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Homeopathic Medicines for Dengue at

clearance from
Prevention care provider.
disease which i
By Dr. Vikas Sharma MD 185 Comments
the basis of sci
Homeopathic Medicines For Dengue Fever medicine .The
substitute for d
Dengue Fever triggers an medical care an
instant scare, and rightly
so. It’s a viral fever
spread by mosquitoes
and caused by the
Dengue virus. It is also
known as “break bone
fever”. The main
symptoms of Dengue
Fever are high fever with
severe muscle and joint
pains. Other symptoms
include headache, pain
behind the eyes worsened
by eye motion or
pressure, nausea or Homeopathic Remedies For Dengue Fever
vomiting, and skin rash.
A few cases of Dengue Fever may show a bleeding tendency too, when it is termed Dengue
Hemorrhagic Fever. The bleeding may be under the skin (Petechiae, Echymosis, Purpura),
from the nose (Epistaxis), gums, vomiting of blood (Hematemesis) or blood in stool. In such
cases, the platelets (cells responsible for clotting of blood) in the blood significantly decrease
in platelets leading to hemorrhages and also extravasation of fluids . In severe bleeding and
extravsation of fluids , shock develops with lowered blood pressure, rapid or weak pulse with
cold clammy skin and restlessness. Such severe cases with shock are referred to as Dengue

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Shock Syndrome.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Dengue Fever

Homeopathic medicines for dengue fever are very effective . They medicines are made of
natural substances , are completely safe with no side effects and have shown effective cure in
thousands of dengue cases.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum- One of the best Homeopathic Medicines for

Dengue Fever
I would rank Eupatorium Perfoliatum as the best Homeopathic medicine for Dengue Fever.
The one most important symptom of Dengue Fever when Eupatorium Perfoliatum is
indicated and can be of great help is – severe muscle and joint pains with high fever.
Eupatorium happens to the most effective homeopathic in curing dengue fever .Homeopathic
medicine Eupatorium Perfoliatum is also popularly known as “bone set” as it brings about the
quickest relief in severe bone and joint pains in fever. The pain can be present in any bone or
it can be generalised in the whole body. The patient may also have general body ache with a
feeling as if the whole body is broken. Apart from relieving joint pains, Homeopathic
medicine Eupatorium Perfoliatum is also very beneficial in providing relief from severe pain
in the eyeballs in Dengue Fever. It helps in recovering from headache with nausea and
vomiting too. Mainly the patients requiring this remedy for Dengue have severe chill with
shivering and severe body pains . In majority of the cases, sweat brings relief in all the
symptoms, with the exception of pain in head.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum as a Preventive

Homeopathic Medicine for Dengue.
Although there is no concrete research on the role of Eupatorium as preventive homeopathic
medicine for dengue fever it widely used as a prophylaxis for dengue. It is used as its usage is
in accordance with homeopathic laws of prophylaxis ( laws stated in homeopathic philosophy
suggest that the medicine that is closest in symptom-match to the symptoms of an outbreak
can be used as a prophylaxis) . The homeopathic medicine which closely corroborates to the
symptoms of Dengue outbreak is Eupatorium Perfoliatum. It can be used in 30 c potenc
twice daily during an outbreak of Dengue fever .

Gelsemium: Homeopathic medicine for Dengue Fever with weakness and

I would rank This medicine ( Gelsemium ) as number two homeopathic medicine for dengue
fever Gelsemium is the best Homeopathic remedy for Dengue Fever patients who experience
utmost weakness and prostration. A state of dullness, dizziness and drowsiness is the perfect
description to select Gelsemium over other Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of
Dengue Fever. The patients seem lethargic and have a desire to lie down in perfect silence
without any disturbance. He or she also wants to be quiet and dislikes conversation. The
patient experiences chill, but in selecting Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium, the chill is most
typically marked in the back and travels up and down the back. Another feature is headache
with heaviness of eyes. The headache is mainly present in back portion that in most cases
travels up to the forehead and eyes. There is also an absence of thirst in majority of cases.

Homeopathic Mediicnes for dengue fever when Joint Pains and bodyaches
are present

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Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the best natural Homeopathic cure for body ache in Dengue Fever.
Homeopathic remedies Bryonia Alba and Rhus Tox too are of great help in providing relief
from joint pains or general body ache in Dengue Fever. Which of the two best suits the patient
depends on the specific individual features. The most specific feature to choose Bryonia Alba
is worsening of pains by any movement even in the least degree. This Homeopathic medicine
is the best remedy when rest is the main position for relief from pain. Extreme thirst with a
dry mouth may be felt along with this specific feature. Rhus Tox is the ideal Homeopathic
medicine when a patient experiences relief from pain by movement and worsening of pain by
taking rest.

Homeopathic medicines for Dengue Fever when Severe Headache

accompanies it
The most significant natural Homeopathic medicines for headache in Dengue Fever are
Gelsemium, Belladonna and Eupatorium Perfoliatum. Gelsemium is the best Homeopathic
remedy when a Dengue Fever patient experiences pain in back of the head (Occiput). The
pain can also travel from back of the head to the forehead or eyes. Heaviness of eyes is also
marked with pain in head. Homeopathic medicine Belladona is the best choice when pain is
marked in the sides of head (temples). For using Belladona, the pain is very violent and
throbbing in nature. Tight binding of head provides relief. Natural Homeopathic medicine
Eupatorium Perfoliatum is recommended for Dengue Fever patients when the headache is
present in top (vertex) of head. The patient may also vomit along with vertex headache.

