General Product Support Assessment v40

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It is an Mark for Review

ed best (1) Points
practice to
CUAs for
you are
allowed to
select only
one per SI).

True (*)



2. Who approves End Users and sets their access levels for Mark for
My Oracle Support?

(1) Points

Oracle Support

Your Organization

Your Customer User Administrator (*)

None of the above

You do not need approval for access


3. Oracle Support manages roles and responsibilities for all Mark for
users associated to a Support Identifier in My Oracle
(1) Points


False (*)

Oracle Customers are able to

manage their own My Oracle
Support access by establishing
Customer User Administrators
from their organization

4. Select the best reason why a Customer User Mark for

Administrator (CUA) would activate Auto Approve for a
Support Identifier.
(1) Points
The Organization is very large, and the CUA does not
have time to individually approve all requests
To enable generic access to Knowledge Base and My
Oracle Support Community (*)
This is a security risk; therefore, a CUA would not use
this feature
To stop the email notification about users wanting
None of the above

It is a recommended best practice

to provide generic access to
knowledge base and Community
so that End Users can quickly and
easily research questions and self-
serve information

5. As a customer or partner, how would you locate a Support Mark for


(1) Points

Log a Service Request

Log a non-technical Service Request (*)

Post a question in the Using My Oracle Support

Ask a colleague on your team who might be using the
SI you want

Customer User Administrator and Support Identifiers
(Answer all questions in this section)

6. The Customer User Administrator (CUA) manages access levels for Mark for
other CUAs (who share the same Support Identifier).

(1) Points

True (*)



My Oracle Support Introduction

(Answer all questions in this section)

7. As a user of My Oracle Support, you want to get the most value Mark for
from the customizable dashboard layout. Which of the following
are best practices to customize your layout and make it work for
you? Select all that apply. Review
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Do not customize what you see in the dashboard. When you
first login to My Oracle Support, you have access to all the
recommended widgets by default
Consider modifying your dashboard any time your role
changes or you have a new product interest (*)
Add as many widgets as you can to the dashboard to
maximize what you see when you login
Reduce wasted time and frustration by organizing your
dashboard to match your job role and product (*)
Ask your CUA to suggest a layout

This is a key benefit of the My Oracle Support interface. Take

the time to organize the content exactly the way you want to
see it and use it. Make it work for you.

8. My Oracle Support has pre-set dashboard configuration options Mark for

based on role. For example, I can go to the Customize link and
select "Hardware User" to automatically add the widgets to my
dashboard associated with this user type Review
(1) Points


False (*)

There are no user type dashboard customizations that you

can select. My Oracle Support allows you to select from many
widgets to create a dashboard that works uniquely for your
role and interests. It is fast and easy to change it any time
you want.

9. My CUA is my first point of contact for any access issues I Mark for
experience with My Oracle Support

(1) Points

True (*)



10. You would like to locate content about what changed in the Mark for
LATEST My Oracle Support release. Which of the following
statements best describes the steps you would follow?
(1) Points

Post a question in the Using My Oracle Support Community

asking what changes have been made in the last release
Search for 'Release Notes' in the Global Search and go
through the different results.
Access the My Oracle Support Resource Center and view the
Release Notes (*)
Call Oracle and log a Service Request to ask what changes
have been made.


My Oracle Support Introduction

(Answer all questions in this section)

11. As a customer, you want to stay informed about ALL UPDATES to Mark for
content related to My Oracle Support. Which of the following
options is the best approach?
(1) Points

Follow @myoraclesupport on Twitter

Log a non-technical support Service Request and have the

Oracle Support team tell you what is new
View the User Resource Center on your dashboard to see the
latest content (mark it as a favorite) (*)
Subscribe to Hot Topics E-Mail: From Selected Products, click
Add and search for My Oracle Support, select "Knowledge
Articles" and Apply your changes.
None of the above


12. The number of tabs you see in My Oracle Support depends on the Mark for
Support Identifiers associated with your account.

