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"Design To

Let You See Me"

Graphic Works: Videos: Web Design:
1. AEON 1. Animation 1. The Bear's Rush
2. Full Charming Transportation 2. Infotainment 2. Personal Blog
3. Short Movie
1. Saint Honore Cake Shop
2. Indi-Band Magazine
3. Centaline Surveyor
For the latest ongoing website development - The Bear's Rush, a Dummy
Russian Food and Beverage Brand is illustrated in an energetic and colourful
way that aims to dispense with the rigid outlook of Russian Culture.

As we can see, some of the Russian Elements such as "Bear" or even

t h e " S a i n t Pe t e r Bo rg h " t h a t c a n e a s i l y d e n ot e t h e w o r l d o f Ru s s i a ,
For the celebration of the "Mother's
Day", a theme of "Warm Blissing",
"Dreamy" and "Elegant" would
be the predominant limelight
throughout the entire promotion.

For the visual elements, "Heart-

Shaped Card", "Parental Love" and
"Caryophyllus in Aeon Red" would
be deployed in various in-store
POP Papers, Foam Boards, Event
Banners, Bunting or even other
decorative materials both online and

Event Banners (Foam Boads) (TOP); POP Headers (Below);

Relalistic Decorations (RIGHT)
Wrapping Papers (TOP Right); POP Paper (Top Left);
Relalistic Decorations (Below)
For the visual element of the decoration during the
celebration of Father's Day, the theme of Sportsmanship
pops up in our mind. Regarding this, the best manifestation
would be the Parental Care/Love that Football can derive.
Coincidentally, the promotion period of the Father's Day
would be held between May to June that overlapped
the one of the Russian Football Match (FIVA World Cup).
Thereby, the inspiration of "Football Love" were etched in
the soul of the entire promotion.

For the heaps of decrative items, Wrapped Paper, Event

Banners, POP Papers or various kinds of Foam Boards were
being churned out by myself. Regarding this, "Champion",
"Football", "Golden Cup" and "Football Pitch" would be the
pivital spotlights in a way of dreamy, elegance and warm
blissing (altogether to align with the promotion of Mother's

Event Banners (Foam Boads) (TOP); Wrapping Papper (Middle Left);

POP Paper (Middle Right); Relalistic Decorations (Below)
Fo r t h e Du m my Re d Pa c ke t Mo d e l , fo u r
yellowish-golden types - 永 旺 年 年 are vividly
dancing on the pinky enlightening sky. With
all those white flora or golden fireworks, an
energetic Chinese New Year is depicted in a
style of Aeon to embrace the uncoming 2019.

2019 Dummy Red Packet

For the Upcoming Mid Autumn Festival, the 2019 Greeting Card that will be clipped in the Fruit
Basket would be manifested in a novel romantic way that featured with two reunited birds floating
in the Pinky Love Sea just in front of the golden yellowish full moon. Moreover, the silhouette of
an opening Chinese Tranditional Doors can glorify the atmosphere of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

2018 Mid Autumn Festival Greeting Card

Fo r t h e g ra n d o p e n i n g ce re m o ny o f t h e
b r a n c h s t o re i n C a u s e w a y B a y - M o n o
Mono Store, a whole set of new signages
is available for a clearer display of products.
Th e Re a l i z a t i o n o f t h e
pilot model featured
with the smooth lining
of the Moving Horse.

As we can see, the only

difference lies on the colour
of the bus that signifies a
more harmonious tone of
the company (From dark red
to light green). Regarding
t h i s , i t re s e m b l e s t h e
scene of a running horse
on the broad green field.


The above pilot model stimulates the branding design of

Full Charming Transportation Ltd. with the visualization of a
running horse which features with its vibrant motion of the
hair and the tail in the air. Regarding this, the running horse
cannot only signify the robust energy of the company but also
the absolute comfort and safety during the voyage on board.

Warning Signs
The logo signified
the turning head
of the featured
horse that aligns
with the denotation
of Full Charming
Transportation Limited
as illustrated above.
Moreover, the alphabet
“C” was implied with
the curve of the hair
i n a n i m p l i c i t w a y.


Name Card

Reagarding the official collection of Full Charming

Transportation Limited, a silver lining emblazon
the boarders of the business card and the
envelope. Moreover, the lining of the logo and
the wordings are featured in a glitzy texture.
More importantly, the motion of the running
horsing is manifested through the black curves on
the bottom side. For the general texture of the
card and the envelope, a rough paper would be
deployed for balancing the shinny boarder.