Homeopathic medicines Dengue Fever when Nausea and vomiting is

Along with Eupatorium I would suggest that for relieving nausea and vomiting in Dengue
Fever, Homeopathic remedies Ipecac and Arsenic Album can be used . Ipecac is a
Homeopathic medicine of great help when there is persistent nausea and vomiting. . Arsenic
Album is the ideal Homeopathic medicine when nausea gets worse by the smell or sight of
food and vomiting gets worse from eating or drinking anything.

Homeopathic medicines for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Although Homeopathic medicines are beneficial in treating Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever,
urgent medical advice is advised as such cases can be life-threatening and may need urgent
hospitalisation. The main Homeopathic medicines that can help in Dengue Hemorrhagic
Fever are China, Ipecac and Arsenic Album. Homeopathic medicine China is of great help
when there is bleeding from any mucus membrane along with marked exhaustion. Debility
and utmost prostration with haemorrhages is its main indication. When the haemorrhages
are accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting, then Ipecac is the most suitable
Homeopathic medicine. Arsenic Album is the best Homeopathic medicine when utmost
anxiety and restlessness accompany bleeding. The person needing Arsenic Album may also
have a fear of death along with anxiety. The thirst for water at very small intervals may also be
felt by persons who can greatly benefit from Homeopathic remedy Arsenic Album. Please
note that Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic can turn into a critical life
threatening condition, hence should not be treated only with homeopathic
medicines. Hospital supervision of the patient is very essential .

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By Dr. Vikas Sharma MD 25 Comments

Dengue and its Homeopathic Treatment

As I have been getting dozens of mails everyday since last

week ,asking me on how homeopathy can help in
dengue fever; I have decided to publish this post rather
than answering every mail individually. Also I have been
getting queries regarding a particular homeopathic
medicine Eupatorium Perfiolatum as being preventive
for dengue fever.

[Read more…]

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reply on How Homeopathy can help in treating your illness.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873.
Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-9815299965

Homeopathic Treatment for Viral

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What are viral infections?

Infections caused by the presence of a virus in the body are known as viral infections. One or
more viruses cause these infections, and they are common in clinical practice. Although these
infections can affect anyone, children and aged people are more susceptible due to weaker
immune systems. Homeopathic treatment for viral infections help resolve the condition by
naturally strengthening the immune system, thereby enabling the body to fight infection.
Some viral infections are self-limiting while others can lead to severe complications. These
infections produce debilitating symptoms and affect the day-to-day life of the infected person.
The symptoms vary depending on the organs or systems affected by the virus. The most
prominent symptoms include high fever and severe body pain with marked weakness. In
addition to this, specific symptoms also occur.

How do Viral Infections Spread?

Viral infections are highly contagious and get transferred very quickly by direct or indirect
contact. Viral infections of the skin like herpes and chickenpox spread by direct or indirect

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contact through infectious discharge. This discharge oozes from skin eruptions that are a
common symptom of these diseases.

Viral infections of the respiratory system spread through exposure to nasal or respiratory
discharges. Discharge is spread while coughing or sneezing, or by direct contact with items
like contaminated handkerchief or utensils.

Viral infections can lead to gastroenteritis or hepatitis. Here the spread occurs by ingestion of
contaminated food or water. Few viral infections spread by the bite of insects like mosquitoes
or ticks. They include hemorrhagic fevers e.g. dengue, chikungunya, etc. There are the
sexually transmitted viral infections like AIDS, Hepatitis B, etc. They spread by unprotected
intercourse with infected partners. The spread can also occur via blood transfusion.

Symptoms of Viral Infections

The symptoms of a viral infection depend on the nature of the virus, age and health status of
the patient, and the organ affected.
However, there are general symptoms present in all viral infections. These include high fever
and rising and ebbing temperature accompanied by chilliness. The patient may complain of
extreme weakness and fatigue. Marked pain in the head, body-ache, muscle-pain, and
joint-pain is also noted.
Nausea and vomiting are some other symptoms associated with viral infections.

Fever is the most common symptom that is present in almost all viral infections. It is the
reaction of body’s immune system against foreign bodies, like viruses. It is a worrisome
symptom in children and quick-relief is often sought through drugs to lower fever.
Fever-lowering drugs suppress the fever temporarily, but infection inside the body persists.
Conventional drugs do not offer comprehensive treatments for viral infections. Certain
viruses like Influenza, HIV, etc. have tendencies to mutate (change) very rapidly, thereby
lowering the effectiveness of such medicines. Additionally, viruses quickly develop resistance
to these drugs, making the development of preventive medicine somewhat challenging.
Conventional medications therefore only provide supportive management and suppression of
the symptoms.
Homeopathic treatment for viral infections helps ease the symptoms and also enables the
body to heal naturally.

Common Viral Infections and their

Homeopathic Treatment
Viral Infections that affect the Skin
The most common viral infections of skin include Herpes simplex infection, warts and
eruptive fevers like chickenpox, measles, rubella, etc.