(1) Points

True (*)



13. You have a Hardware SI and your dashboard is NOT showing the Mark for
Assets widget. What is the first step you should take to resolve
this issue?
(1) Points

Click the Contact Us link in My Oracle Support and ask for

Contact an Oracle colleague and ask for advice

Go to your My Account page and confirm if you have access

to View Assets for the designated SI. If your Assets column
says 'No Access', you will not be able to add the Assets
widget (*)
Select 'Customize Page' on the My Oracle Support home page
and make sure the Asset widget is displayed on your
None of the above


Knowledge Search and Browse

(Answer all questions in this section)
14. What is a Search Assistant? Mark for

(1) Points

Some products have created Search Assistants which allow

you to identify where a product issue is occurring and then
recommend documents based on your selection (*)
Voice-activated help feature that you can turn on in My Oracle
A new section in the Service Request process

An option you can select under Knowledge Preferences


15. Any time you type a search into the Global Search bar (on any Mark for
tab), the results are provided on the Knowledge tab

(1) Points

True (*)


Knowledge Search and Browse
(Answer all questions in this section)

16. What is the best way to find content in My Oracle Support based Mark for
on product?

(1) Points

Global Search bar

Check the Certifications tab

Use the 'Search & Browse' feature on the Knowledge tab and
product-based information centers (*)
Post a thread in My Oracle Support Community


17. PowerView is a type of search that you can use in place of Global Mark for

(1) Points


False (*)

The PowerView feature allows you to filter search results by

product family or other options
18. Why would I want to review and update my current settings for Mark for
Knowledge Preferences (Settings tab, My Account)?

(1) Points

Allows you to provide feedback to My Oracle Support on ways

to improve the quality and content of the knowledge base
You can update your knowledge widgets to customize your
You can make specific choices to customize your search
experience with options like number of search suggestions
and solutions during SR creation (*)
All of the above

None of the above


19. You are looking to install the Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) product Mark for
range. How would you find one document that outlines everything
you need to know?
(1) Points

Post a question in the EBS Community asking where you can

find a document with everything you need to know about EBS
Log a Service Request and ask for Oracle Support to send you
the information
On the knowledge Base widget in My Oracle Support, enter
Oracle E-Business Suite on the Search & Browse tab to access
the information center (and view all the available content in
one location) (*)
Search in the Global Search box with the term 'EBS'

Read the documentation on


Product Certifications
(Answer all questions in this section)

20. I am not sure of the exact product name to use in the Mark for
Certifications tab. What is the best approach?

(1) Points

Locate the product name glossary on the Knowledge tab

You should be able to find your product by typing a portion of

the name. The Certifications search is equipped with aliases
that will suggest product options to you (*)
Create a new thread and ask the Certifications community

Check your SI to find out exactly how to input the product

None of the above
If the product is not listed, it indicates the product is not
available. Select the Feedback button to alert the
Certifications team to investigate and possibly add the
Product Certifications
(Answer all questions in this section)

21. A product is certified for a specific release of an operating system Mark for
(OS) on a particular hardware platform. For example, Oracle
Database ( on Oracle Solaris 11 (SPARC)
(1) Points

True (*)



22. The Certifications tab in My Oracle Support is able to directly Mark for
answer all of your certification questions in a single location.

(1) Points


False (*)


23. Is there any reason to check the Certifications tab on a regular Mark for
basis if my company has NOT upgraded any of our products?
Select the most correct answer(s).
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Yes, to check the support dates to understand when products

stop being supported (*)
No, you would only check during an active upgrade planning
No, there is no new information on the Certifications tab
unless you received a Hot Topics E-Mail
Yes, because you can pick the releases you are currently
running and the Certifications tab will list out the patch levels
(if required) (*)


24. What does the Certifications tab in My Oracle Support provide to Mark for
the user?

(1) Points

A quick way to log Service Requests related to Certification

This tab is only available to you in My Oracle Support if you
purchase a special support contract. The average user does
Access to product certification information (*)

None of the above


Patches and Updates

(Answer all questions in this section)

25. From within My Oracle Support, select the best description of how Mark for
to download the latest firmware patch for Netra Blade X3-2B

(1) Points

From the My Oracle Support Community ヨ Post a question to

ask for the link to download the latest firmware patch for
Netra Blade X3-2B
Patches and Updates > Advanced Search > Enter Netra Blade
X3-2B > Select Release > Add a filter line Add Description is
モ Firmware ヤ and view and download the results. (*)
From Global search enter Netra Blade X3-2B and Patch, select
enter and from the results select view the document follow
the link to, Find and locate
the Netra Blade X3-2B click the link to download the patch
Log a Service Request in My Oracle Support and ask for a link
to the patch to download it.

