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MC Script

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to 2018
Supreme Student Government Leadership Training. My
name is Hector G. Sanchez
and I am Angelica Rigor Valdez. We would be your MCs for
today’s program

Muksin: The program would be starting shortly. We would appreciate it if

you could kindly switch your mobile phones to silent mode.
Thank you.

Ella: To formally start the program, may we request everyone to

please stand for the opening prayer.

Please remain standing for the singing of the Philippine

National Anthem to be led by Miss Clarissa Luna.

Muksin: Please be seated.

Ella: And now, for the opening remarks, may I give the time to my
partner Mr. Muksin Ibrahim, the SSG Municipal Federation

Muksin: Thank you, Ella. [Say your message/remarks]

Ella: And for the presentation of participants, may we call on Mr.

Jefferson Perez.

[Presentation of Participants]

Muksin: To introduce our first speaker for today, we invite Ms. Allyn

[Message from Sir Sahari Medecilo]

Ella: Thank you Sir for that relevant message.

Muksin: Now, before we listen to the second speaker for today ’s

training, we would give everyone in this hall a chance to loosen
up. We give you a snack-break for few minutes.


Ella: I think everybody is now ready to take in another useful

information from our next speaker. So, to introduce our second
speaker, may we call on Mr. Khane Samillano.

[Message from Ma’ am AG-Mae S.]

Ella: Thank you ma’am for that very useful message.

Muksin: And now to entertain us, please welcome on stage/in front Ms.
Janieza Saidil and Mr. John Dave Sulit for a song number.

Ella: Thank you for that wonderful number.

Ok. Now, let’s move on to the activities on parliamentary
procedures to be assisted by Mr. Carl and Mr. Muksin.

Thank you, [name of a person]. I would now invite

_____________ to come on stage/in front to award the

[Awarding of Certificates]

Muksin: And finally for the last part of our program. May we call on the
SSG Municipal Federation Vice President, Mr. Carl Soriano, for
the closing remarks.

Ella: Thank you everyone for participating with us today. We hope

you have learned so much. Have a blessed day. Goodbye.

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