Herpes Simplex
Herpes simplex is a viral infection that can occur in any part of the body. Most common sites
include the mouth, face, genitals and anal region. It is of two types – Type 1 and Type 2.
Type-1 is oral herpes that mainly affects mouth and face. It spreads by direct contact with
infected person.
Type-2 is a sexually transmitted infection that affects the genital and anal region. Sores
develop in the mouth, face, genital and anal area. General symptoms of fever, body pain are

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also present. In some cases, the infection may spread to eyes and lead to eye pain, discharge,
and grittiness in the eyes.
Homeopathic treatment for viral infections like herpes simplex includes the use of medicines
like Natrum Mur, Rhus Tox, and Petroleum.
Natrum Mur is indicated where eruptions develop on the skin during fever. They are filled
with fluid and burst eventually, leaving behind a thin crust. They may present around the
mouth, or on arms and thighs.
In cases where intolerable itching and burning accompany the herpes simplex infection,
homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is used. The patient has an urge to scratch, but scratching
provides no relief. Eruptions may contain a yellow-watery fluid.
Petroleum is a homeopathic medicine for herpes simplex accompanied by itching sores. The
eruptions may change into ulcers and be present on the chest, neck, and knee.

Eruptive Fevers
Eruptive fevers, as the name indicates, are viral fevers in which general symptoms are present
with characteristic rashes. Chickenpox, measles, and rubella are all eruptive fevers.

The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes chickenpox. It is a highly infectious disease that
mostly affects children, but can also affect adults. It spreads through contact with an infected
person via sneezing, coughing, saliva, and discharges from rashes.
The symptoms are mild in children and more pronounced in adults.
The symptoms of chickenpox include general symptoms of viral infections along with a typical
rash. The rash erupts first on the trunk and face, where it is dense. It then spreads to the
These rashes are red-colored, itchy blisters filled with fluid with a crust on top.
Every new rash eruption comes with a rise in temperature. Homeopathic treatment for
chickenpox includes homeopathic medicines like Antim Crud and Antim Tart.
Antim crud is used when there is a formation of pustules accompanied by itching. There is
soreness upon scratching. The eruptions may ooze out yellowish-green fluid. Eventually, thick
crusts may develop and the patient may feel weak.
Antim Tart is another homeopathic treatment for chickenpox with itching and red rashes.
Painful vesicular eruptions may present on the whole body. They may fill up with pus and dry
up, forming a brown crust. Fever often occurs with these eruptions.

Herpes zoster (shingles) is a common skin disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. In
some cases, the virus is present in the nerves of the body in an inactive form. The virus
becomes active and affects the nerves in case the immunity weakens. It leads to painful skin
eruptions and is common in adults and old people. General symptoms accompany the
development of rash over the length of the nerve. The rash develops in a small band or strip
area. As the disease progresses, rashes change into fluid-filled blisters. Pain and itching are
present, followed by the formation of a crust. Healing takes between 15-30 days, but the pain
may persist for longer.
Homeopathic treatment for viral infections like herpes zoster includes homeopathic
medicines like Ranunculus bulb, Mezereum, and Clematis. Ranunculus bulb is indicated
when the blisters are of bluish –black color. They may fill with fluid and cause extreme
burning and itching. Upon bursting, hard crust forms in place of the blister.
Mezereum is used in homeopathic treatment for shingles with severe neuralgic pains

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accompanied by itching. It may get worse by touch in most cases. The blisters may burn and
form brown scabs that heal slowly.
Clematis is a well known homeopathic treatment for long-standing cases of herpes zoster. The
eruptions (in cases where this medicine is required) are red, coupled with intense itching that
may get worse after washing.

Measles is another highly infectious disease caused by rubeola virus. It affects children the
most and spreads through contact with an infected person. Symptoms include general
symptoms of viral infections and a typical reddish-brown rash. Sneezing, watery eyes, and
cough may also be present. A characteristic feature is the presence of bluish –white spots in
the oral mucosa (koplik spot).
Homeopathic treatment for measles includes homeopathic medicines like Pulsatilla,
Euphrasia, and Morbillinum. Pulsatilla and Euphrasia are given mostly in the catarrhal stage
of measles. Severe coryza with redness of eyes and profuse lachrymation (flow of tears) may
also be present.
Morbillinum is chiefly a preventive homeopathic medicine for measles.

Viral warts occur due to infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV). These are harmless
growths of the skin that commonly spread through direct contact with an infected person.
Warts can occur at any age but are more common among school children. Warts are of
various types; like plane warts (with a flat surface) as seen on face and hands, plantar warts
on foot soles, filiform warts (with stalk) on the face, and mucosal warts in the mouth or
around lips.
Homeopathic treatment for viral infections like warts includes medicines like Thuja, Nitric
Acid and Causticum. Thuja is used to treat all types of warts. They are large and mostly
appear on the back of the hands.
Warts accompanied by soreness and burning are treated with Causticum. Nitric acid helps in
cases where there is pricking pain, bleeding after washing, and warts that are painful to touch.
These usually appear on the upper lip.

Viral Infections that Affect the Respiratory

Viral infections of the respiratory system include the common cold, sore throat, sinusitis,
influenza, etc.

Common Cold
The common cold and sore throat are the most common viral infections, and every person
usually experiences these at least once in a lifetime. These are highly contagious and spread
from person to person through sneezing or coughing. Symptoms include a runny nose,
sneezing, watery eyes, stuffy nose, pain in throat, body aches, and fever.
Homeopathic treatment for the common cold includes the use of medicines Allium cepa and
Euphrasia. Allium cepa is used in cases where there are profuse acrid nasal discharges
accompanied by sneezing. A headache may also be present, along with discharges from eyes.
The cold usually appears after exposure to damp winds. Euphrasia is also used to treat the
common cold where sneezing accompanies profuse nasal discharges. Irritating eye discharges
may also be present.