Patches and Updates
(Answer all questions in this section)

26. What is a Patch Advisor? Mark for

(1) Points

A type of Lifecycle Advisor in My Oracle Support that co-

locates patching information in areas such as Upgrade
Advisors and Patching & Maintenance Advisors (*)
The Patch Advisor is the Readme file included with all Patches
that provide specific install information
A specific patch search in My Oracle Support that only
focuses on patch information
A tool that you can download that will analyze the patches on
your system to confirm you are on the latest patch set
None of the above


27. I am looking to download the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.1 patch. Mark for
What is the most correct method to do this?

(1) Points

Log a Service Request with Oracle Support and ask for the
Support Engineer to send me the required patches.
Select Patches and Updates Tab > Patch Plan > select my
configuration > select the release 9.1 > Select Analysis >
download the patches after I read any message displayed.
Select Patches and Updates Tab > Advanced Search > Search
for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne > Release is 9.1 and select
Select Patches and Updates Tab > Quick Links JD Edwards >
search for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne > Release is 9.1, agree
to license and select search (*)


28. A great resource for additional help in My Oracle Support is the Mark for
'context-sensitive' help located in the upper-right. You can view
detailed answers to common questions about topics such as
Patching. Review
(1) Points

True (*)



29. Regardless of your specific Oracle products, the general process Mark for
to download patches in My Oracle Support is the same

(1) Points

True (*)



30. What are the best ways to download a patch? Please select all Mark for
answers that apply.

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

From My Patch Search Results > click patch number >

Download (*)
A user cannot directly download a patch from this site

Search the knowledge base for an article on patching for your

product and click the download links (*)
Open a Service Request to ask Oracle Support to download
the patch from this site
From my Patch Search Results > mouse-over the line (not
patch number) and select the download option (*)

It is an option to ask Oracle Support to download a patch,

but it is not a suggested best practice
31. When Mark for Review
mark (1) Points

When the answer is technically correct, even if you do

not agree with what is being recommended (*)
When the answer is the answer you expect to see

You can't mark answers correct

Don't mark answers correct until you see what other

users have to say


32. Which of the following attributes describe the value of My Mark for
Oracle Support Community?

(1) Points

Available to users 7x24x365. You can engage in the

global community at a convenient time in your work day
and leverage the shared experience of peers and
subject-matter experts. (*)
Each community is staffed with a special set of Oracle
support engineers who engage exclusively with online
Using communities allows you to bypass the standard
Service Request creation process in My Oracle Support
and fast-track your issues
None of the above


33. How can you change your user number to a NAME in My Mark for
Oracle Support Community?

(1) Points

Call Oracle Support and log a service request ticket.

Click the drop down arrow next to your name and click
Edit Profile. Click Your Profile and then click Edit next to
your user name. (*)
Any of the above.

In My Oracle Support - Click the drop down arrow next to

your user name, click My Account and then update the
name field


34. You recently created a new discussion in My Oracle Support Mark for
Community. When you go back to view it, you do not see it in
the community where you thought you had posted it. What
can you do to locate your posting? Review
(1) Points

Your discussion was likely deleted by a moderator

because it was in the wrong community
Log a Service Request
Look under Browse, Content, Authored within My Oracle
Support Community. (*)
You can post another new thread and ask the community
if they know what happened to your last posting
None of the above


35. How can you view Subspaces you are following? Mark for

(1) Points

My profile > More > Places

In the region "Spaces I am following"

In Activity > Content Streams, I can view places that I am

All of the above (*)

My Oracle Support Community
(Answer all questions in this section)

36. What is the recommended way to post a discussion in the Mark for

(1) Points

Navigate to the subspace first. Then, type your question in

the ASK IT box at the top and the Create a Discussion process
is triggered. (*)
Use the create discussion option from the banner, enter your
question and post it to the Using My Oracle Support
Navigate to the subspace. From Activity, click on start a
Any of the above

None of the above


37. If you have general questions about My Oracle Support and have Mark for
not found answers in the help menu or in the knowledge base, a
best practice is to post your question to 'Using My Oracle Support'
Community. Review
(1) Points

True (*)


Using Support Best Practices for Hardware & Software
(Answer all questions in this section)

38. To install Auto Service Request (ASR), you need to validate all of Mark for
the following: User has Assets access level in My Oracle Support,
there is an instance of the ASR manager installed on the network,
asset is ASR qualified, ASR install process can be performed on Review
the asset, ASR activation process has been completed by (1) Points
associating a contact in My Oracle Support, and Service Tools
Bundle is installed.

