtual working that, tion, ICT use was indistinguishable social involvement (Kraut et al, 1998).
due to the size of their company, they between females and males and older It is obvious that the younger genera-
would require everyone participating and younger workers due to automatic tion is more conscious of ICT due to
but how they would go about this was reaction from all. It was noticed that their exposure to it from an earlier age.
unknown. the younger workers tended to com- Based on Zacharatos et al’s (2000) re-
municate with colleagues electroni- search on the transformational lead-
Question 4: Cultural and Sex cally rather than face to face prob- ership development of youths, Day et
Difference ably because ICT is more prominent al (2014) concluded that advances in
ICT is used extensively as a social in- now than it’s ever been and children leadership are fashioned from a ju-
terpersonal tool, particularly amongst are exposed to it instantaneously. venile age and influenced by ‘paren-
younger people (Business Matters, Younger users in particular tend to tal modelling’ ‘but ongoing practice
2013). ‘A business of tomorrow will respond more quickly to an electronic through day to day leadership activi-
inevitably use social media as a cen- message or at least view it without ties is where the crux of development
tral communicators’ tool’ (Business an ‘understanding’ taking place. This really resides’ (p.80). During the ob-
Matters, 2013). As a result of the lack was in evidence during the observa- servation, the owners revealed that
of social interaction due to use of ICT tion. Conversely, the interviewees the social skills of their younger em-

a. rimmington · g. dickens · c. pasqire · bim in teaching — impact of information and communication technology (ict) · pp 1367-1382 1375
ployees were not ideal for managing newer generation. As the software be- to enable the sender to establish if
projects. They felt this was due to a comes more sophisticated and off site the understanding is what was en-
lack of formal social skills indicated manufacturing becomes more com- visaged. Much of the literature pub-
by an unwillingness to communicate mon place the designers’ software lished focuses on the company or the
in person and professionally. They will talk to the subcontractors’ soft- individual traits rather than the ages
were concerned that their employees ware missing out the human element, of the parties, cultural diversity or the
would not go on to perform properly which means that thinking and under- technologies used. With the increased
as managers or leaders. The impor- standing becomes less and the entire use of ICT and the different skill sets
tance of this premature learning and way we communicate and collaborate possessed by the generations using it,
development is supported by Murphy becomes distracted.  This can lead to the frequency of reliance on ICT and
and Johnson (2011) indicating that the major problems if there is not a clear the way in which communication (and
recurrence of technologically gripped and structured feedback mechanism collaboration) is dealt with varies.
communicators is likely to create a to monitor and review the output of The primary research observed that
‘new type’ of leader or worker in the this data. The interviewees agreed the younger less experienced person
future of the construction industry. that equally both the older and young- is more likely to rely on electronic in-
Reichard and Johnson (2011, p.33) er generations consider that electron- formation transfer in the office but all
affirm that the self-development of a ic information transfer is convenient ICT users are currently distracted from
leader is ‘a cost-effective way for or- and do not consider sending an e-mail how they react, learn and thus man-
ganisations to develop leaders result- to someone on the project at 10pm is age correspondence. Additionally, it
ing [potentially] in a competitive edge’. unreasonable. However, the main is- was observed that the inexperienced
This requires self-reflection (and sue appears to be the message itself employees tended to be distracted
awareness), engagement and open, and the fact that with ICT ‘’you do not from the situation or job at hand be-
transparent organisational support know if it has been understood.” Both cause of the use of ICT more regularly
for self and skill development. Galli generations consider there should be than the more experienced employ-
and Muller-Stewens (2012) termed some protocols in place to allow for ees. This confirmed Dewatripont et
this self-development ‘social capital’ conformity of message sending thus al’s (2005) observation that electronic
whereby communication (and collab- aiding understanding. To develop a message transfer in itself is a noise
oration) is carried out within a social common understanding of what is to as it distracts the recipient from the
context. The laboratory research that be achieved a strong interplay of hu- work being done at the time, reduces
was carried out on the information man behaviour is required, not only to ‘mindfulness’ and doesn’t allow time
technology product Lotus Notes in receive the message but to develop it for understanding and knowledge ac-
1999 to test its assistance on commu- into a workable solution. During this quisition. Consequently, a question
nication and collaboration confirmed process there is a need to send the arises over whether in years to come,
that an understanding of the social message and test the understanding the social skills and traits currently
environment in which the technology which can be achieved through clear- exhibited by the more mature person
is being adopted is required foremost ly identifying critical success factors will disappear if these skills are not
(Olesen and Myers, 1999). However, (CSF’s) at the beginning of the project. passed on to younger professionals.
the replacement of traditional soft The concept of the ‘realm of un- More importantly, the impact of this
communication with ICT (and thus derstanding’ is more likely when the on construction project performance
the loss of these traditional ideals) sender and receiver attitudes, percep- is unknown.
suggests difficultly judging the ne- tions, behaviour, values and experi-
cessity and positioning of technology ence have common ground (Fill 2002), Question 5: Overuse of ICT or
in a project organisation by newer particularly where parties have a simi- organisation?
generations. To illustrate this, as we lar background using similar terminol- Ruiz-Mercader et al (2005) believe or-
move into the era of BIM (Building In- ogy and reporting systems. Personal ganisational performance cannot be
formation Modelling) technology with preferences will vary the channels improved through technology. They
growing reliance on software there used, the format and content of the argue that self and organisational
are already concerns that the people message and the frequency of inter- learning develops performance and
in-putting the information into the action. The receiver has to decode ICT is indirect to this learning devel-
systems are not professionally quali- the message successfully, but suc- opment (Ruiz-Mercader et al, 2005).
fied but are data in-putters i.e. tech- cess is difficult to define. Feedback Mohamed et al (2006) identify that
nologically proficient people from the mechanisms are therefore essential ICT alone is not sufficient as human