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Influenza is another viral infection of the respiratory system, also known as the flu. The
causative virus is influenza virus A and B. Influenza virus is a constantly-changing strain and
new strains appear every year. It usually affects young children and old people. People with
low immunity, chronic heart or lung disease are more at risk of contracting this virus. It is
self-limiting in few cases while causing severe complications in others. Symptoms of influenza
initially resemble the common cold. Fever with a chill, head pain, body pain, congestion of
nose and throat, pain in throat, weakness, running nose, sneezing, watery eyes, etc. are the
typical symptoms. These develop suddenly and tend to last longer than the common cold.
These symptoms are severe for 3-4 days, but the patient recovers after 7-10 days.
Homeopathic treatment for viral infections like the flu includes medicines like Aconite,
Gelsemium, Oscillococcinum, and Influenzinum.
Aconite is indicated in cases where there has been an exposure to drafts of cold, dry winds.
The symptoms appear suddenly and with high intensity. The nose becomes stuffy with scanty,
watery nasal discharges. Fever may occur, along with restlessness.
Gelsemium treats influenza where dullness and drowsiness accompany typical symptoms,
and the patient is prone to contract the virus with the change of weather. The after-effects of
influenza remain for a long time. Weakness, along with thin, acrid, watery discharges from
the nose, is present. Redness of eyes with watery discharges is also a common symptom.
Influenzinum is a homeopathic medicine that reduces the intensity of these symptoms. It also
prevents the spread of infections. Oscillococcinum is also used to treat and it helps in
reducing the duration and severity of symptoms like fever, body pains, headache, etc.

Viral Infections that Affect the Gastrointestinal

Rotavirus and Norovirus are the common causes of gastroenteritis (inflammation of stomach
and intestines) in infants and young children. These are highly contagious and spread by
eating or drinking contaminated food or water. Symptoms of infection include fever, nausea,
vomiting, watery diarrhea, pain in abdomen, weakness, body pain, etc. In some case, it is
self-limiting, and the patient recovers within a few days. However, in other cases, it can cause
severe dehydration. Arsenic Album and Nux vomica are the homeopathic medicines used to
treat viral infections of the gastrointestinal tract. Arsenic album is used in cases where
diarrhea and vomiting are present with severe burning and restlessness. In most cases, the
symptoms get worse after eating and drinking.
Nux vomica treats cases where constant nausea and vomiting are present, and the patient
usually feels better after vomiting. Diarrhea, with a constant urge to pass stools is present, but
only a small amount excretes at a given time.

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is another highly infectious disease caused by the hepatitis A virus. It leads to
inflammation of the liver. The virus spreads through contaminated food and water.
Symptoms of hepatitis include nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen (usually on the right
side), loss of appetite, yellowing of skin and eyes (jaundice), dark-colored urine and
clay-colored stool.
Homeopathic treatment for viral infections like hepatitis includes medicines Chelidonium
and Phosphorous.

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Both medicines cover all the symptoms of hepatitis. In cases where Chelidonium is used, most
patients feel better after eating hot food. Phosphorous is used when all the other symptoms
accompany a burning and a desire to eat cold food.

Sexually Transmitted Viral Infections

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) refers to the fatal, final stage of the HIV
(Human immunodeficiency virus) infection.
The immune system weakens as a result of this syndrome. HIV destroys CD 4 T- cells which
are essential for a person’s immunity, thus making the patient more prone to common
HIV is sexually transmitted by an infected person to healthy person through unprotected
intercourse. It can also spread through sharing of contaminated needles or blood.
The virus also gets transmitted to a growing baby in the womb if the mother is infected. It can
spread from an infected mother to her child during delivery or breastfeeding. Initial
symptoms occur a few weeks after exposure and resemble a flu-like fever. Lymph glands swell
up, but the patient may remain asymptomatic for months, or years before the symptoms
become severe.
Homeopathic treatment for AIDS can currently only delay the associated complications, but
complete recovery is not yet possible. The virus is prone to rapid changes, which is why there
is a lack of vaccines in the conventional system to prevent infection. Homeopathic medicines
help the body restore its natural healing properties. Homeopathic treatment for viral
infections strengthens the body’s immune system. Some medicines used to manage the
complications associated with AIDS include Crotalus horridus, Medorrhinum, and Merc Sol.

Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers

The most common viral hemorrhagic fever include Dengue and Chikungunya fever. The virus
in both infections gets transmitted to a healthy person by the bite of an infectious mosquito.
The symptoms of dengue include high temperature and severe body, joint, and muscle pain.
Pain in the head and eyes is common, along with nausea, vomiting, and weakness. Rashes
also appear on the skin. People with weak immunity or those experiencing a second attack by
dengue virus are more likely to have hemorrhages, called dengue hemorrhagic fever. In some
cases these are mild, but in other instances, massive hemorrhages may lead to shock. If not
managed properly, death may occur.
In Chikungunya fever, all symptoms resemble a common viral illness, but with severe joint
pains. Most patients make a full recovery, but joint pains may persist for a few weeks to
Homeopathic treatments for viral infections like dengue and chikungunya work on restoring
the body’s natural healing systems. Homeopathic medicines for hemorrhagic fevers include
Eupatorium perfoliatum and Gelsemium.
Eupatorium perfoliatum is used to treat severe body and muscular pain.
Gelsemium treats cases of hemorrhagic fever where there is a severe headache. The patient
may complain of weakness and dullness, and muscular pains accompany the illness.