聖安娜 Activity 1 : Cakes design competition
“Mini-cakes design competition” will be held before summer during
April to June in 2017. The general public would be our target
audience. The designated cakes should align with the idea of healthy,
seasonal fruit embraced and should made without milk, butter and
eggs at the same time ( 三 無 蛋 糕 ). The tastes of mini-cakes will be
testified by judges and the design of the cake will be voted by local
netizens. Winner will have a one-year contract of cake designer
in Saint Honore and whose will be rolled out as a new product.
Glamping Day ( Pilot Commercial Marketing on 聖安娜 ) Features
From 01/10/2017 to 31/10/2017 (During Picnic Period - Autumn) 1. The Basket Set with a thermal bag: Storage of the mini-cakes.
Target Audience:
Hong Kong youngsters within the age group of 16 to 25 2. The three-layered-British-style utilities: Eyjoying of the delicacy.

Overall Goal: 3. Vivid Immersion in the gorgeous atmosphere.

To solve the internal issue – changing the Target Audience from housewives to youngsters.

Female Hong Kongers may incline to have an eye-feasting British Afternoon Tea to nurture
their popularity on the social networking sites such as Facebook or Instagram as a ploy
of following the instant effect - “Pepperazzi” ( 相 機 食 先 ). Regarding this, the coinage
“Glamping” was invented for symbolizing the concept of “glamorous camping”. By fulfilling the
concept, “Glamping Day” is advocated for spearheading the aesthetic lifestyle in Hong Kong.

Bundle Sales – Objectives:

1. Consuming over 12 mini-cakes
2. Rewarding a 50% discount for purchasing a picnic basket set
Front Inside

Features of the 1-fold Brochure

1. A list of mini-cake
- Attached to the basket
- Enticing traffic of SNS platform.

2. After-sales service:
- Securing Feedback
- Continuous Word-of-Mouse
- Hype of "Glamping Day"

3. Elegant Appeal:
- Closer approach to the Teenage Girls
Simulation of Instagram Hype - Better aligning with the theme
Festival Card
Galaxy Fruit Drink Special Edition with Vitasoy

Regarding the Chinese Lunar Year Festival, the special edition The Demo
of the sparkling fruit drinks - Love in Galaxy would be rolled out
to celebrate this tradition with Vitasoy. As we can see, the card 1. Transparent Glass Bottle
features the two main characters - 嫦 娥 and 后 羿 reunited in front
of the moon that can implicitly signify the Chinese favor about 團 圓 . 2. Galaxy Fruit Drink

To nurture a sense of romance and tranquilly, the pale violet tone 3. Male (Top) & Female (Below)
is deployed. Moreover, the handwritten typeface is elegantly thin
and lengthen vertically to align with the curve of the two characters. 4.Shiny Bottle Cap (The Head)
Beside, I was inspired by the Chinese Traditional Art - Paper-
Cutting to constitute the elements of the butterfly. In brief, love
has descended back to those busy city dwellers in Hong Kong.
For the honors project of my final year in
Hong Kong Baptist University, I decided to
embark on a project about local independent
music with my teammates. For the pre-
p ro d u c t i o n s t a g e , I w a s a s s i g n e d t h e
position as the designer of the magazine
who was responsible for the tasks of post-
production stage such as layout & content
design, photo retouching & editing or
even the publishing of the final artifact.

Fo r t h e p i vo t a l c o n c e p t , i t e m b ra c e d
the profound passion ingrained in the
h e a r t s of t h e i n d e p e n d e nt m u s i c i a n s ,
music producers or even Hong Kongers.
Hereafter, “ 紮 根 音 樂 ” was entitled as our
magazine that stipulated the features of the
entrenched enthusiasm towards local music.
A series of animation was rolled out as a kind of rebranding
of a p ro p e r t y a n d t e n a n c y m a n a ge m e nt f i r m i n Ho n g Ko n g .

Healing Baby ( 治 癮 寶 ) on the leftest side and Low Fung Family ( 老 馮 一 家

人 ) on the right hand side acted as the main characters of the consecutive
stories that manifested the general knots the Hong Kong tenants and landlord
would mostly encounter. Regarding this, the reputation of the company can
be etched deeply in the mind of the audience through this humourous way.
The 3D animation – “the Little Planet” manifested the ultimate idea
of preserving our lovely Earth. Regarding this, the main character
(the green plant) personifies the eve from the Earth. In contrary,
the villain (the white ghost) symbolized as the environmental
risk posed on the Earth. In brief, the beautiful scenario of our
planet would be retained and eventually prevail the vicious power.


For the short movie that was entitled as “Triumph”, the two stories about
striving for our idealistic dream was manifested through the practices
without slacking of dancing or playing piano anytime or anywhere available
in our daily life.Regarding this, a heap of visual effects such as 3D modelings
were deployed for enhancing the profounding experience of the story.
To know more about me ...

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