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Simplified Design

of Bu il d ing Structu res


James Ambrose
Professor of Architecture
University of Southern California

A Wiley-Interscience Publication


New York Chichester Brisbane Toronto

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who taught more people than he realized
more than they realized

Copyright © 1979 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

All rights reserved . Published simultaneously in Canada.

Reproduction or translation of any part of this work

beyond that permitted by Sections 107 or 108 of the
1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission
of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for
permission or further information should be addressed to
the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:

Ambrose, James E
Simplified design of building structures.

" A Wiley-Interscience publication. "

Includes bibliographical references and index.
I. Structural design. 2. Architectural design.
3. Buildings. 1. Title.

T A658.A5 690 79-413

ISBN 0-471-0472I-X

Printed in the United States of America

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2

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This book is intended to fill a gap that has existed in the technical
literature in the area of structural design for buildings. While the
subject has usually been well covered with regard to its many topics
in an incremental way, there have been relatively few books written
to explain the overall process of designing a building structure ;
beginning with the architect's design drawings and ending with a
set of structural plans and details. That is, of course, precisely what
the structural designer does in the majority of building design cases,
and yet the process has seldom been illustrated. The few attempts to
do so have usually consisted of examples of the designer's calcula-
tions, with little explanation of the general process or of the re-
lations between the architectural and structural design, and with a
minimum of graphic illustration.
The work here consists of the illustration of the design of the
structural systems for three relatively ordinary buildings: a two
story residence, a one story commercial building, and a six story
office building. For each building the presentation begins with a
set of architectural design drawings such as would normally be
developed early in the building design process. This is followed by
the development of an example structural system, with sample
calculations for typical elements of the system and some discussion
of the alternates and options possible for various situations. For
each of the second two buildings two separate structures are
designed with different materials. Completing the illustration in
each case is a set of typical structural plans and details.
In order to keep the work within the range of those with less than
a complete training in structural engineering, calculations have
Preface ix
viii Preface

Harold Hauf and Dimitry Vergun, provided invaluable assistance

been limited to simplified and approximate methods as usually
and encouragement. Finally, I am indebted to my family for their
presented in books written for architecture students and others with patience and indulgence and especially to my wife, Peggy, for her
less than a thorough background in calculus and engineering
faith and her important assistance.
physics. This means that the work is slightly below acceptable
professional standards in some cases, although it is generally
sufficient to obtain approximate designs that are useful for cost
estimating, for development of the architectural details, and for Los Angeles, California
gaining a general sense of the needs of the structure. The reader with M arch 1979
a more rigorous training in engineering may easily pursue the analysis
and design calculations to a higher level of accuracy, but will
usually find that the end results are not substantially changed.
While this book is essentially intended for self-study, or for use
in teaching in architecture or technical school programs, the lack
of similar illustrative material should also make it of considerable
value to engineering students and engineers in training. In fact,
anyone who is interested in the general problem of designing
structures for buildings, and who has not actually done it much,
should benefit from reading this work.
Two decisions had to be made in developing this material. The
first had to do with the selection of the references to be used. These
were deliberately chosen to be ones that were generally available as
well as being usable by the less than experienced reader. The
second decision had to do with the use of English units (feet, pounds,
etc.) instead of international units (metrics) which are steadily
becoming more widely used in engineering work. Since the references
selected all use English units, the decision was a pragmatic one- to
reduce confusion for the reader. The necessity for conversion from
one system to the other will simply be a way of life for designers in
the coming years.
This work has been developed from my experience over some
30 years of involvement in building design, as a student, teacher,
writer, and professional designer. Much is owed to the teachers,
students, critics, and professional colleagues whose reactions and
help have molded that experience and tempered it. I am grateful to
the International Conference of Building Officials, the American
Institute of Steel Construction, and the Concrete Masonry Associa-
tion of California for permission to draw extensively from materials
in their publications. Reading of the text drafts by my colleagues,
.., ................ .


Introduction 1
1 Building One 5

1.1 The Building 5

1.2 The Structural System 9
1.3 Design of the Roof Structure 9
1.4 Design of the Floor Structure 17
1.5 Design of the Walls and Columns 22
1.6 Design of the Foundations 26
1.7 Design for W ind 27
1.8 Design of an Alternate Roof Structure 42
1.9 Construction Drawings 47

2 Building Two 62

2.1 The Building 62

2.2 The Wood Structure 65
2.3 Design of the Wood Roof Structure 66
2.4 Design of the Wood Studs and Columns 70
2.5 Design of the Foundations 73
2.6 Design for Seismic Load 77
2.7 Construction Drawings-Wood Structure 87
2.8 Design of an Alternate Wood Roof 97
2.9 The Steel and Masonry Structure 99
2.10 Design of the Steel Roof Structure 100
2.11 Design of the Masonry Walls 103
2.12 Design of the Foundations 115
xii Contents