1376 organ ization , techno logy and management i n construc ti on · a n i nte rnati ona l journa l · 7( 3)2 015
and organisational aspects are im-
portant parts of communication (and
collaboration). The ICT within the
workplace observed did not appear
to have any organisational issues Qu. 1:
▸ Little organisational interaction
but the organisation of the team us-
▸ Lack of social integration resulting in
ing the ICT displayed problems such less knowledge and understanding
as the reliance upon the information ▸ Technology become ‘too convenient’

input and electronic transfer. Certain

parts of ICT did not seem to be keep- Qu. 2:
ing pace with what people want to do ▸ Disparity and fragmentation between project
information and communication
since there was evident frustration ▸ Disparity between skill and trait
with some ICT use and when using selection amongst organisations
ICT to communicate externally, vari-
ance occurred due to differing ICT
Qu. 3:
strategies being adopted between or- ▸ Understanding and reflection limited (overuse of ICT and
ganisations. There is no uniform ap- the perceived need for responses to be immediate)
▸ Constant electronic messaging distracts from the task
proach to ICT as it appears to be seen ▸ Minimal office interaction to deal with pertinent tasks
that Architects and designers develop ▸ Vulnerability and unknown skill-set
when communication virtually
visual programmes whilst other pro- ▸ Incompatibility of software amongst organisations
fessionals use general ICT. This also
varies with the size of the company so
it is not surprising that systems vary Qu. 4:
▸ Apprehension and less confidence when communicating face to face
with each company resulting in poor ▸ Approx. two thirds prefer communicating electronically than face to face
interaction between ICT and human ▸ Noticeable difference in the attitude between less
and more experienced employees with ICT
interpretation. ▸ Different skill-sets between the older and younger generations
Personal traits and skills (particu- ▸ Lack of protocol in place to aid with ‘understanding’
between all when using ICT for communicating
larly of managers and leaders) were
originally based on soft principles of
communication so not only are new Qu. 5:
‘skills’ required to adapt to ICT use ▸ Organisation of the team using ICT is problematic
▸ ICT not keeping pace with expectations or needs
in construction and ICT specific spe- ▸ No uniform ICT approach between organisations
cialisms but the traditional traits and ▸ Traditional skill sets could be lost due to overuse of ICT