Mumps is a highly infectious viral disease caused by the mump virus. It is mainly an infection
of salivary glands (most commonly the parotid glands). Mumps spread through direct contact
with an infected person via saliva and nasal discharges. Symptoms include painful swelling of

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the glands, in addition to general symptoms of a viral infection.

Belladonna and parotidinum are the homeopathic medicines used to treat mumps.
Belladonna is used in case the parotid gland is swollen and painful. The glands are very hot
and sensitive to touch and may be accompanied by ear pain. Parotidinum is a prophylactic
against mumps infection.

Homeopathic Treatment for Viral Infections

Homeopathic treatment for viral infections is steadily gaining popularity as a natural way to
deal with viral infections. Homeopathic medicines help reduce the frequency and intensity of
acute symptoms like weakness, fever, body pain, etc. These help with quick recovery. In some
cases, they reduce the chances of further complications. Homeopathic treatment for viral
infections treats the symptoms not by suppressing them, but by strengthening the immune
system. It activates the body’s natural restorative properties by producing symptoms similar
to the ones experienced by the patients. This method helps settle underlying internal
disturbances in the body. Homeopathic treatment for viral infections also minimizes the
weakness and fatigue commonly encountered as an aftermath of the infection.

Viral infections are highly communicable and spread rapidly from one person to another.
Homeopathic treatment for viral infections is also preventative and helps reduce the chances
of contracting the infection.

Fill the Comment Form below -You can write about your problem To Dr. Sharma and receive a
reply on How Homeopathy can help in treating your illness.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873.
Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-9815299965

5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for

Bone Pain
By Dr. Vikas Sharma MD 102 Comments

Homeopathic Remedies For Bone Pain

Bone Pain can be the result of various reasons. It could be due to Osteomyelitis, Osteoporosis,
bone cancer, Multiple Myeloma, Pagets Disease, Sickle Cell Anemia and various fevers,
including Influenza and Dengue. Bone Pains can be effectively treated by natural
Homeopathic medicines. The medicines are given after considering the cause of the pain, the
bone involved and the worsening and relieving factors in each patient. Apart from providing
relief from pain in bones, Homeopathic medicines also eradicate the disease process that is
behind Bone Pain. Following relief from acute pain, the natural Homeopathic remedies for
bone pain will work towards root extraction of the disease.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Bone Pain

Arnica: Homeopathic medicine for Bone Pain with excessive soreness and

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Arnica is the top natural Homeopathic medicine for Bone Pain that results in excessive
soreness and lameness in body. The body feels bruised due to Bone Pain with soreness and
lameness. The person needing Arnica may also describe the pain as if someone has beaten
him or her up. The affected bones are sensitive and very painful at the slightest touch. The
patient also feels the bed on which he or she lies to be very hard, and needs a constant change
of position to get a soft spot to lie on.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum: Best Homeopathic medicine for Bone Pain in

The top natural Homeopathic remedy for treating Bone Pain during fever is Eupatorium
Perfoliatum. The fever may be dengue, malaria or influenzal fever. The Bone Pains are very
severe and mostly present in head, back, chest and limbs. The bones feel as if they are broken.
The severe Bone Pain also leads to extreme restlessness. To bring about the most prompt
relief from Bone Pain in fever, no medicine equals Homeopathic remedy Eupatorium

Symphytum: Top Homeopathic remedy for penetrating injury and

fractures of bone
Homeopathic remedy Symphytum, also known as knit bone, is of great help in treating Bone
Pain during fracture and penetrating injuries of bone. Symphytum has gained much
popularity due to its magical relief in fractured and wounded Bone Pains as much as for its
efficiency in the union of fractured bones. The pains can be of any character but the main
presentation is pricking type of pains. The pains are accompanied by utmost soreness in
affected bones. Homeopathic remedy Symphytum is mainly used in tincture form to get the
best results.

Mezereum and Aurum Met: Homeopathic remedies for bone pains at night
Both Mezereum and Aurum Met are wonderful natural Homeopathic medicines to treat night
pains in bones. Mezereum is mainly used to treat Bone Pains, especially the long bones, that
get worse at night. The bones may be swollen or inflamed. Slightest touch may also worsen
the Bone Pains. The person requiring Mezereum may also show an increased sensitivity
towards cold air. Homeopathic medicine Aurum Met is the ideal medicine for Bone Pains of
nose, palate, cranium and face that are experienced at night. The bones are very sore and
painful. Moving in open air may provide some relief to the person.

Agaricus: Homeopathic remedy for pain in vertebral bones (back bone)

Agaricus is the ideal natural Homeopathic prescription for pain in vertebral bones when all
the vertebral bones of back are extremely sensitive and painful. The pain is excited by the
slightest motion of body. Cold air exposure also seems to worsen the pain in back bones.
Morning is the worst time for the patient when the pain and sensitivity in spine are felt the

Homeopathic remedies for Bone Pain due to Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disease where the bones become fragile and are prone to fractures due
to decreased bone mass and density. The natural Homeopathic medicines that are efficient to
deal with Bone Pain due to Osteoporosis are Calcarea Phos, Calcarea Fluor, Fluoric Acid and
Symphytum. Calcarea Phos is very beneficial for all kinds of Bone Pains due to Osteoporosis.