2.13 Design for Seismic Load 116

2.14 Design of an Alternate Steel Roof Structure 123
2.15 Construction Drawings-Steel and Masonry
Structure 126

3 Building Three 133

3.1 The Building 133

The Steel Structure
Design of the Steel Floor System
Introdu cti on
3.4 Design of the Steel Columns and Bents 146 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
3.5 Design for Wind 155
3.6 Second Approximation of the Columns and Bents 163
3.7 Design of the First Floor, Basement, and
Foundations 172
3.8 Construction Drawings-Steel Structure 175
3.9 The Concrete Structure 189
3.10 Design of the Concrete Floor System 190 Designing structures for buildings involves the consideration of a
3.11 Design of the Concrete Columns 205 wide range of factors. Building structural designers must not only
3.12 Design for Wind 216 understand structural behavior and how to provide for it adequately,
3.13 Design of the First Floor, Basement, and but must also be knowledgeable about building construction ma-
Foundations 220 terials and processes, building codes and standards, and the econom-
3.14 Construction Drawings-Concrete Structure 222 ics of building. In addition, since the structure is merely a subsystem
3.15 Alternate Floor Systems 232 in the whole building, they must have some understanding of the
problem of designing the whole building. Structures should not only
References 239 be logical in their own right, but should also relate well to the
functional purposes of the building and to the other subsystems for
Appendix 241 power, lighting, plumbing, heating, and so on.
Formal education in structural design is usually focused heavily
Index 267 on learning the procedures for structural analysis and the techniques
and problems of designing individual structural elements and
systems in various materials. The whole problem of designing a
structure for a building is not well documented, and learning it
usually takesplace primarily on the job in professional offices. While
this means of learning is valuable in some ways, it does not provide
a good general understanding, since it is usually limited to the highly
specific situations of each design problem.
The principal purpose of the examples in this book is to illustrate
the problems and processes of designing whole structural systems

2 I ntrod uction Introduction 3

for buildings. The procedure used in the examples is to present a While the procedure in the examples is to begin the structural
general building design as a given condition, following which is the design after the general building design has been predetermined in
illustration of the selection and design of the various typical elements considerable detail, it is much better practice to involve structural
?f the structural system. The buildings shown are not particularly considerations in the earliest design work. Since it is not possible
~ntende~ as examples of good architectural design, but merely as
to illustrate this process without a complete presentation of the
IllustratIOns of common structural design situations. whole architectural design process, the examples should be accepted
While. most of the calculations shown are in reasonably complete with this limitation in mind. It is assumed that there are good reasons
form , It IS assumed that the reader has previously mastered the fun- for the situations shown in the examples, although it is pointed out
damentals of analysis and design of simple structures. The word occasionally how some changes in material use, iIi plan layouts, or
"simplified" implies some limit to the complexity pf the work, and in other details might result in improvement of the structure.
~he general image for this limit is the level of complexity dealt with Since there are several model building codes and hundreds ofJocal
III the series of books originally authored by the late Harry Parker
codes in use throughout the United States, it is difficult to deal
that bear titles beginning with the word simplified. The first five generally with building code requirements. It is not possible, how-
books in the list of references for this work are from that series and ever, to show building design examples without the use of some code
should be considered as the basic references for the structural calcu- criteria. Because of its reasonable thoroughness, we have chosen to
lations in this work. A few topics not presently covered in those use the Uniform Building Code as a general reference for the work
books, such as the design of foundations and masonry structures and here. Fortunately, except for regional variations of snow, wind, and
analysis and design for wind and earthquakes, are developed some- earthquake problems, structural design criteria are reasonably con-
what more thoroughly in this book. sistent between most building codes. The reader is cautioned, how-
In many relatively simple structures most structural design ever, to use the legally enforceable code for any actual design work.
problems can be " solved " by the use of tabulated materials from References for structural design information in general tend to be
codes, handbooks, and manufacturer's flyers. Where this is possible dated, and their use varies regionally. Anyone using this work as a
from readily available sources, the examples show such use. Usually: guide for actual design problems should take care to be sure that the
however, longhand calculations are shown for the purpose of references are currently accepted by legally enforceable codes and
explaining the problems more thoroughly. regulatory agencies. The references used in this work are listed at the
For sake of brevity the structural calculations shown are not end of the book and note should be made of their dates.
complete, but are limited to the typical elements of the systems. In In order to keep the work in this book within the scope of persons
order to complete the illustrations, however, the framing plans and not fully trained in structural engineering use has been made of
other drawings are usually shown in reasonably complete detail. simplified analysis and design techniques. The reader is encouraged
Construction detailing of structures and of buildings in general is to not accept this simplified approach entirely, but to pursue the
~ubje~t to co.nsiderable variation, effected by the judgment of
mastery of more exact and thorough methods where they are signi-
Illdl~ldual ~~slgners as well as by regional conditions and practices.
ficant to the work. It is hoped that the learning of these simplified
WhIle detaIllllg of the construction in the examples has been de- techniques will serve as an initial stage in an ongoing development
veloped from the recommendations of various codes, industry of competency in structural design.
standards, and other sources, it is not the purpose of this book to Design of even the simplest building structures is not entirely an
serve as a guide for building construction detailing. Details shown automatic process. While the work in this book may appear to use
are for the purpose of giving complete illustrations and should not some reasonably logical processes, judgment and compromise are
be considered as recommended standards. ever present parts ofthe design process. With all the facts in hand, and

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