skills may be being lost due to the

over- and/or misuse of ICT. Flyvbjerg,
(2009) argues that the incompatibil-
ity of communication within project Figure 3: Contribution to Knowledge
teams due to the inadequacies of
communication between individuals the breadth of the model elements tion is considered to be synchronous,
is exacerbated by team diversity and notionally represent an increasing mainly face to face but in actual prac-
the use of ICT. This confirms the find- impact on construction project per- tice this seems to not be the case. In
ings from the primary study. formance as the issues move from practice, most people use or rely on
specific to generic. technology (but this varies depend-
Findings This model shows how issues cre- ing on the complexity of the issue).
A figure displaying the contribution ated from the main use of ICT for com- The overuse and misuse of technol-
of knowledge was developed to il- munication in construction widen as ogy within the office environment
lustrate the findings of the literature ICT develops and interpersonal com- may reduce employees awareness of
review and primary research for each munication decreases. what is happening in the workplace.
question and is contained in Figure 3 Managers and leaders are under pres-
below. This figure shows the progres- Conclusions sure to manage and direct teams with
sively negative impacts of ICT on com- Question 1: The preferred and most a tendency to replace face to face
munication moving vertically whist appropriate approach to communica- communication with technology in

a. rimmington · g. dickens · c. pasqire · bim in teaching — impact of information and communication technology (ict) · pp 1367-1382 1377
order to provide monitored efficiency. who lack full awareness of and con- is required so that the sender and re-
Generally it’s accepted that electronic centration on what is taking place ceiver appreciate how messages can
information transfer is beneficial for due to the disturbance of using tech- be mutually understood without the
storing information but prioritising nology and the distraction it causes. need for intensive reinterpretation
what is urgent and important is dif- The observation showed that ICT when things go wrong.
ficult. The other issue is that the use created ‘anticipation’ which is a dis-
of email and instant messaging does traction (or noise) since the receptor
not ensure that the recipient has un- sense to technology alerts people
derstood the message; this then lim- and captures their attention. The
its the reaction (and the quality of it). construction industry relies on the
The speed of communication enables effective flow of information received;
greater quantities of information to be analysed, converted, priced and so on
transferred leading to potential for in- and deep thinking should take place
formation overload, this is often cited throughout the process to ensure
as a reason for errors and misunder- understanding occurs. ICT clearly be-
standings. came a distraction due to the lack of
Question 2: An intranet organisa- focus on thinking and what should be
tion was the preferred communica- dealt with and more on the handling
tion option for all parties in the re- of mails, instant messaging and so on.
search sample and this may be due There were episodes when ICT also
to the type of work being undertaken. distracted from face to face commu-
However the difference in size of com- nication and conversation which had
panies within the industry, technol- the potential to affect the company
ogy awareness and compatibility and performance.
skill set influence the effectiveness of Question 4: Younger users are gen-
this approach with smaller companies erally more technically adept when
housing a shared hard drive and larger using electronic communication but
companies adopting an extranet. there is a discrepancy in understand-
Question 3: There is a need to ing the content and the impact of the
develop communication technology way in which they send the message.
that uses pictorial messages rather Moreover, leadership and manage-
than just text. Geographical distance ment roles may change in the future
between parties supports the use of as skills and traits change to adapt to
electronic communication. Because communication that is more ICT based
of ease of sending messages, send- which will resultantly affect construc-
ers can easily adopt a scatter-gun tion as a whole. The dependence on
approach with long circulation lists ICT for social networking and instant
rather than a more directed approach. messaging from a young age has the
However, soft interaction is consid- potential to interfere with and af-
ered to be more appropriate when fect people’s social skills and social
there is anything other than mundane awareness.
communication. Therefore a high lev- Question 5: The organisation of
el of soft interaction is needed when ICT does not appear to be a problem
there are problems and issues to be but the organisation of people us-
resolved. Flexible working creates ing it does. ICT has shown to be over
a virtual team even within the same utilised by many within the construc-
project regardless of distance, this tion industry. ICT is obviously the way
can isolate the parties creating a lack forward but there is a need to use the
of team work and misunderstanding of appropriate methods and approaches.
the project goals. A construction proj- In terms of making organisational im-
ect organisation houses the potential provements, as well as retaining tradi-
for cultural disparity with employees tional skills and traits, a new skill set

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