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Calcarea Phos helps to strengthen the bones and in providing calcium to increase the bone
density. When the bones get proper calcium nourishment, they get strengthened and the
pains begin to decline. Calcarea Fluor is the Homeopathic remedy mainly used to treat pain in
back bones. Calcarea Fluor can be prescribed when the pain in bones of back is mostly felt
while resting and gets better by motion. Homeopathic remedy Fluoric Acid works best when
the pain in long bones is felt due to Osteoporosis. Most of the times, the Bone Pains for using
Fluoric Acid increase at night. Homeopathic medicine Symphytum is used in the last stages of
Osteoporosis where the bone has broken with extreme pain. Here, Symphytum helps to
reduce Bone Pain and also proves effective in repairing and reuniting the fractured bone.

Homeopathic for Bone Pains due to Osteomyelitis

The natural Homeopathic medicines for treating Bone Pains due to Osteomyelitis are Merc
Sol, Phosphoric Acid and Silcea. Merc Sol works best when the Bone Pains are worse at night.
Phosphoric Acid is used when the character of Bone Pains is burning and tearing in nature.
The periosteum of bone is inflamed with a sensation is if the bones are being scraped with a
knife. Homeopathic medicine Silicea is the ideal remedy when fever with chill accompanies
Bone Pains due to Osteomyelitis.

Natural Homeopathic remedies for Bone Pains due to injury

The best natural Homeopathic remedies for Bone Pains as a result of injuries are Ruta,
Hypericum and Symphytum. Ruta is of great help for Bone Pains appearing because of
injuries in any bone. Ruta is the best Homeopathic medicine when there is excessive soreness
and bruised sensation in bones following injuries. The bones can be in wrist, ankle, back,
upper limb or lower limb or any other bone when soreness is marked. Burning sensation can
also accompany the Bone Pains. Touch worsens the pain. Hypericum is a very specific and
useful Homeopathic remedy for coccyx bone injury. Hypericum is the best Homeopathic
medicine to reduce Bone Pains in coccyx due to injury and should always be considered as the
first choice in such cases. Homeopathic medicine Symphytum is mostly used when the bone is
broken and results in extreme pain following an injury. Symphytum here is the appropriate
Homeopathic remedy to reduce pain, soreness and union of such bones. Symphytum is also
used when a pricking type of pain at the site of fractured bone persists for a long time after
the healing of fracture.

Natural Homeopathic treatment for bone pain in fever

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the top natural Homeopathic medicine for Bone Pains in fever.
Severe Bone Pains with sensation as if they are broken guide towards the use of Eupatorium
Perfoliatum. The other Homeopathic medicines that are useful for Bone Pains in fever are
Arnica and Bryonia Alba. Arnica works best where the hallmark symptom is soreness and a
bruised sensation as if someone has beaten up the patient. The person needing Arnica also
complains that anything on which he or she lies down feels hard and therefore the patient
needs to frequently change the position. Bryonia is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when the
Bone Pains make the patient lie down absolutely still. The least motion, even turning in bed,
worsens the pain and lying still is the relieving posture.

Homeopathic remedies for small bone pains (ankle, wrist, fingers, toes)
The appropriate natural Homeopathic medicines for pain affecting small bones are Actaea
Spicata, Caulophyllum and Ruta. Actaea Spicata is the best Homeopathic medicine when the
pain in small bones gets worse by either touch or motion. The pain may be of a tearing or
tingling character. Caulophyllum is the Homeopathic remedy mainly recommended when

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shifting type of pain is felt in small bones. The pain in such cases suddenly migrates from one
bone to another. Ruta, on the other hand, is the Homeopathic remedy mainly suited for pain
in the bones of small variety arising out of injury. There is marked soreness and pain in the
affected bones.

Homeopathic medicines for long bone pains (thigh, leg, upper arm and
The main natural Homeopathic medicines for treating long bone pains are Asafoetida,
Mezereum and Cinnabaris. Asafoetida can be used in those cases where the long bones
involved are sensitive to an extreme level. The pains may be throbbing in nature. Bone Pains
due to bone necrosis or caries where sensitivity is marked are best dealt with by Homeopathic
medicine Asafoetida. Mezereum is the ideal Homeopathic remedy for pain in long bones that
gets worse at night. The other aggravating factors for pain in long bones for using Mezereum
include touch and cold air. Mezereum is also the best Homeopathic remedy for leg pain
arising in tibia bone. Cinnabaris is the top Homeopathic medicine for pain in bone of forearm.

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Homeopathic Medicines for Zika

Virus Treatment and Prevention
By Dr. Vikas Sharma MD 40 Comments

Role Of Homeopathic medicines in treating Zika

Zika virus is transmitted to people through
bite of an infected mosquito belonging to
Aedes species. These mosquitoes are day
biters and are the same ones involved in
spreading the dengue and chikungunya
fever. However the illness caused by Zika
virus is much milder than that in dengue
fever. The illness from Zika virus can last
from few days to a week. Zika virus can
also be transmitted from one person to
another through sexual contact and also
from infected mother to fetus. Severe

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complications and death are uncommon.