True (*)



39. You can view Health Recommendations in My Oracle Support Mark for
before you enable a collection mechanism.

(1) Points


False (*)

The analysis runs against the configuration data captured by

the collector

40. Oracle Enterprise Manager Harvest Job is a collection tool that Mark for
gathers information about your Oracle set-ups, configuration, and
OS. You can automate this information transfer with Oracle
(1) Points

True (*)


Using Support Best Practices for Hardware & Software
(Answer all questions in this section)

41. The output of Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) will list out the Mark for
required firmware for your Oracle Systems products

(1) Points


False (*)

False, as OCM is for Oracle Software

42. What is the best definition of a Fully Qualified Service Request? Mark for

(1) Points

Only Service Requests created by ASR are considered fully

A Service Request that has all the information included in the
fields as well as appropriate diagnostic output attached so
that the Oracle Support Engineer can immediately get started
A Service Request that provides just a few facts to get Oracle
Support engaged
A Service Request logged by your CUA

A Service Request must have attached log files to be Fully



43. You have a planned outage window at the end of the quarter. You Mark for
can access features available in My Oracle Support that will
enable you to make decisions about which patches to install
(1) Points

True (*)



Create and Manage Service Requests

(Answer all questions in this section)

44. Users create a new Service Request by moving through a Mark for
structured step-by-step process that starts by asking the User to
identify the Severity before describing the problem
(1) Points


False (*)


45. When should Severity 1 be selected? Mark for

(1) Points

To get immediate attention to your Service Request

When your business has stopped functioning due to an issue

on your Oracle System, Software, or Application (*)
When your testing system is down

Only when you have requested an Escalation of the issue

All of the above

Create and Manage Service Requests
(Answer all questions in this section)

46. The main way that users with 'Create and Update' privilege log Mark for
Service Requests in My Oracle Support is by selecting 'Create SR'
on the Service Requests tab
(1) Points

True (*)



47. You were able to resolve a Service Request before Oracle Support Mark for
came back with a suggested solution. What should you do?

(1) Points

Click on 'Close SR' and provide detailed comments (Update

Detail) on the solution you found to help Oracle Support
improve our knowledge base (*)
Just close the SR with no further updates

Call the Support Engineer for advice

Ask your CUA to initiate an auto-close of this SR since you

have a solution
None of the above


48. You are in the process of logging a new Service Request. During Mark for
Step 2 (Solutions), you see a solution that does resolve your issue.
What should you do next?
(1) Points

Continue logging the Service Request and make a note to

review the solutions at a later time
Turn off the option to view suggested solutions to speed up
your process to create a new SR
Exit the Service Request process and do not log this Service
Request (Click Cancel and OK) (*)
None of the above


49. If you select Severity 1 for your issue, you will need to provide a Mark for
management contact in the workflow, and your identified
manager will be contacted by Oracle Support
(1) Points

True (*)


50. A recommended best practice is to organize all the data Mark for
associated with your issue before you initiate a new Service
Request. A Fully Qualified SR provides Oracle Support with as
much detail as possible about your issue. This includes what Review
happened, users impacted, single or repeat occurrences, any (1) Points
changes, and related diagnostic data to attach to the Service

True (*)


Mobile My Oracle Support
(Answer all questions in this section)

51. The Customer User Administrator for my organization is able to Mark for
utilize Mobile My Oracle Support to review access requests with
just a smart phone and Internet access.
(1) Points

True (*)



52. The two main functions you can accomplish in My Oracle Support Mark for
Mobile are to view and update Service Requests and search the
knowledge base
(1) Points

True (*)



53. A best practice to get the most value from Mobile My Oracle Mark for
Support would be to mark as favorites any bugs or documents
that you want to revisit and review when you have more time
back at your desk. You will not waste any time trying to find them Review
again when you go back to the My Oracle Support portal (1) Points

True (*)



54. What is the best description of Mobile My Oracle Support? Mark for

(1) Points
A new type of My Oracle Support Community intended for
users who want to review threads with their mobile device
A version of My Oracle Support that you can download to run
on your desktop
My Oracle Support web-based application optimized for
mobile devices (*)
A new messaging system that emails you SR updates via your
smart phone
None of the above