Symptoms of Zika virus Infection

Eighty percent of the infected with Zika
virus do not develop any symptoms. Those
having symptoms complain of fever, skin rash of maculopapular nature, joint pains, headache
and conjunctivitis. In December 2015 an association was found between serious birth defect
called as microcephaly (small heads) in babies born in a mother having Zika infection during
pregnancy due to transplacental crossing of virus. Microcephaly leads to developmental issues
in children. Ongoing Researches are also trying to find out if any relation exists between this
virus and Guillain –Barre syndrome where life threatening paralysis appears.

Homeopathic Medicines for Zika Virus

Homeopathic medicines Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Belladonna, Rhus Tox can be safely used in
Zika virus infection treatment. These medicines come the closest in treating the symptoms of
Zika virus infection. In an epidemics when a huge number of person are attacked by acute and
similar sufferings from similar cause, Homeopathy can be of great prophylactic help.
Homeopathy has been highly successful in treating epidemic diseases. Among them are
cholera, dengue fever, yellow fever typhus, and conjunctivitis. Records show that during
epidemics , homeopathic medicines are of great help in reducing the mortality when
compared to those put under conventional system of medicines. One very popular example is
of homeopathic medicine Belladonna as prophylactic for treating scarlatina epidemics. In
year 1801 when scarlatina prevailed epidemically among children, those who were given
homeopathic medicine Belladonna as a prophylactic remained unaffected with this
highly infectious disease. So homeopathy has a huge role to play as prophylactic when a
disease spreads abruptly over a large area . So in such cases , a single medicine that is most
closely allied to the symptoms picture of the disease can be used as a prophylactic. Thus ,
Homeopathic medicine Eupatorium Perfoliatum can be used as prophylactic in Zika virus
infection as this medicine has the closest match to the symptom set presented in Zika virus

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reply on How Homeopathy can help in treating your illness.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873.
Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-9815299965

7 Best Homeopathic Medicines for

By Dr. Vikas Sharma MD 370 Comments

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Fever

Feeling feverish is a seasonal reality that confronts almost everyone. Popping in a pill and
hoping it improves your condition as you go about your business is a reality too. But here’s
the catch: the over-the-counter pill might bring down the temperature, but the infection will

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still remain in the body. Here’s where

the role of homeopathic treatment for
fever comes into play, as the
homeopathic remedies are made of
natural substances, offer a different
course of medical approach: these
natural medicines target the infection,
so the root cause is eliminated.

Fever is a rise in body temperature

above normal. Fever in itself is not a
disease but is only an external signal
that denotes an internal infection or
inflammation in the body. There is no
specific medicine in Homeopathy to
bring down the temperature, but the
natural Homeopathic remedies
instead target the infection. This is Homeopathic Remedies for Fever
because temperature is the only index
through which the progress of the
infection inside the body is reflected out. The rise of temperature is directly proportional to
the extent of infection. An increase in temperature indicates further spread of infection while
a decrease in temperature shows that the infection is fading away. If the body temperature is
rashly brought down without halting the infection process, there is no way to find out what is
going on inside the body and to what degree the infection is still present in the body. So, the
end result is that the fever no doubt is gone, but the root cause of it — the infection — is still
there. Natural Homeopathic medicines act by putting a check on the infection itself,
preventing its further progress and the temperature thus is automatically brought down
gradually as the infection declines. The Homeopathic remedies also make sure that no
weakness or other residual effects of fever remain in the body. Homeopathy has a huge
number of natural medicines to deal with fever cases. The Homeopathic remedies for fever
are recommended based on the particular symptoms listed by each individual patient.

Top natural Homeopathic Medicines for Fever

Aconite: one of the Best Homeopathic medicines for fever with restlessness
and anxiety
Aconite is a natural Homeopathic remedy of great help when the fever is accompanied by
extreme restlessness and anxiety. The patient feels an increased thirst for cold water and the
body aches are intolerable. The use of Homeopathic medicine Aconite should always be
considered when the fever has risen after a sudden exposure to cold winds.

Bryonia Alba: One of the Natural Homeopathic medicines for fever with
Bryonia Alba is a natural Homeopathic medicine for patients in whom body aches
predominate during fever. Such a person wants to lie down still to get relief and slight motion
worsens his or her condition. There is also an increased thirst for water.

Nux Vomica: Natural Homeopathic medicine for fever with shivering

Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica, is a holistic medicine for fever. As it is made of natural

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substances, therefore it is of great help in cases of fever with extreme chilliness and shivering.
The person wants to remain covered in all stages of fever.

Gelsemium: Homeopathic Medicines for fever with dizziness

Natural Homeopathic remedy Gelsemium is very beneficial in fever cases where the patients
suffer from weakness, dizziness and even the tendency to faint. There is an absence of thirst
in most cases.

Rhus Tox:One of the Best Homeopathic medicines for fever with extreme
body ache
Rhus Tox is one of the top natural Homeopathic medicines for persons who have fever with
extreme body aches, leading to restlessness. Such a person wants to remain in motion to get
relief. Rhus Tox is also the natural Homeopathic medicine for fever as a result of getting wet
in rain.

Homeopathic medicines for Fever – Flu or Influenza type

Influenza is a viral infection with sudden fever, running nose, cough, pain in eyes, headache
and body aches. The natural Homeopathic medicines for fever that are of immense help in
the treatment of Influenza are Aconite, Gelsemium and Eupatorium Perfoliatum. Aconite is
prescribed for Influenza when sudden cold air exposure is the cause. The exposure is followed
by immediate fever and watery nasal discharges. Extreme anxiety and restlessness accompany
the fever. Gelsemium is the best natural Homeopathic medicine for a running nose and
sneezing accompanied by pain in eyes and head. The patient may also experience weakness
and drowsiness. Homeopathic medicine Eupatorium Perfoliatum is of great help to treat the
fever in Influenza when the patient experiences severe pain. This Homeopathic remedy,
which has zero side effects like all natural Homeopathic medicines, provides a quick relief
from pain.

Homeopathic medicines for Fever – Malaria

The main symptom indicating malarial fever is beginning of fever with a chill followed by
heat, and its closure by excessive sweating. There is a periodicity of fever, like the fever occurs
every day and every third or fourth day. The selection of natural Homeopathic medicines for
treating malarial fever is based on the stage of fever (chill, heat, sweat) that stands out
prominently, thirst, desire or aversion to cover oneself up in different stages, the time of onset
of fever and other characteristic symptoms present in individual cases. The best natural
Homeopathic remediesfor malarial fever are Gelsemium, Arsenic Album, Nux Vomica and
Eupatorium Perfoliatum. The patients who can benefit with natural Homeopathic remedy
Gelsemium complain of extreme chilliness with a complete absence of thirst. Weakness and
dizziness accompany fever. Arsenic Album is a natural Homeopathic remedy of great help to
patients who are exhausted with fever and need a small quantity of water at very short
intervals. Nux Vomica is best suited as a Homeopathic medicine for patients who want to
remain covered in warm clothes in all the three stages of fever: heat, cold and sweat.
Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the ideal natural Homeopathic medicine when extreme pains
accompany the fever.

Homeopathic Medicines for fever – Typhoid Fever

The symptoms of Typhoid Fever are continued fever, loss of appetite, rash, diarrhoea or
constipation, abdomen pain and cough. In later stages, extreme exhaustion, lethargy and
delirium are features of Typhoid Fever. Th Homeopathic medicines for Typhoid Fever are

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Baptisia, Arnica, Arsenic Album and Muriatic Acid. Baptisia is a Homeopathic medicine that
is of help when all the body discharges, i.e. urine, sweat, stool and breath, are extremely
offensive. This Homeopathic medicine can be used in delirious and stupor stages. The marked
indication in stupor stage is sleepiness where the person falls asleep when talking to others.
The peculiar delirium condition includes feeling as if the body is scattered into pieces.
Homeopathic medicine Arnica is used to medicine Typhoid Fever when there is an excessive
sore and bruised sensation in the whole body. The body feels beaten up. The bed on which the
person lies feels hard and he or she constantly changes position to find a soft spot. Arsenic
Album is the natural Homeopathic medicine when utmost exhaustion, anxiety and
restlessness are experienced by a patient of Typhoid Fever. Muriatic Acid is a natural
Homeopathic medicine given when offensive stool passes involuntarily in Typhoid Fever. This
is accompanied by great debility and deep sleep.

Homeopathic Remedies for Fever – Dengue fever

Dengue Fever is characterised by sudden fever with pain in head, pain behind eyes and severe
bone pains known as bone break fever. A complication of Dengue Fever is haemorrhage from
nose, mouth or under the skin with liver enlargement. This is referred to as Dengue
Haemorrhagic Fever. The most effective natural Homeopathic medicines for Dengue Fever
are Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Gelsemium, China and Ipecac. Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the
top natural Homeopathic remedy for Dengue Fever with severe bone pain. This natural
Homeopathic medicine provides prompt relief from pain. Gelsemium is prescribed when
severe pain and heaviness in eyes are present in Dengue Fever. China and Ipecac are excellent
natural Homeopathic remedies for Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever with bleeding.

Homeopathic Medicines for fever with sore throat or inflammation of

Homeopathic medicine Belladona is the best natural remedy to deal with cases of fever with
pain in throat. The person feels excessive heat with high fever, red eyes, pain in throat. Merc
Sol is another natural Homeopathic medicine for fever with sore throat if excessive saliva is
present in mouth. Hepar Sulph is also a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help for fever
with a sore throat, especially when the pain in throat is accompanied by extreme chilliness.

Homeopathic medicines for Fever – Measles, Chicken Pox and Scarlet

Eruptive fever accompanies diseases where eruptions appear on the body and includes
Measles, Chicken Pox and Scarlet Fever. Natural Homeopathic remedies are of great help in
the treatment of such fevers but the medicines have to be taken very cautiously as in no way
should there be a suppression of eruptions. The suppression of eruptions may lead to severe
brain complications. The top natural Homeopathic medicines for eruptive fevers are
Belladona, Bryonia Alba, Antimonium Tart and Rhus Tox. The application of the required
medicine is recommended after taking the individual case history of the patient.

Homeopathic medicines for Fever – Septic Fever

The best natural Homeopathic medicines for dealing with Septic Fever are Pyrogenium,
Anthracinum and Lachesis. Here again, the Homeopathic remedy is recommended after
taking the complete case history from the patient. These natural Homeopathic medicines are
to be taken very carefully and cautiously as Septic Fever indicates a very critical situation and
may prove fatal.

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