55. How do you access Mobile My Oracle Support? Mark for

(1) Points

You have to download the app from the primary portal and
load it to your smart phone
You access it from (*)

There is a button on My Oracle Support homepage that allows

you to jump to the mobile application
You open a Service Request and ask for special privileges

Mobile My Oracle Support
(Answer all questions in this section)

56. The Mobile My Oracle Support application is only available to Mark for
Users with the Customer User Administrator (CUA) role

(1) Points


False (*)


Oracle Support Policies

(Answer all questions in this section)

57. What is the best approach to resolve the issue of not being able to Mark for
download a specific patch for a Product (after the Support Date
has passed).
(1) Points

Contact your Oracle Sales representative and purchase

Extended Software support for your product that needs
patching (*)
Google to see if the patch is available somewhere on the
Log a Service Request and ask Oracle to send it to you
Contact your Oracle Sales representative and ask them to call
Oracle Support and send you the patch

All of these answers are possible reactions to not being able

to download a patch. The most correct answer is C as the
product has passed its supported end date.

58. What is the recommended way to locate content about the End Mark for
Date of support for a product? Select all that apply.

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Use the Certifications tab and review the support-specific

content (*)
Log a Service Request and request information about support
Call your Oracle Sales or Account Representative

Access and review the support PDF and search for
support dates (*)

All of the answers are correct to some degree; however, the

question is asking for the recommended way. As outlined in
the videos, the recommended way is to use the Certifications
tab or access the content on and view the
support PDFs for the latest content.

59. What are the best methods to stay informed about the latest Mark for
information on Oracle Technical Support policies?

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Search technical support on and review the

posted policy PDFs often (*)
Download the Oracle Technical Support Policies and use these
as your reference guide
Search in My Oracle Support for 'Technical Support Polices' (*)

Log a Service Request and ask Support to provide information

about support policies

All of the answers are possible options to stay informed

about the Oracle Technical Support Policies; however, the
best methods are 1 and 3.

60. What items are covered by your Premier Support Policy? Select all Mark for
that apply.

(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Access to new functionality included in Oracle Patches and

Upgrades (*)
Access to Oracle Engineers to perform mapping business
requirements to product functionality
Access to My Oracle Support Community (*)

Access to Oracle Product knowledge and Oracle Product bug

fixes (*)
Access to Oracle Support Engineers to de-code customized
code and undertake script development

Oracle Support is available to support you on Oracle

Products, however Oracle Support is not a resources to train
and develop customized solutions for your organization.

61. Which of the Mark for Review

following are
challenges (1) Points
at multiple

Rising Multi-Vendor Support Activity

Expanding call Resolution Times

All of the above (*)

Prohibitive Training Demands for technical analysts

Complexity of MVS environments

none of the above

Incorrect. Refer to the Oracle

Collaborative Vendor Support
(OCVS) Overview training for
more information.

62. Which of the following statements regarding enrollment Mark for

in Oracle Collaborative Vendor Support (OCVS) is NOT
(1) Points

A partner should wait to enroll in OCVS until they

encounter a multi-vendor support issue from a
mutual customer. (*)
OCVS is offered as a value-added benefit at no
additional costs to Oracle Partners as part of their
OPN membership.
A Partner should enroll in OCVS proactively if they
provide support services to mutual customers.
Enrollment in OCVS is easy by selecting the "Join
Now" link from the OCVS portal page on OPN.
Useful OCVS enrollment information can be found
on the OPN portal under Support > Learn About
Support Offerings and Benefits.


63. A "Mutual Customer" under Oracle Collaborative Vendor Mark for

Support (OCVS) must have an active support contract
with BOTH Oracle and a participating Partner.
(1) Points
True (*)



64. Which of the following statements reflect the value Mark for
proposition to our Mutual Customers as a result of
Oracle Collaborative Vendor Support (OCVS)?
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Strives to prevent the frustration of "finger-

pointing" between vendors and improves overall
satisfaction. (*)
Increases the risk and costs associated with owning
multi-vendor solutions.
Provides enhanced support value for multi-vendor
implementations. (*)
Improves response by having all parties involved in
the collaboration. (*)
Increases the time to implementation for multi-
vendor solutions.


65. OCVS can be used as a replacement for support Mark for

(1) Points


False (*)


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